an amassing hrm & industrial relations learning from japan

Presentation By India Representative: Ghanshyam Mhatre Nominated by :Employer’s Federation of India Japan Duration from 3 rd to 15 th Oct. 2016 Presentation on Executive Management Program on HRM/IR Sponsored by HIDA-The Oversea HR & Industry Development Association & Ministry of Health, Labour & Welfare Govt of Japan

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Page 1: An amassing HRM & Industrial Relations learning from Japan

Presentation By India Representative: Ghanshyam Mhatre Nominated by :Employer’s Federation of India

Japan Duration from 3rd to 15th Oct. 2016

Presentation onExecutive Management Program

on HRM/IR Sponsored by

HIDA-The Oversea HR & Industry Development Association

& Ministry of Health, Labour & Welfare Govt of Japan

Page 2: An amassing HRM & Industrial Relations learning from Japan

Acknowledgement!• For extraordinary humbleness, helpfulness and all warmth of creative

care during our stay in Japan, we express our sincere gratitude to• HIDA & Its team• Ministry of Health, Labour & Welfare Govt of Japan• Japanese people• You all together have not only touched to our mind but also to our sole

.The Executive Management programme from 3rd to 14th October,2016 has been very carefully designed to maximise learning and insights.

• Also many thank EFI for their nomination to represent India and now I am back with lots of good memories which I would cherish though out my life!

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Some of Silent features of learning Executive Management Programme on HRM & IR at

Tokyo Period : 3rd to 14th October,2016

1. Latest trends & Models of International HRM2. Plant Visits:• Toyota Motor Corporation-Motamachi Plant-Visualisation

practices in TPS (Toyota Production System)- latest buss in production systems in Toyota plant- & its deployment in HRM & management.

• Sanshu Seika Co Ltd -Plant visit & review of processes of award winning Customer-led Management & utilisation of diverse Human Resource-How CSR can be business proposition.

• M/s Shimadzu Corporation Ltd : Review of TM & innovation lead organisation

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Some of Silent features of learning ........

3.Current development & future challenges of Trade Unions.

4.Pay structure & People management in different culture with values /practices- pay for performance & Capability

5.Positioning of Solvency-to testify the ability to pay6.Concept of 100-1=0 ? for quality management

7.JMS with emphasis on Productivity, Quality Management & Productivity tools.

8.Myths of life time employment & reality

9.Approach to improve quality of life with employees & Management in the context of Diversity Management, 2)Work life balance & 3) Mental health.......

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Period of Program in Tokyo Japan : 3rd to 15th Oct. 2016

Glimpses Of InteractionWith Dignitaries & Delegates

AtExecutive Management Program


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Group Photos of International Delegates & Dignitaries at HRM Programme at Tokyo Kenosha Center, Tokyo

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While Addressing

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With Mr. Kobayashi of Japan Productivity Canter- Tokyo 3.10.2016

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With Prof Hiroyuki Fujimura of Hosei University Japan on 4.10.2016

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With Mr. Fujikazu Suzuki –JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standard, Japan 5.10.2016

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With Mr. Sainohira- President of M/s Sanshu Seika Co Ltd –Plant visit to Award wining Organisation for Customer Lead Management & Utilization -5.10.2016

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Delegates With Mr. Sainohira- President of M/s Sanshu Seika Co Ltd –Plant visit on 5.10.2016

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With Mr. Kasai san of HIDA Japan

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With Prof Yutaka Nakashima of Chuo University- Tokyo on 6.10.2016

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While presenting as group Leader at Seminar on 7.10.2016

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With Li Dejie of China Enterprises Confederation at Tokyo on 7.10.2016

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With Mr. Henry- Toyota Motor Indonesia at Tokyo on 14.10.2016

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With Mr Ali of ACST- Turkey With Ms Valliak –Thailand & Ms Mon- Mongolia

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With Mr. Makoya Kageyama of Yokohama City University, Japan 10.10.2016

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With Mr. Kenji Abe –Mental Health Advisor, Health Counsellor (Director JISHA) Tokyo 10.10.2016

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With Mr Satiri Nishida- HR Head of Shimadzu Corporation Kyoto on 11.10.2016

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Group Photo of International delegates at Shimadzu Corporation at Kyoto, Japan-


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With Mr. Masayasu Kanie –Central Japanese Industries Association –Kyoto Japan 12.10.2016

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Visit to Toyota-Japan on 12.10.2016

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Visit to Toyota-Japan on 12.10.2016

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On Global Management with Dr. Shikari of Waseda University, Japan on 13.10.2016

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With Mr. Yasuhiko Inoue of Japan Productivity Center on 13.10.2016

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While addressing Felicitation HRM 14.10.16

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While leading Felicitation of Mr. Kansai San at TKC Tokyo 14.10.2016

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Group Photo after Felicitation at TKC Tokyo 14.10.2016

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With Delegates at HMR Executive Management Programme at Tokyo

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With HR Delegates Set for Plant Visits at Kyoto Japan

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With SAARK Countries Delegates

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Certificate of Honour

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Feedback from International HR Delegates

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Contact Details :-

On +919930246000

[email protected]


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Thank you!