· xmounter'i. rlvlr*fmftr^irim.')) r'tvj pi* ' -...

Post on 02-Oct-2020






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x mounter'i.

rlVLr* r^iriM.')) r'tvj pi* ' - «' BFRTON"fMft IOHf Ike/OH* ROUO i M .» BE <EflT.

.Uk'hBt: ho"' concerts"MBLO-b Si.LOON. MOvriAV Feb R




WV pit* (h'mu on ' LV* Owvaeai.' " Eil 1' « Aov,7. *".far to Brat unit La hew York the ''Aud*r.te' and Air


«A U tket aria* froru " Semiramia " »l»e Barbierr c B*r.i.a.

««-- im-1.. > J R.(.,.,. Cel.. par :. .»r ^ ««DAME joha.SNSKN

*eVT met a. a. De. Frejeiu ' »v*««»"--. M " 11

tatA'aed ' V^'r'^^AVBNPOirV£'^'L^ef'?!? Hi". .«, kv ked at lr«.t,L» . N» :«l Broad-^T^VU iiord« * Bag's No 's* V\ art -st

Öe T-i irfaf eed *"»»..» t- »¦-a ta* »1V i-n only.Ot Btaaaaaf and Ssooday tae 01 aad tar r*oxainior f I .'*

preta Af art.. *r»*old ai :.; 'he day may be had at tea doer.r>«m* ee**- »' Tf» **. ommeoc» at I o'clora.On U'Bi»*ESDAY tb» eecot« ConcertO» THURSDAY Corcert in Bro Alyn._


Thosidav r«h 1Ah. 1UALBERO,



VJM p**l fantasiM <n ' Bea Oi .vau::," "F.'iair d'Amore."awed, U t u- tret tiu ' tr. New-York, the Am» txd A ..

1 iMTl -

MauaMit D'angriWitt srsg eie from' ''Sniiiranjia." toe " Barhiere en Be v.. .a


the " BafM* t*1." eta Roc do fri m "(/et:er»ntolav''MaDAME JOfJ ANNSEN

Will etat .**» " "***r PTryseeut*.'' Srhubrrtb's " Mc-aiug Sere¦ and ''Volkslied,'' by Kurkeo.

MRA E. L. DA> ENPORT"RL.rsc*t* Prof Lou»fili«» '» " skeleton in Armor.'*

MR. JOMtt-li BL AREV iU b.;*i De B-rtof . * TiemoiV''ReataeaA areU, »1 to and 41. to be nr.4 at Max Brcwa's

Altaic Mora, Rote's Bookssv'i. abd a( Van Norden A King's.Ott Taeedäy aid Uedurscay will be aold the Bl »seatt;Tuortxtav. the H and remaining AI U aeata. All aeata uaaoldto be had at the door. D-n r. |«.c at 7j.


*-»s THREE MATINEES MUSICALE9(To Bub.rribeia ou!r]

DoDWORlH'S SALOONby heea erW'ed, at being of a tiro is reaformity e-ltu the ob-

\rfi id rtew5*b- brat Mat:.rjf«? Brii] lake place oa

PR1DAY. Peb 20*[±9 aeeoad oe

TLESDAT, Peb MT; e third and lart on

PRIDAY. Peb rII-'.. of oecivmencemen. tialf part one o'clock p. m.

Erery Oer» arlL' be taken u make the Matinrea ae aelect a*

atoaatblA.1'- artce of a.nbarription i -I-' haa been Cited at

FIVE DOLLARS EaCU,.jrhicA will adrott anl aeriben all the three Matinee«. Then^BiU r of atibacriber. baa been atrict'.y Uiiiilexi to

FOl'R HUNDRED.It Um beei thought aeritable nut to teterre a e aeata, all

aWig from the amalltjeM of the room, equally oVeirable lor

Leering and aee lag.1j UcAeU »ill be ready on

MONDAY Keb lfi.Ai BREL'BINO'H Moak .toTe.No. 701 Br.^idvtay, andAt VAN KOHDEN A KING'S .No. r. Wail rtreet.arhere robarnp-iona will fc« receireAThe artxra. artacgerne-. t. regarding tb>- coinlort of the lub-

.ri'bett bare- been Ictrutted toMr BROWN, Sritoa of Oraco Churrh.

1LALBKR(»'S FREE CO.N"CKK'I> to tVePI PILH ot lb* PI BL.K SCHGOLS -Tbo rlr.t Conrert

wi'i lake p.are oc MONDeY Keb. It and the Vn^jTlif.RSDnY, r 19 at 1 o'eeceft p. m at

MBLOS olARDENt.i ¦ tee of k hich bu bee u geiieroualy tendered by Williame- I- e»o.NO* 11 I .No peraon ran potaibly b< admitt<<l exrept

en «e w bo hare ro eived i ircuiai. ot Uiritation.

MI ¦ L 0s GARDEDe* r« open at f>i, to rommenca at "* o'clock,

fvekt-te tie cenla; Orrhea -a aeata, #1; Private boxe», 4-BATlRDaY EVENImO. Peb It, 1851.

I.4st aifcor at'T roi k otTHE WONDERFUL KeVELS,

AND T UK I li GRAND Dul'BLE COMPANY,Pre rioiit t« tbeit Departure lor Philadelphia.


AVaUilie In.two r> mir ehar.vtera.Jerome In.two rbarartera.


THE t ONSCRIPTTtae OobKript.Antoine


Pipoin. ¦.Autotne RavelMonday, Tueeda), kA'edneaday and Thursday- Last pa-rlorm

acvoeeof the Wonderful Itatels.


arbo reaptxr'fuiiy mv.ies the coOparaihm ot ol ail lovers ol mmhe thia

OREA1 COMIC FESTIVAL.Fire nileat will be ptiarnteu. eutodyiug aa much read, >o!ly

lii.taiaaSao, v.o. at kaea moH perluriDauee.AttHTON AND KHOl GUAM WILL APPEAR TOGETHER

lu two special uit-rriuiruts.Brrsrighaiu in four parts.Burton in tire pa-'-.

B&Tl'RDAi-lhi lis4pVcr 1

HIS LAST LEOS,Ii wait a Mt. Brougham will play O'Cal.ashen. |

The great roan IK A I.I i ^

Where o Mr. Htougham tu. perpetuate a moat uuwarmtitable ILau .sioti (.g Mi Huili u.

The lew c-oo.l< hall.t of THE ECCENTRIC LOVERS.With M'Ue Dut y Barn u pal dauat ua..

T\r rorj faviirita Fanr. srrund time i ere, ofW ANTED, ONE THOUSAND MlLLINKRRr

Mr Burlo- as Joe Ba^tt uid Madame Yai doiptnte.Mr Se-trlx 1! at Tom Ttuion and Mist emittier*

Mrs. Uugbrt, aa toe Apprentice.To c >iciude rrith the won con leal Fair« of

THE SIAMESE TWINS.O Glib and Chang by Mr. Brougham.Tim biow aud Eng by Mr Burton.


ING.J B. reapaM-tfi.Hy iiiviuua (be cooperation ot hl* MendtOB the eK V« joyous ori-aeiou. A superior blU bu h . .¦ ae-

keoted, «uibvd)iLg the largeet postiblr amount ot tun in an*

etrnlnt't perloruaance.Messt« tturton and Brougham will appear together In two

kMim.'ious pirretlue grrai attraa tioa of THE DUALITY Or. The Unwae-

aakTtHLi lainusioK or Ma. h« ...oi on Mr. BVHTOH.HIH LAST LsOS THE 1KHNOS OF THE BIAMEaSE

TVA INS. art a favorite anal laughable piexe, in u hich Mr. Bur-tea Mis* Tolly Marshall. Mrs C Howard, Mr. C. Fiahrr, A.c.,v»«. appear Remeiiiber. SatUilay


Ma. FORREST,hating reewvered from hu recent indltpos ti --i, will rawtime hitoi., ket taaul aim rj k pti-aeu:ationt

1h1s F.tEMNG (Saturday), Feb. 14, bis great original character ot

JACK CADETo be fo loW'd bv the Corurdi. tta of

A MT \ i It TtlF. WEDDINfl.Ml FORRE6T w ill prrfuuo MONDAY. \M DNKSDAYand

FRIDAY >\ENlNGSot atKl week. Box book open to ad-ii' ceMt H TLACIDE. who is rugared foialimilrd perlcntu iU

auaAr bia lirtt appeararoe inia season on Tl KsDAY NIGHT.Mt BLAKE Will a ¦ make hie lira*, appearance this soaeuu


will he retired the listonca p ay railed WILLI AM TELL, inarhich Mr FORREST vat., appeal M tha tiot Unu in soreralyeara

Pi rfornianca- befits at 7 c.i*k preclti ly with the Orertuti\

I and Humor. Mirth ami Mi rriment, Fanaad Jolfi lu.verr variety for JOHN BROUGHAM'S



BENEFITAvid Lett Night of

MBS. MrMAntON'Sk <!.:. Uieut,

Oi wbl- orcaaioo ab« wilt appear asJULIA in the HUNCHBACK.


JlL1A.Mra. McMAUONIt e,.Mra i .ti Fop*

to Tt><amas.CbSerd.Mr L P. BarrrttTocaeaMuae with the- la"gbable farce ol the

STATION Hü! SE.N aaveur MLiiSeurs.wiih aoeg.A.Mr. L. OoldamldFaaiy raddU..Mti. F.R a

\VUÖ 10 IeHttaih '.The «n-at»'>t Ferud for" ruiirwsfwITAVMUIITit Bl KTON'S for JOHNHROUGHAM 8 BENEFIT_AURA KEENE - NEW THI-'ATI^,

No. CM Broadway, near Houstoo-tt.Mitt LAURA KKENF..Hole Lresre and Ditecfreat

"Boon open at t| The pa rformaDoe will exinunruce with ih*Orrriure at 7 o r eck.


DAVID COPPERFIELDGet' wtth ahe entire etreagta of the Company, lor this tusht

only.Te eencud* for th* 6rat tiut, with a rr.n:ukable orvinal

g>i, caaiedCAMOMILLE.


/X>MEDV. FARCE. BCKLl^l E, K.\-V-/ T*RAv ACPAr*7A .rrrything fanny lu th. dttmati w.


ÜBDT'* NATIONAL THEATER..BtMlOMeASSeeaUi P.i UA) cenit, Orohotaw Chain o


Ores L.Bdeal.... J H Aller» Pal MsA.anov.O. L. y mtVar*i*..Mra.H F .. Mr*. Liudrl!.. Mist H»tk.w.y

THE FOUR LO.KRSB .M...Mr. O L Y « Blaise.Mit. Hathaway

TB1 MISTLETOE BOUGHB" H Iarw»..|ft j II A'ion Mavid. Mies Fanny Herring


Y* Ft A AT HOMl of tue ortgii *1. sc. ki."» B and ou.y~ ...

