wisci girl’s steam camp - rwanda - 26 july to 15 august 2015

Post on 08-Jan-2017






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To directly engage at least 25,000 young people, particularly young women

to acquire the high-level skills and confidenceto develop, promote, or sell

at least 5,000 successful smart mobile appsfor sustainable development, and employment

by 2017

Teach girls/boys to create mobile apps for sustainable development.

To directly engage at least 25,000 young people, particularly young women by 2017

To acquire the high-level skills and confidence

to develop, promote, or sell at least 5,000 successful smart mobile apps for sustainable development, and employment by 2017


The Challenge !The next 1 billion new

internet connectionsWill be from mobile devices

In the hands of young peoplefrom developing


What is the UNESCO Solution!?

1Identify the world’s best, existing training materials to engage young people to develop mobile appsHigh-level, multi-lingual coursesOpenly-licensed for translations, localization, and innovations

Global Project –21st century


2Training of Youth Trainers and ICT TeachersPartnerships with national, regional ICT-enabled youth organizationsCreating a large pool of trained, energetic Trainers“Youth training Youth”Identifying YouthMobile-ready schools

EmpoweringYouth 18 – 27


secondary school

students 14 – 18 years

3CORE: Training of critical mass of young people in developing successful mobile apps for sustainable developmentTraining the young people

25,000 trained5,000 apps

By 2017

41st Global List of Mobile Apps CompetitionsUNESCO CompetitionsUNESCO will compile the 1st Global list of App CompetitionsAn open, multi-lingual list allowing anyone to add competitions UNESCO will launch its own thematic competitionsEncouraging trained students to submit apps for prizes, recognition, and employment opportunities for youth

Achieving sustainable

development,and providing


2015 2016 2017 1,000






Expected resultsTrained Students and Youth Learners

Her2Voice profile

Initiative of Rwanda TechWomen alumnae

Members are professional women working in science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)

Rwanda as area of our project Implementation

Our objectives

To inspire the next generation of women in STEM

Initiate a culture for adopting role models aiming to share and encourage young girls to embrace STEM careers.

To provide hands on skills stimulating STEM interest among young girls at an earlier age

Mobile app impacted life style for Rwandans

sustainable development

Pivot access: significant impact in improving

Lifestyle for all mobile phones users by allowing them to easily access prepaid electricity purchase services

Youth unemployment

MTN mobile Money, Tigo cash and Airtel money: mobile apps that we use in Rwanda to send and receive the money all over the country.

Mobile app impacted life style for Rwandans

Game changer for financial inclusion with potentials for low income populations.

Use approximately 10-15% youth as representatives agents to run transactions across the country.

Global citizenship:

Despite the fact that Rwanda had ethnic conflicts in the past leading to a genocide, few years later Rwanda made progress in reuniting it nation.


Mobile app impacted life style for Rwandans

Technology is always helping in bringing back human values among Rwandans: for example:

Incike mobile apps: a mobile application aiming to bring back hope to old women survivors of the genocide, running campaign using mobile sms to fundraise and give them shelter, visit them or provide them with basic needs.

Success stories so farHer2Voice initiative: a viable example contributing to sustainable development and promoting it nationally:

Currently running successfully run the Technovation in the past 2 years

2 Technovation alumni won the Ms Geek competition as First and second runner-up

STEM clubs in 5 schools (with 20 girls in each) in each Rwandan province

Two apps built by our technovation alumni

Tag app: agricultural app connecting farmers and industries helping famers to extend their products on the national/international market.

InTouch app: educational application informing student from different schools about the curriculum status and catch up if needed.

Let’s build our mobile app

Tool? appInventor Why? easy to use and learn How? Create a Gmail account, click on

create project then follow the steps in your handbook

What will you learn? How to apply ICT to solve real problems in your community and create societal Impact

Let’s start by following the steps in the handout and built our first mobile app

Do you need to become a mobile programmer ?

Different initiatives that can help you:

Rwanda: Her2Voice(www.technovationrwanda.wix.com), Rwanda women in tech(www.girlsinict.rw)

Uganda: Women in Tech (www.witug.org) Kenya: Women in Tech


Ghana: Ghana Girls in ICT (www.ghanaweb.com)

Africa: WeTech Africa (www. womentechafrica.wordpress.com)

Worldwide: Technovation (www.technovationchallenge.org/)


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