world wide treachery congo

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8/3/2019 World Wide Treachery Congo 1/10

8/3/2019 World Wide Treachery Congo 2/10


World Wide Treachery

The Democratic Republic of Congo

By Sister Sharon Roach

Prophetess & Spiritual Woman of God

8/3/2019 World Wide Treachery Congo 3/10


Copyright 2010By Sister Sharon Roach

Washington, DC

All rights reserved. This publication may be duplicated and electronicallytransmitted, posted to websites, used for personal and commercial use so longas it is presented in its entirety and not presented for sale or donation.

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Worldwide treachery is more than a

report it’s a warning to people in the

U.S. and other seemingly safe nations

of what is to come. Understandingwhat’s happening in the Congo and

other “hot spots” of the world is crucial

to your survival. Learning how the

Global Financial System (GFS) can turn

a nation upon itself and rob its

resources will hopefully help you stand

up when you begin to see these things

happen to your nation. The plight of the

Congo takes on a new meaning when it

becomes your plight as well.

Treachery in the Congo

  And another angel  came out of the

temple, crying with a loud voice to him

that sat on the  cloud, Thrust in thy

sickle, and reap: for the time is come fothee to reap; for the harvest of the earth

is ripe. Revelations 14:15 

The Congo has generations of people

who were born in conflict and war. They

are the most resilient people on earth

enduring atrococities that would end

other nations. No where on earth is the

divide and conquer tactic played out so

damagingly than in the Congo.

Divide & Conquer Tactic

  A global technique used to gain entry

and dominance in a nation or region

The global interest backs both opposing

sides within a nations issues, agitating

and bringing about war and chaos. The

global interest then steps in as the

peacemaker between the warringfactions setting rules and sometimes

establishing a puppet regime.

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The Congo is a reminder to all nations

of the earth developed or not of what

can happen when greed is allowed to

grow unchecked. It serves as a

reminder to the masses of what canhappen when they don’t stand up for 

themselves. It is the blue print of how

the global agenda can destroy a nation.

The Global Agenda for the Congo:

Take control of the Congo’s finances

through indebtedness and pave the way

for its international partners to profit off

of the nation’s natural resources.

The Democratic Republic of Congo has

been renamed 6 times; has been

robbed, conned and pillaged by over 12

different nations in various forms; is the

subject of one of the most costly UN

Peacekeeping operations in the UN’s

history; has been seized by over 4

despots; in one decade has seen 5

million of its citizens die from war and itsaftermath and is home to around 65

million people. Most importantly the

DRC is the earth’s most mineral rich

land making it the crown jewel of 

international finance. Yet it’s one of the

most impoverished nations of the world.

Much of the DRC’s problems are

generally attributed to the globaagenda. The key henchman of the

deteriorating affairs of the DRC is the

International Monetary Fund (IMF) and

its western partners.

In the DRC the global agenda is being

implemented by the IMF and World

Bank (WB) who overwhelmingly

represent western interests, such as

that of conglomerates. The DRC is a

participant of the heavily indebted poor

countries (HIPC) program created by

the IMF. In order to gain access to

DRC’s vast natural resources various

nations and congoloreates gave billions

in loans to the late Congolese despot

Mobutu and his corrupt cronies knowing

full well the money never reached its

stated purpose but was being swindledto Swiss bank accounts.

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When Mobutu left office he had palaces

around the world. When Laurent Desire

Kabila took over in 1997 the country

was left holding a bag of debt forcing it

to turn to the IMF. For further assistance

and loans to operate. Through the HIPC

program the IMF was able to reach

further down into the financial affairs of 

the DRC and exert more control and

profits for western based


The IMF has forced the DR Congo to

cut back on its much needed social

programs for its millions of sick andpoverty stricken people in order to focus

on debt repayment and financial

reforms. As of 2009 the DRC had made

more than $179 million interest

payments to the IMF on an annua


The IMF cohered DR Congo to

reconsider a $9 billion dollar contract toChina in which China would provide $9

billion worth of infrastructure work such

as roads, schools, hospitals and clinics

to the DRC in exchange for 10 million

tons of copper. The IMF threatened to

withhold needed recommendations for

debt forgiveness if DRC didn’t

renegotiate the contract with China

Instead of $9 billion worth of

infrastructure work the IMF had it

reduced to $6 billion but China still gets

10 million tones.

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The truth about foreign interest in the


Foreign nation’s interest in the DRC has

little to do with assisting the Congolese

people but more about protecting itsprivate investor’s profits.

The DRC is victim of both colonization

and modern neo-colonialism. Between

1901 and 1962 the DRC was called the

Belgian Congo which started as the

private property of the notorious tyrant

King Leopold II. Native chiefs of the

Congo were tricked into agreeing to

treaties that allowed King Leopold to

obtain a personal title to the Congo. As

a colony of the Belgian Empire it was

exploited for its natural resources that

included forced labor, murder and the

brutal mutilation of young Congolese

children. King Leopold made enormous

fortunes through the rape and sale of 

ivory and rubber while almost 10 million

people died under his devastatingregime. His exploitation finally gained

world attention paving the way for 

Congo’s independence on June 30,

1960. What happened after its

independence reads like an internationa

espionage novel.

