your aquarius aries & wealth profile · pdf fileyour aquarius aries & wealth profile...

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The Cosmic Collection: ARIESYour Aries Career & Wealth Profi le

How do the Astrological signs handle their fi nances? The answer changes dramatically from one Sun sign to the next: While some signs are impulsive with their cash, others are naturals at saving for that proverbial rainy day. Some signs are driven to make money, while others have an easy-come, easy-go relationship with jobs

and income. And as for investments, each sign approaches opportunities diff erently, whether with caution, optimism, confi dence or indecision. Read on to fi nd out how your Zodiac sign approaches all aspects of fi nances, from career to savings and investments and more.

Your Money Profi le OverviewThe impulsive sign of the Ram tends to be somewhat careless with your fi nances, but that isn’t always a bad thing. Competitive by nature, you do want to earn a good living, but you aren’t driven by money the way some signs are. Rather, you need a fast-paced, challenging career that keeps you engaged, and if it happens to come with fi nancial perks, so much the better. Saving money can be an issue for you, since you’re all about impulse buys and aren’t one to follow a careful budget. But since you’re quick on your feet, you’re better able than most to bounce back from fi nancial setbacks. You might switch jobs often, especially in the early days of your career. This could have an adverse impact on your fi nances, but it could also lead you toward some lucrative opportunities. You’re attracted to risky, aggressive investment strategies, especially those that promise a quick profi t. Beware of get-rich-quick schemes that seem highly attractive in the moment but may not work out in the long run.

As the headstrong, energetic sign of the Ram, you could be quite the impulsive spender, Aries. After all, in the heat of the moment, dropping big bucks on a fl ashy new iPod or even a speedy new car seems like a great idea — and you won’t stop to consider whether you can actually aff ord the expense until it’s too late.

Since cash is rapidly becoming obsolete, debit cards may be your new best friend. And these little gems might as well have been created expressly for you! After all, it’s hard to remember to stop off at the bank when you have so many other things on your to-do list. Fortunately, even when you run short of money, you possess enough initiative to earn more, fast.

You’re ambitious, and you aren’t shy about using your intense energy to get ahead. You want it all and you want it now, and you’re so impatient that you may not be willing to carry out long-term investment strategies or savings plans. You just can’t wait for the pay-off ! Therefore, you’ll do much better with shorter-term, higher-risk but higher-yield strategies.

Of course, though you’re more than willing to take risks that might pay off big, regular savings contributions run counter to your instincts. You can hardly remember to check your monthly statements! Similarly, since your tendency is to start new ventures without fi nishing up the old ones, your money might end up spread out across several diff erent accounts. In this case, consider consolidating your resources to make everything easier to manage.

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What’s Your Money Motivator?Your money motivator tells you what gets your fi nancial juices fl owing and what makes your stream of income run dry. It will show you how others may view you through your fi nancial habits and give insight into what careers you may enjoy pursuing and why.

When it comes to courage, initiative and fl air, no one can match you. In fact, as soon as you catch wind of an exciting new plan, you might

yell, “I’m in!” — only belatedly asking, “What are we doing?” You thrive on risk and freedom. Since you can’t sit still for long, don’t even think about a paper-pushing desk job that stifl es your spirit for eight hours a day. You have the potential to be successfully self-employed, or even an entrepreneur. A career in the military or in athletics would also be a good outlet for you, as would any occupation that involves heat, such as soldering, welding, glass-blowing or cooking.

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Are You A Spender Or A Saver?Money burns a hole in your pocket, doesn’t it, Aries? When you were little, you probably spent your allowance almost as soon as you earned it. The idea of saving for something special was a foreign concept, and maybe it still is — at least, until you’re ready for a grown-up toy.

You tend to be impulsive with your cash, and prefer to experiment with diff erent types of

savings and investment strategies rather than sticking with one that’s tried and true. Still, debt can snowball, so be careful, because it really limits your freedom. Since you’re more about instant gratifi cation than long-term security, your best bet might be stashing your cash in short-term, high-yield accounts.

Your Ideal CareerSettling on a career path to pursue can be quite a tricky business. What type of work will make you feel happy and fulfi lled, as if you’re doing something meaningful with your life? Which job will provide the income and benefi ts you need to support the lifestyle of your choosing? Which profession will meet the ambition that swells within you, fulfi lling the image you have of yourself? Some of us are lucky enough to fi nd an occupation early and easily that feels like a natural fi t — one that utilizes our strengths while challenging us to develop our weaker points; one that is engaging and fascinating and a pleasure to show up to every day. But many of us are still searching for that perfect job that can become a career for life. If you’re in the latter category, read on to fi nd out about the gifts and strengths of your astrological sign that can translate into the perfect career for you.

Headstrong, competitive Aries thrives in a dynamic occupation that makes use of your leadership skills. In previous jobs, you may have experienced the burnout that occurs when you feel stuck in a position that isn’t inspiring or challenging enough. A career that encourages you to be competitive, on the other hand, allows you to bring your sharpest instincts forward. You also do well when you’re in charge, whether as the boss or simply in a position of autonomy. You can thrive in a fi eld like sales or real estate that allows you to put your enthusiasm to work; commission-based occupations also stimulate your drive to work harder and earn more than your colleagues. On a diff erent note, as a Fire sign, you might love the heat, energy and drama

of fi refi ghting. You’re a hero at heart and would enjoy any career that allows you to show your true colors, such as police offi cer, paramedic or rescue worker. You would also make an excellent politician because you possess the sharp wits, competitive streak and strength of will needed for this diffi cult fi eld.

