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Post on 28-Oct-2019






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C t t y E a i H o i i '

TH]iVof. 19, No. 166.___________

HooverChallc Roosevelt ]

O n U . S .

Form er President Charg Govemmenl Heporta

Expenditure 1(fly Tha AMOcUtea

^ P H IL A D E L P H IA . Oat- lg -Form _cr T r toiilBht accused mo

Sling” riscal rcp o r ls o r th e govem i tu rc s look IcM Ih o n ^ c y a w .

Addressing a t i wh&t ho dcscclbcd a s a n en tire

' bookkeeping” In troduced by th e n' gency" e xpend itu res se p a ra te rrom e jn en d ltu re s . .— - -

"Such double bookkeeping _ never h a s been used ror h o n - fjQ cBt purposes by governm ents, ^ 3i« uK rted. "It* very motlvB Is In* k lell«ctu»l dldionesty. Thnt U per­nicious dcctlU I

••.Mr. tlooMitU !n hl'i'lDM burglj *ptcch Impllf* llmt hlJ sl* Pli Kuitle Inercass In exptnillture* dur- Pom Inj lho p»sl Jour yenti h u bten ipw

by relief in lotne form, i tr lt u o n

RtUef Fnnd* DiTtrtcd nooi~ •■'You ntny, horever, be s irp risa '

to Imow Ih it a Urge pstl of the burden lhe people h*ve wllllnily Uis Auumed for rtllef i r u tised In of •

-hunditdJ.of.mllllons.of.recWm »n* eeru creu# of ordinary routine expen»e» .fjns

‘•ef-Boremtncnl.--------------- ------ ;--------~n•This unite h u b « n bid enough;

BaV monlly » « « hw been » ton* i tlnuous Juggling * llh this double booklceepInK to cover this up. But th l Ke« Deal h u & great sorrow to hide. You remember Mr. Roo«* , wU prombed that he would reduce eipendllure* 2S per cenU Tlw ikel- jrf* non of Hint promlw h u rattled In . tlie New Dcil clo»etjint)U hey,hm tHed 10 quiet It by Juggling the ^ double boob."

N w Deal F om olu UnitTh* N er Deal, he u ld . h u “thrte rw,t

' (c '“ tlnutd_o7 p a — « fffti 71 ^-------------------------- I t

. . 1 wu

Li g h t s ^

SHADOWS ||j)j In Da's's E ven ts j ^

- (fijf Tha i£>>:Ut«d

A P e n n e y S a v e d — ’ P e ||(WAawoOD, ;v. Va.-Tlie la(in* -

dry bUls for tlie Warwood hlgli I achool football Icam wero running too high and tomethlng had to be (lone about IU

The Kiiool Invesled in a vtahlnf H0< -machine-ond-dlreote<l-«ettm inanag*

t n (0 Uke over the Job of cltanlng tile equipment. ^

m . ------- tti* fToo OIOBO— Mikoi

WATEBBORO, 8. O ^M fi. LU7 biA, Wllllanu feIC a bump, heard the rocker of lier chair crunch »* ‘‘■'o be «], rocked In placid conversation wlUj ,a neighbor. The

It was dark and *he didn’t bother "oon«to mvcstlgnte. Jo>w a

Dllt next momlnj alie found a ‘ tone ■. dead ratilcsnake on the porch floor, of a r

IM hcad cnislied. 'IW . i

. « -------O row or s D oom — (he st

NEWTON. Mass. — n ie roosler *o pei n i i n y R t n v . •Ddvs-sw wviiifroF ihu -»

Tlij!ik.'glvlng all! appear on Uie Iransp illniier Suntlny, bccause It crowed RcdC too louil. • * relnsu

, licslUi Officer in ’Ing W. House to Inv Mia every day a t 3 «. tn , the roost- too m er's lusty volcc awakened a baby In tlie nclsliborhood. Tlie baby cried nild aankened a dog. Uie dog barked ‘J 'o f i ami arnkm nl tlic iiclglibors. Hio iielRlibofs complained lo House. 1'

lioiue RtlvLwl Davl.i to do Kme- Uiliig about II. H* (Ild — a halchet. About

------- ot TaiAnother Early Toother— day u

LEXINOTON. Ore. - .Mn. John appear }itcMlll&n uys her son can maicli Kinn looUi fof tooth Wltli that Medfonl, M.crets Mau., bAby who had 13 teeth a t II U| seci a«n«w. Her joMUsMef. she repotted, tti' snarled cutUiig tectli a t Uiree,[ « ct monUii, hart clclit a t tl* monUis, 13 !nnd u nt 12 months and now, ot 14 monthi. 'i t to C has ID. , |e r tax

‘G e t t i n g S n o o t i e r A l l

H i r e d E s c o r t s D e m a

NEW YORK. Oct. 10 (/R-Ilavlng •'We takfn New Yotk'* fairtr t tx pmc- time,"tlcally b>' storm wlUi his guide .es- downcort sen'lce. a-ycnr-old Ted Peck* daj-. ham tonight looked for oUier worlds "Wlito conquer., calls i

‘ A f i e r ^ ‘tMsn’a’--«¥rTirwfiiifte mBttB iemplmslad not a gigolo buil- W, wlicneu,.tlie nngiilar, blond youUi who moneycnme out of Cleveland to seek hb go an> fortune U plannltn to expand the Peckescort ser^’lce across Uie teas. Uiem,

“I hope \t> optn » branch olllet lady'a In loiidon won." he said. ■Tliem Is least '

tourlJt would iiiiicli ratlier so about take ti wilh nn Amcricnn boy If alie knows One he ij re-^^n.'ltje n n i respectable, provld.

“ Anrwny,—I-'mderalnnd—«here—are-wldow- «ren women to every man In Eng* for tw( l»nil." over oi

- In Ne» York, he said Ills builnes* orousli ■i'ld boomed M rapidly thal lie now Queen hai 131 collrce men. nil lUicU In Uie IISOO t«ci»l rejiiicr, on call. I compi

E TWm ost Atnm boruo

_______ o r cmotTUTioxa

reifges : Gl Figures Til , Finances Llrges ‘Juggling’ Of g, o. ■is To Conceal nei 1 Totals Loj ----- Viited Preu) .c r P residen t H erb e r t H oov- , j l t-T r tm ln l9 t« lio n -o f- i4 u s= - - t o PI m m e n t tft m ako "cxpentU -

strlk itth e ro rm er p res id en t sc o r; jp^nn Irely new aystcm o t doulile new deal to keep " cm er-

>m "o rd lhary '' o r “rou tine !-. - ‘ Kansi

preslcloover Counts iiam i

Strikes A gainst hls;iirNew Deal Score j-ndoi

PinLADELPlUA, Oct. I«Drmer President Hoover In his , peecli tonight listed •’Uiree .w ,,'. ;rlkes' against Uie nalional “box “ “J ' Mre" c o m p ile d by President J ' toosevelt In lUs address two ’ftl* ago a t PltUburgh. ““In Uio Pittsburgh speech... Hes9f IS president develops the Idea headJ ( a baseball scoreboard and tels |;gve;n tru ln figures upon.lt-for Hit. onel-l’ ins to look at," Mr. Hoover said.'. „ •"llB-Mmltted-hB-had-already In Kai icreased It lUia national debt) Mluoti y IS billions. Out he clalma a educUon of 0'.4 bUllons from his _ icreaso because ot the bonus nd for recoverable Ijans.“Any umpire would call thal ,

tatement oul on threo sWIkes, ot pr 'hlch one w u foul." uinliijHoover listed Uie “strikes': nrs plr

•One: “Hs deducts the present i,ftn , ecoverabiB loans from hl» dcbU" e. Cat Two; “No publlcaUon of. Uie gend.

inlled atatei government war- anla Mr. Roosevcll'i valuallon_ [old C IlYo billions- on recoveroble ^ouj t

■niree: T lia debt for veterans-u not paid off." porten— where■_ on Mil

Ssiislli■ - ,p & «

sliet Workers Prepare to Discuss Walkout Witti » > ■

- President ' S ,____ “Wh:

lOCHESTER, N. Y.. Oct. 19 OD • •s^n-offlclaily-esllniated 2500 [•A strikers organlted today to ^ r. i k over with President Roosevelt I mailer of their 24'hour-old siepi.'' IkouU Dr. AltJehedulcd lo deliver a campaign liton. : Ire&i tbiliorrow, the presldenl will ~ asked to seltle lhe trouble, rhe strUe began Tliursday after* ~ ~ ~ ~ )n when 650 men walked off W A 9 a t the municipal airport and a ne quany. 11 ipread In the wake ’ a motorcade of striker* today lo — lO. strike leaders claimed. p —mmcdlate demands laid dos'n by I striking WPA workers liicltidcti , per cent Increases In pay from •

nsportollon lo and from wotk. d Crou t«r\‘lee on nil projects and nsutemcnl of 11 workers nllcRtd have been discharged for “talking I much about Ihelr wages.’’ /

sachers On Strike ^ For Higlier Salaries ^

lEYNOSA, McXlco, Oct. IB i!T,- Jut 5,000 teachen In Uie aUle fj/jc Tamaullpas wenl on striko to- b • for higher lalarlc*. Red flasa V >C3tid over-lhe-scliool bulldlngi.Inmicl Collado, TamaullpujiUte retar)-, told Oil Pena. Jr, genet* secretary ot the teachen' union. tt^ucaUon butlKtl alttatly was SS

' c tnl of Uic entire sUte budgetI Mlar>- IncrcaiU would Incrcnse0 C4 pcr cenl. necessitating Wgh* ~ taxes.

II the Time,’ land CredentialsWe’re gelUiis snootier all the *“ • ' le." he fald. “We are tumhiK in more and more people ewrj'

Wlien a gltl from out of_to*n Is up a n d 'a s b for an 'tscort I kB ltVpoElToirntToUrwlIoThc — where she's from, and how biucli ney slie wants to tjxnil before 1. any futUicr."“eckham’s -boj'i." u he calb m, are not peimKted lo enter a y'a apartment \inle.vj there nre at It lliree other perwiis prr.ciit- ^ ‘t-wici', uliy are nol pcrmiticu io| e more Uian one drink an hour,'ne of hls blsgcst deals lately ws ^ viding an escort for n wcalihyiow nllJ lo SO'ttTEUlflpe “* -----two monUis. Slie look her escort r on Uie alrihlp Hlndenbun; nnd y usht him baek on the sLe»mr.tiip « n Mari', H cost-her arountl » for Uie )oung grnllem.in'» i p ^ . J

- x c c v i a n

v m Fn v iN

iiDwiyp «L i l C i P i l i

• _ iiTlni

0. p. Presidential Noml- " “ J nee.Scliedules Speecli al Los Anjeles! on Flying Visit to Pbollio 'C oast S,','.'

------- iKirb(By Th# AitoclaUd Preas)- I -------

?PE |{A. K as„ O c t;- l f l~ P e > ■ = Is o f a I lna l cam pa ign to u r Iking th e PacU lc c oast a n d U L .nnlng th e c o n tin e n t were t ] f i t t c d by .G overaoc Alf M. rtdon loday aa U nion p a rty - j - n n n o u n c e d b- w rite-in nsos cam paign fo r th e ir a ld cn tla l c an d id a te . 'W ll- m Lemke. t | . _ iVl-Ji the same unezpeclednets of nonill /iirprlte dash to Portland, Maine. ' ij, idon announced upon hla return m lhe Lake-atales campaign n{ lhat lie would leave Surtday ' hi to KO flnt to Lot Angeles on w>week trip tmbrKlng at least alf doxn major addresses and in* ,j ling a long planned appearance ' New York's Madison Square oar-

iome advisers foresaw poaslblll- rtrtvinB 19f a conference befors Undon * idJ wejtwardeunilay between the emor nnd his running male. Col- ■l-mnk-Knox of.Chlc«go.-Knar , "1 Mheduled.tp ipend a week-end , K anw Clly a fte ra dtlve acrou

m uu ,.VolM Cooot deparu

■he Union party move w u an- th# elv mied by William Lemke, Jr.. ton the NorUi DakoU represenUtlve. ,0 Kald ordera had been placed nnceet

printing 100,000 dtculatfl eon- lliereiliif namea ot presldenUal elecU pledRcd to Uie candidate who h u . i .g , , , n supported by Pather Charlei CsuRhlln and Dr. P. E. Town*

■tiorney Genera! Clarence V. Beck1 reporters whlte-ln ballots - 4l be counted unfler K aniu

\)»u«nd recenUy advised sup- te n lo vote fer l*ndon In lUitt* —^ ert Lemke’s name did not appear — Oallota. P r t iI Uilnk Dr. Ttownsend will change .*■

rslnd when ha aeei what we Q doIng.“ young Lemke said, add- ti^at a slmllkr campaign w u

nned In Oklahoma. • ‘ • andon ' definitely scheduled echu at Los Angeles. Oklahoma r, .Indianapolis, PhlUdelphla. uibufgTf; New York and 8 t LouU,

SlfbU Victory . he Republican nominee told n* . , lets of his western campaign IS while reclining In lhe bed- } J '^ tn of his p rin te car,IVhy are you going to Callfor- n*I r“ he WM uked.-Because we’re going lo carry It," H. Vi irton grinned. Jef;ir. Charles M. Sheldon. Topeka WJ tyman and auUior ot “In Hll lor J p .“ Tlslted Landon today wlUi from iMtred William AnUiony of Lew* Lat n, Maine, Bal458 college trustee. _ WJ

IConllnued on Page 8, Col. 7) |

Working AG


tOBALAMlW ith out

r g - g u a s s o c a T E P P R i


lirl D ra g s ‘Aged |P |lf[ Man Prom P a th ' 'Of Si>eeding Train P

A T U N T J.n i, Oct. 11 m - i fsldenu sought official recog- •fln Uon.today lor the bravery ot liU I udtcy Daker. IJ, credited with '^*>1' vlng the life of John Hardia »««,. W. retlped graUi dealer. - - „ His slghfand heating impaired, le agtd man had walked Into Qg| :e paUi of Ik f u l Alton train.uilrcy dragged him out'of dan- Wll•d Jusl In Une. » a n k E a t« , n , , a eoal dealer with an offlde ''Cl tirby, wltoejjed Uie rescue.

- ' ' (D.

i i i F i■ H i l l s

. . a tu re

iminee for Governor Out- nc!!*"' lines Plan for Traf-

f ic _ ^ t ro llALAO. Idaho, Oct. !8 W V ’Ons Hi saved U of far more ImporUnce ^ci,, ,

.11 parUsaa polllies," , m n k U ,iea me phan. Republican candidate lot ^ emor declared here tonight la lliUng ft plan lo atop drunken bujin«. I'lng and InsUlulo aa effecUve n of trttfflo control In Idalio. 'm ere U someUilng Umt.Uie st«t« He po I and must do In UUs eonneclloji.* had tin auerted. “Ths' Refrtibllcan plai: d rt.w III pledge* our party to organla - t h i t nimpetent-ttalo-polleo depart- brouaht u , and lhat the penonnel of such Orlal mrunent shall bo cnosen under came to . ClvU aenlce. »l'er« •

XmmedUle Aellon ^If elected goi-emor, I Intend to cted WlUl UlU Immediately. . ere ara ft few good mea In our senl irafflo depwtment, m d P' «.who can, p a u Uie proper tesU . uld be rtlalned. But It Is archaic ^ ™ entrust Uila Important Usk of “T, eguardlng Uio lives and property Dur citizens to men chosen solely ‘09 “ '

pollUcal patronage. I t Isn’t «


■olitical Tallts ; H On Schedule For jmJ ”

Day’sBroadcjists -Etc

HEW VOtUC. Oct. W WVPO- tlcal talks on Ui# air Baturday:<Tlm# la Mount»lir8t«ndartfr Oemoaillo: •WJZ-NBC 9 p. m. Vice Prtil*ent Oamer from his home In . .wide, iv x u : WJZ-NDO 8:30 *" :atry Hopkins from Wuhlngton.Republlan: flgaln:t WABC'COS e:30. Senator A. weallnt. Vandenbent from Chicago. the oldJeffenonlnn*Dfmocratii: •, . only loWJZ-NDO 0:30, tonner 8ena* but ic |ir Jamts A. Reed of Mlssourt, I t wa-om Chicago. nancUlLabor's Non-Partisan League: concernWJZ-NDO 8. John L Lewis naUon•om Washington. , “ Tcoa

L Good Horse To Death

'E A R o B T w a lFIE CONflNuES TObE W I H i r a i i i u r _____________ __i r t d A a SE ABlE ^ .w n » t B U i ) « r

------------^Copyrithl, 153«. Dy «


P R E S S 3 P A P E ! M 7 0 j

iS DA)AY M O RN ING , pC T O B E R 17, IB

ISM M S i r r I t BESS 11 l P i j _ SPEECH ,.D.R. Declares Stock a n d __Bond Holders 'Flooded' p Wilh ‘Warnings Against nclurn of New Deai '(Dy The Associated Preu) J L

U IN ENROUTE TO N IA G - ,ft,it U FALLS, O ct; 1 $ - P r c s l - '« »>. ill Roosevelt to ld a Clove- Ild audlcnco to n ig h t th e »n :rea t fin an c ia l d is t r ic t o f » !w-York" is "flooding'^ stock - - 1(1 bond h o ld e rs .w i th lite r - u r e ‘’w arn ing" th e m ag a in s t tu rn ing tiie new d eal to o f;

Jptiklng lo thousands of persons {J®,, * nmed around hla campaign trainc:evelaiid'a lakefroot, th s pres- n j„ t.

lit wound up a rapld*flio cam*In through Ohio wlUi an aaser*n Uial i,tockliolden' money w u V,*ug wwited on-anU*admlnlstr»* i^ , ,„Q literature and lhal Uis “wuta” j, ‘ ^8 ‘being perpelrated"-by-those „neait> In depression daya “brought fS" „ilnru as a whole to Its knee}.“ ^

filretsea Same Theme Ups, ele pounded away on a Uieme that opene.1 nm Ihrough his Informal ad- * bro■.WJ all'the'wiiracross'tlib aUle •"d-lihat Uie ndmlnlstraUsa had the tiluaht rtcovw . - ----------- 'T ilttWaling rain feU u Uie train " •ne to a slop on a lakefront siding .era a crowd estimated by Police ' Itf Otorge J. MatowlU a t 33,0000.000 pcraons had>fBUiered. ■ t 1 Ja.-ic In 103J, lie contended In his U t Ireu. the entli« ai-slem 'of'frte -.1.- ( d private enterprls* bad been ■as^ed- lo the ••edge of ruin”the "same-leadera-who-are-now Ing lo Kate you.” He addtd:'Pew of the puWlo »re being ' leJ Uils >-ear,“ »le said ho was pulUng It mildly i n S l <-n he i.-ild corporaUon dlreetora.1 l.injns weru ‘‘f u n ; In tht l r --------liking proccjaea" when Uiey uaed ckholdcra' money lo persuade ee uimo sl4XkhoIden tha t they ignl to chuUso Uie admlntitra- , ^ lhal ll Iry ln rlo broaden home 1 foreign markets for their own •dj."Svccy now and tben.'* he u ld . n c d t Klholden and boodhotders In fcren<

UnlUd SUlea are flooded wlUi fende n lu re wamlng'Utem agftlnit re* Qni ?UEg Ihla.admlnlatamoQJo. Of- —1, They probably will bo appealed

isis Id a major addreu Wednesday h t a l Chicago, Uie chief execu- n > auerled that “wo fight only U iln:t lliat kind of conccntnted | tlln nnd economic power which In ' old daya used lo dictate nol y lo Ih# buslncM of. tho naUon n i . . .■ le sovcrnmenl IlMlf." t w u a «mall minority ot n* f(] ichl lnlere.^ts. Ite said, wliose cem WM nol the welfare of Uie lon or buslne.is bul merely an

(ConUnued on Page.2,CpL 2) '

----------------------------------------- forfioc— • ■ I cull 00

Clurl» unlon'a

—I and pn mining

■] Consul of govi

John atked

-------------------------------— wrmedo;der i appoint of Coui

. said p/ S r t expoun

which I^ knowle.

O'DO a t llio

~ against — Lemke,

~ candlrinwere -|

^ No I r from tm ' . ^ I ^ I^ ' / / , Coughli

_ lions ol


- -in

___________ _________ I SALT‘ Btorm-b

• ‘tunned . • taln-bor

---------r : ^ ^e V •iil e n l tu r

■ ^ ‘ip Lossespowern

- ^ k S T j aged bu L »[, U) a tot

\ Um _ _ ^(o^t <

bB S F Wtakenl; v l m g m Idaho t

— l-ike-CI *■*< i»w

. I' Khool brick w( "'Oblle, ;

■■ •' I - peiU A

ly T ta New Yoik^Ttlbune, Inc. - .(Cooi


IILY, 1S36

k e a t Pow( Direct E]

Prepai'^ye - Witnesi ExecutionEdiioc-i Nou: siotiM ot tiRutioM ed o 111* ap^nl«^ titii w h« i mt«M ni„,. oii«n IM linn la thi euUldt «ojl<J.'» It * rictuii n>*«iiBM iiery br bayoi AiKXUlM r ra t corttKpenaHit. Fot dctat

tru cu . bll DUD* ll nol dU. |„ , t |

JARCEXoiM rs^in'tby msU to to'^nirlf and New York, Ocl. Id cn ataira * hundred Jnm and somen .me running down-UiB beach. In -a n i0 grey dawn - to see threeen die, fasclit aympaUiUers ar* q ' Jled by th# CaUlan govern*

—halExcited . laushlng . . Jatitxr*, be ig. . . ' plotAt 5:30 a. m., Jutl u .U i* sun lom#gan lo catch iparkllng tire on a g]e bluB walen .of.Uie Mrdlter- U i tnean, a closed ttuck arrived a t ly hi# remote beach spot, 'nie driver, unsl cigarette daiuillng from hU fougl

IS, cuually strolled lo lh#-rtar,r aened the Iruck door, pulled out' hatbrown*ilalned canvu slretehtr in hiid-ltaned-it-agalnit-Uia side-of- - ne truck. uTlia crowd.grew.a Utlle-qutel* recu

formAV &:i1. a pauenger bus rum- ------td V][i, H irw wtilm fucfi ptfr- (C

i'ascists’ Mot ColumTts ]

i s u r g e n t F o r c e s F i g h t

------------ M i l e s 4 ¥ « B t W S p a i

(Oy 'ths'Aasoclated VALLADOLID. Spain, Oct. 1 8 - 1 In su rgen ts fan n e d ou t to n ig h t or

Each of th o colum ns drove fo re d to s tr ik e th e diagonal M aquedi ren t tow ns, th u s hem m ing In segi id c rs o f tho artery,Ono co lum n ro lled along from Ni

i i l i T lPilE8IDEilDȤ

_____ Nawlaboul

ssenting Member of Union m . * i

for Social Justice . Files Charges

, MaouiKTROrr, Oct! lO (fl^-A dissent* „ ■ member of Uio NaUonat:Omsif Social JusUce cliarged In a elr- , , court bm-today-Uiat Uie Bov. irle* E. Coughlin dissipated Uie on'a trust funda “in preaclilng _.w ,,1 propagating fascism and under* “ j , ling democracy, the Untied SUtes isUlutlon and Uie American form govcmmeiiU"ohn H. O’Donnell, ot Plllaburgh, ed the court to end what lie ned-s-Tras«nil-dIcuuir«ilp,"-to ' er an accounting of funds and (Oo o lnt a receiver. Ho asked removal report :oughIln ftnd six trustees who he hnd 1 I ptrmllled Iho radio priest to;from ound "economlo Uieorle* ot Tlie ch lie poisessea only a superficial elonn iwledge." ' Iborolj'’Donnell, who cast the only vol(‘ fooL ,ho union’s Cleveland coni-entlon | Tlie Inst endorsement of W lllla in lt r lc t r ike. Union party presidential I rrradi dIdate, cliargtd tn u t fund Josses i were i# "in excess of $1,000,000." i Koven 0 comment w u forthcoming' the In n the Royal Oak lieadquartersflie NaUonal Union, which f ttl i rr t ghlln h u claimed embraces mil*' Tli'' s of raemben In every state ot etstji s union. ‘heir

- ■ hfirbft

i S l M S E S S8 8 1 l i l f l i

— Ovlcdc

s t of Damaflc. Reporled •in Weber and Davis |held ICounties spown

ILT LAKE c m '. (M. H iJTr- \---------m-battcred northem Utah, sull | ned by the violence of a moun*. J r H ■boro tornado's attack yester- '• . ?d«is?riiinrToii!pt'Tor~g'fir; — sur -ey of lhe damage, sses In the way of upturned j L ^ _ t nad telegnpli lliieji and dam- ■ pjjjj bulldlngi rangedi In tttlmateA.'^yji.fj,. toui of »MO,000. I band' ’

Gale Swetpt Oiden .movieu t of the damage wuMn Weber

lenlng In fury northwatd In 0 and southward from • Salt “ ®"; :-CIIy_08den. ..glmc-ono-nian , bowled over and serlouily hurt. ‘ tiool tw f was blown olf and a : wall collapied upon an auto- PJ'*'''* le, bore Uie brunt of. the lem- A railroad freight car bum-

:oaUQu<d on Paga 2, cel. 1) husban


NEWtJU atn wnu tcniscn or _ _ _ _ _ _ *B»o(nATio pniaa_ _ _ _ _ _

ers Of Eur Energies T( ira tions FiS Depicts I In Spain1 out a t the murmuring cro«d. lue-unttormed civil guardi, wiiiilyoneld flied, trundled the con- o etaned trio out onto th t while each sands.Tlie thre#-men d W nofieem hntlc

J noUeo Uio crowd. Their eyes;attd beyond. J P J"A young officer Jerked a com* defer land. RelucUntly, lhe priionenimed their eyes ftom th# sea. “ One w u a former mUltftry Idge, shorl, stocky, ilgiii*npped•hated by many people becauso ' F nB prosecuted defendants In a tin t (lot agahul ez-Klng Alfonso urei lima yean ago. Tlie iecond w u maiiui

grlnled. ud-eytd uld man. eotitrcu t of ths'Ulo,' w u a'UU, dark* PDvat' handsoms young man with a ter Pi:nilllvo faco . . . Ups that medialUghl agalntt n tremble. loriesA awarthy youlh in a militia censora t and clTlllaii clothes, plitol PariI hand, cams up.----------------------Umo i " R e a d y ." ---------------------- -— liUc iII w u not ft queslbn. Jle .dl-. . .SCWd them ' wliere to' sUnd. The _ irmer military Judge seemed ths

(ConUnued on Paga 8, Col. T) of |4,i


torized S Near Goal S

---------- mlttee

t Forward Only 20 l a n i s f t ^ t e l ------------- - f e----------- UlS hit«d P r tu ) WlUl-T h ree motorized columns only 20 miles west or Mad-

)rward In muieuVers plan- ' eda-Madrld highway a t dlf- in : legmcnta of govemment de-Navaa Del Rey, almost due

est of Madrid, on ad th a t cuta Into the Ma- lada-Madrid highway above p n icorcon, about 10 miles k |im Madrid. , | |Eight mllea to Ui« touUi ot Uila - ^ lumn, anolher fought forward l l jm Aldea Del Pretno, directly on 11 inlcamero. Thla column w u ^ cul ten mUea from the Maqueda* adrld toad.

Third Colomn Adraneta Hie third ooluma advanced a :adlly troTQ Mealrlda, also on Uis aqueda-Madrld highroad.ItJlifiiJhrefl columns gained Uielr imedlate objectlrea on Uie high- ly, lhe strategy Ihen would be lo Bcorti lescopo the govemment-defend- “ T*" I and once Uiey were pinched to* ^ Ci ther, to attack from bolh aouUi Peraor d north. externOovemment rtalslance thus an- hllaled, PascUt leaden u ld , Uielr xp i would luve virtually a clear chroad Into Madrid lo end tha " “jJi

(Oovemment leaders at Briientem „ ixirted tonight that Ihelr foreea d hailed the FascUt advance i.m ,. im Hftvas Del Rey).me Rovemmeni foreea In the taUng mealed 'V sector fought.stub* aoulsb roly loday. falling baek foot by . Obsi iL flamaDie mouiilaln passes ot lhe dls- to thi ct made the Insur^enl atUcks In* ahacki ’Atliisly difficult, and fltld pieces Soul re wheeled Into line lo blast out of aoi ftmment defenses In lhe palh.ot Tlici > InsunienU. lumne

Otidits Dtslroyrf nil* covemment forces, the P u - eeve ij» said, blew up bridges to cover names 'lr retreat. P u c lit canon ripped acres -bed wlro barricades almost aa # hlsh in ai th# routed Soclallsla could pjan Ime them, Insurgent chlefUIns iiipai erted. of RIi)n the northern. Oviedo front, u n cf ncl t leaden charged arrival of The l< .uian supplies for government iKtle n cej had Impeded tlielr advance to out of icvo their besieged comrades In The ledo, burnedit Salnmanea. General PnnclMO Mrs. mco. Pnwlst mllltarj- commander died I 1 Insurgent diclator-deslgnate. hom e: d the Madrid goremmenl re- Pete; n*lWe fer tho civil war. burned

’r e a c h e r T e l l s W i v e s t “ “ H u s b a n d f b y t S p y i i

HIUDELPHIA, Oet. 16 Wl - may sc -es: Don't ’'bum up" if your hus- er. but (1 -raves" about his favorite bad Ide i'le actress, but take a Up from husban renclier^and “analj-ze yourself In "It i

•en wJio liM won hls admlra- Mae V.I." Joan Clie advice comes from tlie Rev. you. Alri H. Hagedom, pu tor of the thing Iliel Evangelical LuUier church, C '‘ chindeJplila, in hU annual souvenir cnuh 1let prepared for dlstrlbuUon on Ing youday to couplea he h u married. lUea to:>enklng on ’ liov to manage a and flgitMLad'' Uagtdora declartt “It aniwtn

TODAY- F a ir ^

r sPrice Five C m ta ;;

rope 'oward ^or W arlefense Measures

Occupy ‘Lull’. In Crisis

(By Tlie Auoclated Press) E u rope 's g re a t pow ers ecIz- 1 u pon a “lu ll" In tlie In te r - ' itional c ris is la s t n ig h t to ced va rio u s In te rn a l m eas­es, closcJy oJJled wit.*: w ar fense, w hile S panlsli gov- nm e n t fo rces re tre a te d w ith e lr backs less th a n 2 0 m l l e |~ ' . }m th e w alls or M adrid.F ranco In au g u ra ted thoIt of a seriea c t sweeping m eu*':i to Uke arma and munlUons iiiulaclurlng under govemment itrol, nnd. incldenully,-wipe o u t- . ivau protlt In war. Air Minis- >

Pierre Cot announced ths Imr - dlate naUonaUuUon ot aU fac- les producing alrplanea and ac- aorlea-tor national defense. ' ! . ’aria llself w u plunged Into war-10 condition! with an eerily rcal-Ic air raid “reUcanaL'2____________

• Debt Werriei'Belcli- T ~ lermany, Inerer.-Ungly anzlou-i tr her aUgBtrtng foreign iltW,♦4,000^00,000, w u rtpreaented In 'ormed circles u aeeklng ft ‘■way U” - fearing devaluaUon of Uio' irk may be neceaaary Jt Qennany [«rU ahOuld suffer further as Uio .. lUlt of currency devaluaUon bir ier natlona, ';n London, BritUh Uborilea Join- Soviet Russia In demanding that I Spanish non*lnt«nenUon eora- tte« ahould act on concrelc pro- lali designed to liall aUeged foi- n aid to UlS SpanUh Iniurgenls. iment R. Alllee, bald*pated lead-ol "hla majeslya opM Uon" la -----I bous« ot commons, conferred11 Foreign Secrelary AnUiony en ftnd .reportedly demanded elar- latlon ot UlS BtlUah govenunanVa. Ituds on Ui« SpanUh altuatlon.,

u » p « i4 ( o r m ■n Sruaiela, Kinc. Leopold's fur^ ' j« warning UiaV'Belgtum'mttiD .. rert to her, ,P)»**tr policy of : teV pw ilnlftj w m n u t» j. ■

00 P w r ^ - o o l r t r i ^ '^

R E M lE S '- .mmmames Bum Ttirough BrusK „

and Porests in North- . em California

JAN FRANCISCO, O ct W W H - 3tta of tlrta burned through tin* r-dty brush *nd,toresU.l^norUi-__I California tonight, leavln* thrto • rtona dead, two towns aeotched, <nalvo property damage and hun- tda of fighters atrunUng to con«II them.names threatened SUndard Clly d SouUbyvllle tn the Slerru of olumns eounly but

[ several ouUylng buUdlnga.UsldenU ot boUi towns fled In ror u Uie flrea aeemed about lo ■Irclo Standard City and began Jng inlo Uw resldentUl area of jUbyvllle,Jbsenrer* later reported Uis mea had tumed toward Sonora, thB-wrst, lifter destroying H

icka a t Standard Clly. (ouU byvlll^^ped with the lou aome tmall W idlncs. riKSe flames nrWwted at Tuo- me. whp're they dftrtroyed 10.- .000 feci of lumber.

I’Irt Spreads Rapidly (everal liimdred men fought the tncs but Uiey toon covered 5,000 M. Llmb.1 broken from tree.< by lish wind hampered llie tighten. Tamta swctplng through Nemor- park ftt GrtiM valley look the life Richard Smith. lO-monttis old

1 cf J. D. smith, a tent dweller.# lenl caught fire. Smith led liLi Ie non, his wife and hU daughter . of the flnme. but th# bay died.8 llllle diughter w u acverrly ' ncd.Irs. Amy Gertrude Rickey, 50. d in the flamlnc nilns of her ne at Grimcj, Calusa county,■eler Waldeck. 09. w u fatally ned a t hU cabin near KeUey.

I to Manage ___ S ' i h g ' M i S W g ' S S r r

' sound stnuige from a preach- but you know It wouldn’t b« a Idea tor every wife to study her

band's tai-orite morls actrtss.“It mar bum -you up when hs

} West, Mynia Loy, Beim DavQ. n Crawford, but It tf a cue for ’. Afttr aH you . can change any* lg In yofflKlf .quicker Uiaa you changs a n u . A man^ movie

ih U an Indirect way of Intorm- you about a few details, how h*I to see elolhes.wom. and hair. ' figure, and whether lie Ukes hU n n snappy cr o « k VlA ttSfiT

I f f f B i m r I

; i i w i i i i l

Bandit Reported ^ Fugitive In Stolen «

.... - Automobile ' u j i................ .......... aeW

' Offleen Uirtuihout tbo ta to - nounUto region wen en lh# look* to M

• out U lt n U h t te a UU. blonde twor Wpm b u d ll wlJOTepuledlr rtole in wllh

' bewlnt t UUb Uceaie p m .t n o 11* owner ( t McmWlo. N»- n 4<, ye iterdv aom lnr, *nd wlw r i « w u illegnl to h*w •***^ •TobbtoB n bulk Kimewhert won.

A UJegrtB from tho Olden. DUh. chW or police which WMdellTtred kt the ihertlftofllcflber# yeitenUyde* ^ jjj, Kribed the bindlt rupee! iod the ctolea o r , tn d adrlied ofllcen to “Uka no chance*- In detUnf wllh the taunted m u touth'

’ iS ^u d h u IKbt batr and a ss iU J jg ”) nouitaehe. He U » to SI7ev> old. „ and welthf Ito lo UO poDSdt. S om of hi* m n t tMth are mlaloc. n>e

■ <ltiertptloa Mid bs U ’pop^red."- I t o won ■ blue lull, peea ih tr^ J S r t tiu« Ue. itilped Ufbt P V cip and u jfe ,

TlK ■wiMtr'f e u ll a in< (port B«iN■ a o d i lS ^ O b e r r o l e t , « £ n ln f g g "

Utah Ucenie M4<7. Tfae back tnd- m r boaper hare been etred In. m iM

.C a l i f o m ia T o E a s e M I n s p e c t o P a ^ I s

-------------- --- — ■ ■ *•« llPOBtlAHD. Ore, Oct. 11 ( fl - S 2 n

- Slept to make lea rigid CtUfomli'i l a tu i froltlnipoellon p t tr tU tt the •U te'i * 5 ^ borden mar be Uken non, StaudUh wmU Ulebell, of the tulomobUa club of m th e m OtUfomit. lald todar be- tween Miloni of the annual weit- r n C '

^em -eonfereneo-of-the-A m eriam — Bl Automobile .'

-W i h a rt nrtumlnoui proof." « ld Ultebeil. “ih a t while ths tiu lt in-

' ‘i p e < ^ lav mar not keep tourliU <0 In m Oallfomla lor their l in t vtait,It iftflueBcei g m t n n ^ not to

■ ” S ? w i t f B t t i S e d todar with ^ “ th* naming of 8*lt-Uk# Citr forthe IWT conrentlon. ” “ 2

Davis Takes Active . P a r t In Campaign

~ ~ ~~ fow

sallenal Jeffenonlan DemoertU. n |b t i uU -neir deal organlutlon, a s - h u sonsced to d ir th t t John W. Daru, • - Democntlo candldato for pmldent ho i In m t. would lake tn aettra part hadco in the preeent campaign begbmlDg (Ugn>

..w U h..t.4»rm tnBt4..ndlo:.talk. on >t;icu 'n ie td ir night. October 90. the a

Spokesnen for ths organlnUon u . | o ld DavU would "attack the new in . „ ile i) ' tn hU radio talk icheduled for

WUlDSTORM CAUSES &• L O S S J F $500,000

t ■ ..(OoBUnoad Prom P i p One) j

a tb e n afler a Ure w in itiuck It. -^Fcrtrer Uhenen'WDilud-frtDtleiUr

aU dar reiterd tr u d t r tonlgbt York, largelr had reopened communlca- a t oUi tion. and electrio itrrlce i with the durln«

' dU tnaed ccnunualUei. Uundredi poUUc o t treei and pole*, aome of them blocking higbwtri, w en deared s n tw ar daring tbs et!m autumn dar SOQ th t t followed the cwlft-ttnklng - Ih e i tloim ro terda r ta d la it Bight. A nporti light fail of rtln u d now aeoom- M pei p u le d Ihe high wind.____________ ipondl

1P I A N O S

A H - A r e P r i

P]KMBALL 1 2 5 .

