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Version 11 Release 0.1August 31, 2018

IBM Campaign Release Notes


NoteBefore using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 25.

This edition applies to version 11, release 0, modification 1 of IBM Campaign and to all subsequent releases andmodifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

© Copyright IBM Corporation 1998, 2018.US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contractwith IBM Corp.


Chapter 1. IBM Campaign 11.0.1 systemrequirements and compatibility. . . . . 1Prerequisites for using IBM Campaign . . . . . . 1IBM Campaign documentation roadmap . . . . . 2

Chapter 2. New features and changes inversion 11.0.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chapter 3. Fixed defects in IBMCampaign 11.0.1 . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Chapter 4. Known issues in IBMCampaign 11.0.1. . . . . . . . . . . 11

Chapter 5. Known limitations in IBMCampaign 11.0.1 . . . . . . . . . . 15

Chapter 6. IBM Campaign ReportsPackage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Before you contact IBM technicalsupport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Privacy Policy and Terms of Use Considerations . . 27

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2018 iii

iv IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Chapter 1. IBM Campaign 11.0.1 system requirements andcompatibility

IBM® Campaign is part of the IBM Marketing Software suite of products.Campaign version 11.0.1 requires Marketing Platform 11.0.1.

Where to find complete system requirement and compatibilityinformation

For a list of IBM Marketing Software product versions compatible with thisproduct and a list of third-party requirements for this product, see theRecommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements document.This document is posted under Detailed System Requirements on the IBM SupportPortal website: (http://support.ibm.com).

You can also access this document by selecting Help > Product documentationwhen you are logged in to IBM Marketing Software.

Prerequisites for using IBM CampaignBefore you begin using IBM Campaign, confirm that your environment meets thefollowing requirements.v For an improved user experience, use at least a 21" screen.v For an improved user experience, set your screen resolution to 1600 x 900.

Lower resolutions can result in some information not being properly displayed.If you use a lower resolution, maximize the browser window to see morecontent.

v A mouse is best for navigating in the user interface.v Do not use the browser controls to navigate. For example, avoid using the Back

and Forward buttons. Instead, use the controls that are in the user interface.v If pop-up blocker (ad blocker) software is installed on the client machine, IBM

Campaign might not function properly. For best results, disable pop-up blockersoftware while running IBM Campaign.

v Ensure that the technical environment meets the minimum system requirementsand the supported platforms.*

v The correct browser and versions must be used.*v Clear the browser cache after upgrading or applying any fix pack. This only

needs to be done once, after the application is updated.v If you use Internet Explorer (IE) with IBM Campaign or any module that uses

Campaign flowcharts (eMessage, Contact Optimization, Interact, DistributedMarketing): To log in multiple times to view side-by-side information, open IEand log in to IBM Marketing Software. Then select File > New Session in the IEmenu bar. In the new IE browser window, log in to IBM Marketing Software asthe same or a different user.

Important: Do not use any other method to open multiple sessions. Forexample, do not open a new tab; do not open another browser session from theStart menu or desktop icon; and do not use File > New Window in IE. Thesemethods can corrupt information that is shown in the application.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2018 1

*For details on the items indicated by an asterisk, see the IBM Marketing SoftwareRecommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements.

IBM Campaign documentation roadmapIBM Campaign provides documentation and help for users, administrators, anddevelopers.

Table 1. Get up and running

Task Documentation

Find out about new features, known issues, andlimitations

IBM Campaign Release Notes

Learn about the structure of the Campaignsystem tables

IBM Campaign System Tables and Data Dictionary

Install or upgrade Campaign One of the following guides:

v IBM Campaign Installation Guide

v IBM Campaign Upgrade Guide

Implement the IBM Cognos® reports providedwith Campaign

IBM Marketing Software Reports Installation and ConfigurationGuide

Table 2. Configure and use Campaign

Task Documentation

v Adjust configuration and security settings

v Prepare Campaign for users

v Run utilities and perform maintenance

v Learn about integrations

IBM Campaign Administrator's Guide

v Create and deploy marketing campaigns

v Analyze campaign results

IBM Campaign User's Guide

Improve flowchart performance IBM Campaign Tuning Guide

Use Campaign functions IBM Macros for IBM Marketing Software

Table 3. Integrate Campaign with other IBM products

Task Documentation

Integrate with IBM Engage IBM Campaign and Engage Integration Guide for IBM MarketingCloud

Integrate with IBM Journey Designer http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSER4E/JourneyDesigner/kc_welcome_journeydesigner.dita?lang=en

Integrate with IBM Digital Analytics IBM Campaign Administrator's Guide: How to configure theintegration

IBM Campaign User's Guide: Targeting IBM Digital Analyticssegments in campaigns

Integrate with IBM Marketing Operations IBM Marketing Operations and IBM Campaign Integration Guide

Integrate with IBM Opportunity Detect IBM Campaign Administrator's Guide: How to configure theintegration

IBM Opportunity Detect Administrator's Guide and IBMOpportunity Detect User's Guide: How to administer and use theproduct

2 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Table 3. Integrate Campaign with other IBM products (continued)

Task Documentation

Integrate with IBM eMessage IBM Campaign Installation and Upgrade guides: How to install andprepare eMessage components in the local environment.

