women's turbans

Post on 07-May-2015






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from Khalsa Women's Training Camp 1976


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was perfect. Don't hold onto your negativity and stresses. Save your

time and save yourself. You will be very precious when the time of

insanity hits this world. I am preparing you for that, not for myself.

You will all be needed for many things.

Question: Is regular cow's milk from the store any good?

Answer: Cow's milk is very good milk, but if the cream content is

more than 5%, it is advisable to add a little water. I saw one of the

funniest things. One mother who is a devoted member of 3H0 gave her

son, in my presence, this Half & Half. She just shoved it right in.

I looked around, stunned, and said, "If you give a cup of this cream

to me I'm not going to digest it by the night. What are you doing?"

She said, "Is it wrong?" I could not believe i t . I said, "No, it's not

wrong, it is rotten."

Question: In a woman's turban, is she supposed to have her hairline

covered, or is it all right if she has some hair showing?

Answer: To be very honest with you, if she covers her hair and just her

hairline shows, about h inch or so, it doesn't matter, but the hair

should not be loose at that end. There are different styles of tying

turbans, but basically, we all tie a triangular turban. There are two

types of turbans, the work turban and our normal turban. The normal turban

has a chuni around and you look godlike in i t . The work turban is when

you cover your top right within the turban and you are just on the march.

Sometimes you have an Adi Shakti on the turban to make it look beautiful.

Some people have a normal Mexican Adi Shakti, other people have a New

Mexican Adi Shakti, some people have a diamond Adi Shakti, and some

people have an Indian Adi Shakti. You can create a central attraction.

Somebody will look at you, and they will look at the Adi Shakti

You are not going to have one style of Adi Shakti. Likewise,


nobody can tie the same style turban. All styles are different. But

in general they look alike. Some prefer no show of the hair, some

prefer to show a little hair. But if you prefer to show hair when it

is gold, what will you do when i t is gray?

Question: I heard that there was a pressure point?

Answer: Yes, right. This is the triangle. (He gestured with both hands

from the temples, along the hairline past the ears.)

Sometimes it gives you turbanitis. The ear gets popped up with

a callous. That kind of thing happens when your turban is too tight or

too loose.

If you don't have a chuni on, then the top should not be open.

It should be open when you have a chuni on.

Question: What is the importance of the temples?

Answer: If someone has a headache, just massage them on the temples.

Just pressure them and then let go. These are the temples of God.

This area, these temples control the prana in your inflow of life. So

I we create a pressure at the base of your arc-line, the lifeline

of the aura

™ In the scriptures it is written, "I have given you long hair to

generate power like me." "J a s ^ y°u

to tie them with the enlightened one." That's called the rishi knot.

• "I have grown for you on this earth, the white flower, which you will

spin to make a cover for it." Now, this is the exact translation I am giving you

That white flower is not a white rose, it is a cotton flower. It

meant the yarmulkethis hat, this whole thing, the turban, and s t i l l ,

one-third of the world is a turban wearer. Two-thirds of the people on

• this earth keep their heads covered, in one form or the other. It is

very difficult and very non-righteous to expose your hair to the

cruelty of the change of weather. The eskimos keep their heads covered






all the time. In the tropics, even the basic tribes have their heads

covered, just like we tie a turban.

A child has hair, which is just like a shaven head. As the man grows,

his hair starts growing on the scalp. However, when he becomes an adult,

he wants the same style as the child. Modesty in woman used to be so

powerful, that a woman never cut her hair, despite the fact the men used

to. Now, this new phenomenon of equality has made women not only cut,

but also get into many more styles than anybody else. Hair is one thing

which grows as the man grows. It brings the purity of whiteness with

age. Just watch a woman who has done a lot of hairstyling. When she

is 45 or 50 her hair is steel wool. Some people have done so much to

the hair that they can't do anything but wear a wig. It has been

treated and soaked, left and right, sometimes brown, black, yellow, up

and down; it becomes like steel wires. 3H0 could run as a beautiful

family, if you would estimate the average expenditure on hairdo's, and

just donate that. If each woman and man in 3H0 individually took up that

money annually and donated i t , you would not require a thing.

Question: Exactly why, scientifically and spiritually, do women tie

their hair in a different place then men?

Answer: Men tie their hair almost where the soft point was when he was

a child. A woman's hair is supposed to be exactly at the solar centers.

Question: Why?

Answer: Well, she doesn't have a beard and I never asked why. Because

of the waning and waxing of the moon, she has to protect her solar

center more powerfully than the male.

Question: Why do we wear the wooden comb in our hair?

Answer: A wooden comb is one simple thing which does not create any

charge or discharge of electromagnetic field. That's why we use wood.

Wood is surely and definitely a bad conductor of heat and electricity.



I i i i i i i I

It is a very healthy thing for combing your hair.

The Jcunga is for whenever you feel low on energy. Just comb

your hair with that, right there on the spot. It is just like a shot in

the arm. Try it sometime. It works much faster than you can imagine.

This kunga is a very virtuous.thing.

Somehow by habit, I use double kungas, a small and the big one.

The big one has a symbolic kirpan on it. When they attacked me in India,

the only thing that took the brunt of that direct sword attack was that

little kirpan on that kunga. Otherwise, that attack could have split

me right in half. I didn't even get hurt because the small one got

split in two, and the bigger one had the kirpan on it that stopped the

attack. So, it was a very cozy, comfortable situation. Meanwhile, Guru

Amrit Kaur just pushed me to the side. The man came in with a second

sword and cut the other man's shoulder. The third man was tackled by

Sat Peter and we were out. But I'm just telling you because perhaps

I would not have been here to lecture today.

Thank you very much and be blessed.


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