REMINGTON 1 3 9 . SCHILLER .. 1 0 9 .

' ________ EVER


| 'l* A 8B:TgO ■

'• ■ I

rOBBCABT FOB TODAT AND OUOBBOW - Idabei Fair and did SalBTdar aod SBidiir*

Blgh and low lempenturei rw - WiV0 fdar ' u nported t r the gorem- - «nt wealher obeerrer wen M u d • o I degrea; th in w u an e u t wind )d tba ik r w u partir cloudy: buo- etrle prtirara at 8 p. m. w u 2t.tt «he* and the humldltr nnge, eo JOK . JJ per cent of nlun tion . Twent; WaCBor a yeir ago w u cloudy strlkin, Ith tempentum of M and 41 de- rallwai tea. ' ■ day, il

_ fled gi

light Rains F a l l . ‘™“ In. Three States ^

: ■------- while 1Strong high presiuret, atUnded moro t high *c*«ere<l cloudi, ortrlla the they «

rthw altm atatei, the eutem turned Ucau, tbe Rockr mountain* and inite B weitem plain*' areti, while the jq one ilhweil-Callforal* cou t low here, i H iun region h u dlmlnUbed h*f..r. beWbii due'lo'uis adraotinkKth^ a cloudlnen and Dodenle ralni jh a

•ouihem Cillfomla, northem itona. u d Mutbem Nerada. , YWanff Ujwtr pretturei with genenJ un- .tied weilher u d l^ h t n i a are xirted from tha Oreat U kes and s eentnl AUanUo cout.

Mu. K U t n c Wltr.

“ s B W a rIn* » H M C1W qu u City M M n .ci'y J I AuilM _ M n cvodyr iS f j iS . s 11 & DAV.uha _____n H M -aontt 18 Cfl-

— n M M etteetaitliaS. OfK^ -M .tO '.ClitruaU a -; j e ; d m . , ■hue li

I uk« cur-i* «* JO O nr iie lao i

s s k i S “ ' £ " £ ^ 5 E ’ S

lE S ID E N T ATTACKS " I S i B I Q - - B U S I N E S S = ; I N : = “

C A H P W SPEECH “<ContlBued from Pag* One)

itenilon of their own power." , (1 n e n rr poUtlcal o lil t of Amerl- ^ 1 hUtoiT. he went on. the under- 31 iltue b u been between tho*e ,0 hare emphailad human rl;hti1 Mught to exertlM goremment-power for tbe m u r and thoee ®0 bar# aoufbt to u*o I t for the

We t n now coming, to leare." jij f* . ; (aid, "lhat Iht IfltemU of the P * f the tolerwa

tit cow. I t wlll bo won now u U1 alwayi been won in America. 3 j g ] |

to eald lhe "fiel" that ncoreir ‘ 1 come lo tll greup* w u a "refut- on" ot whtt hs c tll^ the c m c ickle.down’.lheoty whloh-gulded g t r o f i I orerioui tdmlnlttnUon. which Ie aplalned that thsoir u lend- pjlfed : money to t few flninclal in- iireued eet* a t the top of tbe economle waller rtaln to tncUe down Into pty nay. Ci relotiea of worker*, ledgen of In- lean '«< lenitent boitnea men, u d pock- opa. ooki of farmen. Blihorhe trouble wu, be lald, then tator b I too UUle left to trickle m on develop in half way down. In olhe'rwn Olenland. the preildenUal "We cial w u Kheduled for u orer- lympitl Jit-nm -to-K U gtw -r»Bi.^N ew Ohrutij rk, u d itumping *topi tomonow ‘ to wltl oUier up-itate New York clUea to the iIn* the final day of hla p r e ie n t_____Itlcal trl^ PBICC

BTDDEBAXBB SALES BISB OEN' lOUTH BEMD, Ind , Oct. 18 W) w iMiStudebaker corponUon today *tlei e orted lale* for 1M9 to data w en firm, per eent ahead of ths c o m - 900.000

ndIng period of 19]}. Price

S - S T O V E S

• i c e d T o G l e a

B e D i s a p p

lA N O S; . o o CU LBR AN SO N

L50 K IM BA LL GRA N D. J 1.50 •A CO L E A N ............ SERETT____$25«0Q


— A — —


i E N I i l l l

1 1 C O i D l l C l ^— S i '

Ives and„.Daughters. o l .S trik in g Employes

Defy Guards . «m.c_ _ _ llfi-nt,

O N Bam LZ. lA . O el 19 W) - ” f5 " enty-fire wire* and daughten of kinc Louiilana and A rkaniu "Wl way employei hailed » tn ln to- ers, I , im prisons the conductor,-de- alUea i guard*, and Uieo allowed It to other teed. victedho wtmen boanled Uio tn in a t cy tn d htlled It for. *ome Ume ie they conildered a pUn lo rc- rg tho enUn erew. loms of whom r Itld m re itilken who bad re-

^ ^ . t ^ i o c k e d U u conductor [ l | | | [ one of U>». can and conUnued U u l l g, a distance of about 30 mile*, I r

n t o ^ e d « i S i e * 3 « ^ho combination panenger'and ght tn in o p e r a t e * between ' BHO infield tn d VIdalla, U . Congrtlined guardi rldUig on Uie train Idaho) nod to n lse Uielr weapon* campa [n tt’Uie'women. lanUo

' emme;that 7c

a r Injuries F ata l ' To Ethiopian H ero “2 1

■ ~ Deal wWOS-PIATZ, ewltierland. Oct. b T ) - n u ’Naslbu died today from m jj, , :la of polion g u he choked down ejd on e leading Emperor Ualle Seiaa- . aouUiem army agilnit Uie l l t l - vlail Inraden in Uil* country a year orery

Deal p:ly tld tn i who attended him a t- >»• *• Ited th* acluU cauM of hli ‘ Uon ' h to tubercuJoiU induced by Uxe in g a i. -TVb,ulbu w u 48 yean old, and loyal m tlfic lie defeated'Kalie Seluils to the uege~o“ r ■ ----------------------- UiUna

------------------------- i ^

kmpa Child Victim a ro %

Of Brother’s R ifle 'lUJPA Uaho. Oet. II WV-Tour- „ • '-old VIrUn D yu died today, U u Q e a im of a rins u older brolhtr h*d I tiling to kiU chlckeni. lerlff P n n k Plenall u ld Uie

BcddenUUy m dltchaiged n Lyle D yu. 9, picked It up. , bullet ilrutk Uie girl near Uie “ ?

rt, and ihe died en route to a

------------ ' ■

shop Strikes At h»ww ‘Totalitarian’. Idea

nOAOO. Oct. IB t ^ T h o (tan- ]f «to u l i u r t i n lUta WM." Inh the church would be “en- ^!d by the goremment,'* w u Bett4 w d tonight by Uie Rt. Rer. jowltt,ler R. Adami, blihop of Koote- •’tU re ' Canada, before the Pan-Amer- m u m i ' tohference of AngUeu blib- did no

ihop Adimi menUooed no die- r by name, but condemned Uie « Jopment of Ihe totiUUrlan idea coat a lher countrle*. ipotMVe cannot but applaud u d changepaUilM wlUi the efforU of Uie _____utlam*-lit-aennanr."“ hB” Mia7 " ' wlthsund oppreulon and to say bidding le IUte.'hand! off Uie church.'" O nd


DENVIIVS WOOL AUCTION Uire«-e ENVEB, Oct. 10 m - Denrer-i a poun ; wool aucUon closed loday wlUi to MH * eiUmaled by Uie i^ n u rln g loU, a i I. Merilon and WlUUni, a t MO poundL We 1rice* piald during the flre-dar Seed A

: a - W A S H ]

a n T h e B u i k

p o i n t e d I f Y

5 I f159.50

I. $ 6 9 5 . 0 0 H

$ 2 4 5 . 0 0I ..

C — B U E

t w i n F A U S DAILY NE\



{ConUnued Pron P i n Ofls)

I ^ U e a l eondiUon, but u actual e t Uiat oar highway* hare become,' $1 great exunt, plaeu of tremen- lu* (Unger. I—*Tbe place for all lU lo pollco of- d ECC x n ll on Uie highway. I propoee r e d take away ftom Uiem all extran-

Ul duUei of checking oecupaUonal tha d eniei or doing clerlet] work wiUi |,.ii , ference lo Uie guolino U i." be u n i , , Id. Ambu'•Wllh reference to dninken drlr- A J, I Uilnk Uie mojt le re n of pen- < Ma should be Inflicted. Among lo the ier UJngi, I Uilnk erety m u eon- ‘ O'l ;ted of drunken drlrlng ahould ^ ^ re hll liquor permit, u weU uI drlrer^lleenie, Uken away ftom *• n a t opce," Mr. fllephan declared. ‘

, ■ phire.

M I L S H t t - #

JH08H0NE, Idaho, Oct.-16 VPh- c h a ^ ngreism u D. Worth OUrk (D- judy J Uio) Uunched bere lonight h li u i r j i npaign for reelecUoa wlUi t deo- aUon Ute prtsldent fedeni gor- B lR Ti iment “li Uie f lm to ieobp:te WITH X 'lto v u to m tb in g lo Q u m u te a T|,ei he 93 per eent IniWad of bi Jutt i „ *ajI I per cent."nark ouUlned feature* of Uie New ‘“ Ulni kl which "hare aared llie wunUy }^}otbu 1 hare bnugnt proiperlty when D and chaoi italked wider the order Of thing."

ilaik~decUred *1 don't a g m with {Coehle: ty principle of Uis e^U n New atUactl a ptogram, but tU muit admit M lened I u r e d our nalloii ftom ruin- m and explolUUon a t UiO'handi SURP. Uio few." ■ h PRBWhoerer par* Uii bill ihould be Ufied Uiey WlU be giren Uie prlr- ■e-of w in g i r i n douari, for .11 ^ “ "2 ? I naUon-hatf'gOnnoT’ilx monUu „ ger u It w u in 19S2, ws would i . - ^ paying It now Uie lame way Uier paying It in RmiU and in Spain

Killer,_________• Hanrer

~ lor, H

earings End In Oeorgs

Bette Davis Case••--------- _ Denolt

ONDON, Oct. 19 W -H e a r ln g iL , „ Warner bnUien’ lu lt to b a r ,{ J j |.k sde Betto DtrU fn m aeUng tni"£:j*“ tUnd ended todar to tlw lolnlm enfbra wtlilrMm crowd ^ v, icb h id waited in rain to seo U i e . ^ “ irwood BlM on ths wltses* s tu d . uiUee Bnnion, In king's bench^Hnr R Illon, took^'th^ luue Into h li Idaho imbi«-0Ver UW week-end u d g liie .hoped .to jeach .t-decU toa .^ '^ .-5 Monday.lette, WhOM couniel, Blr WUUam buslnet rltt, pictured her u unhli^py take p: ire- behind "gUded btn"l'be». month. 110 of Uie tetmi of her conlnut, UiS'tninot te»Ufy. ............... of Mr*.

U u DarU t t t Ihrough aU three . n , o t 1 in Uie um e eo*tume-a tvced n r i to t u d bent. Puhloo l U c k l e n , ^ ^ , tied tbe fict, howerer, ihe h i d '^ . , .«> nged her iboe*. .

_ luncheo■ ____ •oeuily.

ung were. y^u coinded fine lerrltoriei. 23<l -to u n . P. enU t pound; graded U If bloods, w tn pr 1\ to 88 cenu a pound: gnded • M-elghUu bloods. a s > S$ cenu q R A N ound; graded quarter bloodi, 29 d E IB I DH eenU a pound: original bag Twin , aiU to MK cenu t pound. Iar -ses

------------------------- Uis Met’• Boy Pepcera ea eeb. Qlebe W. A. I 1 A PeeA -A tr. Uie SU

l E B S - R A I

I d i n g — C o m e

y o u F a i l T o

STOVESM o n arch R a n g e E u r e k a R an g e

H o m e C o m to rt R an g e e a t e r s oC AU S iz e s ai

D e sc r ip tio n s a n d P r ic e s

S w c i T a s S ^

H L G (


SOGIETY™Phone 82

\EC0RAT10NS M A RK twent; :ED K N IQ H T DANCE Mr, t Ths ipWt of HiUoween w u in « *1 le air ftlday ^ h t >at ths Elk* hour 111 when the Rtd KnlghU g trs PlStur lelr annual pledge pirty. wlUi Uis by Ui mbauadon furnishing Uts rbr* im. Streimen of bUck u d ortnge Punm uo dnped from Uie center light u k sd . ths comer*, Uie orcheitn p it noune Id lids wall* wen fatooned. lU s ^, K. shield w u luipended from IS bilcony, Uie nUlng of which DANi i!d Ughltd Jick olintemi, while n , . im tlalka and grotoquo h ttd i irrUd out ths ip tc ln l ttm oi- <

new membera, Hariy Benoit, etbert U nen , Ofoije D a t to , ^rs . sb- Hampton. I n Oartner TtM ujh *. Ihn MlUi. made Ihort Ulki in iponie to the iptecli of welcome .

Ur. and Mn. E. V. Lonoo tmd onjon of Uie oUier clubs-were aperonei. Punch w u « n e d b r mlttee idy Jonu, Leona Bay Hughe* tnd «T Jtne ' H O Bi

fR T H D A Y CELEBRATED ■ITH STAQ . P A R TY m s itetleUi btrthdiyof JoeSoeb- ■ w u celebnted In royil fuhion cainn Iday night when Mr. Koehler cn- ntMm' •Ulned UUrty.flTs guesU a t u lormil lUg party at his homs on ^ v u us U i t l Boulsrard. th s house ) J beauUluUy deconted.wlUi flow- i; a huge bouquet of Americu auty rwei. preseoted to . M n. _ t i n Khler by Uie gu«U, iddlng to lU 2 ^ “ wcUreneu. A buffet mpper w « rred UU In th^ren lng .

IR P R ISB P A R T Y FOR.V R B SR T LARSEN S S EU n. Charlei Lanen enterUlned i couplea of ths younger set I’un^-n lgb t-a t-a-iu rpriis-pariy — f he r'ion . Herbert. The erenlng ll (pent wlUi Monopoly u d d*ne- B3N [. M n. LaiMn lerred refreih- Darli, mta. The gueU llit Included Marr turnedmey, Maiy Pnncei Batei, Joyce -------Her, Barban SutdUf, BeUy Rae ^ inrey, Dahrl Oreen, Selty Vlc- r,-EO«n ZmIlh,-Jifle-D<iagUii; - . hel McClearr, Dudley DrlicoQ, 4 •orgs Dtrbon, Bob lUmpton, I n iruiey, McCIiln Johnston, Don ^ idenon, Oordon Oirdner, H arrr I nolt u d John Mills. I


rh s October meeting of Uis Wo- \in'*-ChrliUan-3topennee U nion--------J held PTlday iriemoon a t Uie me of Mn. W. T. Keeran. De- lions v e n led by Mn. A. Bit- ^ | . Reporu of Ull convenUon at ino fUU were glnn by M n. . . ly BUke u d Mn. lU ny Wohl- A b. During Uie buslneu meeUng M } d u c td ~ t^ U ie prtsldent, Mn. f l S. BeU, a desisrt luncheon and ^ slneu meeUnjr w u plumed to ■M pU w -the Ulter p irt of Uie • nth . The Norember meeUng of / t'tnUon-wlU be-beld a t Uie home S M n. L O. Oooding. f -

U REM A 'hi,V B H E E TS . Mtolrema club « u enterUlned f t l - 'r afternoon a t ths homs of Mrs. m

T. Combi. PoUowlng a deiicrt . Micheon, Uia.tftemoon wai.<pent ~—j hitlly.. A Ihort builnest session ^ ) conducted by, lhe president,I. P. L. Cogswell Ten membenre preient JTO

U N Q E CHOOSES ■'.LEQATES— ■V in PillJ Onnge met In regu- H -aeslon Wednesday erenlng In

I MeUiodUt Church. Mr. u d Mn. ■A. Poe were elected delegitei to ■

I SUto Onnge a t Boise, October

EL D I O S a n d j

e I n T o d a y -

0 A t t e n d T h i

S Radi(P r ic e d F n

$2.50 up Ige R C A V ictia n d C ro s le y

1 A tw a te r K e n • . O th i

3 0 0 D I N G


. d C L U B s l ®~ Ol

ft . U n.6 • . u d

. __________ fomiE. h

■enty-ieTenUj to-twHWr-nlnth:r, ^ M » H.8onaer wen cbot- Gt . tltem itei. During Uis lecture Luit u r flowen w en identified fn m xebrJtw **,brto ,w om en, and weeds » p «

Ult men. Tha wtyi and B e m eran mmlltee rtported a card party umed for Uie netr fu lun and tod Uis Orangs to wtteh for u - „ “u, uneement.^ _____ wllhILU O N C LV B OPENS iN C E SE A SO N ^nio f ln t dance ol Uie leucn for v'li toon SocUl Club w u held Prl- -nd y erenlng t t American Lejlon U. One hundred couples enjoyed u 'd nclng to Uis mutlo of Uis Happy , n o rchutrt of Rupert Coffee ?f,„i d sudwlcbei w tn lened during " omUilon. The club pUni to hold

r f ln ^«. Roy DtrU, Mn. Emmett Bluer d M n. Mtnr Ortys t n Uio com- terdi Ites tn chtrgs of trrtngemmU. tnd

— bidge3B 0 PICNIC Mtbe?LD B Y LO D Q S nold toyal K ^ h b o n of America met ^regular lettloa Pridiy erenlng. B'” ' '

rertl memben from ’ EoUlitermp number seTtnly.i«ren were Lei*ent Neighbor Moon pmented, WiUbt betuUful m uner, t tUk fUg ed toVlihnQo Camp number twenty- trip iIS hundred ssrenty, which w u weckiclouily accepted br O nals Bush vUlt1 Neighbor Walkini. Afler the itnd.eUng, aU .adjourned to Barmon wood,rk when Uis (In coi- wUinel e n jo y ed tw e lo e ru lm an h - bnUillo w ro u t ArUlngrotaofUianki ^I extended to Uio eommliteo In 'irge for Uie wonderful erenlngl —


-W A U tB :T0irA 8m N flT 0fil~

nNOSTOZE, fl. 0 . W - Wlllle ment, ,rli, foouon u d wttry, h u re- “Yt Tied from Wtihlngton-wlUi his ton."

X t

T h r o u g^ J S S Mi g a n i i c D lM U S I C A L J

- D o n ’ t W a i

b i i s G i g a n t i c

io s WashT o m A .B .C

'P W oodrcE t c rsy E a s y; n t a n dh e r * a n d Othi

■ W

------------- -------------

— T W i W F j J

rOBER17,193B • - -

B R 6 V I T I C S

0 Qt-«t-Blal* G q ^ Mr. ta d i In . Emir nock of Lyndon, E tnsai. » nd Olenn Bock of Stockton. CaU- Ublii rnila, a n riHUng Mr. u d Mn, P . a fo

Meull. j ” te ro

QMS to Nebraika - Mlu Helen ,uitman lelt ftlday for Uneoln. rebraika, when i b e h u accepted poslUon u t nuns In t U. & vet-

UeuM Tnm C out - Mrs. C. J. t ^ [ahn. who spent ths p u t weeks .Uh her son and diughtcr-ln-Uw,Cr. and Mn. C ui Hahn of 6u mf nnclsco, returned home ftU ty . indlc;

' »" T-. In lhVlslton Left — Mn. 0 . Sommer ish c nd Mrs. U E. KalUburton of Long Utor each, CallfomU, and Mn. Oar- I nd Crow of Spokue, recent gutiU ; Mr. and Mn. John Sommer, hare Ilumed home.

At Ucenie C e u ie ry - AppUeuU .M nJrtliie-lleam rfiTO N rnTiln m Ills couniy recordefi ofllce yet- rdiy wen Prucl* LeRoy L o ^ ^ H r Id Anna Swuion, boUi ot Jar- jin dge. Nenda: Emo Pierca u d truck abel Mcalnley, boUi ot Filer; Ar- )ld Dauren u d E ln Cone, boUi the : ' Twin PtUi: WUbur Ulrich u d eto.-l londma Wemer, both ot FUer,

Leara fer Cout •< Mr. u d Mn. G .C ’UlUm Beailey and famUy expect- I to lea« Saturday momlng on a •Ip to Uie cout, to be gone Uiree Kki or' a monUi. They p l u to CH lit Spokane, Wuhlngton. Port- a to e nd, Oregon, Loi A ngekiud Holly- iturei x a . A t Stockton, California, Uiey lUmI IU be guesU of Mn. Beailey-i Ucan oUier-ln-Iaw and lUter, Mr. u d pubU r t. Oeorge Preeman. c l ^

TA check for M JaHo made tho Wp upon tdrlcs of t * tid l r^eOffib^ukedTinw riogd'taout la v n ■Ulng money due from Uie gorem- tlon e n t repUed: UiU i"VuiU hars to gd to Washing- of V n." wen

-------- ^ U C U I ACCOMHISB..II- th s product that hot oilobllihsd Hyglsnsforinllllofltof houtswlvei whilst, your homo brlghlsr, you blMcho>,removeiitalni,dsodorIz

^ ^ — Cloroi-moksi whlto coftoni ond.i K , colly cleoit Orditiory ifolni ond

itrongsrielullonCloroxbonlilioti , ."S and mildew. Oorox olio.dlilnfeci r ’ Ila lnt(rofflr^rioara lors,d0 )lnbo< W ,'to ile t bow)i, HIo;iInoloum;-i!ekro ^ Lika Cloroxllteir, the Oorex label V - ^ lionof la firond eotlerhouiekeei

^ ^ ^ n c e n t r o f f ld for eeooomy. Alw^

jh S a iu rdaIPSON’!I S P O S A L

M E R C H A N l

l i t ! Y o u W i l l

; E v e n t

l e r s M i l l

Mercliro w G n lta r s

T ro m b o n e ! y Accoi

H a rm o n ic a l i e r s a n d T e a c h

e D e l iv e n f W H E I


i re a f Powers o l Europe Direct Enerjles Toward ‘V

PriBarallons For W ar A(OonUnued liroa Page Ons) V

ibUihlng Uio reuUiful montrch u forceful new penontUty In Uia

ontpeu plctun. Few king*; In «dem Umeti’h tre spoken so fen s- ' lUr. .Official f tu c e , a t f tn t ittmned r Leopold’! lUtenient. g le u td ime hops fot » Ftanco-BelgUn u iunr tuliti|nc« p ic t from Uie <t of Belgium's expressed IntentI tdh e n to Uie League of N t- ons.

■ Sorlei Bbsws H u d informed Moscow obserren u w dlciUons of u imminent chug*. the Sorlet'a poller In tho S p u - . tl clrU w tr, u henlded hr D ie U r Josef Stalin's lU lement thac ;10 SorleU 'tre "rendering erery iSbUnce in their power" to Uio td rld govemment.On' the blood-drenched fronU of win llself, Uie, Midrld gorem- ent forcei wen in prectrloutt*jU,_5hn*-n»torUed-eohmm »------inturgenU fanned out tn ■ i lu h -

9 offenilre, only 90 miles weit of adrld.P rtth Uoopi wen nuhed by ucks from Msdxld to relnforcs Uis ird-preised goremment Unes In t mounuln rtglon n e tr-B n u i-' e,19H mUes from Uis caplUL

i.O.P. Chief Calls For WPA Hearinff .

CHIOAOO. O et 19 Mi - The sen- ,0 commlttes on campaign expend- \ iiru w u aiked today by John J imUtoa chalnnan of Uie Repub-; & a n naUonal eommlttfe'.'to' hold ibUo hearings ImmedUtely on urges of InUmldaUon and conup- m mads agalntt Uie PenniylruU PA admlnliUtUon.The Bepubicu campaign ehlef id hs f ln t requested Uis senate to ratlg*U ithB -Penniy lnnU ;ittia= -= ^ m Beptember 37, and Uiat early U month a number bf affidavits

WPA worken u d iiipenlson u« placed in hU hand*.

flIHhliwJth Ihomogtccf-aorox-----------isd a hlghsritondord of Home Ivei. Clorox mokes your clothes your wock tlohler because It srlzsionddlilnfects-^allln ono

id.lineM.iBOwy-whl'te. hvalent- nd dingtnesi ditoppeor In tho tn Cloroii Is used. In a slightly s t stubborn stalni-sven scorch fectt, deodorltes and nmovei booi^Si links, bolhhibs, boilni, kroom ^ ■

ays ~

. S A L ED I S E

I I S u r e l y ^

i i s i c a l

h a n d i s eB a n jo s

e s T r u m p e ts !o rd eo n s :a s O c o r in a s d ie r s S u p p lie s

e rR E - -


S f l Q g ^ V ^ J r ^ \ / IV w v f *

f lR ^ W | f 1

H o m e M a d e E

• P o p u l a r A_ > { m ;ou ft UUle (itshman In ;our sntc( fimllyr Or l»«tf<r «UI/, ons Uiit *«*«' sUnd! fix f « t liroJ A»r»y from homo Uld iKlIng th l t letdoim ^ whleh «ltrar» comes when nuh S r r wetk »nd lho « r» t'm lU i)j jel-fle- <iuilnled Mswn are orer — and th« “* * " real grind bCElns? There'a no cure on earth (or college homealckneu

' to.couat, a box o( cab (ron home. 1 ci I,Cookies “icnd" beat (be aure lo le u '* pack tliem caretully and eneloeed In 1 ec

waxed paper)- but oilier goodie* 1 e; will maU too', U you handle them H I- properly. And you can bo potlUrely Whi n re . no liudent on the campus will 1 tJ b t more popular than your child. pc

-IMier-molhtP-iMinrgood a t a-choc*- —l - t Dlate cake. ^ <

DlatFilled fieoleh Slick*

Crei■i eup ta t sugar2/S cup brown lugar well-b1 egg Iirt ll3 tablupoons cream salt, i

— S-tfaapoon-nutaft— --------------mlitui1 teupoon cinnamon tloure<U teupoon u l l ihlckn1 Uaipoon ranllla t«r d1 eup rolled oata «1lh tI 3'3 cups flour kle wll3 teaspoons baking powder with

mondiCream fat and sugar. Add egg and ring, t

eream. Bea^ 3 mlnutea. add rest of sheet.Hnrredlents.—wWntHlithtlyr-ChlU---------

dough. RoU cut- <j of It unlll S Inch thick. Corer with filling and fold dough ow r and on top. Tills la usually easier than placing the j,‘! ’ rr.U of dougli rolled out and on top.Ellher method can be used. Cut out

-bar*-2.'a-by-2-lnfhe*-and-pIaee-l Inch apart on uteaaed baking aheet , and b»ke 13 minutes In moderate ^ ‘ ' oven. Sprinkle with confecllonet'a augar. Troeeed with lhe remaining dotieh In same manner. D rP I. To.cut (he.bart lue a sharp fcnlte f i r hdipped frequently In. cotd water.Work qukkly and press edges -of each bar wlih fork to hold together.


I, J cupf chopped dal«_______________ _'-N -m iJ-K U ir------------------------------- :—

1 tablespoon flour SiftU teaspoon salt fourth3 tablespoons orange Juin Rub I 1 tablespoons cream shorte:Mix Ihe Ingredients and simmer 9 dueed'

mlnulea. SUr frequently. Cool and water use, RoU tl

C1..»I.C, C»kl-. £ , S ‘

i s - ' . s r^ cup ereamJ »<juarei chocolat*. melted i X ,I teJ.Tpoon ranllla X ^ t

tea.'-poon aalt "" ,t3/J eup broken nuU untlf,* mlnui.1 beaapoon baking powdti

Cream fat and sugar, add eg:* and pifT tream. beal well. Add rest of tngre- ,„ „ u , dienu. -Chill dough. Break off blU fE2 “ and flatten down 3 Inches apart on w , i t creas<^ baking sheet. Bake 13 mln* Jnt r i utes In moderate oven.

A 'Ileal ChoeoUJe Cake

S cup waler der.m teaspoons soda

' >i cup cocoa 3/3 eup butterP i c u p .u t . r - - ™2 ffgs ••i cup stnir milkJ'.i cups cake flour TI uaspoon Tanllla

. H teaapoon salt ,

1. MX the first three Ingredients one-qt and allow to aland while mixing HU'b

■ tha balUr. 3. Cream augar and buU hot «' ter together unlll fluffy. Add eggs ''**"*• «nt ai a (ime and beat well 3. SKI flour and measure, add alternately with lour milk. 4, Add the flmt mixture and mix In thoroughly; 5,Turn Into two D-lnch greased layer j " ' take Uns and bake 330 degrees. 43 minute*, or Ihree a Inch layers and b . k . » “

TliouBh w#‘v8 had a liand In apples cookie making .{or. qulle.«)me-<tmer this cthese really a n the best cookies we brown hare ever eaten. Try them, ■ flour

, ' i cup buller ^ two c.. -S .U bk^jW ryT MWeteti suetr DhtlV_l

1 cup flour - ntlla 6I cu|i nut meals (broken)Cream butler, add powdered lu*

gar nnd blend welt. Add flour slow­ly and mix thoroughly. Fbld tn nut meits. J

Shape Into small crescent shaped rolls r.boul Uie .ilzc of a Wnall flnjer.Pliirc nn hlH nr .-Iwi iirrf IW Cgbake In a moderate oren (3W) for approiimately 20 minutes. Roll In

-ro « C T t« -r .i.r . -

GIngcmupf cream.

' Iton together fer 8 minutes 1 cup e^fh cf shorf'fiffir. brtrwn sussr andT fiiiiifi r r ’

■ a '

E a t s A r e . . 1 ^

A t C o l l e ' g e S

I ted 'rind of 1 -onnge, 1 well* Q H Iten egg, 1 teaspoon ginger asd urU) make a slUf dough; aUt with ■ teupoon aalt and 1 teupoon ■

la. ChlU, roll reiT Ihln and cul ■:h a smaU cooky cutlcr. Bake ■ a moderate onn . ■

Almond S lo p I

. oip shortening Hcup granulated sugar ■egg, well beaien Heup cake flour H

i Up. aalt ■Vhlte o t 1 egg ' ■. Up. cotnblnallon type baUsg ■ ■powder ' ■

.- tb » p ,-g T a n B la te d -* u g a r-= ■ —'i Up. cinnamon - - - ■ .llancbed nlmonds' H

:re&m the shortening, add I;ar and blend welt. Add the ■ll-beaten egg and mix. Mix and ■

tlw flour, baking powder and It. and add. Tum one*balf the ■tture - a t—»—time on »~wrlli' ■ -- --ured board and roll to >l Inch Hckiieas..Cut with doughnut cut* ■

dipped In flour. Brush orer ■h tbe unbeaten egg whlto. Sprln* H —with the granulated sugar mixed H

h the cinnamon. Spltt the al- ■ 'nds and place 3 h a lm on each Hg. bake on a well*greased baking ■t t for 15 minute*._____________H

Aprieei, C e^e* I

V a^ I cup dried aprlcota, put Iough food chopper, blend-with I

cups sweetened condensed Hk, lold in S cups shelled pea- Bts.' chopped, and 3 tableapoona |r6ir'JulcS~Bake~In—moderate' ■ —n for 30 minutes. H


- - iW 'S f i l llift one eup of flour and one- ITth teupoon of aalt Into a bowl. ■b Into It four tablespoons of ■irtenlng until tbe whole 1* re- ■M ' to a fine powder. Add cold ■ler slowly to make a *tirr dough. ■[| tU n, spread with a Ubiespoon ■shortening, fold and roll again. ■rer tin . loosely with this poste, ■ish orer with white of e n . fUl ■h Ih la . sllcu of good cooking ■ <lies. Sprinkle with one cup of ■ar mixed with a Ubiespoon of ■a . Sprinkle orer a few an^all ■ips of butter. Moisten edges with ■xolen white of egg. Co ’er wltti ■>t. Dak6 In a m ^crale oven HJl apples are done — about Ihlrly H 'lules. ■

-p rD » te im p p lo - I1 e ------------ I —

'lace thickly quartered Joholhan I lies In deep pie Un lined with ■ f good rUh crust. Sprinkle tree- ■ with sugar and cinnamon a n d ' ^ ^ with bits ot butter on top. F I U : ^ H

i.half tull with aweet milk (or _____am ir.you feel extravagant) and --------;e in a moderate oven until ten* 1 2 5

rineappte AppU Pl*

'ake a pint of grated apples, add half cup of sugar, a pinch of ; and a half Ubiespoon of flour, le a pie pan with putry. add the ted apples, dot with butUr and M untU the applea a rt tender, a half cup grated pineapple, add i*(]uarter cup of sugar and a Ib lemon juice, boll up. spread . over the pie. Gover with mer*

.lake sUff. rich biscuit dough.I apples -In quarUr* and wrap Igh around, pinching ends to- her. 'P ul one plnl of water Into baking dUh. with one cup of ar and small p l ^ of butter. 7 on top of store. ^ i in dump- K [s and bake tn hot oren until )Ies are done. Serve hot with I cauce: Blend one eup light fi wn siigar with two Ubiespoon* jr and butter alte of egg. Add I cups boUlng water and cook Tm fckC TB tjam n Tprwith-va- — a or niaplelne, j

Brewn BelJy

nio a baking pan. put alUt-: e layer* of sliced .apples, and. ad crumbs until the pan is flll- Pour over a llra tauee msde of

leggs.' one pint of milk and one- I __r cup suRar. Sprinkle lop wlih! meg. Bake In moderate oven,lit ■ ^Aftr.! -ve with hard sauce or whipped i im. I

Apple Baoeo Caki ___

iQj EUA b n r a sugar. «B i* tiii:.L S!S

% ) iapple


........ . , SV v l i rauin

•— ' — lende six ei

I I* 111 111

ou?*l celet) and I ple il

P shorltRlng, one a n d .a h a lf* ’’*’ ^ ps of apple nuce n ’eeUned, two .. t aping cups l(pur,- Iwo lerel tea- oons sods, one Uaspoon each cln- Tee imon, cloves, nutmeg, ono cup plet. Islns, one cup chopped ouU (wai- gar, t U or otliers). Crtan, lu g a fa n d drop


B f l l=:A nothcEJ3i«_VEAL:SPEeiAt

Irfjin P o l R o a s tB .............. ............Lejf or R um p R oast

. Shoulder S teak _______________Ix)ln o r Rib C h o p s ______ _Round Vcal S t e a k .............. ..........

■■"VcalTilfcf.'::.20< * S t e w ....... ..

1 4 f / 4 f

L ean Po rk S t e a k s ___________Loin Po rk H o t a t ____________L eg Sp ring L a m b .......... .............S houlder S p rln i; L a m b _____S p rin g L am b S le w ._________Som e G enuine R o a s tln e Chlcli pounds each, S p r in g e r s ...........3

S e e V e g e ta b l D is p la y R a c k I

R e a l P r ic e s O n R e a l

F r e s h V eg e tab l

I f Y ou A re n C u sto m er o f Vo] Food S to re . You A re PriT ilcge U se O ur F ree P a rk in g Ix it In I

of S to re .

T h is Is J iS r A n o th e r Servlc(

' O u rs lo Y ou.

YO U BIT We A re O H e r ia g

H e if e r s , C ttt R il

_________________ j i ^ . T h a t I

F o u r D e liv e r]“TODAY IT’S


lorUnlng, Add splcea. Then add not ( our and toda alfted togelber, with Itore le ’nuu and n lslns thrown la. tng ci lU air thoroughly together. Add Ing i }ple uuee last. Be careful to h iw ganili stilf balUr. Bake In a loaf'ln~a’ ntfHI

ow oven. This cake may bewarm*1 and used u a pudding wtth bard lUce. Ons

. -I spoonAppl* Cr«ker M d ln f

Slew ftre or six apples wilh Just cup c lougli sugar- lo sweeten, a tew sppic ililns and a UtUe cinnamon. When quick 'ni]er,'eool Now b u t the yoUu of X eggs and one cup ot sugar uo* boo 1 like a thick batter. Add gnled fei ot lemoji, and four cracker* llled wry fine. L u t add Ure egg hlle* tealen sUff. Butter a pud* ' ins dish, pour In the apples, then 1™“' le cusurd and bake. Ser\'e cold. . h . b . p p . a . ^ K

A n*, o w SU:.! , “ i

Cut ofl tops of a ll apples. Scoop ' i t Inside and mU with one cup * slery, on»*hiir cup aheUed pecans ad one cup mayonnaise, m ap-10 shells with thU, and serve with teaspoon of mayonnaise on etch

wie..: ■ ^

Cfimsoa cianatnen Applea ’

reel sind core six JonaUian ap* let. n ic e in pan with cup of su* ir, small package,ot red cinnamon _TA1 rop andles, and enough water to at Ki

mmm p h o n i3 1 1 - 31 4 3 S I 1 0 !



- ......'» <------- >S<

: : : i n / a ®


s , ‘ L ean P o t R oast IR ib B olling Beer

' W - T-Bonc S t k s ... * P rim e R ib Rolled

Hind Q u ar te rs , C

- . - a o T i ,

= S,— .« « f tlckens, 5 | H ^. 2 2 ^ lb.

f . f . - 4 L b s. S horten ing 4 L b s. P u re L ard

L F o r ' « r y C ure B a co n , i n F a n c y Skinned II" • • • B e e fH e a r ts . .8 ^ I I

P o rk L iv e r ---------i b l e s B e c f* L Iv e r...........

B ra ln s . . t0 ^ lh ,* S B cc( T en d e r lo in s .