IBM eMessage Startup and Administrator's Guide: How to connectto the hosted messaging resources.

IBM Campaign Administrator's Guide: How to configure offerintegration.

Integrate with IBM SPSS® Modeler AdvantageEnterprise Marketing Management Edition

IBM Campaign and IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage EnterpriseMarketing Management Edition Integration Guide

Integrate with IBM WeatherFX. You can integrate WeatherFX with IBM Campaign so that youcan pull weather events into your marketing campaigns.Campaign version 9 and version 10 users can integrate withWeatherFX by using the UBX toolkit. For more information, seehttps://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSWU4L/Integrations/imc_Integrations/Weather_FX_for_IBM_Marketing_Cloud.html.

Note: Additional integrations may be available that are not listed in this table. See Product tools and utilities forIBM Campaign. Also see IBM Solution Engineering Projects.

Table 4. Develop for Campaign

Task Documentation

Use the REST API See the IBM Campaign REST API

Use the SOAP API v See the IBM Campaign SOAP API Specification

v JavaDocs in devkits\CampaignServicesAPI

Develop Java™ plug-ins or command-lineexecutables to add validation to Campaign

v See the IBM Campaign Validation PDK Guide

v JavaDocs in devkits\validation

Table 5. Get help

Task Instructions

Use the IBM Knowledge Center Go to http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSCVKV/product_welcome_kc_campaign.dita

Open online help When using the IBM Campaign application:

1. Choose Help > Help for this page to open a context-sensitivehelp topic.

2. Click the Show navigation icon in the help window todisplay the full help.

You must have web access to view context-sensitive online help.Contact IBM Support for more information about accessing andinstalling IBM Knowledge Center locally for offlinedocumentation.

Get PDFs When using the IBM Campaign application:

v Choose Help > Product documentation to access CampaignPDFs.

v Choose Help > All IBM Marketing Software documentationto access all product PDFs.

v Click the links for PDFs during the installation process.

Chapter 1. IBM Campaign 11.0.1 system requirements and compatibility 3

Table 5. Get help (continued)

Task Instructions

Get support Go to http://www.ibm.com/ and click Support & downloads toaccess the IBM Support Portal.

4 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Chapter 2. New features and changes in version 11.0.1

IBM Campaign 11.0.1 includes a number of new features and changes. These arelisted underneath and were added in version 11.0 and are carried forward to 11.0.1.Note that 11.0.1 is a localization release. So, the product is localized for 10languages; namely Traditional Chinese, French (France), German (Germany),Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Spain), English (United Kingdom),Simplified Chinese and Italian.

For a list of newly supported and discontinued platforms, see the documentRecommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements, which isposted under Detailed System Requirements on the IBM Support Portal(http://support.ibm.com).

To store email opt out events of IMC coming in Campaign viaUBX

WCA customers can receive opt-out links to opt out (unsubscribe) from the WCAmailing in the emails delivered to them. This event is now tracked by IBMCampaign via UBX. The Mailing Opt-Out Event (emailOptOut) is being tracked inthe Campaign system database in a new table called UA_EMAILOPTOUT. Usermust subscribe to the Mailing Opt-Out Event (emailOptOut) in UBX to enabletracking of this event in IBM Campaign.

Replicate User variables in extract process box when thetemplate is being copied and pasted to another flowchart

When users copy the Flowchart template and paste it in the flowchart, then theUser Variables are copied too along with the template.

Allow User Variables (UserVar) to have a string length up 512

Earlier User Variables (UserVar) supported just 32 character string length. Thelength of the User Variables of type TEXT (UserVar) is increased to support up to512 characters.

GDPR - Right to erasure

GDPR utility provided with IBM Campaign help in generating the SQL scriptswhich can be executed on IBM Campaign system tables to erase the users datareferred in IBM Campaign system. Please refer to IBM Campaign GDPRdocumentation for more details on GDPR utility..

Upload contactlist to IMC without specifying Template or ContentCustomization details

Using this feature user will be able to upload data in WCA database / contact listusing EmailPB without selecting an Email template.

Add Swagger documentation for Campaign APIs

Swagger documentation contains useful reference and task-based help content toquickly get started with the Campaign APIs.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2018 5

Integration with Watson Marketing Assistant

Watson Marketing Assistant integration with IBM Campaign will enable real timeinteraction for IBM Campaign users, thus enabling businesses to serve theircustomers better.

Call from IBM Campaign to EBA is secured and this is achieved using the JSONweb token (JWT).

IBM Campaign communicates with EBA, EBA then communicates with QUESTand QUEST works on the Cognos model.

Currently, the QUEST model is based on the Campaign system schema, Modellingon User database is not supported.

For example, WMA in IBM Campaign will support queries like:v Which campaign has the most offersv When was a certain campaign createdv When were 10 Percent Off offers used in Test Direct Marketing Campaignv How many people in control groups received 20 Percent Off offers; show offer

start date

Though Watson integration is enabled, it is mandatory for a user to have a ReportSystem Role in order to access WMA.

