winter 2018 newsletter registered charity no. › cms › resources › ... · the temperature...

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Message from the Chairperson: Eleven years ago I decided that I would fulfil one of my ambitions in life which was to volunteer for an animal charity. Over those years my poor old husband has welcomed many four legged additions to our family and accepted that Eden Animal Rescue comes very high on my list of priorities in life. It is therefore with

great privilege that I now find myself filling the big shoes of our much loved previous Chair Caroline Holland. We all wish her the very best in the future having worked so hard leading and developing this charity over so many years. As we bid farewell to 2018, on behalf of the Trustees of Eden Animal Rescue, I would like to say ‘Thank you’ for your continued support for this very special charity which provides a safe place for many animals who find themselves unfortunately without their own ‘special humans and home‘, often through no fault of their own. Over the year it has been wonderful to see the many new faces that have joined us as volunteers and the dedicated individuals who year on year give their time so freely to help in the many ways needed. It is heartening to meet our supporters and the public who so generously give at our fund raising events and via donations and this continues to give me immense faith that there are still many kind and compassionate people out there in this challenging world. Whether you are a supporter, volunteer or a member of our staff it is only fair to say that ‘animal rescue’ of any kind is often very emotional and certainly pulls at your heart strings and on occasions messes with your head. I quite often find myself questioning the behaviour of my fellow humans when I hear the many sad stories involving these vulnerable creatures. I am glad though that many of them find their way to us so that we can give them a safe haven and start rebuilding their trust in the human race again. There will always be times when we wish we could do more. Kind compassionate individuals will always ask that question of themselves. We have always to remember that in a time when we are being asked to do more with less that we are always striving to do our best. Given all the challenges faced by society and the charitable sector, our ability to maintain our required income will always be a worry to us and we will continue to ponder and deliberate on the wisest way it can be spent, thereby ensuring we are able to help as many animals as possible. We will always be a charity but along with that comes many responsibilities and commitments. We are bound by much legislation and we have to ensure that standards and practices are maintained to a high standard. There will be many potholes to negotiate and tough decisions to be made. Charity work of any kind will always bring challenges and there will on occasion be things we reflect on and wish we had done differently. From every challenge that presents we hopefully can find the best solution. The new team of Trustees along with our small staff team are completely invested in this charity

and its ongoing work. We are committed totally to the ethos that

every penny entrusted to us is spent wisely and for the benefit of

our animals. It is a privilege to contribute our time and energy to a

cause that is a huge part of all our lives. Our charity is small but to

every animal that passes through it is a life line. Our intention is

that Eden Animal Rescue will remain safe, secure, and viable

ensuring its long term sustainability. We hope that you will all stay

with us on that ongoing journey and encourage as many people as

you can to join us. Sandra Taylor, Chairperson.

Winter 2018 Newsletter Registered Charity No.


Happy 2nd ‘Gotcha day’ George

We have had these lovely pictures of George sent to us to celebrate his 2nd Gotcha Day. Here he is

thoroughly enjoying life

“Just wanted to share some pictures of George. Today is his 2nd gotcha day.

He is loving life and his friends. Thank you for allowing me to take him”

Hi Sarah As you remember, my mother and I took Sadie (formerly Cassie) to you at Shap about three years ago. Sadie was a young feral cat living in mum’s garden. I had to trap her to bring her to you and you kindly took her in and made sure she received lots of love and attention. Sadie was with you for three weeks after which time we decided to adopt her and she is now the best friend I could possibly have. She certainly is one of your success stories, and has adapted well to being an indoor cat with an outside enclosure, she loves Ginger and Cassie and is currently making friends with our latest addition, Smokey. Thank you very much for saving my best friend’s life. Kind thoughts, Nadia

The Wonder of a Kitten’s First Christmas Once again we reached record numbers of kittens this year, with 18 of them being born at the Rescue. It’s great to hear from anyone that homes one of our animals. Here is a message from one of our kittens that was born at the Rescue..... Hi there! I thought it might be nice for you to know that because of the great work you all do at EAR, this will be Little Dorrit's 1st Christmas. We couldn't have celebrated this wondrous privilege without your kind, timely and professional intervention. Merry Christmas everyone, and may God Bless you all. May all those fortunate to have been rescued by you find their forever homes just like Little Dorrit did. Thanks Team! You're amazing!