CHRlbTY'S MINSTRELS.<Orro^fot la rtllV now under the managesent of J W.RA l NOR F. H PIEr.a whutr l- ncrtl*. deepft* thekac taavretry of the weettw*. hat* been msht-r till, d to greetthe old fcretve* ob Uk«i relura Tb-y anxar everv EiitilagaAatWaek A <4«. e at! V* ..' prograa ine. T« commenceet "T rcheuttsstva i T. DONNELLY, A<- ..



for tlx press at, miber ttvmt librae oats o i*CAM'l.l.f

li r< r-¦<>..ei «.. Um r- pewtasi roij'irotJ pot m

mpdea. til w twodoeedrm MONDAY evt.vtno nt'xt.H i. 7, «rffl b. gir*- of tt- teviva. of 4 AMII.I I at ti.e

in n.rat* ktttt/tKir of tliat play by Do mean* aaabad.At. i i-ly if'ioo for ""Ota i« particalartv PM Jtn«i< r ded

BXrS"I'M'8 AMERICAN MUSEUM..SATURDAY I'AlMNd P. t> 14. tt 7 oHark. the treat

prise dram*. THR. ORPHAN'S DREaM Pren^u* to - l

U* Pr*fitri*tir Cc.ntol ,t»oia AVTKRNOON at 3. THE OR¬PHAN'S uta the EVF.NINO. . !>. f w .-. P etcri« O Bvo.uto bi Tue Living Pt.aut.iai. U>< Lirin«, Serpents,lie ¦¦ r», tc, may be BeeB. Arlmi«»ioC, 2". Oent*CbUdreji« t« n, L24.


¦t -tie


Tlek'-t* 25 ct*.

T~~HE PALMEk MARBLES -STATUE ofINDIAN OIRL. «od <.>.. ¦.. other piece* of Sculpture, at

N M. Broadway. Open from ? a. o. to 10 p. m. AdrnitUaoot' nent*

E K JI A m 1» seven-mile miekor,EVERY EVENING.

At No. V.9 Broadway.Tlie TVbe'i of

P1HHAM8 KU RTH GIFT ENTERPRISEwill admit FOl'R PERSONS to tbio eplenitid Ptinttnr, whlrhla* been exhibited more that RBM uroea in the prior .pal citiesol the countt y._

DÜSSELDORF GALLERY. No. 497 Broadway,containa 140 of th* finest PAINTINGS ever pot upon -x

.ndtioa. Oaeo DAT and v.vising Admittaoo» & oenta

CRYSTAL PALACE..The Crystal Palitce ita till open to the public, and oonuaina many interest in« and

euriou* tm-va Tha Statuary I* alon* worth the prioe of *d>a*ta*sM

Sbe Hall Season.


Academy of Muaic onTHURSDAY, Fob lfl. 1*77.

Ticket! ( $S. admittin« one pe-aon) e*n be obtained te'p ofnVe following iauiea and iiontlera» u, who have kindly ronaoatedto Bot Bl

MANAOPRS:Wra. J. J. A*tor, Mra. C A. He' kaher.Mn. J, r. Peter»,Mrt. L. Aipinwall. Mr* W. H ißmin. Mra. W. H. Pain.,Rlr* 8 L M. Btrlow.Mr*. J C. Hamilton,Mr*. W E. Po»tMra I*aae, Mr* L. C. Jone*, Mr*. E. Pendletoa,Mr* J. BUbop, Mi*. O. Jwiei, M K. H Rivet,Mi*. M. Coles, hlr«. J. I Jo****, Mra. J. RutheriorJ,Mia H. a Oit, Mra. C Kuhn, Mr*. It Riy,Mra. O. W. Co*t'T, Mra. A. L- Barlier. Mr*. S. T. Strong,Mra R. L. Cuti.n«, Mra M L Livlngston.Mr*. M. Taylor,Mr* W. B. PataiM Mr«. A. B. Mot'. Mra T. Til.'atoa.atr*. DeTrobriaad, Mr*. G W. Mil), r, Mra. N II. Wolfe,Mrt.O.O.HowuuicljrMra. C. A. Mlnton. Mr*. J. W. Oil*.

Mr*. II. Heud.-reon.

W H AmMob, S. M. Fox, A. B. Molt,E EAtdirmx, M. H. Grmnell, PL M N. wboiJd,L Aapinwall, J.W.Gerard, W. II Paine,G Bancroft, .1 Gihon, J. V, Park, r,Ja* Bleecker, O. 0. Hotvland, A Perry.L. Hrtdi.b, R. 8. Hoi torn. M. C. P. rry,H. W. Btevoort, R He. knher, J. V. PeTiairnan,Geo Bowdom.jr, G. Hnyt, Waiden PaR,Jot. BHdxfiar i, Oidr.n'llasr-rty. J, R ,b»Tton,Wm Cutting, Wm. ß. Hof]man, J. P. Rngglea,H. A Colt, L. A. lloilman, C. T. S'a.r,8 H Caiy, W. Irvtn«. C V St. pb'rifon,E. Cunttd. Ws i .rJtav, J.Stron«,O W. Cotter, W H. Jonea, L. 8chmidf,C A Davit, L. C. Jon-a. E S Smre/.W. DraMcL, Peyton Jacdon, Arthur tV. Deltunay, A. laelin, F. 8. T.illma.C. De Rham, C Kuhn, Alex. Taylor,H D.lafield. A.M. Lawrene, F. 1. Waddiil,E De Trohriand, Art Imr I.ear^, R. Wither*,Wm. J. Emmet, P. Mari- II C Wrrtirhoff,B TBlll.Jl .M M'Cso.h. \\ Whitewrifbt, jr.H.nry Fearing, R. II MtMiuger, f T. Winthrop,Dudle) Field._N. H. Wolle.

GRAND BALL ..n THURSDAY ami SA'lUli-I'AV EVI MNOS. E.b. 12 and 11, at Mtle CAROLINE

VEZIEN'S Dw.rinii AciMomy, No. 2] Howard tt. The Ballwill otkti at 8 o'r)o<A and el*** at 12, Ti:k.'ta, V* Offa Thettrey.. Acadt my t* open every day forth" la*tT*r'ilf ndfadhi*at.d Gentlemen, at 3o'clo<A p. in and 7 o'clock in tbe**vi n.r:rlor practlco.

Ho fatmtn anb (Dtljcre.DK BURG'S FERTILIZERS..De B-irr- t Na

1 AmmonlBted Sruv-rphotphale of l.irue. DeBii-g'*No.I Manipii'ated Ouano. I'bo h now pr< pun^l t > aup-ply the tb«>T* acknowledged, andonly relltMe manur. a. Tet'.'.-ttionial* aad Direction! for lue will be forwarded on ap-P leatton to JAMES P. HAMMILL, No. 116 Fearl-ftl, New-TatR._TO FAItMERS..Tb« POUDRETTE niadi» by

the aubai-rilM r* i* the el ap<'«t tod ba*t MANURE la th*world t. r Corn and Vegetables. A [Rraphlet will be tent (free)to anyone aenaint their addreat to tu« LODI MANUFAC¬TURING COMPANY, No. «6 Courtlandt it, New-York City.


ALADY who p...* biu\ eptvrnl yi,«rrit'Xjierie»iirNiinDn as md Cloak making la deiimm of ol>tain.: ( k*i*'-yi in

nlher South or Weit to take charge ol a FII!>T CLASSI)RE>S MAKING ESTABLISHMENT. tp%nt tbwa year in Purl* in a ho**a* of that rlna«, the n«.der I ii»r*< Iffully competent to txko chart" of one. Anyone deaRhnaa pea*n il ib th.- abovo c*ntejty mill pleaao tdäroi.« f. M., Hoy No. rOITribune Office, ilatlni loll partioalar*i Ret. r. r.c * ev hunjed.

\\rANTED- 1 iv a reapectatblf WotkWL, n rtitua-T f tion at ( <IOK and: . at- ti ,n tb- WASH I NO tod I RONINO. la a *cmi.| ptatry baker. Haa the be t .it' i'v r tVexxeeaCall at No. ZA I»t-av., betwe. u IV,h ai.d Mth tmt,, over th*.hocstore._

BOY WANTED.In a EACKINi; ROOM, undto make bimielf generally a ei iL (in.- wkose pareotg re

. ,ie in the rity preferred. Mm havi .r. x < jnee. Apply at Nu. SS Barotay at.

TpO TEACHERS..l'arfniT watitfd lor i'ulirg-1 in* and utdi-rtahi-L- a LADIES* SCHOOL wall

liahed in a |.k..I IcSMttoa in *hi« .-11y. where the pa'rou .ie can

N' inereneed to ext. t ac .rdlrig to th* khili'y tad lud i:r\ol the teacher*. Any t> acher »b'<> t brluf i.n erjn tmooa: iifnteaj t or h Ba*aa» ml th* .,l^vcn' rr>.*<', any iul a good aaiit . by addre »In* ORIGKN la.t 17'. I'-il aeOfl f. It'prate ,1perhaps a diapoaitlon of ihe k.'ho>>l mirht t>e nit le.

THE ADVERTISER, a BOOK-KEEPER, L.v-um tnme bnalnett of hit own, r qo ring b » t*ff*a*e*two

or three liaj* In eacO week. w...;;.! like to find 01 Ilh» of the week tiud *l«*b«l|l. tn Wllllan np nf 1*1aietot Book*, aiakiti* out BCeoont*, Ac., tor tr leim, bbmi.then not eiaplojin« a regrulaC B ok keeper. Ott moder^v ter.nt.

SatitBactory tet.rencii rtv< ^. Aildr.ii Boa. No. Kiln

Orhre._THE AdftTtinttr isfavMdrtTOI wi obtaüflllaf RflitUa>

lion in a PI BLISillNG HOI SE or r.*p. habt* BOOK-BTtlRE, to leara th* hacanwat Good tafsrea e giv.-n. Ail*'re»tC. P. T , Uuion-Kjuare Pott Oflice.

YVrANTED.A uitnutinn h* n BOOKKLEl'l'.Rvv lu *oiii.< Whot.-aale Ho iae ia Now Yi r* City,

diet. ly. Oi>..J New ^ ..rk Cite lelerenc * a. A Ui-e-aS. II. CLARE, n>do, WayaeCn.. N. Y.

"ANTKD.A SALESM.4Nt4ia.~ll TAILtiRS'TRIMMLNOS by .atap .. App«7 at ll*.*0Sl

»f., .p »ttr«.

VlrANTED in a PRINTING OFITCE-An in-T* t. lli«. nt LAD t read Wtitttn l opy. M itWthlato

r. ad Writlnt .lut-kly and .vitTectly. Also, a yo i« MaN*ceaaomed to work or. CARD PRF8S1 'S. Now* b it a «odhand need app y. BAKER A GODU IN, Tnb ir.e Bi ildlrg.