Campaign – Audience Publishing and Subscription using UBXand UBX toolkit

Campaign can share the audience data with IBM UBX via the UBX Toolkit.Campaign can publish (produce) the audience data to UBX as well as candownload (consume) the audience information from UBX. This is achieved usingUBX toolkit.

UBX does not provide the actual SMS reply message

IBM Campaign is capable of sending Mobile SMS using the SMS process box withWatson Campaign Automation. In the 11.0 release, IBM Campaign can track theSMS replies to SMSes sent from IBM Campaign using Watson CampaignAutomation. The SMS Reply message is captured in UA_InteractedSMS table. Anew columns "MessageBody" is added in the UA_InteractedSMS table to capturethe SMS reply message body.

If user respond multiple times then he will see multiple entries in theUA_InteractedSMS table, one for each reply. "Source" table column is "null" forthese SMS reply records. Where as UA_InteractedSMS table also shows a recordwhen SMS is sent from IBM Campaign. This record will have the "Source" tablecolumn value set to "campaign".

While sending the SMS in WCA user will need to have Text to Join programavailable and attached to SMS templates. This Text to Join program contains a listof Keywords. While responding back to SMS user will need to use this keywordsthen only reply gets delivered to WCA.

6 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

IBM Campaign user database support to Hadoop based onImpala

IBM Campaign now supports Bigdata hadoop based on Impala, In the currentversion this support is provided just for Cloudera Bigdata instance using Impala.To connect from IBM Campaign to Cloudera Bigdata instance it needs ClouderaImpala ODBC driver version 2.5.41 onwards. Existing support of Bigdata instancebased on Hive remains same.

Fast Upgrade

IBM Marketing Software version 11.0.1 supports the fast upgrade approach. Thisapproach allows upgrades from version 8.6 onwards to version 11.0.1. This aidscustomers by bypassing the multi-step upgrade. The Fast Upgrade approach is alsouseful in reducing upgrade downtime. The approach is provided for IBMMarketing Platform, IBM Campaign, IBM Contact Optimization, IBM MarketingOperations, IBM Interact for upgrade from 8.6.x version onwards. For details, referto the Fast Upgrade documentation released with version 11.0.1.

IBM Campaign user database support with HortonWorks BigData on AIX Operating System

IBM Campaign support HortonWorks Big Data based on Hive using ProgressDataDirect Connect64(R) for ODBC Release 7.1.5 on AIX Operating System.

Chapter 2. New features and changes in version 11.0.1 7

8 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Chapter 3. Fixed defects in IBM Campaign 11.0.1

The following defects were fixed in Campaign 11.0.1.

Table 6. Campaign fixed defects

ID Fixed defect

DEF 283244 In a certain scenario, the Segment process box would get un-configured, in case thepreceding process boxes failed. This issue has been fixed.

DEF 242477 The User variable value would not get forward to the Campaign trigger correctly on theWindows platform when the value contained double quotes. This issue has been fixed.

DEF 282025 V10 field selection was less "compact" due to more spacing between the lines. This issuehas been fixed.

DEF 281959 The Campaign listener crashed at tls4d.dll module on the Windows operating system. Thisissue has been fixed.

DEF 223861 When we were remapping the input table with the same name but in a different case, themapped table was removed from the process box. This issue has been fixed.

However due to technical limitation, when you open the process box for the first time afterremapping you will see the old table name. If you close the process box a "Process RunResult will be Lost" pop-up message comes up.

Please ignore this message as the results will not get lost. Also, this message does not showup the second time onwards.

Please note even this behavior is specific to the case when you are remapping with thesame table name but different case. If you remap with different table name there are noissues at all.

DEF 282021 Double 'check' option in Extract PB for selecting CO Sessions

DEF 279680 The wrong CampaignAudienceID was recorded in WCA while using the Email process boxto upload a single contact record into WCA, when sending an email. This issue has beenfixed.

DEF 282038 Non top level Extract process box inappropriately inserted data filter query when 'MaxOf'was used. This issue is addressed by reverting the enhancement that was given fordata-filtering on non top level Select and Extract box. An environment variable"UNICA_ACTOPLEVELPB" is used in the server, to decide if the non-top level PB wouldallow data-filter or not for Select and Extract PB. A non empty value would indicate that itwould not. Putting any non empty value for this variable will enable this flag. User can setit in setenv.bat/sh or rc.unica_ac file. Enabling this flag will revert the Enhancement fordata filter. Non top level Select/Extract box will no more allow data filtering.

APAR PO07343, DEF272692

The flowchart session file was growing continuously in size with every save of theflowchart even though there were no changes done in the flowchart. This issue has beenfixed.

DEF 277757 partitions or partition1 directory was converting into a file, while the activeSession.udb filewas converting into a directory. This issue has been fixed for 100+ concurrent flowcharts.

DEF 228485 A blank value is allowed in the Parameters tab of the Mailist Process Box for the Date field.This issue has been fixed.

