year 4 2015 – 2016. no levels teaching of reading to develop greater understanding greater...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Year 4

2015 – 2016

No levels Teaching of reading to develop greater

understanding Greater importance on poetry In year 4 there is an emphasis on

reading comprehension and the key skills of inference and deduction.

Children will by the end of the year identified as emerging, developing and secure.


Learning Wall Year 4 Class: Date:

[KEY] I use evidence from different parts of the

text to support my inferences such as showing characters'

feelings, thoughts and motives from their

actions across the story.

I will perform poems and play scripts to read aloud

to keep the listener interested.

I will discuss words and phrases that interest me.

[KEY] I can predict events in stories from

what I have read.

[KEY] I can tell what the main ideas in a book are from reading a number of


I am able to choose from a range of books that are

set out differently but give me the information I


[KEY] I can use my existing knowledge of a range of different words

to help with reading aloud and understanding

the meaning of new words.

[KEY] I can use a dictionary to check the meaning of new words.

I understand that the way books are set out help

the reader to identify the meaning.

[KEY] I can use non-fiction books to find out

about things.

I can talk about different types of stories I have


[KEY] I am aware that some words sound

different to how they are spelt.

[KEY] I can show you I have understood an

increasing wide range of texts I have read.

[KEY] I can identify different themes and conventions in a wide range of books I read.

I can take turns when discussing books I have read, or had read to me and listen to what others

have to say.

[KEY] I check what I have read to ensure it

makes sense.

I can recognise different types of poetry.

I ask questions to help me understand more

about a book.

Reading Journal to be in class every day, these can be checked at anytime.

Children needs to read at least 10 pages per night

Reading task each week – to be completed in pencil, neatly.

Adult to monitor reading at home and sign book when checked or if reading with child.

Reading expectations

No levels Greater importance on transcription and

drafting Greater importance on grammar,

punctuation and spelling SPaG tests in Year 2 and Year 6


Learning Wall Year 4 Class: Date:

[KEY] I can organise my writing using different

settings, characters and plot.

My joined handwriting is legible with all letters the

same height and the correct distance apart

from each other.

I plan my writing by looking at similar texts I

have written before - discussing the structure

and vocabulary.

I can organise my writing by using headings and


I can edit my own work and that of others and

add improvements to the texts.

I know how to use the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with

regular and irregular plurals.

I have increased my knowledge of prefixes

and suffixes and understand how to use

them in my writing.

When using a dictionary, I am able to use the first two or three letters of a

word to check its' meaning.

I can edit written work to improve the use of


[KEY] When I finish a piece of work I will read it

through to correct spelling and punctuation

errors if present.

[KEY] I can write simple sentences from memory that have been dictated to me, using the correct


I can spell an increasing number of homophones.

I am able to spell words that are often misspelt.

In handwriting, I know which letters are

appropriate to join.

I can read my writing out to an audience in an interesting and clear


I am using an increasing range of sentence

structures and richer vocabulary in my writing.

I am able to use ideas to plan my writing.

[KEY] I can draft my work into paragraphs.

No levels Second year of new National Curriculum for

this class Expectations have increased significantly, for

example what would previously have been taught in year 5 is now taught in year 4

Children are expected to develop a more instrumental approach to mathematics

Teaching and learning needs to develop deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.


Learning Wall Mathematics Class: Date:

[KEY] I can count up and down in hundredths and know that a hundredth is

made by dividing an object by one hundred and a tenth is made by

dividing an object by ten.

[KEY] I know all my times table up to the 12 times


I can solve number and practical problems that

involve rounding, ordering and exploring negative numbers and with increasingly large

positive numbers.

I can read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C) and know that over time,

the numeral system changed to include the

concept of zero and place value.

I know what the outcome is when I multiply a

number by 1 or by zero.

I can work out the fractions of numbers

such as 4/5 of 25 or 7/10 of 700.

I know what the outcome is when I divide a

number by 1.

I know what each digit means in four-digit

numbers such as 2024.

[KEY] I can count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25

and 1000.

[KEY] I can order and compare numbers above


I can multiply three numbers together, such

as 3 x 6 x 9.

I know what factor pairs are how I can multiply numbers in any order

and use my knowledge to work out questions in

my head.

I can makes estimates of a range of things - such

as how many small objects there are in a

large jar, how long in cm an object is, how heavy an object may weigh in


I can find 1000 more or less than a given


[KEY] I can count backwards to negative numbers below zero.

[KEY] I can round a number to the nearest

10, 100 or 1000.

I can multiply a two-digit or a three-digit number by a one-digit number using written methods.

I can solve maths problems such as - how

many different outfits can I make from 3 hats and 4


I can estimate an answer and check my answer

using inverse operations.

I can add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using written

methods (for example, using column addition

and subtraction).

[KEY] I can solve longer addition and subtraction problems and explain all the steps I took and why I worked things out as I


[KEY] I can show in drawings why a number of fractions equal each other (such as 3/5 and 6/10) and are called equivalent fractions.

Homework• Homework goes out on a Friday and

is collected on a Thursday morning.• It will usually consist of spellings,

reading task and My Maths• It needs to be completed neatly in

reading journal in pencil• Sanctions will be applied for

homework not completed on time.

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