¦%\*ANTKD..PlaftN jiromp'.iy proeiiTed forCoo-fv .luc'ori. School Ti-w.-hcr«, B*g«ag'' Brakcmes. Po:ten Men tor tteara. ri, Boytfo; trad,-« iJiu tt rc». 11 H fakeep-era, Seam*rre«ii *, kc. N. B \ Cil r -d Woman a< S: iv-

troa-at Apply to G1I.LEN i. Co , No. 0 E.*t Broadu ay.

WANTEIV-A SALESMAN in a Carpot ,ttir. ;one accnitouied to c ty trad, preferred. Ad.'.reu H. H.

tbli OtUc«.V

family livint it Uulndaro, Ran ass, on the MuiauBi., (bbi.lay* joniiicy aha.vr St. Louis. A New alni'ind I lit! pri lerreLMuat bei wi ll r<oorusxendadi All eape:.a«s pa u. Fur h' c

Inloiii.aaion mav b. kad > j .pp.y u. I lib** > i: tr.e rnios. a*¦stat t la tar anaiaa. at Tin t* Matliia *' atTthy .uhswibet

H vDDi'U» HT « I r.

4tt|rT PER MONTH.GIRL WANTED..."Ill tidy capable and hon.s' Girl Is want, d in a imail

Chancto for Unoinccs t\U:\.

AN INTEREST in a JOURNAL WANTED..A tentlemaa arha ha* hal tKfSBjhWc* at an edit it md au¬

thor, ltd who dsn (ire the hJahrsa t.-ttic:otia!t as to -harae'erund ability wiaket to c-aitor (either ttso-iate, ohief or(ab I of tone well eitabliaked. Indepetwient or Rapuhaicanj«>uin*l in City or C >untry, md will Inv.i: RltSBI .a the lime.Adares* TRAVELER, -tre of Pott-rcaater, Nen Haven, to-.

Bt>ARD N'G HOUsE.-LEASE and 1'UHNT-TI RE for Salt, of a large K .-it i ¦. New tnd M em

House, built three y.ers iinee, expr-nly f< - r. EV.».-.: a* Ho j*c,aridi » hie !»IthU >mplet».y ,arrJtho.!,wrtk!lnra*years'Lease, la now offered for Bait ai:' ».Lesse, Eu-nilare.Good WSU, 1c. Ths Furnitur* tMtalg »boot RltL^M, wouldb. i"Id it a bargain, and inunediate p.aae.a r. «iver,, U necew

tary , :ent about *>i.0ia p. .- act .re ape rv of the Houas foraboai fifty aaatta; VarsstUtt heiwren i th and lath i . west f.and only a few doors !r- ai Broalway. For f .r! ar pa:;.caidtto visw ths ho iae. A... apply to UüMER MORGANMetropolitan Bank. N. 1 Piae it

EDD1NG BUSLNF.SS f,,r SALE ami BUILD-DING to LET. No Ui Chatham c.-.\ t.ea ral EEiiD.'Ni i

Bl BINESe) e*tshh«h-d teven yeaia A g> d *f|>iallllllj u . a

p. noa h*ri*g roon. y. la.tvire on t>* pr ailtct

(»AL-YARD to LF-VSE.A rare of^..rtunitrJ for bot or* winhiag'o liter thaC^aal b tin -t, 'he Tata

hsvlng ano.d e*a,t ;i»i,d tra ie Th. proprietor a.'. aJa lea-, ngtne < 'y. Forpatti. a'.an appey tt tie pflV", RM laW*ap) a at,

IWR SAÜ'c-A Lar«f STOKE^'ACTt)RVTrTda never fal'.lr.« WATER POWER I ahaat R) r«; i

tale tnr a Paper t*Y! or any otfcer a » tactiuriB* p: rp . ¦. -

Brotx RJve-r, U rails* irom the Ci'y Ha l. at XaeAsbas Bap**,oe tha Harlerr»*d. with 00 .wm of Itcd tkiee t>. .. a.ctrnire makcr't ib >p. bum, i The F_t. rv it f. r it.-tj Mby V" feet Al*o sd-oUilreg. t ioc ttory 1 ,...ib^. j> y 111. c'alltnperect oro I « la lory am", part oi ths Itad. wtththe trtlrt iiower, uoold be anl.l sewaratciy, or (he whole prepir.i e oxild U'excuai <ed lor i rtt eil»* city ic.p. rt,. I no t

D. UODGM YN', .No r7 Mt lcalaBt.


GA* WORKS 1W s ALE-1 o ( imALBTt!-for SALE.T»" RFAL PROPF RT 1 «'IIR'S , |

(K.(>i> -will ,i , r.As (umi-aw ., »..».'.». ...»

. Ulf . IP ..Ii!,. ..-I I',. ..''¦¦« fiH- l'l ¦'.

Vi 0*)lj I«« MM«*M ¦» oper»-.. n ui.%» pevlt « Li p-ri-eet.I-»» «11 M|>IM *-4 bü.aSree raf.c'y learn ». J. Will br. I r cat an.t .'.¦/¦»¦ -j m«M »i»- f . .» To»CaaofMJ umlera'anrtlnr the V'e-arae, «b:a oltrr» an opponarrity.eiita»» reel with Prmript t o:..j W -.J p r»** au-ltwi B 'S-rW. W«»l rrrioTj, D. (

1LLINEBY. . A Mfvate ittMfkmmtmi Ut-¦ - 8»J.f ( U jftvi' i!«-d.r: i-1w » Ii" i'fcathnufotn. No .tori, and t">»»»«»ioti imrnedialrly. Add/re»BROWN Ctarbaro Pool OfM T___PABTNER WANTED.Witä 14.000, ii n well.

retahaVahed HaidnaM Ster* mtmrtm u w a ..**i ua-I f hm B« .. T mit Of lev LS » k "

wUlmg 'to CrroM bit whole time to Ik* Let-r-.», will Ärd »

f. i laretfiaiBI A... R- t N". ff" Jertev C Put OftVe^

RARE C1 IANTE..Trie vherti*er Uk.>« thi/merrod t rftTTtTiBgprrt*"* wer »re »" k cg pr :.-.». |

merctareat fr» thetr aaaitaL An «ulrljutM el ".netei JH prn.r let pre»et.'e.i, in » hujtoet*. tnr> b< yrnd til .tnreory,f<-ra pr<ut of ctr hundred per ml ob tht ermtirt inr-ried.t; »i - it t « *i".<»"tr b." .*.. .* ,n r" '" ffb»pp<n» ;don. Addkv«* W., Tiibone Office. bVferi t:Ca . i ti bei red.



_ r* r rent nn Tannere'I/<erhirg. Fot earviriilar». topiy fo

B. klARsH, No. Perrt^t.. rr FLLITIIORP k FOX. NSMBroadway. An acute PARTNER f--t rt. n Sta-e W» lexi.

r|MiE l>4-*t rhnrim ever offered BS aif>nt« ii onj VA ELLS'S n*wand p^pnltt PL'blicattons. They are

tpe<u>U) mited to tbe timr», teil readily, »ad par t :ar»e pro-.-Full pvtieni j-t »out on appiiratic .1. Addma J. <> R ELLS.Pcbi.thiX.! Ag«Bt, No 11 Be'kmtn it., New York t>xM I r

Booki Map». Ch-rt» lc. ..>»< ially »uit'd tr tbe Baltt ot »e-nt».

.PARTNER WANTED, bp*live or kBaatt, ¦. » PuMitbint lyuine«.

ofli'ili.i DBDttnd and iinpor'tnt luder»»uetir». The re*peetabi!-Ht mm .nty of th- ottjefioii ar« uvoo.ationab'.e. A rar.tiu ot bn),Matot 'ie*i<ea*>atiai, i taaWl p»r'uerp-i-f.Tri LAddr. PXBLiBHER, b- xNo. t.STt Po.- Otfi.». N>» York.

jp.MNM».- WANTED. A PART-with tbit ant aal to .etat» la I .

huL.-r.-PI UN1S11INO and 11A RIAVA RE PI SIMS-;airea iy .itablithi'd. in Brooklyn, and to manüV'-ir« a patentartati- Oonnotted trilb the bn.init*, in nnhertal demand, andWill jlcid a fottXM. t:»ll on T. 0. L, No. 77 D'ane it.. N. Y



«1.500 NER wi

*\ tUiil ACRES of LAND. Irina on taVfi Mi«-m9»\ Fi f\J «i»»ipT>i, »bo\e St Pa-1. for RALF, or E\-f riAV-P fbf flaidwuv or Dry OWa. Addr.n MIIDTE-BOTA, Tr t one 11 m I

Zo iTJIiom it mar) (Concern.

ADVERTISE VISfSCHER, OWEN A Co.,NORTH. General Adt.r'i-iut \cmtt.

AIIVF.RTIST. NORTH. AppJef-n't Buildine-,ADVERTISE NORTH No. MC Bf adway, N. T.,ADVF.RTISE SOITH. WU1 a-lrerlin fat M»r-lfanU, Maaa-ADVERTISE SOl'TH. factnrera atol Buiinrtt H'd rrnerally,ADVERTISE SOI TH. m »'it part of th* CokVd State» or

ADVKR1ISE K A ST. ¦.. .-»,¦,.,.--..

ADVET.TISK K A S T Nearapapera from eTury TmTt of thoADVERTISE FJABT.Il nite,' <»»tet and Canartw kept on M*ADVKRTISH W EST. jmr tl e inape. tinn of adreniaen. andADVFrTISK WEST. |e»ery mformarmn »« to the belt p'.acttADVEÜTISE paperi rfieerfüly gltea.

ADVERTISING..V. B. PALMER, tho Agent,Tribune liolldint. raatdTta adrcrritementa f. r pnbn. atiof

In t/.e l>e(t city and country nawapapert of »u the Sutei.

(C1DE.NT.S raueH fron UCRN LSG FLUID»r- ei r ,t atetearted by mint tbe PATENT INDIA

BUBBSI SAPETY LAMP. artneAtttu -f break, et:l-d-, o

be tilled wbl e hinted, tlld are the tnott economietl lamp notIn nie. *A «n irf;T" the exdaarTt aale to rottf» 'ent iieraonitri er»ry <'it nty in ttK-I'. S. Indoit »Ump to HAWXHi R-'T,MOIT A Co., aaM InttTt r.ianafa'tnren, No. iJ Eulron »t., N.Y.

CHALLENGE t» tie WORLD..Old Dot-torWATKINSON chall-o'tt the world to produce a MEDI¬

CINE that has rured more pi r»oii» of Cniumprion, Liver Com-P' An., tu., than hit BBiehlBted Pt'LMONACIA-it nevertHila il ii-^d . eordlnt to uirei tlon», for Br'.ncliial atTe.-iivn* olAli«Throat, i»yapep,,a, Conrh, Colda, Loa»of Apo-'ire alee tutWomit Its eajnal eaBBOt he latntd. D*| .t. Xe. tit Bn>a<l-wty New York. Pri« e t \ p.-r Bottl .. Dr .. a a and aountryDiereLant» tnpplied on tav rritBte terma.

