an action research proposal

Action Research Proposal Title: The Use of Comic Strips in Teaching Spelling

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Action Research Proposal

Title:The Use of Comic Strips in

Teaching Spelling

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The importance of my research

To fulfill the need of my studyTo improve my students’ performance in

LINUS test.To provide my students with meaningful

and fun learning.To develop my teaching proficiency.

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Statement of problem

Based on the 1st LINUS test, I found that some of my students did not perform very well.

10 out of 29 students did not get good grade.

They only managed to do well in contruct 1-3.

They could not spell simple words with 3 phonemes; such as man, net, sad, mad, bin,..etc.

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Context of research10 pupils from Year 1 X in SK Tanjug Aru II.Aged rank from 6 – 7They come from various type of family

background. Half of them have very good exposure to

English since their early age.Their learning performance is average.

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Initial Study

I identified my students’ problem and review my past teaching and learning experience with the particular class.

I find that their problem is on spelling. Due to this, they are not able to write words correctly.

I started the Literature review. Reading and surfing the internet to find

what other researchers and experts said about this kind of problem.

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What did I find ??

From the reading and internet surfing, as well as discussion with my supervisor;

Here comes the idea of; using comic strips in the teaching of

spelling. using comic strips to improve the

students performance in writing.

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Sample of comic strips

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Why using comic ??



Familiar thing


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Research Focus

My research will be focusing on how to improve pupils’ spelling in English. This research should be carried out as stated by

Allwright, R. L.(1990) “ The role of teachers is to help learners to learn. Teachers have to follow the curriculum and provide , make, or choose materials and also monitor the progress and needs of the students and finally evaluate students.

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Why spelling ??

It is the early stage of teaching and learning writing.

In line with the learning standard which is stated in the KSSR standard document.

“By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language , form and style for a range of purposes.” (Modul Teras Asas: Bahasa Inggeris SK . 2011).

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Research Objectives

Research Objectives: 1. to use comic strips to improve pupils’

spelling so that they will be able to write simple words.

2. to use comic strips to write simple sentences so that they will be able to write simple sentences with 3 – 5 words.

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Research Questions

1) How can the use of comic strips help improve pupils’ spelling.

2) How can the use of comic strips help pupils to write simple sentences

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Recommended ActionI will investigate on how to solve spelling problem

to the target participants. In order to implement the action plan, I will follow the research process which is adapted from Lewin (1946) and Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1988).

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Action Research Implementation Plan

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Data Collection

Observation - the pupils behaviour, reaction,

feedback..etc (hearing and watching)Pupils’ workJournal entryMentor observation

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Data Analysis Method  


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Report Writing

Will be done next year - MarchAfter implementing all the research plans.

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References: Allwright, R.L.(1990). What do we want teaching materials for? In R.Rossner and Bolitho , (Eds.), Current in

language teaching. Oxford University Press. Chitravelu, N., Sithamparam, S., & Choon, T.S.,(1995). ELT Methodology: Principles and Practice. Kuala

Lumpur: Fajar Bakti. Goh L.H. (2012). A Practical Guide To Writing Your Action Research. Kota Kinabalu. Penerbitan Multimedia.   3Joshi, R., Treiman, R., Carreker, S., & Moats, L.. (2008-2009, Winter). The real magic of spelling: Improving

reading and writing. American Educator , 9.  p. 10

Kemmis, S. & McTaggart, R. (1988). The Action Research Planner.Geelong: Deakin University Press

Lewins, Taylor & Gibbs, (2005). What is Qualitative data Anlysis? School of Human & Health Science, University of Huddersfield. United Kingdom.

Mok Soon Sang (2006). Education Studies for KPLI (Theme 2) Pedagogy. Selangor Darul Ehsan: Multimedia-Es Resources Sdn Bhd.

Oxford, R.L. (2001). “The bleached bones of a story:” Learners’ constructions of language teachers. In M. Breen (Ed.), Learner contributions to language learning: New directions in research. (pp. 86-111). London: Longman.   Paul Heywood Hirst, Richard Stanley Peters, (1970). The Logic of Education: University of Michigan. Orlov, L, Ting, S. R., & Tyler, R. (2009). Language minority experience: A qualitative study of seven

bilinguals. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development   Ton Nu Nhu Hong, Pham Hoe Hiep, (2010). Viatnamese Teacchers’ and Students’ Perception of Global

English: Vietnam. Troxel, James P. (2002). Appreciative Inquiry : An Action Research Method for Organizational Transformation

and Its Implication to the Practice of group Process Facilitation Appreciative Inquiry Commons.

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The End.

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