V ogel’s

Thes ; I N D E P E J

^ M E A T -

y P i i o n e s 1 « 2

^ ---------------------- ----------------

I U . EN JO Y TH E-M EA I U Y A T T H IS M A H K E I Ig Y o a 'V ery Citoice Sl t ig h t, H a n d le d B ig h t a I — J n s tT ry U sO ,n c e !^

11 Good:CHlLl — J u i l ; J g g j ' - ’l .i r ie s D a U y — P h o n e 162r s T H K IFTY TO BUY QUALITY'


)0t quite covir, Oook 'o a top o t want tore until apples are tender, lum* llgeni ng carefully a t InUnrak ao color- hone: ng will be eren. Serve cold, as good: taniuil. nr-suiiu, mils and cheese. ___

^ p le M ntflu .' One pint of tiour, one-half tea* f . T»on u lt. two Uaspoons baking , »«dtr, one-quarter cup o t butter, lalJ-a cup of tugv.-ona-egg,'one :up ot mtlli, onecup thinly sliced ipples. Bake In mutlln pans In lulck oven.


ROUSES POINT. N. T, W - II 'M i moro Uian a sUto Has and Uie KlilUi of Uke Champlain to keep V Chief, big Oerman ahepherd dog. [)erm»iieiiUy Irom hls owner, lUch- ird Ikriii].

Do; and m uter became separated »t an outliig. a t Champlain. Dond laid Clilrf apparently w u Uken In 111 automobile lo Vermont, across lhe like. -

The next 'momlng .* speek' tlr»t noted on Uie opposite short a mile sway entered Uie w-aUr and gtew

^**C M el^1m m lng home. The jog « u exhausted but rKOvered.


- ta lu h a ssee ; n a . w v-o iris It Korlda State college for vomen

| | J E e R E T A IL

3 1 2 T h o s h o n e - O p e n

N i g h t s

5 F R E E


T O D A Y ■

is t B e e f ____________

k t f ......... .............. 0 ,1 S t e a k s ________

1.................................... . J O # - - O

................. ...............- 2 2 ^ JhUed R o tia l_________1 7 *

Cup U p.................. 1 2 * . ~gn


ju r d --------------------^ .6 0 *;on __ __________d H a m s __________3 2 <I* lb * T ongues . .1 0 * Ib________ ,..,._ ..21bs.-lS *.......... .............. 2 lb s . 1 9 *i ,* S w e e tb R B d s 3 5 < Ib.I n s ____________ 3 0 * Ib.


l e


rcor« 2 - 1 6 3

A T S —

E T --

S t e e r s a n d

t a n d S o l d

e !lg H ena and G rnin

______________________; _

162-163ITY" ■ ___


■anf Uielr "Ideal tnaa“ lo be Intel* educ gent above. aU. Then they want depe onesly, amblUoo. tense of humor, "Q

personality, hanil Fioughlfuhiess. neatness, courtesy, llger

B / U S A V S - . \

"Com* on. b a r* OD*

e i h t r o u p . T h lt i t


( la t t l y e u oa» 9tL W *'T t o h r o r t u«*d

^11 q t o u r h o u n ."

I ' - y ,


--- --------------------------------------------F!

8" w

IB i

n ic C M U i O M cfH lll ilio i.C o ll

JhonJiolf a cenlury of rooillnfl ond po

ground. F[nergrlndlftosaeriflcetAsvor<

Bros.Coffea thould nQ>b■reQround.7^

•rogelnanytypsofcoffee-moker. Dlrec

A Better forBi

• I IA D E W IT H :• P len ty o f R k h W hole M

IT r r f i o T l n e a t o f Q uality Kl• H ea lth fu l V itam in I) Y<• H ighest G rade Shorten

Jack Moss’Jack Moss’ Idalio Mnid Brt becauso of its dclicious fl m ilk and honey.)E v e ry loaf o f Jock M ojs’ c lcm enbi of n h a lf p in t of value, frc.ihnc.ss and .'^mopl fam ily .

J u s t T r y a Loc ■ f o S ^ a n i N i

DIfferei F o r S a l


AslTTotti^Crocef^ALw On S a il > t: Buhl, I

duaUwi. iportwmulilp, rtUglon, Iheit ependabUlty and'klndaess. poU <'a ood looki" are. helpful but the Ra

andtomo young man without Intel* plact :gence aUndt only twentieth ln|ness

-F 1 fty « « I ffh t* y e a rs -o g o n e w B -l

w 6 rd * o f* m o u lh . F l ^ - s i g h t y i

C o ife o w a s I n t r o d u c e d , a n d

o n e f r i e n d r e c o n u n e n d l n g 11

c o m * k n o w n o i th e i ln e s t-<

t r o r e l i m o r e q u ic k ly . B y p i n

f r i e n d s e lU l t e l l f r i e n d e o u l t]

B ro s . C o f f e e . . . u n c h a n g e d Ib i

15 C A K I~ IN ~ B K IW 1 N < ^-

:offeeliastandordselbyaknow ledgtci

pocUng coD ... T h t C t M d t Q l M

o rand cromo,oi well as keeping quolllli

7^4 C e M u i g A h d l t fluoronKadtoi


r B R E A : k t te r M E

•’ Idaho MailBread make.-! every b ite m orc ta.sl: , h a v o r and la s tin g fre sh n ess,

‘s’ Idaho MnId B read em bodies ai of ivliolc mi l k . . . . I t s improved f oolh Icxtiirf! will KO over b ig w ith

oaf. o f J ack M oss’ U a N otice th e D i f f e r e n t e n c e o f a B e tte r Brea a le in T w in F a l l s a t - U tK X T — ZIP-W A Y K [A R K E T -C IT Y PA R K Y-STOR E O N W A IN -E

r T o r “J a c k M oss’ Id1, F iler, B liss, H ag em u u i, HnllUt

Mir ranklgs. This w u thowB ta •'•'-■S oil ot SW psychology atudnU. . ■■r IlanUag the "Ideal woinin," t W * i"

R .

■ t r a T e le d - a lo w ly , - b y -

y e a r e a g o H U Is B r o t .

;d b y w o r d 'o l - m o u l h f '

r I t l o a n o th e r * i t b e -

l - c o f f e e * -T o d a y a e w i " !

lo n e . W i r e . R a d io . B ti!

i t t h e g o o d n e n o l H l l l f

t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e o r f t


i d l i a s flm QscofFM should ba '

lllleio{tirlheeonliep«n«LHllti .


iodYOUu»wtllb.s«>tonr«rmb '

lID ...S A L S !


id Breadw ly and appetiz ing, _

(Mftdo w ith wholo

I a ll th o nourishing [| flavor, e x tra food th everyone in your

t a f i o J t a J i L _______ _ _f E T T T T h e - ■ —

ead t —


m h o M a u r ^ — —lis ter and C astleford


^Twra.irotnt-.T:;'•^ ’- ; ^ = S = - = = = S S = 9^ v ; ' : r 7 r T T r r T ~ " ' ~ ~ r ™ ™ ^

;,. . T f f m p a U s d a i l y m

' . s f f i f f l r w a j s M i• ' ; • -nufc ia aa , uaag tm *« ot >urcn i, ;

.BD M O O T O M M T O _

• • g ? i a > "8 t Hitt.

• ' ‘" i j s s s s a « £ ^ ‘W b ^ s sU»bA u « B to 0 9 u a t7 , H m tti

1 tMT. riTUU ts MTUM II . . I

. H S ^ / a P ^> i s g “: - s = ;

m otB t* o r iiiQ c u T D r k u l n u w eeiM d »r«i u Menamij « u

ta (&• UH tot pubUnUOB oi ill d m < t*tcba cndiud lo’ U. ’«r a n o tu r o tsiud tn um ptpo tad m t u loeu e

vn mma* tm x M ti f r m , ■ ' ■ tom b* Anflii »8rwa a< OUaitotlflafc

tunoKjU, m t p « i a *itT«i ' ra tiD D n D itti u n ) reoDDB^ i

N m U U M M 'tlaucu i m sn

- ■ H T 'S S . ’l i ' w S S, dmi*.__________________________

- f t S M T l M K g nUiMd **tUT. MJ »* PStU M to Ib* ».r w L * a “ i [ ' 5 e r a r.» ObvtM IK IM 6Mias U n et Jdabc

• S P A IN AOT) E N G LA N D ' Poor old deeadoQt S p ^ (whether

- ‘(tt noti l i . t h i tTpIctl AmertciB o f th a t Old World power) teem i to b« b: in s to death Irom lotom al ttrUe, 7 z o lih tT e t b« ft reb irth there, but'w e s o t telL I t looki BS 11 th s lulclde clrll now In profrets Is idlllziK otf tho bei th s r tm slndar o f ft once great and :

- "c rfn l M M T B p a n ia r t t r r t^ l lk o - S D i presUge and loflaence on world ati b u ih h m k almoat to the Tonlshlns p

Y e t I t . ls well for oatlons like ours, I n the lr 'yonthful Tigor, to remember i Gpaln has beea tn d w hat she haa a»

^p llit)ed .'ireT er-m lnd -he r-8T ea t-d fty i Europe. America speaks for ber. Spain dls In th e Old World, bu t Spain rea on th is aldo of th9 AtlinUc. F o r ib e i c m hemisphere, from the lUo Qn •onthward—Msxieo and Central Amt

' and the chief IsUnds of the W eit Ii . w d neatl7 a ll'th o T u t conUnent o f S

Amerlee* except Brazil—was conquered

w u i lr e n th e Spanish language and Is .’D ta s forwHSl In a new ipW i the old 6|

Ish dTillxatlon.' I t m ust have tak^n a,, tremendous pendltsre o f national force to accomi th a t, Jusl u i t did for U u EogUsh to u d d m lo p .s o m uch of Korth Ame a long w ith the ir other foreign czpan

. t Spain seems almost to have shot her > h U e England Is s till g o tn r strong. ’COW long will England lost, u the hcai

~ ^ srea t-e m p lre T -T h ere Is-one of-the OQutlona of the future.

I W HATOFIHETBANSIBNIS; . ] .There wera homeless men and wo

pefore th e g rea t depression. There I ^ homeless m en and women a ll th n

. j ta six years. The federal eovemment UdDDd th e problem w hen It w u M th transien t camps, now dlscontln Local communities have m et I t with m: ^ t and 'inadequate methods. Somet

..ihe jL have fed th e homeless and then ] led them along to tho nex t town. 8< Imes they have given the wanderers t er u well u food,,but t t h u been "t

ih e l t e r In municipal lodging house: ,those of welfare agencies. Too o ltcn i shelter Is accompanied by overcrowd tw or sanitation, Individual d^tnoraliui I Another w inter Is a t hand . Many co

~ p o n r m T a i t* r t l iE f l - th e r h » T r b e e n ieveral years, b u t the homeless and loss s till cx ls t'ln largo numbers. ThU : jlculor problem needs an adequate and mane solution, bu t w on't get I t until

i jm p a th y of the general public Is aro io support bolh public ollicials and

. TBto agencies In the m ost Intelligent p they can devise. '

_ i__________

CHINESE CIVIL SERVICE ■ .The Japanese are- no t the only pc

huty In Chino. The Chinese thenuelves up to a number of InteresUng Uilngs. P banking comes word tb a t deserving pc a l satellites are being eased out of pi joba and the ir placcs taken by coll

. 'im lned men. .This is of course an anc Chinese custom. Scbolors used to. go Chins, bu t the system w u abolished i years tffo..■ The Idea now seems to be no t so n

Improvement of the govemment u ploym ent for a c lu s lh a t has been sul Ing unemployment. Ocnero] chltmg

r !k Is said to have promised regular the civil service 4or every college g

“ TBate'Who posses th e stole examlnaUoi i EducaUon In China today is dlfte

from th a t o t Imperial days. The stato Affllnatlons now deal le u wItA Chl

';d u sis ,'d U U g rap h y -,-v ch e ry ondrltes, , ifabre wIUi economics, sociology, mo ' ie ta i pracUce, world history ond the e ; '» d en c cs ..4 ) T d fa r th e r the rw hltc collar" movei a 'd v l l eernce 'InsU tu te b u be«n estab ^ to iftUch only’ graduates of accret

^ e d ^ t" ln c f f ld e n t jwUUcid appolntci m f* nf tw n p»r p.tnt of the total r

be r o f d rU M nrasts a year. . j l t a ll- teem a jaU ier rem ote from Bteadr MTAnee .of Jap&riese power in a ^ n t In tiie lotig rm -> w blcb iJ really all

I eounta In the Orient—thej be found to hove saved 01:

- nese. >

M * * * ”» CAIHPAIGNI— — An American rtewspopei u ^ been abroad for a wlille, a ». »»T». gets a f r e ^ view o t the po

finds th a t Uie technique h Idly.

___ IM ‘'More and more of Uie i— “ • • ^ r l t , "Is being done on t ■nB*. poison squads. The master “ ““ ■ most g lren up trying to '■'■P g m eeU np In ward dubs, be< . M tends u^cept Uiose on th s , The experts are baffled,

about the use o l radio, b = 5 - never, sure how many peoi ** They can count heads a t ■ n '‘d £ ' b u t no t hearers-In homes. 2 ^ , listener In a public audle iiMuw ’ ge t up and walk out during

a re probably plenly who qi speaker when be doesn't

Mfc radio audiences, even mc ““ “ audlenets, probably cont t, n n w ith hearing only w bat th<

I n j openly o r furUvely, un pie are only too willing to I a galn it candidates whose p

~ ■ IffieTand I t Is a foh n 'b f p Is h a rd to combat, . . .

^ PASSINOOFAN'*“ • • ndaho n m Poit-R

' ' ' One ef the oore oelsnchol UlS fall v a t Ui» acnounCTinei Utat Uw nagaslu Ule hsd bee

ier true nolom erbepubU iheduahui .n ■ To UlS n»w gtnenUon whic “ m to UlS » t#a*lM -tndlia dss « bleed* decAdt, Uils ntws caa have li I There older ttadtrt. cjpecitUy to Uic n e a n * rtej run btck into UugeneraUc ivU ^ U marki a tharp cbtnge in Ai

^ i t Wi» tor Uie mo»t part a Ie: ®‘ natured humor whlcli Lite oJI

id pow- H i# m»»iitne htd Its "cautc* Spanish' -to-beTurertm t-lt took them-H a ffairs,' out~s^tI;i| thrill aKuTUuiii: r nnfnL ^t luxurUted in an atmosphei L .1 tl Jl* edltortnlj toundcd llko «ie

flecUoni ot a wlso snd benlji sr w hat *nd It used Milre. tor Uie a<

I t tilted Uie pre*war era u hand. I t had la It a tUong

jnore pleasant aspecu ot Uie e west* ktjred to Uie Umpo ot a world ( Qrande ginning to use automobiles and tmericft planet. I t w u dlsnlfled tn Its t

TnriiM Atter ths war America to a frODl under It.'R) mark Uie char

f SouUj « , compare Uie old Uto wit red and «tiich can be considered lls su

Is car* Tlie New Yorker Is Joumalii I R nm . nverent. Its t in t Issue aonoui

no concern tor the viewpoint t ro n Dubuque. I t ottered feU

)us ex- oi Charles Dana Gibson. )mpllsh Where Lite would poke tun u to win WlUl a vlcI

fn*rif>s went rltlit Into Uie most tenslU Ufe could g*ntly kid toelety

Ward McAUUter, Uio uoeouUi i ier bolt, 'loelal cllfflber, and Uie aliUonal g. And h it daughter to a European t icart of The New Vorker. *IU\ bitlni tha biff .tUnglni.eartoon,,could_lraply.l

Uie American landsapc.Each mttazlne rcllected the

wise man ot Its own era. As 11 to Uie '301, Uie New Yorker bc

r s ? doua ni«ett. u It detened to ‘hned and-wtnt on-U»e-bloekr

0 have *“hrough And bock of It aU lies Uie ieo t at* tact U ut this simply U nt Uio ti1 » o rs t two decades ago. Wlicn

dent Uist progress wat alitoi‘“ “ “r Uihut would work out very wmake* nlnor nuisances were cuti

leUmes dismayed and contused, trustlnm hur* old standby*, resolved to g l« iBom ., to the enemies ot Uiat projrts

,v .i realize, h u utterly c e ^ to birs snei* ^ th j net.joKiid old-UmtnI “ « * U te's hejdar, Uie newt of Uftses o r iU old lotm must coma as a0 siich nUnder ot a dlsquieUng clitnr

- WHERE n iE MONEi (Chicago Dally m

cony* Each year about UU* time tr (Ul for "cotnmeics'm' Waaiilnilon-pBbji id lob* account of the American pcopli lU n a r. ^

. aU Uie peopio W Uielr dlvcrsii;md hu- u ,j„ ,,ow u u i inc( ltu the among vtrlout classes ot claim iroused The Income account tor IM id n ri- PUblshed. I t shows Uist Uie t< t ninn. duccd by aU Ui6 people ot Uie I t plans ^ m y j le a U na 63 billion d.

paid out was tnore lhan 83^ bi cause wo dlslrlljuted Itom wv yean mon Uian haU a billion e we saved In 193).

S Of Uie S3!i blllloos paid ou.bUUon dollars w tnt to empIo)'i

P“ P'8 u larlts. rarmers got most of ,vcs are dollan «iucli It elassUled i r1 From withdrawals." In contrast lo. m liu . Osures Uie Uital amount ot d , all stockholder* In aU buslneu.‘ mUllons, and Ui# toUI ot InUrCollette* all bonds. aU moit«a«es. aU not an d en t l l« d Interest obllgaUons wu govern Dividends and Inlerest tocelticr

blUlons In a dlstrlbuUon of 63V J than one-screnlli of Uie total.

If all of that 71/3 blUlons o n 3 much dcnds, includtng Uio sliare of ii as cm- rich and bjrpoor wldovt. liad suffer- "ledenil jovernment It would r lg Kal expenses of the federal got

lar jobs as’ matters stand, that 11' e grad- does pay a very larse share of Uont. oilier taxes coUccted.'and In odi Iftcrcnt •’'* cndowmciiu

liojiilialj, a vco- larse prcjwi ™ charlUe* In Uie counuy^-and Chhiese number* of the tged and depe *J, and- “ m ere wouM bs a good deai-i modem UUs country If all persons wl le exact and wrlto aboul lho natl

Its division omong Uie people , t i n a hnlt hour's stud; to I

ivemeni counUnjs.tohUsh* • _______________: r c d l t e d --------------------------------------

ll niim- 1’THE BOBH

im the ^ pn lesar t i r e an examlni »rhinn '0 his class Uui hero was one Qt

« .1 ■ cxhimuvtl)-.a il m a t One youn* siudent know prc

bese la e u u re s may jCblnft fo r Uie Chl* NATION

(NEWS B(Oopjrliht, M.

INING !___ - ____iper m m t who h u i and on bis re lu m iP j U U c r i c ^ p lW , , „ T S S

0 b u Changed rap . u p o u n S e d ^ Uflhort t»nje resuJ

le speaking," he re* Uiey wlU be mar1 th e n d lo and by i t Rootoveii » i t . r i « I & h . v . a l - S S S ‘‘io'”oto o rganbe large o e n t tlnanees wt

b e ca u u nobody at* and Ui. budget n h s pay roU." U Undon shoed, Uiough. b e says ««lce January 3 .b e ca u se they are «ople are listening. j^ecesso fS it ft public meeting, would mean Uist lei. And w b ereu a puiung his budgt dlence will seldom Oemoctals are ngftm eeU nj.,U ,ere J S i S H A ! .q u Ie U y tu n e o u ta d ltotuon would. I 't su it h im . Thus merly, aceordlng mora th a n pubUc era ot boUi p a ^ on ten t themselves Uiey w ant to hear. flPECULAno>

tt-nrlf. 1unfortunately peo- monUis m wi to listen lo slander Jie h u iwo and : e poUdes Uiey dls* preildenis liave t f pr"opB g8ndrihat

Cabinet changi ■ ■ V presidency* changt

“ «<*!»« « Alf EEA will mglm MTCnt-Iteglster) .. TtJbto-samblUont Aaly ^ 1 ^ Of 1JJ3 nay ou

very m us tpec, been sold and would don cabinet—pre humoroui magaslne. <, R iuns acc (hlch w u graduated nuke sdtaWs a class wlUiin Use Ust opinion U U ut a 1 t mUe meaning; lo Uiose whote memo-

: S S ’l l S ’“ ' >1X T U «E.nU U t lm t U M io o a - M lm d lu ran p n , “

ih O T O lb to a iU H f f S ” “

r « f y r ‘.“= s r i s s s, argument a n UieT r . i i S T i i i r u s -

m m i m i m m

omehow moved outhanjo you hav# onlywith the * htUe more CouiI wccestor, U i e ^ bad mUture, woul

laiisUc m m ienT lN ’ “ O B S IA flisT ^

s r . f S , s ; “ r tI S , S S i i

n urbanely. Uio New vlciou tcalpei Uiat islUvo nen’# centen.Jty tor Uie anUcs otUl clumsiness of tho **" "*inaire-s yen to marryn UUehoIdtr. . otlcnslUng parngraph andly Uiat KOflfitr u - a "'*8l'l hold, UialurillracU vebioton

lhe TlewMlnt ot Uie A la r^ e a d e r ■J Uie IOS gavo w y “ W: ••Nof becamc'a tremen- ^lo do: and Ufe de- «»[««« ‘ ‘

s a v f i s s. u n be mtdo comple nUicr dlsmaytag.0 tame country Uiat I can tee a t pres<

& " a n d “ uS*t W U lcm T hen '.t weU u toon u a *«'curbed, we aro nowlUng in nono of our ^« no-quarter a t all tJtecment win oe

u fe 't from deiermuiea anve is a melancholy re- e o l ^ goods. Me d(

’ “tlood control of ■_Z__ destroying Uie AnS'EY OOES AalJtanl BecntsItlbwiel» Uie dtparlment of BUlshea-Uie-lnooma- opie tor Uie preced- Income produced by empiojc*.

f t ^ T l d o'i;! re il ir iU dw u im 'slmanls. «ilcw its decision' IJJi lias now been fJ"’™ *»*•B total income pro* ' ' ’«ruiiner of a .nle United States was p P « ‘« t women, doli™ III . M “ • I” ' • i billion dollar* be-wrings of brevlous , POljUcal paiin dollan more Umn »

Landon p n fen to iout. more than 38 *blle U if)

iloj'es in wagM and , of tlie fl,'00 mUllonir*tnueDreneurlal wnsUtuUoito Uiesa « ry Urse *’'« liihlbltlon ait dividends paid to »»ra«tlon UUiat teiscs WM only 2.U0 j ”lUrest paymenu cn • *•** notts. and all otlier was 4 .ta mllllowi.Her accounl for 7 1,'3 Con-.olldated Oai63'4 bUUons. or less >>)' *®n‘®al ■ ^ Allimiihiocoraeootinterestanddlvl- ^ u n d j the storyIf ll receh-ed.by the dcni of consolidatead been paid lo Uie “ named.-...d not have covtrtd o'govemment In Uiat " “ '“ O '-W U f la'

du:ifs....Bupremo71'3 billion dollarsI of Uie Income and Uitough bankruiaddition 11 provider *™^fal home ilU for colleges and re|»rtc(l....Ptderasjwtlon of all the *"* Kveral ind ll supports rast i..' ----------lependenl.al-lesa-demagorHn- •*'* *ub)tet.cf the

who undertake lo •'«* *<> be -exhausiutlonal Income^and " ’»'''i her ptperlie wero required lo winmeiil penciled0 Uicm annual ae- >««) beau

wint is UiB' bush."


L' F U O U " * illicover u S It'hoc I- i cnitinalnud-wlUi

iH would not hare be<ninatlon and *tatcd <ng pusengen of e Quejtloa he wished "nie porter mert

modrrator. and ye i precious UlUe about a can o' mulk th t r


)NAL WHIRLIGIG I] BEHIND-IHEJffiW a^. ^I UeOInn Kenpaper ayndieatO |

WASlilNQTONDy Ira Bennelt , ]

U ng range-resulU to be expected cUon a n fndlcaled by Uie poUoies f Uie ta-o presldenUal candidates.•esulls ean be foreseen, to part, and marked by Important chinget. W tII sliould be rteleeUsl. his relief

bo quickly nvealsd In'U ie esll-to congress on January 6. Oovem. * I would be exhibited in Uit'budgetet message. ____should be elected he would take ^ y 30. beton which Ume, pretum* B Jt would have sent hi Ute budget B m *1 policy would caU tor rerltion ot B l or-a proposals. To accept Uiem M mat Undon would lose a year tn H i jdget balancing Ideu mto effect.. I S a n upected to n ta in control-of ^ ut by a reduced majority. Beavy BUy [unds to be spent a t Uie president's i S lid meel mote resistance U un tor* log to private opinions of lawmak* f S l arUcs. ' ' . ■ B f

ION. aecllon ot U adon would-be ^ *

A pus'n wlilcli to pick Out a caWnet. Now nd a, lu lt monUu. aeverai recent I's barely finished cablnet-making on time, notably WUton and

uiges a n in sight, wheUier Uie inges or noU Common talk Is Uiat es anoUier WhiUi House lease he rcnl Important shifts. 0 ^ j , on to become seoctaiy of labor in ‘ : out in ■37. •peculaUon is heard u to a U n* presumably becaute Uie Eaosan acquainted wlUi men who might

I cabinet material. Wathlngton l a Undon cabinet would be sur- resslve, and mosUy weitem.

ButterFaUier Coughlin tpoke wlUi feel- Mtche: terred U) Monslgnor Ryan's liberal tdlo time. Tlie nillo people exact rn,i, knighlln a heavy toU in advance hlch'hft flnrti.d lttlcultJfljneet. sn-smaller th a n -tl^ -w en .-b u l at Uiat he Isnt b^anclng his

him luis adopled a double-geared :hlng audlcncei=iono by ndlo. in atlve moderaUon and packed-m " ' t X Uie rule. Tlia oUier is direct Ui hout a mictophoat lo-cramp his lls a l BalUmon. wlUi tme results. ^ ^ {01 Uie tull benefit ot oratorical ^ roared out ils approval. »latler a t tho CaUiollc university. u i and SludenU, over Uie debut of i„ ,d tv

m as a pollUcal ipeaker. One pro- J,, lltUe more Ryan in Coughlin and oeone

Coughlin Ul H)-an wouldnt be aRevt

’allace on Uie crop Insurance pro- favor ll 111 principle, but many

it the feaslblllly ot govemment f " “‘* ». When stress li Uld on Uie sug- “ Mntrel moy be atlalned by Uie (entlon of farmer*, tome ot the nes a n skepticalicenUy mado Is that Uie soli ero* oJ tIm In eltect lus never been te i t^ ,h . it,

itutlonalily. Therefore. wliUo It Is . tcnslblo voluntary cooperatloa-by antendcd Uiat Uie *upttmo coun At UUS coopenUon Is, merely.a ,, ierclon, .as It did In a somewhat

Icr who Is sliaring In the sym*■•NO TOlunlary cooperaUon plan iffecUvo because of the big per* lit fall to coopente. That means lucUon would run wild and eu- *1“ ™" mnce scheme unless crop conlrol rr™ ompulsory. How lo make 11 com- ?

Iho ConsUtuUon is more Uun “

S e :tre's a sharp difference of opln* jilw n m anuttc lunn and Uade len.over the effect of Japanese to Uie Dnlted Qlates. This dls* be aired a t Uie next session ot

d. president o'f the NaUo'iwl As- ” jlton Manufacturer*.-predicts » re for increased UrUt duUtt on ^ . :e detcribet It u a movemenl for R V • of Jspanese imports which a n ‘ American wage tcale.-' I fvern ta iy ol State Bayre. in chanio “ * tUUont. asserts U ut Uie total lon doUi hnported trem Japan «»• «''] tuve been nunufaetored In ”an “*«

Minuet,Refusal by the tupteme court to ""“ Jf j lon uptelUng the New Yotk mln- *■ 5 ^ ■ tor woown Is looked upon u the a movement lo empower suies leik m IndusUy. notwlUistandlng Truel ir against violating freedom of editor 1

who thlptrUes luk\-e indicated tliat Uiey monUis

t wages for • women. Ooremor volved. to accomplish UiU Uireugh state gnce: I be' DemocraUo party favors na- Uie I

boy Ro»d. according to laaTtrs, would jtJonal amendment In llie law prograr a against i-oldlngcontracis..One Memotr ftt the objectlro might bc reaclied )r -voluntary’ paymenl b)- em- ige scale tUed by law. «™"d^

rpt B. Cortelyou-tong president ^aasandBeclrloofN cw Y ot'ii-ls *ceneti .a tnslden wiUi haring iKniiadedaeout tor lA ndon....That back- • Memcory Uiat Al U to become presl* empty idaled Edison. BS'Ihf utility r<iup ing loa^...Pederal officials nuUce llglit accusen ts of dumping goods upon this JM'** *

law authorises eounienalllng■me court- refuses to review lls Uiere yinlclpallUes and counUcs cannot - kruptcy....Steady growth cl Uie Tie mortgage Insurance sj’siem Isleral milk eontiel li under legal p a l tlates.

the quesUon. but,*ris-dld know - v w t taustU-R.' ' erts, <per was returned the fouod this lehooli. led asalnst her answer:lealen about Uie buih. Ki;at I fUJon t

Uiat th

n iE DBAtTDACK S W kthfChUtth■0fBft^^t.nrf.p ,t^1

latlon 10 titch a inln, only lo iicsnselud left flra minutes earlier. Ho to RoT

slU>_*-pfitt«r-and-a»ked-tHt a m d ct been possible to Inforni intend- Beach,cf Uie change. Bridf

lerely made reply: ‘'Ve may be Tnppeiye may be a D. D., bul If j e wrre Hand 1b t railway wad UUnk malr'o' y«.~ i


N e w Y o r k [ ~

D a y ^ D a y r

. B y O .O .M c IN T y R E ^

NEW YORK. Oct. n -P u re ly per* onal piffle: X like Uu T exu eow- Kiy term for a hip of redeye: “A nort ot branch water." Boyhood ' ■ ,ero: Tho fellow In Uio checkered ' lilt a l Uic county fab- who etacked , :

and riffled Uie surer d^^lan.at

IU n ^ ^ t O T at

t^ful d n ^ h o n e i |

0 . 0 .»B»yTe dam: ^ V p ! • m. twilight. X-m ,

. nush-over for new type of _ L Bieiy razor and can work up the lanning symptoms ef almoet any t.ledleal ad I read. ------------------LAristocrat ot newspaper nsmes:

ihesUr_Xord of Uie old Busw- A - - tick comedlsn buffeted ijy l a ' reaki: Jimmy Sava lh e Paris Midi neeTeferred to me as New York aneut” and Squln Mauck aad the jys a n tUU tn sUtchea b u k homt.Job tor Use 6. P. 0 . A.: Thorouglj

ein-up e t many dog'hospitals.About Uib omlest boy b onr town w now a missionary ia Alaska. M u

ilUer is one . of Uie stand philoio* ^ lets to come out of Uie news thops.'o'd like to own U ut battled, blink* g far-away expression of Charlas utterworth"* when a certain Isdy itches us In a Ub.

This aparUnent hasslx clocks U ut riko the hour, quarter and h a l l- ;d:ar8TiboutTisTnnch-fun-8s-any •10 can haw. I 'fee l slUy'trylng to’ ‘ TTiT lk to one of those “wonder kiddles"I Uie SUge and screen. One word '• scrlpUon ot Broadway columnists: ' iimorous. Why Amos n' Andy have ttclassed all the rest: They d eal. lly WlUl kindly'humor. hopeful LlloKipby-no'blttemrss.-'niD au- - or p ^ o havo most curlotlty to s: Ernest Hemingway. In the baUi ^ imtaily address Imaginary audlen* s, and beforo long I'm talking to id they rap on the door. Sprucest Ute white-haired oldsters: Uoyd


R e v e r t^ Uiat eld axiom. "No

tlds' man Bhorty. now dead and ne. idolized Fields and was mis- Ible out of his sight. Then Uiere U ut one: "A tool and his money > soon parted." Well, Daddy owning prospered richt up to his It extraragant dido. Odd name for shdewd producer: Alex Yokel. irehing saUrist: F nnk Case of I Algonquin. But he senerally ;!S a pseudonym. Best non-pro- tlonal dancer: ^ o n d O'Brien.

Outstanding radio pertonalltrde- ' lopment ot Uie year: A. U Alexan- r. For a dote of the blues, pats I de.«rled Polo Grounds a t tun- wn. Tho xcnlUi o t desolation. First w I taw Bert U h r I had my arUetl laugh butr never after* rd copld he winnow more'than a ' n t smile. Make a tool of me will ul Major Bqwes, tumlng out a lly newspaper lyndlcate feature, lother chore tor Amerlca’a Busiest m. Ttade last tor Duke Ellington: lU-re the most talented of Ihe col*<d orchestra leaders. George Arllss s the tin t person I ever taw wear*; both spits and mnnofls In mibllc. fc W B. DriscoU Is oD the first chapter K '' ft volume titled: "A Book About ■ 0 . McIntyre." He will tell alll ■ ‘

f tayU ng .Jr ,a tl5 .haa taush tm e T „re in about tclmUtle lubjects lhan ever leamed a t s c h » l A friend , ^ s Uken up Uie study ot Uie Jap- ess langusge a t M and Is liiivlng Qurrc: » time of his life. The most flam- and > [ indirldualbt ever met tsadore fresbir ineaDi-The-slnglft-claatleal-pltce -tess_ IniUmUy.rceogtike BeeUioven't t> , , nuet. A number.on Omndma's islc box. 1%-e never been bored a t ,_„Tn play produced by John Golden, 17 i r d 1-ve teen a U ^

rruelsm 'from an old esltbllshed the mi llor In Colondo Tha only persons _ , 10 UUnk Ota Page One tcandal tlx oUis atler are Uioso directly In- Ived. My notion ot perfect physical ce: Hanlett Hoctor. Most terrible Uie baseball nlck-namet: Bchool. r Rowe. Memo to MeredlUi Will- Q m i: How about a halt hour rndlo met tl jgram ot thrilling marches? nlng. 1 rmotnblft sUge entrance: ITie m as xer lettlns down Uie awnlns nnd cards t tails the tramp, Nat Wills, mteiln and opera Is gtlUng along all ht. hs. ha. WlUiout OalU-Casastl. w aclots pul more realism Into a n .p i , ne than Walter Hustoa W cN

----- FORUitemory: Captato B aan . wtUi sa pty sleeve from Shiloh, eneoung- WE^: loafen along Uwyer's Row la boy **nise him ot running a t the fa- at thelUs engagement so he could te- r n Ic. 't : "All Uiose thal didn't ate sjntemire yell" signed

(Copyrlshl 1M8. McNaught dent tSyndicate) be pah

■ pupils—I Ilnej, I

' JEROME - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2il MAS{^Wtr«etaio*s---MnrNe!ll9:iW)r - p l « s. cciunty -stipeTmtendeTit-or lOOlt,- reports the h u visited ill ^ 10 rural school* under her super- *..,.11, Ion U>e first Ume UiU year, and u ^ i it the KhooU all have Increaaed t u ^ i roUmenU Uilt year, opedany the rirto e m ig ^ ^ f W M and lutelion.

Inte w u Isiued Tuesday eveninc in- ani Roy r . Brook*,.HaselUn and

i«flolyn~Chaitdler.— t — t o rich. Callfomla. uMdge Hoaleea - Mts. Viola ** ippen w u hosteu to Uie DelU-t- nd bridge' 'dub a t her country We ; a t Tuesday tvcnhig. Mrs. AUeen Seed &





Candid Camera Cat


lESC a n 'th e U leit eandid pletnres of ICaniaa. Uie Repobllca^ candidate tor Ih

irrcau winning high score ptlic G |R| d MlM teah Dunagan low. Re* ishmenls were served, by the h o t - ___

l,<s|Qa Convenes — The CaUioUc RA imcn's league held Its llrst moet- Ilchn ;Tnursday aftemoon at Uie home counv U n. 0. r . ZeUer. A pot luck terve;

leheon was festured and Mr*, wood n Thorpe, presldenl, conducted short »meeUng. • whichSnterUlns Club— Mrs. Louis Nel- I waa hoit«* to Uie Sewing elub idiy atiemoon a t her home. The 5f‘ 1' emoon w u ipent socltlly and re* shmenu were tened.Irange MeeU — Jercilie Orange a tho t I t Uie Grenge halm iday eve* event) lg. Rev. A. E. Martin w u taken led b as a member a t this meeUng. Freelt

rds were plsj-ed aller Uie busincis Echle ellng. apedi

■ •___________ ' MissMiss


VENDEO. Oct. IS - A school I safety palrol is being organiied Uic WmdeU gnde schod this

(k. The plan hiroked .Includes a ^ E teoi ot sevenl boys being as- M n ., ned to the t u k of dlrecUns ttu.- route It traffic. A "talety l*ne." will itopni painted across the highway and ntimc liUs made to keep wlUiln Uia p^nir. M, thus avoiding "Jsy.waldng.'' daugS


»SONS OF WENDELL - S i !U N PHE_^NTrDINNER —VENDELL, Oct. is-in \itallsns i-e been sent out for the annuil sonic pheuaat dinner next — tsday eienlng. October 20, a l the t u lo club rooms, The b.yiquet will »ju.wi tirepittd Ull.< VMr-hr tti9 0 . E, S. A projnm ot speak- jjo r r ■ and music will be given In con- .,tsa l :tIon with the dinner, nnd Grand _ jy y ite r w . it.''rhompsin'-oi Burley Expected to.bo prevnt.

. ■; be a*Ve nor Popeom oa cob. Globe d & Fe«d.-Adr. t u

TOBEB17,19M '

^ i f e A t Its Loweat Ebb

- —'E R .M IN D , C A D O ^ K ' V ' ^ CARRY M Y CLUB3. ) ^ i LL H E L P KEBP ME W A R M ,

, -

SAs- ^

_ J '

atches ta n d o n H

1 houn

Pe «noi Oert teelli o tu g in Uie ever] te r t





of aevemer Alt M. U n le a ef •IhepresldmeyW A^Phele.

IRL RESERVES OF ,. h a z e o o n c o m e :! ” !