CWl TlnN.PÖÖ BEWARU..Tb«* puhii.- ;tre>/' further reotioawd atalaat pnrchaaint the followioa CON-

STRWCTION BONDS OP I'llE ILLlMii-. CENTRALRAILROAD. «..- of O'tw .»eb- No*. 4U,7M,7A 1,4 v. VÄB, 1 »i. n.'iiu, i' Baa, u.fifii. i;,C76, s.S2a, n,47»:.y.Wl, 11.732. 11,US. Th" tat- «. re Ifoll b from MJI etBOBi Theptil li. .ii alto (Motion- d aateiutt Brntt haainr any BONDS of theiWfa d< oniina'loo, the riumbort of wi.le.j> d. he »hott reward will b>- paid Ibr tue angel and evrk<le-n of tttiy Patty ll. :ing the «aine for »»ie.

T. .¦ Jb-.J Lm-ei d ai d Sf>. rat 0 C< -op»nv.ALEXANDER RNIGH1 P-e.;i u'.

W M. V. Wll i lAMtottj Secr-tary.EORGE PECKHAM, Prof.a-i(,nai Btwk-keiper and acenuniant, Orrire» Nor. 25 aud 21 MorTa

Blanding, N-. Broadway, New-York.-OrJtrt to tr.e e-<alprokttion and th* btninr«» commtinlty, bit »erviret in thePOSTING IT and EXAMINATION of Book* and A.oo inta,DETECTION cf ERRORS, andadjutting Intri- at* accoeataIIo hat been cngafrd for the la*t li year* a* an accountaiit, andWith his knowlrder of Bookk'-rpiug. uulti-l au ettrutivo prat-tli al butiui-ai exp. rienre. L unqueatinnable rrferracr* tivrn.

JOHN FREDERICK PBECHT, a Sailor, andnative of Brem n, in 0»-rma-iy, it n-qolrrd t,, give noti.-r

!»'.<>'.t hit preaeat leetA u. ate the ouderairned Atto tieyit-Lawiv-b.o, alter >nr dea'b af hit falh-r. waa»<it(ited Tleal it f .r

bia abam ot the iiiher.tance. Anv inlormatioa aboutt e nil and re. der... of the anil IOiI.N i'REDI'RICrvPRECUT will be also gntet Uy i -eleed. J.m.. KM._'_Dt II Eitel. ADAMI.

EAD THIS..We oiT.t ran« indiu-rMiii'nrs to afew tvapontibl* AGENTS. Ad Ire" D. ki.MBALL A

Co., Pro\ kleni.e, R. I., for term» and puuLulaxi, .j. .. .. « po*Vace itnn-;>.\l*AN'l I'.I).Every Man and Woman to call afTT N.. US Br.. ime-it., corner of Elti. and «et. free of

al ar|e, a NEW MEDICAL WORK, impetapt to ho n Ir..

Tboe urdiiritubv letter mutt isrloao two r at e »>a tintdire t Dr. PTInTON.New-York P..»- O

iioarö onö tloomo.

ATEA< HER of German atid French Lafalkf^UkMawilbee to get BOARDING in a b«-«e where Evening la-

»trui :ion u Grrmen r French w. ol l I taken «. par: paymentfor Board. Addr »t TEACHER, Tribun.- O'hee-

BOARDING.At N<m. 45 aud I? Eatt Bniev. Iway,fur Get ... men and .t w .-. i; al»o fur tingle Gentlemeu.

Facttrtlet foTBtB» .

BOARD on BROOKLYN HIGH In..Plaaaantand newly farriiabed Apartment* for a Gentleman and

Lady or two »ingl* Geutlescn. >< ¦ it No. 4 YVUIow-it.

IX) LADY IJ( iARl ER»»..A literary cHtlo-. man, lettdhtg In a plratant part ol the rity, would rake

on* or two L> die» of qun t hahita into hit family to BOARD,«V -, it' d**lred, orirxirruairy of literary improvem-n'. auloou\T**'. ti .n hr-tirh Would be rra'aitotuly Jivrn. A l»rt»,pb'aeU. Ito-" Bat) b- "btaiBed.

tjonoco to t'rt.

ASUITE of OFFICES to LET-la tbe BibleIt.-n-r, Ai'.or pla»e, »ith every i -nveriieuce sud a attat

Alt »..¦«, Apply at the Trr»- :rr » Of e<\ 4'h av. en-

T»C ..

C-LOlHISt. STORE to LET.No. ... Fultcii-J >t , th** b« %t t^avntl ijx th*' city. Rmt ni'.t*r»t4N, Four

y«-a*a?V 1 -SAdttw

gf^RAND-SJ. PKOPKRTY to LEASE..Ta-V.b TWO e.- ry i'.iL1 K Bi ILDINGS on tie uortbrtttcome.- f Oi ibb Oarruk ata to laaaa fog a nanibet of jbbbbia good »Und .. a G;ocrr, or Public Houan. by tnating a fewalteration*; Hi ie> t tmr.t on Graed-tt. aad 7a feat o« G m-r.-k »"

lrqulre ..I_i II \S I'. DL'RNl.MNo. > 7 Grand »r.

HOTEL to SENT-No. 7:* Rol-inson-^t.. nextj, i in TVint it nrriipJai hj ff J. P. CttamberEela..

kaf] leetrahl* tS u iro-d R. ->m». a bn. k b ol.l't g in the r'arlor n.-t with it- Apply to E. JOl'RJtEAY. No*. Ita..d 4> WaiBBBI Ha

FFK E to LET.In the Bil.le Hon-e. Attarplaee, ve y ar.lrablr. lApply In the Trraaurer'* OtXice.

4*h-»v. . titran .. a

OFFICES to LET..BetwaJ abdtmUs Orn.-ena th* C' n inonwi alth Lack BcL'.lint, corner of Pine and

Neu in. K'-.ire at t>- Bank OF.O. ELLIS. Cathiei.

STORE ta> LIT.In the Bible House, A*tor-. pit fronting on bo'b Aator-pLvre as I 4rh av.; a de.irabie

ke aten. Apply :. ti- Tilatttwrt OlRae. Ith av. tirrance.

STEADY bTEAM POWER and light ROC^tW,at IbbP rate», bp

_J. OAtTir. Bo. 108 Walker *A

CTF.ADY POWER.In tbe Dejeot BiaihlLD^ Elm aud Erankan-ita,, on* tq-iare from Broadway.

Croten Water. Gta. War. r Clctrtt. aud *Tery ? uren*.*, ^.

ls(]uu*» at T. BK.NNATT us tue prenuata. u. »¦-.. Uy »»«ui-

ptpea._rTK> LET>-HflaaW No. iS8 Wetf ."n'th-aL. in ^undA order; modem improreut.-nta. Ri t, *>öi»a. Anal« r- IIMERR1TT. N--. e I t>t . ._


*TV) LET.To .«. privaD« family ^reienitur i!k»A te-oud 'oor) :'or t ie b trd oi" Uadlor i and Btdy, tBetbree-BaBQ and twtemrnt of HOI SS No, f.l Baltw-at SOITHhR/vOK LYN. Kor parti ulara inquire of P. C. WYTH. 4o. IIWVat Wathitcton pl*c.. New-York, or of Mr WillTtiOBNI'No. js1 Broadway.


TO LET.A very tuiall twu-storj HOÜ8E, Ireroont, bajgcicnr. kitchen and cellar, marble rate tie*, neat

r.r vtrd, 1 .¦»». .>t r.or.h .: M>rii-av. Itvlraa.! P-r » (milLrent -i family; rent BkM ApjQv at Tape » C >A Yard, corner-I Franklin and Mvrtir-aTi., Ent Br^.alrti.

_E E. \ AS BEL RUS'tHPTi LET in ELI/ABETHT« »WN, .V J._\J late ti a nWELLING-HOl'SE. wiuj about FIY'E ACRESI LAND, aft . 0 ttrbeft pan of the town, reliable for. a

Scbuul o#tiri*-<-la»* Boardin: höuee. Pattcetior. si\rn trat 1«el Apiü. Ap;dv > Mr- DtHAllT. J-rM-y^t.. t *<t d-x* t( therr> miaer, orio W. DtGROOT. No. ISA Front at., New-York.

IX) LET.To:« tn .ill Americaa lamily, the? luivcrnartofagooj UOl'SE in 4ih at by lAth at., i.owaoni.

bgper mm tb. Apply at No. 47 Fultot. *i., Nra -Yoit

T>> LET iii" LEASE..Several »mn\\ and rvttSafirybrir. HOl'sES. rn BlBBatway, Bear the Ptguth

Avenue itiil-.wj, win be met tel low lor uirt anal* toWM.II HAi .-rl'lt cure- r Vtn at. ant Broadway-

Ö LET.LOFT" bw-'I l;gbted. in the wtmbrtrwB-tteer bulidleg N .e.'Hude «t "r»- Ctaa. Sc

peilnr k<wtloa lor aay liaLt ha< r..*a. eakeo *heara>na c .akrloelin« tr rio-p *w*r ta.! era, or -ndge rt. me. (.nra« <«.ct» u. pli i. <V.>pt/ »'.jipr-»i .

TO LET-COTT10I ROI SE, ». 137 Wf-tttaRR«*, C«>a'*ia* 12 Pix-m*. w( «1 »- lee krucr».

o et'a rrttuOr«' JIM. n»u a R-ct ***> Wit-r 1 -t from Br«. ¦

TO LFASE.Anh MnMiifiotorj, the ifcrvt* i..u r

..or- HOt SFf N il IB R9Es*t -r .. ahwatlflf. . >M4 i fV 4v.. N T.f .! featmd* by «1» *>»< deep,to . (ocxi untc'; Um JB< a ili t- alh red I .r rr.anritertTr.igp -ipoec*. ot tki *a*>MAT*asd It Ka ! *> j I'* beriit i w»o O» »SitK r»" .» 9 " 9lmm *aa'y u B. m CTPMPf.No 119 Naaatc at_

TO LET for a I.**ROE MANT 'FACTORY.T:.|...r.: '»t-ik Uftf.lMV-, I.''f.. t freat, a *>h-eT.,

pmn*W*'t7'*1 *' hi *ttTorgiy-bwflt and weB Hthlad. tpp ? w

Mr KING i' we I dia n: «/t*a:, in (a* rtar, it u, si i.forri "T, s>. iv: r r. «i

i»**T*»a**aw*.«»?*»ia»aw*MMQoustB anb /arm« tllantcö.

