winners of sirius programme 2015 ukti

Post on 07-Aug-2015



Government & Nonprofit



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Introducing some of the world’s most talented graduate entrepreneurs


Recent research has highlighted the widespread economic benefits that can be generated by attracting global entrepreneurs to the UK.

Over 2,000 gifted and ambitious individuals from 93 countries applied to the competition, 200 winners were selected, the majority of which have already relocated to cities around the UK, taking advantage of the country’s world-class business ecosystem. The Sirius Programme offers end to end support on the journey from start-up to successful business – from financial support and training to win the first customer, to a place with one of five leading UK accelerators offering among others mentoring, expert advice and pitch practice.

This brochure contains details of the companies who have started the programme to date. The first Sirius businesses joined the programme on December 2013 with the last intake joining on December 2014.

Please visit for further information. Follow us on Twitter @siriusprogramme.

Sirius aims to attract talented international graduates with new ideas to the UK, helping them to realise their dreams and set up global businesses in the UK.

Sirius: winners 1

The Team:Poya Jahan Khah Alexander Meyer-Shareburg

Elevator pitch: Crowdsourcing for projects focusing on smart city solutions

Sector:Big Data (Data Analytics)/People & Society

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Full proposition: 197Nation is the first crowdsourcing platform that is appointed for projects with focus on smart city solutions in the UK and globally. It covers both solutions that aim at turning existing cities into smart ones and solutions that could be implemented in upcoming cities.

Through our specific community of backers, smart city related solutions get exposed to a very targeted audience that can add value beyond financial metrics. Together, smart city solution creators and backers make projects happen. Project creators set a funding goal and deadline. If people like a project, they can pledge money and resources to make it happen.


Sirius: winners 2

Elevator pitch: Improving the comfort and sustainability of sports shoes

Sector:Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing Technology/Fashion/Retail & E-commerce

Awards: Three New Things – Virgin award for Innovation

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Full proposition: Three Over Seven is the brainchild of ex-professional footballer Tim Brown from New Zealand who has teamed up with Earl Stewart and Nicholas Crouch. This new start-up has created a proprietary fabric called Fitwool, which it has used to manufacture the world’s first ever woollen performance running shoe.

Inspired by his time playing football on the world stage for New Zealand at the 2010 World Cup, Tim and his team have developed a trainer that is truly unique. They will be specifically designed for sockless wear with no internal seams, providing an unparalleled level of comfort and performance, that won’t smell.

The team is creating a whole new, unique category of footwear based on the biodegradable and sustainable properties of wool. Entirely negating the need for socks, the invention aims to revolutionise the way everyone, from everyday athletes to professionals, train. Tim says: “We’re delighted Three Over Seven has been chosen as one of the first start ups to be part of the Sirius Programme. It’s the perfect opportunity to help us fulfil our ambitions. The UK market’s understanding of wool is also a great advantage. We can’t wait to meet our Sirius Programme mentors, the Accelerator team and to get started.”

3 Over 7The Team:Tim Brown Earl Stewart Nicholas Crouch

Sirius: winners 3

Elevator pitch: Reinventing digital advertising

Sector:Communication,Brand & Marketing solutions

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Full proposition: Adverdose is a Social Advertising Platform that reinvents digital advertising through a video-contest process. Adverdose solves the inefficiency of online advertising. With the majority of digital marketing campaigns using traditional advertising methods, Adverdose believes that a ‘disruptive change’ is required to help improve the experience and results for users and advertisers.

To achieve this, Adverdose has created a video contest platform – accessible on web or through an iOS app – which rewards users each time they interact, thus establishing a mutually beneficial model for advertiser and consumer.

AdverdoseThe Team:Mario Dughi Paolo La Paglia

Sirius: winners 4

Elevator pitch: Specialised gaming solutions for blind and visually impaired individuals

Sector:ICT/Life Sciences and Medical Technology

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Full proposition: Audazzle creates specialised gaming solutions that are accessible to the Visually Impaired and blind individuals while being appealing to the sighted population as well.

Most of the existing electronic games for the blind and the Visually Impaired are audio-only. Unappealing to the rest of the population, they unintentionally reinforce social isolation.

Audazzle uses novel 3D audio/video technologies, currently under-utilised in the video-gaming industry, to level the playing field, allowing sighted and VI/blind gamers to play together and compete on an equal footing, thus increasing their social integration, confidence and self-esteem.

AudazzleThe Team:Anarika Didigova Barbara Verardo Marie Lloyd Selwyn Lloyd

Sirius: winners 5

Full proposition: A community based wine marketplace, connecting shoppers seeking amazing wines with quality emerging wine producers and specialist merchants.

Emerging wine producers are significantly under-represented in the traditional retail channel, equally specialist wine merchants find it difficult to get exposure for their wines.

Baacco help emerging wine producers and specialist wine merchants connect directly with the end consumer. We leverage the connectivity of a community marketplace to provide the consumer with a user experience that is simply not available today.

Currently in the UK, 18% of wine drinkers buy online and this is predicted to hit 26% by 2020, there is a historical evolution taking place in a market with a TAM of £5.3 billion.

Elevator pitch: Helping emerging wine producers and wine merchants connect directly with consumers.

Sector:Retail & E-commerce

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The Team:Cassio Pagnoncelli Greicy Kelly Silva Jimena Cristo Bujanda Tai Alegbe


Sirius: winners 6

Elevator pitch: Innovative construction management application

Sector:ICT/Big Data (Data Analytics)

Awards: Named as one of 12 top European startups, Tech All Stars 2014

Grant award from Technology Strategy Board

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Full proposition: CADBEAM is a mobile application for construction management from Basaltis.

It allows construction staff to view in real-time what is going on in their building site in order to bring on-site coordination to a new level.

On construction sites, trades such as electricity, plumbing, HVAC and structure are dependent from each other. If a company is late then it impacts all the others in a domino effect. This can lead to severe delays and penalties.

With CADBEAM, contractors and subcontractors are now able to process huge amounts of data directly on their mobile devices reducing rework, costs and delays. They can share information about their work – such as technical documents, encountered obstacles, holes and task progression – by adding it directly onto the floor plans. CADBEAM enables contractors to measure their performance accurately, identify obstacles quickly and reduce paperwork significantly.

By bringing the most innovative technologies on-site, CADBEAM is a game changer for the construction industry.

Basaltis (CADBeam)The Team:Laurent Biancardini Alexandre Spieser

Sirius: winners 7

Bearded Colonel

Full proposition: For too long men have dealt with an unjust dilemma: to shave with an over-priced, over-marketed razor that insults their intelligence, or to shave with a cheap razor that insults their skin. It’s time for a better way to shave, and that’s Bearded Colonel offers.