HAZELTON, Oct. 19 - Mn. J. E. ehns was hostess to Uie adult held unvll of the HazelUin Olrl Re* lund rves a l her home In the Green- day »d community Tuesday evening. A wen ort butlnesB session w u held a t w u 1 Uch Uie president, Mrs. J. B. byM ckson. presided. I t w u decided to Mrs. se.« cach member to make up Uie stcet licit for Uie t in t payment to Uie Callf strict secretary ot Uie Oltl Re- memi rves. Ths secretary. Mist RuUi eXtanlmle; ,wu present and gavt Gran Ihort talk. The latter part o t Uie Octo) entng w u spent in playing games enL I hy Mra. Cecil Bott and Mn. dlred eelOTC. Prlres wero won by Miss turer, hlemech and Mrs. Nelle Cochran. >»< ■edal guesU of the eouneil were son i iss Mollea, Miss Eehtemeeh. and of Ui iss McManhnle. The eouncU wfll Ing • Id regular meeUngs a t the homes ^ U ; the m.fipbcn on tha second Tues- honei y cTi^ibg of esch monUi. v l ^ j



WENDELU OcL ifl - Mr. anfl a a if f MirUn of PocaieUo, en? ate to Boise to visit Uielr ton.Ipped over for a visit a t the H. E. w .ti. Im en home. Mr?. R«lmer accom* nled Uiem lo Boise lo visit her ughter. Mta. Cliff MarUn. Jr.. who ms lo return to PoatcUo tor a “ 5 ^ Jt a t tho homo of.Uie tenlor Mr.

------------------------- ----- „ la sta“■■■ ^ h o m e

WENDELL dS '___________________________ club:rak a P a s te n U - Th* r«7. H.llwn Porler h u accepted the paa- J f *•a**-«t-U»MCuna-BlpU«H*ath: J S r I I reporu U ut h e h u a good/on-rgallon and U enjoying his w ort ^ ^tispmes ...Pomien------- UcnatdlUhtleld. Durley. hu .arrived In•ndell with his family -ana win .v v ,.

assodated-wtUi Com- . t y ,ins u a'bookkeeper. "flpurlAscheoa Jleid - Tht CJvle club man^

. - -

0 ^ ■ I ^J j u i d i n g _ l o u r ____

• - C h i l d --------By


MISPLACED DEVOTION MT*. X prided hertelt oa being a avoted moUier. She had never per-' ' lilted oUien to cara tor her baby, nd had never left Uie child tor mon Iwn a few houn a t a time. When landy w u eighteen monUis old. owever. Mrs. X tound that the w u Ijllged to letve him tor a few daya Dd to took her to her stster's ouse to stay.Perhaps Uiere w u an txceu ot

motion m h u fanw dli to the baby. lerUlnly tomtUilng gave him Uia lellng U ut her departure waa not t Uie usual Umponry kind. Hs be­an to whhnper u the went out ot tie tront door, and kept It tip for rery hour ot Uie day and night uva >r Uie few houn when, from thter UuusUon. he ilepL i t w u ' not a isty yell, but a constant, smaU cry: Uummy, mummy.”Wlien Mrt. X nlum ed two daya

iter.-ahe-feund-a-householdat th s— reaklng point ot nervout tension, nd a bsby who w u nearly tick with omesleknest.Dy her devoUon U n ; X had not

nly put too great a atnUn on her , ister ond her tUUr^ tamlly. but had J Iso causcd her dilld two daya ol Ult .lost acute'm lseiyr''------- ----------------The feeling Uut ih l w u tssenUal ) Uie child and Uie tUUery of h it lUr dependence upqn her was anlly worUi Uie priee whlcli oUien lid. H en w u not telfUh devoUon. ut selfish love of power.I t Is a good plan tor mothen to xustom children to accepUng earo om oUiers, even to suylng wlUi here away fnm home. I t the moth- ■ U wise the will. If possible, dellb* •ately lea« the baby In tomeone se's charge for a day and a night rery now and then. Just to u to can boUi herself and the child frem « much dependence on each oUier. lie « iy probably will find t lu t In le Ions m n such a course of aclion m m k e laeallW iT *'flU^i.!*l“ '

eld lU annual, homo products incheon In the clubrooms Wednes*»y aftemoon. About 34 women ' ere present. The following prosnm a i alven: A Ulk on liome producU r Mrs. M, D. McCoy; ptsno solo by :ra. Fred EaUm; a short UUt of ■eetlng by lilts. Eldon Wllco*. of allfomla, who was formerly a ember ot the Clvle club here. _ _ Booster NIthi - West ..Pofat range observed ‘:boester night" ctober 13. A large crowd w u pres* . iL H te protnm w u under Uie- recUon ot Melissa McCloud, lec- ^

Reiums for Vbll ~ John DavL',- n t t C. O. Davls. one time edllor

Uie IrrlgaUonlst, and now edit- g a newspaper a t Cambridge, re- ntly came Uirough Wendell on a ineymoon ttlp, pausing briefly lo sit boyhood friend*.Taking Cotrne - M lu Maurlne lams left Sunday for Portlsnd. •take a thrte wteks course in a ittysiShool.HMleH (« Onb - Mis. C. B. Illx- 1 was hute.u to tbe DelU Hand ub Saturday altemoon. GursU :re Mrs. R. W. Howell. Mrs. Dean ivl'tson and MUs Uicllle Ogee, n . French won high. Mrs. Howell eond high, with low going to M lu eOlnnU.CaUferttU VlslUr — Mrs. Edna llcox ot Hollywood, arjlved Sun- .,y lo vUlt with friends here. She staylng-atUu-Olson-MacQulvey tne.- 'Card O A MetU — Mrs. R.' J.‘an enlerUlned the Senior Bridge ih Friday afternoon a l cards and sse-t luncheon.U g Brekeo ~ Charlea C h t ^ -

fw a rd ^ o iu e . Ha was Uken to .. ValenUne'a hosplUl t » treat- y

SiUiAbeltnoaoftd-M Us'^nelen V ibott. sophomore a t Uu uniretilly £ MOKOw, w u_rwnUy elected te M

purs." naUohal undercIsas"'wo. ' m 'l hononty servlet aororUy. ^

SDiSrASK "■ i : lE s i s i r E i ;

dreiiI — , and

Idahoan Avers He Is 'Still Living Up‘ to My

Conviotions’ - E ?EMMETT. Idftlio. Oct. 18 Wl _ G n

Scnaior WilUam E. Dorali, R«pub- lictn candldalc (or • tUUi urm . , (ledsM In an aildrtsi here lonlglil h i vould not 'apologtu for an ;

h t coit In the 'eenate durlni lhe nootevtlt admhUitraUon.

“Ther* MtDU lo bc an ta p ro - c^ lion amont eome. whoso opIiUon I neu rcipect, Umt I am not lurilclcnily oppc vltorouA In niy attack upon wiiat Is old callfd lh# New Deal Degl

"II «em» 10 be iliouslit r Uiould of 1 condcmn U t s t nhoM atid caodertui the inotlvn belilnd IC and Uie ob- chur jKtlvM o( the Kew Deal. lo I!

’ DioK llllngs whlcli 1 lupporUd dar. and ap])rovtd I do not criticize and Tt:

— 1-do not-lni«iid-lo-erlllcl».bcau*c undt 1 acled accordliij to my beat Judj- Mini mcnt. • mg

■ < l y CcnTlcllnni--------------S«"XfiOie ineasum which I db- dbla

approved I lUll iluapprove. In olher lum uordJ. 1-am-llvliir-uP‘to a n d a c - Dr cording lo my convictions aa l cn- will tertalncd them then and as I en- cntertalii ilicm i io w .-------------------- hi 1:

"I rejccicd a t ihU lime no part "Lea o l Iho recoid and J .flpolofflie jor ~T no volo 1 cast. 11 would bo dishonor nlll uble lor me lo do M and I ha've Foull no ticslro 19'do to. Good

“I I I know anything about Rtpub- “MoC liMiiltin, ll placcs prliiciplH anil Pnipi lulrlollxm above lurtlsanslilp. 'T’rln

"i’tir m« lo go ouc over Uils stale ‘’’V t sQd deiiounco the measures wlUdi 1

, supported and lliat part of tha Ne*. Deal which I lielped to make, w u ld “f I*

Ih an act of pcrlldy for which 1 i'‘« would ulUmaiely be eondenuitd by lhe people of my slale. When llie *P^,' campaign would be over and Uie smoke of ballle had cleared away.

— rhoU Id1>nillle m p c e te in T th c • •peopl#-wlio»-rwp«t-l-camioi a l.

lord t . M l t .Room Under Danner

"1 Uilnk Uicre Is room enough certa' tmder Uio lUpubllcan fUg (or a Thi member of lhat i>orly lo give credit launi «her» eredll l^duo and_tlUl remain a member ot the party.■’■During these last-six years lhave n M

formed vriy strong opinions as to ii «'liai brouglii on this depression, u ^ to Uie cause of llils Incalculabla sul- ferlng wlilch Uie American people - have endured. “ ‘I;

"While « sre spiwrwiljy « j U;e ~ return to recovery, tlie great prob- P.f.,* lems wIilcJi the depression luu pro- “ i!- scnled, lh» great probems which

. Illll bo up Ior conslderallon hi Uie ^ i mediately comlns years. —

"I am discussing Uiose problems.To me Uiey arc lhe most vlial prob- lems wlilch have been presented W

; -ths American peoplo slnco Ui# ClvU •-•war.- Al

nelleratei Views Tonlghl, as during the previous '

weeks o f Ills present cnmpal'gn,Borah has been dlseusalng tho evils

-o f-m onopolr,-pre3erm tlon 'o r-tlie — ConslliuUon, govtmmeiii-regulallon ot Uie.eurrency aod American free- “ • dom from entangled fonlgn alll- ■nces. ' ' ly-

“Wlicn,Uie great d e p r e s s io n reached its peak In March. IBM. l was one of your senator*. 1 repre-

LicutolJn_caiLJIicJnim#iHfy..{tic 2" ! lionor and dignity ol Uib swto of Idaho.

"Wlien tll# banks closed. »hen millions of good men and women, through no laull ot ihclr own, wen: plunged mio dlstrc-u, brauglii fuee to face wtUi luinger, U not ltar^'• alien, when fortunes were behm sivept away and ille's savings »Iiku out. I was In a placc where 1 Imd to vole. I did not dodge. 1 voted lor <ver}' niciuure which I thoughi wn.i c.-ilculnlcd to help tha situation ami nhlch 1 lliought 1 had power under iny osth to help iu u . 1 voled agaliut all meMiircs which seemed to me unwbo or which I felt under ihc Cointliutioii were prohibited.

"The resull was 1 supported many of Uio measures of Ihla admlnlstra*

f r-rrn-n Ip mn ln'lliiit prf,!!that these measures were propa\ed by a DcmocraUc president or a Drinocmtlc admlQlstrallon.

"Ilicfo is UiD record, n iere arc my loles. Upon U ut record anu iipoii these votes 1 submit my cause to the people of my slate."

Clslmrd for New Deal PARMA, Idoho. Oct. 16 UV, -

lUliiIi Oliiistcad, secrelary-lO'^iia- tor James Pope iD-Idaho) told a meeting lonighl' the Republicans -might Ju-; os well pick up Ihelr marbles and go home—now Uiai Senator Wllllnm E. Borali luis climb­ed otf h ti larty'a bandwagon." ,

'■eenalor Borah li famous Jor dis­agreeing wllh peoplo whenever pos­sible and I am incUncd lo think ziiai when he agrees with Presldeni noosevelt, as he Is doing now, most a t Ult.people ol Idaho a rt going to bt aatliricd that the president ts rtght," OJmtCead. /ormer l/olvefsuy of Idaho debater, u ld .

. 'Not very long ago Senator Sonih

B lM


Stafle Clly Fred » F k I Ce.

N.*vl U e n ^ * ^ l l ^Ctarene* J f . > r«

.B A r-,.C IU W .-_IIED .*’ COAL

m K a a a t t m m


BO ISR octJU l«>-SenatorJam es n i '. pope iD-Idaho) stld today ho l l | rill deliver poUtical campaign ad- Ul reiM In Twin Fallt 'October. IB nd 31.OUier tpeaklng .engagementa are g u r

Uipert, October 21; Rexburg, 33:<t Anlhony. 33; Pocalello, 38: I lontpeUer. 37 and Payette, Octo- er 29. .

Southern Idaho Churches Chart Irepn

Lecture Series SChurcli peoplo of Twin PalJs and

■carby communities wlll havo an ' pportunlty nexi week lo reUvo Iho ;f “ Id Chautauqua or iyesum days, “ “ r leglnnlng Monday erenlng,'acoutM f lecture! wUl be given for flra • ffhU. a{ the R rst MfUwdbt hurch, on tho Christian approafh On J lhe problems and Issues of our tho par. . • • ^y. .■me Idaho CouncU of Churches

iider-the-ausplees-of-BMko-Rlver “ “ •* llnlsterlal associaUon Is tponsor- lg the course.

[lUnce. as a“ r a s Twin FalU leCr ^ jrcrs, .eUl-appear-on Uio program. 'Dr. N. l \ FcrsythB of Chicago ■ III be of special Interest to teach- ra In ehurch and pubUo school!, ^ I lils-lreatment-oI-Ui# - lUbJect, fo™ Learning lo Teach." •■The Social principles of Jesus'* «« III bo Uio topic of Bev. Jfugh B.Dulke of Boise. Dr. Woodrulf of India ooding coUege will lecture on M«ry Modern PoUtlcal and Economic u n n mposalt.'* nev. Roy E. Bamelt of «hlre, win Fall! wUl conduct the assem- Nortl y period. J^hodTWO lecture* wlU tw giren each moni, ■enlng. wlUi Ui# assembly period consli ' twenty minutes Intervening. Peo-0 of all denomlnaUont who are pAl oklng for information and In- ilralloa In tlielr approach to the «blema of the day and the task

building a better world wlU be LOIUrested In Uils chauuuqua.____ klUln;AccredlUtlon from Uie Inlema- cam; mal Council ofHellglbus'Tduea- UTe a m In any of ths above courses, - ay be received by complying with gentei rtaln requlremehtt. jsii bTho reglsuatlon fee for the chau- two ; ui)ua Is filly cenla. i dllloii

• " • of tn


prev«NAMPA. Idaho. Oct 18 — Mr. yard. Id Ktra. C. D, Stanton and Oeorge , .Motrls of Nampa went hunting n n t ir* b e a r -b ig game, Uiat It reU- lely tcarc* In Uiese part!. ‘ VblThey cams back with Uiree, a a .pf«md mama bear, t nd lieMt a - N S i1 pound cubs. - len Pi

and ( the n

reared ho was In favor .of relief, Jior t ntlng tiie New Deal expenditures day lr r rtllef purposes w m JusUlled. dergo: “At Uie present time ho Is an* Ho lunclng the arrival of protperlty and h Id agreeing Idaho would suffer if whlc:i I eastern dominated. RepubUcan with irly should get Into ^w er. cles - iW hen-th# Republican-leader, Ui«-li alch BeTOtoTBorah unquestlonibly ^Du: , climbed off hU party's band- press igon so hurriedly and unequivocal- War I , tho rest of Uie boyt may u well handli ek up their marbles and go iiome." Amen

----------------------- Sineffe Bay Popcora en cob. Qlobe "Edlti cd i l r t t ± - A i f . last J

O c t o b e r I s i l



S PE C !for

SATUR1934 ford tudi

N ew M otor — N ew P n in l

T hU e a r h a s been com plet



OPEN UNTIL]___ O ar Dig F lo o jlk h la iMilaLlit

pleaflurc , , . W e nre opei


U n io n M bi__ Y^our FORD I


■■urvcy Indicates Sweeping Roe;

Bid for Support of | Browder, Ford

WAfllimOTDN, Oct. 19 «V-A u r ir\'ey shoved today Uial Uie Com- itooM lunbt presldeaUol Ueket will be rtpor rprewmcd on Uie ballfila In a l ter Jli a tt 31 tlates on eleetloa day, No- g tjf , :mber 3. ^Arrangement! for fUIng were itUl , nder way la tome tU te t; and It as aald.at headquuUra of the par- ' to New Yotk Uiat several addi- on! were expected. In 1833 Com- lunbt.vctes were east In J7 slatei ir a total of 102.« J out of about ni« ),000,000 cu t ler all candidates. iJiowj Only the names of Earl Browder, voles 10 presldcnilal nommee. and James Lemk t. Ford. Negro vlce-prestdenUal , . railnee, will be printed on the bal- " ° ta .m .aoraetuia thU year; bul In ' any a rejuUr tlste of electors It :lng set up.in addition, CcmmunlsU are eon- Inlt riding Icr govemonhlps In nl least icveiil even siotes, for senatorshlps In eight X. and for election lo the iiouse of New l preseniatlves in M dbtrict!. to l ( The states where Browder and for L m LareJa.have rtpre3entaUon.ao Del;

Alabams, .Arkansas, CaUfomla. “ 2 ^ Jtorado, ConnecUcut Delaware, uicail idlana, Iowa. Kentucky, Maine, nesrli arylind. MasMchusellt. Michigan, " innesoii. Monlana.' New lUmp- lire, New Jeney, New Mexico, jrth Dakou, Ohio, Pennsylvania, = tiode Wand.-Texat. Utah.-Ver- I " onl, VJfltlnii, tVashtogton, Wis- w ln Md Wyoming.


L08 ANOELES, Ort. 18 Illng_a_neljhbori.dog.-WllUam. _ impbejl niu»t,spent I5 Sundsyi In B county Jailftfunlclptl JudjB Harold LandreUi ntenced Campbell to 180 dayt In 11, but luspeniJed this and granted •0 years probsUon on the con- llon thsl he go lo JaU on each tne next 10 Sundajx

Campbell said he sho la t the blsck ow.onli-.to frlghten.ll-aller.lla. _ mer, Florence DU. rtlused lo evenl lii dlggtng in hb front rd.

PEnATWN FATAL TO 'ETERAN ^M E N T A T O R:<i^-VORKrOct-i«-(«)— Mar-- — 1 Pew. S8, veteran newspaper man d commentator In late years for J neaipaper trade Journal, “Ed­it and Publbher," died ycster- r In a hospllal where he had un- rgone a throit operation, lie was a naUve ot Nlles.'ohlo, d began hb newipaper career — — ilc:i Includfd ImporUnt posls lh newspapers and news agen- s — with the Cleveland Press iii 1j - m o t----------------------- —During the World war he w u tie \ ras reprtsenUlli'e of Seetetair of tr Newton D. Baker, In charge of ndling Uie casually lists for Uie lencan expedlUonary force, llnca 1B34 he had been editor of dltor and PublUheT but reUred t June a lycause cf his lUnos. _

l h e M o n t h





n l - - Good R ubber '

le ttly recondilioned,


>10 P .M .

p tn ’111! 16 p . M. j

IRG A m s

>tor C o .'D ealer


. l i i i i S ' E ii s i i i t i i

oneloosevelt Carries New York ni.

City, Philadelphia, S Plttsh urjh . S

■' ' ■ • pertfi Landon caplurea S3 states and Due ooscvelt 18 u IJll.iBB bftUol! are itan c inrted fron all (Ules In Uie quar- cut in r final retum i of The Literary Dl- lait 1 rst's natlon-wldB presldenUal poll, week Though Ult RepubUcan nominee’s sd decreases slightly peroentage-Ise he sUU retains a subsUnUal Tlie ia>orIty of close to 3 lo 3 In tbe ipular vote represented by the poU Aluba■lums. Arlioi ’nie''tevenU i week's Ubulatlon lows Landen with J,DW,£iM polllies to Roosevelt’s 738,0M and r !

A dlvblon cf Uie electoral coUege‘ Floridlie of thesa quarter (Inai returns Oeurgdlcalea Landon would receive 570 Idahocctoral vo la to Roosevelt's 181. llllnolInitial returns are reporied to Uila i l ' i '"veiitli wcek-a UbUlallOH Ifum ^8h i addlUonal tUles. Vermont and f r "cw Hampshire go approxlmalely S « ‘ '' 1 and Connecticut nearly 4 lo 1 ' r Landon.Delaware glves-the-Republlcanmdldate an edge of less Uian 9 to uirhii KlUIe West Vrlglnl* Is sliown In- ealing a nepubll»n mojorlty ot•»rly 3 to 3. tiMiso,Eoutli CaroUna's first batch of Montaillolt gtvea noosevelt a Icid of iiebnu

1 9



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I P h o n e 2 9 9 .

• . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - —


iver 8 to I, North CanUna volet for Neva Him about 3 to I and Virginia goes NewE)emocraUo by o itr 3 lo 3. New

Of the forty sUles from which NewWJJols wero reported last week Newr«Tmy;iwo-ii,ow"a'trinerea*aneaQ N.-cor Undon. seventeen slww a de- N. Di

and no change Is recorded In Ohioinr. Oklal

Ills OKU su te of Kansas and abo Orcgi<tniucliy and Mbsourl give tlie Rc- Permpublican nominee substantUl In- R- 1>rreasts while Idaho, Michigan and & CWliconsln cut lib majority slutrply S. tJertfriinjewbe. I’*"''

Uue to the addillon of mctropol. Texa.tan clly votes Landon’s majerlty b Ulah:ut 111 New Vork from nearly 3 lo 1 Vern:a it week lo less Uuui 3 to 1 thb Vlrgl«'cck and hU majority .to Pcmuyl- Waal■•aiila declines over 7 per cenl. W \

_____ W l»Tlie returns by. sutes: ^1'° '

LandonnoosevellLcmke Ui«b«m» ... 3,0«fl •• B,031 MW io iia __1.771 1^14 74 _____\rksiius 2JB4 7iB4 133 TCC Csllfomla _ 83.S08 ’ V 3i3 4.698 Colorado ..... 14,248 8,890 S3<:uiiiiecUcut 300 87 13 n n t>cU«are _ SS4 7U 17 , ,lorlda ----- 8,554 8,083 183Iwrgla _ 3.6B2 1I^6B 33dalio____ 3,3115 . 3JB5 100 'lllnob____87.C5J 27,890 2.342ndlsna ___4i,34B 35.748 3.101 .nrn inntw 17MH p.iniCanias___33 JOS 18.817 ' 8M B lteiiiiicky . . 10.071 1JJB5 571 enrol»uWana 3.4J8 7^18 807 Cam'•Jaliifl ....... 10.545 4,813 375 Iwl 1>tar>'land 14,525 I0.5U ' 517 wliorilVcliuiels. tX tl ~1.747 returMichigan 43.U4 31.433 3J07 a ni

_ 39,3W' 3J42tluLcjIppI _ 7«4 S.B03 40 while.Uuourl 48.430 54,453 3,IBfl , i u,tontana 3.803 3JJ4' IBl Rogf;lebraaka . . 17,151 10.MS 813 of e


1 3 7---- NOW i

SiggestVm sler Histo


....New Safi . ....Gas Save

....Room Fc

....Safety SI — -T.TjGenuine-

....New Colt

....City Rid(

....New Gas

— SEE Tl

d Siipe:140 Se<

levada . . l . B33 879 Jl Plltew lU mp_ e,84d 1.711' 339 Mlew Jersey. M,7M 26,744 • 3J81 • ' 'lew Mcxlco 1,531 1,547 - 53lew York _110.451 03,720 R703 •i.-Caroltna- S,003 13.eno 23I. D a k o ta - 3 W 3 .c : 1.0:0« llo --------- 63,813 37.W7 g,I40Iklahoma _ 13.804 14.C0I 213 qircgon 10.568 O.BJO ^67tima-------- 107.474 7I.7CI 0,750

Island— 5,415 ' 1.741 4J9S Carolina. M8 5,Wfl 14 Till.. D a k o u - r m 4.139 710 WlU'cnnesseo . 8.880 12,34) 02 Ferlexas___ _ 14.730 • 35.401 538 •l l a h ------- 3.405 4.438 BB ”'cniiont — 3.404 1.157 81 n «'I rg ln la__ 7.382 ]3J04 55 trotWashington 1B.041 >3.513 805 Uir

Vlfjlllla, 11.090 8,ib: 151 olflli’liconsln - 38.030 le.TBT 3,028 aonWyoming . . 3.280 1.3GB 73 rep!iUte retlInknown .... 8,045 5,714 «03 ma'

--------------------------------4h«TOTALS 1.004.088 728.088 81.981 160.

den'— will

mwmm |f i i t p i E -

BURLEY. Oct. 16 - Blxly-four nroller.i of company 587., Shoehone lam? P-lOO, Rogcmon. Idalio. left u t teek for Fort Knox. Kentucky, rlwre Uiey .wlU bo dbcharged and (turned to their mpectlve homes.I number of the men have been way ftom liomo (or three years,;hlle many hai-e only been riirolled I Uie CCC camp for one year, lh e :ogen>n group Joined a troop In to f enrollees originally from Um *



ilue in 9 f y , . r ^

r-LG W -PR ieE teiy Sound Pro fe ty In terio rs reT Transmissifl ^br th e W hole 1 Steel Bodies j-Eydraulic Bn ilorsles on Country IS and Oil Econ

,..Comi of 193^


A t t t (Iecond Avenue Easi

TOBER 1 7 ,1W8

f iim iK P i s• CmilENIlOllBllSllTl

thaBURLEY. Oct. 19 - ta s t riles .c

were held for Clarence Oabliart to Oal lhe chapei of Uie Johnson mortuary tliursday aflemoon a t two o'clock rwi wlUi-Bbhop A. lu Hanks of SUnhs Perty offlcUUng. A quartet fum-

n f th corps area a t Pocalcllo. Thb troop train wa.1 commanded by Cap-Uin Alva H. Wlbon, commanding __olflcer of company 887. Captain WIl- K>n will remam a t Port Knox until replacements aro aniUablo and wlU relum a t thPt time with approxi- T t mateiy 88 iiifii. wMch^wIli bring I thfl strength of oompany 587 to I 160. : t b expected, unless oUier or- ^ dera sro received, lhat company 587 will iw re back lo Itock Crrtk cm p , ■ P-402, Hansen. Idaho, in a few f f weeo. where Uiey wlll remain for the wtoler.________________ —


PROMPTLY Responds lo My New Dectrleal TedmlqBe. Qniek, CireetiT< ■bIU in Ferty-eiibt llean . A Pn Methed.

Wrile Fer Folder on BIstts :DR, a w . HILm Main Wett “twPboDB i:iI-IO ver Twb Palb Palni

\ m & p

SotcL A Y !------

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rakes— ----- —

y Roads nomy

plete Disp 7 Plymou

DAY!----- -

( F § e r v i,st Pho

litiiiH sraslMl amAA. b. Banki gav» Uw Kriptor* tnf U d Uio obituary. Bishop rao to V .j deUvered Uie sermon a u t Um elei^U^ tof prayer w u offered I7 I t K. 39m » r,- r wn. Interment w u In tb s B u rw xmet«j7. Bbhop Hinka dedlaUog..".' tha iT»vo. ■ I..Clarenco Oabhart w u boro iO v

Oak lUll, Kansu, U arth 1, IBll, . Uie ton of Mr.'and Mrs. John 0«b>' ; hart who now reside to Kawtbon*. ,.- CaUfomU, and wbo eamo he rt tram ! their CaUfomla home to attend tb# funeral services.

Wo Buy Pepcera on cob. Gi«b« Seed * Feed.-Adv,


lew Trcatmeal ot ^ ^ s h K rtive, UstlBg. Be* 'Proven BctenUne

Twin Falls, Idaholint * CUaa Co.1 '

- o '

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olay I - 'iths I

tone 298

p e u g g ^ , .

The W i ^,; -'dBnttmt^ > to a U i t t o n )

V fIN 0M 18 l.lW «ne*M »lw k i» ^ta o n tM pMt U A alrow Uw* bodi

, . w i r tW t o th ip U o p f - m U m - your ' U w m tlw ^ ( « e r i o f cbM e t n; ft UdoappCnr ftoa t m nmnbMr u ftt

' bb owa. D a U(Uo bellm t Uut ■ b t tUbted h t r n(1«. u a Roth ^ t

In tod to f t« belR TrrtaM onjj, la tttB ro fo rh U R K o ls r ti^ fm i U w wn'i iftBT, h u itrca t filM

• ftUU fer him whleh dM binr.*N«w S o . bellnlnr Uwwa u booctl B U u d ft Mtad. I* <*U- pboBloc b in (or help »l*lwt ^

. ■ Impr------- ------------------- for ■

. Cbipter Tt thilTBB a i z O J A U lia

U w w n'i ImptUtuM • w u . Jn» ^ < tn u tn r to I « Ofr tb i.l la i j be w r U rd lr tbougbt w btt bs w u u)inr- '

“You epuJd f t t Um ftwiy Jrom her u ld . ftDt<sbt.inT deer Sin . tt rou Uked." y o u 'he Rplled: "I think he'i • tot m an « u i

^ t e n a t ^ t o ^ u tb ts b* U In'her. tb it -

’ n lgb t turo m in i t him." . nunS *W btt. . . I” exeUtmed Eba. Uihe U n o n imlttd. Actually tbe n« He

jw rk he h id Jnrtm id i Jdly.cn the “Nc spur of the moiStnt. itniek hbs u It, mi u ideft with poulbUltles In ]U But ‘■or ho didn’t want to to Into that nov. Oome

-Dont yw boUier your h a d u y ttu t more tonlfht about UM m u r , or pect j anybody elK.**b> u td in a tlnn but Idodly tone. T o u p te bed and ( t t bony ft tood nlfhl'i m t. im not |o ln f to n je taflc to yeu any more now. Oood the Ij s l l b t B u .” m u 1

With tb i t b» n n c olf.'B u t irpbeed tbe recelTer ilowly m qm

'U d then n t dovn to think wme more. U v u n ^ lu n u tio n had tuiinc

. aUrtfd » curious tn ln ot tboufbt vorUnf In her bead. A prominent £ film aetrtJJ. noted for her beauiy. e u hardly faU te b t couclouj of her powen of aittacttei. B ia w u

• not ewwdled, bul ibeJcnnf-from „ ezperttnce tha t men fell euUy tn _ a »

"loTevlUi her. Bolh Rulh and U v . n « - ion had fugteited that MahoQy v u Mahot • ttm ted by her. if he w u . . . «Uly tl

A cunua Inlect, aet look came day." o m ber lorely tace u ahe u t then Inip •lone tn that iDomthtnklnc.fihevu what < eonildetinf « pUn vhlch the hattd. aUy, t M which ahe o a u t to cany out. order I I t Uahony v u attracted by ber, Ibe thouft

..neaQt.t9.nie that attraction to frte ‘ Yoi Suth tn in hb clutchct. p"** (o brtnf tccuta about hll ovn dovnfaU and'aTeofe he aali her onele. I t veuld be bateOil dolqi pleaKC It. but her only w eipeu v tre her * n v it and beauty, and ahe v u entitled Mahon to u H 'tb e m tn th e fU b ta fa lu th e r f ie t.tl une lil Burderer. nupeci

At lart. v lth ft ilgb. aba ro u from h |i_ ^ bet Chair. vutM w eaniytoiw D ed^ “I n n o o , and vent to bed. U cuvhlle •i']] ^

'U vien ia toR lnh liitudy .B m oU nf hony" d f a m atter c (ta re t,u d v ilU n ( tor -ini

.f t telephone eaU'vblch did no t come. u u . l Mahniy bad Joit fInUbed'break- ^ .

tu t . U d v u tm oU nr.a ciftrtl. ] v t o . l ^ l i n ^ announced that a Udy viihed to aee him. ,

-PIea»e ih o v h e r in .-h e - i a l t ,B li ludlady vilhdrev. -mere v u J?.* L*

ft lonnd ot footrtepi eroulnt the

Itttle stood Jp the doorway.Uahony roie quickly from' hb

ebalr; Be te lt ctofuied and avk- vw d. and utterly aitonbhed. J*’*'.

•U b l U lU er he exclaimed, u . I t be could hardly believe tt v u ihe. „ ^o.

B u t v u not an a c th u tor noth- \■Jne Ibe knew bow to pUy a 'pait. g j w

Jnfly, u it unaire ot her welcome; ^ Inipi hetTOkfl, vbetLihe apoke. w u lub* he met dued and Umld. " — . It» « ir

" I - I dont iUMoee you v u t to nplani aee ne . bul 1 had to come,” ahe lald ' l - I ta lle rtn ily .'Iw w ito ia y b o v io n y on In I am tor the th tnfi 1 lald yeiterday v u t b lu n iln f. I - I v u upiet: 1 hardly to uve Joaev v b lt I v u Mylnf." lo mal

'7ou m e u you dont n ipect me u d rt! o( liUUof your u n d e r u td Uahony t h u h tn a dellfbted tone. ‘■Ian

Mahony’i beart beat tailer v llh him vl- excitement u he waited for her u > h u d I iwer. the Ini

“Well. . . 1 did Ihlnk I recopilted Put 1 your tolce ta th# room." »he admit- nlee. E ted hesltattafly. -'But 1 couldnt *l>o;

m K r T T H I S M O D E

" ~ T \ v i n Falls Daily Ne ____________________________ _________

- on u i

■ 1 heljhte

1 I% t»ne\,i

V S < ''Y ‘

I _____»■' j . , y , . j__

’ ■ ' ^ I

^ Rlg Murderer r{UCH cieveiY rv<

PWa n U y o u .v e re v llh R u lh w h m lt JJJJ appened. I t muit hare betn acme- I 'wody with a tolci lomeihlni Uke ouri."That made Uahony fett n th tr

vkvard. He had a monenUty to - ulie to UU her the vhole t r e lh - u t tt h id been hb wlce. but tlu t . . U the um e he had not kUled h « ■ nde. Betler not. thouih. be ^

hov (lad I am mju ton tiu ipectm eanym ore .- he H g ild j^h a ted your thlnklnf th i t It ^ O tII t vho hid kUJed’your unele, K fn RJ» ToJee and m u n e r f iv i tne I 'J> iprtKlon of abiolute elncerity. u d ^ r ft moment EUa v u p ^ e d . ifIII v u a ^ . It v u w ty ( ^ e = SiBf. And then ah* decided tb i t Itu acttof. But lhe willed ehinn-

f t d n ’t uici luipectlnr you,’; lhe r — Id. -You tee. I - I ralher liked DID M vhen I met you before, u d tt YU^ u u awful ihock to me to ihlnk la t- th it you'd dona that."»T-,^-lu.t-u anxloui to brinr the _ unJettr to ju itlceuyou ate.“ u id e a r aheny. B BHe heelUled.“Nov that you don't think X did ^ m iy IH 4 you afaln iome tim e r

“Oh, ye*, r d like to lee you u fJn . m e to dinner a t my bouie tonliht. li t viU ihoveretyone I don’t lUJ* et you.” lhe u tv t i t d pnmpUy.Thank you TeiT m«ch.“ Illd Ma- ^ny ralefully. -•nsen cftne a knock on the door;I ludlady announced ft (mile* in to Me Ur, Uahony. IHe i«n* V n u v u i n i p e ^ Kennidy. ac* W spanled by u ^ e r platn.clolhei f , jj ; they enlered In an abtupl. ilneit«llke nunm r. but itopped >rt fa furprbe on leelAf Mahony 1 B u t e t h e r In the room, ap* o ( •ently cnwged In friendly eon-

_ m06od~memln(,~inipt«tot-.'' u td — Ha. T r t Juit been telllnf Ur. M hony bow i m r 1 am for. all the ^ y th lnp I u ld about him yester* ^

^nipector Kennedy did not knov BI t to nuke of th b a t all. Aclu* ^r, be h td come to ihc houu In I ?W to ir r m Mahony. B at no* be ' 11Ufbt ba vould vail a bit. ■ | lYou m e u you’re vlthdravn th i i ll luutloni you made yeiti^yV ' ' nt a i l -J expect Ur. Uahony li Kued." V I iu . 'V e r y pleued." aniveredhony. And he looked pleaud. The Vb.that B u laid Ih l no longer peeled him v u a (reat v'elght otfmind.___________________________ yj,

[ mutt be fotnf now,” aald Bba. C . 1 eee you thU e r ^ f . Mr. Ua*ly.- ■ 'I'U walk v llh you to your a r . I can « • Uttle." put In Inipector Ken* ihe ai! y quickly. . • • what’a j:e CMorted her to the car, u d if thing 1-the door open-for h e rto e m er miicb'U 3t he Itood for a moment v lth and Re foot on lhe runnlnf.board, eye- dreadfu her keenly, m u U k

^ .'I .n M b 'Jo .u n d e n la n d .th a t (erlere- hare abandoned your suiplcloni

w a h w . u m L iuu r- he aiked. hii lift Ihook her head. Her fice v u r - u , . . . t: the tnlerrlev v lth Mahony ‘ : been a ifrahi on her.'Jo." Ibl iniwered tn a-fov tolce. tv-ent abandoned any of my lui- ow. But I wMit him lo think I

_________________________elerer;,»p«M t K r a td , uM n o lh lo i |l '“ ™ netely looked a t her enQulrlndy. " eemed ih t fell that wme further Inipei lua llon v u caUed for, >ouriee<lt - I thUik he Uket me,' abe ven t tence lr In u embarnuKd manner. *1 -You; it to get him-away from R ulh~ over Ml are ber from him, u d to - to try eerlabil; make him feel quite confident; In ftet. relax hb luard, and u y more w iu l d

a he meant to." aiked.: aee. You m e u to n m p him, ( t t “Rath . vbete you v u t htm, and then met yes d hbn o\er to me?" lu if tt led only lei Inipector. “At leuut Uke that tt did not wund Ttty I t wrt !. B i t fluihed. Ths ]3o you think I care vhat I do. It r u alli

herejtai— — . u rety

I <Copyi

> E t T i n i o M r —

^Jews P attern ■■ _______ nEIG

KEJUNIOROniLOaYOUNa- a a i iw ) THIS ncTcntNO

DLOOM£R r a o c ic PA’ITERN<1B5 'Vlth a I

iy OfnneOfJam^• . iceompj

rejh u a-daby,- u d u - tm a rt - 11 a.I cunclhf four yeir old u ll U Suprrlnlin up-ud.comlnf ’'fourteen." U charge.

dilntr lebool or pUy frock, 7:30 plem Ilts . lt< tndlTtdoallty rotlonil[htened by Anoe Adami* f u d n - WuhbuiIf touehu, thb perty model b w O w rjiur to nuke, lhat mother (or the .rtetn*Tear*old henelt) may nin BfUlIp In the brlefcft of tlmel Do W|) a look a l the Interuttnf front lOrlS iel, accented by ehlo notfhei, cen- Bupeilnt;d by a fuU p in t, and trimmed eharse.1 Kiy buitoM. B td tb f b n 't tt? 11:30I Ihereirartety In the chotce.of «-onliip, u d lonj or ihort puffed tor. 6peTfj. Orand tn norelty coUcn. choir. 'ey.yecl plild. challb, orflfured 7:30 p,Ihttlc. rotlonil altem 4195. b available tn iltei. 8. l^ » u d 14.81» jo'takes n >ird* 3S Inch fabric. Illuitratwl>-by-Jtep aeirtnj Initruelloni in* The n*

Tlia I

M »t>w TO m i l t a i -

M i H s i A s v E TrS,;

t i l r l . houit. MrmoiT



P O O P -Y IB E V IW T IB E , [ T i l S C K PS !W P 7 , ^ ^ \ ™ , s SB.