DEF 277046 SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols should be disabled by Campaign Listener and server

DEF 268408 VER: Issues observed in the search filter

DEF 269605 Search and sort icons are too close. Difficult to distinguish between the filters On and OFF

DEF 276974 VER: Filter on select PB is cleared but the filter condition is applied even then

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2018 9

Table 6. Campaign fixed defects (continued)

ID Fixed defect

APAR PO06791, DEF238043

In the Campaign Flowchart Status Summary report, on the Campaign Analysis tab, thesorting on the date type, the column name was incorrect. This issue has been fixed.

DEF 272140 The Response process box was failing with a Database error 11528 when 3 or more textbased fields are mapped to offer attributes. This issue has been fixed.

DEF 281958 There was a performance issue in the Clustered Campaign listener environments due toversioning/uniqueness of individual unica_tbmgr.cache files. This issue has been fixed.

DEF 246664 The Segment analysis tab UI distorts after viewing the Segment cross tab analysis report

10 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Chapter 4. Known issues in IBM Campaign 11.0.1

Campaign 11.0.1 includes the following known issues.

Table 7. Campaign known issues

ID Known issue

13460 When the Export to File option is unchecked on the Fulfillment tab of the Mail List process,the Summary File option is enabled but should not be.

175825 When defaultBehaviorWhenOutputToFile is set to Create New File, it works only when youselect a new output (export) file for the first time. If you try to change the existing outputfile and select a new output file, then the option Append to Existing Data gets selected bydefault.

It can be changed manually to Create New File.

APAR 198495,PO05293, 198494

For a custom macro, if a user account has assigned as Not Granted permission for a storedobject (Custom Macros, Flowchart Templates, Stored Derived Fields, etc.), the custom macrocan be used to edit, delete, add, move all stored objects regardless of permissions.

204347 LARGE_DATA: Browser Crash - Mail List process box with 700 segments - Save with 512offers to each segment.

211253 File-based input with multiple columns containing date in different format does not readthe date correctly.

212890 Boolean type column on Amazon Redshift is recognized as 'Test' field type in tablemapping.

220474 When the column name of the source table contains Non-ASCII characters and is long(probably longer than 10 x 3bytes characters in UTF8), the Snapshot process does not runbecause the temp table is not created.

220705 Profiling count for Dimension table fields is incorrect and profiling percentage is displayedas 100% even if profiling is in progress.

APAR 222047,PO06172, 222049

IBM Campaign extract process does not write to DB2 database when flowchart isconfigured with two extract processes and the second extract process contains a derivedfield that uses French accented characters in the name of the derived field.

APAR 225568,PO06304, 225572

temptablepostexecutionsql is not run when selecting coremetrics segment.

226981 Campaign navigation URL format and Campaign/conf/config.xml Campaign navigationformat is incorrect when no port is specified during Campaign installation.

230340 Inconsistent behavior for the Mail list process is observed when the data filter is assigned toEffective date on the Parameters tab in a new Mail list process when compared to anedited existing Mail list process. The Mail list process does not output a datetime derivedfield in the output log file. Changing the effective date parameter values might causeexecution failure of the Mail list.

230606 In a flowchart where fields are extracted and used in a Mail list process, the fields underExtract Node on the Personalization tab of the Mail list process are different before andafter running the process.

231859 While using the Chrome browser, it takes around 20 seconds to respond while loading thePersonalization tab of the Mail list process if it contains large number of treatments andoffers assigned. For example, a Mail list process with 250 cells, each cells with multipleoffers, each offer having multiple attributes.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2018 11

Table 7. Campaign known issues (continued)

ID Known issue

232502 A Mail list performance issue occurs when the user changes the input in any way and thereis a delay when initially switching tabs. After the user changes the input and switches tothe Treatment or Process tab for the first time, there is a delay of around 10-15 secondsdepending on the number of inputs selected. After this initial delay, there is no delay untilthe input is changed.

232835 The Campaign application performance is affected and sometimes an exception errormessage is displayed on the Campaign pages when the application is used for a longertime (some days) with continuous usage. You must restart your Campaign web applicationand Campaign Listeners

238789 While using the Chrome browser, when a user opens a Mail list with 600 cells havingmultiple offers assigned to each cell, the application stops responding. While using theInternet Explorer 11 browser, nothing is displayed in the Mail list process box.

APAR 238830,PO06822, 238832

Roles assignment does not work in Campaign and a user is able to create a custom macroeven if the user does not have the permission to create the custom macro, has thepermission for Folder Owner and Owner roles, and is neither the folder owner nor theowner.

239142 When the Audience process fails because of an incorrect Count filter expression, and theuser removes the filter expression, adds a Condition, and runs the Audience process again,the process fails. The Condition is not considered and instead the previous Count filterexpression is used resulting in the failure. To run the Audience process successfully, youmust re-open the Audience process configuration window, click the Condition, Save andClose. The Audience process now considers the Condition and runs successfully.

APAR 243895,PO06966, 243897

A space character is converted to ’’ while profiling.

PMR 223848, 245664 Irrelevant flowcharts turned up in a Campaign when different users access differentflowcharts at the same time, the wrong flowchart seems to be displayed.

248007 Hive Performance: PRE -Single Insert statements executed for loading data in temp tables(extract) when used with Hive takes 19 minutes for 2000 records.

