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Community Asset Management ProgrammeBeing implemented in collaboration with Max Lock centre University of Westminster

Toolkits for policy makers

1. Subject: Rapport building with the participants

Purpose:The specific objectives of the exercise is to Help participants to know each other and their trainer. To provide the participants with a brief introduction of the

Community asset management program and To make Participants feel more comfortable in the learning

Environment of the program. To explain the objectives of the training programme

Exercises: Self introduction by the trainers of HSMI Filling up of personal details Performa by the participants.

Process: After welcoming remarks by HSMI trainers and representatives

a brief personal introduction is given by each of the participants provi such as their names, local authorities they belong to, the number of years they have served their organizations, the highlights of their careers and above all, their understanding of the CAM concept.

Sequence of proceedings:1) Self introduction by the trainer.2) Introduction by the participants.3)OHP presentation of the objective of the objective of the training program. 4) Verbal introduction of the CAM program by the trainer.

Methodology:Interactive session

Time required: 10min to 20 min

Session Tools:ST1.1.1 Personal details PerformaST1.1.2 PPT for presentation of objectives of the training programme.

Session 1: Introduction

Exercise 1.1: Getting to know all the


Session tools (ST1.1.1)Personal details Performa

Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Designation: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Organization: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Address: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

E- mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Telephone Number: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fax: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mobile: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Area of Expertise: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Highlights of Career----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1) One interesting life event: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Community Asset Management ProgrammeBeing implemented in collaboration with Max Lock centre University of Westminster

Toolkits for policy makers

2.Subject: Introduction to programme

Purpose:The specific objectives of the exercise is to Understand the objectives, methodology & benefits of CAMThe participants shall share their experiences with regard to

Community asset management . To build consensus about the objectives of the program and the

benefits it can reap to the Community.

Exercises:Performa regarding understanding of CAM.Selective Presentation by participants.Presentation by Trainers

Process:After rapport building exercise, participants will fill another Performa regarding understanding of CAM. A selective presentation by the participants about their understanding of the CAM program precedes the presentation by the trainers. Community Asset management program with details such as objectives, methodology, and benefits of CAM.

Sequence of proceedings:1) Verbal Introduction of the CAM program by the trainer2) Performa regarding understanding of Community Asset Management.

3) Selective presentation by the participants.4) Multimedia presentation on Introduction & Objective of the CAM program by trainer.

Methodology:Presentation session

Interactive session

Time required: 30min to 45 min

Session Tools:ST2.1.1 Intervention understanding Performa

ST2.1.2 Presentations to be made by Trainers on Introduction and objectives and benefits of CAM .

Session 2.1: Introduction

Exercise 2.1.1:

Understanding of CAM

Session tools (ST2.1.1)Intervention understanding Performa

Understanding of the intervention: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Objectives of the program: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Methodology to be followed: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Logistics required: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Project flow chart: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Role players and their proposed actions: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Understanding Community asset management (CAM) program(ST2.1.2)

Introduction to Community Asset Management (Power point presentation 2.1.1)Reference power point presentations for ppt 1.1.1 on understanding of CAM program.Objective of the Research study : to investigate and disseminate good practices such as, DPEP etc. to study legal, cultural, political, social, technical aspect of maintenance of Community

Buildings(CBs). To suggest Way Forward for CAM.

Identification of Existing Maintenance problems of Community BuildingManagement and Administrative Problems: • No Institution – either Govt. or community based to look after maintenance of CBs• Though Finance available but not forth coming for maintenance. • No Mechanism for identification of maintenance needs. Need for maintenance but no advocacy and hence indifferent attitude of the community.

What is Community Asset Management?It is management of :• physical assets,which are• collectively used,• rural and urban buildings and

physical infrastructure which provide• access to livelihood assets. CBs may have• diverse ownership

and management with • Government as key provider.It is pertinent• to understand the importance of lifecycle of CBs inorder • to manage and maintain them effectively and• reduce need for repair• adapt to local conditions• to co-ordinate at local level• Involving local people.

Financial: • Public contribution in terms of labour hardly recognized• Financial contribution from the community not taken into account.• Funds – Access Mechanism from various departments – not put to action through

Convergence • Innovative sources of funding hardly debated

Why Research?

Capacity Building of Masons & Engineers required. Conventional contractor-based repair has failed to meet the demand in a cost-

effective manner. Therefore, the present program is an attempt to develop Community Asset Management (CAM) by involving the community in Planning & Implementation.

Objective of the training Program:

At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to :i)  Understand the process of Community Asset Management (CAM);ii) Find out Man/Material/Management & Financial Resources for maintenance of

Community Buildings (CBs); iii) Orient themselves in the functioning of Community Groups/ Structures and their

involvement in the maintenance management of Community Buildings (CBs);iv. Ways and means for sourcing of artisans (such as, masons, bricklayers,

carpenters, painters etc.) and CECT building materials; v) Comprehend the life cycle of CECT buildings and institutionalize maintenance

management of these buildings through community groupsvi) Establish linkages with the concerns of livelihood, maintenance of public

buildings, training of artisans and wider dissemination of CECT.


Community Asset Management ProgrammeBeing implemented in collaboration with Max Lock centre University of Westminster

Toolkits for policy makers

2.Subject: Introduction to program

Purpose:The specific objectives of the exercise is to

Help participants understand roles and action involved in the process of CAM

To make the participants aware of the benefits of the CAM program way forward and actions to be taken and

outline their perception regarding CAM program.