*v»‘ \ T ^ p h ^ >1^



IID l " - ^ i x \ /O M ^S O I l c o OJU-THKT ) ^ I y O U 'R S Mg 1»0M NOWJ - /T O W N A S i )N «,rM r B B A ••® M f g 5 r 7 •s '.Ma n kf f l A ^ &

^ n il

S C O R C H Y S M I T H -

T T p U g l / - T W fJWT t if iW Ot= I

B m

a eoovlct hsy unds’t murderer " aiked paulonalely. "Bnldei,

t'a (ttln( to happen toJluU}^ I t llngt go on M they are? She’iij'lotfnicfl'tonitn-her-Tnratallon --------Ret henelt Into nU kinds o f ' ---------

dful sc u d ab for the u k i ot a <Tup^ Ukshlm.-Bomcbodyigottoln. [ j5 ;

rre belweert h e ra n d him."----------HEA'ou think ihs'a completely un- hb Influence at-pitsent, _do "hen

Mid ths Inipector. » dletyH completely," anivered Bm. mgh how he obUlned iu c h -u Itnce o « r her In one meeting I , know. But lie'a cbver. hotrlbly r; he seems w honest and de-

n n O 'h e l luiii a lulterninder* «

ipectcr Kennedy's quick mind I ihowlngiced immedlitely on one len* io£ Sim» in her l u t ipeech. * o u u y he obtained hb InfluenceUbs Praier In one raeellnf. I C ? . i

lUily had no iuch Impression- , i - u h ^ Irt. I had a rerr different one.I do you mean by that?'’ he Here i1 acters Jnth told me that before they dbh otyesterdsy at my house, she’d mooni ]seen him onee," replied .Kba. leadt tt

Icut. site didn't exactly tell mr. u d Uoi>rt of slipped out." 1 itoo«IS young Inspector's keen face Deeds "allslit v lth Interest. Crldenlly Tlilsf" iUtarded what EUa had JUit u ld . -•— ety ImporUnt Indeed.■pyrlght. 1836. Hugh aevcly(

(Continued In Ksxt Iisut) s p. :— 7: 30 p

ilGHBORS’ CHURCHES > E“— ----------------------------— -WedniHAMEff COMMUNITY unit luEdgar L WhUe. mlnbter »:M .a. m. Regular momlng worlhip Thur*a setnson by lhe pastor. Vocal p. m,“Tnating in the tord.” 6coU, w d a iIrs. J. A. DjTtert of Twin Pnlb. c u l ja ^TipanledbyMra.PredroM. ■ a- m. — aia!(Jsr-*ehi»J.-»Hh

rlntmdenl Hirvey Fom rali In

0 p. m. — Epworth leigue de-1 nil lervlce vllh Marjorie I

glanna DalJ.*^'''

tURTADQH COStMVMTT Writ U White, mlnliter to ij i 15 a. m. -.Sunday scliool *lth n-htti Hnlendenl WJlllsm Undau in ;

30 a jn, — Regular momlng ■ in ij w, lip »lth a eerman by tbe p « . ■ . _ j . , 6 p « ^ m u s lc by the chomii

b p. m. - - EpxorSr U ip ie d e ., nil lerrlce. ™

T n isn n - episco pa l i “ h e e rBuhl

nev. Jim cj 8. DuUer, v1c»r' a ntneiwnth ’eundsy alter;

' ‘ 1631 CV m. _ Morning praj'er snd 1 »hetl

” Vlv«r OTscoPtt , ! jSSulJcrems

r. James S. DuUer, vicar IMS D nineteenth Sunday ifitr Indi wl

a. tn. — Church leliool.

IT M frriiontsT En.scoPALc n u R g t_______________ ___

■T. w . Boxmar. mlnbter i T ty Ta. m. - aundsy Kbool . IVl, a. m. - Morning w ih lp . * ’ ■*• onary S u n d a y . 2 ub}<;i:




COMB WIThY * BBTCWA .S R A N Ih a d a n y o b

/ ~

V WWN itNP AU i t OOBT A ? D u r ^

:,.AMnsEM;lE Y H E T I N A T A X l’ - '1 EADS ROX;h PR O GR A M ----------

lien llila h.rd-bolled y m m « u J Q .£(y'dims ilho’i euy otntnU es leu himself In for the fasleit. f < U | ilesl ftvKc Mnce the fIraC kiu fn | j | j M ibl Thai's the stoiV of Chester E B I rb and Foy Wray In ths gnnd- footlest yam tlu t ever rolled -oaring trom the pen ot 0;iarus ~ ^ oKen." ’Ihe picture's— llca-~l R g py Met in a ’Tixt.’’ and Kill be i f ^ n dng a t the Roxy theater siari- K K H fiunday, . | . i S »tU started vhen h t u ld -Vou' havo heart trouble, bul you're

ft patn In the neck lo mei"; and K \ ^ hed vhen ihe u ld , “1 d o r ire u e four.ot lhe gayest cliac- rs tn captivity, in tlie tasiiest t& ‘” o t love-and-lauflu In many b .

ni In addlUon to the romanUo c " i there are Raj-mond Walbum J*"'® *' Uonel sunder, ihs screen's No. J* Mfe: topping hb roles In "Mr.U." Ken Maynard in ’Tlie CatjIe I®"’ " ! f ends ftt the Roxy tonlghU JJ;, ^-- ------------------------------------ - Predriem a e i a t Mbilon Work In Ma- RKO-F _ hY an &’e WHnM.i.“ " ~ BUxvell

p. m, — Intermediate lesgue.10 p. ra. — Evening vorshlp. mday — Scout troop No. U i t t x . a t.the chutch. w yednesdso' — Calendar club an-

luncheon, a t the churth at ’• NATIlUTtday - Choir practice s l a 11^1>• Vleelday -> C am pnreO lrb ii4 :lS , Kfia t4 :lS . D, 8.

u . s

USED '"I rRUCKS I iis!

' GL

i In terl Pickup, 12J Inch ' KE

i r i ^ r ^ r . - $ 6 0 0 i

l.'Sa“ ':$500! 3r'Chevrolet'TYuck. UT Indi I ?,*, !tl base, dual tire.t, bed. mo-S ”:... $315 I "JI Chevrolet Truck. 157 Inch \Kl bale, dual tlt«i„ tnick In •Sur.-.. $300 >«;i Dodge IK -ton Ttuck, 160 Conn i wheel base, dual A . OEs,bedmotor6ood C » u


_______________ _________ Pttbi


EWS, r m r m j i . n>AH g s), -sA TU iiD A Y M o m n s f l , t j c r o

. u t i l e HUG-AUTTI■( P 0 p e v E ,L p 0 |i o i n i l A i r c ; V-l^WHKT'STHW, th

^ ^

^N'PA-TUA.T I d iS 'IF W


lENTS‘Mary of Scotland’ _ _

!er heart d»et not accompany h»r Anerleid vben Katharine Hepburp, u * "“ * ry Slaart. Qseen c t SealUod,rrleaUrdDimleyiDoM lM W aJ. with «) far reaieni of poUey In “.Mary u d nSeotUnd.’’ I ltr heart yeami for t'™** '

Earl of Bolhwell, pUyed by J 'e n t tdrie Mardl, her eo-iUr In tbe bert, IO . Radio photoplay bawd on vorlh 1 xvell Aitderwn’a lUgo d r u u .


T IC K E T fT>ATIONAL: 1 i fPrtaldenl, A tr ^ t LANDON 'Vlco Ptei, COLONEL FBANK U

KNO:C J S S k0 , 8. Senater, WM. E. BORAH c | U. S. CenntumaB, HENRY


BTEPIIAN ILlent G erm or, R. H. YOUNO I See. e t BUte, R. E. THOMAS Attomey Reneral, L. E. . • A \

GLENNON \ ]SUle Treas. JAMES W. 1

KEATING a t /Soot of Public iBslrBcllan, / I ' ' • ELUN rrTERSON , ( I ’ j

BUle Mine Inipeetor, 3. E. |HOBBS

3UNn': WSUle flenaUr, E. M. RAT*

BOHNReprmnUllves. FRED P. i r \ \ y i


Connly rommlMlonett. ,r i n l OUU ERNEST ■

MOL\NDER w lBeeend DHL. CARL | - ♦ I

RtTCHET I t s M fThird Dlst- BEN E. POTTER 1

Proseeullwt Allemey, E. M. ;•SWEELEY i P f f f l

CoBDly Treasvrtr, MBS. { tU Jj]GENEVIEVE DWIOHT j p a

CaonlT Awessor. STOART I III]8EVERENB ‘ 1 9 1 .

nKHMAV E. DEISSCMnlT Sutil- or .S e ^ ls . MRS. ' ^

DORIS STRADLEY Tht'C Pnbale Jndte. C. A. Balle.re ,« , l^ » .m » ^ A R O L D ^ i

Wil. MERRITT 1 . JCoonty Coroner, DR. f . W. Q rn i

.MaeMAKCfl , , / Bt

T O B m iT ,n»*-

^ S j Q U E E Z E l"


i V WAIT M B S a-A M ' 2 U SB E

IfWOU/fTWd X ‘ flWF AU«'FtJflMU« •fBo6egP-?ggwARD- o tL F a a r . . . . . a

AScurU l w / V ie cO iW .’TWHii.l 6i

A4AVB7 W|r.OU»(rA ICOI ^A fU TF An( „ / 01

M i M r l T l i

ary of Seottand* opens (omorrow f tbe Orpheum.

-Sunday-atlhe-Idaho_ _ : Z hm------- Byrur


leglnnlnc lomorroir a t tha Idabo aler b Edwird 0 . Robinson la i»eU Of BiHoU- wllb Joan Blon- Chi I, Barton MacLue and prank Mrsn ilagh. I t b ft slory showlnf hov to o: lerlea a n snaah (ba organised hause no lyndlcalei which inteyt IU He h ei. Tha program Is completed C uh h a Mickey Mouse color rartoon, years. I news. Showing for. (he t u t g u et today a t Uio Idaho- It n>'on t lo Collfge." vith Hogh Her- ____(, I'na Merkie, Charbt^.Bbtter- lh u d Waller AbcL

Last Tlmn Tontghl 19:U H

S ta r ts TOM OnilOW I . #

m r o - yI ^ T lfD I r„

Fio i a c t

- S H '—

roH .M veoteH !)

o - i r *-


r ~ f f

;1 It

,)N T H E J

WH vigAfip, s c o m a

r apapt; a i w - w e u 63WD(i5ENPAW>

COM3 m o H ' s w a $ m o o T - n c t r r H e a - M ’r & n i l

V l ^ U Y -

H A Z E L T O N ' In th bee's

Hosteu.al.abovtr-—-Urfc-Bldney. S 'f lr rrum v u hoiteii a t a mbeel* > (leout shower Monday ftltemoon me, honor o( Mn.-WeUlngton'l«ibo, n . m

1 N tll Uaxlne Powers, rarly u tni leiU vert prtacnl^nd.^seiented (Uvm 0 honoree with m u y hudsome [U. A number of conteiU In keep- f «1lh with the occulon wen

: theirB a d ^ rsB rh e Zone — Mr. and con n.X31en Kelly reUmied Tueidiy ind (emoon from B udon , Oregon, ed tc itmJhelr.t!ro tertlco itatloni nn d . i^ra. urltt camps vero destroj-ed by ths jjr . a a n t forest lire, 'nwy were abls tbelr u v e but ft amall portion ot their ty ho •sessions. Mr. u d Mrs. Kelly vlU the < tke an ex tended rb ita tthe home u id t

Mr. and Mra. Earl Andrews In e Greenwood communlly.Chann* Reildence — Mr. and mal i tsrJsme* DehlhauKU have moved the r

Olenns Ferry, vh e it Dehl Mn. men U m uager ot a (rocery slore. ptii t h u been assocUtsd v lth (he j . ish grocery bere tor the past two urdaj ars. j»w ;CuriU #t ions — Mr. and Mn. P ” ?- tn k Hifbee who tpent tho sum-

tIDDIES SHOW 10 A. « . I— at VNCLE JOB.K'S —

r r r < r a ,

LAST TI^iES TODAY!Conllnaons From 1:M P, M. j

1g ^ M a m r T i n s I ■e.r.-kii ........ ... ! ■■ ■ ^ k ^ ^ K t y A MITCHflL IT H a M le llo y Comedy I i J\v |

Cartoon-Newt | I M •FLASH CORDON" | J ^


....tk (* i« Il i a i i i l l 2k iiup .M i ■k ik ( 4 1l ■ .

■••• ■!< ' ■ (

' ^ S ^ T H i V ' ! Ii l

i r I

IOTEr-Itt-AU-ta-rBB.-ud-W i H

Nerer Rabe Oar Prteeil . H IDSISB l»o — ADULTS Ue H

B yE .& SE C A B

y H E U P I - v - .. , j 5OM6B0DV I \




M m P^HCHO RofkKtO '

; T 8o5WnHTH'Wo(KSSj I THflTlMVeJONLV . /'rHlRTJiN-AN'TKERff U f u R E m r N o u / c K - ■ m y . IN TWT/ ^

er In the mounUins ten mllei ftvnt etclium on Warm fiprlnirs creeli tho hops ot beneflltinf Ur. H lf-

e's lie^lh,_aro a t the home of .eir io n . Don IHgbee, vhcrt they lU'rrmaln IKIs vlnler.MUes Depart — Mr. u d Mn. W.. M ln left thb veek for Illlholt mike u exUnded vUtt with rel­

ives a i their o il homa.;GueiU of Aunt - MbKS U ar- ircl and Virginia Dahlqubt^ ot irln Palli, ars cucsU thb week of elr aunt, Mrs. Ray Looney. .CoMlodo Vbll^M bs Madge Baird J Id Mlu Edith Whitten return. J |I to Los Angelu Wednesday a t- ' iL a,tea.day-T U ll.>U li8 ji<ata_et_r. and M «.W . s . Baird, to return* •- elr work a t tho Los Angele* Coun- hosplUl. Whlh here they vblted

lO enike Urer polnU ot Interut Id the Jce caves north otahoehoni. , , Ouest of ParenU — Mbs Dorlhft . leley. student a t the Albion Nor­al school, b a week-end Ruest at « hnme of 'fa*fT>»reftb. M t,and • • n . J. B. Seel5;Flier >1sltora — Mr. and Mrs.^L Blakeley of PUer spent flat-

day evening vbltlng ihelr son*ln- V and daughter, Mr, u d Mra. in Hlgbee.

iiiTT:vr.'wL A S T -S H O W IN G ^- ^



vlthChas. B nlterw orlh-l^ Merkel

Httfb Herbert-Waller Abel

na i + L o in s m r r r o R E right



■ ■ If m l 'V

i 1 i | ; ] | i | . ’ f i l i l

Jveiu*. j l ^Calor I I I.CartMs ' ( I W

- f -

< Princi|i BuW Gl

S o u th e rn C O v e r W asl

In C o a s lSix Clashes In Big

Ten Circuit Draw 225,000 Fans

Fale'Faces N a ^ ^' V OOUID

NEW Y o m c . O ct. IS m - ' E xcep t lo r th e aouU iem del­

egates. ^ h o fflU devote a m a- ~ " Io r a h iro o f th e ir tim e a n d i

t a le n t to In tcrse c tlo n al do- ^ ba te , th e p r in c ip a l ' fooball d ispu tes th is w eek Involve

' conference r iv a ls o rn e lg h b o rs “ w ith ft bone to pick.

T he B ig T en . a lre ad y a b it r bnilwd up br nori'conftrtnet op*

I ■ iKaltloo. Lkely will be wbjecled to b« J ' further briik treatment betora WU* Ct £ coiuln in d Indiana llniib ort tlitlr ^ » flernoon'itcufne»llh |iotreD tnie U

tn d Mebruka. rtiptcUrelr. but the S( other tlfh t m tm btn of thU snvp 3S will confine thesutlre* ilrictlr to p]i famllr w

MlnnewtA fisurei to hare mon------o r -lu t ft '.‘brtathlne ipetl" etalnel |ir;

MIdilgin's wTtrlng' WolnrlnMT » N orth««ttm . ftllheugU * illght jn choice htra lo tum back Ohio su te . «] will hftTi aU It con hindle.

Purdue and low* look to hare a . dUtlnct e ^ e ovtr Chicago m Jl- •

llnel*. re*5ecU»tl;. Jmitewwlll bt no puJh-ortr Jor Ntbnutai. Tt

AU told. I t U likely 333A00 tpte- «r u to r t vlll Ite the tlx games In* v o tr t^ Bic Ten tt*m<. -

Into "Dftuttr Zen#"In the e u t the old “Big Thtet." 1

u n b u ltn thU far. morea Into the J d tng tr tcne iUnulltntoujl}'. Har* -M vftrd, dteplle obvloui ImproYtment. do u not yet ap p n r ft match for Amy's BharpsliMttn. but Yele and

and Ptnniylranla. ”PltUbuTih'i powerhouM alrtady

pointed for national dlatlnctlon. A cannot ftfford to Uke Its Inltr-clty rival, Ouquetne. lightly.

Ccmtir# eophomortj have «t leut_an_eTen chance to outscore

------thelr-up-it*te-rlvi3,.ByrftniK..JIoly. _. .c rou flr»fw tq »*»» "w P jg

- • -'fConUnued-on-Pftfe 8) (;p

California’s Bears IFace Stem Test '

k, — to ^ -------- qui— B e r k o l 6 y - 4 ^ m - T ^ l i e s _ o i i

U clans; T ro ja n s Play « •

W ash in g to n S la te J


On feotbsll'a wheel Bf fortone t»-mom ir will epln the champion- Ihlp lieptt of three of the i m l v Ing (eor widtftatea t»»mi ol.lH r+A Pftclflo eetet ecnftrtnce. | iIn the ble western pIjsUn tn*. 11

Bogemtnt*. the Unltenlly of Celt- ^ fomlft B e tn face the glemeit lest.'At Berkeley they will line up os’ nol more than even money farorllts, te defeat their oncc'-bealen toulhem I brethen, the tlnlvenlly of Callfor* nla I t l o t Angeltt Bruins. ^

nla TToJant, bounding along thej Tlct«7 highway with ft tip remlnl- tcm l of earlier ehamplonthlp tUyi.| will disappoint ft huge follotring 1f> they fall to Uke Washington SUte college In stride ta they have two vi other conftrtnce opponents;' 'th

ItBikle* Ptay B ttm * «OnlyWftthlngton.oftheundefeat-

ed tonference ttim s. h u a fairly caiy program cul out for Itself. Ttie , Husklta Uke on the vblllne Ortgon, “ 8Ute eollege Beavers, twice defeat*. "

» ed and »pparently negligible fs«-l [ . len ln the lB S flnoe.

unlvenlly of Oregon (led fltan-|pfci ford 7 to 7 last week and will be r fftTortd to trip up ft xrnlTcnIly of Mli Idaho SQUtd whleh already h u lost tad to Wftshlntton SUte and Unlrer- pea slty of Wuhlngton. j rial

At Mlosouls. UnlTtnlty of Mon*;®' l u a tntertalns O o n o ia In what,^Jl! should prove to be a dose itrujjle. |g“

UnlTtnlly ef Arltona remains' home for a Jeuit with Centeniryi „ coUece while Artana SUle Teachers' . *' of nagit* if more Inlo Preano for a t Z game with Fresno BUte college.



I thfl

■■ “ BTWe'AMoclited-------VMBp*-«,-ru«t-»---------------------- n «

Idahe Falls J*. Awtrltan Falli I , tTIUtr 21. Botwen « . IOntario (Ort.) IJ. Vale (Ort.) « Jffome M. Ooodlng 0 NBnhl 7. rwln.Talls fl . r . • Dcr

--------EewT-a- a- t 'C T » ; TOC««ar d'Alfne 0 plu

I III. Maries fi: Bonnen Ftrry 31 !sho'

rm w fU is. N y » 0 pj«KesnUln Heme S, Meridian I D

\ Xnna I t Mlddlrten • lettBUr 1 ITtakUa • com

pal Foorid^erslaiiiFornians I ih in g to n S ta i 8t*s F e a tu r eUniversity'^-^BeatM oiSouthern Branch Fob

Twice In F irs t Qu

' POCATELLO. O ct. 18 W V -O ri ; Idaho -S ou thern -w on I3*0-from -ti ‘ StAtfl college h e re t« d a y to open

Victory cam e In le ss th a n h a lf o touchdow ns w ere pu sh e d acrosa i to a ' give a n d ta k e b a t t le In whic

A fo u rth pe riod d rive saw th e c al goal lin e on a p a s f fro m th e Crcks b u t th e ba ll w m A u g h t * - beyond th e e n d lo n e fo r no 35 c o u n t . '

T h e T ige rs m ade th e ir f lra t u i Ully aller thrte plays by Western foi su te . rccovcrint ft fumble on the pli 3S tn d crossing on tha local fourth pu play, a pats from Iloegtn to Atkin* I son. eei

The eecond counter cam* almost thl Immediately witii Price featuring In ro ft charge stAhlng'frommldneld and Lo ending on tho thrte*y»rd line from an when Hoggan' went over In two wll drives a t the line. ors. Jlepped en :>Tartl Une Western SUle stcpptd Ihe third 1

Tiger attempt two yards from goal and the period closed with Ui# — ^founUlnten In possession on tlio

Panthers Of Trim Rici

Normal School Team M S tarts Scoring In 1'

Third Q uarter 1

REXBURG, Id ah o . O ct; ID (;P)—A lblon'collcgc p u t-a dam ­p er on th e Rlclcs hom ecom - BU Ing celeb ra tion today by .de - < fea tlng th e local eleven. 19 to Q. In a gam e th a t w as score­less a n d evenly fou g h t du r­ing th e f i r s t ha lf.

T ho P a n th e rs b roke th e , , (ootball Icc early in th e th ird pj, qutner when Cooper, Albion quar- _ tetbaek. went orer for the game’s f ln t touchdoirnrC«lStr'4-ftIl«-klCk ' was good for the extra point.

Team mates McFarlane and DU* on made the other touchdowns. All J' wen acored cn end rtfns. J«>

The Vikings put up a hard bat- ii lie throughoutjind oncfc liad the the ball within 10 yards of goal. Uv- nnd Ingsloti played an excepllonally p i 1 good game. a -X ----------------------Will

Utah Plays in BDenver Stadium J.5

_ \ .W in n c r i - o f - T l i r e e - G a m c s , JIJ!

P io n ee rs H ops lo Keep

R ecord I n la t t_____ Nl

DENVSB. Oct. IS («V-DenTer Vnlmtlly. which has handed three ieami.lhele fln t defeaU Id (aeettalve wteks, bepea (o ketp the ehamed etring In^c t wben UUh Unlvtrtlly lovadea tbe Pie* I f n rtr suaiam fer ft Bocky Mean* H i Uln cenfertoee feelbaO n m e te* !

flhlt meeting, of two undefeated elevent may c u t elgnlflcant llghti on ths conference ehunplonshlp picture,

Denrtr. In beaUng Colorado Mines. Colorado coUege tn d Colo- B it ndo 8taU tn that order, reached peak footbaU only In spurts. AfUr nallenlng the Mlnen. 30 to 8, the D. D. outfit beat 0 . 0 , only 7 to 3.! and snatched a touchdown. In the Iu t two minutes to down Colondo;' M Sfate, H to 7. ,; Uiro

Wen Two Games Defore the teason opened, Ik? ‘’*L

ArmslnmE. UUh pilot, tald h it team WM -a Quesllon.- An answer msy bc supplied In tomorrow't gtme. The " Dlt*' linve Kored conference wins mer Oreeley SUtc and Western ' flUle, both of whleh appear llckeied for the ftcond division, and beat Arltona In a nonconftrenc« match, 'x ,., alihcugh the Arltonans outplsyed

. -. reoQ] .m t:

Dempser-ATinounccs^;'* B e n e f i t F i g h t C a r d .m * ^

NEW Y0IUC."0ct" 19 (,T> - Jsck ' pemwey, a^.chalnnan of the We^t; _ , , Bide ho.iplUl fund, loday announeed t j , Ilians fovan all-sUr amtUur boxing show to be held In MsOlson ^uace' Oarden-NoTtmber SJiniderthe tus— i)Icfso/t<jeAnislcurAtae«ei;nlon. lio I

Dempsey u ld Ibe AAU would le- high lect oulstAndlng boxer* all .over the ssrn* rountiy for the benefit show.


>(ball Ei t - ir i t

Score 7_F av o red j

i t e E lev en i A ttr a c t io n’s Tigers mnfaineersw tball Team Scores lu a rte rO lP la j '3 ridm en of- th e U niversity of v th e M oiintalneera o f W estern je n .th e local co llegiate season; .• I o t th e f i r s t period w hen tw o sa a n d th e team a. ae ttled dow n h lc h n e ith e r w as ab le to score, he M ounta ineers crosa th e lo* h e five ya rd s tr ip e by R o u t to

35 following a loeal fumble.A run ot SS j-ards to tlie tfoun*

Ulneer 19 In the second period w u followed by a loctl penalty and thrte plays to wlilch the lig e n were pushed baek to their own 39.

Rout, fullback, put hU MounUln- een on the Idaho 19 early tn the third period from where a -p u s by rox w u grounded over the line. Local'l’asses'pnductd'ninrot S], 30 and 30 ysrds and the quart>- ‘ ended with the Tigers on the IS, The'vlsit* ors gnlnrd possession en the 2S early In the fourth.

New Team Sent In wnth nine minutes remalnlne n

new Tiger lesm w u tent In and tt •

<Contlnued on Paga 8) .

^fAlbioU' j ?ks 19 To ONampa Wins Over - -Wildcats,4-to-O IBulldog Hallback Plunges i5 ' Through Right T ack le ' '-H

lor Only Scorethe

NASIPA. Idabe. Oct.» U>>Bert for Jones, Nampft Bnlldec halfbatk. e u plonglng tbroagh right UtUe. gar •cored Ihe only ieoebdewn here to d a r-sa d ^ tf tJ iU J u m jL l to c vIcUrr o ttr lhe Flltr high sthool WlldeaU ^ . . . ?niiJones icflrtd the eounler In the

flnt. cusrler. ;In ths second quarter. Filer took , ,

lhe fiall on lU own Uirte>yard Ilm Jr,.' tnd drove lhe oral deep Into Nam* ti«« na territory before losing on downs. £>«

Again In the third period, the WUdctU marched Into Nampa t«r> 1 rltory on a aeries of line smuhes lhat retied off an avenge of five n rardsftttU m e. D ,

End Rons Smolhend End rent, on which PUer relied

tarty In tbe battle, were smothered jy Pepper and Timm. Nampa endL

In the closing mlnuu of play.Pller w u again nearing Nampa aeor*

The gtme w u a Blg*Ten confn- mce engagement.Nampa hutuflerR lonly one defeat

« far Ihls year In fire games h a v ng been beaten by Idaho F^lls last ~

J ,

■ feetfoot

Hunters Retum £ With Pheasants

« n

ilrds Reported Plenlilul on im North Side as Season “

Enters Third Dayene<

" 'Majartty of pheasant hunten » m

hronglng th t gleaming stubblu be , inw opening of ths season T hun- Ity momlng ntum ed wtlMsden [llh birds although tome ot the V f ilmrorts found difficulty locating sme without the aid of dogs. Dlrds \ .rre itported unusually plentiful onh. n « . p . „ , o . « , .

In moAt iniunces pheastnu w tn nree el wild on opening dsy and dogs {jht, Duld-hold thtm without troublf. im ■srts of Rock crtek canyon w en crew UKnud.rery.prDducU-.-8 ta -pheu» v mntMver. Hunten were farofedwTth' •• frle:t-w e*th tT -enrtng-thB -ftm “ 'fO (lays of. the season. A greatlany nimrods csme long distances e/>> be on hand for the opening, Bow

• lengt. rice

daho Fails * Wins S'.,I 13 So

4DAJIO-PALLerOctrieT;r)«Tdi= — - 0 Falls won JU second a ig 7>o T t Igh school conftrtnce football sloni

w ; w 8 , T w n t g A i x a . i i ) A B 0 ,

Battles(r * I • . » i

To 0 VLou Gehr

B o T d m g J *QueiUenslres took two out of thrre j

games from Eleetrio Motor Servlet l u t nlgtUrta-ft-aty league a t the Twin- PalU bowltng alleys. ••

The Heclrlelans captured tlie o li first came, 701 to M3 but-dropped the l u t two. Ainsworth rolled high for the a'cnlng with a total of im .' EUvent w u high for an tndlvlduall game ^ th a msrk o f » ( In the third.) ^

n. i i t tiifli _____ »« u II po-«—iWTtTtw-o >1*1

AlBiwerth _______ Its 14 U SH l0|T*UIs ------------.IU TJI JH UJS 5^

Misse lit m m m and-------------------- Burl

Totill '________101 JH m i i j jlargi

Bank Declares ^ Team in Shape H;

____ In

W aclice TWs Week t V a s S i Highly Satlslactory,’ 'SS,

Says Coach------- <•)

PORTLAND. On-. Oct. 16 MV- ^ “ 1 The Vandals of Idaho and the Web- >k>u feet of Oregon meel In their 38Ui football gtme hen lomorrow at 3 k'';*] p. m. *i*i»

Coach Ted Btnk, making his Port- {{«•«' Itnd debut, arrived with liU Idaho ' leam lodaj-. Prince CalUson, Ortgen tnio: ccaeh. wlU bring lils Usm from *» Eugtne In lhe momlng. •

Cooparttln records for the sea- idi son gave Qrfcen a slight edge. J j y

"Our mtn are In shspe and prac- Uc« a t Moscow Uils wetk wa* highly utlsfacton'.' Bsnk esld. / I

•nie VsndsI mtijlor decUnd Ills Q team w u nsdy for Ortgon's threat- V U ened pasilng atUek. Ht remarlced lhal If Ortgen h u not completed a pass all sesun, the lU rt wouldn i be made against hU eleren.

Y o u n g H e a v j 'w e i g h t ! Big

W i n s B y K n o c l t o u l '

HOLLVWOOD, Callf,. Oct. IS ‘.r.i Sob Kestelf. U » Amelrixomlslng yeung hea\7T»l«hi. !» '• . V.* shed olt ruggtd "Bulch”ISa, In lilt fifth round btfcte a J w w d of 4500 lonlghl In the Jlolly »irowt-Legton-sladlum....................... ^' - - ---------------r Not

RACES TO VICTOBV feat BAN-niA.NClSCO. Oct. 16 vT. - Ule H

3onny Onfton need to a i»o* «(ve< engUi victory In the ftsturtd sixU' Tliey ic e a t Ttnfcmn,_leday. Clutuga Car vaa tecond and Msid of Perth fin- way 1 shtd third. The winner ptld »—5,(talnei

Ttei 0 / {he Chlcsgo Beut. lonal foolbsll Usm. hsve wooden j t d h-)t8 Ihty bought Irom' an o.d piaert Julca gtoCltmso a t n the ptlr. |prscl>


Involvt* * *

y ictory Crig ‘Most

r "i-f"'

Jerome_Conquer.sJ[i , Gooding, 20 to 0 ;

Burkhalter Stars as Tig- J ere_ Down Senators '

” in Night Game ■ ” 1 I —

JEROME. OtL U - Ipawtrful foolbsll rltvtn addtd <

-•nothr^-rtcto^y-to^fJ-lmptt*s^TO- list by downing Ap Berg's Good*lag. Ktnston. :»•», undtr the ..f '

' floodllghls here lonlght. II was a XaClass A tgnfertiice cUih. -- The Tlgtra, mentored by John *'

Nvby, put the game on Ice In the.InltUI canto by (coring n louchdon-n ^ and chalking up the extra point. I’**,' BurUialter.'quarlcrback. made all |three touchdowns, tlie flrsl resulting ^largely ftom stnlght football. - ' ^

Thosecondperlodwuscortlfubut ®In the third Burkhalter ngAin resell* “ed pay diri following an liilcrcepted ''Ooodtng pass. Tlio flntl KOre of Ytho day csmo In ths fourth M ana ^ when Butkhaller again psekcd the ball over from the twenty yard lUie. . ^

In splU of ooodlngt defeat the nU Usm-dld-*om&-nlca-btocking,ftn<l -_c tha kicking of Pauls, who was pulled from Uio llna Inlo ihe'backfleld. w uexcepUonally good. ~

The lineups: I i*OMDINO jrnoHE D l

>tf»Ufg _____ L(J ---------- BirdIksrd _______ Bjfimm itb i n n _____ c«an«ra liuM lirZ IZ Il W ZnriT'AniVldnultoa ______ qn ___ iiiitkh»lirfr . ' " --------- f iatn io a ia _____ n i _____ MfJutiliin

B«f» by ' J s ____ — -.1 » « J-W

iDbitltolleBi: lio«41n( — r*ul>.

A»>roit, m u ltt. Iifjnln. (.g,

Carnegie Tech 's, - Ofp

Upsets Temple “3____ rte*

Big Team From Pillshurgh;”. ! ' ■ Scores Surprise 7-0

Victory m l.____ p t u

PHlLADELPIIfA, Ocl. 16 tr j - f Ot K big Ctmegle "Tech t lo t i i from]‘hire ’ItUburgh toppled Temple unlvtrs*|5*ya ty from the list of underrated foot-|- Be >all. teams-umlght. scoring .a..sur:.|.Oo(}( iriso 7. to 0 vletory betore 30.000, on C

Not only wts It 'remple's flrtt de- ' a set eat in five su rts this seston. bui-Nalti lie I ln l Ktbaek lhe Owls hnvo rc- l.the i rived. In a nlghl>ame since 1930. niey had won 3J and tied three.

Carnegie's lone ecore csme mid* , o* ray in lhrUiW-J>erlod-on ft-sus- alned B7*y*rd march‘al;er Csmp**11 rfeovtr^djjivldjon's fumble on • 'ha.Canjsglt-4J.--i----------------- -----------

----------------------- Ch.J tck U anden booted a 5S>yard educi

Iseeklck In a recent Chlcsgo Bean' Mich; rscllc* stsiioa dUfti

JCTOBBR 17,1988 ' -

'e Confii ' ' V _ *

Over Twt Valuable

■ *


r-------------------- 7

, ----------- ■

I F O O T B A L L 1' At Reslinrg: Alblen I t , Kicks fl (i

Tltlnels eellrge 11, Parsons tl - Cone«rdla Teachen n , tu lher I I.enelr Rhyne 0. Crsklne 1!Idaho Konthern Braneh 13. West­

ern 8UU eelleie 0 - Rosth DakeU KUIe 0, Omaha unl-

verr'17 fl (Ilel Illinois Nsnnsl 7, Wetlem lUlnels

Teachen 3 l<Tennessee Wesleyan It. Sewtnea 7 Prribyterlsn-The ClUdel (night

a w f l .roilBanfd-. unti; . Saturday _ nlghl, n in .

til. .'tUrr's IWlnona, Minn.) 11, Hamllne C

Camrtle 7. Temple 9 Waihlngton college *. Jelmi Hep*

klm 7.Arkansas 0*9. Oeorge Wsshlngteo

0-13Elan U,‘ U Salle 36 Dobuqe 0. towa Wesleyan 7 ed N tbnskaB 35. Nebraska Wesleyan wi

6 ■ mItolie Janlsr college 31. Ooodlng S Tl n'lllamelto 47.-CoUrge of Idaho 0 «i Creighton 13. Urake 9 1#Cheney Normal 1>. Wuhlnglen Hi

su te college froih fl . i;nlvettll7 of Nevada t*. CaUfor- . i nU Aggies 9 VJo m o n O ^ .ft lifp tn U Jn sJ I^ ]

Broncos Defeat \ Gooding Bobcats

Baughman Races 50 Yards S _ to ■ Score In First JJ

Minuto'of PlayIsl

BOISE. Oct. 19 <^r>Bols« J u le r b,„ College Drones backed- Ibelr wsy \ to 1 21 lo 9 viclory orer tbo Good- rul ing Collegt OobcaU here lonlghl. (ni Qoodlng scored In the fln l mlnule cln

}f pUy after Iho kickoff. Oheu shotj nr I long pass to Daughman, who n n ith r «) yards to score. I 1

The* Broncs csme bsck afler a se-1 ■lea of m d runs lo teors their fln i '^f ;ouchdown, Stephens csrrylng the )sll over and Nalley scoring the ex- " :n point. . Ij''

BoI« ficored acaln In the tecond wlod, afler a successful series of jsues.

Ooodlng Uirtatened twice In the hlrd pertod, once rtachlng Dolje's D i i*yard line.

Bolso kicked and after holding Ihe q lOQdltlg JJne. again, took tlie bsl! tx i m Ooodlng's 30*ynrd llne and afterl I series of line plunges, scored agtln niet Galley carrying tho"^lgskln over far i|i,. he tcorer this time.

