world war i begins world war i begins what are the causes of wwi?

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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World War I BeginsWorld War I BeginsWhat are the causes of WWI?

The Brink of War in Europe

1. Nationalism - Serbia & Austria-Hungary compete for the Balkans

2. Imperialism – Nations trying to expand their empires

3. Militarism – Countries building large army & navy in case of war

4. Alliance System – Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy) & Triple Entente (France, Russia, Britain)

A Shot Heard Round The World• A-H annexes Bosnia. Serbia vows to take Bosnia away from

A-H (Russia backs Serbs), A-H threatens to crush Serbs• June 28th, 1914: While visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia Archduke

Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia are assassinated

•Killed by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a Serbian group Black Hand

•A-H wants to punish Serbia, present list of demands to Serbs

•Serbs won’t agree to all terms, A-H declares war

•Serbia’s ally Russia orders their troops to the Austrian border

Schlieffen Plan Schlieffen Plan • A-H ally Germany feels threatened by Russia• Germany develops Schlieffen Plan avoid fighting war on two fronts• 1) Attack and defeat France first on the western front • 2) Attack Russia later on the eastern front• Germany invades neutral Belgium & to get to France

British enter war due to German aggression

World at War•Triple Alliance becomes Central Powers (Germany, A-H & Ottoman Empire) vs. Tr Entente is Allied Powers (Britain, France, Russia, Serbia)

•Germany, Britain & France dig series of trenches on Western Front

•New weapons like the machine gun makes fighting on the western front very immobile, with large losses of life on both sides (pg 376)

Bloody Stalemates

• Countries must convince young men to join the “glorious war”

Clip: How does the teacher convince students to join?• Huge loss of life in Trench Warfare, esp. in No Man’s Land• New weapons technology allow little gains

Eastern Front•Russia & A-H fighting to a draw in early part of war

•Russia’s slow industrialization causes shortages of weapons & supplies. Becomes the “frozen front”

Clip: Describe fighting “above the trenches”

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