Immediately after gaining its

independence the nation elected its own

prime minister Patrice Lumumba and

head of state Joseph Kasavubu. Foreign

nations worked behind the scenes

instigating and encouraging the Katanga

province and South Kasai to secede

from the new republic. A civil war broke

out as the seceding areas and the new

government opposed each other. The

Belgium government sent troops to help

bring order but the global agenda sent a

UN peacekeeping force to gain a footingof its own. (Remember the Divide &

Conquer Tactic) Seeing the vast wealth

the Belgium’s had made the past the

internationals were not about to miss out

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on this new opportunity to grab their 


International conglomerates and

investors swarm around the miningareas like flies because there are

fortunes to be made at all levels of the

mining industry in the Congo. There is

enough money made by foreign

investors to eliminate the countries

poverty yet miners are paid as little as

1.00 a day. Many miners are forced to

work by rebels who are in turn paid by

foreign companies. In 2004 at Kilwa

mines, Anvil Mining, a Canadian

company gave the National Congolese

  Army vehicles, food and money and its

own employees to suppress an uprising

at its mines to protect its interest. Over 

100 unarmed civilians were killed. The

Canadian company was able to literally

buy the DRC military to protect its own

interest at the expense of Congolese


The DRC Government

The DRC government is deeply

corrupted by greed, its loyalties rest no

with the people but with its own

insatiable appetite for money andpower. Every time a public official takes

a bribe they destroy thousands of lives.

Since Patrice Lumumba the DRC has

not had a truthful and just leader each

presidency has perpetrated the deeply

rooted corruption that continues to

undermine progress of the nation. From

the mining officials to the guards who

weigh minerals leaving the country to

family members of the president, the

web of corruption spreads across the

DRC government.

Many third party non-profit foreign

groups have wrote endless papers and

articles on how to solve the various

problems of the Congo but many of

these same groups existence isdependent on the continuing conflict

within the Congo. They actually benefit

from the oppression of the people of

who they receive millions of dollars to

conduct studies and provide various

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types of aid. If war and conflict were

resolved in the Congo many of these

international ngo’s and aide groups

would cease to exist. Thousands of their 

employees would be out of work. Theyhave a vested interest to sometimes

exploit crisis in the Congo.

The only ones who can save the Congo

is the people themselves particularly the

Congolese women.

Within the next twenty years the DRC

will undergo an age of reform that will

see some of the bloodiest civil wars to

be fought on its lands.

US parallels & common sense

prophecy based off of Jesus rule of

seed time and harvest.

Because the U.S. implemented corrupt

contracts on the Congolese people the 

U.S. itself will find itself the victim of 

foreign corrupt contracts.

Because the U.S. assisted in the

assassination of Congolese leader 

Patrice Lumumba, the Congo’s only

upright leader, it will experience the

assassination of one of its most

promising and rising leaders.

Because the U.S. has backed despots

like Mobutu who terrorized his people itwill feel the brunt of a tyrannical leader

in its own future.

Because the U.S. has said nothing

about the treatment of U.S. mining

companies of the Congolese people or

their contribution to corruption in that

country, the U.S. itself will see foreign

companies invade its shores, mistreat

U.S. citizens and corrupt the U.S

political system.

Because the U.S. has contributed to

conflict and war in the Congo it to wil

experience conflict and war on its

domestic shores.

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Last Words about the Congo:

The Democratic Republic of Congo is inthe midst of a great transition in whichpower and rule for this mineral richnation is up for grabs. Like crabs in abarrel foreign interest are clamoring to

gain a footing within the troubled nation.I focused on the U.S. because sinceBelgium’s dominance it has became theleading foreign power within the Congo.

When looking at the troubled history ofthe Congo the question instantly comesto mind “Will God bring peace to theCongo”? As believers we all know that

trouble don’t last always and war cannotcontinue forever.

Somewhere in the distant future astrong leader will rise up in the Congoand rid the nation of the foreign leechesthat are sucking it dry and remove theinfectious rebel groups that terrorize thepeople. Through firmness and swift

  justice this leader will bring an era of

peace and stability to the war tornnation.

The Congo serves as a warning andexample of what can happen whenforeign interest is allowed to prevail. Ilook down the road into the future ofAmerica and I see some of the samethings happening to her. In fact, I see

the beginnings of these things today.

Presently the U.S. political system isfueled and funded by corporate interestbut this will change as foreign interesttakes over. Politicians will soon bebacked by Asian interest and the lawsthey make and enforce will be beneficial

and lenient towards Asian entities. Thisis coming!

Look at the poor miners of the Congowho have no rights, barely make a livingand work in the worst of conditions forforeign companies. American workers

will one day face the same plight as theytoo loose their unions and rights, receivelow wages and because of economichardship will be forced to work in theworst of conditions.

Ancient Babylon was once a powerfuempire whose influence, wealth andculture extended across many lands but

today it is a empty desert. The oncegrand buildings, gardens, temples andits famous world markets are nothingmore than dust and bits of stone today.If you think it’s farfetched to comparethe future of the U.S. and otheradvanced nations of our world to theCongo remember Babylon.

Jesus told his disciples that one day the

temple would be destroyed nothing leftbut a few stones and they didn’t believehim. Today, the Jews cry at the wailingwall the only stones left of the temple.

Sister Sharon Roach is amodern prophetess andspiritual woman of God

She is considered anexpert at global prophecyand a pioneer of truthbased prophecy.

You can read more of heprophecy works a  

For speaking engagements please

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