windows 9 is introduced cell phone batteries charge in 15 … · 2014-04-03 · •windows 9 is...

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• Windows 9 is introduced

• Cell phone batteries charge in 15 minutes, last for one week

• First large-scale solar updraft towers – near zero energy

• Scientist resurrect the Wooly Mammoth & the Sabertooth Tiger

• The New Horizon probe photographs Pluto

• Queen Elizabeth now Britain’s longest reigning monarch

• New U.S. Super-Carriers come on line

• Personal genome sequencing made available

Spring 2014 21The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Israel establishes military superiority in region (Ps. 83) after Iran bombing destroys nuclear capability

• The Brit-Amin (“Unbreakable Alliance”) is dissolved by Obama

• Radical Israelis call for destruction of Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount

• Hillary Clinton becomes favorite to succeed Barack Obama

• UFOs in USA/Israel become more overt; USA citizens demand answers

• First “transhuman” soldier introduced in U.S. military is a success

• Plans are made for a real Jurassic Park to be opened in Orlando, 2020

• Queen Elizabeth’s health declines, as Prince William turns 33, on June 21

Spring 2014 22The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• China passes USA in Personal Purchasing Power = Parity, $18T GDP

• Rio de Janeiro hosts the Olympic games

• Launch of the Titanic II – from China to Southampton, England

• Genetically modified exosomes shut off Alzheimer gene (BACE1)

• 8 Nov, 2016, Election Day. But will the 22nd amendment stand?

• All dogs in UK micro chipped – can humans be far behind?

• CCTVs ubiquitous in UK (3.7M – 30X inc), HD + GIGABIT resolution

Spring 2014 23The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Middle East tensions grow as Palestinian talks show no signs of hope

• Future role for Obama as Secretary-General of UN announced

• President-Elect Hillary Clinton pledges support for Israel (repair rela.)

• America’s Stock Market surges: Dow at 18,500, Nasdaq at 5,500 as solutions for new sources of cheap energy become apparent

• Plans to phase in AMERO begin—target 2020, Russia and China sulk

• Amazing artifacts surface on Mars amidst NASA denials of ET life

• Threat of suitcase nukes in USA considered “clear & present danger”

Spring 2014 24The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• The European Union now 34 nations, .5B people, but lacks economic unity

• China forms single 42M megacity from 9 cities (Pearl River Delta)

• Massive FLNG platform comes on line (Shell – Australia) – 5.3M tons ann.

• M1A3 Abrams Tank deployed – Initial plans to sell to Israel shelved

• Remaining JFK files released – Tons of data for conspiracy theorists

• Attached Internet Devices exceed world population of 8.5 B

• First launch of Dream Chaser (mini Space Shuttle) carries seven into space

Spring 2014 25The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Russian expands control in the Ukraine; NATO reaffirms its alliance

• Under Russian pressure, Turkey declines invite to join European Union

• Pres. Clinton demands Israel to retreat from its territorial acquisitions

• China ‘annexes’ Taiwan as Japan and USA helplessly look on

• USA increases nuclear submarine fleet – beefs up role in Middle East

• Full solar eclipse across America’s heartland seen as doomsday sign

• Russian, Chinese, and N. Korean subs increase cruises near US waters

• Grumblings in US military challenge the Commander-in-Chief Clinton

Spring 2014 26The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Massive European missile defense shield deployed by US military

• African central bank established – plans for AFRO completed

• James Webb Telescope, 6X Hubble, L2 orbit, 1.1M miles

• 100 GB data transfer speeds (Blu-Ray in 3 seconds)

• Universal flu vaccine available, Polio eradicated, drug for obesity

• Many surgeries now performed by robots, healthcare costs flatten

• Insect spies (“flies on the wall”) used for military (privacy issues!)

Spring 2014 27The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Russia/Turkey form Pact of Iron: Iran, Iraq, Egypt, + 3 African nations

• Israel pleads for assistance – Europe, US, Saudi Arabia seem paralyzed

• Pact of Iron attacks Israel on Passover – but Israel ‘Saved by miracle’

• “Fire rains down” on Northern Israel – 2M enemy soldiers killed

• Claims made that Israel has used nuclear weapons against enemies

• Suitcase nukes explode in four US cities, Miami, Las Vegas, Houston, Los Angeles – New York, Washington sparred. US vows revenge.

• Riots across the US; stock market crashes; martial law declared.

Spring 2014 28The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• China’s stealth fighter delivered, Chengdu 20 (Annihilator 20) F-35

• Ground Combat Vehicle (GCV), 9 persons, 84 tons, 47 mph, 188 miles

• First space outpost beyond the moon, Gateway Spacecraft, L2 orbit

• Computers break EXOFLPO (18 zeroes/ quintillion), SIRI ++

• Bionic eyes implemented; promises to exceed human vision in 10 yrs.