HOUSE WASTED to JURCHASF-Worthfrrm I. Bt'/i/- lea-* cd tv'ween M »3.1

at*., aadSaha>d Tth e*a atajh «... p pr>fe-rea. Aldi***W.I *T.,RootITSTrihaava fMRe*

H"ärij:mTöts wanted ff t ash~i?t.. ST* L« t». ir. r,n« '¦< <ty, waa'c.i for ft.' p. -p >*e ot bi.ild

ir r a Fa"' J- r*rve iivtr.g or >r>t ¦. n:rr -.ear thei .. I'ari. r; P . . «t «.-¦. Mip*' fcc ».h 'i.«iiwe*toih prt . U Nr.vv iöKK RUBRER COMPANY, No U

I rtj tj_«rANTED.Tt> ptirchaats LAJIDi in Elmoi*,¥ T ajV'ibru.. aML. taat nor* b- »l abandoned or forfeited fotTaxe«. Di»p«.u-d t.:;e* gratuitously iavc*uxa*ed and advisedLi a Alertva n.l all ...d docnu.-ota nuaab-T* and detoriptiosoi Laad. WESTERN LANDS far tale or oxchaage.

_A. J. WORKS, N 14 Cbvnbera it., N. T.

Real CPstatc for Salt.

ACOUNTRY RESIDENCE tot BALE, or toLET on the lit of Apr.l It not »old, with three »cre« of

LAND. ¦ I'llttiilldid all IrlBin 1*1 forett free», tnd watered with1:\ir.g eprint*, situated oa el«-\a'ei and healthy around, .a

kY*a**aW*ttr Coanty, within II aauVeof tht City Bali. N Y.,era 3 or 4 ml!. * frt.m Cer'ral P»rk. It if kaCt Ir. the be*t manr,. r f wr-^d. »bea*b»d, < lap-'^arde.l. aeaf.-ne.l. filled In withbrirk. aad contain* kitchen, kitr-b.-n-paatry, and ample < eltar»,dmisf io«m, b'.Cei'* pantry, drawir «, room, library, eUbt be.1r,om**nd attic UnUbed otf; marh'.e nianta!*, c» klar ranre

damb waiter, prirate tt*irt, and hot and coil water xmajo. e.impi' te. A b'ul.llna ontaininr Stabiing for four h< r*et

»ndearri«!"*, a nr, poultry iU.l twire. The e*-%|,;.thtneut it»rr»r;ed eiprH»»!» for rale, tod calculate.! to rhit t !*rr,e-ii/edfentt'l family with moderate riew* The honae »nd It ebwureetrej 'it I'lithed, with the exception of a llrtle rernUtinr rr ;ad», i.e., wbjfh will be com pleted immediately ...;> u

.Le openin« < f the SfrVin«. A. eet* by private coneeyancee,:r v the extent of Btb it'B'i» e.o*« llarle-n Rirat on Micomb'* Dun, t'ror which It It distant II rail a, and directly op-potite the retidence of the tnbacriber; it in a!«o within | mile ofTremont Station, on Harlem Railr a I. TV object nf the «ub-crlber la to boi.d inJ tacare the rifht kind of occup intt for tub-

ihn tOltSai »uch parti of hii property a* ^aa be *parod frombt» own retidence.

." : tofemttVirj, »pp'.y to J. n. QlTTw&Q, Atynt, Ha, j

TtvouRow, L.-wec:. 1 and 2 o'clock t>. m.. or toL. G MORRIS,

Mount Fordiam. We»vheat. r County, N. Y.

C""HICAfiO L.\NDS for SALE..A W'e*t?mbuiineta man l.a* tome vt'oable proper'* for lale, both inner

.-er ill and Land* at Chicato, by the f.e.l, a're. or *e.--

tion, at lach prici a and terra.« ai cannot fail to yield a larger anda ilk tti itjufll II ta Imtatnii nil In any other 'i'y in thu ao«a<

t;V, or in any ather kind of buiineta Map* larre md «mall of

ta'e City, and I.aada roatlmoo*, of tie ltt.-«t i«-ue. wi'hrlaU. tc . an heieeaat th. cM.eeol B. B. WOI.COT T A C <

So. 7 Wltlia: if r, where .}... parry wll be found to

r:tkeany net- tiatk at

pOl NTRV RESIDENCE for SALE.>itinItstl\*J hrn nlfla* ttntth of Y.-nker*. aear RitVrdal.. Statiou. coo-

a-tin .! I or. a LAND iu.l a h.j It. tn. n.-w BOCSK. A)fe. t boat, two »to. ta, Iwaemeat and attic. Contain* every con-

reaJeacejot rity haaaea, -x- tpl :a«, wt'. i tupplie.l b*aa a never-

t*.Sa| ip* tj». auher than the liooie Tae own. r haBl if for hi*own uie, tnd ha* livtd on tha place nine year*. It it rcnark-ably health*, and well ihtd.-d iruit m tliuudauce; out h oiiet

ru w and convenient: one h ur and ten minutet from Ciia'tiber*-»f. Title p, rfer t. an 1 tenni tc. ommodifiu^. wmtItBthMpat'Cculara apply at No. IflS Cattaaketl it-, up *taira

F>R SALE.The PRIVATE RI>IDi:\CEknowu at WEST LAW N. tituated i:i the vil!a*e ol Or¬

ange. New Jtriey. 0* th* Moni* .0 I Btkt*S Btllmad. BO*lio'li't n.l>* ::. Sev. V u

The trooudt, comprising nearly fotir tcrea, are h.-antifullylaid out in lawn .nd rtr leu, eabi' iiiug that luxuriance andbeauty In the growth "t trr.-i b*dgf*a. «hruhh*ty, die., wlii, hth hixheat."iltnre during the paat twelve year* could impart.The Baaa It lai- n .: 'i* maaged and n>»at lh«r-

onible built; h.a'.d ly a turua. e and lUatc I wi'h gt*; and,le-iLi'tltutted on lcv*t.'d 'round, overlook* ot.» of tl.e Hucttliodtranet ia the country, emlineini t view of the enlira nor".1 th* OtaMC M< aataia and the iut< rvening valley ftom SouthOrai i« t* Eagle Rock.

T. otber bnddinr* on the premite* cintiit of a itthle, cowtain, poultry hoa*e, c ittirgtaiaoa** and *a«-hon'e.

T;.« garden ilmutnlt in every do*, riptlon ot tniit, it ipplet.peni. pea. bee., qam.ei, grapei, raapbea -t, b.iiaoer-IIta itrawl.err .. iThe [,'a-e it env of «<-ceii, |« In« within five min'itev walk of

t.K» pnticipal lailroa-l atation; ia complete m til it* arrange-menu for comfort and convenience, and, on every account, iitata*td*red aaa of the m >*t deairabic auburban reaidrnie* in thevi.-inity '.I New Yotk.Mi*w land a.Ji'ming will be »old if leaired. A part at tha

purchase money aaa r.-mtiu on boud aad mortgage. Kur fur¬ther pxrti ultri apply FAIRitANKS t Co,

No. ltv Broadway, New York.

I^l)R SALE in the- viLiTaUE of WHITEPLAINS, W. tt,better County, a beautiful VILLA SITE,

i uatalnint about r.4 Ac*.-*, ij acrea of whicn i* W.x.dUn^, aadonly alKiut ;noyard* from depot. The above la beautifully air-

tk commanding a v.ew ot t'... enure \ illaie end tarrouadintt. Will be told cheap lor a*h. Ib*]o1m of WM. EUROCKWAY, Nu*. 6 and r I.a't 11th it, boteeen 10 a. ta.and 2 pm.

I^IEST-CLAnS COUNTRY SEAT at POI 'GH-liKEEl'SIE -Ten Kiea, with tin-' roomy man ion, NxtO.wln.'i 31x22 tnd t'nl'2. Verandaht on three «i.'. i; betuiif IIlatvn and oiiinrae-,tal ,'Tottn.ti: itr.-at varioty of Saw fraM | rhaie*fl.'Wtra and thrubbory; green-hotite: b*y, poultrv and ctrriag.-hattzatj fine brook; tnleu.iid ri*W* j half a mile from tin- d. pot,and aear the center of the city.

_A. J. BLEECKER a Co., No. 7 Bro.vl it.

I^OU SAI.E..Tho Hiiperior HOUSE No. 114'.'d a*., aiuth cast corner of 7tb tt., in the be»t po**ible

atafXiier for toe residence of the owme. Lot JRxWA; lloUf Jrtx70; tareest.»vv, ai'i.-, baa. mi nt and under , elltr, with til U»»modem imprt vernent*; in raott perfee order from citar to st-tw-; painted throiisiiout; firtt and teooad ttonet frsscoed andguided in rdefan' ttyle t iap»'rtor houts iu *v.-r* reip<xt, andwill he ar.ld :>t favo'able termt. The projierty it true f.o<n alliticumbiaucrt. Moat <t tco p.rebate taogMf riu remain!¦< nd t',,1 aiortaage .. «ir^ L CiO h* te. u Irom kp I o'cloekoi Wedrii idtvt and Satur lay*, tatrnirs . the preniiiei, %r atNo. S Front 2CX)R SALE.Oil Murray Hill, a tir*f-claa* brownA *t**aa froat bolbe, XSgavfA, wttk piaias ou the rear, bailtlaths molt .'.bttanttl Blannet and with all th* modern lavprayementt. Apply to THOMAS Mi PUERSON. oa tat prxa-lies, No. SI F.att * th-*t, near 4th tv.

t^oR SALE.In West llth-st.. No. l?t», brown.tea*, high t:. op. 2"< by 61, lot ll'lj feet, aa «legaat

DvVKLUNU, in betutifui OfdsC, unoc-upied, mj crapie'slauaboot. Termaeaty. Apply to HOMER MOUGAki, N*.

i Fta* tt.. M*HuyuBtaa Bank Bui dint.

ARM fer SALE tit .lAMAK'A. L. L.Al«.uton* h. tit'. rid* from thi* eity, containing shoot E7a**a*|

car* ttop teveial time* a day withiu three miautea' walk ol thelioaae: at**el fwireadaj. On the prvaiitet are i two-it ry:rtme BiHise, with r.»w addition, two Bant. Carriage-Bouse,1. e-Uoo'e, Tenint-Boiiie. kr. Poiteigon ltt March il d*» 'd; .'.erjthicg ready for iirimetLai«' TTBWlklTT Wot i

k**v)s lor a so I Dwelling-Boas*. Price of tuui, #1 LCt»trtpiy te C, FERCH, No. i.V Wall it. up ttaira.