The Bearded Colonel combines high-end razors, a monthly subscription, a strong brand at a fair price. The end result is a club where members get a better shaving experience and save money. British men don’t want to sacrifice quality or image to save a little money. That’s why in 2014 we shifted our brand focus to quality and service first with savings coming second.

The Team:Tyvand Mckee Alexander Jordan

Elevator pitch: Giving men a better shaving experience while saving them money

Sector:Retail & E-commerce

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Sirius: winners 8

Elevator pitch: Providing business insights through the use of Big Data

Sector:Big Data (Data Analytics)

Big Century

Full proposition: Big Century is a business insights application for the self-employed, small and medium enterprises to discover their business insights. We help those people to sell their products or services by using data technology to offer technical and market support.

Big Century supports the self-employed, small and medium business to market their brand online and increase sales through data analytics.

The Team:Lim Tze Khai Chew Ee Liang

Sirius: winners 9

Elevator pitch: An innovative recruitment platform for the independent film industry

Sector:Communication,Brand & Marketing solutions

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Full proposition: Big Couch is a recruitment platform for the independent film industry. We enable talented producers & directors to recruit qualified crew happy to share the risks and also share the profits. Big Couch members select projects they believe in and accept low paid positions on feature-length films against profit shares.

Big CouchThe Team:Irina Albita Maria Tanjala

Sirius: winners 10

Full proposition: bio-bean is an award-winning green energy company that collects waste coffee grounds from in and around London, and converts them into carbon-neutral Advanced Biofuels, namely biodiesel and biomass pellets.

bio-bean has the potential to become a social enterprise with a global reach, delivering economic, social and environmental value. Through applying our flexible business model, we will be able to scale domestically and expand internationally.

The team said of the Sirius Programme: “The Sirius Programme has provided us with a huge amount of support – they secured us a place on the prestigious Accelerator Academy, an intensive, 12-week business development course, at the end of which we were able to pitch to a large number of potential investors. The Sirius Programme’s support has been invaluable to bio-bean, they have a highly talented team who genuinely care about each individual on the programme”.

Elevator pitch: Turning coffee into biofuel

Sector:Energy, Utilities & Clean Technology

Awards: Founder.Org Class of 2015

Santander Universities Entrepreneurship Competition

The Pitch Live Competition

Postcode Lottery Green Challenge 2014

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bio-beanThe Team:Arthur Kay Benjamin Harriman Eleanor Jeffrey Emily Norris

Sirius: winners 11

The Team:Fernando Gielow Ana Beatriz Schwanck Fernande Lorrana Scarpioni Murilo Mafra

Full proposition: Bliive is the first online collaborative network of time exchange. They believe that everyone has a talent, skill or knowledge to share. They are using these assets to create a collaborative economy that uses time as currency. Users can offer an hour of Spanish classes and for that they will receive a credit of one TimeMoney that can be spent on any other experience available on the platform.

Regardless of how much money you have in your bank account, anyone with a little time can experience new things, meet people and make their dreams come true through collaboration.

Bliive has been awarded with a few prizes over the last year: Creative Business Cup Brazil, Hub Fellowship Brazil, Jovens Inovadores, MIT Technology Review Magazine, Intel Challenge Brazil and our CEO has been invited to be a Global Agenda Council for Creative Economies for the World Economic Forum Summit.

The team said of the Sirius Programme: “To be one of the Sirius Programme winners has been great. We were able to grow our user base from 30k to 60k in only six months, expanding Bliive to 100 countries. Sirius has given is the opportunity to show the world that collaboration is the new revolution”.

Elevator pitch: Collaboration is the new revolution

Sector:Sharing Economy

Awards: Finalist: Intel Global Business Challenge

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Sirius: winners 12

Elevator pitch: Helping teenagers date with confidence



Full proposition: Blushr is the only smartphone app that helps teens find out if their high school crush has a crush on them.

The app solves a problem the Romanian founders Manuel Boca, Luana Sandache and Sebastian Maraloiu had when they were in high school which is still a huge problem among teens: the fear of rejection when wanting to ask someone you really like out.

Blushr is a perfect solution for shy teens who can anonymously find out if they have a chance of going out with their crush without having to expose themselves to possible awkward moments.

Blushr has been selected as one of the top 10 Romanian early stage startups at Start Ups Marathon by RoAccelerator and among one of the top 32 early stage startups in Eastern & South Europe by How to Web.

Now, the Blushr team will pursue its vision from Glasgow, being based in the Entrepreneurial Spark Accelerator.

The Team:Bogdan Dumitrescu Luana Sandache Manuel Boca Sebastian Maraloiu


Sirius: winners 13

Elevator pitch: Online fashion platform enabling women to shop at their favorite stores in one place

Sector:Retail & E-commerce

Awards: Representative for UK entrepreneurship of the British Council & Korea Foundation

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Full proposition: is an online fashion platform that enables women to shop at their favourite stores in one place with one basket and with one payment.

Seven in ten shoppers leave the site without buying anything. One in five leaves because the buying process is too long and complex. Stores are losing $31 billion each year on abandoned shopping baskets. Boutiny solves this problem by enabling women to browse and buy all in one place.

Boutiny aggregates curated products from top fashion brands and stores. Shoppers tell us where they usually shop. Within minutes, shoppers get bespoke online fashion store made for them. Over time, every product presented to the shopper will be personalised based on existing shopping behaviour. As online shopping becomes hassle-free, Boutiny will drive higher conversion for retail partners. In return, Boutiny earns commission on sales.

Boutiny (Innospira Ltd)The Team:Jacqueline Jessica Lam Jonas Šimkus

Sirius: winners 14

Elevator pitch: Alerting users to important sounds and events in their environments

Sector:Life Sciences and Medical Technology

Awards: Winner: Business Plan Competition – Science Capital

Finalist: Digital Entrepreneur Awards

Finalist: Cambridge SET Squared Awards

Finalist: Paris Region Lab iiawards

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Full proposition: Braci was founded in 2013 and its primary objective is to alert users to important and crucial alerts and events in their environments; it is a growing notification platform that functions through sound recognition. Braci has developed a solution which is capable of detecting a wide range of sounds which are then pushed as easily understood sensory and visual notifications through a smart device. Hard of hearing people, parents, music lovers, runners, and cyclists can rely on Braci as a Smart Ear, as it functions through recognizing and analyzing sounds from their surroundings and then converting these into a variety of smart notifications including vibrations, on screen notifications, and flashing lights.