Charlie would like to wish all volunteers a

Happy Christmas! People who look after the cats

will remember with fear and

trepidation Charlie who you

could not even touch let alone

try to stroke him. Well here he is

in all his Christmas splendour

wearing a very fetching Xmas

jumper. Can you imagine trying

to put that on him when he was

with us? Time, love and

patience has paid off.

A Heartfelt Thanks to Bill Crothers……..please read on….. 25th October 2018 - the latest Annual General Meeting of Eden Animal Rescue. It was on such an October day seventeen years ago that I was wandering the streets of Penrith, not quite as lonely as a cloud, but quite seriously cold and wet. My wife (Sue) and I had been in our new house in Penrith a mere three weeks, and I was still in exploring mode. In those three weeks we had invented a new colour for the colour charts that we had collected from various DIY stores - we were trying to decide on an emulsion for the dining room. Penrith Grey! This came from the colour of the northern sky we had been waking up to every morning since we arrived from London . . ….there was also Slate Grey (Penrith Grey but also raining), we were starting to harbour feelings of nostalgia for a blue London sky. I had been tasked by Sue with the purchase of stamps, she was writing to our London friends pleading for blankets and London food supplies, we were not going to allow a Cumbrian winter to drive us out. After leaving the Post Office, heading for the town centre, I passed a rather run down shop fronted by dusty widows wherein was displayed a strange assortment of bric a brac. Curious, I entered the shop. The temperature dropped, it was even colder in the shop than outside. Huddled in a corner near the window, in front of an antique one bar electric fire that had seen better days (the 1930’s), sat a person of indeterminate size and gender. It was difficult to gauge these parameters because of the huge overcoat, scarf and woolen bonnet that adorned her/he. Only the eyelashes were visible. Her/he obviously had her/his own way of combatting the Penrith weather. The lady (her softly modulated pleasant voice was a giveaway) explained that the shop was the latest money-raising enterprise by the local animal rescue charity. She explained that the charity comprised a very small number of volunteers and a slightly larger group of concerned individuals who temporarily fostered rescued animals until, hopefully, a forever home could be found for them. The food for the animals came from other volunteers or the fosterers themselves. I was not sure how cash was raised, but it was almost certainly on an informal and ad hoc basis, and the shop was an attempt to improve

on this. I became one of those volunteers, working and eventually managing the shop which replaced the first building, which was demolished during the construction of the New Squares complex. Of course, the shop could not have been the success it eventually became, without the help and skill of my esteemed colleague and friend and fellow manager, Nina. But though I am leaving this is not about me, - it is about you, the myriad of volunteers who have, over the last seventeen years, made the charity what it now is, and who have given it the very high profile and place in the community it now occupies.

From a tiny shop and a mere handful of volunteers, with no clear or discernible object other than “It is about the animals”, to an amazing rescue centre that is the envy of all, and with an administrative structure that would have done a far better job of organising Brexit than the politicians, had it been in their remit. And in only seventeen years! It is quite remarkable. You are all truly wonderful and it has been a rare privilege to have known and worked with you. I have refrained from mentioning names, apart from Nina’s, but you know who you are. I sat on the back row with Nina during the last AGM, and I marvelled at the professionalism and passion of everyone who spoke. The charity is in good hands. I am leaving to finish writing a book I started ten years ago when I wrote the title and introduction pages - I hope to have it finished in six months to a year, so I may be back, if you will have me, even if only as a simple volunteer, and I will continue to do the fortnightly spreadsheet for the accountants and weigh and set out the fortnightly rags for collection, hopefully with the much appreciated help of Paul. And I will almost certainly continue to process the auction material as that is only every six weeks or so. What I cannot do regularly is the almost daily visits and time spent in the shop itself. I also have a constant reminder of you all . . . a little Lilac-Point Siamese by the name of Clara, who follows me around everywhere like a little dog, and sleeps in my arms every night when I watch TV or read my latest book. Bill Crothers Bill, we can never thank you enough for everything you have done for Eden Animal Rescue—we are forever indebted to you. x

