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Wind Instruments Solo Chamber EnsemblesCompetiton

02 11 MARCH 2012














4 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

Diplomirao na Akademiji za glazbu u Ljubljani u klasi Antona Grčara. Za vreme studija postaje solo trubač orkestra Slovenske filhar-monije. Nakon osvojene prve na-grade na Natjecanju mladih um-jetnika u Zagrebu (1976), odlazi u Pariz na usavršavanje kod Rog-era Delmotta. Dobitnik je mnogih međunarodnih nagrada (1976. prva nagrada u Toulonu; 1979. druga nagrada “Maurice Andre” u Parizu). Dobitnik najviših domaćih priznanja za solističke nastupe i kao članu Slovenskoga brass kvin-teta. Od 1968. do 1990. deluje kao prvi trubač u orkestru Slovenske filharmonije. 1990. postaje redovni profesor na Univerzitetu za glazbu i primjenjenu umjetnost u Grazu i na Akademiji za glazbu u Ljubljani. Dugogodišnji je član različitih ka-mernih sastava (Slovenski brass kvintet, Brass Trio, Trio Barocco Forte), a nastupa u duetima sa poznatim orguljašima (Lj. Očić, M. Strmčnik, I. Chrybkov, N. Kynas-ton, K. Neuhauser, W. Neil). 2007/8 nastupa i vodi seminare zajedno

sa svetskom elitom trubača u sas-tavu “Ten of The Best” (A.Vizzutti, J. Thompson, O. Sauter...). Član je brojnih žirija na domaćim i međunarodnim takmičenjima. Kao solista nastupa u Italiji, Španiji, Francuskoj, Nemačkoj, Austriji, Češkoj, Mađarskoj, Rusiji, Americi i Japanu.

Graduated at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, with A. Grčar. While still a student, he was the soloist trum-pet player with the Slovene Philhar-monic Orchestra. After receiving the prize at the Yong Competition in Zagreb (1976), he went to Paris to continue his studies with Roger Delmotte. In the same year he par-ticipated in the international compe-tition of trumpet players in Toulon and won the first prize. He obtained the second prize at the international competition Maurice André in Paris (1979). In Slovenia, he received four awards for his artistic achive-ments. From 1986 to 1990 he was performed as the firs trumpet player

with the Slovene Philharmonic Or-chestra, subsequenty he became a full - time professor at the Universiti of Music in Graz-Austria and at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. So far, he has recorded four records as a soloist, and another four re-cords with various chamber music ensembles. As a chamber musi-cian, Stanko Arnold, has been ac-companying different chamber mu-sic ensembles (The Slovene Brass Quintet, The Trio Barocco Forte, The Brass Trio, 10 of the Best) and as a member of duets with organists. . In the past few years he gives mas-ter courses in Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Japan. He was also a member of several Slovene and international com-mittees at competitions in Velenje, Ljubljana, Austria (Leoben, Garz, Wiena), Italy (Porcia). As soloist he performed in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Czech Repablic, Hungary, Russia, USA and Japan with different symphonic orchestras, chamber music ensembles and in duets with organs.


The Jury Trumpet + Horn + Trombone + Tuba

Rođen je u Splitu, gdje je stekao osnov-no i srednje muzičko obrazovanje u klasi Ante Puharića. Diplomirao je na Muzičkoj Akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi Stanka Sela-ka. Usavršavao se na Međunarodnoj aka-demiji u Bremenu kod istaknutih solista, umetnika i pedagoga. Solistički nastupa uz Zagrebačku filharmoniju, Hrvatski ka-morni orkestar, Varaždinski kamorni orke-star, Zadarski kamorni orkestar, orkestar Splitske opere, Splitski kamorni orkestar, Simfonijski duvački orkestar Hrvatske vo-jske i Orkestar Hrvatske ratne mornarice Split. Od 1998. godine prvi je trubač Zagrebačke flharmonije. Uz niz solističkih nastupa, neguje i kamerno muziciranje sa renomiranim umetnicima i ansamblima: Martina Filjak, Stanko Arnold, Ljerka Očić, Mario Penzar, Valentina Fijačko, Kvartet “Rucner”, Zagrebački puhački ansambl. Bavi se i pedagoškim radom. Docent je na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. Redovno održava majstorske kurseve i član je mno-gobrojnih žirija u Hrvatskoj i inostranstvu.

Born in Split where he completed the el-ementary and secondary school with Ante Puharić. He graduated from the Zagreb academy of Music under Stanko Selak, and continued his studies with the renowned soloists and pedagogues at the interna-tional Trumpet academy werder in Bremen. As a soloist, he has performed with the Za-greb Philharmonic, the Croatian chamber orchestra, the Varaždin chamber orches-tra, the Split chamber orchestra, the Zadar chamber orchestra, the Split opera orches-tra, the Croatian army symphony wind or-chestra and the Croatian navy orchestra. Since 1998 he has been principal trumpeter of the Zagreb Philharmonic. Apart from his performances as a soloist, he appears as a chamber musician with renowned artists and ensembles: Martina Filjak, Stanko Ar-nold, Ljerka Očić, Mario Penzar, Valentina Fijako, the “Rucner” quartett, the Zagreb wind ensemble. Senior lecturer at the Za-greb academy of Music, Marin Zokić regu-larly conducts the Summer trumpet school on the island of Brač. He has been a jury member at numerous national and interna-tional competitions.