FOR SALE, to LET, or EXCHANGE forCITT PROPERTY.The beautiful Country Seat, knowu

a* lb CODWISE PLACE, «I itte within five minute.' walk ofthe n. pot at Jamaeca L L ..'aid i oat ..u-about SU acres

:¦. aate Laad. Tr» M .3«: '. Bo a .ud ou' b'.ledintl. BTtthi > or in tores, a ill be let to . good tenant, and pnitrwioa givenimmediately. Tbe r-maitdiT. 40 or acre*, will be rented tomarket garden.--a n I' or 2i> ." i nt; ¦ t ISAAC T.REEVE No Bom**Ot*Clkalaa, Brooklyn, ofoi LAI RBNS REEVE. .Itani. x_POR SALE.1 vio nnbwt.mtial built brick Hi H 'SK.A arilhafl the aOacsari improvements, newly painted ar d inrcoal .rder. tar-e eta. k* of ci; iia- y* and marh - maiit.eithr. igkjoat;hoati 21 f'et j ineh.-t by j*'fe«t deep; ot hall 'hebl.< k b>I 2*1 Can ren.^r. jo boad xndmort;ag-v tniuire tl No.104 > alt IJth a--

F0R SALE.A Iwautiful FARM, .-.nt' .-'¦10a. rtt. *Maah** Land, witala foar mile* of thi> itv, wttk

St irk. Crop, and all Farn.iag t'Until* WU1 be «Jd on liberalkeil i. AI».., 7 or t LOIS. w.u. Bt.Uding* thi reon. .a ti.a*tity,wtil be »old ..r en btDged for Othet property. It it now o< ca¬

ps, d a* a large ltv»r-. -fable, tnd told on account of the u« nert< 11 out ot rmtltiess. For further »articnlari. apply to JOHN

to and IS East l.ta it l..m 7 to n a. m., srto


a ftst.. n ,

SDL. B. NOBLE No. Ill Naasatitt.. irom I) a. m. t« 4 p'm

I^>K SALE or to LEASE.Tin* Pre-uii-e-4Ike north-»e*t corner of -d tv. and 14th it tuiuole fir t

Puvoo-Fotte Man ila ton or other manufiactanag purpose. Ap-oly to NATHAN JACKSON, No. 108 7th it-, or uoGRO. M..s.NtlW. Trtbuae Ofice.

For BdVLE.HOUhE at.-i Lot No. ICI WvtIStb it, batw*ia 'zh and 9tk avt. Pnoe. w7.0(*}; *>*.500

Caa remain on load inlm,r ;a;e. haqstre oa tua premise*, orOt J. H. BITCHFR,

_No. 2Sg Water «I.

FOR SALE -ry t htvjp.A nit-uVra thrw-ttoryFRAME Hot -I lot30a I.p«pe-ed thn ughout; «Lpply

pipe* for-a* aad rUfnr*S|_Bsa***wtSa l«* May n-xt l* fee'tror. Mynl-av. Bs-lmad, Eait Rr .otlva. Apply at PAPf '~

C »: >ard. Myrl-aai Fra-.kiia-a**. E K VAN BEEREN.

F3R SALE.b sECOND-AYEN I E, near Tth-*'..t. g HOEhil and LOT N.. Ill ttota ttorv ind !>aae

mest. wt»^ as-alem improvement*. Si.'* of Lot 21 "by 'A !¦ et.A?p:yto HOMER MORGAN


No. S Metropc .itar. Bank Bui.ding.

FOR SALE~Trc itLrtv itorr »RICK HOUSESN ¦* I*S>dS>Sth-s| ac*:2i-*v The Houtet are 21$ fe*t

¦jj 4.' Lot * fort deep. They are bal't ia lh. mo*t a. bstao' cr and have been new.y pa.a'sd. A Isr*- portion (4 the

p aa« 3. .ae v :*:. remain on fj. nd and mcrttwas. Apple tofj_FRAN' IS «1 BRIEN. No. 51 ot* tt.

FARM at BEDFORD, We^he-ntHrCo.. N.Y..Hi *cr?i g o H- *» kit* M il tad Rat:*, for SALE or

i'RADl i : proper S CtCrviR'tPT;No.1. V .- _a . Ex-^aa:e. N Y. ot A V.CANFIELDri r4

ET ANZAS LANDb.-l h- 'i rwtoo* cf5 KAN-R ZA5 LAND TR. ST eaatla 11 tc rece' vy deapos e*. fa area",

jj *TPi7 t^** ** th* p-irihaaH and *ais of Laai* !a Kiatat»i u-. l c-e- -v tr-v Specla. is TosryLot« * Parn.ig Lau ia ur. pa_-. c/ Km. rat raid« aa c'daraitxr t .iTb'. e- «e- arwla. iBrern.-; r* lc- t as I acac*

»4 ata-wartana c-f foerj - 'j'^jaat a ipe ; ;¦ jc^l-aiu-». ?«>. ^A. ; .. jy aet-w, . M. l-ta..«l Bel ...

rVMOJ a it*ml'*t*'1-

F)B SALF.I Gwe-di c« oa . a new mntitpo-ad d, pa. » from le to S ***** « ceäeeaiaral I

a us. tall "h < k . j "» . » t » \ J R. I 1.0KI f

LOl> f< r SALI. . .^eral vert dt*«ir*B»b!BOaUMNO LOT*i - art' . l tr'ht*.' feil*«.

Alae a.rerfa. rc t«r at N»tw-»- fc aro tit an ; 4 out r *>r-e> >>(¦(.>( lie * lb-el t»r, ifK.l'hiti f$xl(a* i«rt.

*r; yto_JAMP4 UK Mi'TTE V tt .Ii. ,4.

1TRGENT SALF.Owi-if, to i<npebdi»g; PwJaBJiJ to Europe..A ba*. large. Ixir etory itJ W-iaot,

on* a'ai p II - 1' ail m-J»-a unrta-oii,

btanufuale 'ie-a'r.1 er.J ia perferr order f.>aaeeei <a let of aUyA*p.y I« 14:. ARNOLD. Ke. SSM »!».. roroer Süh at

VÄLrjCBLEPliWEEi i "lor SALE t.» riot*-a encrere Tiee tVae-eeurr br A HOC"«F aid LOT Ma.

1 ? I> » » n « net' A. or «..

(M)A J Blr.tCK.TK k Co N T Br.e.1 *

I 0 8 E P 11 D AVIS 0 N .



ADODW ORTH ' DANCING ACADEMIES,a Nc. M Rroedwiy, Haw Terhi No if* M.ntarue paar«,

Bro-iklm.-New-Ynrk Claatea oa « PPNESDAYS ar-.d 3*T-LRDaVS Bionkly-e Claatet on TUESDAYS and i and 4 p. m. for Liiiei and C 01. irr» a: ! p. m for e--.ti»

u: n Lailea' Ptieatr Claai af ? p aa Papiii can. commenceat a* r time daring the reeaoa. Prartv-roa Ataen.bliei for LadieaacdO.r'l.jiiri; E\ t*!Li MOM) IV E\ EN I NO ia BrookIvo. and EN EBV SATCRDAV EVEN INO in No* York.Forsior I'npilt may aubaciibe for the Aa.emb.iet alone.

Piano-Xortc* anb itltwic.


BL'RYS, No. 421 Brcome if,, trtrtrrxfti'.ij inrite a'tenriow rr

tkear PIANO PORTIA, eoaitr.icted ar.tb the patent ARCHWREST PLANE, which If urdoubtedly t:»- nvtt tvbtteatlel'mgr.meant rrer introdnc- d lato thia (»pa ar lnatruaoeat

REAT BARGAIN..An enviieMit R.'^w.kmIPIaNO-FORTE. of beaotiiui '.-ur and toiirtt, but lIMie

uaed. and fall] warrant..! will be told aa abofB, aad au .4dPiatio taken In et. harue. Call at N'... IV Writ Broadway near


PIANfig.At *:v., psj $1"«'. $VX\ fF«).A17V B2»<0 and Si'ai. by tome of the beat city

maker*; a'ao M .»ic ifo.. ». WTatche«, Cbaina, Jewelry C'ca-«lafl .. Bo..k». RLbher OTenhoee. Opera Otaaa-i. Lc Caah ad¬vance! on Pianoe. Watchi-a, and llfckaadiaa aeserally, or

bv.u»: t bi eaah. L F. Jones. No. Ana *:.. :& Moor.

AkcbincrH, A>f<

BRICK-MAKING MACMINK*5, TILE MA¬CHINE*, Brich Prtaiei. I aa'i. <. tor Co*i Kjlrir, C. CAR.

M'.LL. Gea»iaratoarri Road. ab< ve '.fh at.. PhiJa.ielphia.

THE WARNER PI MP, andWEST'S improv kd PI MP,

Sold by t w ,.a\ k Co., No us Maiukn-LANT..

Cntlerrj, tjarotrjiirt. arib iron.


The Prpot of tbil e>b:aied ware, foraerlr iltaated atNo. all Rroedwaf haa bam REMOVED to

N*. 97 WILLIAM hT. A'iarayi on hand. Table aad Tea Seta,Tray«, Forki ind Sptema he. for aala by

GOT/RE A Co.No. »1 WILLIAM -p.

fPOAL HODBi Coal Shorr-la, Aili Sifter, aod\J Rat'lea, Flra Seta and .->.:. Pokert. Andlronr, ha., totai* ky C1IAS. H. LITTLE k Co.. Not. M and %4 Faltou at,

AMES dc BON* SHOVELS and SPADES.For tale ky JOHN W. QCINCY. N... is TYllHaw rt0.

ia* LEIGH BELLS..BUVSC pl*t*d SLEIGH» ' BKLLS. on far.ry colored Su-apa, polNhad and : t<u

round and opan ' < \, or loere, tor tale byCHAS. 8. LITTLE a Co., Nor. S3 and m * itoa-tt.

S!KATES..A Urre auortnient of Ea-igltrh, Gef-*B*a ai.4 Aaaaticai SK ATES. for aal» by

CHAS. S. LITTLE A Oo.. Not. .13 aad *4 » -a c.

THOMAS PIG IRON.Soft, in-A atrona;, and .warranted inbttlrnte tor Scotch Pi«.

iOHN W CII INCT, No. H wiutorn-at


\VT IRE-ROPE.For all kiodn ol Hoiatin«. in-f" cl'irtma SLGAR-HOCSKS. MINKS, INCLINKDPLANK*, fee. Ale. for STANDING RIGGING for reetell aferery deM r.ptle.u, aad SASH-WKKeHTS for WINDOWS.ASHCROFTS STEAM GAUGES. DI DOKON'S HY-


Coruination.A!»o, PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS pr. p»'e|

CHARLES w. COPE1.AND. Contul'uic Enrlaeer,No. 6t Broadway. New-Tork.



after the M of January the price..) WRIGHT. GILLIES kbros.' DANDELION COFFEE trill kered-ered t» US root*

per Ib., let 20 |> rent to the trtete. To b- had wbolcaab' and re¬

tail In 1,1 and 10 fl> canniitera of rbe inanutacrurert, WRrOHT,OILLIES it BHOS N . tio and Waahiurton-tt,, N. Y.


DREW k KRKNCH,No. 85 Bar. lay tt.

ORK M E B 5 and Till N M E 8 S.SS barrei« POHK.

?fX< nil H u« SAL T. Aah'on and Factory lilled.I,tit iaMii baaa ASHT IN SALTI,VO hox.-t earra tcale HERRINGS.

For BALE cheap f .r caah by ALLAN «. RI SE,No .js rVaehJ <t


L.tRD.Mi barr-lt, Ju tirkina mtnnl Leaf Lard. Fo- SALErh*»p for cath by ALLAN 4 ROSE,

No tin WaaninCon it,

ht\4\ BARRELS MACKEREL, StmM and'2,fJ\j\J a molted parktaaa fat SALE b-ap f .r'-aah by

ALLAN fa ROSE. No Z*S WaabInftoa tt.