Quiet Please! Shhhhhh! Don’t

disturb Benson he’s snuggled up in his

forever home having a lazy

schnoozy time. He’s been a good

he waiting for a present from Santa?

Benson was a firm

favourite with all our staff and volunteers

and they will be pleased to see him

so settled

Cats Sid and Mabel

look very cosy curled up on their blanket

Where did you get that hat?

Beeb is getting ready for

Christmas - he’s already got his Christmas hat on, he just

needs the Santa suit to


Lady looks very regal and relaxed in her

new home.

She’s making sure her new servants are treating her like a real


All these animals love their new

homes. Thank you for giving them a second chance

Tilly hasn’t got a care in the world—she’s very

happy looking after her toys after having a skinny dip in

the pond! Brrrrr Tilly that must have been


With his ears back and nose sniffing the enticing smells on a sunny day Blue (pictured left) knows he’s got a very bright future with his new family.

We have had a very busy few months with kitten season and just the general intake of the animals at the centre. Sadly it is never ending but thank goodness we are here to help them. As always the staff and volunteers have worked extremely hard looking after the needs of each individual animal that comes into our care and ensuring that they have lots of love. I would like to thank each and every one of the staff for their hard work and dedication. We have some new volunteers that have come on board and I would like to thank and welcome them to the EAR team. (We are always looking for more help) I would also like to thank Jen Cartmel for working with Vicki and Charlotte and training our dogs, I know both Vicki and Charlotte and the dogs love working with Jen and she is a great foster mummy. As the festive season is very close it is a time we spend with loved ones and that includes our pets. At the moment we have 20 dogs, 67 cats and kittens, 4 rabbits, 2 Guinea pigs and 1 ferret all looking to have their own family that will love and care for them this Christmas. If you cannot offer a home to one of our animals then could you donate some of your time over the Christmas period and come and help us give each one a special Christmas and hope that they find their new family early in the New Year. Please call the centre to find out more ways that you can help our wonderful charity to help the animals, from a financial donation to helping by cutting old towels into squares for us to use when we are cleaning. Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a Happy New Year!! Sarah Bean Centre Manager

Dear Santa Claws, My name is Willow and I'm homeless.

I was homeless last year too and spent Christmas being cared for by the kind folk here at the rescue. It was OK; I

had lots of cuddles, presents and treats but I really wanted my own home and family. I want to be loved. I did write and

ask but I guess you never got my letter. Penny, the Jack Russell, wrote too and she's still waiting for her special

human. Her halti is very sparkly and would match any Christmas decorations. Tilly, the Lurcher, was here as well and I don’t now why she is still here because she is really pretty and has a

lovely personality! Rossi and Kyle need a home together too because they have a real bromance going on. Arthur the cat is organizing all our letters to go special Santa delivery by carrier pigeon

as he's determined to be home for Christmas. In fact, all the animals are writing in too. Hoping, wishing, paws crossed.

We know there are nice people out there just waiting to adopt us. Please help us find them.

Merry Christmas,

Love from Willow and All my friends at Eden Animal Rescue

An Evening With the Supervet

On the 12th October we went to see Professor Noel Fitzpatrick, TV’s “Supervet”, on his “Welcome to My World” tour at Liverpool’s Echo Arena. The audience were transported through time, experiencing, along with Noel, the ups and downs of his life and career, which have brought him to where he is today. We saw how his determination to become a vet began when, as a young boy, he went to help a sheep giving birth but he was unable to save her lambs. He explained that from then on he was driven to save lives and cure pain.

