workshop on crime and punishment

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Universidad Externado de Colombia



State the main causes of crime in Colombia, analyse its effect on society, and provide alternative solutions to reduce the countrys crime rate.SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES

To distinguish between different degrees of obligation and need while reading a text about crime cases.

To analyse a variety of crime cases and suggest alternative punishments based on conventional morality, as well as alternative solutions to reduce our countrys crime rate. To identify different speakers opinions regarding crimes.

To write a composition identifying the main causes of crime in Colombia and its effect on society by providing factual information and solid reasons to support arguments.

What do we know about crime and delinquency?

1. Match the words in the second column with the correct picture.


bank robbery


b.vehicle theft

murder/ killingi.


a thief/ a robber


d. smuggling


e.prisoner/ imprisonment



f. shoplifting

burglary/ break into


g. pick pocketingblackmail

n. 14.

2. Now work in pairs.

Tick ( () the right crime-related definitions and cross out ( ( ) the wrong ones.


a. To steal is to take something that belongs to someone, without permission.

b. To murder is to deprive someone from freedom.

c. To deal in drugs is to buy and sell illegal drugs like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, etc.

d. To torture is an illegal act that consists of hurting someone in order to force them to tell you secret information.

e. To kidnap is to take someone elses life/ to kill someone deliberately and illegally.

f. To smuggle is an illegal action consisting of bringing something illegally from one country to another.

2. Underline the word that best finishes the following crime-related concepts.

a. Stealing something from peoples pockets is to rob / to pickpocket. b. While people or places may be robbed/ stolen, valuable things or belongings may be stolen/ robbed.

c. Taking something from a shop without paying for it is to steal / to shoplift. d. Forgery consists of making fraudulent /legal reproductions of documents, signatures, bank notes, clothing, CDs, etc.e. Arson refers to the crime of deliberately setting fire to a place or building, usually to claim the insurance policy/ a ransom.

4. Look these crime-related words up in the dictionary.

a. Blackmail: __________________________________________________________b. Kidnapping: ________________________________________________________c. Ransom: ___________________________________________________________d. Sentence: __________________________________________________________

Before reading

1. Complete the table below by grouping the words under the headings CRIME, CRIMINAL, and VERB. Crime refers to the illegal activity, CRIMINAL refers to the person who commits the crime, and VERB makes reference to the illegal action itself.


1. Forgery________________ ________________________ _______________________

2. ______________________ Burglar__________________ _______________________

3. ______________________ ________________________ To steal_________________

4. Torture________________ ________________________ _______________________

5. ______________________ Thief / Robber ___________ _______________________

6. ______________________ ________________________ To set fire to ____________

7. Rape_________________ ________________________ _______________________

8. ______________________ Smuggler________________ _______________________

9. ______________________ ________________________ To shoplift_______________

10. Murder________________ ________________________ _______________________

11. ______________________ Kidnapper________________ _______________________

12. _____________________ ________________________ To deal in drugs _________

13. Blackmail ________________________ _______________________

14. ______________________ ________________________ To Kill__________________





















(Vertical: ___________________________________________________________________________

(Horizontal: _________________________________________________________________________


3. Complete the following sentences by selecting the correct term from the words you have just learnt. The first letter of the word has been written down.

a. If violent films make part of a childs cultural diet, then it will have some effect on the childs behaviour. It should be illegal to allow children to watch violent videos plenty of scenes of sadistic murder or k________________ and slow t__________________.

b. Policemen dont help improve security. They make part of this corrupt world since they show no interest in following minor crimes up such as b_________________, v_________________ and p___________________.

c. Figures on youth crime are increasing day after day. Crimes such as s_____________, m_________________, and r_______________ are committed by young people or teenagers who should be in school instead of taking part in illegal actions.

d. T________________ has increased alarmingly during the last decade. Still many people are worried about the amazing lack of prevention against terrorist attacks like the bombings in London, Madrid, and New York.

e. Fraudulent imitations are a pretty common issue in our developing countries. F_____________ has produced not only forged documents, but also counterfeited coins and bank notes throughout history.

f. Due to the increasing rate of crime all over the world, justice systems should p___________ criminals more severely by sentencing them to l___________ i____________________, rather than to house a_______________ or just few years in prison.

g. Many people think that c____________ is getting worse due to factors such as poverty, unemployment, displacement, and parents lack of interest in teaching their children values and virtues.

h. Partners in crime or a______________________ should be given the same punishment that perpetrators.

i. Some people think that it is absolutely necessary for the justice policies to include the capital punishment (electric chair and lethal injection), mutilation, or torture to punish criminals such as murderers, rapists, and kidnappers all over the world. However, many consider protecting the right to life against d_________ p__________ since no one has the right to decide on someone elses right to live.


