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Post on 30-Oct-2014






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Presentation detailing how to increase online presence of a lifestyle brand.


To create an online presence of the brand WILLS LIFESTYLE.To reach out to the customers online, and

enhance the online experience of present and prospective customers of the brand.

Create a digital connect with the customers.


Higher class.Upper Middle class.Middle class.Age gap – 18 to 40 years.Students and working youngsters.

Target Audience

FacebookStrong user base of 840 million members.Visual medium allowing easy sharing & tagging of photos &

videos.User-friendly interface making it easier to share & receive


A user base of 140 million members, mostly young & working.

Users range from celebrities to the common man.Guarantees instant response after creation of any brand-

related content.Pinterest, Flickr

For releasing the photo streams of the products & of models wearing the brand’s creations at events like the brand’s own Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week.

Social Media Platforms

Visual platform with millions of users. Hence, lot of scope for the brand to regularly upload photos of new collections and share it with the users.

Styles and fashions tend to change with seasons. Hence, create different albums for different seasons and upload photos of seasonal collections.

This will be perceived by the consumers as complete style solutions for all seasons provided by the brand.

Hold regular interactive polls asking members/users what they love to wear. Everyone likes an interactive brand.

e.g. “Summer is here. What colour will you be wearing this summer?”


Post links that take users to a site where the photos of Wills Lifestyle creations can be viewed in 360 degrees, allowing users to have a ‘complete viewing experience.’

Upload photos of how various ‘looks’ can be matched up with different accessories.

Upload behind-the-scenes videos of photo shoots.Wills Lifestyle sponsors the India Fashion Week.

Upload videos from WLIFW events.The brand can shoot trailers for upcoming WLIFW

events, which will excite the users and make them want more.

Upload videos containing montage of interviews of celebrities that have attended past WLIFW events.

Upload videos of models sashaying down the ramp in Wills Lifestyle clothing.

Conduct feedback interviews of customers in Wills Lifestyle showrooms across the country. Upload these videos on Facebook.

If the person interviewed is the member of the Facebook page, tag the member in the video. As member is tagged, video will be visible to other friends of the members.

Organise small competitions regularly, in which the winners win certain Wills Lifestyle stuff either for free or at a discount.e.g. Competition in which the customer is asked to design a look using WL’s creations. Best look is featured on the brand’s website as well as on Facebook.

Now-a-days, sales made by a brand’s outlet in terms of sales/sq. ft. have gained importance.

Select some of the grandest WL showrooms from across the country, and upload photos of these stores, giving customers a peek into the detailing of the retail spaces. Contrary to the proverb, people do judge a book by its cover.

Advertise Club ITC and its privileges on this page.Add a feature of scoring points. In this, customers

need to invite a certain number of their friends to this page to win a certain number of points, which could be then encashed in the nearest WL store.

Upload images of ITC’s luxury hotels and their elegant suites. Allow users to experience luxury online.

Post links to articles in newspaper dailies or magazines that have featured interviews of WL officials or designers associated with the brand and WLIFW.

Keep users informed about the CSR initiatives undertaken by the brand.

Let the users feel that they are part of a brand that is effecting change not only in their lives, but also those of the underprivileged.

Twitter has a younger user base, as compared to Facebook.

Keep tweeting links to photos of WL creations, and also WL’s videos.

Hashtags are an important component of Twitter.

Create relevant hashtag to get the Twitterverse talking about the brand. Keep tweeting information using this hashtag, to make it as one of the top trends.e.g. Tweet fashions tips using hashtags #lifestyletips or #WLTips


Unlike Facebook, Twitter accepts .gif files for the display pictures. Keep updating with different GIFs. These could be a collage of models wearing WL creations, or only the creations sans any models. On a timeline consisting of static images, the normal eye would instantly go to a dynamic and colourful display picture.

During any WLIFW event, keep live tweeting about the event. This will keep the fans, who couldn’t attend the show, hooked on to the page.

Live tweets should consist of text + related photos.During the WLIFW event, let hashtags like #wlifw or

#ifw trend.Tweet links to articles in newspaper dailies or

magazines that have featured interviews of WL officials or designers associated with the brand and WLIFW.

When a particular designer is showcasing his/her creations on the ramp, add the designer’s Twitter handle in the tweets. The designer will retweet the tweets and photos of his/her creations, making them visible to his/her followers.

Ensure that every question asked by any ‘follower’ of the brand does not go unnoticed and is gracefully and promptly responded to.

Take special care to avoid any online wars with any of the clientele. Avoid causing an ‘Ayesha Takia vs Kingfisher’ type of inconvenience. Real or Virtual, Image is Everything!

When looking to increase user base, eyeballs are necessary. The more, the merrier. Tweets, retweets, adding celebrity Twitter handles ensure the same.

INSTAGRAM is one of the most popular photo-sharing sites.

Upload and edit photos on this site.Instagram provides great editing features that

gives excellent quality images.The recent acquisition of Instagram by Facebook

can be used to the brand’s advantage.PINTEREST is another popular photo sharing

site which allows users to ‘pin’ images & videos of their interest.

Create an account on this site and ‘pin’ interesting pictures and videos of WL creations.

WILLS LIFESTYLE on other Social Media

POLYVORE is a globally popular site which lets users mix and match outfits, allowing them to create their own style collage.

Release creations and styles on the site, and post links to these on Facebook and Twitter.

Set up exclusive WL kiosks in major retail chains across the country.

The kiosks should advertise WL creations and help in focusing the shopping activities of customers by asking them specific questions about their needs and directing them to the appropriate look.

Develop a special mobile app that lets users know about WL on their smartphones, on the go. The app can feature details about WL creations and also provide regular alerts about sales and discounts.



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