work of anthropology

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Autochthonous Magotes Study of the State of Alagoas Brazil


Work of Anthropology

Work requested by Prof. half. Gerson Alves Junior conclusion to the 4 th period of Anthropology

Pedro Leal

Autochthonous Magotes Study of the State of Alagoas                                           Tribo Xucuru kariri village of Mata Cafurna Palmeira of Indigenous                       Alagoas


Image and stereotype

The image of beautiful pure or isolated Indians, still seen as representatives of a pre-Columbian population untouchable, and the "grotesque" acculturated, mixed, integrated, resurged, counter it with. In the popular imagination, such changes do not appear as part of a devastating scenario or processor of indigenous peoples and individuals and their traditions. Generally, the lack of vision and understanding of these processes (over 500 years) makes the Indians in a collective search for idealized image: that of "natural", the "naked Indian" and "pure" living in the jungles . Images such that, iconicamente, inculcates in the population, often propagated by the media, causing the Indian resurged look like that "is not more Indian" and do see it as a generation of remaining scattered among the popular masses as Indians seeking to resolve their problems of survival. Second, search in Indian isolated, the Amazon, the figure of the Indian wild, pure, natural, "not miscigenaed." Web Search: = 2.html

IDEOLOGIA   The ideology is a historical and social phenomenon arising from the mode of economic production. Max claims that human consciousness is always social and historical, that is determined by the specific conditions of our existence. That does not mean, however, that our ideas represent the reality as it is in itself. If it were, it would be incomprehensible to humans, knowing the causes of exploitation, domination, poverty and injustice did nothing to them. Our ideas, historically determined, have the peculiarity of birth from our direct social experience. The mark of social experience is to offer itself as an explanation of the appearance of things as if it were the essence of his things. Marilena Chauí

acculturation or interpenetration of cultures The Indians in question meet regional cultural elements linked to culture Northeast, or a number of elements transmitted in the process of colonization with cultural and religious customs assimilated syncretism aspects of indigenous, European and African. They have developed and adapted forms of survival with the difficulties of the semi-arid. The Indians try to redeem the roots lost, after years and generations on the field in the western world. This is still a people in need of recognition of their ancestry and the land right to live and cultured their rites and customs.   Difficult task in a place so affected by civilization, where these groups and their ancestors were characteraed by acculturation and racial groups with afros and Europe. Several branches from the various nations that inhabited these lands Amerindians and other groups that still maintain relative degree of kinship and unity among these tribes materials even taking different origins, such as Pancararus; Kariri-Xocó; Choco and Wassu - Cocal. The relatives gather for sacred ritual called Ouricuri in defenses of Peace, Health and unity among peoples of the world and the continuity of natural marriages. The Ouricuri and its secrets are passed on a hereditary, which can only happen on land with indigenous sacred site guaranteed. The Indian men, women and children sing and dance the Toré outdoors on the night of the full moon with maracás, whistles, flutes and drink a wine made from Jurema sacred plant and also Jurubeba and Jatobá, they also used for medical purposes health of the tribe. Search Auá spot by the team.

Amauê auá araxá abaetetuba abaré. "Save Indian man, high place where you first of the Sun,

place full of people good friend of man."

Ethnocentrism The process of extinction and expropriation of indigenous villages is a practice as colonial. Until 1759, with the factorials then with the Jesuit colleges and villages. Since then, with system of "secular Director" (directors to replace the Jesuits) to "civilize" the Indian. "Done" the civilizing process, ie not speak their language and more, due to ethnic mix, adoptive Portuguese and how to live by the colonizers, losses cultural, religious practices syncretism, so physical traits., The indigenous lands were given by decree and considered extinct by empty, that is, returned to the authorities of the time, they gave various uses, while the indigenous population was at the mercy of their own fate. Siloe Soares de Amorim: Reintegración of the identity of the ethnic group Xucuru-Kariri, thesis for graduation, National School of Anthropology - ENHA, Mexico, DF, xico, DF, 1996:101.

