year 3 home learning ( july week 1)...year 3 home learning ( july week 1) weekly message hello year...

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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Year 3 Home Learning ( July Week 1) Weekly Message

Hello Year 3. We hope you enjoyed your weekend. We have lots of exciting things planned for you this week. Summer officially started on Saturday with the longest day of the year. See

if you can find a picture of the Summer Solstice and do some writing about it. Why is this day celebrated throughout the world?

Day Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4

Monday Maths

Lesson 1 - Right angles in shapes

English Last week we used our senses to describe the weather. This week we will be describing a person. We will begin by looking at some text and analysing the features. We will look at what this writer has put into this text to make it interesting for the reader and then we will write our own description of a person we know. The text is divided into three paragraphs. Each paragraph has a different purpose, you will look at each paragraph carefully.

Mrs Savage is unforgettable, sadly for all the wrong reasons! She was my Teacher a few years ago and none of us will ever forget her. The first thing to strike you about her was her hair. It was jet black and tied tightly back, in a bun. Her mouth was light Too, screwed up like scrunched tissue paper with Thin lines like pins. Her eyes were Tiny, black beads. When she glared, you felt like an animal snared in a trap. She had a wrinkly neck, like a turkey. Her hands were bony and thin. She wore red nail polish and would Tap on the table-top, clicking her fingernails up and down rhythmically. Savage by name, savage by nature. She had a temper as hot as a furnace and words as sharp as glass. We did not like her!

Science Explain how fossils are formed. Watch the following link to learn about the fossilisation process. Task 1: Write the answers to these questions: What is the difference between bones and fossils? Why do you think we only find fossils in sedimentary rock? Please, remember what the characteristics of sedimentary rocks are. If you have forgotten, please use a dictionary. Why do we have fossils for some animals and not others? Task 2: First order the pictures in sequence and match the correct sentence with each picture describing the fossilisation process. Then draw the pictures in order and write a detailed explanation for each one.

Art This week you are going to further develop your shading skills by using the cross-hatching technique to draw a rabbit. Using a pencil, first lightly sketch two oval shapes to create the rabbit’s head and body. Then add more simple shapes for its ears, legs, paws and tail.

The first paragraph introduces us to the character.

Paragraph two describes her.

The third paragraph concludes by giving a final comment.

Task: Copy out the passage, correcting any mistakes and then highlight these features. Powerful verbs Adjectives adverbs Similes Onomatopoeia Adjective and adjective phrases Can you say why the final punctuation mark is an exclamation mark?

Develop the shape of the rabbit’s body by rounding off the joining lines. Rub out any unwanted lines to make the rabbit look more realistic.

Tuesday Maths

Lesson 2 - Compare angles

English Here is another passage for you to try. Once again, the character is introduced in three paragraphs. The first introduces us to the character, the second describes the character and the third concludes with a final comment. Can you see the pattern? Task 1: Copy out the passage and highlight these features. Powerful verbs Adjectives adverbs Similes Onomatopoeia Adjective and adjective phrases

Mr Warder was one of the most memorable people that I have met. When I knew him, he was so old that I couldn’t count that far. I was

History Ancient Greece: The Olympics Watch the following link to learn about the Olympic Games. Task 1: Write answers to these questions: Describe the modern-day Olympic Games? What events are still played at the Olympics today? What legacy has been left behind? Task 2: Write the events from the Ancient Greek Games and the modern Olympics into a Venn diagram. If the event is in both, write it in the middle.Then write a description of each event.

Art Start shading by using short lines in a diagonal direction. Then, draw lines over the top in the opposite direction to give a criss-cross effect. This technique is called cross-hatching. Also, shade behind the rabbit to give the effect of a rabbit hole in the background.

about five. He had an enormous beard. It hung down his chest like a tangled bees’ nest, a swarm of hairs. I wanted to pull it but never dared. He dressed in shabby clothes. He always wore a brown jacket, but it had holes in it and the pockets hung down like open mouths. He wore large, black wellington boots whatever the weather. His skin was very brown and weathered from living out of doors. His voice was soft and gentle. His eyes were kindly, rather like a sad, old Bassett Hound. We used to walk round our garden together. I’ve not seen him for years.

Task 2: Explain the similarities and differences between the two passages.

Add short strokes on the rabbit’s body to make it look soft and furry. Make the rabbit hole really dark by adding lots more shading. For the finishing touches, darken the rabbit’s eye and draw its mouth and nose. Darken around the claws.



Lesson 3 - Horizontal and vertical

English Today you will write about a character that you know. Think of someone that you know. Think about their features, their behaviour, things they wear, things they say and do. Finally think about what made you choose that person, what emotions do they stir up inside. Change the name of the character and write. Let a member of your family read your description and see if they can guess who your character is.

English - Comprehension In this lesson, we are going to explore the features of a character description.

Geography Our Country Symbols: Task Research the sign, symbol or flag of a chosen county. Why has it been chosen? What does each part represent? Go on to write about what is important to you about where you live. Design a new flag or sign incorporating your ideas.

Thursday Maths

Lesson 4 - Parallel and perpendicular

English – Grammar Today you will look at what synonyms and antonyms are and how they can improve your writing.


This week we are thinking about courage.

Think about a time when you have made

a mistake but did not put it right.

Your task is to write a letter to yourself (to

make your conscience aware). Reflect on

what happened, explaining what the

mistake was, why it was a mistake, how

you would put it right if you could go

back. Also say what you have learned.

Music This week we will be singing but this time being aware of your volume. Click the link below and follow the instructions.

Friday Mental Maths English – Spellings The words in this section are spelt incorrectly. Write the correct spelling next to the misspelt words.

reyn - rain




Financial Education

Writing your Sales Pitch

It is important to be able to say what your

business would do.

A sales pitch is a presentation that

explains why investors should give their

money to the presenter’s business.

Example – if you explain your business


Accuracy throw. You will need: A soft object to throw, this could be a ball or a pair of socks.

Next week the solution will be revealed. Last week's answers






wommen Can you work out what each word is? The first one is done for you Challenge 2 These words below are scrambled. Write the correct spelling next to them. oeppsus ghouth roferethe ghrutho Monaw Challenge 3 Can you work out what each word is? The first one is done for you. Old or unusual – strange Different kinds. Something you think. Something unexpected. Not mixed together.

idea to your parents to get the £5 to start

your business that is a sales pitch.

A great way to do this is a sales pitch –

imagine that you are trying to get people

to give your business money to sell our

product or service. This is also known as

investing. Some good things to talk about


1. What your business would sell and


2. Why people would buy it?

3. Add something you found out in the

market research

4. How much profit you would make?

Profit is the difference between the

money you make and the money you

spend e.g. if you make a cake and the

ingredients cost £2 and then you sell the

cake for £3, the profit will be £1.

Now you have your plan, use two pages

to write out your sales pitch. Make it

creative, fun and attention grabbing!

Your presentation should be at least five

minutes long.

A floor target, this could be a hoop or a washing basket. Task: Stand one meter away from your floor target, how many times can you accurately throw your object into the target? Then increase the difficulty by standing 2 metres back, keep increasing the distance after every ten attempts. Record your results in a table.

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