In his young imagination he created “Vetman”, a superhero who used magic bionic dust to cure all injured animals, and aspired to be just like him. I am sure that this is how many young viewers of “Supervet” see him today. Noel was very keen to illustrate that if you have a dream, anything is possible. He told us how he set about the ambitious project of creating Fitzpatrick Referrals: Orthopaedics and Neurology. The inspiration behind many of the bionic implants used in his surgical techniques came from everyday objects. Tears of joy and despair were shed in equal measure as Noel relived cases where he had saved animals, and also those, which despite his best efforts, he had lost. Noel told us how he sees the vital bond between humans and animals on a daily basis and how he is constantly striving to improve a pain-free quality of life for his patients. Professor Noel Fitzpatrick has written over seventy scientific papers demonstrating how the technologies he has developed to save animals’ lives could be transferred to human medicine. These were rejected by the medical establishment until recently. It has now been accepted that his pioneering work in companion animal orthopaedics and neurology can be of benefit to the human condition. He is passionate that only animals needing treatment should be used to find new methods to benefit humans, not laboratory animals which were previously healthy and used purely for research. In order to promote this, Noel has founded “The Humanimal Trust”, whose philosophy is “One medicine for Humans and Animals”. I found the evening to be both entertaining and educational, and defy anyone who has seen Noel’s tour not to have been moved by his enthusiasm and commitment to improving animal welfare. Noel’s new autobiography entitled “Becoming the Supervet: Listening to the Animals” is out now.

For more information on The Humanimal Trust go to

Mel Bousfield

Important Changes

to Standing Orders

It would be greatly appreciated if all EAR members could add the following reference MMM to their standing order or SSS for those kindly sponsoring our animals. This is to help identify what your payment is for. Our accounts people will be very happy too! Thank you for your cooperation

Remembering the animals of war.

Everyone is familiar with the red poppy as a

symbol of remembrance and this

Remembrance Sunday, not only did the

volunteers wear poppies, but the dogs

sported poppy bandanas and bow ties to

remember the animals that had served in the

war. The purple poppy is a symbol of

remembrance in the United Kingdom for

animals that served during wartime.

In contemporary service, most animals in United Kingdom military service are military

working dogs, particularly in the 1st Military Working Dog Regiment.

Gift Aid Frequently Asked Questions Gift Aid is a simple way to increase the value of your gift by 25% to Eden Animal Rescue- at no extra cost to you. What is Gift Aid? If you pay tax in the UK EAR can reclaim the basic rate tax (25%) on your gift. So, if you donate £100, it is worth £25 to us. Do I qualify for Gift Aid? In order for EAR to reclaim the tax you have paid on your donations, you must have paid income or capital gains tax (in the UK) for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) at least equal to the tax the charities you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year. Other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. How do I sign up to Gift Aid? The process is simple – all you have to do is make a Gift Aid declaration. If you are donating online, just tick the Gift Aid box on the donation form. If you would like to send us a donation by post, set-up a regular donation or would like us to claim Gift Aid on the donations you have kindly made in the past four years to EAR, please get in touch and we can send a form to you. What is a Gift Aid declaration? A Gift Aid declaration is a statement by an individual taxpayer that they want a charity to receive the tax paid on their donation back from the government. How long does the declaration last for? To simplify matters, the declaration wording normally covers present, future and past donations. We can back-claim four years and we will continue to claim until you tell us otherwise, so long as you are eligible. What do I do if my tax status changes or I want to cancel my declaration? To let us know if you stop paying tax or wish to cancel your declaration, please email us on or call us on 01931716114 Can I claim Gift Aid on the funds I have raised? To claim Gift Aid on your fundraising, we must have the first name or initials, last name, full home address and postcode of each individual donor/sponsor. So please encourage them to tick the Gift Aid box on your sponsorship form when they sponsor you. Without these details we legally can’t claim Gift Aid – so be strict with your supporters! For more information about Gift Aid visit the HM Revenues and Customs website

