amplify lesson 2

Amplify Lesson 2 January 13/14 1

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Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 1

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 2

Amplify Series at a Glance for Elevate

About this Series: “Amplify” means to make something greater or louder. Every day, each of us says something

important through our words and actions. This series, we’ll learn how we can amplify the things

that God wants us to. How can we turn up the volume of things like goodness, patience, joy, and love in our lives?

Memory Verse: Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we

don’t give up.”

Weekly Overview:

Lesson: Topic: Big Idea: Lesson 1: Jan. 6/7 Lesson 2: Jan. 13/14 Lesson 3: Jan. 20/21 Lesson 4: Jan. 27/28 Lesson 5: Feb. 3/4 Lesson 6: Feb. 10/11

Goodness Good Samaritan: Luke 10:25-37 Kindness and Gentleness Loaves and Fishes: John 6:1-14 Patience and Self-Control Samson: Judges 13-16 Faithfulness Ruth and Naomi: Ruth 1-2 Peace Jesus Prays: Luke 5:12-16 Love and Joy The Lost Son: Luke 15:11-32

I can do good for someone else. I can make a difference by being kind. I can be patient by trusting God. I can be faithful to God and others. I can make time for peace. I can love others the way God loves me.

Large Group

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 3


Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued)

Lesson 1: Goodness

What does it mean to be good? Does it just mean following the rules and doing what you’re told?

That’s a part of goodness, but when it’s amplified, goodness is way more exciting than that. Goodness

turns life into an adventure, where you have a chance to change someone’s world every day. Few

stories show this better than the parable Jesus told of the good Samaritan. He understood that

goodness isn’t just about him. The greatest kind of goodness is about how we treat others!

Lesson 2: Kindness and Gentleness

When the kid in this week’s story set out to see Jesus, he probably didn’t think he would do anything

incredible. When people started to get hungry, the boy offered his lunch, a meal of bread and fish, to

Jesus. What Jesus did through this one act of kindness is amazing! In the same way, God works

through our kindness today to do incredible things. How could your kindness make a difference this week?

Lesson 3: Patience and Self-Control

Waiting isn’t always easy. It’s especially hard when things go wrong, or when we have to wait on

someone else. That’s when having patience means also using self-control. Samson, one of the judges

of Israel, had a problem with both patience and self-control. From pulling dangerous pranks with

foxes and fire, to attacking when people solved a riddle he thought up, Samson’s life can show us what happens without this fruit.

Lesson 4: Faithfulness

Romans 12:15 says “Be joyful with those who are joyful. Be sad with those who are sad.” Sometimes,

the best thing you can do for someone is to just stick around. Ruth is an incredible example of a person

who knew how powerful being faithful to others could be. Her actions changed the lives of people around her and showed us what amplified faithfulness can do.

Lesson 5: Peace

Why should I make time for peace? Jesus’ disciples noticed that he often spent time alone, even when

hundreds or thousands of people wanted to see him. Jesus knew that peace isn’t just something you

have, it’s something you do. Making time for peace amplifies every other part of our life, into

something much better than before.

Lesson 6: Love and Joy

In one of the most dramatic stories of the Bible, Jesus tells of a father who welcomes back his lost son.

This story changes the way we see love. Love isn’t just a feeling, it’s a powerful force. When love is

amplified, everyone notices. How can we pump up the volume of love in our lives today? Our first

step is the same as it was for the lost son, to return to the One who loves us. Then, we can start to love others the same way He does.

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 4

Amplify Lesson Outline for Elevate

Lesson 2: Kindness/Gentleness

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Engage Opening Song (2:00) Welcome (1:00) Question of the Day (2:00) Group Activity (10:00) Worship: God Made a Way (5:00) 0:00 - 20:00

Involve Media: Part 1 (4:00) Lesson Intro (1:00) Group Time (15:00) 20:00-40:00

Challenge Memory Verse Challenge (3:00) Media: Part 2 (7:00) Application (5:00) Worship: Let It Be Known (4:00) Wrap Up (1:00) 40:00 - 60:00

Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 5

Opening Song 2:00 Welcome to Elevate! I’m super excited to be here with all of you.

Welcome 1:00 Hey everyone! My name is __________. This hour is going to be amazing. Coming up, we have games, music, and some awesome stories. If you haven’t noticed yet, take a look at the flags around the room. They have your grade, and a color. That’s your squad color. If you’re in first grade, you’re in the white squad. Can I get a yell from first grade? What about second grade, the orange squad? Third grade, the silver squad? What about the teal squad, fourth grade? And finally, the black squad, fifth grade! Awesome, I’m excited to get started!

Question of the Day 2:00 The first thing we get to do is answer a question of the day.

If you could have a bed made out of anything, what would you make it out of? Hmm, it would have to be super comfortable for you to sleep on. What do you think? Talk about it with someone from your squad!