The Smart Ear’s products offer a completely new and superior method of detecting sounds and alerting, as it detects sounds through recognition of the sound itself instead of the traditional method of receivers and transmitters. This was only accomplished after creating a unique and patented fingerprint to each sound.

Feel safe, secure and comfortable in knowing that the smart ear is always listening.

BraciThe Team:Amr Mohmad Wanly Anwar Almorjarkesh Juma El-Awaisi

Sirius: winners 15

Elevator pitch: Cross platform mobile application, improving universities’ recruitment and engagement of international students

Sector:ICT/Communication, Media, Design & Creative Arts

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Full proposition: HelloUni is a cross platform mobile application that can be easily customised and integrated into universities’ current international student recruitment marketing and promotion packages. Leveraging the attractive functionalities of a cross-platform mobile application, HelloUni can positively impact the universities’ overall recruitment and engagement with international students.

This generation of international students expects that information about universities and their courses should be visually attractive and mobile-enabled just like their favorite social networks. However, current university IT systems are usually inadequate and out of date because they do not cope with the proliferation of mobile device platforms and incapable of trigger any emotional connections with the prospective international applicants.

Campus Buddy/HelloUniThe Team:Olivia Feng Yo Yu

Sirius: winners 16

The Team:Colin MacLaughlin Greg Fitzgerald Michael Thornton

Full proposition: Carbon Analytics super charges sustainability with Big Data, allowing companies to make a real impact on their environmental footprint with minimal investment.

Carbon Analytics’ online platform packages powerful carbon analytics algorithms into easy to use tools and offers the unique ability to quickly assess and work with the supply chain to improve impact, gain marketing advantage and reduce costs. Winner of the Hello Tomorrow Challenge Big Data award, TSB Smart Award grantee, Climate KIC green technology award winner, Oxygen Accelerator portfolio company and UKTI SIRIUS Programme awardee, Carbon Analytics was formed in Sep 2013 by three Oxford masters students and is based in Tech City London.

Elevator pitch: Simplifying carbon management

Sector:Big data (data analytics), Clean Tech

Awards: SMART awardee and grant winner – Technology Strategy Board

Winner: EU Climate-KIC grant award

Winner: Hello Tomorrow Challenge grant award

Finalist: Shell Springboard

1st Place: Hello Tomorrow Challenge

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Carbon Analytics

Sirius: winners 17

Full proposition: Caribu is an innovative new iPad app that turns video chat into story time. By integrating picture books into a simple, child-friendly video calling platform, Caribu creates long-lasting and rich communication experiences for families when they are away from each other, with users including grandparents, working parents, expats and soldiers.

With 8 out of the 10 most used apps on mobile devices are for communication – none are designed for children and their families. Caribu is the beginning of that platform.

A winner of the 2014 UK App Design Award and backed by Microsoft Ventures, Caribu has been featured in Wired, Gizmodo, the Daily Mail and a 2014 Apple keynote speech.

Elevator pitch: Bringing families together through technology


Awards: Winner: UK Mobile and App Awards 2014

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CaribuThe Team:Ben Mallet Philip Linneman Saayuj Dhanak Alvaro Sabido

Sirius: winners 18

Elevator pitch: Mobile payment and loyalty platform restaurants and pubs using location-based technology

Sector:Big Data (Data Analytics)

@CarotzMTLFull proposition: Carotz Mobile Loyalty is a mobile ordering, payment, and loyalty platform for pubs and restaurants that uses location-based and beacon technology.

The platform allows customers to see menus, place orders and pay for food and drink on the way to lunch. The platform also allows the business owner to track the location of customers and predict when they will arrive, allowing meals and drinks to be ready upon arrival. No more waiting in line or fighting queues at the bar. Each pub can provide a personalized service, while customers receive the most efficient and hassle-free experience possible.

Carotz Mobile LoyaltyThe Team:Haoyang Song John House

Sirius: winners 19

Full proposition: Customuse is developing customisable electric guitars to allow everyday guitar players express their personality through their instrument. We use the power of 3D printing to materialise this.

The electric guitar industry has advanced very little over the last half-century; with most popular designs created in the 1950s. 3D printing technology enables us to manufacture unique, memorable, and affordable customised electric instruments in a short time.

Elevator pitch: Custom designed 3D printed guitars

Sector:Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing Technology

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CustomuseThe Team:Mahdi Hosseini

Sirius: winners 20

Elevator pitch: Make cycling a better and safer experience through the use of innovative technology


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Full proposition: Our vision is to make cycling a better and safer experience for existing cyclists and moreover a compelling and viable proposition for the “I would cycle but” untapped market.

Cyclists on roads use hand signals to indicate that they intent to, or are turning or changing lanes. Under certain condition a cyclists’ outstretched arm sometimes goes unnoticed by drivers and walkers. As a result accidents happen – every year over 19,000 cyclists are injured in the UK, with 75% of these accidents occurring at junctions.

To put cyclists on equal terms with automobile drivers Cycl has designed WingLights. Using LED technology, WingLights emit pulsing amber light that is comparable to and work in the same way car indicators. WingLights are easy to attach to existing handlebars and when not in use can be stored as a convenient carry-away keyring.

WingLights by CYCLThe Team:Simon Bardrick Luca Amaduzzi Agostino Stilli

Sirius: winners 21

Elevator pitch: Building business relationships for M&A and investment professionals

Sector:Big Data

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Full proposition: DealGlobe is an online M&A platform and integrated social network targeted at global M&A and investment professionals. We use the power of the internet and big data to help our professional user base execute M&A and investments more efficiently, especially cross-border M&A deals. This provides SMEs access to deeper pools of international capital, and allows buyers to find more suitable investment projects.

Our platform enables buyers to conduct anonymous searches for acquisition, investment and partnership opportunities, and sellers to post blind teasers. If there is mutual interest from both parties, users can sign a convenient electronic NDA and directly contact each other to share relevant documentation in a secure online environment.

DealGlobe operates a freemium model where users can register on the platform and search for and post basic information for free. They can then choose to upgrade to a paid premium account to enjoy a series of value-added services such as access to exclusive premium deals and our extensive database of millions of private companies, the ability to contact other members regularly and download tailored reports, translation of documents, live events and messages, as well as access to specialist third party services from our trusted suppliers, and free participation to offline specialist forums, etc.

The Team:Cindy Ma Lin Feng Qing Yao


Sirius: winners 22

Elevator pitch: Innovative molecular diagnostic solutions for the food safety and agriculture industries.