Read these four crime cases carefully. Answer the questions that follow by circling the correct option.


This is the case of a public library in a small town near Colchester. Despite all the security measures that the library director had established a gang of adolescents was able to break into the building and damage most of the electronic equipment at the front desk. They also ripped pages out of expensive books and pulled other books from the shelves. Fortunately the police was able to catch the thieves as they were leaving the library through a window.

A rough young boy has stolen an expensive vehicle. He may drive the stolen vehicle to another county. He also might look for a garage and plan to take the car apart and sell it for parts. This case serves to warn car owners. They must have car insurance to protect their vehicles against vehicle theft.

Nowadays, most enterprises or companies have to establish security measures to protect both their staff and customers. Among security measures we can mention window and door deadbolts, timers, alarms, decals, etc. which are used to prevent buildings from burglary and shoplifting. Naturally, it does not mean thieves do not try to achieve their criminal targets as we can read in the following case: a couple of sixteen -year-old boys broke into a supermarket after it had closed. They stole $460,000 from the cash registers and tried to get into the safe. The two thieves couldnt escape. They were caught as they left the building.

Mark is a naughty teenager who likes teasing his parents. His behaviour is so appalling that he is driving his parents crazy. He also likes playing with fire. Although his parents have told him he mustnt play with matches he ignores them. One day Mark was playing with matches and set fire to his family flat. The apartment was so badly damaged that the family had to move out. People think Mark's parents should discipline and punish him more rigorously.


1. With what topic is the text on crime cases mainly concerned?

a. Current illegal activities such as arson, vehicle theft, rape and drug trafficking.

b. Current crimes such as arson, forgery, burglary, and smuggling.

c. Current crimes such as arson, vehicle theft, burglary, and vandalism.

d. Current crimes such as arson, vehicle theft, burglary and terrorism.

2. In paragraph 1 the word " teenaged gangs" means:

a. a crowd of young people running away from thieves.

b. a bunch of young criminals who commit felonies.

c. a band of middle aged thieves who commit minor crimes.

d. a group of juvenile criminals who commit minor crimes.

3. In paragraph 2 the words "may" and "might" indicate: a. strong impersonal obligation based on the law.

b. strong impersonal obligation based on our own authority.

c. real possibility in the future.

d. probability in the future.

4. In paragraph 3 the words "have to" and "can" indicate:

a. strong impersonal obligation based on the law and ability to do something.

b. strong personal obligation based on our own authority and ability to do something.

c. a piece of advice and a suggestion.

d. none of them.

5. In paragraph 3 the word " deadbolt" means:

a. a door bell

b. a door lock

c. a door mat

d. a revolving door

6. In paragraph 4 the words "mustn't" and "should" express:

a. a piece of advice and a strong obligation.

b. a need to do something and a suggestion.

c. a need of not doing something and a piece of advice.

d. a strong personal obligation and a strong impersonal obligation.

7. The ending "It is true that many of these young boys come from broken homes and are addicted to drugs so what they need is education and support to help them choosing something besides crime as a way of life." Can be added to:

a. paragraph one

b. paragraph two

c. paragraph three

d. paragraph four

Grammar in context

Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct alternative.

1. The only way to stop crime is by _________________ offenders.

a. lock up

b. locking up

c. to lock up

2. It is pretty difficult _________________ an individual after s/he has begun a life of crime.

a. Reforming

b. reform

c. to reform

3. I'm glad __________________ that the government is getting serious about __________________ our neighbourhood crime problem.

a. to hear / solving

b. to hear/ to solve

c. hearing / to solve

4. I'm looking forward to ______________ from the Justice System that young criminals are going to be sent to rehabilitation camps. I'm prepared _____________ leadership in this alternative programme.

a. hearing / providing

b. hear / provide

c. hearing / to provide

5. I'm entirely against _____________ criminals compassionately; no matter how old they are they must be severely punished.

a. deal with

b. to deal with

c. dealing with

Lets play grab bag!

