worship bulletin, pentecost sunday

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Pentecost Bulletin


STAFFSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF Rev. Sterling W. Severns, ext. 241 .......................................................... Senior Pastor Dr. Judy Fiske, ext. 247 ................................................. Minister of Music and Worship Rev. Cecil Gholston ............................................................................. Pastor Emeritus Rev. Dan Schumacher, ext. 239…………………………………..…....Pastoral Resident Ron Simmons ....................................................... Music Assistant, Vocal/Instrumental Terry Witt ................................................................................... Music Assistant, Vocal Ryan Corbitt ...................................................................... Church Accompanist/Pianist Betty Robertson, ext. 221 .................................................................. Church Secretary Evanne Benson, ext. 240 ................................................................. Financial Assistant Frances Mathews, ext. 250 ............................................................. Child Care Director Teddy McClure, ext. 246 .................................................................................... Sexton Bonnie Bailey ...................................................................................... Assistant Sexton Kristen Koger ........................................................................................ Nursery Mentor Kelley Hurdle…………………………………………………………...…....Nursery Mentor Eh Klu Paw………………………………………………………...………...Nursery Mentor


1925 Grove Avenue | Richmond, VA 23220 | 804.355.0134

THIS WEEK’S MINISTRY LEADERSTHIS WEEK’S MINISTRY LEADERSTHIS WEEK’S MINISTRY LEADERSTHIS WEEK’S MINISTRY LEADERS Mamie Ruth Blanton..…………………………………….…….….....Deacon of the Week Erin Braford and Say Wah Htoo.......…..…...…..….………………...……….……..Infants Jessica Corbitt and Bobby McGraw............……………..…….....Toddlers/Preschoolers Samantha Denton....…......…….………………………..………………….....Youth Helper Rebekah Hoffpauir..………………………………………….……….….Worship Explorers Judy Fiske……………………………………………………………………...Pastor on Call


Eleven o’clock Sunday, May 19, 2013 PRELUDE Judy Fiske WESTMINSTER CHIME (Please prepare for worship.) WELCOME TO GUESTS AND VISITORS Sterling Severns CALL TO WORSHIP Sanctuary Choir/Reading Ensemble Acts 2:1-21 “Rushing Wind, Dancing Flame”………………………..…………....Corl HYMN #234 “Spirit of the Living God”………………………………………..IVERSON

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE/LORD’S PRAYER Sah Hay Moo Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen

Kachin Language Version Sumsing Lamu na anhte a Wa e, Na a amying nsang chyoi pra nga lit ga; Na a mungdan du wa ru ga; Lamu tang hta, na a myit dik nga ai hte maren, ga ntsa e mung, dik lit ga law; Anhte hta ra ai lusha, dai ni anhte hpe jaw mi; Masha ni anhte hpe shut ai mara, anhte raw kau ya ai zawn,anhte mara hpe mung raw kau ya mi; Agun alau nga ai de, anhte hpe nsa shangun ai sha, N kaja ai lam hta na , shaw la mi law. Ninggawng ta wa a ahkaw ahkang hte, hpung shingkang ai arawng sadang gaw, hta-ni hta-na nang hta a nga nga lit ga law.

GOSPEL LESSON Jeff Walton John 14:8-17 (p. 938 in pew Bible)

MUSIC AND WORSHIP ARTS CAMP AT EAGLE EYRIE, VA JULY 15-19 Children ages 10-14 may attend this camp. The program centers on music and worship. The children will have an opportunity to sing in a large choir of children their age, worship together with their friends, attend classes that encourage them to be creative and to think creatively about worship and their relationship with God and play together in the pool each afternoon. Registration is open now and will continue until June 15th. Contact Judy Fiske or Julie Gaines if your child is interested in attending.

CLUE CAMP WITH METRO BAPTIST CHURCH IN NEW YORK CITY, JULY 27-AUGUST 3 Youth and Adults are invited to help lead Clue Camp this summer in New York City. We will be traveling to NYC, living in the Metro Baptist Church building and leading camp in Brooklyn for Greater Restoration Baptist Church in partnership with Metro Baptist Church. This is a great opportuni-ty to work with children in a very different setting than Tabernacle. Contact Judy Fiske or Emily Witt if you are interested in joining us on this adven-ture!

JOIN US FOR VBS THIS SUMMER, JULY 8-12 Imagine living in the bustling seaside metropolis of Athens around 54 C.E. A stranger named Paul just arrived in your prestigious city, which is known for its philosophers and great thinkers. You’ve heard rumors about this Paul…he’s traveled the Mediterranean just to tell people about one God! You’re surrounded by thousands of gods…and you’d better keep all of them happy! You wonder if Paul’s way of thinking is just another philoso-phy—one of the countless beliefs accepted in Athens. At Athens, VBS kids and adults will get to meet Paul and hear his passion for God, his danger-ous adventures in sharing about God, and his shockingly troubled past. Kids will find that God’s life-changing love is ever-present, provides all we need, and is worth sharing with the world. Information and registration is available in the children's ministry area at www.tbcrichmond.org.