Sector:Life Sciences and Medical Technology

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Full proposition: DiagMole is biotechnology startup that develops innovative molecular diagnostic solutions for the food safety and agriculture industries.

DiagMole is working to provide DNA tests to detect harmful pathogens for food safety. We aim to develop tests that are highly sensitive and specific, provide rapid results and have the potential of being used on-site. We are working to deliver cutting-edge rapid diagnostic kits in healthcare, agriculture and food safety industries around the globe. Our ambition is to stay at the forefront of and to lead on diagnostic technologies.

The Team:Zhendong Li Ammar Mussaji T Thungdemo Ovung

Sirius: winners 23

Elevator pitch: Raising the attainment of disadvantaged students

Sector:People & Society

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Full proposition: The EduKit team is seeking to change the lives of thousands of disadvantaged students in the UK by creating an online platform that matches young people with programmes run by charities and social enterprises that offer specialist educational and personal development.

Tens of thousands of these programmes exist in the UK, but there is currently no platform that links schools and students with the vast array of services available, meaning that many young people are missing out. EduKit will act as the missing link in this system, enabling teachers to quickly and easily find quality programmes that will best serve their students’ needs. EduKit will create a marketplace for schools to identify and procure external services and to track and report on the results.

EduKit has already enjoyed significant successes. The pilot scheme, which ran in London in late 2013 matched 102 students to a diverse range of programmes. It received positive feedback from students and teachers alike. The team has also established links with many high profile educational organisations including TeachFirst, Greenwich Education Authority, ARK Academy (the largest school academy chain) and the Department for Education.

edukitThe Team:Richard Blissett Zhendan Wang Nathalie Richards Christian Shaw

Sirius: winners 24

Elevator pitch: Helping those with special needs through the use of music and innovative sensor based devices

Sector:Life Sciences and Medical Technology

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Full proposition: Filisia engages people with special needs in their rehabilitation process through music. We develop sensor based devices that enable people facing musculoskeletal problems and cognitive challenges to express themselves musically.

Our devices combine hardware, software and microcontrollers and are cross platform. Our systems engage the user by providing haptic, auditory and optical feedback and employ increasing interaction complexity to sustain users’ engagement.

The Team:Eirini Malliaraki Georgios Papadakis Pavlos Papamichalis

Sirius: winners 25

The Team:Dmitry Aksenov Mahyar Bordbar Timur Bekenov

Full proposition: FinGenius is a global supplier of Artificial Intelligence to the finance industry.

FinGenius offers a bank-grade platform that combines artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing and human-like reasoning to simplify interaction with complex data for banks and insurance companies. This technology enables financial organisations to answer millions of questions from customers and employees instantly without employing help desks or call centres.

Their system is designed to understand natural-language questions and deliver natural-language answers based on any information which is stored in your organisation. They envision that every employee, from entry level to C-level, from IT guru to technophobe, can ask any question in plain, conversational language and get the right information delivered to them, regardless of its complexity.

FinGenius is currently working with the 12 largest banks in the World. Their company headquarters are at Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom and it has offices in New York, United States.

Elevator pitch: Supplying artificial intelligence to the finance industry

Sector:Fin Tech

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Sirius: winners 26

Sector:Big Data (Data Analytics)

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@fresh4cast Full proposition: is a next-generation market data service designed to help international traders of fresh fruits improve their market and promotion planning.

Fresh fruits are perishable, and prices volatile. International shipments take weeks. provides growers and distributors with a short-term forecast of the aggregate supply and demand by destination.

The business was founded in October 2013 by three Sloan fellows who met at London Business School: Mihai Ciobanu (Romania) and Francisco Teixeira de Goeye (Brazil).

The team said of the programme: “The Sirius programme has been a tremendous support for our young venture. The accelerator programme helped us gain momentum and facilitated access to the investors community. The UKTI international network helped us reach out to customers. And the team in London was always ready to provide information, support and connections, with a genuine interest in our success. To paraphrase another UKTI slogan: Sirius is Great… Britain.”

Fresh4castThe Team:Francisco Teixeira de Goeye Mihai Ciobanu

Sirius: winners 27

Elevator pitch: An aspirational brand for fashion eyewear accessories

Sector:Retail & E-commerce

Full proposition: HALO is an aspirational brand for fashion eyewear accessories. HALO offers solutions for a variety of everyday challenges that eyewear users face, for example, where to conveniently place the optical glasses/sunglasses when they are not in use.

HALO currently offers 2 categories of products. Necklace/chains – specially designed with a unique shape to hold glasses safely when they are not in use; Clutches/totes/bags – with an integrated removable pocket to protect sunglasses

HALO aims to create fashion eyewear accessories that are not only extremely trendy but also deliver solutions for real problems in a playful manner.

HALO The Team:Yaqiong Shen Efrat Rassin

Sirius: winners 28

Elevator pitch: Matching organisations with global student talent

Sector:ICT/People and society

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Full proposition: HeySuccess matches organisations and companies with global talents (students and recent graduates). HeySuccess has over 35,000 registered users and is a hub of student programs (internships, scholarships, student events, conferences, summer schools, project grants and student competitions).

HeySuccess has successfully built the biggest Hub for global student opportunities, with around 3.000 active programs and in next year we will introduce innovative talent recruitment tools for companies and organizations.

The Team:Igor Pilic Milenko Pilic

Sirius: winners 29

Elevator pitch: Improving the business education experience

Sector:ICT/People and society

Awards: Grant award winner – Touch Digital

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Full proposition: iGBL is developing an interactive game-based learning platform with tools and simulations to help instructors of business subjects engage with students and boost learning outcomes.

Through the platform, business instructors can access useful tools to carry out interactive in-class exercises and simulations to vividly illustrate abstract concepts which can often be hard for students to grasp by merely listening to lectures or reading books. These tools and simulations can be quickly set-up, run on different web-enabled devices, and allow instructors to gather valuable real-time learning analytics to personalize the educational experience.

iGBL is now focusing on tools and simulations in Accounting and Negotiations, with an eye to expand to other business subjects in future.

iGBLThe Team:Shubham Anand Charlton Mak Viktor Repetskyi Meenakshi Shukla

Sirius: winners 30

Elevator pitch: Breaking the barrier between printed media and online content


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Full proposition: ILLUTIO develops mobile applications based on Augmented Reality (AR) and Content Management Systems (CMS) to provide easy deployment of AR content to anyone interested in giving printed media the benefits of online content.

