young marketers elite 2013 - assignment1.1 - vancuong

Post on 21-Oct-2014






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Young Marketers Elite 2013: 1.1 Assignment about Consumer Insights and Needs.


"Consumer Need - is a consumer’s desire for a product category’s specific benefit on a functional or emotional level during a specific time or situation ."

"Consumer Insight - is a discovery about the deep thoughts & feelings of target consumer that motivate/affect their behaviors.

(also establishes a link between a brand & a consumer which demonstrates that the brand understands the consumer)."


New newsPresents an opportunity

Credible(4 characteristics)


Drill down from business problems

Dedicated research & Marketing strategy review to find out facts.

Go down 1 more level + Apply knowledge & understanding.

makes people go: "Aha!” “Oh, it’s me!” “I feel a need to change

something!” “I got ideas from this!”

A lot of times, people don’t know what they want, until you show it to them.

– Steve Jobs

““Buy OMO Matic – no need to prewash

“I’m tired of treating the clothes by hands first to make sure the washing machine can clean better afterwards”

“I believe clothes washed by machine can not be as clean as washed by hand”


Good Insight



People who had iPad 2 mostly don’t change to iPad 3 or iPad 4 (cause the innovation is not “wow” enough to turn into buying behavior)

New consumers. Consumers who already owned iPad 2 (or 3).

Apple stop to produce iPad 4 (which is really identical with iPad 3 no wow factors)

but keep iPad 2 alive dig in deeper the difference between iPad 2 and iPad Air (the reason is revealed in the Insight part next slide!)

iPad Air is totally overpowered others iPad (thinner, finer, 5-8

times more powerful)


A portable device between Laptop & Smartphone (more efficient than smartphone and more mobile than laptop

“I believe my iPad is still good (efficient/up-to-

date/fashionable) enough, no need to switch to the newer (but not so innovative) one”

With some additional claims (how innovate it is-functional, how inspirational it can be-emotional), by Apple, need is enough to motivate new consumers to

purchase for the iPad Air

“Seeing the enormous difference between iPad Air and mine (design, sizes, power…) make me feel so behind the times,

and my iPad is no longer live up to my demand.

Buy iPad Air – a total innovation Behavior

Good Insight



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