( To play the game grab bag, sit in a circle.

( Your teacher will bring a large bag containing several small objects which are to be picked out, unwrapped, named, and finally described in terms of their function (especially for people who may be outside the law). ( All the objects may be chosen once, but they can be stolen twice. If the student likes the object s/he may be a little bit reluctant to fully describe its usefulness. On the contrary, if the student does not like the object, s/he must try really hard to persuade his/her classmates to steal it (or rob him/her). ( The first student in the circle chooses an article. Then, s/he must quickly unwrap it and describe its functionality. (Then, the second student is given the chance to either pick an object out of the bag or steal his/her classmates. The student that is robbed must be given a second chance to choose another article from the bag and follow the procedure described above. ( Continue repeating the procedure until all students have chosen an article and described it as fully as possible so as to persuade others to steal it. Praise your students for their effort!Use of language

Complete the following excerpt using the word in CAPITALS at the end of each line to form a word that best fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

It is widely believed that in underdeveloped countries, the lack of educational and working opportunities may result in (0) ____________ and lack of hope for the future, which makes people turn to crime as a way of (1) ______________ a living.

Among other generators of this problem, researchers have (2) ________________ family difficulties and dysfunction, early school failure-dropping out, psychological anomalies, violent films, and comics, as well as early risk (3) _________________ .

More important of all, people who have had a neglected (4) ______________ may become trouble makers or low-self esteem individuals who only try to attract someones attention as a means of getting some affection. Thus, disregarding this (5) ____________ increased issue may lead depressive and anxious people to commit minor and even major crimes.

Consequently, to prevent people from (6) ________________ crimes it is crucial for the family unit, as the core of society, to take immediate action in terms of (7) _________________ their children values and virtues that should contribute to bring up good citizens.

(0) POOR

(1) MAKE


(3) TAKE





Pre- Listening

1. Guess the following concepts by using the clues given and writing the missing vowels.

a. A person who has seen or is able to give evidence of a particular event. A w __ t n __ s s

b. Someone who assaults or causes violence to another individual with or without weapons. An __ t t __ c k __ r

c. To perform a crime or unlawful acts.

To c __ m m _ t

d. A member of the police force concerned with maintenance of law and order. A p__ l__ c__ __ f f i c __ r

(two words)

e. Videos that are marked by intensive physical force, which are not suitable for young children. v __ __ l__ n t f __ l m s

(two words)

f. Young people that commit crimes are also called...

j __ v __ n __ l __

c r__ m __ n__ l s

(two words)

g. Good citizens have the obligation to report illicit acts or

w r __ n g d __ __ n g

h. It occurs when people look for a job and can not find one.

__ n __ m p l __ y m __ n t

i. Scruffy hair, pail complexion, curly hair in braids, long red nose, thin face, and average height are all aspects that refer to p h y s _ c__ l

__ p p__ __ r __ n c __

(two words)

j. An official plan of action involving particular objectives, procedures and measures is known as g__v__rnm__nt


(two words)

While- listening

You will listen to someone giving a description of a criminal to the police officer. As you listen decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1. The witness said that the attacker was a middle-aged woman of an average height. ( )


2. The attacker looked a bit tallish and skinny. ( )


3. The attacker had a pale complexion, hazel eyes and dirty hair. ( )


4. The attacker had a thin face, thick lips and eyebrows, and short wavy hair.

( )


5. The attacker wore moustache and glasses, and had a freckled face. ( )


6. The witness was in her late fifties. ( )


7. Draw the attacker as you listen to the police officer's report.

While- listening

You will listen to five citizens giving their opinions about crime. As you listen, write the expressions that the speakers use to introduce their opinions and then, answer the following questions by circling your option. 1. ___________________________________

The police officer thinks thata. people see too many violent films.

b. people watch too much violence and crime on television.

c. people enjoy and learn from what they see on television.

d. mass media teaches people too much violence and crime.2. ______________________________________

The head teacher considers that

a. the government policy for ignoring crime.

b. the government policy for ignoring small crimes.

c. the police lack of interest in following crimes up.

d. the police interest in small crimes such as burglary and pick pocketing.