Currently AR companies are focused on creating developer tools, forcing anyone interested in AR implementation to have a development team. Our products facilitate the implementation and use of AR to any entity without knowledge of programming or design, providing an interface that allows them to transfer their content easily to an interactive and immersive environment as it is AR.

Mobile applications are the perfect platform for augmented reality, because mobile devices are widely used and are the-go access to online content.

The Team:Francisco Javier Medina Bravo Marco Antonio Alvarez Quintero


Sirius: winners 31

The Team:Jennifer Arcuri Evgeny Metreveli Ghandi El Chamaa

Elevator pitch: Supporting technology growth

Sector:Communication, Media, Design & Creative Arts

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@innotechsummit 101811698305357796315/posts

Full proposition: Innotech Summit is the only event to bridge the gap between entrepreneurs, investors and policy-makers in order to stimulate the growth of tech clusters around the world. It attracts the brightest industry leaders, showcases the very best in tech innovation, inspires change and encourages investment.

Innotech Summit

Sirius: winners 32

Full proposition: Listen to millions of songs for free and access exclusive merchandise directly from the artists you love. is a mobile-first marketplace that marries free music streaming with concert tickets, music and merchandise directly from the artists and bands.

Through fans can access a one-stop shop for all things music, while musicians get a self-service platform from where they can engage, grow and sell directly to their fans using their music as a marketing channel.

Elevator pitch: Mobile-first market place connecting musicians with fans

Sector:ICT/Communication, Media, Design & Creative Arts

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Leaf.fmThe Team:Helga Corrales Daniel Salas Melvin Salas Gilbert Corrales

Sirius: winners 33

Elevator pitch: Wearable technology changing the way people ski

Sector:Big Data (Data Analytics)

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Full proposition: We are creating wearable technology to change the way people learn to ski. Our product consists of sensors placed in the skiers boots to measure performance. Sensor data is then sent to our smartphone app that lets the user review their technique and receive advice to improve their skiing. Feedback can also be given to the user in realtime, either through headphones or near eye displays.

LinesThe Team:Jamie Grant Pruthvikar Reddy

Sirius: winners 34

Elevator pitch: Saving lives from epidemics using technology

Sector:Big Data (Data Analytics)

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M-Health Discovery

Full proposition: Poverty may not kill. But the disease is often lethal. Because of the huge lack of care and the bad state of health facilities in many regions of the world, disease is often lethal. M-Health Discovery is a big data analytics start-up offer a service to help people living in regions of the world suffering with epidemics. Because of increasing penetration of mobile telephone and data networks in Africa, we are initially targeting that continent.

The M-Health Discovery app was designed to address many of the challenges faced by health care professionals and patients. It is designed to:

– Provide an affordable healthcare solution.

– Personalize processing of data relating to epidemics.

– Democratize access to health information and raise awareness. Improve the culture of preventive health.

– Save Lives

The Team:Mahmoud Ben Jeddou Mohamed Ouederni Slim Arfaoui

Sirius: winners 35

Elevator pitch: A creative agency developing and supporting the next generation of creative talent

Sector:Communication, Media, Design & Creative Arts

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Full proposition: MAD Foundry is an upcoming creative agency crafting some of the most clever, innovative, and switched on products, campaigns, and technology for emerging brands and established brands alike. All done while working with industry professionals to develop and support the next generation of creative talent graduating Britain’s top universities.

The team said of the Sirius Programme: “We’ve been quite successful over the last few years but taking our venture to the next level is confusing, especially being a young entrepreneur. Our biggest reason for applying was the mentorship opportunities. Now, only three weeks we’ve already got ideas not only to help us scale but also to help us evolve into an exciting new frontier in the creative industry.”

MAD FoundryThe Team:Adam Holcroft Jamal Mondesir

Sirius: winners 36

Elevator pitch: Improving clinical skills and experience without compromising patient safety

Sector:Life Sciences and Medical Technology

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Full proposition: Medictrainer Sim develops medical simulators that generate visual and kinaesthetic sensations for the user. The team’s simulators create immersive simulations without compromising the health of the patient while increasing the clinical skills and expertise of doctors and health sector staff. The simulators also offer other advantages as they are portable, multi-platform and designed with the latest technology.

Medictrainer SimThe Team:Daniel Cintora Morales Salomon Lopez Guzman Fernando Genis Mendozo Jose Neftali Garcia Perez

Sirius: winners 37

Elevator pitch: Developing medical devices that make clinicians lives easier

Sector:Life Sciences and Medical Technology

Awards: Named top 100 small business by Small Business Saturday

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Full proposition: Metix is a medical technology company with the mission to develop medical devices that make clinicians lives easier by allowing them to provide a better standard of care.

Metix’s first product, Coremed A, is medical grade multi-parameter vital signs monitor, built around an innovative core systems interface. The Coremed A uses embedded microsystems and modern webs technologies and operates with very low power consumption. It can seamlessly store, transmit and integrate vitals data in common use formats.

Metix’s mission is to develop medical devices that make clinicians lives easier, allowing them to provide more and better care.

MetixThe Team:Julio Enrique Guerrero Ontivero Kateryna Zakharova

Sirius: winners 38

Elevator pitch: Revolutionising recruitment with the first cognition based recruitment system

Sector:ICT/People and society

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Full proposition: MeVitae is the first cognition based recruitment system, focused on saving millions of pounds wasted globally due to bad hiring.

The current recruitment industry is a goldmine of inefficiency, with companies receiving tens of millions of resumes everyday; leaving recruiters with only 6 seconds to analyse each application. Hence, this everyday compounding RESUME OVERLOAD requires an extraordinary solution – a sixth sense!

MeVitae is a recruiter’s sixth sense that uses Space technology, Big Data assessment, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to intuitively automate the candidate shortlisting process by ranking the candidates most compatible with a job description – based on a full evaluation of skills, experiences, and their career path. MeVitae’s portfolio of recruitment services – smart personalised candidate shortlisting system, job description authoring & management system, and digital CV creator; foster 8 times faster and intelligent decision-making in the current talent acquisition process.

Three Oxford graduates are behind MeVitae with strong advisory board members from the University of Oxford and Microsoft UK HQ. The team is a proud Microsoft BizSpark Company, recent graduate of Isis Innovation, University of Oxford, and is the first ever UK AppCampus winner.

MeVitaeThe Team:Anu Mahajan Riham Satti Vivek Doraiswamy

Sirius: winners 39

Sector:ICT/People and society

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Full proposition: MyHelpster helps freelancers and home workers with their technology challenges and is becoming the first platform for instantly available online services.