APAR 267287,PO07170, 267288

Users cannot add an apostrophe in the text for a Derived field or a User variable.

269729 Persistent Derived field created in English locale is not displayed in French locale.

PMR 269280, 269765 Truncate does not function for the DB2 database. The DeleteAsTruncate property specifieswhether, when an output process is configured to REPLACE TABLE, Campaign uses TRUNCATETABLE or deletes from the table. When the value is TRUE, Campaign runs a TRUNCATE TABLEfrom the table. When the value is FALSE, Campaign runs a DELETE FROM from the table. Thedefault value depends on the database type, with a large number of clients moving fromOracle to DB2 the difference in performance is extremely noticeable. The comparison inperformance in Snapshots and Mail lists for customers leaving Oracle to DB2 is drastic.

269785 For the Chrome and Safari browsers, when the locale is set as Japanese, the labels overlapthe buttons in the Save template window.

270528 Use and Profile buttons remains enabled for the Select process when the user selects sometable fields and then applies the search filter in the Select process such that it does notreturn any matching table.

270614 An error occurs when the user tries to load/delete table catalog which is saved as XMLwith data folder specified.

270814 Users cannot select values from the On a trigger drop down by using the mouse on theScheduler page.

271576 Campaign Application deployment completed with errors on WAS The errors can beignored.

12 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Table 7. Campaign known issues (continued)

ID Known issue

271642 A "Please wait....." message is displayed multiple times in console mode installationwhile upgrading from version 10.1 and also for new Installation

271676 The Extract table on the DB2 and Oracle databases is not deleted when In-DB optimizationis unchecked.

272253 The Campaign application performance is affected when a user opens the Table mappingwindow and more than 500 tables are mapped.

273652 The server process crashes when Max size is set to zero and Create extract tables ischecked in Segment process.

2968 Hot keys are not implemented on most of the windows. In the Dojo implementation it isnot possible to use keyboard shortcuts to activate certain functions. Instead the user mustclick buttons.

PMR 266519, 75262 Clicking Return to previous page distorts the user interface in some cases. Use the linkswithin the products to navigate, rather than the browser controls.

N/A When IBM Campaign (10.0.0 FP1) is deployed in an application server clusterenvironment with 80 port, the Campaign navigation URL should not contain this portnumber. For example: http://<host>.<domain>:80/Campaign should be changed tohttp://<host>.<domain>/Campaign. Change the value of the serverURL property underCampaign|navigation on the Settings > Configuration page.

N/A Mail List process box gets unconfigured with error "31606: History table are changed"on Flowchart run.

1. There is no issue if the history tables are mapped prior to building a flowchart andadding a Mail List process.

2. If you do not follow step 1, you can still map the history tables after the error appears.If you edit the flowchart and configure the process box, the process will run.

N/A After migrating non-ASCII data to Campaign 8.6, in some cases you cannot open Campaignflowcharts on the target system. Session flowcharts open successfully. To work around thisissue, remigrate the campaigns in overwrite mode. You can then open the flowcharts.

TT 062333 Information related to associated products does not appear in offer on MarketingOperations. When an offer created in Campaign with products associated with it isimported in Marketing Operations, information about the associated products is notavailable in Marketing Operations.

270655 Table Mapping : Table name containing @ is supported while mapping a table, specialcharacters like @ are should not be supported in Table names. Since Table name containing@ is supported since some time, this functioning is not updated now.

283637 When user has one maillist PB configured in the flowchart and he adds another maillist PBin the same flowchart, it is observed that All the values from already configured intreatment tab, Parameters tab, Personalisation tab of new Maillist PB appear automaticallyin any new dragged maillist PB.

282367 While configuring maillist PB if a used offer has a date type of attribute to input cell. Thenon the parameters tab, Select a row from the Assigned value column and click on theAssign Value button and from the "Assign the following value to all selected attributes"drop down select Calendar. It is observed that a corrupted string 'date' is displayed whenyou click calendar on the Assign Value of Parameters tab of the Maillist PB

281389 While running Campaign in the Upgrade mode, the installer should read the installationproperties files from the previous version response files as we had that response availableat the install location from the previous installation. However, it does not read theinstallation properties files from the earlier version response files.

Chapter 4. Known issues in IBM Campaign 11.0.1 13

Table 7. Campaign known issues (continued)

ID Known issue

280623 In Sample PB if we specify '3' in "# of Samples/Output Cells" field and Configure [sample1]with 3 samples having sample sizes as 50%, 50% and "All remaining records" respectivelybased on "Random Sample method" then after running Flowchart if we reopen the SamplePB "Process run results will be lost. Continue?" message is displayed in sample PB whenremaining All check boxed is check.

281697 Query separator in SQL for error "previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon"- While executing a script generated by the gdpr utility on the SQL server DB, you mightface this error. The generated script will fail to execute as a script. Hence the specified datawill not be deleted from the Campaign system tables

283101 CHROME: "Unable to notify roles/permission changes to Campaign, eMessage OD may beout of sync". On clicking save changes for the Security Policy displays the followingpop-up, this happens just first time after user logs in and changes anything in the policyand clicks save changes. Also, this is reproducible just on CHROME. Tested on Chrome V64and V65.

