winter time: hibernating animals - gulliver scuola · hibernating place, then write the missing...

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NUOVO NEWS n. 183 gennaio 2017 3


Winter time:hibernating animals

TRAGUARDI PER LO SVILUPPO DELLE COMPETENZEL’alunno: � riconosce se ha o meno capito messaggi verbali orali e semplici testi descrittivi, chiede spiegazioni; � trova da varie fonti (libri o internet informazioni e spiegazioni (Scienze).

OBIETTIVI DISCIPLINARI / CONTENT OUTCOMINGS � To investigate animal life. � To identify the main characteristics of hibernating animals.

OBIETTIVI LINGUISTICI / LANGUAGE OUTCOMINGS � To understand written information. � To use scientific vocabulary. � To describe animal life.

di Marzia LuzziniFormatrice

Approfondimentiteorico-pratici sullametodologia CLILdisponibili !


It’s starting to snow!Mostrando possibilmente in videoproiezione la copertina di un

libro che tratti degli animali che vanno in letargo, come ad

esempio quella di Bear Snores On di Karma Wilson o quella

di When it starts snow di Phillis Gershator, commentiamola

coinvolgendo gli alunni.

It starts to snow, what do the animals do? Where do they go?

So begins this winter story, as each animal, from a mouse to a

bear,tells us what it will do and where it will go when the snow

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starts to fall.

Each takes cover in its own special home, except for one.

4 Can you guess who?

Avendone la possibilità, mostriamo la videolettura del libro Bear Snores On (


Scritto al centro di un cartellone o della LIM il termine HIBERNATION, leggiamolo e chiediamo agli alunni di darne la

spiegazione esprimendosi in lingua italiana, che noi restituiremo poi in L2, facendola scrivere sul quaderno.

Hibernation occurs when an animal becomes inactive, or “sleeps,” during the cold days of winter.

They curl up in a safe place like a cave, a log or under the ground and they stay there until winter ends.


Hibernation songPer facilitare la memorizzazione del nome di alcuni animali che vanno in letargo, ricorriamo al testo di una canzone che

cantiamo sulla melodia di“The wheels on the bus”.

Per facilitarne la comprensione, mimiamo le azioni e, ogni volta che nominiamo un animale mostriamo la relativa flashcard

(cfr. figura n. 1) e, nel testo consegnato in copia a ciascuno (cfr. testo n. 1), facciamone sottolineare il nome.

Testo n. 1

The weather’s getting cold so bundle up (coprirsi, infagottarsi),

bundle up, bundle up.

The weather’s getting cold so bundle up,

winter’s coming soon.

The bears in the cave sleep all the time…

The squirrels in the trees get lots of nuts...

The frogs and toads go deep in mud...

The ducks and the geese go flying south...

The people in the town wear hats and gloves...

Facendoci dettare il nome degli animali, scriviamoli attorno alla parola HIBERNATION, per poi far ricopiare la mappa sul



NUOVO NEWS n. 183 gennaio 2017 5

Speaking timeMostrando una flashcard alla volta e seguendo le strutture da noi annotate sulla lavagna, invitiamo gli alunni a descrivere

ogni animale.

3 It is…

3 It has got…

3 It lives…

3 In winter time it…

Chiediamo di disegnare sul quaderno ciascun animale scrivendone la stessa descrizione fatta oralmente.

When it’s cold and frostyLeggiamo ad alta voce il testo fornito in copia a ciascuno (cfr. testo n. 2), guidando gli alunni a individuare e sottolineare

le parole chiave.

Testo n. 2

Some animals hibernate over the winter, going into a deep sleep. Hibernating animals usually retreat to a cave (caverna), a

burrow (tana), or a hollow log (tronco cavo) for protection. Most animals will eat large amounts of food before hibernating,

adding body fat that will nourish them during the winter. They barely breathe, and their body temperature is near the

freezing mark. In warmer weather they return to their regular activities. When most hibernating animals awaken in the

spring, they are very hungry.

Con la nostra mediazione, supportiamo gli alunni nella comprensione globale del brano.

Per un’attività di verifica, ricorriamo alla scheda n. 1.

Do you know that…Agli alunni chiediamo di elencare tutti gli animali che vanno in letargo e completiamo l’elenco che poi facciamo scrivere

sul quaderno.

Hibernating and dormant mammals include:

3 bears (orsi);

3 squirrels (scoiattoli);

3 groundhogs (marmotte);

3 raccoons (procioni);

3 skunks (puzzole);

3 opossum;

3 dormice (ghiri);

3 bats (pipistrelli)…

Spieghiamo che altri animali, pur non considerati tra quelli che vanno in letargo, cercano un riparo sicuro che li protegga

dalle condizioni climatiche avverse; elenchiamoli sulla lavagna, leggiamoli e facciamoli riscrivere sul quaderno.

