women of courage: 16 days of activism, at corrymeela ballycastle · 2018. 11. 25. · ballycastle...

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November 26, 2018

Women of Courage: 16 Days of Activism, at Corrymeela BallycastleCorrymeela invites you to join and mark the 16 Days of Activism to celebrate Women of Courage on Friday, 7th December, 2018 10.30am –1.OOpm at the Ballycastle Centre.“We will be shining a light on history, suffrage, conflict and celebration exploring Ireland’s women through a lens of

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November 26, 2018courage, whilst joining millions across the globe to mark an end to gender based violence.

“This will be a relaxed and informative morning at the beautiful centre in Ballycastle and will include a panel discussion reflecting on women and courage.”For more information or to book a place contact: denisebradley@corrymeela.org or call 028 9050 8080.

Find out more about the 16 days of activism – click here.

From 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world. The international campaign originated from the first Women's Global Leadership Institute coordinated by the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991.

Swift Festival begins

The annual Jonathan Swift Festival in Dublin began yesterday (Sunday) with a Service of Commemoration at 3.15pm in St Patrick’s cathedral where the address was given by Alice Leahy. On Thursday 29 November Dr Kerry Houston will direct a Swift Evensong in the Chapel of Trinity College at 5pm while in the Irish Emigration Museum an exhibition of Martyn Turner’s cartoons will be opened. The following Saturday, 1 December, will have the annual Swift Seminar in St Patrick’s Deanery and in the evening, at 8pm, New Dublin Voices will give a concert in the cathedral which will include a selection of pieces from Swift’s era. On a churchnewsireland@gmail.org Page �2

November 26, 2018lighter note ‘Gulliver’s Fair and Market’ will be held in St Patrick’s Park on Sunday 2 December. This will be a special family fun day with food, craft stalls, circus workshops and live music.

‘A bit of dry rot isn’t going to stop us’: Historic Cork church set for €1m restorationA landmark church with links to ‘The Liberator’, Daniel O’Connell, is being allowed to “breathe” for several months as part of an ambitious €1m repair and restoration project.

Engineers and architects overseeing the complex work on St Mary’s Catholic Church and associated buildings on Pope’s Quay in Cork city plan to install two special vents in the church roof after extensive dry rot was found in its walls.

A spiral staircase to the roof will also be installed to help identify leaks and to repair and replace tiles and flashing to prevent further ingress of water and to aid ongoing maintenance.

A protected structure, the church is recognised by Cork City Council as one of the most significant and historic buildings in the city and as one of the country’s classical Catholic churches.

A campaign is now underway to raise the money to help save and secure the home of Dominican Friars in Cork since the 1830s — an order which can trace its roots in the city back to the 1200s.

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November 26, 2018

Fr Maurice Colgan, the Prior of St Mary’s, said that, despite the massive costs, they want to restore the church. “The dry rot is like something out of a horror movie, but a bit of dry rot isn’t going to stop us.

“We want to see St Mary’s restored. We are committed to Cork and to St Mary’s. We are here for the long haul.

“Cork is home to our Novitiate house. It takes pride of place in the Dominican Order. It’s where we all start our journey with the order and it holds a special place in all our hearts.

“The moulds that decorate the church were all carved by Irish craftsmen and were baked in the ovens of local people.”

Fundraising for restoration began in 2015 when leaks in the sacristy, the Priory, and St Martin’s Chapel were the only issue.

But as the work advanced, a confessional in the main church and an adjoining shrine wall collapsed, before churchnewsireland@gmail.org Page �4

November 26, 2018structural issues compromised the safety of a second confessional. A detailed inspection revealed the full extent of the dry rot, with experts estimating that water could have been seeping into the building for at least a decade.

That triggered the larger and more expensive restoration project, which is being overseen by architect Shane de Blacam of de Blacam and Meagher Architects, and being delivered by Cumnor Construction.

‘Remember who God made you to be’ – UCD Chaplain at ONE Dublin

Rilwon Jaiyeola (Gospel Music singer), Scott Evans (UCD Chaplain and member of ACT3), Rev Rob Jones (ACT3 Convenor, DIT Chaplain and Rector, Holy Trinity

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November 26, 2018Rathmines) and Philip McKinley (DCU Chaplain and member of ACT3).