• Connected vehicle technology deployed; dramatic decrease in deaths

• Automated freight transit (driverless trucks on public roads)

Spring 2014 29The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Coup d'état overthrows US President, General forms ‘Protectorate’

• UN Secretary Obama calls for restraint from US against attackers

• King William is crowned in Britain, calls for East-West Peace Summit

• US leader pledges retaliation for attacks; declares war on ‘Mahdi’

• US ‘Interim President’ reconfirms ‘Brit Amin’ for 7-year period

• Pope Francis ‘accepts’ Israel’s 3-year plan to rebuild Jewish Temple

• US confirms ET was on Mars/Moon on 50th anniversary of Moon walk

Spring 2014 30The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Dramatic progress to defeat aging – regenerative medicine

• Growing organ replacements through stem cells – cuts medical costs

• Texting by thinking becomes common method to communicate, AI

• 5G standard implemented – universal coverage, full compatibility

• UHD TVs (16X HDTV), & Holographic TVs, 360˚ Views, Princess Leia

• Smart meters in every home (energy usage down, Big Brother looms)

• 30,000 drones across USA, read from 60K feet away, spies in skies

Spring 2014 31The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• American cities return to normal; “Protector” takes oath of office

• Key evangelical leaders confirm plan to reunite with Catholic Church

• AMERO is confirmed as North America forms union of currencies

• Wall Street rallies; Sets sights on DOW hitting 20,000 in 2020

• King William attends ceremony to rebuild Babylon as Muslim Center

• US announces ongoing dialogue with ET civilization – UN to handle

• Israel begins sacrificial worship in ‘renovated’ Tabernacle of David

• China and North Korea renew threats against the West

Spring 2014 32The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• ‘Mind reading’ technology utilized by police

• Male birth control pill made mandatory in many cities worldwide

• Deafness is declared fully curable via directing stem cells

• Water crisis in SW USA – Lake Mead goes dry, others to follow

• Nanotech fibers create clothing impervious to water / chemicals

• Solar “grid parity” / fusion reactors will replace fission reactors

• Wireless electricity becomes standard in new homes / WI-Tricity cities

• Large telescopes capable of studying Exo-solar planets – ET’s home

Spring 2014 33The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Global earthquakes, “stars fall,” crustal displacement, days shortened

• Millions flee underground; countless millions go missing worldwide

• China, North Korea threatens WASHINGTON/ NEW YORK/ LONDON

• US moves submarines and carriers into position for war with China

• US President / King William / UN Secretary forge economic response, agree to global currency to pacify China – China agrees to NWO

• RFID chip to accompany vaccine to eliminate plethora of diseases WW

• <Western leader> flies to Jerusalem, demands cruel worship cease, terminates Brit Amin with US, establishes NWO capital at Jerusalem

Spring 2014 34The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Israelis flee Jerusalem – all monotheistic religions now ‘discouraged’

• The Antichrist fully revealed, as his mark is implemented WW

• The Pope becomes the head of a unified, global Christian Church

• The Antichrist (NWO) negotiates tenuous peace with the China et al

• The UN Secretary receives a delegation from ET’s home planet

• A series of strange plagues breakout globally; over 1.5 billion die

• ET offers a cure via a DNA mutation to boost the immune system, the Mark is expanded to include a modification to human genome

Spring 2014 35The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• Two powerful witnesses are martyred by Antichrist; their movements rally ‘renegade’ Jews & Christians globally

• Initially, they had overcame Antichrist and his ‘False Prophet’; but now sacrifices of millions are televised globally, but to no avail

• New plagues develop; conflicts arise all across the globe; earthquakes are daily occurrences everywhere; the NWO is failing

• A massive exodus of Jews & Christians occurs from NYC & America

• A comet nicknamed Wormwood strikes the Atlantic ocean; NEW YORK and WASHINGTON are obliterated by tidal waves; Babylon is fallen.

Spring 2014 36The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

• The USA experiences a second eclipse across the heartland

• Limited nuclear exchanges occur; North America is desolated

• But US NAVY, under NWO control, prepares for the final conflict

• The Antichrist aligns with the Kings of the East (KOTE); a covenant is made to mobilize forces against the coming Messiah

• Opposition to the armies of KOTE receives devastating response

• Rivers in Iran and Iraq mysteriously dry up (Tigris and Euphrates)

• The Battle for Jerusalem ensues; Armageddon is only days away…

Spring 2014 37The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

Spring 2014 38The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. 12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

Revelation 19: 11 – 16

“Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (Matt 28: 19)

“What I say unto you I say unto all, WATCH!” (Mark 13:37)

“He who has this hope (fixed) on Him, purifies himself” (1 John 3:3)

“So teach us to number our days that we may present unto Thee a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12)

“(We are) heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.” (Romans 8:17)

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death” (Phil. 3:10)

Spring 2014 39The Ominous and Imminent Fate of America

S. Douglas Woodward


40The Ominous and Imminent Fate of AmericaSpring 2014

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