workshop 4: styling photo shoots like a pro - courtney of french country cottage and jickie torres

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Styling Photos for PrintHow to style and photograph rooms and

products for magazine exposure

Vertical vs Horizontal

Photography specs

Height of camera

Crisp, clear and in focus

D.O.F. rule

Blog vs PrintWhat makes a photo good?

f 4

f 1.4

What do magazine editors look for?

Photos that have that certain something special.Photos that tell a story.That have a lived in look, a personality and that have ‘movement’ in the photo.Something that draws a reader in. That makes you stop scrolling on Instagram for example- or not turn the page until your eye captures all the little details.Something that has not appeared on your instagram, your blog or in another magazine Real estate style vs editorial style

Working with brands Bringing

‘product’ to life in a photo

Think of a styling a product like you would anything for

sharing on your blog or print.

The best stylings are the ones where the featured product- a rug, a table, place settings, in seamlessly with your


Imagine you walked in and took a snapshot of a ‘moment’

and that moment includes the ‘sponsored’ item.

Sponsored content whether on your blog or in print should

feel integrated into the space.

Top 10 photo styling tips/tricks

Add something fresh/natural to the room—food, flowers. Almost every styling could benefit from something fresh.

Tricks up your sleeve-tools of the trade: Batting to make pillows look fluffier, duct tape to hide

chords or straighten seams, clamps and clips to work with finicky

fabric.Coffee and wine for filling cups and glasses.

Pastries, cakes, etc to for real life.

Sometimes things have to look weird in real life for it to look perfect on camera.

(tilted lampshades, tables and chairs too close or too far from each other.)

The point is that spatial relationships are not always what they seem and don’t make sense in ‘real life’


Look for places to contrast to add interest to the photo. This is where you bring in elements to a location strictly to

editorialize it.

When photographing something for a brand-

think about ways to show items you are featuring in a ‘real life setting’

while showing the product.It shows the item in a setting rather

than in a studio or staged room.

Make it a little imperfect!

This sets the photo apart

from the everyday and the perfectly


Make it a little bit more real.

Edit out the distractions. Even the full, maximal look needs strategic


Don’t just capture rooms, capture spaces. A home and the designs are often as much about the interaction

of spaces and transitions as it they are about just the room design

you see right away. Think of new ways to capture and show spaces.

A styling should never ever distract from the design of a room,

setting, vignette or product you are featuring.It should merely underscore it & compliment it.

Do something unexpected.

Photos prompt an emotional reaction. Every single part of a frame will add to the takeaway.

From background lighting, to composition to how much or how little you show.

Crop the shots to mimic/enhance the feel of the room and show details.

Key TakeawaysMake sure to pay attention to your camera settings for possible print features

Style a piece to fit in seamlessly with your room.

Don’t overlook something unexpected in a styling- it grabs attention.

Imperfections in photos of a room and different angles can all make a difference.

Every styling can benefit from fresh food and flowers.

The best photos tell a story, share a glimpse of a moment and create interest.

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