TBC ADULT GROUP TRIP—MAY 31 The Tabernacle Baptist Church Adult Group will meet on Friday, May 31 at 9:45 a.m. for a tour of Henricus Park and lunch at the historic Halfway House Restaurant at noon. Cost: Henricus $8.00; lunch costs according to order. Call Helen Davidson at 795-2483 or 467-1981 or email mrshelenandbob@aol.com for reservations.

CHILI CHEFS NEEDED: MAY 22 On Wednesday evening, we will gather at the home of Kathy and Bobby McGraw for our family meal and chili cook off! We need several people to prepare crockpots of chili for the evening. We'd love to have a variety of types, from regular to venison to vegetarian! If you're available to make chili for this meal, please contact Dan: schumacher@tbcrichmond.org

WORSHIP EXPLORERS (Children Grades K-3) All children, Grades K-3, may now leave the Sanctuary with Rebekah Hoffpauir. Today, the children will participate in an activity centered on the scripture reading.


THE RETURN OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory Prayer ………………………………………Mamie Ruth Blanton Offertory………………...………………………………...……..Ryan Corbitt Doxology Hymn #706, #538 in Karen, #508 in Chin……...…..OLD 100th

Chin Language Version: Thluachuah a kan petu Pathian, A Fa Jesuh le Thiang Thlarau, Vanrang toi le vancung khuami, Mi zakip nih thangthat usih. Amen.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him, above ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

INVITATION HYMN #235; #176 Chin; #422 Lisu “Breathe on Me Breath of God”……………………………..TRENTHAM

SERMON “Let the Choir Sing!” Sterling Severns INTERLUDE Ryan Corbitt

WORSHIP NOTES: The festival of Pentecost celebrates the birth of the church. The Holy Spirit came upon the faithful disciples of Jesus to inspire and energize them. They told the story of what God had done for them in Jesus; they preached, they baptized, they healed, they formed communities, they invited the world to join them. The spread of the early church through-out the Mediterranean regions in the generations following Jesus astonished the world. The season following Pentecost is known in some traditions as “ordinary time,” when green signified the church’s continuing work. Discipleship is explored in all its manifesta-tions; to go by faith, not sight; to dance with joy before the presence of God; to test the limits of a sacred boundary and explore the meaning of the Sabbath. The church tells the story, preaching, baptizing, and healing in Jesus’ name. We seek to encounter the passionate flames of the Spirit of Christ where they are to be found in the world: some-times by comfortable hearths, rarely in burning bushes, often on the street around a makeshift fire. We search for the encounter wherever people gather in Jesus’ name to seek the warmth and light of a community fostering justice and love. Red is the color given the festival of Pentecost: the red of the Spirit’s flames warming, illuminating, fuel-ing the work of the church of Christ in the wide world. Imaging the Word, Vol. 3

SUN 19

9:45 10:30 11:00 12:156:00


Sunday School for All Ages Fellowship (Sanctuary) Worship Service Deacon Meeting Northside and West End Small Groups Fan Small Group

MON 20

12:00 1:00 5:30

Pastoral Staff Meeting Church Staff Meeting TCCC Committee Meeting


12:00 6:30

Brown Bag Bible Study Administrative Board Meeting

WED 22


Chili Cook-off at the McGraw Home


1:30 5:30

Food Pantry/Clothes Closet TCCC Graduation

a t T a b e r n a c l e B a p t i s t C h u r c h

This Week

Monthly Mission Project: Help us serve our community

For the month of MAY we are collecting DISPOSABLE RAZORS. All donated items will be shared at our weekly Clothes Closet and Food Pantry Ministry. If you are in-terested in helping to collect items or volunteer on Thurs-days, please contact Dick Denzler.


Recent Addions

Tara Neely Jim Soyars, recovering from surgery Tracy Hartman as she serves as a counselor at Camp Comfort this weekend. Thomas Gore, Charlotte Wright’s brother, in ICU Lu Aung for her eyesight Ram Peng and Aceu’s health Barbara Rigney We celebrate wth Art Wright in the unanimous recommendation of his ordination council. Stefan McMurray, with knee injury Joe DeShazo, friend of Jay and Tracy Hartman, who is awaiting a heart procedure Chuck Pflugrath’s friend, Homer Rudolf, with health issues

Continued Care

Eh Say, Mike Buchanan, Ken and Priscilla Kinchen, Marlene Wood, Chris Hines, Mary Anne Bryan, Michael Booth, Elizabeth Settle, Margaret Fulks, Howard Terrell, Cecil Gholston, Emma Wright, Karen Bailey, Thwen Say, Betty Blanton Oliver, Felicia Akua Agyeiwaa Mustapha, Dot Davis

MAY IS NATIONAL FOSTER CARE AWARENESS MONTH There are children/teens who need temporary homes, while their birth parents or caregivers work on handling some problems. To become a foster or resource family, contact your local public social ser-vices agency or a private non-profit foster care agen-cy or call Carol McMurray to learn what agencies you could contact in your area. Potential foster/ re-source families receive pre-service training and go through a process to learn about fostering or being a resource parent.

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