C.Of ,lii? '33 grid gsmes Monisns [*'"

aa. pUyed-wim-WashIn5ton SisU, *?:' fontana h u won one. while W.*fl. J WM victorious 31 times, •.

Chester L. Brewer, of the ph^ilcsl Quetllon sUff a t Missouri, coached Fl Ilchlnn BtaU college teams three repo U ftnsl times. SUI

Ference* — ■ i r *

trin Fallse Player’ 1

“ IYanliee Slugger ' Tops List; Luke ]

Appling SecondNew Yorker Receives Four

F irsts in Poll ol Baseball Writers

NEW TORK, Oet, 18 WV-fpr iJ>o teroad lia s Jn h it carter, n Lob Otbrtg. tin t btstmaa ef tba „ Ntw Yorit Yankees, toda y _ g a . °

, named tha American ieape’a ^ “motl valaabla ^ y t t * by tbt ^

_ B utball IVriltr’s ftw U IU n. P Othrlg lopped Uie letgua wlUi tS 0

homcn, bailed JM. drove In IS3 gi runl. n n Ills jtrtteli of cotuecutlre yi gtmea to 1.808 and led Ihe Yankets 7 lo American leagus and world se- ]n riet championships. ' ai

Luka Appling. hriUlant Chlctgo White Sox ihortstop and new Amtr* u tean league batting champion, w u s' second In the voting .Eirl Averill, r Indians,-WM third, and Chtriey g, Oehrlnger, Tlgen, fourUi. u

Only threo other player* have re- e< celvtd the ftwtrd twice. Mickey Uj Coclirane. T gen . in s - IU i Walter ti Johnson. Senators, 1933*IPJ», and Jimmie P o a , Red floi, IDM-IBM. nl Oehrig won Uie award for the n f ln l time In IP37. tt

— The teleelloiiwu mtde by-ft com- ni mlltee of eight. Each member picked 1 hU 10 btst p liy tn . the first player) on each llsl gttllng 10 pol.i)Ji, the' tecond nine, and to on. - I

Oehrig was llrst on four ef t h e ^ eight llsU and loUled 73 polnta,'A Appling received lliree fln t place * voUt'Ind ft total of 9J polnu. Aver- “ 111 was given 48 polnU and Oehrin- » ger. who received the other flnt “ place vote. 30. [“

.Pollowlng on Ihe list' were Bill biekey. Yankee catcher, » polnU, f i Joe Kuhel. Bcnaton, and Vemon Kennedy. ^Vtlllo Sox. 37. and Joe Dimaggio. Vankees. 28. "

Othen who rwelvtd fire or mon “1 Votei w tn •I'omTrij^utiogts. ugen, ' 2i. Hal Trosky. Indians. Ifl. Jimmy " Poxx, Red a c t. 18, O tn id Walker. Tlgen, I t Beau Bell Browns. 10. ?! Wally Mosts. Athletics, 7. and Bob T

’ Onvo. Red Box, who won lhe award............... .......... £

NEW YORK, Oct. 19 MV-Ust of ^ ■ Ihe American ttague'a most valu* iT

able plajTf awards: f?Cobb, Tlgen. • rJ,

Iflia-Tris Speaker, Red'flot. “ 1813-Waller Johnson. Sentlon. K

• iflU -sddlo Colllnf, Alhletlci ^ I»33-Ocorge BUier, Browns. ”

' l033-8tbo Ruth, Yankees.1824-Waller Johnson. Senaton. ■:

I 193S-Roger. Pecklnpaugh, Sena* Ti lon. . lm

' l» 9 -0co tge Bums. Indians to I I»37-lou Gehrig. Yankets. ' fa! : _182S-Mickey Cochnne. Alhltllcs. Ar

^PM =i;ew Ponsecirrndlsils;------- Bi, . 1830-Joo Cronin, Senators, mi

1931-Bob Grove, AUiletlcs. Ih lM3»«J{mmfe Fow. AlhleCfes. t : 1833-Jlmmle Foxx, AUiletla, A : lP3«-Mlckey Cochrane. Tlgen. du 1835-llank Orttnberg. V tm . all IMS-Lou Oelirlg. Yankets. ^ (n Nott: The Chalmen award cow - Pl<

ed the period from 1911*14 and Ihen rlo was dlsconllnued, TTie awards wen msde by the league from 1823-3S. - 'Till* Assoclaled Prtss polled bueball »7l(^rn for the awards In IWJ and f ,, IMO. lh e Baseball’W riten assocla- tlon h u made the awards since UJI.

— ski

Willamette Grid Z Team Overwhelms S Coyotes, 47 to 0 »;CALDWELL. Idsho.’ocl. H O T- Ttri

WlllMnette unlvenlty foolbali Uam . from Salem. Oregon, blankrd the . . College ftf Idaho Co>-otes. 47 lo 0, . In'a grid gamo hero tonight.

■nie Idaho oulfit. coached by Pat „ „ P*:e. pul up n slubbom fight dur* “1 Ing the flrsl half, allowing the visit- ers to score only one touclidown In , 1 Mch quarter. ’ 1

The OrfgonUns, however, picked up momentum In the l u l half and ,, IslJIri] trrlce In' 11m Ihlrd «]usrier arid lhrt« limes In the final period. S'":

Wcijscrber. 310-pound Wlllametlo nfel fullback; scorcd thne touchdowns thi* and did a largo share of the ball lug* clns. He shared the honon wilh tin, Hr.ird, Oregon quarter, who packed cm thr 0V.-I1 acrosfi thrte llmea also, ![•"

n i'- willnmettc team used straight i f looilisll ir.ojl ol Ihe time, but re* naii (orled occasionally lo Ihe air to gain rorjldcnble ground.

The Coyotes failed lo advance lhe Sa b.ill inlo willamclto territory oncc riurlns the flrat htlf. but aueceeded 01 in reaching the vlsllon' 48 yard line fiap onct In the last half. l|»y<

Detton- Wins Match____ year

o m W A , oct, 19 Wl - Dean 5"* tlelton. ;w , -5*11 L«ke Clly.' look ?!*! t«'o straight fails from- Lou Plum- mer. Sound Bend. Ind., In a wrtsl. liiig boul hen tonight. t(o

Cosch Doug.Petstnden of Mon* Bmi ;sna wltl nol admit ills team will and

a alngje game thla ytar. Abput p m \lonl»nas fiilun foemeh,'.-he uyi: lehoi '1 don'C know mueh about thoM m iiher_ teams, bul they better be

• I------ — iiiFlfiy-two of the 93 gridders who Nfltn

tported tor pnctica at Mlehlpn en ' ilau art bloixU. . ^

j BruinsTouchdown Marcli In Second Period-Wins for. Indians

1 - —

Hopkins Carries Ball Overr From Ten Yard Stripe

Alter Passes Put Pig-skin In Scoring Zoh8'

With a blocked kick paving the way Coach Floyd B ow tn ' Buhl Indiana scored a second

- quarter touchdow n'and Uc)c« ed goal, to defeat Coach Hank Powers' Twin Falls Bruins, 7-

j 0 In-R 'B ia rT C n conference i same 'a t I n c o ln field berSs> yesterday aTMroooa. 16 was ' twin F tlU ' lln l lou ol till ; year oner Tletortes over Idaho M U

and,Burley............. ... . . . '> iTie Bculns. pitying wllbeut lb t ’ urv lctt ot two malnitftyi, ‘Toln''

SUUr tn d Bill BtUi, both of vbom r luffirtd lo ju rin In th«-Buriey> gtm t, Uckod conilitffit punch. L*t«

lo ihe th im pv todT irinF iliip ftek '■ ed thfl ovtl to thfl Buhl lix yard ' lino, but wta untbli t» (cors v ilb ft ‘ tuccmlon of passes.I SUtbUei Ihow that Buhl n td * 1 • nlno fln t downs (0 Twtn rtn i* i«t« 'I en ftnd completed five passes out of

teven ftttempted. Twin Ftll* cea-' neded.tU.Uffles out.otJLtosM t._____|II B n l u BwelTfl '|l The gftmo opened with Buhl kick- -,I Ing off to thfl Bruin 10. HUL Tirtn

, PalU halfback, n lu m ls f tQ the 90. Bruin patl went Incomplflta tnd

when further pltyi faUad to gftln sufficient ytrdtge A n d rm Mcktd to the Buhl 40. Boyd allppfld throufh Uckle for thrtfl yirdi, but Buhl' tumbled tn d reconnd. loting about 13 yw dt OQ tho pUy. A n d rm Jog­gled Uie ensuing kick but beld onto the btll. “nifl period w u mainly a punllng duel v lth TVln M U hold* . Ing for dovni on Ibelr ova 31 u I U« qutrter Anted. , |

Ivo bretk e tn a vhen BUS Andmrt. Bniln tafety, attempted to bod oot of danger vhiU lU ndtaf deep td • his own territorr. TDahttTy Buhl • llna brokfl thtrnigti. bloekad thfl ' kick tn d TflooTetflA Ihfl pUikla en ihft.Twin M U K .m t f Strip*. - A ptni-Boyit-to-VoeUflrrWit^-ttr-^ o n l cn tha S n l a 90 and a «*eet>d one. Boyd to KeOror. a d ru c td tt lo tha Un, frtna vhleb poiot Bop* Uns. fullback, gtOoptd a m ir 'tb f l- - goal lin* OB an off taoklfl U m ut Thfl kick for ts t ra point w u Me* eetafuL-

Twin F im Thrflfttaaa '• n v u ta tha third «uirt«r tlu t

Twin M is madfl iU neaU al acor*Ing b l l Ihfl Brulflt t tn a ptmt bade lo thfl Buhl 33. AfUr onfl p a a bad - lalled A n d rm betTtd t« *01fl* ' Anderwn for a f ln t dovn oa th* Buhl~33r~AnBttier~tog-Bila>ed iU '

lhe pipkin out o f 'th t air en tba t y in f i>n« for tnoUief: flrrt 'd m . ^ A pats failed and a Un* plonga pro* - dueed nothing. FlntUy an aeritl altempt to flcore groonded thfl ball In tho end nofl. Buhl put It lo -- pUy on lU own 30 a t the third pe­riod dosed.

Boflt O n t« ( BflBDdi The IndUnt launched tho flntl

s ia n a by kicking out o( bounda m Ihelr own 33. Andrewi v u thrown for ft loaa. When a pass ven t in* compleU Andcnon on a ftke kick, skirted right end for a H n t dovn on Iho Buhl 30- TTie Bniln* then threw p ^ a righ t and l y but

the hall. A aerie* of kicking « . ehangea followed and v llh only four minute*, to go Buhl atarted a Ihrtalmlng goaiward march that w u halted on the Sruln eight yard tlripe.

m the Buhl backfltld the plungu • of Boyd and ifopklns weer out* . sundlng while the en tln Indian lino functioned amoolhty. For the Drains A n d rm and Anderson turn­ed in iparkllng offensive perform* ancea with Carpenter backing up the line capably.

Thfl lineups: 'TWW PAlis

s S l iS E : : ? # ,lojd ------------ W ■ ■ Andmn:«t» UI ------------- IIIU'ItBllne , Bit ABdima

»7 qiutiCT!rwin niiii~!!rZ!ZiZr!ma a • ^ a

S»rttt|i T«0(hdeirD, llepktBt. M at i((rr tonchdsvn, Dnd iPtic* Uck).

rmktil''lnd''MUiZ^SaliMt^tr.^^ 'orflcbli; RtftTN. Ncmus. rOtf) :'nplir, Old>. Jnomtt bttd Uatcmis.

Mississippi iott two game* lu l •ear by » slnglt point. Tennette*•rst Ole Miss 14*13, and tn tb*)range Bocl a t Miami, J U , Calho*.___Is jmlvenUy. .m a JO-u.;____ — :— 1

N otn Dama h u planty of "Z" len on th* its s gridlroa ro tU r^3mer Zeaner. Jo* Jrtrer*, Joha Beno nd Jo* ZuandiL Tba Uat oono- tu a .m ta ta .tba .history of, th#;hool whoa* nama itigto vUh a Z ■u a Zola ef th a 't t n aqntd.

ttiera or* &wr» " W «q tba s tn Dasifl grid t q u d tbaa pity- t whse* ntmea bagta vlUi ta y^ W* ^

| l ( S 8 1 - 1 j p M i i S ! :I j _ _ ■ J ! “ >: h m s t o f 6 0 Issu es Ad- S “

'■ v a n te j S e v e n -T e n llis j g i

........., o f P o in t— • .

M ARKETS AT A GLANCE(Dr Th# A «dat««l PrtM) j------

• KEW YORK: 1 f ' . 8tocki:etreii|;tndustn»IilaK i ' 'I tawul nO r.I Bomb: Hl«bw; rtll*, IndiuU ^

rt»l» lesd KirKiee.I curb; Improred; irecHlUei In

n n . ..lOT^Ha excluBiea: Mixed:

riUder rues. °>onUOoUon: e in d r ; tr*d* «>d

foreign buyln*. .fiucu: .Higher: eommlalon

'toM B hvlngt- CoXee: Sleidy; better tpot de-

______________________ I______OHIOAaO: - - j _ Wheit; Higher; big uporl#

• rmoxti. !• com : e m ; u m tb i s m t h a . *

CilUe: m j »t«dr. " ^ Kogi: Steady to itnng: top

. __________________ _ « S


NBW YORK Oct. 1« - U u y e n , (w tn u d over .Ult itock mtrket to-

- <lt)r.«nd (ircpl prlcea up to new S* NSV yetr p c iti. jrrJMd

— With treih ilgiu of dome»Uc bus- ” inea precreu ihovlng European irouUe* tato Ih t twckground, tr»d- « ers tnd Inretton climbed ibotrd numeroui lietvr industiy lauei for . giiBM c t I to 3 pclBtt tm tn a j .Th«* were t lew mueh wider »d-

' n u AwcUted ii-trag* ot ■ to Itocki. up .7 of t point t t 71-4. _

w u t t lU top m trk ilnee M»y S. i n t . I t equalled Iha llguro on th tt

“T iU T 'l t t ia fe ra toUWfl-7,MOW ib t r a tg tlw f 1,7M,4I0 yeiterdar. " J ; " ;

U. 8 . Steel Jumped to 1l and the bt Bethlehem w ti up J t l 74H. KlUni . Qtowlag proliu to t tome moYlng higher

. -plctur# eiaicena ipured, deintnd In Non . thfl deptrtment. Puxmaunt l ln l bid. i prt/errtd w u t lU r performer with Julr :

. an upturn of e ti polnu a t llOli. Itefl ^ n d > polot or no re were F a n - to 4.K mount tecond preferred and com< fair Ir moa I t 14)i tnd. UH. rapecUnlr^ nearbj W aner Broihen and Twentieth

. O enturr-nx were tlto well in front <« W ... . B. V « . Vitoehtadliing Block! ClhBb quoUt

w ^ M n d " u td ewider reltU ttle t ihtoughnit Uie 4 GOibitrr. Prominent g tlnen in tills ,u 1, dlrUlon wers JJontgomerr Ward t l j u , ! 98. Stfewtr Storet » , and S tan i u . a

.. Jloebu^k WMc. ;•nia nOli. t bit btckwtm for t j ; ’ « .

—WhUa, naiU d-4o-tb»-4Intl-tw if» s,-g i. m ig h t InKllngt luf. week Increaied • mort th tn leatontlir to a new 9- j m 4 r e t r top. Union Ptclflo puihcd up d u

- 4 point! to 14T. Letter Improvement >Ut thbwn by. C heapetkr <t*Ohio ' *t74H, Great Northern 451i, Bouth- Si 49 c m s t lw tr 341& tn d S tn lt FB 81 9Ut

Ooppen. tirera /u , m o ton ,'rum -li^iiem eD U .tnd'.olhen. In the id> 3t A

A-anelng dlrlilon reflected expand* 2!;i ‘ -ing e tm ln n tn d Jiopet o r more 2’i t cenerout dltbunemenu lo ttock* h o ld »’ O hrriltr held a gain of 3!i t t NC -IMU tmany Mh>f« ..p »»,■( qiOe^ c rtl K oton t t n u , Wlilte Moton U.73: MH, Remington Rtnd M 'i. Kenne- tnd :

-co u . (4)4, American SmelUng Lead , . Ceno de.Ptteo 58’4, Deer* #5, Call- to $4/

iom lt Packing 41H. Amerlctn Tele* Zlne pbOQs i m , Owcia^minoiM }5l. tulun MtUontl 8 t« l Tin and Contlnen* mony

"U t.O in 73H.


tllrer quiet and unchanged a t 44H-Jtrga

--------------------------------------------- aiHc.


u iS 'i * “ “ * '* • u ™Unttetk Ibl

a V r 'l K f e - i i S i i r - ” " ' ” .pm------- B U u 030 line,

Pu Ub i w n . 2» pouam j t i t ta tiJO mouL

E - Z ^ ^ F v i E S

------- jrOUftPs»lir» youni

n . IViCcoie^«j h tu . 4 u a i S :: »> IJc. :

• 0 8 1 ^ tou . uw»r A pouwU___ Ic Bui

CWonM rnm , Jf, to « n a . ___ loe Ifett«fhom om : in*. ____ toe d u aU * ^ brellfu Hi to a 16». » . 10«


» .» . ,1c.™ !!!___ 11, „ TO -o «s s s s t ........- a 2

u. a. Orwe Wamifmi. ko. u _ u m 8- N D. B,. a rn t Koniinu. Ks. 2 » -_ m o u Tm mniu IIMI. No. It _ _ u t 5 to o w

. n«ii. Ko. ------ tjjo WHTO ,n a ta * ----------- --------- » ,i; to mw I

Gntn u d Um rnd hflan. lOO-pound lou ______ _ l l i JBtrna. seo-pound IoU _____ —IIJO Ur iI S S ; s K S ES =111!Ota. loo-pouna loti «i •« j:c:o u ttf : 106-pouod l o u __■__ <1 VI Ej

. eoft , h , « ----------------u c I^rscrsu ie n Tl‘i(

___ _________K .u iT ? |t^ ' ' PWgIf** eofflb 6oo«Ti two S ' "LcDMM. d o ttn ____________ 2}»>ue r~ ~O rtsfti. dexn 7*--**“

•umte*. ptr bMd — — aa uio isc

' ~ HI

Ihiiur. tueb- a

’ n ta r U.S.

stook Market Averages ^!&• AMOdiUd Prc«)

IMU liV i CU'* e i &

' s i i ? i ! ^T . S ’ - S S t s H S3 ! ! S f - S S S3 a a )a S ? " « i lU 3 4 a tW “ L ‘“n r “v r ’ i i .«S h u u “ t»aj IUJ m 3 in.7 tl lo i — »A « J , <11. «>■» l«-l»M hljtil.____

, Trend of Staple Prices |NSW YORK, OCL J9 - Ih# Asio- ited Presj weighted wholestle le# Index of 2S commodlUet todty .nneed to 81.29.Prerlout d tr 81J3, week ago 81.03, ____jnlh*»go ei,47, year'tgn 79.09. = Range of recent yetn:

l t u 1P3S 19H 1933gh ------..81J9 78.88 7454 63J3 (w ‘1131 71i4 6U3 41.44 ’

(1928 aveng# equtU 100) u

r tv r m tt________________P

NEW YORK. O ct 19 (>7)-Ootton < M tletdy todty on Xurlher trade A foreign buying which aboorbed aiiim i large volum# of hedge telling wiu c

alMi butlneu in ipol cotton.December reeovered from $I1£S to Am.a* 2J3fl andtloted a l -|12 wtth- the abj-.-u irkef genenliy 4 to 11 point* riel J S to

■ ___ ; « ;S ^ i irOBEION EXCIIANQK

flW YORK, Oct. 19 WVNeth* indl guilder continued lo rite m luiu a ! foreign exchange markel tod/y I ether foreign currenelea drill- ,,„rr a> lower or remained unchanged In c«iu r mi of the dollar.aojlng New York rattei: Pnnce , nand, 449j ciblei 4.69: Monlretl u n u i New Yotk 100.03H: New York In cn-* tnlretl, 99.98H. c n i <

— chmin

®W YORK. Oct. 18 - Rtw coo> a [tr w u firm todiy but ther# «fre ^ » jales-conflrmed and. tpot. priccs nalned unchanged a t 3JS. ~ * cora~l Mturei closed a lllll# off from ( ^ u « , ) belt under realizing and hedge ^ " Ung but ttm a to 9 polnU net b k Fo ;her. Baki 21,500 toni. Cloelng: cri* n lorrmber 2.44 bid, JinuarySJO I. March 2Jl;bW , May 3i3 bid. g S t S Ir 2i4 bid, Seplember 2 i7 bid; o tam i if ln td w t; uSoianged a l 4J0 o u « « 4.85 for fin# gnnuUted with a r InquliT reported, but Ilmlled to oooorti irl7 requirement!. _ um * '(

GOVERNMENT BONDS ' Uu^^. : IEW YORK. Oct. 18 Wl - Bond in C-J lUUont: Ibi kk t 47-M ., • ..... .......119.3_ int TO

I 40-4rJun» — .-..106J ijffaw41 ___________________ 109.1 UCK.*,

, 41 r e g .-------------------- }0M® cot 44*49 ■ •-------- 108.14 uUMuri 48-49 1OT3 uiwoui

. jo f j Uonlfoi

\ 41.^7 ■ iM -» Wuhli,, 48-Sl —-------------------- lM-2« No. 1.

_______________ W1J5 Ufl. Nreflenl F a m M orlgtgt....... kola C

49 — :------------------------IW J; ing frit 9 4 _________________ 104J7 >

name -Owvrn Loan -■

; g r i r = = = r = i K | l i, t 42*44 ---------------------- 101J7

METALSNEW YORK. Oct. 18 WVCoppw DEN ilel; eleelrolytlo ipot-and fulur# Cattle r73 l~ 5F ri~ < l(m n-^t5ay’.~»P0 t UJUOW id nearby 144.50; future »4fl5. helfen ad tletdy; tpol New York >4.90 U.21; $4.70: Eail St. LouU M.49 to I4.S0. thellt ne dull: Etst 61. Loull ipot tn d down, tu n M iJ. Iron, tlumlnum. attU* Uog; any, qulcktllnr, plallR;-m and Tli lb >llnmlt# unchanged. to *9J

-------- . . .SAN PRANCISCO PEODUCE Bliei

SAN PRANCISCO, Oct. 19 W) - betwr itter and chec*# unchanged: egga: ewet > rg#.39>ie; metflumi 38!ic: imalli He.


OIQCAQO, Oct. 19 — Poultiy: (Unnly rt, 1 ear, i t tnicki, unMltled; ^ 3u-41*-lbi.-up-19e.-l«ai-lhaB-4rt othen I, IBHe; Leghorn heot UUe: p i,, , irtnp, 4 Iba, up. Plrmouth Rock .h .rpi .»e. White Rock lOe, colored 14c. iMdi u than 4 lbt. plj-mouth Rock ISHc, to |7. 1111# Rock 14\ic, colorcd lJc ; Plr* imatcd oulh tnd Wlllla Rock broUen 18c,Ilored lie; roosUn 14c, Leghorn to 3X oalen 13c: barebtck chickens 12c, ^ 3}) iBhom clUckeni 13Kc: turkeys 19 ]5o I 19c; old ducks 4U lbs. up 14e; choice )ung white ducks 4H lbs, 19e, » )ung colored 14c: imall whtle ducki . Hie. im tl colored 12e: old geeie „ ,(j i ic. young 14c. *nd t Butter; 9.111; uweltled. prices un* , j j j . langed. turn il Efsi: 3.9W, tletdy. prlcei un- c^^ >»ng«l- _____ eltise;

tlllCAfiO ONION MARKEi: CHICAQO. Oct. 1# yr) lU 8 D A) i,„ a -Onions; Suppllet Including truck xelpa httvy. Demand veiy tlow. ly ^ j m rttl wetk. Ctrlot trtck talcs: j 7_ laho SO pound MCki. Valencliva U. nj[,t . No. 1 .3 Inchcs and larger. law 6i,f lies .Thurfdty 1 ctr 7Se. nnge


L03 ANOELES, Oct. 19 W (Pro- uce excliange) — Receipts: But- cj,oij, cr S7.G00 pounds. top t:Buller; 9: tcore 34He; 91 ecore

:c; 90 score 32c; 89 tcore Sic. c]|gib; E « 3: Candled clein exlrat 38c;

irso (Undirds 23c; medium extras 1’jc. medium tltndtrds SSc; snailxlnuTJc J J :PoultfTi Ilent, colored S'.i to 4 “

lounds roe; over 4 poundi Me. ” 7^-■« I


LOfi ANCEIX8 POTATOES Uve. LOS ANOELES. O y, 10 (,T>-PO. ,ip r

itoes unchanged. **— — -------sujaj------- head

CHICAGO POTATOES and y _CHICAQO..Oct_lfl.on-lDsnAJ.- eomni 'olitoet; 104; on track 3 » ; total SJO. 1 IS . thipmenu 844; dull tn d weak. S.OO. uppllM light, demtnd very alow: 9.Jo 1 tckfd per e*l Idtho Russet Bur* lo 9.C


. him o i p n ' t v o u ? ^ ™


j i f B a r M ilU I1!1 W . S-IC .

‘S i ‘s ; : s - y ; !• lU d u to r____0*1 a » n n na A ritA iu f — n u eiik n u rux in tiunr pt - ___ to >»>.« IM fuunTH * r*l — 17P!i . m u JJHi rinatr :ncaa T0l>4eco _to:N i03 « lOJU IVna IV tin WofU _ 28*. a i PuJlm%cawlt Cop&rf 43 4<1i i

“w S z i lii;. s’! St l^ m o i - — .41}! aiji 4 /i 'em u iunei f tTirtU . . 1I>1 llU Mt.mmmoiiditn r u in o __13’t 13^ 1 U oxeiirI THrahlni — 170 IM‘i I ttl, Uoanr; ? o B r _ = i i l s S!; K S . ,

. . .

— ii! '' S '- S ' - s s . i H . i i i i s s

I aouuimi — « s'« tvim i wlld«t« otl — IJ'k »}» Tlnitfn|-Oll-D«l— J31.—JI___33*1 Tr»M..>~Producl* — Tl'i 11% TIU UnUerr4u Wtithi — a'l 8'.» e^t Uniona-H M loi Z Z s i i - Jll» tJnKr..-

root IM arm _ ie o lU 109 UoionPowt * U l - U'.i »?•II 5 _______ n>, leii i:>, umieo

J » . . .w .

^ CtoWn __ 7J‘I 1? n i! V»nMli^to C n ______ U 44*i 4«*,iWe»lMn~ n .... t«i. » •. WwllDtdrear nu6»fr _ . n 3»». 3«‘* Wooliroi d rtu nubtxr pc.iM m it !M nlm Palt. . — :%• 3’. :; iII w b i' bS * ? * - ' is’i 3» *p Motor - ____i \ , 2-J UUora:C e n in J-------- » !• M .S®*?"llu rn ttr ____» ! j »«!« « ' i Uunker

H s H I L j I L iI I ET S X i5 ^ ’. . ' “ . " - s i ; S S . i K . S

£ S . S S . 5«un raclfle __ 3U 3i, aueuw.Ib iS jiiy w iw '-S a ii ta'* TKftnl.

Ika UJS. No. iri3:iO “ fo~|33ljr fewTi thlngton Russel Burbanks U. a doan. 1,83.60; Colorado red McClures Shee

1. Nol 1. «.10 to M.20: Norlli Da- lupply a Cobblen parU? graded, tlww* oiienlii

freetlng Injury »l.fiS.- J J3.7J t

LIVESTOCK MARKETS I otS__________________________I 19 (-71

DENVER UVESTOCK ™JENVER, OCL 18 (USDA) - pjcJu, Itle OSO: calvct SO; iteady: bulk ioW:‘iW'itrtrgTS'.M’iiuKii;"tiruss 17 ^ i fen 88 down; beef cows 84 to call 2S; cutlera grades 13 to 83.7S;:11s down to U M : veaiers 88.S0

ahort 1Jop; 900; steady: belter 173 lo i f t ie t <lb 893Jto810; good towa 89.10 89.33; few 89.40; 73 lb feeder pigs u,

Uieep; 30.000; trucked lols steady: j l * w ;Wr gradei U to 8835; nallve u-- ea stetdy I2A0 to 82.7J., rac j,

CHICAGO UVESTOCK JHICAOO. Oel. 19 (USDAi - uiablo jse; Hogs 4000: practically entire ium C tply llghl and medium weight thing 1 gt lullabl# to ahlp cleared- early ._____

la and lower grade llghl tl«h(s q q j trply lower In Instances. Scvr.'tl Ids good 100 lo 1:0 lb pigs S7iO 87.7J. Slilppen.took 3000. Esll* ..i-

Ited holdowr 1000. Top 89.75 nlh* J freely by packen for cholco 190 call 3S0 lbs; scattering desirable ISO 339 lbs iSiO to 19.75, better grade ) lo IBO lbs 88.7$ to 8J.50, lew ‘ olce I9M; bulk llghl lights 8825 i , ^ . ' 89, tew td 89.25; mcdlimi grade ,

SO to 88.2S; slaughter pigs 90 lbs . d up 89.50 to 1825; good Ilghls . . . d medium wclgtit tows 89.10 lo . . . . . 15; few 89i0; odd heavies 89, med- n down to 88A0: slags 89 to 8J23.Cattle 1100. calves 400; killing Lsses generally tteiily. nm mwily f ver grade cows; lew lols medium POr good yearlings 8723 lo 88.35. lirw a) -I I td 88.S0; beef covrs 84 u> 84.75. :co >11 tter Kfades 83 to 13.75; bulls tiiojl- choL-a 8450 lo 85; pracllcat tfl|i vealcrs sio.n odd head 87.50; small Inta pUln n50;

hi stock Sleen 83.75 to 83, .v>«Bheep 3000; salable supply 3 loads ctiolcj nge lamba, balance truckcd-ln na* vartls •B limbs and ewes; moslly killers: call i ela.w.< fully steady; bc.1l nnge thro-if mbs olfcred 88.75; bulk urled cludin olce grade native lambs 89 to S3.10, mnrK' p O 10; sUushler ewes down irom I Mwn .50; best feeders heto 17.40; choice fal »li glb!e up lo 88. lo mi

------- . to 18ST. JDSEnl UVK-STOCK tcr '■0

ST. JOSETH, Oct. 10 W) (U 6 A)-Iioss: 3500; cIo.-<d active on " Ight* belo' • 200 pounds. Heidy . IOC JiU btr.lhaii_TliucdK kilufcM ,.*^ d iveragr. hulk betler IW lo^:» unds 9-65 10 9.85; 100 to 190 f ® " , unds 9.00 to 9.*S; 140 to 100 unds 855 10 0.10; fev 025.Callle: 700; vealcrs and calves ac-;■e. sirong to » c higher; vealrrs] ‘ -> I most. All otlirr cl.xw.', Iiilly | OM (jar.’Mostiya clcaniip trnde. O^ld: l t w ad good and choice feel Mecrs 10c lo d ye.vllnE.s up lo 9,00. Tour loaili a im " mmQn-9J3-pouml-K«iiMw-fir«‘*t-nt ly-by- 0. Beer coas 3.85 to 4.50; lew to lbs; s 0 . Bulls S.OO doun. ’f tp veaiers lbs 8t lO kp.irlnsly. O th 'n nio»ilv coo to 18' 9.00; killiiis ealvci 4C0 to 6.00;ijD.GO;

-TWiN f ALii/0 nc.r


! 8 M B ^ EAP i r o f cS K T L i r z S , ■.■!!!: S '‘ - sir t;rni»i . la u 4i>« a>.i

A i =Ji::kam Mour , 19 13U Ui, 1

w'* « • (A«om n n --------- « j i « • , -ciU (

rooids *1. n • _ 31*, a i i i :. Ucr &«'

S “r.n=r!!'- Sii111 Union Oil ---- 24*k 34 34‘i peg Wll" /o ii"‘l - ‘:z : i : 3 3 ! ; «!k S i i “p**?enr Vacuum ___III. t l II a n a dItli Cal ^iMQ 3Ui 9lt^ currcD! ! " i u r ! j = ! ! i : S : ! ! ! > . «od O u ti Dra _ 7i,4 K't T>« od ou Cal — SH ait( uf'. viieata!i- si; t SS.d(l»krr Corp _ I3>. IS!, tSH tn d £

rn.Am»r . . . . . . ^ . I J ___ I1U.:-U- Purclulerrood Blloll >. U t3>OD CsTlildo ___ tOU'i n u lOOla .Ulm>-0 it C t j-_ ^ 3 9 1 . - a k - ' ZaH -Chicon I’aciiic ___ in IMU in i t thoird Alrrnd ___ISU 34^ 23 ,,rri.vIR] Ou fi Imp _ l«U 13». ISnJ Ind Alcohol _ 4 n . WS 4a<i 116H,J nuttier ---------3T»,< n u Jljj to MV?m“i!Si' 'Z '- .Z I1 24!i aji.‘ aSji lo * " 'iiMn Union ___ as‘, I1>| u>t ______iiiD8hou»» C n _ISI l » l » u ilirorm C o ------ C»i 8l1i «».

cunn MtnKCT 88J5;tw Yomt. Oct, 19 MV-Curb quoorj; . lum W'

? * '„ -= .5"i r a g g ; » “ ,7— : i .Ja ‘Mlnlni *____ Hli I®'*''*' '; I n v o _________________ 2!j 10 gOO<:lontl ro x r aad Ugtil ()• pt «tj> },;ad I g tS "iiu^n~’Z . 7 ~ ’~ ~ T : t j ’* cutleruhlne Mlnlni-------------------1» ly 84iIftMw'lw"’, ' ' ■ Ulj

-aales ilocken tnd feedenToo

ih«p: 4000; dlrecU 3305. Baleable jply eniAly natives. Lambs „ * mlng steady a l 4.75 down. Sheep ^dy^ Cholcc ewes eligible up to

JAN FRANCISCO LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Oct.(,71 (USDAI - Hoga; 375; buich* ^ I mostly 10c higher; 3 loadt 170 o.im 195 lb Callfomlas 810.C0. top; ~ i 1,

ckago 159 lb averages 810.33; cklos MWS absent quoted mostly .. 5 w 87.75. 00“ , . ,;altlc: 375: »l««s 1*« acUve. sut steady: toad OOS lb off beel ‘ .K^iy a 87J5; load medium lOfiO.lb “irt fedt 87; 3 loads 875 to 890 lb 1der sleen 8935: ihe-itock very .j— ,] w, weak; Idaho grass helfen 84.75 85.75; belter -grads nnge cows ^ r

sold; few bulls 85, steady. Calrti:'good lo cholco vealen quoted iund 89A0 lo 89J0; odd head good Igo cows up to 88. I Jheep: 700: lamhs absent; good otsklns quoled tround 88 to 8U5; ablo lupply six decks mostly med* n ColUomla slaughter ewes; no- ____

-----OGDEIf-UVESTOCK--------3QDEN. Oct. 19 CD (USDA) - Btbftoi Igs: 350: steady; hulk besl local icheri 89.75 to 8tr.90; lew mixed \ i I9.8S down; odd loU sows J7.75 J ^ |y ,

:aill8; 380; few early sales iteady: lall loti drivein ateen 85.50; few . s plain and medium hclfera 81.75 85: 17 head local feeder co.'s

io; few law cutten and cullers 2 i to 8335: Odd lOlS bulU-}435 H X i 3 e an UUU tleers 820 to

i lb in Tliursday-a auction sale 30' hulk cowa In tale 8425 down. -jJ,, BhKp: 4050: no early sales. t-----------------*— .. tha t

rORTLAND LIVESTOCK « c n r POriTLAND. Octi 19 (.Tl (U S D •' ^o i-IIogs: Recelpta 350. Inclurtlng f t o0 ■llrecl; market tleady; good to Th# oL-a 180 to 319 pound drtve im. lowing o n to 810.15: few 250 pounds.50' oiher classea ic.irce; ttncklng monll;« raleable aroun^l 87.75 lo 88; thort,olcj light feeder pls-i quol.ible up- 8 m on irtls lo 89.callle: Rccclpla 250: Including 144 to 92cro-jgh and direct; calvrs 275: In* aupenudla? 2G8 through and direct: 79 loBrtft nominally ateady; medium 74c; cpen saleable around M to »7; good Call1 »ieers ellRlble to 87J0; common mlddli

medium helfera quotable at 84 77 to 18 25; few low cutlcr and cut* carboi

r --ows 8250 to 8335; common lo Oreiedium grades 8350 to 8435; good 95 tod foa-s up lo 84.75; bulls r.-ilcablo 80 loound 84.50 to 83. Ten

«d lamba 87; strleUy good lambs 85 to I lotablo to 87J0; good fat ewes Ing 77 Icable around-83.50 to 82.75. 70 to

--------- Mol• , OMIIA LIVE-STOCK DonOMAHA. Oct. 17 on (USDAI - OSS 4000; opened slow, tteacty to 78c;-- c lower, ,laur active, fully tieadj- l» ^ nil TliuiTday, top 89.75 rntlier free* D®” -by-paelters-ror-elwlee-lMhio-ISO 704O-: a; scattering desirable 150 to 330 Uilrd s 89JO lo 89.75, betler gnde ICO combl I 181 lbs 88,75 (0 89.50. few rliolCC f ’ «5< I.CO; bulk llghl Ilghu (8 25 lo 19. kid 80

■ C A U G H T

IR EyClTEMENT A B oJrJ I jT T L E BEAR y o u ^ ^ r : ^ SI ' FORGOT lU Bj 2 S g LC ■ r N I B S T B A U H G J L g u l p z J N S . ^ ------- ^

M i f ii l l i i s

'■ of Altrength a t Winnipeg - sponsible lor Chicago bu>i.t

M arket's Upturn " b / jo h n P. BOUcViAS

(AMoclaied Press Morket Edllor) _ CIUCAOO, OcU 19 iJ')-Nen-oui le Jumps of w h u t prices In Chl- Mtr Igo today more Uisn overctm# ear* a-Klbscki, • • d ' “ "Unexpected strength that devel* M*r' led in the wheat market a l Wlnnl* ■'“'J :g was largely rcsponslbt# for tlie Dvard swing here. Rumon of big m*t anadlan exiiorU of wheat!, wer# irrcnt, soma Indications pointing I a lo ltl of 2,000,000 bushels. U;t Pranco wai reported » buj-er of heal la Canada, and to loo were uay ■ real.Ilrltflln..Anlwcrp, Rotlerdam, Juir Id Bbndlnavla., Thero was also uslp that American nUlb were urdjrcliaslnB-wheat-at-wmnlpeg.----- o «

Futures Close Ftm jtnChicago whtttl.Iulures closed firm Wueti i tho day’i top, >; lo H above yes- “ ^ u , rdty‘1 flnlsli, December 118H lo ivo ,6H. May IlSU to HSU, July 99%I 99’i . eom unclunged to 1 cent wer, December 9,3!i to 94, May

------------------------------------------- Hay <w lo 8933; medium gnde 8750 to 135; tltughlcr pigs 90 lbs ahd up 150 to 8835; good Ilghls and med* DUI ra weight Mwi 80-10 to 89.15; few track '30; odd heavies 89,i<nedlum down cembe . 88.50; tu g s 89 to 8935.CalUo uoo; calva 400; killing 1 atMi-6>n»raUy.tl«ady..n in.mMUy wer g n d s con-s; few lols medium I good yearlings 8735 to 8835. few .. , :ad 88J0; beef cows 84 to H7S, {?•,, itler grodes 83 to 83.75; bulls mosi- I , . ! , 84JO to 85; practical top vealen j . ’ ;

, odd head 87J0; tmall loU pUlii ;ht Stock sleen 83.75 to 85. She«p-M00:-sa!ahl&iupplyJLl08d8 94.4c- ,ngo lambs, balance truckcd > In , itlvo Itmba tnd ewes; mostly UUl- _ , j . j ; all classes fully steady; best J , . . ,ngo lambs offered 88.75; b 'Jk ! l; . rled eholco gnde naUve lambs 89 ,g ;.., . M9.10; lop 89.10; slaughter ewes iwn from 8JiO; besl feedera here ‘.40; chocle eligible up lo 18.