The second monthly ONE Dublin – Student Gospel Music Service, an initiative of ACT3 (Anglican Chaplaincy Team at Third Level), took place in St Thomas’s Church on Cathal Brugha Street, Dublin 1 on Sunday last. It explored the theme of ‘Remembrance’.

The preacher Scott Evans (UCD Church of Ireland Chaplain and member of ACT3), traced from the Ten Commandments

Gathered members of ONE Dublin.through to the Last Supper, biblical understandings of ‘remembrance’ and how God continually invites us to, “live a life shaped by remembrance of who we were created by and what we were made for”. churchnewsireland@gmail.org Page �6

November 26, 2018Music was provided by Gospel Music singer Rilwon Jaiyeola and Rebirth, a Gospel Music ensemble based in West Dublin.

Convenor of ACT3, the Revd Rob Jones also spoke and outlined how ONE Dublin was created to, “provide University students from across Dublin with an opportunity to worship together, under the captivating sounds of exuberant Gospel Music”.

The next ONE Dublin Service takes place on Sunday 9th December at 7.30pm. The preacher will be TCD Chaplain Rev Steve Brunn and music will be provided by Nono Madolo and the DCU Gospel Choir.

Michael Gove: My Christian faith makes me more aware of my weaknessThe Christian MP and government minister Michael Gove has said having a faith makes him “more conscious” of his fallibility.  The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural affairs was speaking during an interview with Elizabeth Oldfield from the Christian think tank Theos.

Mr Gove said: “One of the things I find of most people who have a personal faith is it makes you more conscious of your fallibility.

“I don’t want to name names but there’s a well-known thinker who is unabashedly atheist who argues with a churchnewsireland@gmail.org Page �7

November 26, 2018degree of certainty and absolute assurance in the power of his logic that very very few religious people in my experience would ever dare attempt to muster.”

The comments came following the 11th annual Theos lecture, which Mr Gove gave. His speech was entitled ‘When will there be a harvest for the world?’ and focused on issues relating to the environment.

Mr Gove argued politicians should not apologise for “drawing, and reflecting, on the insights and wisdom found in the words, actions and thoughts of religious leaders.churchnewsireland@gmail.org Page �8

November 26, 2018

“I speak as a Christian, convinced that the moral teachings of the Christian Church, the example of Christ’s life and Christian theology all help us in reflecting on the responsibilities we all have to others.

“For Christians, the ethical responsibility we have towards the environment is encapsulated in the concept of stewardship. Christians are called to remember their rightful place within Creation – and the vast web of life it created – and their responsibility to protect and defend it.

“If, as Christians, we believe creation is a gift we must preserve, then we also believe creativity is a gift we must use to the full. So when it comes to the agriculture of the future, we must develop new technologies which improve productivity while also respecting nature’s limits.“

When Mr Gove was later asked what spiritual habits he would recommend for society, he responded, “Always weigh the impact of your words on others. While you can apologise, what’s said very often cannot be unsaid.

“One of the truths of most faiths and certainly of Christianity is that it enjoins upon you the vital importance of empathy and appreciating the positions that others occupy and the difficulties they face in their life”.

Speaking about a lesson he learned while Justice Secretary, Mr Gove said: “There are very few people who are truly evil. There are those who have done evil things, but they are capable of redemption. Even when people do the wrong things, an element of imaginative sympathy and churchnewsireland@gmail.org Page �9

November 26, 2018understanding is necessary even as you might criticise and condemn. Because what you mustn’t do is so execrate and damn so that you deny the humanity in another human being.”

News briefs Tullamore vigil on domestic violenceMothers Union hosted a prayer vigil in St. Catherine’s Church Tullamore on Saturday morning. One of the organisers said, “The symbolism of lighting candles in love and solidarity with victims of violence was very powerful. It was humbling to hear stories from Offaly Domestic Violence Services, The Travelling Community and The Syrian Community. We thank each of them for there graciousness in sharing with us today. I’ve no doubt that the service has inspired many of us to continue to pray for all victims and survivors of violence”.