3. ______________________________________

The politician blames

a. crime these days is getting worse

b. most crimes are committed by juvenile criminals who seem to ignore what's right and wrong

c. most crimes are committed by teenagers who should be in school

d. all the above

4. ______________________________________

The parents condemn

a. the rate of employment.

b. the lack of education leads people to crime.

c. the lack of employment, hope and money that make people turn to crime.

5. _____________________________________

The priest finds fault with

a. parents' interest in teaching their children the difference between right and wrong.

b. parents' lack of interest in learning the difference between right and wrong. c. parents' lack of interest in teaching their children what wrong doing is about. d. parents' interest in learning the difference between right and wrong.

After listening

1. Decide on the possible punishment as a means to prevent people from committing crimes.

Study this example:

You may need to use these expressions:

As far as I am concerned,

Personally I believe that

From my point of view, As I see it,

Before Speaking

Work in pairs. Choose two of the crimes below and judge them on the basis of conventional morality. a. An elderly couple was accused of drug trafficking (they were secretly trading or dealing in drugs such as cocaine and heroin).

b. An evil middle-aged man was found guilty of rape (sexual violation).

c. A chain of stores is on trial for Liquor law violation (selling alcohol to kids who are under the legal drinking age).

d. Odd lands president has been convicted of weapons law violations (illegally carrying or using guns, revolvers, automatic rifles, rockets, etc.)

e. An undergraduate university student was charged with defamation (spoken slander).

f. A schoolteacher was charged with sexual harassment (molesting somebody by causing trouble on repeated occasions)

g. The chief executive was found guilty of extortion (to obtain money by forceful methods).

h. A gang of masked murderers is on trial for terrorism (kidnapping, killing, bombarding and hijacking)


2. Get into groups of three. Then, discuss the two substitutions below. Give advice or make suggestions in order to solve each case. Provide reasons and examples to support your alternative solution. You may need to use the following expressions:

Mark Ashley, a thin middle aged man with a scruffy appearance was found guilty of rape. Last December he raped two young girls in Bradford. He pleaded innocent because of his neglected childhood. He said his father had also raped him. The court sentenced him to 20 years in prison.

A gang of drug addicted teenagers was caught by the police last night. Surprisingly, the police realised that one of the boys in the group was the Prime Minister's nephew. They called the Prime Minister immediately and agreed to handle this embarrassing situation in a rather tactful and discrete way. The boys were given a set of talks on social behaviour as punishment.


3. Now work in groups of four. Hold a debate in which you argue the viability of the Colombian Judicial System to impose the capital punishment (death penalty) as a means to make people think twice before committing major crimes or atrocities. Support your argument with statistical evidence and solid reasons.

You may need to use the following expressions:

( Regarding our moral principles, the government justice shouldnt (Based on our National Constitution, the Judicial Systems cannot

(Taking into account other nations experiences, our country must / mustnt...

(Considering the Universal Statements on Human Rights, we Colombians shouldnt


Write a composition expressing your opinion about the main causes of crime in Colombia as well as its effect on society by providing factual/ statistical information and solid reasons to support your arguments. Use specific vocabulary and some of the expressions given below.

I strongly believe that...

As far as I am concerned...

From my point of view...

The main causes of crime

The essential reason of delinquency

The primary effect of crime on ...

The crucial effect of crime on...

To give an example

For instance,

To illustrate this point,

In a word, To summarise, In general,See writing hints in the first unit.

Pop Quiz

Inside the circles below, write the verb that satisfies the usage given in front of them. Then, on the line provided, write an example using each of the modals.

We use it to give advice or to make suggestions.

Example: ______________________________________________________________

These verbs are used to express possibility or probability. The first one also expresses permission.

Example: ______________________________________________________________

It indicates the ability to do something.