282844 Campaign Offer doesn’t sort on 'Channel' & 'Eff./Exp.Dates'. After clicking on everycolumn the offers below it should be sorted in ascending order. If you click on the samecolumn the second time, the offers beneath it should be sorted in the descending order.

283695 Segment process box execution failed with extract enabled to User database for theIMPALA user DB. This error does not reproduce when extracting to IBM Campaign server.

284436 PRE:DEF : Campaign.ear deployment not working in WL12.2.1

14 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Chapter 5. Known limitations in IBM Campaign 11.0.1

Campaign 11.0.1 includes the following known limitations.

Table 8. Campaign known limitations

ID Known limitation

17202 Error 19024: Cannot delete segment folder if the segment was deleted from the folder. Asegment that is deleted from a folder remains as an inactive segment in the folder. Folderswith inactive segments cannot be deleted. This is working as intended.

185854 Big data: Campaign integration with Hadoop-based Hive big data as a user data source isnot tested on MS Windows operating system.

190621 Big data: Campaign with Hive big data as a user database does not support user tablemapping with Base and Dimension levels up to the fourth level hierarchy. If you map aBase record table with four levels of dimension tables in a Select process box, then build aquery based on the fourth level Dimension table, the query fails with Error 11528. Thisissue should not affect big data users because multiple dimensions should not be needed.By definition, a big data source has a large table of records split across Hadoop nodes (suchas HDFS).

194095 For Redshift database, the error message "Unsupported type timestamps with time zone" isdisplayed when exporting data from a Snapshot process box. Timestamp with timezone isan unsupported PostgreSQL data type on Amazon AWS.

195581 While running a Campaign flowchart, if listener crashes or is stopped, user is not able toaccess the running flowchart from the UI. Requests are being served by another node of thecluster but while accessing the flowchart, a pop-up message says "listener failoveroccurred..." It may be necessary to restart the master listener.

232032 User can start only one IBM Campaign listener on one server (machine) in case of Listenerclustering.

PMR 243195, 244148 When a column that has the Greek Letters A and B is profiled in Campaign, the systemreturns only A along with the count of all the records. After the fix, some of thenon-English characters, which differ only in case (like é and É in French), are counted astwo different values in profiling. English language characters are not counted as casesensitive.

244482 Deep search lists all the Campaigns that are created through Marketing Operations projectswhen Campaign - Marketing Operations integration is on. Campaigns that are createdthrough Marketing Operations projects when Marketing Operations - Campaign integrationis enabled) are not listed on Campaign list page and are only available on the MarketingOperations project listing page. Users who do not have the permission to access MarketingOperations are able to access campaigns which are created through Marketing Operationsprojects through Deep search results.

248943 If the user profile database is changed (change in the table column values of audiencerecord) for fields other than sync fields and the user runs the Email process again, anegative count is returned for the DUPLICATES parameter from Engage in the Campaignflowchart log.

N/A Big data: To perform the UPDATE operation on any process boxes in a flowchart, ensurethat your HIVE tables are configured as transactional tables such that they support theACID property. This is a key feature introduced in HIVE version 0.14.

N/A IBM Interact when configured with IBM WebSphere Application Server: You must configureIBM WebSphere JVM to use JDK 1.7. When IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5.x isconfigured with JDK 1.7 and HTTPS communication, you must use IBM JAVA SDK version7.0.8.10 or higher.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2018 15

Table 8. Campaign known limitations (continued)

ID Known limitation

N/A Using multiple SQL statements for raw SQL queries is not currently supported on big datauser datasources. For related information, search the IBM Knowledge Center for Hive querylanguage conformance.

N/A Dialog behavior: In certain cases, it is necessary to click twice in order to activate a field orchange a field value.

N/A The monitorEnabledForEmessage configuration property in Campaign|monitoring is notcurrently used.

N/A Relevant products limitation: When offer management is performed from IBM MarketingOperations, the "relevant products" functionality, which relates product IDs to offers, is notavailable.

N/A Blank or incorrect results from derived fields in a Mail List process. This can occur in aprocess box that uses a derived field that calls a Generated field (UCGF) that changesvalue.

Do not use a UCGF in a Mail List derived field if the UCGF is not constant. Also, from theParameters tab, do not create a derived field to call a UCGF to populate offer attributes.

N/A Profiling a Campaign Generated Field (UCGF) does not yield correct results. Some UCGFshave a value according to the cell or the offer being processed. For cell-related UCGFs, onlythe value associated with the first cell appears during profiling.

N/A The default value for a custom cell attribute does not appear when you open the target cellspreadsheet. Although the default value is not initially displayed, it will be used. The valuecan be displayed or changed by clicking or opening and editing the custom cell attribute inthe target cell spreadsheet.

N/A The UA_UsrResponseType.Name field cannot contain a left parenthesis followed by a singlequote.

N/A Use unique TempTablePrefix for each data source when mapping multiple data sources tosame physical database.