Exercises:Powerpoint presentation on benefits of CAM.Understanding of the CAM program cards.Group Discussion and presentation by the participants.

Process: After introduction of the training program the HSMI trainers

would make a short description of benefits of Community based Asset management program. This is followed by a group discussion to identify Community assets, the repairs required, finance sources, Identification of roles for self, time and duration required and best time of the year for Intervention.

Sequence of proceedings:1) Power point presentation on benefits of CAM program2) Discussion on benefits of CAM with the participants3) Group discussion and presentation of understanding about CAM by participants.

Methodology:Interactive session

Time required: 30 minutes

Session Tools:ST2.2.1 Power point presentation on benefits of CAMST2.2.2 Understanding of the CAM program cards.

Session 2.2: Role Identification and Performance

Exercise 2.2.1: Understanding of roles and action

involved in CAM program

Benefits of Community asset management (ST2.2.1)(Power point presentation 2.2.1)

Reference power point presentations for ppt 1.1.1 (File SKG presentation, Why and why not of CAM, introduction to CAM 1)

a. The responsibility of Managing and Maintaining the building used by community shall lie with the user.

b. Regular maintenance and timely repairs increase the life span of an Community Asset.

c. It is reasonable to maintain a building rather than construct new. If I use the building; I would maintain it; if we use the building; we would maintain it; if they use the building; they would maintain it.

d. Ownership of the building shall belong to Community, that would bring a responsibility to maintain the same.

e. There are very limited funds allocated for Maintenance. No or very formal links are present between different government departments.

f. They do not stress on regular maintenance, but works on specific requirements for repair in their buildings.

g. The Community Asset Management programme found out that the procedure followed by different government organisations for maintaining their construction is lengthy and time consuming and can be substantially reduced through involvement of the community.

h. The Community Asset Management programme also found out that formulation of easier and shorter procedure to answer repair and maintenance calls would ensure the regular maintenance of buildings.

i. The Community Asset Management programme also found out that in India we have many good examples for Community-based Asset Management.

j. The Community Asset Management programme ascertained that the Assets of the Community bring them together and helps to maintain a strong social fabric in these settlements.

k. The Community Asset Management programme found out that community can generate funds, contribute labour and undertake maintenance through self-help to maintain their assets.

Identification of Existing Maintenance problems of Community BuildingManagement / Administrative: • No Institution – either Govt. or community based to look after maintenance of CBs• Though finance available but not forth coming for maintenance. • No Mechanism for identification of maintenance needs.• Need for maintenance but no advocacy enhance indifferent attitude of the


Why Community asset management?• Transparency in Local Body Administration• Better Management of Assets• Better services to Consumers• Less financial burden on the local body• Community would learn to share responsibilities among themselves.• Poor women would get employment and Income Generation opportunity .Would

lead to the development of Thrift & Credit among the poor women • By providing opportunities for interaction, CAM would establish better relationships

among resident• Other would derive lessons on CAM• CAM would provide well-established (planned in advance) maintenance system

Understanding of the participants about CAM program Cards (ST2.2.2)

Card1COMMUNITY ASSETS (BY CATEGORIES) IN THEIR AREACommunity assets are public buildings being used collectively by a group of people or residents urban or rural localities. Such assets enable members of communities to pursue their economic, social, cultural, spiritual and psychological well being.

Examples of community buildings in Rural and Urban scenario:

Rural communities Religious buildings

eg. Temples, Gurudwaras, mosque, religious halls etc.

Community grounds

Primary school Primary health

center Punchayat ghar Construction

around religious trees etc.

Urban communities Religious buildings

eg. Temples, Gurudwaras, mosque, religious halls etc.

Community hall (barat Ghar)

Primary school Primary health

center Play grounds etc.

Card 2Type of repair and maintenance activities required restoring the usage or life of the buildingThe poor conditions of buildings results from bad design and workmanship as well as the lack of resources and planning to detect problems and make repairs in time.

The main maintenance tasks include white washing, repairing asbestos on the roof and the batons.

Whitewashing should be done every year and batons should be cleaned every year.

Repairing cracks, addition of gate, boundary wall or children swings and other accessories.

House keeping also forms part of maintenance procedures.

Card 3Benefits of maintenance

Define repair requirement of any community building, maintenance procedure being followed in the building and who implements the same.

The problem of lack of maintenance and consequent under – use has cancelled out many of the apparent infrastructure gains that have been made in recent years.

Lack of timely investment on maintenance has endangered the utility and life of community buildings

Card 4 Sources of financeBudgetary funding for maintenance is too often unplanned and seen as variable and unpredictable as against other recurring budget item such as salaries.

Asset management budgets are easier to curtail when money is scarce. The problem is compounded with bad management and poor building design and technology that requires heavy investment in maintenance. The finances can be generated by community activities and can be raised during social functionsand practices itself.

Card 5.Identification of management Implementation and co – ordination teams and roles for selfVolume of repair work is small but requires intensive supervision.

For implementing CAM project, various actors play significant role:

Community and community groups

Municipal corporations or Gram punchayats

Development authorities

Local artisans NON Government

Organizations Charitable institutions etc. or Any external people in charge of a community buildings such as headmasters in schools or health centers

Building centres, vocational training centres advice services for construction or building material yards.

Related audience Practicing


Card 6.Duration required and the best time for interventionThe project can take 3 – 4 months depending upon the size of public building and type repairs required.

Best time of year for intervention

Before or after monsoon rains

During vacations for a school buildings.

In between celebration of two prominent religious functions

Before celebrations of national or local functions

As per the auspicious date announced by the local priest.

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