you don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note

Post on 14-May-2015






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We are all in this together folksLet's make the song of life a beautiful one


“You don’t get harmony

when everybody sings the

same notes” Doug Floyd

No matter who we are and

where we go. We are rarely

able to get past the burden of

how people see us - and of how

we see each other.

It is our nature to label and judge

people.We like to categorize

them, and fit then into nice easy slots, so that the way we

see the world is simple, and superficial

And thus, deal with those we don’t agree with….by eliminating

those exclusion, and when

we get really good at it – even by simple

words- or a look…

But above the loud voices that say

I will only like you if you are like me.

We must remember“You don’t get harmony when

everybody sings the same notes”

Doug Floyd

We are asked to change the rules

about how we behave towards one another, and about what matters in life. To get beyond our

categories of who we think people are – and see them for

who they can become.

This task is overwhelming.But we are in good

company when we feel discouraged and

overwhelmed by the task before us.

An ancient story tells us that Jesus sent a small,

disorganized, discouraged group of people out

with nothing.

Just for clarification – their task was not to

make sure that everybody becomes a

Christian (for this word meant nothing at the time)

nor were they supposed to get

everybody to come to church

Their job was simple be completely dependent

on one another. If we want to be people

who live in the way, we have to Rely on each


Understandthat though we are

different we are one.

You must learn to take you place in the great song of life and

faith… which sometimes means you stand at the other end of the choir from those

with who you disagree

But you sing out your part…of the

Harmony.We can not keep

from singing.

May we be assured that God takes

our loud, out of tune,

messed up words, missed cued efforts, and puts them into

perfect harmony

Faith nurtured and hearts comforted,

gifts shared for the good of all,resistance to the forces that

exploit and marginalize,fierce love

in the face of violence,human dignity defended,members of a community

held and inspired corrected and comforted,

creation’s mendingInstruments of the

harmony of the universe

Laugh when you can;

Apologize when you should;And Let Go

of what you can’t change

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