If you mapped multiple data sources in Campaign to the same physical database, and youuse the same TempTablePrefix for more than one of the data sources, when you use thecleanup utility to delete orphaned temp tables, it may falsely identify temp tables asorphaned, when they are in fact legitimate temp tables defined from a different Campaigndata source.

Any deleted temp tables will automatically be recreated when you rerun affectedflowcharts, but as a best practice, use a unique TempTablePrefix for each data source whenmapping multiple data sources to the same physical database.

If the data sources defined in Campaign map to different schemas in the database, anothersolution is to ensure that the database user who runs the cleanup utility does not haveprivileges to drop tables in other schemas in the same database.

161323 The error "Login failed. Error 10553" can occur if you try to log in to the Campaign utilitieswhen the IBM Marketing Platform | Security | login method is set to Windowsintegrated login or Web access control. To avoid this issue, change the login type to LDAPor IBM Marketing Platform prior to using the Campaign utilities..

176377 DB2 10.5 BLU for user DB: No indexing requirement for temp tables in Campaigndatasource. DB2 10.5 (with BLU feature ON) does not require indexing in Campaign.Campaign has certain properties for datasources, such as TempTablePreTruncateRunScript,TempTablePostExecutionSQL, and PostTempTableCreateRunScript, where you can provideSQL or scripts to create indexes on user database tables. If you are using DB2 10.5 as acustomer database, with the BLU feature ON, you do not need to configure any of thesetemp table properties.

16 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Table 8. Campaign known limitations (continued)

ID Known limitation

201,968,200,241 If two process boxes are moved very close together in a flowchart, the direction of theconnection arrow changes. This limitation affects the visual representation of the arrow. Theprocess data flow is not affected. The workaround is to move the process boxes fartherapart so the arrowhead changes back to the correct direction.

211293 In IBM Campaign, the built-in macro Current_Date() results in an error when executedagainst a Hive 1.2 based Big Data instance. The Hive ODBC driver does not support theCURRENT_DATE macro to obtain interval values. For example, executing the followingquery results in a Hive error:

SELECT DISTINCT customerid FROM Customer_date WHERE((Customer_date.my_date_mmdyyyy - CURRENT_DATE()) >= 7)

Error: Hive 2 Internal error: unsupported conversion from type: interval_day_time

Workaround: To use the CURRENT_DATE function in a RAW SQL query on Hive withHortonworks, execute SQL in the following format:

SELECT DISTINCT customerid FROM Customer_date WHERE (current_date() -my_date_mmdyyyy ) = interval '0 0:0:0' day to second

213088 If IBM Campaign is installed in a secured environment but IBM Cognos is in an unsecuredenvironment, Cognos reports will not display when you use Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.Workaround: If IBM Campaign is configured with HTTPS, also configure IBM Cognos onHTTPS.

217488 IBM can support the Database Loader for Redshift until the moment Campaign triggers theLoader Script. Any problems in execution of the loader script are not supported by IBM.

223716 Authentication Bypass Using HTTP Verb Tampering

Instead of applying theHttpVerbFilter.class patch, you can use the following workaround toensure application security.

Complete the following steps to update web.xml.

1. Update the web app tag and set the xsd version to 3.0.

<web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaeehttp://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_3_0.xsd"id="Platform" version="3.0" metadata-complete="true">

2. Add the following in web.xml.

<!--[start] WhiteList Http Verbs --><security-constraint><web-resource-collection><web-resource-name>Unica_WhiteList_Http_Verbs</web-resource-name><url-pattern>/*</url-pattern><http-method-omission>GET</http-method-omission><http-method-omission>POST</http-method-omission><http-method-omission>TRACE</http-method-omission><http-method-omission>PUT</http-method-omission><http-method-omission>DELETE</http-method-omission><http-method-omission>PATCH</http-method-omission><http-method-omission>OPTIONS</http-method-omission><http-method-omission>HEAD</http-method-omission></web-resource-collection><auth-constraint/>

</security-constraint><!--[end] WhiteList Http Verbs -->

Chapter 5. Known limitations in IBM Campaign 11.0.1 17

Table 8. Campaign known limitations (continued)

ID Known limitation

283805 IBM Websphere Application Server 8.5.5 Fix Pack 12 requires IFPI85892 to run IBMMarketing Software application. An interim fix is available at:


283544 On Oracle 12.2 database server following parameters needs to be added in sqlnet.ora filelocated under ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER

User will need to consult with DBA to provide appropriate value to this parameter. Pleaserefer this link for details: https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/NETRF/sqlnet.htm#NETRF2016

N/A IBM Campaign Integration with Watson Marketing Assistant is not supported on InternetExplorer.

18 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Chapter 6. IBM Campaign Reports Package

The Campaign Reports Package delivers reporting schemas that you can use totrack campaign, offer, and cell performance. To use the Reports Package, Campaignmust be integrated with IBM Cognos

For more information, see the IBM Marketing Software Reports Installation andConfiguration Guide that is supplied with IBM Marketing Platform.

The IBM Campaign Reports Package contains the following items:v Schemas that are registered with IBM Marketing Platform during installation.