Max and Paddy update.......and the patter of tiny paws! Members who attended the Annual general Meeting of Eden Animal Rescue were touched by the inspirational talk that Kerry Irving gave. Kerry accompanied by our Patrons Max and Paddy told how life had changed dramatically eleven years ago when his car was hit by a truck. He was used to a very active life cycling and fell walking, but all this ceased after the accident. Kerry was on 27 tablets a day and he struggled to walk even a short distance. Life was a downward spiral until he met Max a Springer Spaniel in 2008 and then his rehabilitation gradually began. Max belonged to a neighbour and Kerry started to take him out for very short walks every day and very soon they became best mates. When Kerry retrained as a locksmith Max started to go to work with him. ‘Initially, he gave me a reason to go out and helped me through very dark times. It’s taken a long time to open up and talk about depression and it took me six years to climb a hill again. Max got me there.’ The close pair were joined by a second springer pup called Paddy (short for Padawan from Star

Wars) Coming up for two years old now he is Max’s apprentice and Max has taught him everything he knows. Max and Paddy even have their own Facebook page which has almost 90,000 fans. Kerry said that they receive daily messages from people all over the world, saying how the boys make them smile and bring joy to their life. Each has their own personal story. He has met soldiers who have served in Afghanistan who say they used to look at Max and Paddy’s page to remind them of home. “Lots of people have asked to meet the boys and many who we’ve met

have very sad stories to tell: terminal illness, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, bereavement, loneliness.” Max’s therapeutic qualities are helping others too. ‘Many people who are going through bad times send messages to tell me how the photographs brighten up their day or have helped them through illnesses.’ Kerry and his wife Angela have held dog walks to give people the chance to spend time with them and help raise money for Eden Animal Rescue. North Lakes Hotel & Spa was chosen as the location for a special award presentation as the team there have named Eden Animal Rescue as their charity for the year – and they too have joined Max and Paddy’s growing fan club. With a Facebook following of over 90,000 they have been described as ‘virtual therapy’ dogs helping not only Kerry but also helping people struggling with personal problems through Facebook and by meeting them in person.

Max and Paddy’s latest walk to support EAR was on 2nd December when 50 people took part in a wet but very enjoyable walk and donated hard earned cash and essential supplies of pet bedding, treats, toys etc on the Christmas Crags and Caves walk raising a magnificent amount of money. Each dog got a bag of Max and Paddy’s favourite dog treats from ACANA UK & Ireland. And to make the day even more special Kerry

and Angela published the first photo of another

pup who is to join

Max and Paddy to make their family complete. The pup will be

named after Prince Harry who has inspired many thousands of

people across the globe young and old.

Max helped with the Grand Raffle (which was a bit slow at times)

‘come on Sue hurry up I’m ready to pick the next


Eden Animal Rescue cannot thank Kerry, Angela

and the Boys enough for not only raising much needed funds for us but for also

raising the profile of EAR and for promoting the charity at their frequently held



Cash donations

Postage stamps

A4 Photocopier paper

Sachets of wet cat food

Black bin bag liners dog treats

Puppy pads, kitten food, poo bags

Disposable gloves, cleaning materials

Sponsors for our long stay animals, Envelopes

Bags of Harrington’s dry dog food, post it notes,

Washing up liquid, laundry detergent, dishwasher tablets

Tea bags, coffee, biscuits (for our hard working volunteers), toilet rolls,

Forever loving homes for all our animals at the rescue and loving fosterers




Our 2018


Wish List.

Can you help?

Thank You to Pets at Home, the Groom Room and Millie

From now until Christmas Eve the Groom Room in Penrith are running their biggest charity fund

raiser of the year. ‘Santa Paws’ focuses on raising money for homeless and unwanted pets to

have a Christmas dinner. We have been chosen as their local partnered charity and they are

very kindly donating the proceeds from this year’s appeal go to help our animals. It’s 50p per

dinner and people can donate as many times as they want. With everyone’s help the Groom

Room is hoping to make this the best fundraiser ever!