(Auto Advance) QOTD Slide: If you could have a bed made out of anything, what would you make it out of?

(Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

(Auto advance) Elevate Slide and Underscore

Question of the Day Video

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 6

Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. Encourage them to share with the people around them, and encourage any kid whose story you hear. Know This: Allow kids time to interact with one another. You can listen to the answers from several of the kids, and tell them yours! After a minute or so, continue on.

When people sleep, we usually want to lay on something soft, something plushy. Rocks or spikes wouldn’t be fun to sleep on. We want to lay on things that feel good, that are gentle to touch. This activity coming up is going to test how kind and gentle you can be.

Group Activity 10:00

This activity is called “Getting Dice-y.” Everyone in your group is going to get three dice. You will have to stack the dice on a popsicle stick, and carry them somewhere in the room. If your dice fall, you will have to re-stack them, and then keep walking. Your group leaders will have more information for you, so now’s a great time to find them! Look for your grade’s flag to find your leader.

Do This: Before the lesson begins, talk over this game with the group leaders. Younger kids (1-3rd graders) should hold the popsicle stick in their hands while they stack dice on it. These group leaders may not want to challenge the kids to move, it may be enough of a game just to try to stack the dice. Fourth and fifth graders can be challenged to put the popsicle stick in their mouths, stack the dice on it, and walk to an object in the room. Kids cannot move forward unless all three dice are stacked!

Know This: If popsicle sticks are put in kids’ mouths, make sure they are thrown away afterward.

Now that you’ve found your group leaders, and know your challenge, let’s begin!

Game Title Slide: “Getting Dice-y”

Worship Slide and clear audio

Fun Game Music!

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 7

Media: Part 1 4:00

Worship 5:00

Wow, that was tough! It’s hard to be so careful when you are trying to hurry. If you used too much strength, or rushed through things, those dice wouldn’t stay stacked for long. It’s hard to move slowly and gently, but super important sometimes. God shows us how important being gentle is. He can command storms and create giant stars, but he also designed something as small as a hummingbird. He has all the power in the universe, but still wants to forgive us when we do what is wrong, and lead us back to doing what is right. That’s one reason we worship Him. “Worship” means showing God that we love him. This is a great song about God’s plan for us. Let’s sing it together!

God made a way for every one of us to be his friend and follower. He loved us enough to send His son, Jesus, to earth for us. God loves us more than we can ever say. When we worship Him, we get to give some of that love back. Another great way to show God that we love him is by spending time talking to him. We call that prayer. Let’s close our eyes, to help us stay focused on what we’re saying to God, and pray to him now. God, you are incredible. Thank you for how kind you are to us. Help us to share that kindness with others. Amen. Let’s see what’s happening at the Light Force base this week.

Song 1: God Made A Way

(Auto advance) Worship Slide

Light Force: Part 1 (4:00)

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 8

Lesson Intro 1:00

What should they do? Spectrum really has her hands full. You’ll have to see if you can solve the Light Force’s problem. One key word to know for this series is “Amplify.” To amplify something means to make it louder or greater. Right here and now, there is some amplification of my voice going on through this microphone and these speakers. We could amplify an ice cream sundae by adding hot fudge, sprinkles, and an extra ten scoops of ice cream. We’ve been talking about how to amplify some things that God says are good. Last week, we saw how a Samaritan made being good amazing. This week, we’re amplifying two things that are usually thought of as soft and quiet. I’m talking about kindness and gentleness. What would happen if the people around us heard kindness when we spoke, and felt that we cared about them by the things we did? Does being kind really make a difference? That’s the big question for you to answer in your group time. Let’s get to it right away! You can go and meet your group leaders by your squad’s flag.

Group Time 15:00 Do This: Make sure each kid finds their group. Help group leaders if there is a need. Encourage kids as they work to answer the question. Know This: This is a time for kids to search for answers in the Bible, and see how they can use the Bible to investigate and better understand life. This time is designed for kids to interact and deepen their understanding. They won’t get all the answers, but allow them to question and discover as much as possible. Be ready to support group leaders in any way needed.

Do This: Give the groups a warning about one minute before this time is up. When this time ends, transition into the memory verse challenge.

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Amplify

(Optional) 15:00 Group Time Countdown

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 9

Memory Verse Challenge 3:00

It’s time for our memory verse! This verse is from a book called Galatians in the Bible. The book of Galatians was a letter written by a guy named Paul, who lived about two thousand years ago. He was a leader to many of the churches at that time, so they kept the letters he wrote to them. That’s why we have this letter today. Do This: Read the verse from the screen. Sometimes, we get tired of doing the right thing. It seems like things will go so much better or faster if we just cheat, or ignore someone else, or do what we think is best instead of what God says is right. This verse reminds us, though, that if we keep trusting God and doing what is right, it will always be worth it in the end. Let’s say the verse again, this time while doing jumping jacks!