400 B0IM CH££SE< Hfrkiiiirr CoBaVt?

MMflrklai BETTERUU barr'.t No I Halitäa HERRINGS,

J. it r CM ta.e by ALLAN k ROSE,No. i£.H Wathiuft. n It

KPaints, (Dils, (Blaes, &rc.

ROSEN E 0 I L S .-


AL'STENS, A|r..'t,_ _No. tt B-aetr-et

REFINED LARD OIL. for b-irnin« and m»-chluerr free from run. burua brlfhtly. dor. uot ctuat t|h*

w>t Ala..', COBCRN PCRE TAU.OVV OIL, arUai willo-itwear Sperm, ttai.Ji cold, r wrathrr and burnt w>41. Warraa'.e I at »U.r«. Ba'r. It 30 top) ga loaa. Only Agaut, JOUjlW. QL1NCY, N.. HW VVuliam-tt.


WHITE LEAD,v. Imp. rv-rt »ad ( r. then of Liriaeaad Ofl. P.uwj

\S litt Zht Paint prvpar B frt.m rb>- Iwat 1 rei.rh Glide, ai.dpetu '. in r»t.n..d Linaeed Oil. Red Lrad and Litharre of extra:iae analitj Th* trade and ceiienatan tuppUed on Uaa rnoetllheraJ -m.t by HOMERT COLGATE a*!'.>.,

Ger.eraJ Ageurt of theC<>mpantr,No. jo! Piwrta'. N- w York.



Ti* meat ritraairr aat. rrm»at 10 thia cityAt No. ii Bowery.


BILLIARD TABLES..DECKER'" MECHANiICAL COMBINATION CCSHIONS.Warnanred laperterUi all othera La . ^athrlry and eorrertnett, being lower, pet ra>

tirely aafe. TABLES o'f aii tirei alato or marble top* trim-a .1 of 1 rery detorp'i D gl ÜM .id prlcee. Man :fa"ury. No..-. Ann tt_L._pECKEB (late trrrn-B A BBafjaj.FAMELED CHAMBER FURNTTTTRK.AJH. F. FARRINGTON-8 Manafiactory Wveeooane. Noa.

kg aad *t» Wnottae tt. betweaw Grand and Barooree._

IRON BEDsTEADS,.TliP New-York Iron Bed-ttead Manufacturing C< mpany are now r.-ady to (fBanSj

1 !e-. f.r Iron Bedtteadt. lc. H. uaekeeper« about porcoaaiagw LC f ad It t" .bei: adrar tage to etil. Country Deaiert. SrJrapjngH ... taid P 11.' leatitntarst jtarttl-y deait trtth. Otto- No.170Ctatre-t| -tear HcwarJ


CATARRH..GO()DALE" POSITIVE CUBEtor th* 4».ate a»r be cU at No \*t Broadway it

CHAS H RING No' \T. Bower» of E M O' IO.V at

BtsiJt. iiutr. of THOS GP.EEN Dr-atlrt. ltd ot the Pro

prie--e N *f»g Bt .auw.» p rteuTt. room No 5-with daree,ok at ti_

ROMAN E\E BAI.>AM..ThiAii truly an inval-|h - lufc-ott y for 'he prearo'lon aad cur« r< Diartaet

ol thl £«>-ItSaned Fye.idt Pain from pert>*ee cf diitt,»aafcra M . mmrjottmti to "^z aymp- ti ar. tpeeduttcrtd hj 1: vaie.j app 'd i» t.-eaoe There are trw p^t nt

mK t at aoBBf ft i Of their Bret todr- f-oat icSamadrr-a T- a. prewm .« G irpertt«'. to Brow that aw tale an/e.a-nv-c". '**> a.-a-nyi be had.

I* »ea- aad h I 1 A B I U SANDS. Dniggittt.N» tfaaaVkVBj . N-jw York,

Qiilr« hj IXflft.fTR.A i Bum ara. A .¦ i e

»h llCN ¦» .» I V. « f Va,.i aHIK BKO*\D-fl WAY rROPKRTY-M «.-a A J BLr *tCR»*R k Co»v.kj.i w e ., -X'TODaT Feh. 14 a. I; .AlH *A.s-«. Mrrckav MC Fir+a-1*4 «kr p*em.e< . kcr-w» ss Ns. T Bi «*V.*f «Hfas**» S. »w ¦:/'».< *******"%*fl . i * 4 «taafy ana *se

H' Bi ii / M -.. f L '. 4* fe»' i »n he« fr x t tat S ..»»*»Im« b» m i»<-i la i**p'h n tb« ourtk «t*> it***! -*t*a

"e ...l k N' »1*1 ..!*£. p tWft»*» OtOl« » C|t re SB* objkuat* .n.< m. ..«»..» For fotft*I p»nn .usr- epptv «* *ke Aat>h,*mi n. -n-artet _t>_

A M. Mrauia. Aeelaece*r.

BY bAMtS, BBOTUEI A Cv.Travdo rk**>-R **». ff« i? Pit-rowM aTi -UFTH 4»E«'-Y0RK TRaM aALI»

le *? vrh...»J t Tt'tSlIAT. Ma.w* St, asaf.BANOi BROTHER A Co. r**r>»*-tf-Jl» aa.ooa.oOe «ftaaraR

reaots' TV-kill s»i r ..| 8'>«R>, SiTtKKOrYlk PLATktRATtl'NTBI, PaFBVs *.. .o

'.,.. .t .Uuu^oi*. Pa>

taulsr-tnr t «.«. rar fe.n.iabeal la*Tkr logueaLkvaa ».tlhe tke«eo>e a* atla«* »ale.Tk C C i » i -o irr«. r»rl« in, tili* a> Utk

MONDAY fU.s'a . I . * «kl\AT'ab>f rP:vnr. library -c. *ra*ka*, « tarw»

*¦".«¦»».¦.. J** l**eej*b» I aw*a ». i «' rk« m ttw ** eaaebr«:i . . f Li '.» I* Ar . »¦ i S. ,e- ,-e« 't<.|m maay rw*¦i o *.)< i'ii> .«<; ß.- k- tad bbbb' rorea«, piibu> »oot.e, Ae.

Csta.. .ur* B*B* b» hat bi tb» !**«

«fSoBWRATIOSr IAIJE ad KKAL KSTATIL\-/ P 1. . r ii herrr» CT« !'. tB*l kl nr«* Of W*r 0»u. >:: j t .' ' tt b*ta b* tbf .*«»» at tb* träte., uj ta* *x*kvbsbbT*s af tk* Cosa** . I i . jil*«*na*r« »f tb* ferafctri f t t .t.rf'Tof New Yo«k will »«H at twbiViui-Jpt ta> atr< r<k a i (the C .a ptt vü»r. P. 11 Ll'Wi.O*,

i t^ kD-KültAY. ..:<> Ank day o( r*'bn»*rj '*V, ata.Kt »t too H-icbaut*'», ik u* City of Bl*w York,w. »' J.i K «. Im!' ».!

lit Tt* lila* *t*>T| br .. » b IB i | f' rm»r « o.wptod k* bb«*n«U.« je ladt rat N' «V Caryatl -..ui y<-rü « of «hatat k>' * o'ipi < t»ta* -M't.e b aa* .:. aaaVt!»tut May tt*.l*M *be aaai af r»ataf t>li aad p/ >tx tt» will b» *oldBakirrt >. im« r*j*dI baak *4T*at kaj «. -« t«««. i*a,ku Be t'..u.p'.r»U»r'» i BBBBSa Tw* waat ikdaaf »he B »«r (>¦ rtt*-wdwl|«

k*t**aaa J»nv»* «"r*! *;ut R">- aaaall «trr»t34 S a lot*. » t*ä th. build Bf* I * ta* M .'he-ly «Ida

.4* Cha BtlBi'l aad th» *r*at**t* «U*> of P. ari «irnrn arwBJaoara a* Koa. 111. Hi. Iii Iii, Iii 121 Loatiiaui *U*r1 aa*N . a*r aMaad 4tl Faari agia)ttk Thr>» tow ktx ua w N«* 4M. A»t an* 44» Paakl

i're«-t wi 1 tr *o.d «..parat».y. *nbj«.-t to the ronalu H»* Ol ibm)Itwa*ttttaaMcarrraotdrdIi »<r« fairpl . r«' |ö la ik»( <n p;r lot** BfBo»,and wbn-h w!l -ai'ire i-r tae tir»t da» «fbi*y. i***. tb' «wirk*»!r ttra*ko4 taa i. .« wii b«- <r.'it>dtartf< i»«- t>'/,'< SS t'i'p« r annum st ttk* tvtr reaerred bf the lnas%af'er Uk* tirot dii i . ii\y v-tt. and wll s. n .'ui.-sj to a*.Basthe th< fi Ti-oart* »l the leoe in rvsard to tüs payraanls focbuilduii* at th. »aptr» .ou af ta* ea*e

¦.th The lot rr. toe north we.t ro,nor of Wi.ltam aad« t«. saw knot, a a* Mo MS P «rl . rest and No. ffl WiRia**atre. t. aubieet to eoudlttor« of the le«*e .4 the eaato. rBrwiakatIn kisso* of city lota. pa(e IT?, in th» Coiup'r. Us*** otBoe aaaYwLkb Bill RBtre on h. frit da* of May. ISA*. the parrkaaws

i thu I wU b* rWtithS to tivetse trie real reeetred ta *ha:. as. SSBJ '* |(a) per *eaaa ai*-o tin tint d*y *f May asat.and w'.l be r>quired bo «*iu>ne'he r- nduiou* of tke U ss* taresi'd to the patnirnt* for bolidiuf* at toe *iptia«toa of td*amm

6th. The ho n» and lor on B->r*h tide of Jih *tj*t>t, t>r>mrnes»-

eli.« H* feet we«t of the 3d iTSnne, Lot X> t"«t frjnl aad ressv

and 24 f> I ?ir. kes de«ni on both Ilde* h< me 1 '. teei by M teat3 lieht*

7tb. The b. o*e and lot north aide at I Ith itrse*. eommewaaa813 test we*i af *.>en»e I lot M rOH front and 'ear by IB* feat3 inrb»* ceep on both «nie*, witü 'firee trory bn k buMdlaif oathe ftl rr f the te4 M t.-e< BHaWBad .-»t S.-ep lately NutRfor sc er rt»e hio,«e the '«ir ot the lot i* coeerird by aad ea-i uried as a touniiry.

it r'onr no* sa *ooth *lde tt attwat, eommstvcint » footWe|t . I l.rti r'oC Bteaoe

Pia. ThlrtT .it lot* b-ini the «outhsrlT half of the Moak kas-tt» .. a "lt» 17Mb**t< '< v 1.1 and lib svan.ioa. .