Millie, one of the staff at the Penrith Pets at Home store has had her beautiful long hair CHOPPED

OFF in aid of the Christmas charity fundraising appeal Santa Paws! ‘Santa Paws’ aims to raise as

much money for Support Adoption for Pets, with proceeds this year going to Eden Animal Rescue,

so they can feed as many homeless pets and ensure they all get Christmas dinners.

However, Millie’s hair was very precious and she applied a reserve price to this mission of £200.

Not only did Millie raise money for the Christmas appeal, her hair has also been donated to the

Little Princess trust, another great cause. DOUBLE WHAMMY!

Thank you Millie for your exceptional sacrifice for the animals of Eden Animal Rescue

PFK are supporting

Eden Animal Rescue in the great work that they do, by funding an

animal’s care until they find their new

forever home.

A heartfelt thank you to PFK for sponsoring Ice, a young and lively Saluki x Lurcher! Hopefully it won't be too long until Ice finds his new family to go home to - but with PFK's support we can keep him safe, comfortable and well looked after until that day comes. And their generosity doesn't stop there... once Ice gets his lucky break, PFK are willing to continue to support us by sponsoring another of our canine residents. Thank you PFK! Nicola Hadfield and Harriet Simpson from PFK have been along to Eden Animal Rescue to catch up with Vicki and John who kindly showed them around. If you own or know of a business who would like to sponsor an animal please contact Sue Wilkinson on 07967917469 for more information.

50/50 Club Many thanks to all those who kindly signed up and

have supported the 50/50 club since its

creation 5 years ago. We would like to say a big

thank you also to Chris Ellison who created the

club and has managed it since. Unfortunately

having reviewed many of our income and

expenditure streams recently it has become

apparent that due to new banking charges and

data protection regulations this club has become

difficult and expensive to administer. Therefore the

decision has been taken that following the last

draw in December 2018 we will close the 50/50

account. If you have a standing order for this

account then you are welcome to cancel this

yourself, otherwise we have been reassured by

Barclays that this payment will simply not be

accepted and will therefore not leave your

account. We may look in the future to setting up a

similar type of income generator which can be

managed more efficiently. If anyone has any

suggestions regarding this or any further queries

then please do get in touch.

The nICE people at PFK

Eden Animal Rescue would like to thank three retiring Trustees for all their hard work. Dave Simmons was involved when we were at Hardendale and helped to move us to MHF. He oversaw health and safety and was instrumental in completing some of the smaller projects in the new build. Latterly Dave served as Interim Chair. Sal Cawley worked hard to secure some of the larger grants working with Support Adoption for Pets and Tesco to help with the kennel and paddock improvements and also the landscaping outside the cattery area.

Jen Ingle joined as a volunteer who did a magnificent job with the laundry and latterly became a Trustee. She fostered several dogs before falling in love with Molly who she supported during her operation and has since adopted another loveable dog called Charlie. The charity is grateful for the time and commitment that Dave, Sal and Jen have given to EAR.

Charity begins at home The popular saying ‘charity begins at home’ is very true in the case of Katie Rogers a 10 year old schoolgirl who loves to bake and help others. She sells her delicious cakes for different charities.

Here is the photo of Katie’s cakes set out in the bus shelter of her home village of Maulds Meaburn. The menu changes every week. This enterprising young lady has already raised £100 for cancer research, an-other £100 for Eden Animal Rescue and is now fundraising for the Penrith and District Red Squirrel Society. Katie is pictured above presenting her money to Jennie Whitfield, Trustee at a sale in Appleby Cloisters Katie, we are very, very grateful to you, thank you from all at Eden Animal Rescue you will help to make the animals’ stay with us a bit more special.