About customs and habits are few people still preserved under the conditions in which they live today, a place of difficult access to several limitations and scarce land for agricultural production, thereby making it essential the presence of the white man and the intervention of western technologies, as I quote the example: Electricity; motor transport and supply of basic genres, because what is produced in this restricted the Villages: Cassava, Yams, grains, Fruit of the stations, and a few other remnants of the original culture, the production of medicinal herbs and wine that is used in rituals of Ouricuri.

The Xukuru Kariri speak Portuguese-style of rural populations in the northeast. They argue, however, keep a few words "in language", namely their ancestral language, they use the Ouricuri. There is no record of these terms, given the lack of linguistic studies. The people ressurgided, being away from their offspring (in time and in relations intergrup) need to redeem the land and practicing their rituals, but resumed relations from the resurgence, the increasingly closer cultural and traditional ties of these people who , Little by little, reconstruct their cultural universe.

Below follows clothing some of which are used in rituals by Indians Xucuru Kariri. The crafts shows produced by them to help the tribe in its maintenance and survival of their offspring.


Name: Indian Warrior Iassuri = Culture: Primary education. Learned to Read and Write in the school publishes. Cassado: It has been four children, three girls and one boy. Names of children: Jaminaua = Purity Jaranaua = India warrior Jaranaua = Peace Iassuri = Indian Warrior Hierarchy: State of the Village Council. Activity: Production of Artifacts and Outfit characteristic to his people. Purpose: Would the Equality between men to reign peace and its people can live without fear of the civilized world that still brings problems to his people. Problems: The proximity of urban centers' target of discrimination and harassment and invasion of their reservations with many non-peaceful eg illegal extraction of timber; decrease their crops; burglary; robbery, sexual violence and killings native women. What more sad to leave the Indians? Farmers and poseur's or that invade their land and kill Indians. People of the city does not accept the Indians. Do not master the native language. About the rituals? The rituals are done in a holy place called Ouricuri to make each of Lua. What is done in the rituals? The rituals are secret, we can not disclose what is done. What is at the ritual? We Peace to the world.

I want to highlight the fact that the projects are important but the recognition and demarcation of the land, as well as support indigenous communities in the state of Alagoas and Brazil.

It emphasized that recognition and support must be valued these communities also adapting to social context of civilized dominant groups, through education but not this part, but if total quota as possible until it was given to descendants Afros. Because the grant programmers are promoting inequality in urban centers which also requires special attention to groups pseúde’s civilized with education and health care. These are complaints by indigenous groups who are persecuted and maltreated by the envy of non-Amerindians, not black and can seem not Brazilian explants' nomads, who are permanently excluded from any possibility of development and continuity of their descendants, who like the Indians, the blacks were exploited by the owners of the world. What's portrait of generations, despite the fact that slavery finished the generations and generations are still working only for food and a place that does not belong to these people. It's already known fact that land reform is not a phenomenon of today and that has dragged for decades and centuries because they do not say, in our Brazil. To this we must also not only promote the recognition and support of the government to these indigenous communities, but these groups to ensure self sufficiency giving conditions. Why now are the margin of society, they can also participate and contribute to the evolutionary process through the country not only of programs that guarantee their existence but mainly education and land bringing the right to equality among peoples of Brazil. And who knows as well as in Bolivia today, the representative of the nation is also descending from Tupi Guarani Indians of South America, could one day be head of this nation Brazilian mix of all the peoples of the planet, a legitimate child of the earth in command more that the law of Brazil still first of all most of these people that despite everything that has already been submitted by our colonizers still tirelessly meet to ask for all the peoples of the Earth Peace, which reign Union Peace and among all peoples and existing breeds. For example m us is more of superiority and Love and Friendship and the constant search for unity of all peoples and harmony with Mother Earth.

Pedro Leal

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