you have just scheduled an appointment with margaret smith, a client, for thursday, february 19 th...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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You have just scheduled an appointment with Margaret Smith, a client, for Thursday, February 19th at noon.

It is currently February 12th.

1. Next Appointment2. Appointment Reminder3. Happy Birthday!

Business ResponderSelect Business Responder Tool to

start scheduling e-mails

Business Responder ToolThis is where you can schedule

multiple e-mails for future delivery

Delivery DateThis is where you enter the date and

time for the e-mail delivery

CalendarEasily select a date for delivery using the

calendar feature

Delivery TimeHere you can select the exact time of

day you would like to have the scheduled e-mail to send

Save RespondersOnce you are satisfied with your e-mails, click here to batch your e-mails for scheduled delivery

AddClick the “Add” button to schedule another responder to your existing


SeriesSelect a pre-defined series of scheduled

e-mail templates to save time in the business responder

Edit SeriesThis will take you to a page where you

can select and create your own template series so you may have the option to use

the same series of templates in the future to save time scheduling your next

set of business responders.

Our First E-MailFor our scenario, we will first send an

e-mail regarding an appointment

TemplateWe will select the “Next Appointment”


Send To: Individual

Recipient’s E-MailEnter the recipient’s e-mail address

Recipient’s NameEnter the recipient’s name

TimeSince this is an appointment reminder template, we will include the date and

time of our appointment

CalendarClick calendar to display a calendar to

select your desired date

Date & TimeNotice that the Date and Time are

entered in the e-mailBusiness Responder Tool

Here we’ll schedule the date and time for delivery

CalendarClick Calendar to open the calendar

window and select the date for delivery

Let’s schedule the e-mail for “tomorrow”: February 13, 2009

Remember: in this scenario today is Feb. 12, 2009

Second E-MailNow that our first e-mail is completed,

let’s click the “Add” button in the Business Responder

Our Second E-MailFor our scenario, this e-mail will be an Appointment Reminder sent the day

before the appointment

TemplateWe will select the “Appt Reminder”


TimeSince this is an appointment reminder template, we will include the date and time of our appointment by selecting

the date in the calendar window

Recipient InformationNotice that the recipient’s name and e-mail address are still entered from

the first e-mail template

Date & TimeNotice, once again, that the Date and

Time are entered in the e-mail

Calendar (Delivery)Click Calendar to open the calendar

window and select the date for delivery

Let’s schedule delivery for the day before the appt: Feb 18, 2009

Remember: in this scenario the appointment is on February 19, 2009

CC This E-MailClick “CC this e-mail address” to send a copy of the Appointment Reminder to


This way, you get a reminder too

Our Third E-MailFor our scenario, we will now send a

“Happy Birthday” e-mail

Let’s click the “Add” button in the Business Responder to start

TemplateWe will select the “Cards - Happy Birthday (gold present)” template

Third E-MailThis template doesn’t require any

information other than the recipient’s name and e-mail address, which are

still entered from before

Calendar (Delivery)Click Calendar to open the calendar

window and select the date for delivery

Let’s schedule delivery for our client’s birthday: Jan 8, 2010

Make sure to schedule the e-mail for 2010, since her birthday has already passed this year

Save All Scheduled E-MailsNow that we have all of our e-mails

created and ready to send click “Save Responders” to store them until their

scheduled delivery time

You have just completed the Business Responder Tool Training.

If you have any questions, you can call us at 888-


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