Animals bring happiness and love

Sarah, Sue, Pippa, Alfie and the residents of BUPA’s Winters Park Care Home all had a great morning together! We are well aware of the joy and happiness that animals can bring to our lives and wanted to share a little of it with the lovely residents of the care home. This is the third time we have visited and this time we took two Golden Retrievers that belong to Sue one of our volunteers. Pippa (pictured left) is 2 years old and Alfie (pictured right) is only 9 months old and they were impeccably well behaved loving all the cuddles and attention.

We know that many people who are in residential care have had to give up a much loved pet and miss the love and companionship of an animal. Studies have shown that time spent with animal can be wonderful, not only for a person’s physical health but mental health as well. Even just stroking an animal can be very therapeutic.

What a Clever Girl What a clever girl our Rosie is! Currently in foster care with Jen Cartmel of Clever Dogs, Rosie (and Jen) have worked hard to achieve her Kennel Club Bronze Award. Here she is with her paw firmly on it so that no-one can steal it off her!

The North Lakes Hotel welcomes four-legged family members and kindly donates the money from their stay to EAR.

The hotel provides the dogs with their own bed to curl up in and even with their own entrance with a boot scrape and hooks for owners to hang wet jackets. We are very grateful to the North Lakes Hotel for choosing us to be their charity of the year.

We care for the animals every day of the year. If you can help over the Christmas and New Year period you would be very welcome, Please ring to let us know 01931 716 114





Moorlands Head Farm, Newbiggin,CA10 1TH

01931 716114. Please telephone and leave a

message and we will get back to you as soon as we can

Eden Animal Rescue Trustees Chairperson Sandra Taylor 07805878828

Inga Voit, Jennie Whitfield, Sue Wilkinson and Allyson Jenyon The Trustees wish everyone a peaceful Christmas and thank you for all your support throughout the year.

Please come and support us Please could you offer to help with any

of these events particularly the bag packs? If you can please ring the

Rescue Centre on 01931 716 114 and leave a message.

Saturday 15th December Coffee shop. St Andrews Parish rooms 9.30-11.30am Saturday 15th Bag pack in Sainsburys, Penrith 9-5pm Thursday 20th December Bag pack in Co-op Kirkby Stephen 9-5pm Friday 21st December Bag pack in M & S Penrith 9-5pm Sunday 23rd December Bag pack in Morrisons 10-4pm Sunday 23rd December Bag pack in Co-op Kirkby Stephen 10-4pm

Some people shy away from helping with bag packing but you meet lots of

lovely people and they are very generous towards our animals.

We need every penny we can get so please consider helping, even if it is

just for an hour

Sweet Treats Quiz, summer 2018 We had our highest number yet of quizzes returned to us, and again almost all of them were 100% correct, the answers will be on our website for those who are interested. Many of the returned quizzes came from supporters living outside of Cumbria, indeed we had entries from Barnard Castle, Surrey, Middlesborough, North Allerton, Skegness Darlington and Biggar in Scotland, as well as our many regular supporters in Cumbria, we are very grateful to you all, and so are all the animals in our care. The winners of this quiz are 1st prize Mrs Jackson from Low Bentham near Lancaster 2nd prize Mrs Mary White from Doncaster South Yorkshire 3

rd prize Gill Riley from Crackenthorpe near

Appleby If you fancy a bit of fun in the run up to Christmas…...or even round the dinner table on Christmas day there is a new quiz out called ‘Films with Furry Friends’ available from the shop or Rescue Centre.

Why not try your luck!

80 members have already opted to have their

newsletter emailed to them, enabling us to spend more money on the animals at the Centre. If you are able to receive yours via email please contact Allyson at to organise this.

The EAR Shop 37, Great Dockray, Penrith. CA11 7BN Opening Hours: Mon –Fri 10-4pm. Saturday 10-1pm Telephone 01768 890001 Our marvellous volunteers do such a fantastic job, but we are always looking for more people to help in our shop. There are many different types of jobs such as selling to our wonderful supporters, or behind the scenes sorting of stock, bagging of rags and sorting tip runs. Hours available are 10-1pm, 1-4pm or 10-4pm.

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