The use of technology is coining people’s everyday life. Accompanied with that, people regularly need help when using technology, whether its with software like Excel or Adobe, web services like Wordpress, marketing tools like Adwords or security settings on a device.

MyHelpster’s answer: With three clicks on our website and customers can request help. In less than thirty minutes one of our trained Helpsters calls them back to assist them, either over the phone or via remote access. MyHelpster takes ownership of the results, and is the fastest service of its kind.

The Team:Felix Strasser Björn Thomas Wind

Sirius: winners 40

Elevator pitch: Using space technology to build everyday products

Sector:Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing Technology

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Full proposition: Oxford Space Structures (OSS) is using Space technology to build baby products. The company is supported by the European Space Agency and several world class universities. OSS’s first product is its award-winning “SpaceCot” concept that uses the mechanism employed to unfurl ESA satellites to create the world’s most portable travel cot. The prototype weighs only 3.5kg and takes less than 10 seconds to erect or collapse using only one hand. Once erected it is highly stable and is more robust than any existing products.

Oxford Space StructuresThe Team:Dr Fujia Chen Julian Jantke

Sirius: winners 41

Elevator pitch: Revolutionising photo-buying

Sector:Communication, Media, Design & Creative Arts

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Full proposition: Photopitch aiming to revolutionise the way image buyers work with photographers with their company PhotoPitch in the biggest shake-up the sector has seen since Flickr was launched.

PhotoPitch has the potential to eradicate staid stock images, currently often the only choice companies have for websites, social media content, annual reports and marketing. It allows image buyers to set a bespoke photo brief and crowdsource responses from talented photographers anywhere in the world. Buyers can essentially design their own photo by using PhotoPitch’s intuitive platform to specify their photo need.

Registered photographers can then meet the brief with existing images in their archives or by shooting a matching photo. The buyer then selects their favourite and the winning photographer is rewarded.

PhotoPitchThe Team:Linisha Palm Mikkel Lønow

Sirius: winners 42

Elevator pitch: Online platform connecting event planners with musicians and entertainment professionals

Sector:Communication, Media, Design & Creative Arts

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Full proposition: Poptop is an online platform, which helps planners of private events book artists, musicians and entertainment professionals without intermediaries. It’s a seamless solution for designing your event and booking suppliers quickly, easily and safely.

We provide direct customer-to-supplier communication, what guarantees fair price for our customers and higher conversion into completed bookings for our suppliers.

The Team:Evgeniy Shestopal Ingat Tkhorovskiy

Sirius: winners 43

Full proposition: Reinvent Life Sciences is a biotechnology and life sciences company with a vision to develop innovative healthcare products for the masses. Our front runner product range is “Anti-Dizz!” which is effective at preventing hangover symptoms. “Anti-Dizz!” helps consumers to maintain their productivity the day after the night before.

Our product range will not only reduce the loss of productivity from hangovers but will also develop a habit of smart drinking. Our product range has the potential to set a trend for a healthy lifestyle.

We’re also working on a mosquito repellent patch that can be used on clothes or any other surfaces to fight against mosquito borne diseases.

Elevator pitch: Fostering well-being

Sector:Life Sciences and Medical Technology

Awards: Winner – Young Scottish EDGE Award

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Reinvent Life SciencesThe Team:Dhruv Trivedi Dhruv Washishth Vandana Pillai

Sirius: winners 44

Elevator pitch: Live fashion, don’t own it

Sector:Sharing Economy/Retail & E-commerce

Awards: Winner: Decoded Fashion Milan (3rd place)

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Full proposition: Rentez-Vous is the first Peer-to-Peer and designers’ fashion rental market place that allows women to rent clothes from one another, but also rent designer creations for a short period and for a fraction of the price.

Founder, Fiona Disegni, is joined by Lesley Zhang. They understand that women don’t always have enough spare income to buy into all trends, but are always looking for alternative ways to access fashion easily.

Rentez-Vous events have already enjoyed success in both London and Paris. Through the Sirius Programme, Rentez-Vous sees an opportunity to scale the concept through an online and mobile marketplace.

Fiona comments: “We understand that young professional women need a helping hand to access the designer fashion market. We allow women to rent clothes from one another but also rent designer creations for a short period and for a fraction of the price – if they love them, they can buy them!”

The Team:Fiona Disegni Lesley Zhang

Sirius: winners 45

Elevator pitch: Saving lives the the design and use innovative robotic products

Sector:Robotics & Autonomous Systems

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RTS Ideas

Full proposition: RTS ideas is a robotics-focused company that works on novel robotic products for increasing life safety and living conditions. The company’s first product, Pars, is an aerial robot that is designed to save human lives via rescue missions near coastlines.

The first purpose of building Pars is to reduce the number of people drowning near coastlines. By developing its applications, it can be used in ships and off shore reliefs. It can also be used in other applications such as monitoring of marine and off shore structures, recording films and pictures from dangerous path ways for rescue missions, precise positioning and monitoring of off shore disasters.

The Team:Amin Rigi Amirmahdi Taheri

Sirius: winners 46

Elevator pitch: Creating the perfect environment by synchronising music and emotions

Sector:Big Data (Data Analytics)

Full proposition: Sensory Media is developing an intelligent LED lighting system and application that synchronizes with music emotionally, offering one-stop solution for customers to create impressive ambient experience.

With this system, the lighting is not static and random anymore. It renders the ambient lighting intelligently with matching colors and motion for every single track of music. It makes it much easier for restaurants and bars to create charming ambient experience for their customers. The system is delivered to customers as a whole package of the hardware and software, offering effortless user experience.

Sensory MediaThe Team:Xudong Li Zhenyu Lin

Sirius: winners 47

Elevator pitch: Enhancing mobile marketing

Sector:Communication,Brand & Marketing solutions

Awards: 1st prize Entrepreneurs Foundation 2014 pitch event

Winner – The Next Big Thing

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Full proposition: Sliide is a smartphone application that allows users to get paid for doing something they do everyday – unlocking their smartphone. Sliide can do this because it distributes brands’ content relevant to its users, and shares the advertising value with them.

The company was co-founded by South African entrepreneur, Corbyn Munnik and the UK’s Frankie Kearney. Tired of endless advertising they didn’t care about, and seeing the rise of the smartphone, they have set out to resolve the fundamental problems currently facing the mobile marketing industry: irrelevant content, ugly in-app banner ads and interrupted user experiences.

The application asks you to complete a basic profile. Sliide then uses the whole lock screen to provide users with striking content and gives them the choice to either unlock their phone as normal or find out more.