They describe the attributes and metrics that represent the product's reportingschema and include:– Base schemas that are the basis of the reporting schema (with no custom

attributes)– Custom versions of most of the base schemas that rely on the preconfigured

custom attributes for Campaign– Templates that you can use to create new schemas

v IBM Cognos customizable model and reports to be deployed on an IBM CognosBI Server

v Reference documentation that describes the IBM Cognos model and the reports.Documentation can be found in the directory ReportsPackCampaign\cognos11\CampaignDocs.

The Campaign reports retrieve data from one data source: the Campaign systemtables.

Reporting Schemas

The following reporting schemas are provided:v Campaign Views provides the standard attribute views of the Campaign system

tables (campaign, offer, cell, and so on).v Campaign Custom Attributes is for reporting on custom attributes of campaigns,

offers, and cells.v Campaign Performance is used by reports that display performance

measurements starting at the campaign level over all time or various periods oftime (days, months, and so on).

v Offer Performance is used by reports that display performance measurementsstarting at the offer level over all time or various periods of time (days, months,and so on).

v Campaign Offer Response Breakout is used by reports that show campaign andoffer responses based on response types.

v Campaign Offer Contact Status Breakout is used for measurement of campaignand offer contacts based on contact status.

The custom schemas extend the last five of the listed schemas to include thedefault, preconfigured response types, custom attributes, and so on.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2018 19


If you have additional audience levels, you can create additional reporting schemasfor them with the following templates:v Campaign Viewsv Campaign Custom Attributesv Campaign Performancev Offer Performancev Campaign Offer Response Breakoutv Campaign Offer Contact Status Breakout


The reports package contains Cognos example reports that can be accessed fromthe Analytics menu or the Analysis tab for a campaign or offer. Reports can also bedisplayed in portlets on the Dashboard.

The following campaign-specific example reports are available from the CampaignAnalysis tab:v Campaign Detailed Offer Response Breakoutv Campaign Financial Summary by Offer (Actual)v Campaign Offer Performance by Monthv Campaign Performance Summary by Cellv Campaign Performance Summary by Cell with Revenuev Campaign Performance Summary by Offerv Campaign Performance Summary by Cell and Offerv Campaign Performance Summary by Cell and Offer (with Revenue)

The following offer example reports are available from the Offer Analysis tab:v "What If" Offer Financial Summaryv Offer Performance by Dayv Offer Performance Summary by Campaign

The following cross-object example reports include information about multipleobjects in Campaign. These reports are available from the Campaign Analyticspage.v "What If" Offer Financial Summaryv Campaign Detailed Offer Response Breakoutv Campaign Financial Summary by Offer (Actual)v Campaign Offer Performance by Monthv Campaign Performance Comparisonv Campaign Performance Comparison (with Revenue)v Campaign Performance Comparison by Initiativev Campaign Performance Summary by Cellv Campaign Performance Summary by Cell (with Revenue)v Campaign Performance Summary by Cell by Initiativev Campaign Performance Summary by Offerv Campaign Performance Summary by Offer (with Revenue)

20 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

v Campaign Performance Summary by Cell and Offerv Campaign Performance Summary by Cell and Offer (with Revenue)v Campaign Summaryv Offer Campaign Listingsv Offer Performance by Dayv Offer Performance Comparisonv Offer Performance Metricsv Offer Performance Summary by Campaign

The following campaign-specific example report portlets are available ondashboard pages:v Campaign Response Rate Comparisonv Campaign Return on Investment Comparisonv Campaign Revenue Comparison by Offerv Offer Response Breakoutv Offer Response Rate Comparisonv Offer Responses for Last 7 Days

Chapter 6. IBM Campaign Reports Package 21

22 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

Before you contact IBM technical support

If you encounter a problem that you cannot resolve by consulting thedocumentation, your company's designated support contact can log a call withIBM technical support. Use these guidelines to ensure that your problem isresolved efficiently and successfully.

If you are not a designated support contact at your company, contact your IBMadministrator for information.

Note: Technical Support does not write or create API scripts. For assistance inimplementing our API offerings, contact IBM Professional Services.

Information to gather

Before you contact IBM technical support, gather the following information:v A brief description of the nature of your issue.v Detailed error messages that you see when the issue occurs.v Detailed steps to reproduce the issue.v Related log files, session files, configuration files, and data files.v Information about your product and system environment, which you can obtain

as described in "System information."

System information

When you call IBM technical support, you might be asked to provide informationabout your environment.

If your problem does not prevent you from logging in, much of this information isavailable on the About page, which provides information about your installed IBMapplications.

You can access the About page by selecting Help > About. If the About page is notaccessible, check for a version.txt file that is located under the installationdirectory for your application.

Contact information for IBM technical support

For ways to contact IBM technical support, see the IBM Product Technical Supportwebsite: (http://www.ibm.com/support/entry/portal/open_service_request).

Note: To enter a support request, you must log in with an IBM account. Thisaccount must be linked to your IBM customer number. To learn more aboutassociating your account with your IBM customer number, see Support Resources> Entitled Software Support on the Support Portal.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2018 23

24 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1


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26 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1

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Notices 27

28 IBM Campaign Release Notes 11.0.1


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