Frogs (rane), toads (rospi), turtles (tartarughe), lizards (lucertole), snakes (serpenti), snails (lumache), even some insects as

bees (alcun insetti come le api)… they all hibernate or are dormant during the winter.

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Work in groupsDivisa la classe in piccoli gruppi, consegniamo agli alunni una serie di testi da leggere (cfr. attività n. 1) e comprendere

globalmente rispondendo alle domande When?, Where? per poi disegnare l’animale descritto e descriverlo con semplici


Attività n. 1

Hedgehogs hibernate when the weather gets cold. They sleep from October to April. They find a pile of leaves or bury into

a compost heap, curl up into a tight ball and go to sleep.

Bats hibernate in caves, tunnels, lofts and wall cavities and will sleep for long periods of time if the weather is very cold.

They can live without food for very long periods but will sometimes wake up to drink.

When the temperature drops, male and worker bees (api operaie) die off but the queen bee survives by hibernating. She

hibernates in a hole in the soil, in tree stumps or under a pile of leaves. She will wake up 6-8 months later, and then find a

nice place to build a nest and create a whole new team of bees.

Frogs and toads hibernate as the weather gets colder, usually at the end of October or November. They sleep in the mud

at the bottom of ponds or, more often, they find a damp pile of leaves (un mucchio di foglie umide) to hide under until

the spring.

La scheda n. 2 si presta per un’attività di verifica.

NUOVO NEWS n. 183 gennaio 2017 7



• Read the passage and fill in the gaps choosing the correct words from wordbank


Some animals …………………………………………………… over the winter, going into a deep sleep.

Hibernating …………………………………… usually retreat to a ……………………………………, a burrow, or a

hollow log for ………………………………………………………………… .

Most animals will eat large amounts of …………………………………… before hibernating, adding

body …………………………………… that will nourish them during the …………………………………… .

They barely breathe, and their body …………………………………………………………………… is near the freezing


In warmer weather

they return to their

regular activities.

When most hibernating

animals awaken in

the ……………………………………,

they are very

…………………………………… .

Abilità: comprende un testo.

food – hungry – hibernate – temperature – winter – fat – cave – spring – protection – animals – mark

NUOVO NEWS n. 183 gennaio 20178



• Read the passage, look at the picture and match the animals with the right hibernating place, then write the missing letters.

The bears in the cave sleep all the time in winter months.

The squirrels in the trees get lots of nuts for the cold winter.

The hedgehog stays still in a log plenty of leaves and straw.

The frogs and toads go deep in mud in the frosty season.

The dormice falls asleep in a warm burrow under the ground.

Conoscenze: il letargo.Abilità: comprende semplici frasi.

In the c_ _ _

In the l_ _

In the t_ _ _

In the m_ _

In the b_ _ _

NUOVO NEWS n. 183 gennaio 2017 9

Testo n. 1

The weather’s getting cold so bundle up (coprirsi, infagottarsi),

bundle up, bundle up.

The weather’s getting cold so bundle up,

winter’s coming soon.

The bears in the cave sleep all the time…

The squirrels in the trees get lots of nuts...

The frogs and toads go deep in mud...

The ducks and the geese go flying south...

The people in the town wear hats and gloves...

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Figura n. 1

NUOVO NEWS n. 183 gennaio 2017 11

Testo n. 2

Some animals hibernate over the winter, going into a deep sleep. Hibernating

animals usually retreat to a cave (caverna), a burrow (tana), or a hollow log

(tronco cavo) for protection. Most animals will eat large amounts of food before

hibernating, adding body fat that will nourish them during the winter. They barely

breathe, and their body temperature is near the freezing mark. In warmer weather

they return to their regular activities. When most hibernating animals awaken in

the spring, they are very hungry.

NUOVO NEWS n. 183 gennaio 201712

Attività n. 1

Hedgehogs hibernate when the weather gets cold. They sleep from October to

April. They find a pile of leaves or bury into a compost heap, curl up into a tight

ball and go to sleep.

Bats hibernate in caves, tunnels, lofts and wall cavities and will sleep for long

periods of time if the weather is very cold. They can live without food for very long

periods but will sometimes wake up to drink.

When the temperature drops, male and worker bees (api operaie) die off but the

queen bee survives by hibernating. She hibernates in a hole in the soil, in tree

stumps or under a pile of leaves. She will wake up 6-8 months later, and then find

a nice place to build a nest and create a whole new team of bees.

Frogs and toads hibernate as the weather gets colder, usually at the end of October

or November. They sleep in the mud at the bottom of ponds or, more often, they

find a damp pile of leaves (un mucchio di foglie umide) to hide under until the


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