WOOL “BOSTON, Oct. 19 (;77 (USDA). - J L \ lies of greasy combing domestic Ml in Uie Boston market were rel- Ively small today, bul tenilmct. ^ j,j u steadily Improving t i the rc- . l tu cotnlng from Uio goods and rclgn wool markcU were compar- h-ely favonble. UNI'Prices being rttUied on currenl J a ot domesUe wooU wen very rm. Til# improving outlook In thelOdi markel was encoungmg a ____nn price policy by holden ot the fumtl Ml in this market. an o|

’ ------- passo------------------------- ------------------- the 11

Wool M arket’s ' |S™ Weekly Review '"“ j,

________________________ ____ IdaBOffTON. Oel. 18 (ff) - I h t Com- tcrlm

*hounced. Prlcea tro firmer, passe lOUgh not quoubly dearer. It Is Wes^ it, however. Uuit prices tre moro plelei Miy to rbo Uian to decline, wliecl. penal ly. u the foreign m trkeu conUnue 10. Ii le alight upward trend which lias visllo. •ea In evidence th# past formlghl. jjotji “Tlie bellerment evidently Is due 1 Ul# stronger toa# In Uie piece Muur )Odi markeu and Uie ablllly of Uio CHUf' Ills to force t ilght ad«nc« In rices for goods, Uiough nol enough eru.. I equal replacement valuei In wool. » « ■ "RaUicr wider acilvlir Is repotted om Uio West, a t firm rates, ihougti itout 10 tucUon sales in Denver liave !cn raUier heavy withdrawals. ^ .h , •'Mohair U less tc il« . bul very

m BuUeUn will publish Uie foi* iVn““ iwlng quolaUons:Scoured bails. Texas; Pine 12 lonUu (selected) 67 lo 89c: fine lort twelve monllu 83 to B7c; tine —months 82 to 83c; fall 78 to BOc.p ile d ; Delaine 93 to 99c; AA 90 Ncl> 92c; fin# A supen 85 to 87c; A —joen 80 to eac; B lupen icholcei a n J 10 78c}‘ b lap cn (average) 72 10 le; 0 supen 70 10 71c.CaUfomla: Northem 83-to 8ic; 10.

ilddlo county 80 to 82c: touiHern all.J to 70c: fine tcourcd: 79 lo fiOc; IIubonlw l flno 80 to 8lc. PriceO M on: Fine and F. M. staple 6:3'

S 10 B8c: llnq and F. M. clolluiig 7;l J to 81c. ,Territory, icoured basis; at , ^ u n a and^tlmllar; Flnesiiplc Sped

S» 87c; three'elghUn blood comb. Poun lg 77 to 80c; quarter blood combing be tl Oto 73c. * .Mohair:Domestic, good original big. Texas

nrWg 00 19 6le; "nrxaa kid 75 to Enttj-A ruona.and New iJexlcaii S i ........1 Sflc; Oregon s f lo 56c. • io'DomesUc gnded: F ln t comblns u

^ 4 o -2 5 c :.jc co n A ja g ^ S ill° 'fgg,;..mpiL Illnl combing. 59 to OJc; fourth Abou omblng 65 to 60e: good carding (« Book 1 esc; f ln l kid 92 to 93c; »ccor,il| Oc Id 80 W 856. I'lill

.. I

D -D O N 'r TAHE M p I

r m M - m o B , r ^ ( S H I / TM E 0 - 0 0 u r / J Y [ j p f

3IiN«.i«lil SyKdiwU. Iw. .

T5. July 89H. oals l i .to . 'H off, PB Member 40H to 405*. and ryo un* ” *■ langed to Ji down. December 83U.I provisions, ifw oulcom# varied B m3 cents decUne lo t a equal gain. Wetkneii ot com tn d ry# was tt - Ibuted largely lo faronbl# wttUi* ' ■;n».htuklng, anrt lfirontlnmd talk ^ t t , ArgenUne com belnr offered n,«r m Whlto com Immedlato delivery "j

Olilcago, was .quoted 8 cenU a and ishel lower loday. "Jv Provisions wero easy, decreaiei ot rd stocks here being leu U un lud tn jIR C C lttt.............. ....... . „ a ,

I " s ; J siK .

; B IU S 5 S i £!•:" K i l t l - *” * “ '* ’ ***’

^ S lS ! i ! s : ;n i l o ! i n ij! i


U rd - “ ~ ” ed

fl i t .» iT.ss U il l l i i Th,n It.TJ 11.75 11.76 11,75

..11J7. 11J2.-1U7 IIMir 13.12 12.12 12.07 ILU plA HeUI**- 1I I ^ r IJS

PORTLAND HAT losiPORTLAND, Ore, OcU 19 (flV- Sff ly tle tdy . unchaiigel . ™

ed"’DULUTH. Ocl. 16 t«V-Pitx on Ing ick 3.00!i; October 1.00'i: De- ma mber 2.00‘i : ^Uy 1J7; clu

CHICAGO CASH GRAIN gesCMTCAOO, Oct.-19 M7 ” C a s h -™lical. No. 3 red 81,1fl?i weevlly; _ ». I hard 8133; No. 2 hard 8UP.i. 8I315i: No. 3 mixed »1.18!i to ?,®.19il: com. No. I yellow 8l.09ii; “ “ B. 3 yellow 81.09!i to 81.10; No. 3 llow'8l.09 to 8I-09‘i : No. 4 yellow:w 95>ic; No- 5 yellow new 92 lo L"'.‘icrNor^-whitB-aew-iiajS’nTW : while new 81.01 to 81.01 li; sample p., ade new 75 to 02c; old 81.03 lo .10, latter while; oali; No. 1 while M to 45*;c: No. 2 whll# 43U lo ilU <;'No. 3 whlto 42U to 44e; itmple { ado 40c; no rje; soy beans, No, 3 illow 8l30!i to 8131 nominal: No. yellow 8l.l9‘j ; barley actual tale .13; feed 74 lo B4c nomliul; malt* g 8i-12 to 81-49 nominal; timothy td 85.80 to 85.75 ewt; new 8535 to .30 cwt; clover seed 810 lo 825 cwu Lard: Tierces 811.02; loose 811.15. cllles 814.75. ,ljt

------------------ ------- pla<the


(ConUnued From Paga 7)

imble a t tho 40 gare Weslem SlateI opporlually soon grasped. Rout «°n used to Pederson who scurried tole IB and t flr;l down a l Iho eight Uu IVO the Tlgen a bad moment. Two trusts gained. ihre# yards and t uic; U1, Rout U> Creks, was caught o « r “ le line but wos not good.Idaho gained 133 yards from Tlmmage, Weslera Stat# -112. Tho Igen wer# tlso superior In Uie air. B"] HniBrT33 y«nlK-Btlempilng-30 ta ;' uses and completing 10. whll# *'* I'eslem Stato tried 17 and eom- leled tlx for 74ii yards, Idaho w u ^ enallied 45 yards, Western.Slate • ). Idaho mado 14 f ln t downs, the sllon Mven.n tn n Stal* Idili* stGt .(Tn r t t i _______I.E ------------ Notbr Anc

K SluUno _____ jl^ -----------

^ = - s -bo.Kkrr ______ i-ll ----------- I tln tlie

sSBfcimutttiiH-iVHtern-yiiu L T ion. Itsih, ronn. Spinn, m non. COn rcoU, Hooptfj Idaho SouihMn-Wll* ceui m. JrtiKB. Dtn, Bcolt, Lenli, Skid- atf. r» ll« l, W«m, Itorkim. (HIM. iKb. m il *nd Itrnon: icstlnx - nus 9ucbdo«iu, AUUnton aad IIo((ib. (qui

' "Ihl

PiEIGHBORS' CHURCHES a a m 'a i o f t h e nazarene ”

Kimberly ^J. 0 . achaap. Pastor

10 a. m.-Blble school. Clmses for * 11.II t . m.-Worshlp. Cubject, "The

rice ot Redeinptlon."6:30 p. m.—The Rose liva.v 7;lS |). m .-N . Y. I’. S.. William ^

Unnonlng, president, a p. m. — Evansclwio .lervlce. — pceisl music tn d iinsirj:.- 8-pr-niv-Wedaetdai.-Reft- EbrO. ounds, district supenntcndcni, will e the speaker.

UOLDEN r u u : com m unity K. J . Reynolds, .Minister

Ernest PInxsion. Suiitiay school_tu|icrlnteudcia_____

"lO'K'm.-^uhday sciiooi.11 a. m.-Moming mcMtRe. Ser-

1011 No. 3 on "Tlie CInirch \Yc.Rf»A Ibout in Uie New Teiiament. Tha look Uie Holy Spirit Cave Us.”Oct. 25 will be Rally day. Plani

• 111 be imiTOunccd Soiiday.

! B yJ. P.McBVOYam

i?-y!£4;5J!l t s u s p E C T s f w ■ GAHJUNE OUTti

BUT NEVER COUL l/ '/H O U j'f ■ ‘- . . m WAV HAW



nent: b«i"11.111 do all In my power by Tdce Uirt

snd pen (o eecuro the elecllon of h□ovemor Ltndon as the next presl* m £lent cr Ul# Unlled States. l,ou

‘The above li not » itatemest vlfetnade-ai-on# of-th# edilora-of-th# ingcKHiTlairireTIiar»7ilch->i t -n o a DecparUsan ptper, but It I», my per- gprlw u l stAUment apart from any po- t ]lltlcal tffmaUont. I regard Gowr* ary.nor Ltndon as Ui# best represcn- ing. Mllvs'of tU tho peopio whom we nave h^d u t etndJdsle for mmy«»«•" _________ SoiEYE-WITNESS DEPICTS

E X E C U T O IN SPAIN I"(OoaUnued from Ptg# Ono) _

most iplrlted. He sUmlo deter- ^ mlnedly llirbugh lb# tand.wheel- ed sharply tn d faced Uio squad ot lwelva’ nien.“ iliouIders“ ertCt.The young man stood abjectly at ono end. The old man look his place ta ih# middle.

The yoiing officer ilepped bs>. “ '®, fore Ultm WlUl t piece of paper.Uo spoke crisply. His n-ords wer# lost ta the wtad. The olfleeraUp*ped back and Ih# flrlng-squsd ” ‘n lied rlllcs. Jf*'

Tlie crowd hushed.Tho former military Judg# n ts -

ed hls hand nnd ahbuled, thump-tag hU chest. He Wu tsktag th# > marksmen lo shoott him In thechcit. « >

A crashing volley cut short hla gestures. The three forms toppledJn tQ _ lh^ and_________________ ^

The young officer itrodi up.Calmly, ho delivered lh#.''coup ' do grace" — a re«lvcr bullet tiuuugh the temple - and theirowd closed In. ‘ '

As thU correspondent departed, «*'tho people on tho surrounding *9"dun»_ralsed clenched flsta with ^cries of ”Vlva bp an ai Viva u I™R*P“bllcar____________


ON U. S'. FINANCES,®------- - clpa

(Conttaued.Frpm Page One) coai

lormulas lor making Uieso cxpen* dllurei look lu s lhan tbey are."rh e n he listed u ; tho

I, Omilttag certain Items from 111 4- ,list of regular expendltura tn d ,j»u placing them ta Uie oppendix ofLho b u d ^ of d, 2. Reducing certain e.vpendllurei juybeforj Uie loUl Is mado up, which Is chrannounced lo llw publla . pu!

3. Using money from Ui# relief Bau :unds for other purposes.

" It tn Income taxpayer or tny —rorporatlon kept books like this ad- e mministration." Mr. Hoover s-ild. ery-Uial la. It they showed limlJar w r'mornli ta Juggling Uielr accounts incvthey would bo put In JalL" the

Ho asserted that Uio ‘'Juggltag' •■]Illd n'5l apply lo lho records of Uie »miiast four yean alone, bul U ut New gtniDeal leaden "Jugsle Ihelr own Jug- engigUn'g nilca* 'to mako npendltura conlin-llio-Hoover-tdmlnlslxallon-'-’look Butsix or eight hundred mllllona to lhe jouibad." t;ni

. PollUcal Bookkeeping“Thus the Republican regular ex* -]

pendllurti," h# conttaued, "are tvenjuggled up and the-New Deal regu- Unllar expenditures are Ju n M dom . is riAnd prtslol The New Deal regular omLcxpenilltures tor the f ln t full New, stalDeal year of 1934 aro a billion less betclhan the Republic,in." tlx

>Ie charged thal Ih# New Deal’a Uies"bookkeeping tor pollUcal purposes’ (e.-ealso "ts mblcodlng Uis people marlhrou;h Implication as to whal their in lexpenillturu tro likely lo b# la the naliruUirt.".......- facl

The president, he laid, seeks to stalronvey the Impre.islon by Ui# tc* »-ldi;ounti that hls ordinary expendl- Rlures of gowmment outside the bo* thenus are lUll running a t Ic s Uian -clatour blllloni per annum" whereai unn'the regular runntag expenditurei Into)f ih» government havo Jumped lo "Iibout six billions per annum." "of

Dcpreaslon't Origlft UierMr. Hoover devoted lhe fln t part Uie

if his speech to & discussion of but’re-ilrtent Roosevell'a i«cnl'address h e 'n nvuburgh. He denlaed Uial his Ciidmblstnilon was responsible for valu,hs depression of thal Uie Roose* Ider,-elt admlnlslratlon brought aboul celliTcovcry. ^ ed I

"Tho orlsin of this depression." Uio:M s.Ud, “are agreed on by almost w u

I ROAD c i. T he old wooden bridge acrcs

tw o m iles no rlh and Iwo an — or-TivJn-Falls bo ing-unB aM f

trn ffic .’

Twin t ails High'

, n d J . H . S T R I E B E L

w u O 'S T ^ U N f f ' « 1 'N T C X J R I s r ^ O R S g y-ULD S E T T H 'P R D C F S THVS TRA PPED T H ' Z ’ ^ BEA R CEKTAJNW ^ )

iwilFllEllLll'n [ iis ;H H s

m i n t — m b e ri Hum* sen Dros died .-Ulll a ftem «n at Jiree o'clock ftt his liom In Deelo.

He was bom November 22, 1871, n swiuerland. th# son ot TTlU tn d Louise Droi. Survlvtag him t n hli i-lfe, O lft IL Droi and Uia foUow­lng toni tn d daughlen: Doib II-. Decl6,-KnT t o y PelerMn. iprtiiSS. R.. DeeJo, and X,uke H.

Tho body Is t l Uio Payna mortu- iry. Funeral trnngem enti tre pend* ng.

S o u th e rn C a lllo rn ia F av o rc il O ver W a sh in a to n S t a te I t , L In C o a s t’s M ain A ttrac tion

(CwUnued ftom P ij# 7)

he ila 'w lthM anhallan lhat m tr- t d an oUierwSia aH-wtantag \ m leosoir but the Crusaders wiu bavt .helr-h tnd i luH.-i-v '------------- ;------

aouthem* teams hat? * tood • • ■hanco lo b a t XC7 in three n)rtTo- «Utaa New York .eonlrtbutlont^to- ho InlenecUonal gayety. Columbia J (he cholc# over Vlrglnlt MUIUiy iu( North Carollna-i.unbeaten 'T al^ leeU look W havo too much Pow-X ■r for New York unUereVly. T hai \ eaves lho majority n u to . c a t i >y Tulaae, over Colgate, but n ron'l bo dono wlUioul a struggle.

Til# Inlersecllonal prospecu t n fflly fair, otherwise, tor th# old lOUlh’t enlrlct. Aubutn • morei • Igalnst Detroit, with wtanlw proa- xcts. but m y Morrison’s Vander*)lll Commodores aro nol likely to ;iBV9 much to chccr about tR er _ UlsltaiS VvUh ‘wUlllfW M u m u t ll Datlu. Georgia will be lucky lo aeape a licking from Rice Institute.

TeeK Invade* Dak#Meantime chief southcm^taieresl

locuses upon OforgU Ti^h imas- on t c Dutc. Prom bere It looks as llfoujh Diike-s slalu^ hn# may

’^ V cho iecs , ollicrwlse, include Al* ibama over Tennessee. Louisiana • 3tato over MUslsslppl. Washingtm \tH Leo over Kenlueky, and SouUi

SouUiem Callfomla is ,rer Washington Stale ta the prtt^*•jp&l «n(erenee test on tho P i ^ e »ait. wllh Washington taking Ore- ^ SU U ta stridc.Idaho liM a 15 1 . r . l . . l n . l o w n iUUh U ttv8 cholco over Denver m ^ Jio Rocky Mountain’s ouUtandlngSM S«it:in thaB lgeu .O klahcm Aruures to havo on edge owr Kan- M ^ r w u U W « t teaturea * pair

aavlot- Te*a»' A- *''1 J* * "lirisilBn despll* the well known -

Saugh. ’

•veiy econpmW. tv tr r KiwUr. « •:ry Informed sUUsman In IN wrld. I t WM iMXWaWa tW» ncrtlable world-wld# aftermath of ^

'*’"11? e a i ^ i y In Uie pit of de*ilructlon dug by the

^juntiles beton It touched Ui.

^"“^ Iv^d^V lde Beilnnlnp - n u t Uw begtaalngi of Teeo '«y

wBtl4*wlde, tacludtag U^ Onlled aUlM In Uie iprlng of 193f.1 ttcognW d by '" ,% Z e d imlit. every scholar, every infomM JUlesman. T hat wm ,etoro Mr. Roosevelt ever cam# lo .1X1 prtalfitncy. W d ,heso eounWes

n*S5 U nllrt Slalts.lalurallr <lo« em i*^M lh» . , ’act UisA k t Ws eletUon tha Unlw4 aiales alon# faltered ta Ui# world- f

h# dollar, he said thopreswm t now I'claims BoUUcal reward for that m n ^ ^ f o r e l n g - o f Ul# countr>-

•'I am reminded. 1« eotitoiKd.'of Ul# boy who murdered h 1 f t- lier tn d moUier, then appealed to

Judge not only fo?. acqulllal mt for future support on the ground ^e w u an orphan.-

Commenttaff furUier on the cW- iftluiUon o t Ute dollar, he tald Pr«* ftmt Roosevelt automatically etn- ;tUed 41 P«t ot •d ih 'j counUy by torelgnen when ho^turrew s pf th« United SlaKt r u devalued.

I o s 5 ^COM Rock Crcck cfinron

anti o ne -ha lf inllMvifr<loscd-to n llf f irm sg t— -------

j f i S i f D i s f t i c t - — ^


RATES r e s LINE PEB OAX6U d m pu Uoa per d i j -------- t t j a zTbn« (Urt. p tr Um per dJ^r _ _ »« jj«O u di.r. per Um - ...................Ifci . tnt

38 1/S7a D iscoun t on:•F o r C ash ih*»

Ou& diKouot tiiffMd If M nntu- n lan t tl p«)a tor wiUUa Mrts 4*fi «> pol (Utt lateUoa. -

P&oss S3 for u AdUier ^ pB;t

INDEX TO W ANT ADS I ^ ----------------- *V5 Be

Auta (M M* ------ 'Auto 9<me«. Ptfti t _

DuiioM OpwrtusiUMCtmUM tmpU) — ^1OotL ROM. in ------------------nS ? g -0“»«LP«y. S 1«B K W a ^ llTa S » dll

~ nmii* Oilp WMwa 10 _ _nsruti J u M

.r « lUBt ui»(^l»awu* I . . . » Jror B»ji. uue.ii»8»out|-------- _ n - * •rw I I i»* »ffuK* tad v tfiu w " ........ - i« ^ nruDinl D lrtc tan ................. J * ■'Puniltur* lof B«l« ..»1 ^ ITOoed m a p to Bil ' - - n Riip, ta i l or Ptaii# » . * 'IteuMt tor lUot ' Tl « >'liutnieuoo n Z "iUHtm. aaettUm » *UmI tad round , ISilP'Utl* W»at«d ...................-,iu » * r u> U ta - ...........- - M *uotisi. sio tin i — ...... M !«PinooiU _______ :__________4 I*roultrr u d auppIlM ...............HlUdloi ----- - „ I-M bUM tor SiJ* ________ B ♦ ♦Om I bUU for TEid* " ruti b u u Wknt«d ^Raomi ior ItMt — «

niattd Id lUBi ■ -ai. . for .e»* or .Tt»dt - . ..I II

n n KiwB jn s im to uaki It elMT ts m d tn ot tb* elM«l> -

HM p u t Uui Ui*t* u • ttfin L ia it i '^a‘orB»Uea’" ■ o o I m n i^ S S ' tdi.' t u t U. tditrtlMoeoti «I|b- td «iUi • boi Buabtr ts ear* a] Ba

■ ¥

Personals, 4 1'^•OYM RYTHMIO DANOINO AND ?

donee-compo^lllon lessons given by young lady of New York Bradu- - T . «l« of Torld famous Mary WIgman * Khool. SpeelAl eluses for chll* * , drtn. Pb. 4«»W. J

n m a REMODEtED. MRS. ST A F-'* * ford, furrier. KO Slh Ave. N, ------

. MRB. MOORE, PilYaiC. PRIVATE f retdlngs. EIII5 'fturU t Pntk. Phone

^ . (

________ l-A «f-inH -PniinH _____*?

roUNO TOAT DR. IIAMB pno* !{per ihoes and fool adJuiUng uve i 'J-ou money and re llem ihoso’ tired '

—ftchlnj leet.'IM N. Main. • \

LOST - POCKET A C C O U N T li book, eontalning hay and caUle Tncmoranda. Ph. 1624.

■■ 'Beatity Shops 6 “V— ------------------ niK!PERMANENTS $1 JO TO M. 81L\M- D

poo and finger vrnve SOc. Mabel Marl# UfAuly Shop. 130 Main N , .

----------------S5lSPERMANENTS IliO . (3. »3.50. (3. back

»4. Over Roqr Tlirater. Mr*, mlrrc Beamer._____________________ No

SPECIAL PERMANENTS »l AND place •« . PUlh Aw. Beauty Shop. 41D tin . 5Ul E. Pti. C29W. who I

OIL PERMANENTS FROM tlM . l!!* ‘ Plhgtr waving, hair eulUng. lialr dj’elng. faeUls. crawfotd Deauty Salon. 113 Main 66,. Ph. 1S71, “ ,

. o^xr Dell-a-Cigar Storo.

•Ttu CUL ro> u s tn T S ’-rboB i n » n . :

\ ;

f “ TO W IN K 1 B E F R IE M P E I E \/E W B O U Q H T H IM MEAI B L A M E H IS B R C fT H E R FQ S U C H A C L O S E W A T C h


\ t o R M 1S3UD <5IW <S hin


ii' Mssr® ® ® '


»■■■■«.I. - - ----- I I -


I / C


lafely, (Beauiy sliops 6

tcoiti»ti.< ti»» m c d a g ouMB) —UB lOABO B A R O B R AHD .pea Beauiy BboppoUoiferlniiipoeW in i tntroduclo^ oUer for tbU m k per only. TWO one-mlnnta n r e * ■< ' abli

3« lo« price of W. Tbeae n r t i a n dr« Buaranteed. Pboos t i i for (p> itai polntflient. 13t Main E u t. mei

EJIMANENT WAVINO. T O O ra ^ waring. tnarceUlaf. hair djrtlof. hov faclali, indirldual b tlr cutUoi. Oil p. jP tm a u n ta from . tt.SO. AttliUo ------Betuty Baloo, 3nd floor, lU UUn OIRI W. Ph. IM. *®'

A ulos fo r S a le 7 " ; ^II MODEL A, CONVERTIBLE -------kdan, ovenlie<l t lm and wheels, 'leather upholilerlng, perfect ean* ____fllUtw, slncW f Super Servle# 8U- oiNh

* * * * * * * * * * * * 1 Of;

'S E E T K IS * _ ! ! ! :■30 Model I^rd Pordor. « molor overhauled, good ^I^ C . 8-pljr tins, exlra^ ^ —

•38 Chev. cpe , runs good. « ♦ ' ' j j

JOHN O’CONNOR * USED CAR CO. ♦ wn .318 Sboriiono Weit ♦ -------

— ~ Aim------------------------------------------- ] blac1S31 Buick Coupe. >U wire wheels and. slx.ply Uita. 'nto best Buick we erer had for the price. *379 v “

Easy Terms■j n o . B. W IIT E ^

Uio Used Car Man H— . . _ . 1 « 2nd Norlh_______________________________ ow n

r a i r r h a sh o o u pe . d o i t o r i n ;30 OD gtl. Oood rubber, paint and mii molor. Must aell this w eet Poss canBody Wks, opposlle flra 'station. ’Jert

■ V T T T V T T J T T i T * po r « and

TODAY’S SPECIAL! ♦ way 1»33 Chev. Tudor ♦ = r;r

The AUTO M A R T. o"«3M Main Are. West *

WE B O Y -«nJr-T R A D l ♦

LOAt ------- 8wli


1B31 Die. Sedan. ' __________“ IWO-DMgtf'iftlSlJ-----------------n f

1P30 Ohev. Bedaa _ i i l1D30 PonUac Sedan ' MONI19U Pord 2-Door. Ings

-IBSirtinV Town Sedan quIcSereral ,sood used tnieki ' 43T.1934 V.i T. O.M.C. truck — ^



DARRED BY ‘SPY AURROR' 09M U U E , Prance (/P>-New houses i*5T: i_lhls_reglon_of_mn_M,are being'lulpjieflVltn a device which i6 « ' ;____ick lo lhe middle »gc»-lhe "spy pry e irror.” \ tensNo home lit.the Lllle area Is com- -------clf »iihoul\ IU llltlc "eiplon." FOR accil outilde lhe door lo permit H P ' n occupanu of\the home to see bolli ho h on the doorstep before open- ■S Uie door. The'tJerlce operates ke n chauffeur’s 'mirror of an Jlomoblle. \ VVOVJShould Uie m im r dlNloee a beg- ,< _ V. a peddler, a bore, a' blU-iwllec. ir or some olher unwelcome per* in, the door is not opened. •y m ,

■ ' ** ' , - ■ ‘ -


>EP THAT IN Q R A T E -1 f • A L S - ) P O N T ^FOR K E E P IM Q • C H O h J H I M - J

d X w l o q i z e } H I M - W H V ^ ■ -

IG A S O L I N .

t^g^a ABOLTT. THERG'S ^9 ^ \ r r o o MANXV 'M .k s \ ) I I M T E R e S T lM ' /

t f -

ComfortFemale Help Wanted 10 F

- - - ■---- ---------------- -- (CodOUNO LADY 3l-3fl. OOOD AP- ------pearance to travel with manager |------In lum undlnc sU ta . Previous ex- sur perience not essenUal but must be able to leave city i t once. Ad­dress reply to Box 108, eare News. sUUnj Ige and pttvlouj employ­ment. n n

IDOLE AOED WOMAN POR housekeeper. Ph. 0289-J<. after 0 • P-»n--__________________- ------

IRL POR GENERAL HOUS?- work. Phone 41W-Ktoberly. ^

ANT OIRL TO WORK, POR room aad board. IM 8U1 Are. E.

REOHelp, Male or Female tl


InlclllgeaL Write Box X care of News, giving complete Inform* allon and small photograph.

Instruction 13-— ...............................____ ____ _ supIVIL SERVICE JO BS_^M EN = r r and TOmen, IB-JO. Imlde or out- side >obs; prepare lor eomlns Mams. Coaching by cx-clrl Scrvlce f*'* Examiner. WHte for free facts.Wrlle Box 3, care News. Wa

Situations Wanted 14 —n o AND TRACTOR MEO. AND AblacksmlUi wants stesdy-work In Bujihop. 30 yn . old, can fumlsli good whoreference, will go anywliere. If a brou have nothing good to offer udo not ans. this ad. Write C. E {{otMcOraw, Fairfield. Idaho. oleu

Business Opportunities 15 SMNO TO PAILINO HEALTO ,im offering my Rawlelglt business - TW In Jenm e cotuly . for wle. I liave made good for 20 yn,'any liiutlerlam do well. M. J. Bridgman, P«iJerome. f®o<------------------------------------------- Uui>R SALB SERVICE STATION P kind small'tourist park on high- ~ —w y 30. *4500. ,J. ,E. Wlllle, FREE

VIN FALLS BUSINESS. REA- Twlionable. B o x JU ja re New. ------

icx;e r y a n d m a r k et , w r it e gox 1«. care News. J V "

Money to Loan 16 " S)ANB - 6%. NO COMinffiiON'Swim Inv. CO.____________ DjlIV

IDERAL FARM LOANS 4r». SEE ?, P I. W. McDowell. Room 14, Banki; Trust Bldg._______________ „AY

' YOU NEED MONEY. SEE (farrr-at-Twln-Palto-LoaD Office.- p im ; IIS Main Ave. E.

JNEY TO LOAN ON UWELL- ngs. Lowest rsles. long terms, gulck Bcrrlce. Sanser-Joocs. Ph. ^ I2T. 123 Main East j_ j

For Sale, Miscellaneous 17 IlY POR SALE IN LAROE OR malt lots on bolh sides of river. ORII nqulre W. Orant Kllboume. P.O. Wli MX 3il. Twin Falls, or phone So.

™^ ^ N O n i ^ g A S s troc

;YERS.iAMO PERSIAN KIT- J ! ! l ! ent. Phone 0393-J4. SWEI— gall iR SALE - 3 HEATERS, 1 10 IP verUcal boiler, l IS HP vertical DELI idler, new, flues. I toy Loundrj-. boxi------- ---------- ---- I ,, po«STTUBUTOR FOR EXCELSIS S|ui>roducU. Phone 1532, -------

■ ■■■ ■ ■ , , —. 0 R » ')VSN w m e FiNCINO. DARB jon rlre, and steel posU. Carload sar* was Dga. Rrensel't Hardware. I H ,

n CALL ro x E u titT T -rboo t n "nni

E C U I U P S - L O O

“ S P e A K O F T H E P E V .T H E R E H E IS N O W .'

H E Y / J U S T A p m i n u t e .




tably IIIFor Sale, MIsoellaneous 17 F

:CoBtUBt« trwa rrtcedlni OtiMM) (Coat

Sure You c an - R e a l Warm- .JJ"

ABEWEEN OOAL ^•n r ■ Sack Or Load! Ueit



l^CIAL PRIOE ON OOLD F IS B - 231a a 2nd Ava NorOi.________=

SED COYOTE TRAPS. T. P.Junk House._________ ■ ■ -------

EO CLOVER OHAPF. PHONED2ff-RU._____________ • rawEADQUAnTERS POR H E L D ------sacks, lumber, elc. Sar* moneym il lu j a W d iho -J unk Mtiinf -------152 2nd Are. Bo. We lead, olhen

__ 0192URESCO PAINT. ENAMEU = = 7 rarolsh m d all kinds of palnUng suppllea. K n j^el't Hardware.- -

URNtTURE-- NEW-AND OHSD fum llun ot all kinds, coal ranges. electrio ranges, coal stores, dreu* FURN lators and oUser household fum* uied Islilngs. Moonl. Ph. 8. Slore No. I ; and Ph. 818, Store No. a. • b. i!

WHY PAY WAR PRICES 7 =A carload of Muresoo In bu lt

Buy wbat you need, bring back ____i!m l you bare le ft We loan you a ROC a brush to put It on wlUi free. | sum

McMurtry House Palnl. 4 - . = {{our Enamel. Floor and Lin* oleum Vantlsh dries la two houn.-A l a r r itock of Wall paper. 428

.......MOON'S--------^TWIN PALLB PHONE» gjjp

ITAY QREEN'linNOM OTAIN. proieet and beauUfy your newroof wlUi Unseed oil shingle slain -------U ut wDl Itay green a loog Ume.Plu 8. Moon's.

E D l m ^ ^ E u H l i T M O N ^ menu, marken. 318 Mtln a ,Twin Fallt. n o o u

■ — l ems

Wanted Miscellaneous 17*A ^UBDISII H A ULED . CELLARS -----Lcleaned, hauling of all kinds. Ph. ROOM1184J:-------=--------- :-----------------------How

RIVINQ TO OKLAHOMA. ROOM FRON 3 passengen, fJiarc expense, 229 lieat, Van Buren. ^Hoi

AY TO CUT - OOOD MACHlN- ROOM erj-. 229 4Ui Are. East. • Ave,

:UMBINO-REPAIR'WORK.-PH; ROOM 4M. Krengef Hardwatt. lllG

JRNITURE WANTED - WB BUY ROOM used furniture, coal ranges, ilorea 318 and lea boxes. We pay cash. PhJ ]_ _ . J, MOOIll.

.Frulls and Vegelablts 18 MRIMES GOLDEN. JONATHANS.Wliiicr B.manas. 1 m l weat. 5i So. Kimberly. • t

INTER APPLES BY BUSIfEL OR H£truck loads, E. L. Wonacott O r-' f. £hanl_3-mUa-cast-on.U. S. 30,half so. from coal end Main St. ^

iVEPr « D ^ ~ H CENTS PER S | * gallon. Publle Market, | MH_<

ELICIOUS. A P P lii! APPLEboxes, and elder mill hand or belt ■ 1power, n mL So. of Kimberly. ■ Sluimbaugh, ,

R»(E3 OOLDEN. DELICIOUS. W pJonaUisn, Slaymcn Wlnessp and P C washed and Inspected. 2 ml. W..lH8o.ot6ouUiPttrk.Ph.0Ml.R2. fK fM

im CAU, ron B uu iT f-riioB t a [ —

O K O U T , A N D Y !

< 5 u m p /

IV ^

J p


'D T S A L L , B U IL D IM 'I E f i BS E ^ S T O R IE S , I f r - ®

■HOOTIsf A 2 2 . r '. • ■ KS , - _____________A P S H O T S ^ ^ ^ — - J P f t


n One (Fruits and Vegetables 16

(Coatlaatd fnm rrM««ta| Ctiesaa) (Cu

3EUCI0US APPLES. S U L EATF. ROO] Wash. Khool, or,a No, 9 W. Kim* Noi betly. —


UdoM. Romes. JontUian. Rambo. — Kings. 3 ml, a Kimberly, Sartln.

. For Sale or Trade 2 1 ^SV* EQUITY IN e*ROOM HOUSE.231 Addbon Ate. N. c*ai

------------------------------------------------ and ------- :------------------------------------ Wrl

Furniture for Sale 23 JisU3»OSSE8aEO FURNTTURE OP . alt kinds, 80 tued faas«- P rto i racte tm n tlO up. Moonl. ■

_■ Wanted to B u v . ^ ^OJOUT 500 TON OF HAY. PHONE oih, 0I«-R2- •• clue

•ULL PARM LAYOUT. STOCK Implemenu. elc. Box 194. Filer.

v/w _ to_ b uy_ s m a l l ..b o u 5 . jvto mqve. Va) Hendetaon.- fom

URNITURE WANTED-WS BUY S t tUMd-fumllure. eoal raoies. stores pf qand Ice boxei We pay cash. Phone (ere<b. Moon'a.' ' 1hs<= = = = s ^ ^ = ^ ^ ^ M

Houses for Rent 27r oom f u r n is h e d h o u se . U< ablll


Apartments . 281URNISHED APTS THEOXFORD. = 428 Main Are. No.____________ _


- TwLRooms ior Rent 29 g

\NVAS END SLEEPINO PORCH. — — 711 •ntlrd Are. No.

INOLE.. ROOM. PBOTRABLY "moc lady,312SUt Ave.N0. K. 1

OOM AND BOARD FOR OENT* w Sleman. Phone 1478. sow

OOD ROOM FOR RENT CLOSE J J JIn, Plione I719M. ------

I - - , , U llCOM TOR R y r . Q U rer loca* men

RONT BEDROOM. S T O K E R heat, also gange. I0I2W. T27 No. Slioihone Bt. . (ood

OOil AND BOARD - 222 SIXTH Are. East. i a.