Example: ______________________________________________________________

We use this verb to express a strong obligation. As the obligation is based on our own opinion or authority, it is personal. It also indicates the need to do something or what we think is the correct or necessary thing to do.

Example: ______________________________________________________________

It expresses a strong obligation. As the obligation is based on laws, regulations, rules, timetables or schedules, it is impersonal.

Example: _____________________________________________________________

It means that there is no obligation to do something,

Example: _____________________________________________________________

It is a rather British expression used to make suggestions or as a slightly old-fashioned modal verb indicating future (will) when the subject is I or we.

Examples: _____________________________________________________________


Lets test ourselves by playing this board game with a dice. Roll the die and do what is asked in each box by using modal verbs correctly. If you fail to do the task, you must start again. The winner must get to the box marked finished.

14. Tell your classmates about a possible application for an internship in a multinational firm. 13. Recommend your fellows not to drink and drive because it is dangerous. 12. You are a loving parent. Tell your kids to devote more time to their studies. 11. Invite your friends to go for a walk. 10. Ask your teacher to repeat the last sentence, politely. 9. Invite your girlfriend / boyfriend to have dinner at a quite formal restaurant. 8. Tell your colleague the main requirement to go to the United States.

15. Say you are able to speak five languages fluently. 7. Tell your classmates about a possible trip to Canada.

16. Ask your boss for permission to have a day off. 6. Ask someone not to smoke in the office, politely.

17. Your grandfather is recovering from a surgery. Tell him to stay in bed. 1. Ask your partner for a big favour, politely. 2. Tell your little brother/ sister not to play with fire. 3. Ask your mother for permission to stay out late. 4. Advise your best friend what to do to stop drinking so heavily. 5. Tell your teacher you were not able to do your homework because of lack of time.

18. Tell your grandmother there is no need to work.

19. You are a primary school teacher. Tell your pupils not to walk on the grass.20. Advice your classmates what to do to improve their speaking abilities. 21. Ask the university porter to open classroom 304 in block C. 22. Tell your best friend there is no need to take/ sit the exam today. 23. Ask the shop assistant to show you some picturesque postcards. 24. Ask your teacher for your English grades, politely.


Learning strategy: using imagery to activate prior /background knowledge

Stating a point of view


First supporting idea _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Example(s) of evidence


Second supporting idea


Example(s) of evidence _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




to torturerobberyarsonistrapistsmuggling

to set fire to shoplifter smugglerrapemurderer


kidnapping forgeryblackmail burglarymurder


tortureto stealtorturerkillerto deal in drugs

drug traffickingto killdrug dealerkidnapblackmailer

to rob

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Learning strategy: analysing and judging crimes on the basis of conventional morality.

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Learning strategy: identifying right and wrong definitions

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Learning strategy: word formation/ word transformation

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Learning strategy: elaborating on prior knowledge

I would recommend ______ to

I think it is absolutely necessary to


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Ha ha, Without paying!!

Learning strategy: analysing and judging crimes on the basis of conventional morality

Stating a point of view

Supporting a point of view



Learning strategy: analysing the feasibility of a given situation working cooperatively.

Learning strategy: using a rule to give examples

Learning strategy: establishing cause-effect relationships

Learning strategy: defining words by using the dictionary

Learning strategy: classifying words under grammatical categories

Learning strategy: problem- solving by working cooperatively.

Learning strategy: identifying true and false statements.

Learning strategy: identifying specific or detailed information.

Learning strategy: using a rule to complete statements

Learning strategy: identifying specific information.

Learning strategy: identifying detailed information.



2. Work with a partner to find 37 crime-related words in the word square/ word search that follows. They are written in both directions: horizontal and vertical.

Learning strategy: clarifying new concepts by using the context.

Example: A gang of young adolescents has been accused of Vandalism (destroying property).

Judging: As far as I am concerned, this gang of adolescents that have been accused of vandalism shouldnt miss jail. They should be sentenced to at least 2 years in prison. That will make them right!

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Ha, ha, ha, without paying!

Learning strategy: using prior knowledge to finish concepts

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Learning strategy: persuading others by means of describing the usefulness of an object/tool

PAGE 57English for General Purposes: Level IV Astrid Nez Pardo


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