Carrickmacross Christmas Tree Festival

One parish in Clogher Diocese is asking people to rediscover the gift of Christmas through Christmas trees.

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November 26, 2018

Helping to launch the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Finbarr’s Church, Carrickmacross are (from left); Rosemary Johnston and Breda McGuigan, Revd Colin McConaghie and Cathal O’Gorman

St. Finbarr’s Church of Ireland parish in Carrickmacross is staging its community Christmas Tree Festival next weekend from Friday November 30 to Sunday December 2.

The Festival is being staged in conjunction with Carrickmacross Chamber of Commerce

The official opening of the Festival will follow the switch on of the Christmas lights in Carrickmacross on Friday November 30, at 6pm from the front of St. Finbarr’s Church.

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November 26, 2018One of the town’s main Christmas trees will be located in the church grounds.

Santa will make his way from the town’s switch on ceremony to his Grotto set up as part of the Festival to greet children.

The Rector, the Revd Colin McConaghie, explained that as well as the Christmas trees in the church, there will be other special displays including a winter wonderland.

Following Friday evening’s opening ceremony, St. Finbarr’s Church will be open for the Christmas Tree Festival on Saturday December 1, from 10.30am to 6pm and on Sunday from 1pm finishing with a community Carols of Praise Service at 7pm.

During the weekend, children will be welcomed to Santa’s Grotto, there will be refreshments served and parishioners will be involved in a cake sale and raffle as well as selling their new parish cookery book.

Vision for ordained ministry

On Tuesday afternoon the Archbishop of Dublin will be in the Church of Ireland Theological Institute where he will speak on the theme ‘Vision for Anglican ordained ministry’ at a Continuing Ministerial Education session for the southern curates.

Language service in St Fin Barre’s cathedral, Cork

At midday on Saturday 1 December, the monthly Irish Language service in St Fin Barre’s cathedral, Cork, will mark the conclusion of Bliain na Gaeilge and the 80th

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November 26, 2018anniversary of the institution of Douglas Hyde as the first President of Ireland.

Killaloe chapter installations

Yesterday (Sunday) two new members of the joint Chapter of St Mary’s cathedral, Limerick, St Flannan’s cathedral, Killaloe, and St Brendan’s cathedral, Clonfert, were installed in St Mary’s cathedral, Limerick, during Evensong. Canon Liz Beasley, Rector of the Adare & Kilmallock group of parishes, was installed as Chancellor and Canon Jim Stephens, Bishop’s Curate in the Tralee group of parishes, was installed as Prebendary of Munchin and Tilloh.

Methodist Church’s Continuing Ministry Development Programme

The Methodist Church is committed to encouraging all people to grow in their discipleship and further develop their ministry skills.

The CMD programme, a collaboration between Edgehill and IMYC, is open to ordained ministers, probationers, and to lay workers employed in any capacity in the life of the Church.*

Attendance at CMD seminars may be used to count towards the 20 hours(pro rata) of courses/training/professional development which ordained ministers and lay workers are required to undertake during each Connexional year.

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November 26, 20182018 - 2019 CMD Programme:

Navigating Conflict / Thurs, 18 Oct 2018 / Agape Centre, Belfast (Click here for info)

Collaborative Leadership / Thurs, 22 Nov 2018 / Agape Centre, Belfast

Preaching /  Sat, 1 Dec 2018 / Agape Centre, Belfast

Intergenerational Church /  Thurs, 21 Feb 2019 / Edgehill College, Belfast

Self-Care/Spiritual MOT / Thurs, 28 Mar 2019 / Edgehill College, Belfast

All seminars are held from 10 am - 4 pm (except Preaching which will be at 9:30am-3:30pm). Tea and coffee are available. There are no catering facilities so please make your own arrangements. There are a wide range of local shops/amenities nearby. A nominal charge of £5 will be requested on the day to cover expenses. Participants are asked to register for seminars in advance. Email: office@edgehillcollege.org

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