O O M -F O R T O R T O n n m iro : - J ? ’’ 1110 7Mi Ave. E. __________

OOM WITH BOARD. CLOSE IN.318 2nd Are. No, T ___ ‘n n CAU roR u i in .n '- r e o B t 'v *

j ' '^ K te im » e s u u ^ m r t/ tr o m u ^

< 0 0 S k to U L p X —= = * 113 HAVE BEeM * . *

'"M A T . » 0 C L 0 C ^ H ^ p p £ j i e p 5 * 13]

1 6t

* * *■ NEAT■ 1 * 9 I bathW I .f»i men

■ M f son

. _


S s

W E , , '


■ K t t IT F R O M K


Of ThesBooms tor Rent 29

ICtaUaawl &«■ fm rtta t c»l«Ma) <Coi

OOU AND BOARD, 120 «th AVE. * * North. «

OOU AND BOARD - 1>1 T ill 1 . ATI. Nft Pb. 89L . J I

For Rent, Miscellaneous 30 * "O R R E iS^2 '00 ACRE ALFALFA * ranch Twla FaUs waUr. AppU- * cants musl be able lo put up t in t ¥ i d a u hay and bave tult equipment * and finance self. Wrlle refetencea. * * Write Box I7I0. care News. '

• UUlEASE Well im pr o v ed r anc h , un glre references .and equipment en Write Box 34, c an News. Ill

— '■ tet---------------------------------------- hllFARM TENANT WANTED

Improred 40 acres crop land. ^

oUier high Income seed crop. In- eluding Fairway Crested wheat gnss seed.

200 Acrea Woodland Paslun JTT One tnlle from lown

J ^ e excepuonal^experleneed farmer wlUi family and sons big ^ enougb lo Jielp oul, exeepUonal J L . letms ulcultled to dirlde Income 7 01 Df over tSOOO per year will be of* — tered, togeUier wlUj long Uma OOO lease. bel

Must hare farm equlpmeat asd >11 worUng stock. Referetioes re*

merchanls, or bank u lo reU- Iblilty. No otiten need apply. p m



200 1" Real Estate for S a l0 -3 2 -»ay

3R FARMS AND AOREAOE8 IN ------Twin Falls and adjoining counties WE -Inquire W. Otant Kllboume, P.O. allbox 2J1. Twin P iia. ^

OOD SO An BAST SLOPE, FAIR DAr Imp, T. P. Iract. 110,800. S-room modem-hou»e; «2SOO, «tiO dowa.K. L. Jenkins, 148 Main N.

■ELL IMPROVED FARM. REA- sonable. consider acreage or house as port paymenl. Wrlle Box 40. care News. ?*i*,■ begui

ACRES. LQNO TIMS PAY- ------ments. Low Interest. Ph. 0298-RI __ v

ACRES CLOBE IN 12850. HIM _ Win handle, rest Fedeni loan, 80 acres MOOO, 8-room house and pod bam, IIOOO wlU Iiandle. Earl Murray. Filer. Pli. 247-J9. ^

A. w m i 4 R o o u a v mi. m tom jc)i«>)jiM ttJti.jy riio_B ox. -M 37. care News. |


ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 137 f gBUt E , !i blodc from Shoshone St. f 1

* '80 acres E; slope.-S£. ot w

Twin Falls, talr ImprvmnU, V I13S per acre, some terms. *

47 acres nr. Hatelton, good * JIsnd, fslr Impnrmnts., com- * n iptele wlUt farm tools and * 3team. MiOO, tlSOO cash, bal. * &I3S0 per yr. Incl. Interest. * ^


» » » » » » » » » » » » »

yiT POUR ROOM HOUBB W m i his MUt In good district. Large base* his nent, screened*ln porch. A real >uy a t 12250, Easy terms. Sanger- tones, 123 Main E u t,

VO ONE-ACRE TOACT8. ADDl' 1 «n Are. near school. Ph. 0298*R2. ■*

i i CALL rox B u v tT f - rb o n t u

r • i . r

ilIQ H T iM V F lN E Y l• H E ; ^ F R IE N P - U "■ *E A N P CaET M E - P n.m r ^ i J C A N / y / " J L

J U t t 1

I f f i i( w i

S s S W P x w I’.”

F- 5' ' ij

5 DAM6 ^ ^r Z iy . IT 'S _IN K ._T A K £_________ _ _ 2?

M S J , ..............1 :

t m / ' -I jlK i I »r ^ - W 0 - - ^

'OBER 17., 1888

se Usedtleai Estate for Sale 32

(Coiu«Bt« t tw fm otia i Celasw) ■ .4 4 * ¥ * ■ ¥ ¥ * * ^‘ *I StrlcUy modem 5 rm. Iwme‘ sip. porch, gar. hdw. firs, * ____■ fum. oa 7Ui Are. E. «200. « Pm i i rm. house, needs fixing f> ant> up. ImmedUte poss'n. $1500. « pet I SEE US FOR FEDERAL * yei 1 HOUBINO LOANS * fln


* ¥ * * * * * * 201

RRIOATED LANDS'FOR SALE, under tbe Owyhee and Vale Oor-emment proJecU .for 1500 lo —118.00 per acre. Abundance ot wa- COLter. Deep soli. Good schools and anhighways. Dellghlfu] climate. Most yotproducU.ro lands In West. Wdle P^Vale-Owyhee land SetUement ' BbAssociaUon for Utaralure. Nyssa, —

For Sale Livestock' 36 £W WHITE FACED CROSSBRED mstabucks, fln t clasa condition. 44 ij r .

•ml.-Sorand-li east-of Burley.-Ph.------ -029^RI. Burley,


OOD COW AND YEARUNG _belter. U ml. No. Fire Points, Pli. «,r.1183. I I a DeWltt. ™

OR SALE - GOOD UILK OOW. I_John Lonln, SUUi street, FUer.

UREBRED SPOTTED POUND De Cltlm boar, yearling p u t. a U. urer Proctor. Klmbetly. Idaho. bloct

Poultry and Supplies 37 h>10 W HnC LEOHORN PULLETa ley. taying 30-percent now.'extn g ^ addltones. W. U McOoy, Oooding. ____

/E BTnX BUY-POULTOY OP all kinds. WUdman Produce Oo.

I ■ ' , '= g IcbMbIoi


WENDELU Oct. 18- m p n p a n - S»i» on lor Ujo plddng and packing :aso.i. which Is to tla rt wlUtIn the tn i s ext monU). X. a Commons has rgun wotk on a new 2} by 25 addi-

Trata- N e w 4 f a l l a i t f i n v o y — l i a s

Ilts It a eandid camen pletne of Fdrlo Kovleb, new IlalUn ambu* w d«U o the United tiUles, npon u l in his arrlral a t New York to ansme his dutlesM/P) Photo.

Daily Cross-WiACROI* ■ Solution or Y eturd i/I

L rrlnltr’i ___-----wiasurts------la iAli i n g M BIiHAIn lL Contllel g ^ S l i l a M P ? n


I «.-PtUhruj S ' ?**tal Wfam I. Tru*.'

r( 111* IL lllbllul 4. ^11, AdMHle prItM--------- *• Rn'

, Old (otm «t II. Undlhr»* ntuvrM I>PP<

:.»lait<]f«r ((. Csniamptltill LHbo'.■E!b ;v . i r . K ! r “ i . ' r . s

•uilabit It, ntpOHt . IU

I 12 13 |« J J |7

5“ T "

^ ;

_ • 8

i .Gar#!BUSINESS ' - I


Insurance r :m E IMBDRAHCt DW BLLm O', and eoateaU In Twin Fallt, |U 0 per hundred tor Uu terto of i - yean. LeU-us lell you about p u t . flnanct plan. wlUiout any extra - cost J. E. Roberu, Agency. '

EAVEY TABER CO, INC. PHOM* . 201. Flra and tulo Insurance. '

Shoe Repair,OLD WEATHER IS JUST , arotmd the cotnerr let tu repair your famlly't shoes a t a teasonabla’ price. 1» W. Sho. Twin FiUi fiboa Shop. • ____________ -oa fc liH i<cUai rlmt’il Ul.A- ot. A new carrier system for kill*, lg. scalding aad {ticking turkeya - I on the tracks hen and wlll bo isulled u ftoa. as the btUIdlnc ■I retdy for I t ._____ _______ ___

Real Estate Transfers -Ftimlshid by tba Twin Falls TIU*-

and Abitnet Oooptny

THUBSDAY, OCT. U 'Deed: 0. E. SUrens. oounty treats' rer to II. a . Beals; 89.01. Lot «, lock 12. Blckd-vldlUoa Lease: E. Holmes to H. J. Wise.\ i SWNW 27 1017.Deed: a D. PerrliM to L r . JUi- r . 110. Lot 3. block 2, Murtauih'

T i m e T a b l e s ^ -IciiidBl* et r tm a tn «ntas aU tier Boset Pssilsi nr«B|li Twta.lUlt .

o iM O ^ M o n u n ---------

TO. - ’“ '“ T « - 5 S 3 — .. la i l l iMra _______-ata M3 lM»M------ p. B>

n u s BBANCa '

■ala~4M~inin»* ■ p. E ~ VNtON rA nnc it a o u -

SsstliealI tm , , , , . . _i ao a. sa.■tttt ------------ «■*> a, IB,

j s ■ , 1 ^1

■4 lUnRBSO.WMkeaal

« m - ii»<« ^ S 'm m tJSp. ta.rrtm , ,S w ittnn i II IS) > m. r u * j £s a m7 ’i{1,s Ss2 :^ * =

o m a ITAOI u n a '»»*» '**" • -

' rw u rsm -w tu s* * ^ " - o m ----------- ■<«. -Tlm . ..

- tUO a« lB | n&eJ t 04U MO p. m. u a ido p a .

V 01, JiO p. n . 'aa«


TtfN ..........................fftttM ud ^ “ ■

rtrti — , . .» ! !» a. a .» ■ I ..I lao V IB.

iord Puzzlei / i Puale I10n^^ t«»

I- i r r i i T O n s j ^ ------

l»! AwiSt*Ct

a rtm iil tu s .IL yDcratr MB* ,

I I ■

DOWN ' ti. Urttnilic Rill* iKik. r<allT ' iiMi (om* irlinclil poillleo I

lintviilt mmollthtdVuit a Tbit «blctiVhUtoopltr - U il.>fT ------- ---- “ • Or»»»l»....................rcm stt «(. WinjtliktJpptr lifflb <1. U i f ot tbi . 4boHr»b* palnma

terbf4 nlia'•mlnlBt le, Rtcuri 'lumt 11. ELSllili lt(t*l>



■ / ' . PACT g j C T

is iC IT H G iS i* l l » 8 i 8 |-jandldatss JomlnaleijrTil _

Change Urged in Meet- Ing Date for 1937

So(,lb cenlnQ Idtho 't 800 Utchen UJ> two (Uy HUlODf o( M

«iiDUil E duutloa uMcUUoD iSli* trk t JONUflS here rntcrdijr after BomiuUiii cimdUBtes Jor. olflcea

. ior coming ;e»r. uid uiopttns ;. walutlon* one o{ uhlch rceom- '

Tnrn-iwl Ult time for next )'car:s BteUU to iTold conflict , vllh Ukopenlof'Of lh# pheasant.huntlng „jleuon tnd coruequent .•IwrUce,'

NomlntUoo* T en ei follon:• president: Edwin rcicr. K «er-

Bian, u d lUlph Nyblid. IUii»eo: = a m rJre proWrat. £ O, d le r . ^ HUIW, w d J. A. Mctter, Oakley; T

. Tto prwldent. Edith Stane. 11Rupert, u id J lu e l ilcco>-. oooa- TH Ini; KcreUrr « d l« u u r tr . O n n

Jerome u d Loli J u e Rudy,BuhL

lUmi«r n « d f C«unltu«EMl B*»»T of PlKr. nUrtng

dlilrtc; preildent, WM efio«n cll*!.'- » a m oTtheexrcuUi'e nnmlttee, *nd nl

. .} ! M. Vtn Pktten of Buhl w u w a e 6 u repreuoUUre to the tU U cfftrraUoQ i t Selw.

Speiken on the cloilnj day'* pto- p im were Dr. Jm p h Roemer of Peibody coUege, N«»hYllle. Tennei-

ArchU N. Jonei,-Bnlvwelly of « « Idaho DUilo director; R. tL Snyder.

■ ptsldeot of Albion SUto Mormil ; Kboot; John W. CuidJe, tU U »u-

sertstendent of publlo InitnicUoo, u d U n. I. S. Joslyn of Twin fWti.

- n o l ^ e of the Idtho Coagrw* of JuenU tndT etebert.

'- . ConOU expteued U » opinion U ui 2^ ' . f la to d tj jecurJiy" ihould ” ‘T 'keobUlned-for-teteben.------------

Boetterfipe tb 0-.L .nuv .tbe . piMc.Khool lyiUm .of ^ ' : «ur A oftloi VDUld be our cobtrlb-

dUod Io bltlory ot tbe (ulure w u the tijdaJoa of Or. Roemer in hU ^

■ iptech of lhe “An BvtluttkauRf ^ ' JUnetla'i School syctes. "Our fre»

' edueiUonil iji tem far nirpuses th t t 01 tny other nation,- be u ld .

' n ? e h tre more itudenU In schools . H un tny olber eountiy.** '

He urged ttschcn (o oouot them* 'wlret b p u t ot one or the g re itu t

;• bB docm In the world, edrlslng them fiot to letch only (or the lore e t ietthiDg. I t M l h ll belie/ U ut

- m a n l t T t h r l l l r o t tbe deprtwtea °Ca- there 'etme the tboUUon ot child : U t e u d lh , (UcU i ol tiro •i.d

oae>btU million more itudenU In r ^ eur tilth echooU. .

Speaking on T lie *Tetchen Plaee in BductUon,- Prttldent Snyder Mid hU gte tte il worry v u the

i-tendeae3r .to Jo te r.t te .te « c h c r .t^ . Iff- nbonllnaU ^ U o n .H e pplated oul t ^ t iMchtng w u one o( the high- BU B ffl'lwg*■Mix-Jatiynfpofce on Uw ptrlner-

ihlp o i,the p u n l tnd tbe tttcher, attflng thal only Uirough lucb co- d ,,.

. epenUlon-could th s '-be il'fo r Ute ^ child 'be ic e m i . ^

, ■ ' • " ............. dliti

, Eed Cross Unit »Plans New Help

For Sick PoorjjjjU n . D. L. Alexander, c h alm tn ot

- t b t Twin F tlli chapter American ( Bed Crou, umouneei U u t Uu local .. | unit l l (0 open an emergency closet, to lotQ alck-roon supplies to (tml- U erln dUtreu. Thla chapter tcUrl- 0( ty will be conducted wlUi U« co- Dbti

•operaUoa o t loe tl■ phyilel«aj and « h tbe county hetlUi unit. >n t>i

Frosi time to time, U rt. Alextn* Th der Itld, phplclana htTS reported dlitrcaing eaies where pnUenU. StUn who were unable to supply them, ^ needed such arUcles u Ice btgi, air chun

-ftnhloas, hol water boUlea, ther- « i ^ o m e l e ^ and jr e n .a wheel chair, m m

W th lu emergency clos^equT ^ tf 't r ped, Uie local chapt^r'wUl b ^ b le Or- to meet Uie need, loantag Uie tc- : quired lartleles to Uie paUetiU until <''» < they le m d thetr pafpo«. ”lnf. w h e r t i ^ U « articles will be rc- ' ’oUo

’ tumed to Uie chapter (or laUr use.Xa tddltlon to tick room nippUa, A i

th# cJtsel will be stocked wJUi Jjiy. I w l ' ettes,-Dlght-govns, blankcu and oUier articles ot bedding which tie ^'cn

] frequenUy needed la t huiry. t uha j *rhe emergency closet la one pliue ’1*“ ^ ' e l scn'cle bclng'Offered by We Red »n<al

C i t ^ slon ApplicaUon should be made lo the ' ’” “i

coumy healUt unu, for use of Uiese sifppUfj, £u;

________________ , tlona


, Three marrlajes were performed ifl'i!,*: I Priday by Jwtlce of the Peace IL M. HoHfr, In Jilj c l«» .

Ulss a v a Cone w u married t o i , , . '„ Arnold Dau\-en. They a n boUi rtjl-i ’ , i denU of T*-ln Palls u id were ac- *

. companled by Uio bride’s p.irenuj,'°„®' U r. and Mrs. Chancy M. Cone.

Ulss Anna Swanson and LeHoy - lo ru ig of Jarbldse, Nevnda. were — another couple married. They were

' atlended by Miss Mamie t««rls, also' of Jarbldse.

*nie third couple was Miss Mabel p., McOlnley and Emo Pierce, bolh of, t,om PlJcr. Tlielr wJtoesicj vtre AHa.'Tiiur nib Mlll , nllUJi-MllijUlr i LoUju W g - • ________ _ «B

- ' J d N E W CLASSES_ i ^ l Id An ConmetcUI SobJeeU



W w iK ^■ B « ^ t t Baslaeu ' n e a * IM

" ■ ' ■

I w a i i e W illis ^j j Ily ROKKT (JCILlin

’ 3“I wUh reUUres woBldn'l tlill ns. J®*

They taks my bed Ja»l like eom- pi«y.„btil I get licked r l i t t be. fore *cn like they wM homo folks.**

m E i s J i _ ii f l i f p f d i i

_____ spec

Mlnlmuiri W age P lan A pprov- “

ed a t Albion N orm al

Luncheon »

A IuncliMw meeUni ot gradintw and termer studenU ot Albion Mor- w ' au2.heM retladayiroM a(U wPvl: ^ hotel, wtnl on record u approrlng jj, Uie stand laken by couE.ty a ^ l . r « superinUndenU In behalf of a mln- f ]a Iffliun aslai? for Wachen. The res- oluUon ot eommendaUon also In- eluded recommendaUons that any Khool not abiding by Uie schedule n \ be deprlTtd ot sUte.ald money. '

OUier BeMlfltlons ^OUier reMluUons adopted-Includ-

ed rtcommenaUon of Um relum of 8“™ slementarj teacher training U> Uie lormal school, threo years minimum “ Gaining requirement fb? elemen- ‘f'*'* W t lcachers.-and that* bclore any luilher expansion of higher educa- **4.®: Uon bff allempted cr other JcJU- * .ulionA created a t le u l (olir rural Riperrlurs be relumed lo serrlce. ^

The resoluUons wero Indorsed by f f ” lie members c f Uie SouUi Cenlral “ '® J daho EdueaUonal assocUUon a t «*«" heir closing aesslon here yeiterday.L A. Thomu, )Umberly, pretided N 0^

It tno tneeUng attended by ap- jiiHwlnatelir 100 former Albion itu» ____Icnu. John W, Condle. su te super- nteniJent, R. n . Snyder, president i r if Albion Nonnal, and oUier Albion icultT members attended.Marie Dunn'4 'CleTcr Klddlej-

■resented a floor show and Robert )Wi'Albion, led Uie greup in tlng>

____ ■ ____ _ _ D e i? ii


_ _ _ StateAceu«d of contrlbuUng to tbe ^

leilnquency ef a minor. Roy H. Slockton, fiO,.of Buhl, w u held un- tor <! ler <500 bond (0 answer In (he listrlct court following a prellmlQ* They iry hearing be^jre Jujlgo Ouy U Augu Slnney in-Uie proSate court here drtn 'fslerday. He w u arrested by Buhl R- W wllce-offlens l u l October 14. tome;

i i i i s S i s ■OFeiiFpENrl^

------- a t aDUHL, OcU IS - Tlie Central home

ibtrlct BapUst Men's Retreat will ci-enli e held SalunUy niflil and Simday his br X the P in t BapUst chureh In Duhl. Many The pTatvfor rtlreaU, (or the def. good

m e purpo^ ot getUng men to- couplt ellier to d l s ^ i kingdom work in s reUtlon (o tlienuelves and Uielr WOU lurches, lu t been used successfully 1 many places and ia expected to lean much In Baptist acUvltr- Inllr-tftttrtcc------[----------------------------RWOr. M. D. EubSDk o( Kansas City, ClrUc 10 principal speaker, wUl addreu he re ' le opening mecUng Saturday eve^' bera o Ing, al » o’clock, MlotrJnp the ile- A p oUonal servlee'and buslneu ses- peDm' on. DursoA reUred mlislonary, wlUi a med- Margt

-al degree, and uniuually extensive duet.' rganluUon experunec -In the f i r - of ihJ Ign tield, particular!;. China. Dr. I*nllc uhank holds a unlQ le rating In C- W tfLBspUst church w a -jilatlorm *en-ed leaker and u a director ofLmta- tneeUi on study classes. Muili of his In- * csilgations in China, he Ilnanced lm.self. o: tiKfiundfl)- mornlnf' at e ;« a dero- onal ser\-lco wlll be held wlUi an Idress on *-nie Value and Need of amUy and Prlrale DevoUons." Dr. ubank will speak at Uio momlnj orshlp service on Uie subject ."A htbiian and ilia Program.” Pol. irlng dinner togeUier, a Ulk wiu t given by the pulor oh ‘T h is p Hal Laymen Can Do Beller Than le Pastor.” An open lotum on men's otk in ili6 local church will be )llowed by itie closing consecration ■n-lce, n til adjournment a t I:<3.

KUPERTParrDli ol Son — A baby boy w u im to .Mrs. J, A. May of Paul, riurtday adtrnoon In the Ruperl lUciaUuualuU-.— ,(ieesti o( rairn ti Mn. John

------ ^SVANTED-------^


_UUbut.jDarketJ&ilcea-pal4. for ttresfter nm er retleaned seed.Shlpmaa Tnnsfrr Calldlng

\VE3TLAND SEED CO, Jne.•Ph«n» 1«

[fei mils ‘ ■ amW o rU War Veterans Organ!- S

zatrdn Maps Twin Falls IS Celebration

— theAn al|.day program In observance cm

of ArmlsUca day. November 11. u per planned by Uie Twin Fails Amerl- ^ ean Legion poet Uils year. Prellmf- n , , nsry Brrangements-.u-ere completed . at Uie post meeUng Tliursday eve- j, ning. ir'f.

Opeoicr with a publle memorial ^ Aerrlce a t 11 in the momlng. foi- ...i, lowed by a veterans' luncheon-al Uie Park hotel a t noon, parllclps- « _ tlon In tbe football game on Un- coin (leld In the afternoon, the cele- q braUon will close wlUi a . publlo dance a t Radloland In the erenlng. g^i

Committee chairmen are 0 . T. g Koster. committee on program; J’. jjle Edward Warner (or the dance and

’ Mlowlflg^"uie^ membei^ ^^ ^ »Wch the post U andattkUig a t pjij, mce, rewards for accomplishment cam rill bo giren and reporU made a t a ipeclal meeting. November 8. H. A. ImlUi'U commlUee chalnnan. RA Nine members were p re ^ lc d wlUi

ring* f t r membership achlerement he p u t year, by R. E. Ulghton, 0U-3B membership chalm ua 0. , a ; '.Kosler, Harry Denolt. Edward Ll- ert, Duncan McO, Johnalon, J. 4 v r d Warner, Juneau H. Bhlnn. “ I® If. W. Prantfc Harty. Taylor and IT. Lelghtoa .in a aweepslakes contest. H sacks "V,,

f groceries wtre awarded, donated ; loctl food stores. At'future meet- “ ipj fJrailar erenU will Uke ptoce,■ w u t nnounced, ’

I. Y . p . U. TALKS DIVORCE' . t o" 4 tra

The B.-y.-P.-u. will meet-at «:15 Ho -i mday eixolng In Uie BapUst bun- alrpli Jow. ’’Divorces' wlll be Uie Uiema odlit

Ibe meeUng wblch *111 b* pre- Rev. nted by the devoUonsl ooftmli- prone in. Margaret Brown, commission ider wtll have chargo of the meet- r.'PartlclpanU In Uie meeting will VAL Iluley SmIUi. Jessie Nogle, Den-

’ Palton. Marjorie Muldaney and iweU Olson. A special feature- of e orogram wlll be a reading by ichel BaDenger.


Two women sUrted sulU for dl- rco decrees la Uie dUtrlcl court re yesterday, each alleging non- pport as grounls for Uio acUon.Mrs. Uary Ann MlUer, moUier ot '• reral chUdren only one ot whom a minor, sued for dlrorce from Pi'ji; H IL M IU ^ whom aha w u m u -<I a t Nerada, UisaourlTOctober-------1N7. The minor son U servlrtg

I ciiUslment term In Ure United - Vol atea army. E.-V. L«*en of Twl« ftlon, dls b Mis. MUler's attomey. m n r Urs. Rera liMlse HarUey sued l£ t i r divorcftiroinWank Hartley, al- iisoo glng jion-supj?ort and cruelly. Jn u ley were married In Twin Full*, prcllr igiu: 30 .1P34. There are no chll- Ouy 1 tn and no property Is Involnd. hero . W. Hudelson of Duhl Is her at- Att mey. Dunn


rew and ton. who came to Rupert of .thi lursday momlng. are guesU at (he tome; ime Qt Mrs. Drew's parents, &tr. case 1Id M » J, R. Culley. ' -------Post Noptlsl Shower - Mr. and . IS. lUtintd Caller enlerutafd / r

a post-nuptial sliov-cr a l Uielr / s A me In the Paul district TIiunKlay I enlng In honor of their son and I N *J bride, Mr, and ura. Floyd culler, k - - I any friends were present with od wishes for (lie newly-wedded .H r uple, who rtRlved many gIfU.


RVPERr.-Oct-J*— Mn.-D,-Ln r t« n entertained at her home rc lliursday allemoon for mem- ra of. Uie Ruperl Women's elub.^ paper on lhe Alaskan farm tx - . rlment w u read by Mrs. ArUiur rson. Mrs. Doug Millar and Miss irgaret Seholer rendered a i-ocal et.*-QlanUof UieDay,".artvlew th i nrUcle appeartn; In the At- H B itle Monthly was given by Mrs. H r)!

'<V. Dalgh. RdrestimenU were Ted by the hottesa. The next eUng will be held a t Ihe home ol s. A. c . De’Mary.Jrs. H. V. Creason Is prtsldenl tiK club. ■ ■

S A T i n t D A Y Sl

COMPLETE LUINot Merely Greased bul F

1. rressw t lobrieatloQ af ' J all moving parts eqalpped ■ pad wllh lobrleatlag eonoeetleas.

t Fill alt enps wllh prep- gta er grado ot IsbrieanL

L 17*0 of Check-Chari ex* eqo Usslrfly. ,

«. oillnr h ood Istlng spr cUmps and liintet. trai

I. Olllag fas. croenler, 1 dUtrlbnlor and lUrter motor. dlfl

. tT Lobrlcaling doer hintes, loeks. wedges and cUnpt.

j ad julaenninkage. #I t OlUn* brako rodi, elev- %I Jffs aod slariff pedal bfftaJnj. ^

9. TlghlenlBg w h ee l leg V bolli.

n r e f t o f i t :

P honi 75

t w in FALLS DAJLY 1

C h r i s t m a s S e a l U| S a l e L a u n c h e d ' r

B y M i - T . B , ’s ^Ono hundred children wUI- be <

Rulntalned at tlie MeClusky liealUi tin camp n « t siunmer; anU-lubercu- of loals liealUi. educaUon profpwn in tro the schools: X-ray anil chesl ciln- tSe Ics. and ipeclal acrvlce for tuber- lii culaf paUenU wlll be furthered, If red me Anti'Tubercululi osMClatlon ea:,' Chrlslmu aeal proceeds this ye tr whl

.permit. j;I Tlie sale of the seals sUrU cn «ni Tlisnksfflvliig day, November 2T. an I In charKC of Ihe drive are: Mrs. erlj 11. E. Dels*, mall m Ic; k IiooI eale, ten Mrs. Roy A. Read; publicity, Mrs. bou E M. Sveeley and usb tlng tier tro/i will be Mrs. o . A. Bailey end Miss todi Jean Sprague, newspaper conUct; r Mrs. T. C. Bacon, district chairman if|„ lor tlie radio speaking contest; Mrs.C. A. BMlcy.- poster and exhibit t ] committee; Mts. Prank Smltli, speakers bureau. ,.o.|

Other cflmmlitees (o assist In the <] sale. wUI bc appolntcd>w'

r a e a.sJOclatlon received from Uio ___

be devoted (o the purehaw of sup­plies In r«-ln Pills /Or the lietlUi camp, ■' '


Approximately 6«- radio friends lesrd Rfl'. Charles f ille r, ndlo nlnlsler of KNX* last evening a t he Tain Palls Melhodlst chureh,(here he conducted services. Or.'uiler delivered a-forceful-messag® n -Chrlit, our Complclo Savior." esultlng In n number of decisions0 become ChrUtlans. U Js esU. iialed by KNX tlial Dr. Fuller niches to ono and one-half mO...on peoplo eveiy Sunday erenlng. te lell Immediately after Uie ser*Ices for Boise, where he wUI board

train lor Loj Angeles. }il>' home, lo-travels almost excluairely-by Irplane. Rev. Raymond Rees, Uelh- dlst putor. offered prayer., u d «v. L. D. Smltli, Nasarene pulor, renounced the benediction. n


Theft of a black leaUier.bag con- iblng laboratory m aterltl rtlued . 1100 and endorsed checks In the nount of IIOS w u reported to po- X i u t night by Homer Saxon, win Falls pathologist. The bag w u olen from his car somclfaie be-

m. Friday while tho machine w u Andlng acrcu the sUtet from tho ark hold on ITiini arenue west, ir. Saxon announced.

lUSPECT IN KNIFING — C A S E m D -T O -T R IA LVolley Mayhew. 43, accuscd In a

rlony cliarge of subbing Olenn in ry In' Tn'ln Palls lhe .night ol b t September 30. waa hetd under ISOO bond to answer to the, cliargo1 Uie district court following ■ reilmlnary hearing before Judje uy L. Kinney In the preabte court ere yesterdsy.Attorney tor Mayhew, W. U

unn o( Twin Falls. Introduced evU mce In hts behalf afler tho court 'erruled h b motion for dismissal I.the charge when Prosecuting At>■mey Edward Babcock rested (he 46 (or the pnuccuilon.


U B R I C A T I O NI Really L ub rlca tcd

10. oni&g body bolU and pada to eliminate sqaeiks.

n . LobrlcaUng s te e r in g gear henstng.

12. t n b r l e a t l n t wheela equipped wllh conncclleoa.

11 Spraying e r painting spring aaitmblles wllli ptne- (rating oil.

I t Check IranunkUoo SBd' dlfferenlUL


8 9 c► A U T d i u M t m b ^ i i B V i c i s r o i i r

410 .Mnin So.

y WEW3, n m FALLS,'ffiAHO

T B H i i i i, GLlTIHSiilllli;

One of Uie Twin Falls eountiy*ii ( tlrst setUen, RoUand E. Pcrtlnger of Decatur, Illinois, completed in- ' troductlon ot evidence a t trial In tS r"u l4 lrlc fe o u n 'h e reT ’cstsrday - In support ot lils claim of right lo redeem a 160-acro (arm ono mlla T ca:,t tnd two mUes north of Filer . • which he homesteaded In IMS.'

IJclendant. Thomu F. Daly, UU- u wnuke?. who loaned 110.000 under an as.-erted mortgage on Uie prop- er erty In SepUmber, 1933, atid In- pa ten'cnor, Jamea B. Bitnnan, who bu bought the property under contract to trom Dslf, are (9 hare Ihelr Inn lnp nii today.

Tlie controrersy was brought to I i trial Tliursday before District Judgo Adam 0 . Barclay- witiiout a }urr.

The suit does not hivolvo tho old Decatur orchard property, la-o miles notUi ot Filer, of which Harry Heller ho of Twin Falls has been tho owner ei; the past two >-ean, but Uw old (ei

f S E

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C A

V E G E -T O M A T O E S ...

Ro;CO RN .................

BeiP E A S



-------- P O R K e ^ E A N l

3 Can___ C ase 2 i C a n s ______ ___

G R A P E F R U ITF a n c y Sun k lst— A rizona. P E RD O Z E N __________ _______

C E tE R YN ew Cro[>—F re sh C risp S U tlk s ...........................

BANANASF irm G olden a R ipe F r u I l ........ ................ 4

C R A N B E R R f f i SNew C rop Capo Cod . , . !

..D innerC o m p le te ..................... ... F

S W E E T POTATOEF ancy S m ooth ^ Je rse y S w e ets .............- V

A T T H E i

H A L F S lIO U tD E R S YOUN PO U N D ..........^ ...........................

FU L L RU M P B E E F , P O U N D ............. ..................


8c M.F R E S n



W h e n B e t t e r i

s t o p I V ^■ . r a v / J

s H o r | f ^

■' M PHONE 1

D r l v e . l n a i


Decatur Otthard company of which U r, Pertiater w u • icocktulder, w u a t one Umo owner of Uie land

I J^“^*hlch uw presept cooUoveny

(Je s t Campaign ' At Final Stage’Twin Falls communlly chest drive

WUI enter lU concluding sUge Uon­day wllh a new committee Jp charge of ellorU to nn tac t all resldenu who have not previously been con­tacted. I

Directors pointed out U u t work- * ers 'would (ace Uie most dllilcult ' part of the campaign next week, ‘ but that every etfort to obtain funds to swell lhe preseni loUl w uld be ' made. '



An address relau™ to the present 1 housing SituaUon, wim advice to ev> iciybodj lo build ills home wJjJle 1 federal aid Is arallable. w u deliv- j

l V : !

I I j i j j

:a n n e d = - ^

I T A B L E S................ NO. 2 ^ CANRoyal Orand

..................... NO. 2 CANBctri r t i lu


............NO. 2 CANG sleny

N S r N O J O J T a l l C A NVan Camp's

i n s 2 9 c---------------------- -----$2.29


la. _

^ , . . 4 3 c "

.......... BUN CH > C

---------. Wl

4 1.HS. 2 3 c Go

. . Mnkes a Phe iL tin l

P E R LB. 2 5 c I > E S

6 1.BS, 2 5 c BIG BUSY

A ll M e a ts S o ld AsUNG rOIlK, « Sl....................................l o c I'l

10c 3VE/II, POT liO/lSTS

8 c I.D.

B E E FT O N fiU E

8c 1,0.O y s t e r s A n d C h i H A

r M e a t s A r e S o l d F o r

m lM /IW

a n d P a r k 3rd<

OCTOBER IT, 1035 ' '


■' iiXEflSTOIlDNy[NEAmerican Red Cross field super­

visor, Clyde Baird of Boise ond g slate roll call chairman, patkpr

Can-cr of Boise will be Important speakers a t tho Red Crcos roll call

,* conference In Twin Falli. Monday. October IP, tor roll call workers of

I? A luncheon a t 13:13 a t th i Park hotel, will open Uio meeting. The Junior Red Cross group from Wash-

I. Ington school will be a feature ol K the proctsm.iJ Tlio local chapter will mako lhe ^ annual roll call Uils year, begln-

oing on ;iovember J l, haring with- drawn from the Communlly Clies^ ' on advice from national hendquar- I ters lhat Individual membership In ‘

S --------- ---------------------- =-------------ecred by Herbert R. Grant, of tbe t

t First Vedrrel Savings and Loan u - t . noclailoiiofTalni^lls.atU iom eel- i e l»g c ; tlie Uons club Friday s t tho :. park holel._____________________ t


J . ^

i l S oN I 4 8 L B S .......... :......

Sperry’s Drifted Snoi

■ J b i § L B . BAG ...........

s — —^ TOM ATO JU IC If t ” -------C5 nipbell’.s~ Bran iI- i ;

5 0 SCORN M E A I^ E a s l e r n C om M eal—

® ____W hU e o r Y ello w _____


M o n a r c h BT H E q U A L IT V T H A T c a n t :

V hole K e rn e l C o m ....Vacuon Packed

lO ldett B a n ta m C o r n .Iflghest QsaJHr

» e a s ...................................Telephone, Bweet Varlt

3 C a n s 4

r i M E A T WAs A d v e r t i s e dSIRLO JN A N D SH O RT CUTS J P O U N D ...............................................

2 PO U N D S SL IC E D U V E R ........................................

2 LH. PO R K CH O PS 1

4 1 c


, 6 c LB.

A r e I n S e a s o n

> r l e s s , . . W e W i l l S e

MEAT I S V S V I k M ' -------BSPT:--------- 1

PH O N E 2 9 I

i a n d S b o sh o n e S tre e t

Uie Red Crosa U strongly adrlsable; IMtweea 9S anit 40 %-orkea u t

SrT'*** ***IF »•“ *>• «xtend«l -byIL Mayor Duncan McD. Johnstoa-tad

urs. O. L. Alexi^ider, ehairmaa ot Uio loeal chapter will preside. Mrs.

,d >» local roU call~ chairman, .nt

ORGANIZATION FORMED 'o'i -BY r e s ™ OFFICERS•k Officers tor the comlag year In ,g Uio-Reserve Officers assocUUon

will be: Dr. j . N. Oavts of KLmber- ,[ ly, a captain of tho medical cwbj,

uresldent: Lieutenant John Itasmus- ij sen of Twin Palla. vlco president’

LleuUnant Parfls E. Kail, of Twin t^ lti, secrcUry-treuurer. lh e elec-’ tlon was lield Wednesday evening •

.. at a dinner meeUng at Uio Park n hoUl,

Captain P. T. Wolfe ot BoIseTex- '- eeutlre ollleer o l t l i e orsiu\}utUn. e and Lieutenant Emetl Rost, secre- : Ury ot tho sUto association, were- special guesU..Ueutensnt Colonel0 J. C. Long of Shoshone gave an ad-


i I


$1.69inow •'Home Perfected"

...........93c ,CE^ T ix T T iF n irp rS fz irT tn K — —


^ 9 iiL39c _


BrandT H E M A T C H E D , ^

.... 12 O z. C an

1 .. .No. 2 C an

N o. 2 C a narlety

» c

d u n t e i T ^

3 1 I E E F , 1 5 c §

......... 15c I.1 L B . S H O R T E N IN G « .

44 c |']ji. P IC N IC ■■ l l ' H A M S H

22c L B . H

S e l l T h e m





' RcasonaBleORDERS y


I ■ ■

top related