wrist sponsorship pr ad benefits

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Wristband Sponsorship benefitss by using Wristmarketing Wristbands


3DWristbands.A new way for Sponsors

Rory Musker


• Introduction to 3DWristbands• What makes the product different• Advertising Expenditure Comparisons• Cost Benefit Analysis. Visitor Redemption• Existing Sponsor and Venue users • Endorsement from Ad Agency in the US (Omnicom Media Group)• Case Study/Scenario Marketing/Burger King• Case Study/Scenario Marketing/Coca Cola• Campaign Benefits• Conclusion• Contact

Introduction to 3D wristbands

• A new platform for worldwide sponsor involvement

• New leader for top line event ideas

• Proven success in USA

• Provides customer insight

• Integrated Marketing approach

• High impact marketing on the wrist of the audience

The examples above accurately reflect the real effect

Introduction to 3D wristbands

• Effect generated by lenticular printing technology• USP – ability to apply 3D effect on flexible material• World IP on printing process• Cannot be counterfeited • Each wristband can be personalised • Single use security or multi use fasteners• Fast delivery

Customised shapes available

What makes the product different?

• 96% of the TIME magazine readers recalled seeing the 3D ads.

• 91%b reported reading more than half of the article that the ad was attached to (30-40 % is typical for flat conventional print ads).

• 72% retained a distinct association between the 3D ad and the company that placed the ad, and its services.

• 69% of the readers were favourably disposed towards the 3D ad, compared to a mere 14% favourable rating among those exposed to the same ad in flat print.

• 62% of the readers responded that it increased their appeal to the company that placed the ad.

According to a TIME Magazine study of mass-circulation of 3D advertising vs. conventional print advertising

Advertising Expenditure Comparison USA



Medium Details Cost Period

Billboard One 14' x 48' highway sign. £6,900 3 months.

Direct Mail: Company 1 Half page of coupons to 45,000 homes.

£4,770 Two quarterly mailings.

Direct Mail: Company 2 One standard coupon to 50,000 homes.

£6,525 Three monthly mailings.

Newspaper Magazine Section

One quarter-page black and white ad in large local paper.

£9,600 Six times in weekly section.

Local Business Magazine

One half-page color ad. £4,800 Three times in monthly magazine.

Truck side sign. One truck. £7,000 5 days Monday - Friday.

Mural Ad. In-airport display ad 4' x 5' £4,650 3 months.

Bus side sign. 2 bus sides. £5,160 3 months.

Radio Eight 30-second spots on major radio station.

£8,400 1 week.

Television: News One commercial. £5,000 1 x 30 seconds.

Television: Prime Two commercials. £5,000 2 x 30 seconds.

Wristbands Worn for one day. £0.40 per band 1 day of viewing (5 x per hour x 6 hours - 30 "views")

Wristbands: Underside 5% redeem rate. # of bands @ 5% # of revisits or coupon redemption.

Cost Benefit Analysis. Visitor Redemption



The analysis below derives an average cost per 2,000-10,000 thousand customers on site at an event in one day.

Wristband Cost Benefit Analysis/Visitor Redemption

Item High Low Average Example

Wristband cost (includes underside print or fob/coupon).

£0.80 £0.30 £0.55 £0.55

Number of customers. (avg. stay at event is 6 hours).

10,000 2,000 5,000 5,000

Total cost per band (one day).

£8,000 £6000 £2,750 £2,750

Setup fees. £75 £75 £75 £75

Factor to reflect other (underside promotion/coupon).

10% redemption

2% redemption

5% redemption 5%

Total redemptions per day (return and spend £50.00). 1,000 200 500 500

Total redemptions (x value of redemption). £50,000 £10,000 £25,000 £25,000

Redemption value (cost per band). £37,200+ £7920+ £19,750+ £22,250+


Average cost to the venue of £4,950

Average gross benefit (for 5000 visitors) is £19,750

Average Net Profit per day £14,500

Existing Sponsor and Venue Applications USA

*Concept is for illustration purposes only

• Walt Disney Company• Coca Cola Events• Burger King• Pepsi Events• Anheuser Busch• Universal Parks• Six Flags Theme Parks• World Cup Rugby• HBO Events• Academy Awards• Grammy Awards• 7Eleven

• Special Events and Corporate Sponsorships. EG: Olympics, NASCAR and NFL.• Cadillac / Chevrolet – auto shows, test drive and sponsorship extension.• Radio Shack – retail and sponsorship applications.• Microsoft – current client – runs X-Box conferences and retail promotions.• News Corp – working with Business development lead – Fox Sports, AmericanIdol, MySpace, NAM/Smart Source custom Publishing

Sponsor Applications Venue Applications

Endorsement from Ad Agency in the US

*Concept is for illustration purposes only

Ray KatzU.S. Director of Sports Marketing. Omnicom Media Group Optimum Sports Division www.omd.com

“I fully endorse Wrist Marketing as a subcontractor to ICS, the main domestic wristband distributor in the U.S, for the projects on which I am teaming up with them to deliver programs for clients.   Some of these clients include Arena Football League, LPGA, and National Lacrosse League”

Ray Katz 3 July 2007

Scenario Marketing – Burger King Sponsor

• Opening of the new Spider Man Film – sponsored by Burger King• The audience purchase or are given a 3DWristband at the foyer

• The most popular 3DWristbands have a tear-off fob


Scenario Marketing – Burger King Sponsor

• After the film the 3DWristband can be used to claim a meal and for reviewing offers from the Burger King website on the underside of the 3DWristband


Scenario Marketing – Burger King Sponsor

• In addition – the fob can be removed and used to claim discounted or free meals at Burger King restaurants

• Fobs enthusiastically adopted and placed on key rings and necklaces • Campaigns maintained for up to six months

Scenario Marketing – The World of Coca Cola

An additional example

The underside of the 3DWristband

Campaign Benefits

• A high percentage of take-up of offers and new visitors to sponsors website

• Effective for data capture for new visitors registering to learn about additional offers and free gifts.

• Ability for sponsor to extend the range and duration of campaigns• Personalisation of the product• Enhances the customer journey• Enduring and easy to initiate new campaigns


• Enthusiastically adopted by the market• Early UK results extremely positive (NEC Birmingham)• Highly effective for driving visitors to sponsors websites and

raising brand awareness• Exploits strong growth in on-line communities (Web 2.0)• Well positioned and effective for the youth market• Can integrate with barcode and wireless technology providing

additional opportunities for more sophisticated campaign strategies.

Rory MuskerBarn 3 CalcotCheltenham, Gloucestershire. GL50 1TA Tel1: 044 (0)5602 753 268 Tel2: 044 (0)7786 528 440 Email: rory@wristmarketing.com

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