Do This: Repeat the verse 2-3 times together. Change the activity you do each time. You could run in place, act like you are eating all you can from a buffet, or say the verse like ninjas.

Media: Part 2 7:00 I’m ready to find out what happens to the Light Force! Let’s check in with them again.

What an amazing story. Kindness can make a big difference, even if it feels like a small thing to us. That kid gave what he could, and Jesus worked through it to do something incredible!

(Auto-Advance) Memory Verse Slide: Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.”

Light Force: Part 2 (7:00)

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Amplify

Bumper Video (1:00)

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 10

Application 5:00 It’s not too much to say that being kind changes the world. Check out this verse from the book of Proverbs.

Do This: Read the verse from the screen. This is something great about being kind. This verse doesn’t just mean “giving” as in giving away money. We can be kind by encouraging others with our words, by sharing what we have with them, and by serving them and doing good things for them. All of those are ways we can change someone’s world. Think of the story we just heard. Because of that kid’s act of kindness, thousands of people were fed. Jesus did the miracle, but he was working through that kid’s small kindness. God can do amazing things through your acts of kindness, too. When we are kind, we can help other people feel renewed.

Do This: Show kids the plastic bottle. Swirl it around as you talk, so the liquid inside releases as much vapor as possible. Know This: The bottle has a small amount of rubbing alcohol inside it. This is in order to make the cloud appear quickly and be very visible. You will want to run through this object lesson several times before doing it for an audience. You should pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol into the bottle after the service, to be sure it’s ready to go for the next one.

I can show you how this works, but first, let’s go to a super-quick science question. What are clouds made of? Water! The water in our rivers, lakes, and oceans evaporates into the sky, and becomes clouds. Check out this bottle. It’s got a little bit of liquid in it. Would you say it’s full? Not at all. There’s barely anything in here. Sometimes, this is what it feels like to be kind. We’re being nice, but we can’t see how it’s going to make a difference. We might be thinking like the Light Force team did: Why should I do something kind if I don’t have to? I’ll show you why. Even small acts of kindness can do something amazing. I can fill up this bottle completely, with only this small amount of liquid. Do you think I can do it?

Do This: Reveal the bicycle pump and pump it about ten times. Take the pump off the valve, but keep the top sealed for now.

Proverbs 11:25- “Anyone who gives a lot will succeed. Anyone who renews others will be renewed.

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 11

Wrap-Up 1:00

Worship 4:00

The secret is in this pump. This represents God’s power in our lives. When we pump up the air in this bottle, the air condenses. When it’s released, the bottle is going to fill up.

Do This: Quickly unscrew the bottle cap. The air will escape, and create a cloud. You may screw the cap back on to contain the cloud. It will fade while you talk, so place it behind the table before worship.

God can work in big ways through our kindness, even when it feels like we aren’t accomplishing much by being kind to someone. When you forgive someone who wasn’t nice to you, it can make a big difference. When you say something encouraging to another kid at school, God can work through that in huge ways. You never know just how great your kindness can be, when God’s power is involved. Sometimes, even doing something small can fill someone else up with joy, love, or peace. That story we heard is great example! Jesus worked through the kindness of that one boy to literally fill up thousands of people. He can do amazing things through you, too. Every one of you will have a chance to be kind to someone this week. Maybe you’ll even have that chance later today. Choosing to forgive your brother or sister, to help your parents, to encourage a friend, or even to give a gift to someone you don’t know, can change a lot. Kindness can make a tough situation better, it can help you be a good friend, and God may work through it in huge ways, like he did for the young boy in our story. The next time you have a chance, choose to be kind.

God is the best example of kindness we could ever have. When we represent God through our kindness, we are showing others how good he has been to us. Let’s stand, sing out, and “Let It be Known” how awesome our God is!

We’re almost done, but I have one thing to show you first.

Song 2: Let It Be Known

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Amplify

Amplify Lesson 2

January 13/14 12

Do This: Show kids the “Amplify” book. This is our “Amplify” book. There are activities, challenges, and a lot of helpful stuff in here. If you already have one of these books, keep following along each week of this series! If you don’t have one, be sure to grab one as you leave today. It’s not too late to catch up, and it’ll show you the awesome stuff we’ve been doing in the other weeks of this series. Let’s finish up by talking to God. To help us stay focused on Him, let’s close our eyes and bow our heads while we pray. God, thank you for being kind and gentle with us, even when we do things that are wrong. Thank you for sending Jesus, and for being with us all the time. We love you. In Jesus’ name, amen. I’ve had so much fun hanging out with you all today, I hope to see you next week!

Elevate Slide

Start hangtime music videos