words for production affect [ 1`fekt ] vt. to cause result or change in; to have an effect on 影響...

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Words for Production

affect [] vt. to cause result or change in; to have an effect on 影響

My father gave up smoking a fewyears ago, because it affected hishealth.


affect = have an effect on = have an influence on

Words for Production

2.expert [] n. [C] a person who knows a lot about a subject or is very skilled at doingsomething 專家

She is an expert at teaching smallchildren. Kids love to be around her.


expert [ adj. 擅長的

Alice is expert at making delicious apple pies.

Words for Production

choose [] vt. to pick out(something) from a great number; todecide to do (something) 選擇

You have to choose between giving up your part-time job andcontinuing your education.



part –time 兼職的full – time 全職的

choice [ n. 選擇

I was short of money, so I had no choice to go back home.

be short of 缺乏

Words for Production

4. subconsciously ] adv. due to, related to, or based on the part of the mind that is not fully known to a person but influences the person’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior 潛意識地,下意識地 The man wore the same type of shirt to work for years and didn’t even know why he did that. A doctor told him it was because he subconsciously hated changes.


subconscious [ adj.潛意識的,下意識的 Some experts believe that teenage smoking results from the subconscious need for love and friendship.

Words for Production

5.desire ] n. [C][U] (a) Strong wish 渴望,慾望

I have no desire to ever see himagain.


desire vt. 渴望,想望

I’ll get you whatever your heart desires.

Words for Production

6. mood ] n. [U][C] the feeling(s) that one has at a particularmoment 心情,情緒Sara’s mood changes quite fast. One moment she is happy about everything, and the next she is angry with everyone.

Words for Production

7. personality ] n. [U][C] the nature or character of a person, especially shown by how he or she acts, thinks, and feels 個性 How we look at life and ourselves has a lot to do with our personality.

Words for Production

peace [] n. calmness; quietness 平靜

I would do better if I could havea little more peace and quiet.



peaceful [` adj. 平靜的

Last week, we spent a peaceful afternoon by the river.

Words for Production

9. contentment [] n. [U] state of being happy and satisfied 滿足,滿意

She loves reading, because she finds contentment in it.


content [ adj. 滿足的,滿意 的 Tom seems content to sit in front of the TV all day. He is really a couch potato.

content vt. 使滿足,使滿意 After working hard on a hot day, William contented himself with a glass of cold beer.

* couch potato : chronic television viewer* content … with … 以…使…滿意

Words for Production

1.10.physical [ ] adj. of the body 身體的

George is in good physical shape because he exercises every day.

Words for Production

11.energy [ ] n. (of people) the quality of being full of life and strength 活力,幹勁

Young people always have more energy than old people.


energetic [ adj.精力充沛的,精神飽滿的

Kids are very energetic. Unless they are sleeping, they’re always on the move.

Words for Production

12.pace [] n. [C] (only sing.) the speed at which something happens or is done 步調,速度

The pace of everyday life today ismuch faster than before.


pace [ vi. 踱步

Not knowing what to do, he paced up and down in the room. up and down = to and fro

Words for Production

13.independence [] n.[U] the quality or state of not needing other things or people 獨立,自主If you want independence, you must be able to stand on your own two feet.


stand on your own two feet = become independent

independent [ adj. 獨立的,自主的

Joe is independent because he no longer has to ask his family for money. no longer = no more

Words for Production

14.rage [] n. [U] wild, uncontrollable anger 盛怒,憤怒

The woman’s face grew purple with rage.

Words for Production

ceremony [] n. [C] a formal or traditional set of actions used at an important social or religious event 典禮,儀式

He thought it an honor to be asked to give a speech at the graduation ceremony.


Words for Production

occasion [] n. [C] a special, formal, or important event; a particular time when something happens ( 特別、正式、或重要的 ) 場合;( 某事發生的 ) 時刻,時候 Some women wear dresses only on special occasions, such as weddingsand funerals.The boy's teacher has spoken with his parents on several occasions about his behavior at school.


Words for Production

17.symbolically [] adv. in a way of using a sign or object which represents a person, idea, etc. 象徵性地

Light and darkness are symbolically referred to as life and death.


symbol [ n. [C] 象徵 symbolize [] vt. 象徵

White may be a symbol of peace, while red may symbolize war.

while = whereas

Words for Production


clothing [] n. [U] clothes, such as dresses, shirts, etc., worn together on different parts of the body 服裝

Workers in the factory wear special clothing to protect themselves from chemicals.

protect … from… 保護…免於…

Words for Production


wedding [] n. [C] a marriage ceremony, often with a party or meal after it 婚禮

After the wedding, everyone wanted to dance with the bride.

bride 新娘bridegroom 新郎


funeral [] n. [C] a ceremony of burying a dead person 葬禮

The old man died last Friday and the funeral will take place this Wednesday.

Words for Production

take place = be held


recent [] adj. happeningor starting from a short time ago 最近的 Take at least two recent photos with you when you apply for a driver’s license.

Words for Production

take place = be held


recently [ adv. 最近,近來 Joey didn't know anything about German, but he has recently started to study it.


respond [] vi. to act in answer 反應,回應

I called out, asking if anyone was at home, but no one responded.

Words for Production


response [ n. [C] 反應,回應

Her words produced no response in his heart. He was not moved at all. * moved : touched 感動

* not at all = not … in the least

Words for Production

achieve [] v. to succeed (in doing something); to reach (a goal) 達成;實現

You can achieve almost everything if you work hard.



achievement [ n. [C][U]成就;達成

The invention of the computer is considered one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century.

Words for Recognition

1.colorgenics [] n. [U] the study of what colors mean to people and how colors influence them色彩心理學

Words for Recognition


festivity [] n. [C] a joyful event; a celebration 慶典

Words for Recognition

3.Peru [] n. a country in South America 祕魯

Words for Recognition


purity [] n. [U] the state or quality of being virtuous 純潔

Words for Recognition

5.bride [] n. [C] a girl or woman about to be married or just married 新娘

Idioms and Phases

1.not... at all: not... in the least; far from 一點也不

Who told you I liked that novel? In fact, I don’t like it at all.

in fact = as a matter of fact

Idioms and Phases

2.look through: to examine a group of things one by one so that one canfind or choose what he or she wants 查看,檢查

Alice looked through all of the rings in the jewelry store but couldn’t find one she liked.

Idioms and Phases

3.on the other hand: as an opposite point 另一方面On the one hand, they serve excellent food at the restaurant, but on the other hand, the service isn’t very good. on (the) one hand 一方面on the other hand 另 一方面

Idioms and Phases

4.In addition to: besides; adding to 除…之外 In addition to the Philippines, both Hong Kong and Taiwan suffered great losses during the typhoonseason.

Idioms and Phases


play a(n)... role in: to have an effect on 對…有影響 Luck played an important role in their winning yesterday.

Idioms and Phases

6.according to: as stated by (somebody) or in (something) 根據…

According to people living there, a strange animal hides in the lake.

Idioms and Phases

7.as well: too; in addition 也;而且又 I’d like a hamburger and a coke as well.

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