People born under the sign of Aries are often competitive and quite physical. Therefore, Aries, you would be an excellent physical education teacher, outdoor guide, dog walker, personal trainer or professional athlete. You could even work for a sports organization, helping to organize team sports or a league.

Leadership is another prominent Aries quality, making you a potential CEO, or at least management material. The impatient Aries personality likes to go fast, so careers such as a pilot or driver fulfi lls this need. Simply being around bikes, cars or airplanes will work!

Heat is another Aries attractor, so you’ll fi nd lots of them at forges, factories, and kitchens. The old nursery rhyme line “the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker” certainly tapped into this fi ery energy! Firefi ghting is another great job for Aries. Those born under the sign of the Ram are also naturally skilled with knives and blades, so careers such as carpentry, logging, surgery, haircutting and kitchen prep are appropriate.

Aries is also well known as the sign of confl ict, fi ghting and war, introducing many possible careers. Any type of military service, short- or

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long-term, active duty or reserve, attracts Aries. Jobs that support the military also make sense. Firearms are Aries territory, so careers in police

work and law enforcement help you express your fundamental nature.

Do You Lead Or Do You Follow?Leadership — based in natural power, courage and control, it’s a quality most people respect and many desire to possess. After all, who wouldn’t want to command a room as soon as they walked into it? We all want others to listen to us, to treat us with respect and to recognize our authority. But the world doesn’t just need leaders. It also needs followers — people who take direction well and comply with the rules; people who manifest others’ visions by carrying their ideas through to the fi nish. When it comes to getting great things accomplished, people rarely do it on their own. Instead, they join together in teams of leaders and followers — visionaries and those who bring those visions into reality. Thus, both leaders and followers are essential to progress. Are you a leader or a follower?

The fi rst sign of the Zodiac, Aries is a born leader.

Confi dent, headstrong and energetic, you know what you want, you demand that you get it, and you won’t take no for an answer. You’re a natural at commanding others’ attention and respect. You don’t mind competition; in fact, you enjoy going head to head to prove your mettle. Your boldness speaks for itself, and you’re comfortable being the boss. In your work, you need plenty of autonomy; you chafe under the restriction of being micromanaged by someone else, and may operate best when working on your own. Possessing strong interpersonal skills is important for you, since follow-through isn’t your forte. You tend to start lots of projects, but you don’t actually fi nish many of them on your own. That’s where a good, supportive team of friends or colleagues comes in: They can take your bold ideas and run with them.

What’s Your Job Interview Style?Job interviews tend to strike terror into the strongest of hearts, but knowing how to play to your strengths really does help. Here’s a quick and easy guide to your sign’s job interview style – what to showcase, and which “talents” might be best left un-mentioned! If you know your Ascendant sign, read that one too, because our Ascendant signs usually come across strongly in a “fi rst impressions” situation such as a job interview.

Confi dent and charismatic, you probably don’t lose much sleep with pre-interview nerves, but your courage can sometimes come across to strangers as arrogance, which nobody likes to

see in a potential employee. Your enthusiasm and obvious dynamism, however – now that’s likely to get you to the front of the queue. You respond quickly to interview questions, which helps give an upbeat impression, but you don’t always give yourself enough time to think through your answers. As a naturally competitive sign, you do especially well in group interviews, but if there are group or team tasks involved, try hard to lead without coming across as too aggressive.

Do: Show your eagerness for new challenges.

Don’t: Point out the shortcomings of the other candidates!

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How Will You Retire?If we are very lucky and plan carefully, retirement can be a wonderful time of life. Retirement can mean diff erent ideas to each of us; some seek adventure, while others seek a peaceful quiet and contentment. Our astrological sign can direct us towards whatever retirement it is that we seek for ourselves. Your sign can direct you towards making the right choices for saving and investments, to neither rob from the present to pay for the future or living a devil-may-care, live for today lifestyle.

Oh Aries, headstrong and ambitious, ruled by Mars, the planet of passion. Their desire and optimism can help them to reach that brass ring, but their impulsiveness makes saving a

chore. Strong and courageous, but hopelessly impulsive, Aries is confi dent in their abilities, but impatient in investing. Short- term high yield investments call out to you. The trick for Aries will be to take profi ts from those shorter term investments and put them into more dependable long-term investments, giving you the best of both worlds. After all, if you’re an Aries; sitting on the porch isn’t your idea of golden years.

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About the Author KELLI FOXKelli was fi rst drawn to astrology during her childhood in Sydney, Australia. As early as eight years of age, she began recording birth dates and Sun Signs for anyone willing to share. Kelli’s formal astrological studies began at the College of Humanistic Astrology. This led to her professional accreditation with multiple organizations including: National Council for Geocosmic Research (CA NCGR IV), Professional Member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PMAFA), International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR C.A.P.), and the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA).

Kelli is also the fi rst member of the Founders’ Circle of Kepler College, and is an emeritus member of its board of trustees. Kepler College is the fi rst college in the western hemisphere authorized to issue BA, AA and MA degrees in Astrological Studies.

In 2004, with Neptune on her descendant and transiting Pluto conjunct her natal Moon, she had a near death medical experience that left her in a coma and on life support for two weeks. Kelli was fortunate to survive and return from the other side. With new found life, her passion to share the knowledge of astrology with people everywhere was reignited.

Kelli views astrology as a universal language through which the unique elements that make each of us who we are can be discussed, understood and developed. She sees her role as bringing this ancient science to our modern-day life through current technologies — from web sites to mobile phones and video screens.

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