Both the founders have made it clear that their aim is to make Sliide a win-win solution to mobile marketing; with users being financially rewarded to be informed about things they love, and brands reaching the people that care about their product.

According to Corbyn: “The UK’s entrepreneurial minded community is the best in the world, making it the perfect place to incubate our business.” After three months on the Sirius Programme, Sliide’s co-founders hope to have the application up and running – with a queue of investors and customers at their fingertips.

SliideThe Team:Corbyn Munnik Frankie Kearney

Sirius: winners 48

Elevator pitch: Helping visually impaired children improve their lives

Sector:Life Sciences and Medical Technology

Awards: 1st place: Santander Awards for Enterprise and Science and Innovation, Mexico

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Full proposition: Smash-a-Ball is an electronic board game for visually impaired children, which allows them to improve cognitive abilities. Memory, body and spatial knowledge, reaction speed, are skills that will help to improve their life. There is a real lack of toys or games for visually impaired people, particularly children, and they don’t have many options to have fun or to get to play.

According to WHO, in the world are 45 million completely blind people, and almost half a million children every year are born or get blind. According to the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), there are two million people in the UK with sight loss and they predict that in 2020 this will be over than 2,250,000, with around 25,000 blind children.

It is even more difficult to find educational toys and therapeutic toys that will help people improve their own skills and help them to have a better life. Toys and games can help build their memory, reaction speeds, attention, self-esteem, spatial and body knowledge, so they can be more independent. This is what Smash-a-Ball can do.

This board game is not exclusively for kids and can also be played by teens and adults. Smash-a-Ball is making these products today and aims to continue to produce more electronic board games and educational and training toys.

The Team:Pedro Bori Brayan Villalobos Hernandez Nadhia Guevara Reyes

Sirius: winners 49

Full proposition: Snaptivity is a disruptive technology that change the way people save memories and share moments. It is simple-to-use mobile application that accurately identifies individuals in the photos and notifies them about their new snaps taken in different angles by people around.

Snaptivity is a new experience of capturing & sharing lively moments in realtime. Photos taken with Snaptivity are instantly shared with the people based on their presence in the photos and thus one never waste time chasing friends to email their snaps as they get them all automatically. Discover yourself in the photos taken in the right place and at the right time, even if you are not the main subject. Snaptivity makes memories even without your camera, search by time and place when you get home for photos taken by friends or other passers-by. Moreover it’s very easy to re-connect with people from the party last night or a football match yesterday.

Snaptivity works in real-time and is build using artificial intelligence, sensors and location data available in any smartphone. Snaptivity opens the boundaries of social networking and lets you feel the pulse of local communities.

Elevator pitch: Discover yourself in the photos taken by others

Sector:Communication,Brand & Marketing solutions, ICT

Awards: Semi-finalist: Velocity/Wayra Awarded $60k worth of products from Microsoft

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SnaptivityThe Team:Amit Pate Volha Paulovich Vu Thien Phong

Sirius: winners 50

Elevator pitch: Connecting online content creators with brands

Sector:Communication,Brand & Marketing solutions

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Full proposition: Spirangle is a platform that makes it easy for online content creators to find sponsorship from brands that are interested in advertising to highly engaged audiences on YouTube.

With an exploding number of people preferring free, on-demand video entertainment that is available on sites such as YouTube and Twitch, brands have a tremendous opportunity to deliver their brand’s message to targeted audiences. The problem is in matching the right brands with the right content creators.

Our platform offers effective data search and relationship management tools to enable companies to achieve a much more authentic and captivating form of advertising and provide content creators with the opportunity to work with brands and earn money for their content.

The Team:Minna Song Stoyan Stoyanov

Sirius: winners 51

Elevator pitch: Transforming the event experience through cashless payments

Sector:Communication,Brand & Marketing solutions, Big data

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Full proposition: SunEos aims to unlock the potential of contactless technology to empower social events and universities.

SunEos is a fully integrated cashless payment system combined with e-wallet wristbands for any social event. It was founded by French duo, Henry De Bennetot and Alexis Garavel, with the aim of revolutionising the UK’s social scene and reinventing the event experience.

SunEos uses contactless technology similar to London’s Oyster and Hong Kong’s Octopus cards to incorporate a touch pay system into pre-programmed wristbands for use at events. The result is a safe, fast payment system for everything from food and drink to merchandise, and the elimination of the need for lengthy queues.

The Team:Alexis Garavel Henry De Bennetot

Sirius: winners 52

Elevator pitch: Technobratz develop multi-purpose medical mobile applications


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Full proposition: The applications can be divided into two categories. Firstly these applications can be used at the universities for aiding the process of learning-teaching and the professionals can use the medical apps to enhance their overall proficiency and reliability.

Their target markets are universities and medical professionals.

TechnobratzThe Team:Devendra Singh Sanjyot Shah Yash Mavlankar

Sirius: winners 53

Elevator pitch: Supporting the development of educational technology

Sector:Communication,Brand & Marketing solutions/Retail & E-commerce

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Full proposition: Their business,, makes it easy for developers to build educational applications for web and mobile by offering a set of tools that lets software developers and providers reduce the costs and set up of maintaining an infrastructure for their apps and reduce the time-to-market of their products.

In the next two to three years, the team aims to power at least 100,000 educational apps within mobile app stores, as well as having a small number of bit enterprise companies using its platform for their education apps.

Italian trio Lorenzo Bruno, Giuseppe Labanca and Paolo Santoro are a team of developers passionate about cutting-edge education technology and keen to make their mark in this growing sector. Education is currently the second most popular category in the Apple App Store after games and Google recently announced a dedicated Play Store for app for educators and students.

Teech.ioThe Team:Giuseppe Labanca Lorenzo Bruno Paolo Santoro

Sirius: winners 54

Elevator pitch: Super tailored sports marketing

Sector:Communication,Brand & Marketing solutions

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Full proposition: TipTapped identifies and analyses sports predictions made online, offering novel insights in real time to individuals and corporate clients.

It takes the huge volume of unstructured chatter about sports on social-media channels, and extracts meaningful information about what the ‘crowd’ thinks about upcoming events, making these insights available through both a public-facing web interface, and a data stream for business customers. It minimises noise by amplifying the voice of individuals with stronger track records.

TipTapped’s targets individuals looking for betting tips and live social-media powered entertainment around sporting matches, as well as larger clients such online bookmakers seeking to target individuals with live, tailored betting odds or offers.

