year 6 interviews what parents want

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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Waihi College Enrollment Interview

Year 6 Parents Were Asked.

“What is the key thing you are hoping for your child in his/her time

at Waihi College?”

To enjoy school, learn and to continue to foster a good attitude to life.

I want her to be challenged in her school work while having fun and embracing new challenges

I want my child to have confidence in himself, be able to speak his mind without being embarrassed, and all the above mentioned. Please contact home early if there are any issues.

I want teachers to understand he is a typical boy, and not like his sisters.

I would like for him to give everything a go. He loves all sports.

I want her to enjoy her time at Waihi College and strive to do well academically and through sport.

I want to enhance her already great learning, to push her, she can get complacent.

I would like her to enjoy school but also to continue learning.

Definitely want him to enjoy school, not to feel intimidated, he is a very sociable boy, and I want him to experience new things from primary school.

I want a good education, for him to experience new things, sports, and to be pushed.

I would like her to enjoy school, make new friends and gain more confidence in herself.

I want her to enjoy school and also for her to try things that will build up her confidence

I want my son to be given the chance to excel and not held back.

I would like her to enjoy school, while also being pushed to the best of her ability in all areas.

I want my child to enjoy school and gain more self confidence. I want him to apply himself to his studies as he tends to concentrate on sports

I want him to enjoy school, and also to try new things. Please contact me if he's not changing bad habits you've spoken with him about.

My son is a talker and will work best away from others that are talkers... I want him to be the best he can and be pushed to do the best he can.

I want my daughter to enjoy school and encourage her sporting ability as well as keep up the good academics.

My daughter is very intelligent and will get bored if not pushed along. If idle she will get into mischief.

I want him to love school and enjoy the learning.

We want our child to enjoy school, and to be challenged.

I hope that he gets pushed to expand his personal boundaries.

Please communicate with home. We will back the teachers but want to know about issues.

I want my son to enjoy his time and want him to learn.

I want him to enjoy school. But he's here to learn. He's good at school I don't want that dropping.

I want him to enjoy school and take advantage of every opportunity.

I want him to enjoy school and to learn academic and life skills

I want my child to enjoy school and feel comfortable in the change. She needs to find things that she is good at.

I want my child to enjoy school and feel comfortable.

To encourage her more with maths and to push her generally. I'd like her assist her with homework.

I want my son to be encouraged, experience new things. I have an expectation of homework!!! A must!!

I want my daughter to be a strong confident person and know herself.

I want Him to try as many things as possible. Continue his positive social experiences. I'd like him to pick up leadership opportunities.

I want him to try and be pushed up. I'd like to be informed of any issues early.

I want the best education possible - he needs pushing to keep him focussed.

My daughter pushes herself - I'd like her to feel comfortable in her environment.

I want her to give everything a go. She'll need encouragement to give 100%.

I would like a balanced well educated child. Offer her chances to try new things.

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