world war ii test review answers. 1. why were japanese americans held in internment camps during...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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World War II Test ReviewAnswers

1. Why were Japanese Americans Held in

internment camps during WWII?

• Americans thought that they would be a threat to US security.

2. What was the Manhattan Project?

• The project where the atomic bomb was created by America.

3. Why did the German forces seem unstoppable

in WWII?

• They used threats and intimidation.

• They had a large military with large arsenal of tanks.

• German soldiers believed in Hitler and would fight to the death for him.

4. What does “arsenal of democracy” mean?

• The United States received this nickname due to their supplying European Nations weapons (arsenal) in support of furthering Democracy.

5. Who was the Dictator of Italy during WWII?

• Benito Mussolini

6. What was women’s role during WWII?

• Women worked jobs that needed to be filled due to men being off at war.

7. Where did the invasion of Europe take place?

• Battle of Normandy

8. Where did nuclear tests on atomic bombs take


• New Mexico

9. What did the trials in Nuremberg and Tokyo


• Actions taken by individuals during the war would have consequences. People would be held accountable.

10. What happened on December 7, 1941?

• Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan.

11. What was island hopping?

• The US strategy implemented to defeat the Japanese.

12. What does isolationism mean?

• The US policy on staying out of foreign affairs of other countries.

13. What is a two front war?

• When a country is fighting a war in two locations.

• During WWII the US was fighting in Europe (starting in Normandy) and against the Japanese.

14. Why was the rationing of consumer goods during

WWII important?

• So that the US could produce more war materials.

15. Where in Europe did most of the military

dictatorships take place?

• Italy and Germany

16. What was the case of Korematsu vs. United


• That removing Japanese in America was necessary due to the National Emergency.

17. What was the significance of the Battle

of Midway?

• Japan lost and this ended their supremacy in the Pacific.

18. What were the Holocaust and the

Nuremberg War Crime Trials?

• The Holocaust was Hitler's attempt to exterminate the Jews.

• The War Crimes Trial was an attempt to hold those accountable who were responsible for the Holocaust.

19. What did military production during the war


• JOBS!!

• Especially for women!

20. Why did the US suffer minimal physical damage in both WWI and WWII?

• Where the US was located (not in Europe) kept us safe.

21. What were the Neutrality Acts of 1935 –

1937 designed to do?

• Attempted to keep the US out of WWII.

22. What did people believe nuclear weapons

would lead to?

• To the destruction of the world!

23. What was the primary goal of the Yalta

Conference in 1945?

• Leaders wanted to discuss the fate of Germany post war.

24. What affected German forces traveling across the

Soviet Union during WWII?

• Russia’s climate led to extremely harsh winters.

25. How did the US change the foreign policy

from 1939 to 1941?

• We would no longer stay neutral – we would go and support our Allies.

26. Why were nuclear test sites chosen in states such as New Mexico, Arizona,


• There were not as many people in these states.

27. What was V-E Day?

• Victory in Europe Day

28. Where was the first atomic bomb dropped in


• Hiroshima

29. Where was the second atomic bomb dropped in


• Nagasaki

30. Why do you think Hitler committed suicide?

• To stay in control – even in his own death?

• To avoid harsh punishment?

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