TiptappedThe Team:Thomas Grujic James Harwood

Sirius: winners 55

Full proposition: TrueInvivo helps with cancer care through development of quality control tools for an accurate Radiotherapy. TrueInvivo offers a high performance in vivo dosimetry system with a low-cost for high resolution in-vivo dose profile measurements that tackles most of the abovementioned limitations.

Radiation Therapy (RT) is one of the most common methods for cancer treatment, a double-edged sword. In Radiotherapy the high doses of radiation which is employed to damage the cancer cells, can also kill the healthy tissues near the Tumour whereas the low doses of radiation leads to poor tumour control and development of lethal radiation resistant tumour growth. Therefore, quality control plays such an important role to have an optimum radiotherapy outcome. The available pre-treatment phantom studies and skin surface measurements are helpful, though neither provides definitive confirmation that the dose is being delivered as expected.

The In vivo dosimetry allows the accuracy of the tumour dose to be determined at an early stage, as well as enabling measurement of dose to critical organs outside the main beam, but measuring doses inside patients being seldom practical and hindered by uncertainties regarding time constraints, cost-effectiveness, clinical role and the most importantly the physical limitations of the detectors used for this dosimetry.

Elevator pitch: Revolutionising cancer patient treatment and care

Sector:Life Sciences and Medical Technology


True-InvivoThe Team:Shakardokht Jafari Shabnam Jamshidi

Sirius: winners 56

Elevator pitch: Helping retailers connect with customers

Sector:Communication,Brand & Marketing solutions/Retail & E-commerce

Awards: Winner: McDonald’s Hackathon 2014

Finalist: Decoded Fashion Milan

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Full proposition: Wallet Circle is an iBeacon engagement platform for retailers using which retailers can delight their customers by providing them wonderful in-store experience.

They have developed a mobile application where customers can receive loyalty points, digital receipts and unique in-store experiences based on their purchase history and location in the store. All this happens with customer’s consent.

They have developed a unique technology, using which they can integrate with almost all major Point of Sale (POS) software. With hundreds of different POS software being used by various retailers and other companies struggling to integrate with even one type of POS software, this technology gives them an unfair advantage.

Using this platform, retailers can get valuable data and insights about their customers and an opportunity to interact with the customers with the right message at the right moment.

Wallet CircleThe Team:Neetesh Gupta Neha Jainve Manas Abichandani

Sirius: winners 57

The Team:Galit Gan Jonathan Gan Oded Klein Yarden Jacobson

Full proposition: Whichit is a social App that enables users to share their choices with their friends, the community and social networks.

It is designed to allow users to experience the fun and excitement of shopping online with their friends, just like in the real world shopping experience. In a $30 billion social commerce market where 90% of purchases are subject to social influence, the conversion rate is only 2%. We created an innovative marketing tool, a real time solution for brands and marketeers, which decreases customer acquisition costs, increases retention rates and ultimately generates sales, raising the conversion rate.

Whichit is a powerful platform to increase and expand awareness and interest, while creating desire and enabling action. Driving up sales by putting brands in front of highly targeted audiences in a playful choice selection App.

From Start-up Nation to Great Britain. The Whichit team is a young, strong, sophisticated group of academic and professional experts with experience and knowledge gained from working in the forefront of the Israeli Hi-Tech industry.

The outstanding combination of creative entrepreneurship and in depth understanding of the technology domain has led the Whichit team to develop an exciting and innovative platform.

Elevator pitch: Supporting consumers in their purchasing decisions

Sector:Communication, Brand & Marketing solutions

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Sirius: winners 58

Elevator pitch: Helping Spanish speakers learn English

Sector:ICT/People and society

Awards: Finalist: Duke of York’s Pitch @ Palace

Finalist: The Pitch

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@wibbuenglish com/+Wibbu#+Wibbu/videos

Full proposition: Wibbu English is an English language-learning application for smartphones and tablets that is specifically designed for native Spanish speakers in Spain, South America and Central America.

At the heart of their app, which is full of interactive game-like exercises, is a focus on the common mistakes that Spanish speakers make and the difficulties they face when learning English.

The problem which drives their uniqueness is the fact that Spanish people, French people, Chinese people all speak English totally differently. If you give them all a sentence to translate into English, they will all translate it differently with different mistakes. This is because of the differences between the structures of their native languages. The problem is that no language courses ever address this issue; they simply provide a standardised generic way of teaching English.

Their solution is to create something far more accessible for young people that addresses and solves the problems that Spanish speakers uniquely face.

WibbuThe Team:Benjamin Romero Santama Dean Jacobs Liam McGinley Jonay Saurez

Sirius: winners 59

Elevator pitch: A gift service company that seeks to revolutionise present buying experience

Sector:Retail & E-commerce

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Full proposition: Despite the abundance of products available on the market, people still struggle to find suitable gifts that the recipient will love. is a gift service company that seeks to revolutionise present buying experience by combining a personalised greeting card, a voucher and a gift. The website allows users to set a price point and create a personalised gift book with a selection of 12 bespoke products for the recipient to choose from. The latter then chooses an item they love and heads to to claim it. prides itself in sourcing products from the best British manufacturers, retailers, experience companies and charities.

The Team:Konstantin Borodin Ksenia Tkacheva Tetiana Vynokurova

Sirius: winners 60

Elevator pitch: Venue-booking made easy

Sector:Sharing Economy

Awards: Winner: Thinking Digital Start UP 2014 and named ‘start up of the year’

2nd place: Pirate Summate ‘WalkThe Plank’ pitch

Finalist: Blackbox VC Competition

Finalist: betapitch

Finalist: The Pitch 100

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The Team:David Hellard Guillaume Santacruz Hekla Goodman

Full proposition: zipcube is an online marketplace that allows you to search, filter and book meeting rooms and venues all on one site, without having to waste time trawling the internet.

zipcube saves individuals time and money, allowing them to stay productive no matter where they are. And for companies unlocks the value of their redundant space.

It takes assistants on average 92 minutes to find and book a meeting room and over two hours for a venue. Over 80% primarily rely on Google and then have to wait on enquiry sites, which often do not have pictures or adequate information. You can book a holiday, a car, even plastic surgery online, but you can’t book a meeting room!

Meanwhile companies are tied into 2-10 year leases on their office space, leaving expensive rooms and desks underutilised. People need rooms, companies have rooms, zipcube brings them together.

French-born entrepreneur Guillaume Santacruz and Londoner David Hellard have joined up with Hekla Goodman from the USA to launch Zipcube, an online marketplace for meeting rooms, work spaces and event venues.


Sirius: winners 61

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Published December 2014 by UK Trade & Investment

Sirius: winners

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