IOt:i Thirty t a li tt, belli« the «-MiUierty port et the btostkb. tw mI 'h .--i d Had ittaeta, aad td aad itn «»eiioes.

llih. Tw.lve lo'i on llli'Bltreet alii 117th III'.*, be'Wess*the 3d »"d 4th areuur*.W'h a p ere ,.t re t grsaad oa tke bteek bounded hy Cherry-

at (1 X. »i at i! the rr »« . Iteaded). now med «i pat ofthe .»:,! of th.- Po*rt*A rVierri t Pottea aBaH n BL use.

Km! i oritnaal »»aria'i'. e j.-eda artU b* in«iYtbM*o* Nu .Ton pereeatof taeBairajsa*** naonsy aad

Hie *uo (oiieer'i tee* of «5 per !<>'. 'o bep»lvJ a. t te (oileefo* ofthe t'uv Reweane ou the day of as e; tif-e-.u p." «*B» oB Skahr«t iH) ot M iy liest, when the de. dl will be reidy for dstloery.- the ri tnatauer ol the pnreoate money teteutyAre pare.nti t-oiy fennin or b»tid aud mor-ias» at tne option of taanurth*te'. lot life year» Irorn tin nr t da» ot May. wttbtn'ere*! at the rate ot an par OetM per atjiuin. payable *sral'ninaatry., mapi of the prooer'y may lie had at the t.'ooaa-broil r'l Mea. N- Mali R> '.ri*. alt. r the .*7ia inst.

PKENANDO tä'tJOO, Ma>.«.A. c PI.AI.I» Comptroller.JAM1SM SMITH Inn R.. order.A V STuI 1. ( I lain.THt'M Ml SrenON, Ch. Fin ('«m. Board AUAT. JüNF.S, Juu., Cb. Kiu Com Boa'd O nneilflMa.

Conin iHion.-r* of the Slnkliif F ladtPisavu* n»p*arwr\T.

Comp'rolle-'* Otfi.*. Junoary M, MSIC H. i in OW. A i- i.-jer.

EXECUTOB*- BALE of VAUJAHI.K PKOP-b. I i on Hroadwa*. Courtlandt alley. Canal, \VaJrsak

I ntre, Boud, Amitv. n d llrea' JaBB**ta of tbs BaNYaUlami JAY EbTATk,.*» K II 1.1 IH.ilW a Co. wi eeH at aa»pioa oa THI H>1>AY, K'h M, I«j7, «t it«'el»*a, at to* Mar-hatit*' r«S)l*afT, the foUowis* Ttlu.till* property of the BAhVY£h and JAY FBTATKS: I Lot* oo Broadway, rinakrafthrouthtoCoiirtlaiid alley, Mby 173 feet .7 Lotion Canal .'., ba-tosen Bn. tdwsi *i d Centre st.; 9 Lot* on Walker-*!.. be<w»saBroadway and Cent!« It.; i Lot* M OtaHtl *A, between vYattwend Walker-it. t Let* >n Atatty «I H use und I. .t, Ne SIBattd *t.. i'm, one Lot otj Oreat Jone* *r.. r»-*r of above Twa>tliird* ot the pun ha.e money .an fn ain a nuriras", at tkeoprton of the uurehaeer, for i >' ai*. Map* and t ... p.. iv ilaraat th* ..Hi... ofthe Baaaieaeof, No 14 Plae tt,

K t..\, tuet "i er

MORTGAGE BALE rieft C.iriw«, Rngn,[.are t ntaia«, daastafe do rtet Cords sad T«a»-Is r at*>

».^id ana mahoeasv Kuroi-ut-, Mlrro-t, i.- .P CIH.ruNtriS.rill His p \ Y Irtatarday), Keb. Id, at to k, st 'he Aar-ti Ii RooOSI No <l Beekmsu it., the, K iruiiurs of a hot! aretaoted tof. on\. nn urs of aaie. Amous tin* a** .rtim tit lönad ihot 12 teavy WUtoa, tapisti y and other iarpeia.Fauilth Ollrloth*, iplendid Rt.(i of virloii* par'erat veryr1> b Stair Caine'i of ...rloii* *tyle«, *d*aaal lap* Curlain* andlilt roiniie*; alai, rieh brorijel e I 'ir'alul ata-t Taaaels,t coo sad other Mat*, Urasiet* lad Ta'ile-o..vnr*, lo*;.>-tlier ai h iv ry »rli. le neeei.ary for houi^leepli |. All lawlliuii BHBll*lii'I Kuralture was n»i in De. »oiiier Isar. Alia, atIbe lime tinie, *ltfrraH BlBpl*, and Vit. t'a»e Hod .leads.Also,«DSiee Desha Mbtota, Peatbai K. da BTstt Msttr. .«.w,ri arble-t.p frofadtors, Sola«, i. Sal*) (,,. pereuiptory,'.in or ahme.

REAL E8TA I'K.AI'(TfO\ NOFICE..WiUbe a.,id t Ifta kter-bii.t*' Ka tiar r", oo SATURDAY,

*. bruary Jl, la'»7, at U o'sioeft, br order of tho 1 .prnrue G .r'.unfl.r if.e dlr.e'i .u of IAMF.S R SU.K.M \N r«<| Referee.tbs property of the lau JaMKS UVJNfil in nnajbjil*sj -»fIkoa**aa* lot No. l.aMef>..naal mint, rear WaahinrtoB-squsre.Boaar, sBMti Lot ifcli aj M*J*t* of ¦

11 iaL. .1 ne u.a. aub r. Ilara, (as, Crotjosj water bath and range.The paitMl ar- tlilte) ; -eili,,,, || f,, | |,:,a H,,,,«. hulk by a

tt I«.a build, r. Sp. . limationa ai be .een and all paitieulavsgfekl by liiipnim on th'' pretniw« h>-twtM.o It ani So' lbs ila> of aale Tnere i* «la * «inall frame dwelling lathe rear at laid lot. BoawArtbsf of tj room*, with an eatranoe in¦awe ,,'er Mai p ..I boat houie *ai>l Btttfssiat '°*n be ss Upremoved 'f the pi.rcl. .«er ,|e*.ret 'o nsie t .e ir .nt houie raleon the lot.

N. K fait f the pur. hat" inon y ran remain on bond Bastnuirtgas If it I* de aired.

Propieions.SanTM j Kloyi«. Johs C Li.ov*.

if i B T M A I & LLOYD,4 CtlMMlSalON M r f * -i

AND tiklALKR** IN PBDVISIONS,kio*. it aad *2 Broadst, New York,

Orraa ><>a Sam :

MTIiDLUS.1 I AO bie. Long aud Susrt Ribbed and Short Clear,Cinrionaii Sa**.

PRRK- Old, a.'4«j karre,« A. S ix t .. . .- eiera .-..Is.3<>0 ao Thta M«**--ui ejtr* artlrle.

New, 1.500 do. Meat. Prune and I.tear. Clry audWeatera.60o liall barreaa Cleee. Clly i'ae*eJ. 0

HAMS-fViOtierrea A. o. WLi'< . aad olaer braudi Wsatawa,in tine «bippins ordo*.

UtVA/hiD UAMs ... U no*, at sirs ankle for Cel.tonka.*0 do. tV. item. How, wuvaaed lor skup'g.

SHOt LDKltre-l*0 hbde PnriM Weateta, Hmoksd.LAUD I.'/-* barrel* sad 2000 keg* Prime Lear. New.

3t» barrel* an« tM k'l* Kaira Ret.ued, for th^pplog.Bx.KF .New. 3.000 barrel* Bu. key* sad ChiragoRaTUa, 1>0 barrel* Bi.rkeye Repsoked, Superior,

«-.) do. Cai islry and Cfctr* trimm.Ol I.MMI do. ( hiaaag.. and W««t»rn Rep*, kad.

J*) do. it a. * ReparAed

.Toparmfrsljit) iVoticf9.

DIPSfiLL'TlON..VtFtkty Is bi M*> ttiien tftittthe topartf rihip be-we. u WILL'AM ( HARLK4 DA-

MI- and CHARLES ALFRED HANDS, .ndei th*«ratofDaaVlRI A HANDS. ia daawlt*d Th. buiinea* of tae latebrm »111 be aetued add arried oa by the .ubarrlhef oalyCttsVB A HAraDR.

NOTUJ?..We have thi* Ja» a^mette«! Mr.rSOMAS S CHRISTY a* « Pulsier bn oar Ifcxise, sad

11 e tii.aiBe** will hrrvatt'r be conaiictad under the firm oftHKL-TY. CONSTANT k Co., V No it Murray s» .New-t «. Jaausry 1. ItW. CHRISTY A CONSTANT.

\TfrTJ(.E.- The: I'artiicrgbip buretol'ur.' eiistan-!;Al b.-iwe^n FKNN '. HARKR has THIS HAY iMaen, br a*a>

tual ri.naent. daawdved. M*. FCHM will Bettkt tke parta«*rak*B)tm -- at their t.anier *tore, No. at Msidea-latas.

I^IIE COt'ARTNER.SlIIE ol MAYNARD Ahr Hhlt/AN Ktbi* day d»**»l*ad by mntaal eoaseaA"-

New Yoih, tea. 7, Uo7." OTIS 0. MAYNARD,

.'.:.'. ii A .' I. hIKRRipAN.jr.M RPRRIOAN jr., will eoatiaae tae b'.«uies*j alao nettie

th'- aflai.aof the la'.- am..

Praficesiainal Notices.


far ArttfirtaJ Teeth are remarkable for tleir in.-reaaed firmness)b* pr.*itioo and power of rrtsetlrilHon, aad ate ear*/ aatgatetac I*tke oritis .ry -a. "...a piare*, are weil adapted for the roottnuoet*gi.m If d. iired. Those wearing or nsjnhrlng ArfMnal Teetbvilli adR a _ -h to their advantage to «asmlne tais great ua- kafore eacatucg .e nher*. Te-th removtd byB.-»a . Patt at Rei ..:«'. n« Appa.'ai ti. and every imprwem at f the day. RL LEVETT, D. atlat, 12 WavarU) p4ar*X


CLIREHI GH ' WIOB and TOUtVEES, iriUi» Tracpar. at Div -i ai. *:.owiag the nitosel

^KI^' uitE other UniroyemenU, combining duraMlUy, lUblaeia axe r'aat.. irr Bits a perfeet tit Call and examine. No..6. Fa, v .. ..'d w ai ol D- aiway._

CHEAP FUEL -COKE at f:» 9*t ciialdrosi atthe worxi. rarrareeitr*:.»«.. tire at ft2» per kalira*,

.artav ex--. OrJ r« r.eiv-d at the oaVs of the MANHAV-PAN'iAS COMPANY. No 4 Irvlog piar-e, or at tke worts,.¦»raei rf arw t t and ink at, ud foot of Ifta et., NorthRlrer .»..».«« aaay revetre (eok* at "Jk* w*rA^*itwab*>ir»v ^»«.

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