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6 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

The Jury Trumpet + Horn + Trombone + Tuba

Rodjen je u Novom Sadu. Trombon je počeo da uči u muzičkoj školi “Isidor Bajić”. Diplomirao je 1985., a magistrirao 1989. godine na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu, u klasi Vinka Valečića. U toku studija osvajio je više nagrade na republičkim i saveznim takmičenjima. Laureat je Takmičenja muzičkih umetnika u Zagrebu 1987. godine. Kao solista ili kao član kamernih orke-stara “Camerata Accademica” i “Brass Quinteta” iz Novog Sada, “Sonemus” iz Sarajeva i drugih, nastupio je na renomiranim festivalima (“Bemus” i “Međunarodna tribina kompozitora” u Beogradu, “Nomus” u Novom Sadu, “Tribina jugoslovenskog stvaralaštva” u Opatiji, “Zagrebački bijenale”..) i koncertima u zemlji i inostranstvu. Godine 1989. počinje saradnju sa “Theatre Jel” iz Francuske. Sa ovim ansamblom je nastupao u mnogim zemljama Evrope. Kao solo trombonista, član je orkestra opere Srpskog narodnog pozorišta u Novom Sadu i Vojvođanskih simfoničara. Osnivač je kvarteta trombona “T-bones 4”, sa kojim je održao niz koncerata. Profesor je na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu i Akademiji umetnosti u Banja Luci.

Born in Novi Sad. He started playing trombone at Music School “Isidor Bajić”. Graduated in 1985 and obtained his MA degree in 1989 from the Faculty of music in Belgrade, with Vinko Valečić. He was the laureate of the Competition of young music artists in Zagreb in 1987. As a soloist or member of chamber orchestras “Camerata accademica” and “Brass Quintet” from Novi Sad, he has performed at renowned festivals (“Bemus”, “The international review of Composers” in Belgrade, “Nomus”, “The Tribune of Yugoslav creativity” in Opatija, “Music biennale Zagreb”) and concerts both in the country and abroad. In 1989 he began his cooperation with “Theatre jel” from France. With this musical ensemble he has performed in many european coun-tries. As a trombone soloist, he is a member of opera orchestra of the Serbian national theatre in Novi Sad and Vojvodina symphony orchestra. He is the founder of the “T-bones 4” trombone quartet, with which he has held a number of concerts. He works as a full professor at the Academies of arts of Novi Sad and Banja Luka.


The Jury Trumpet + Horn + Trombone + Tuba


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Rođena je u Požarevcu. Fakultet muzičke umetnosti završila je u Beogradu 1988. u klasi profesora Stjepana Rabuzina. Pohađala je seminare H. Baumana, F. Orvala, F. Picke. Od 1987-2003. godine zaposlena je kao hornista u Simfonijskom orkestru umetničkog ansambla “Stanislav Binički” vojske Srbije. Svirala je i solističke deonice sa najpoznatijim domaćim i stranim dirigentima na kon-certima u Austriji, Italiji, Nemačkoj, Mađarskoj, Bugarskoj i širom naše zemlje. Ostvarila je zapažene nastupe u različitim kamernim sastavima: ističu se dua horni, a za potrebe RTS-a u okviru ciklusa “Svetske premijere” snimljena su dela sa duvačkim triom. Od 1988. godine angažovana je i kao profesor u muzičkim školama “Vladimir Đorđević” u Beogradu i “Jovan Bandur” u Pančevu. Od 2003. go-dine u stalnom radnom odnosu je u muzičkoj školi “Josip Slaven-ski” u Beogradu, a od 2007. godine i u muzičkoj školi “Davorin Jenko”. Od 2000. godine radila je i kao asistent dirigenta za duvače omladinskog simfonijskog orkestra Srbije.

Between 1987 and 2003 she works as horn player in the Symphonic orchestra of the Serbian Military ensemble “Stanislav Binički”. She performed solo sections with some of the most famous conductors from the country and abroad at the concerts in Austria, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria and all over our country. She made distinguished performances within different chamber ensembles, particularly the

horn duos for Serbian radio television series of “World premiers”. Parallel with her work with the orchestra, from 1988 she works as a professor in music schools in Belgrade and Pančevo. From 2003 she is a permanent professor in music school “Josip Slavenski” in Belgrade and since 2007 in music school “Davorin Jenko”. Since 2000 she has worked as an as-sistant conductor for the brass band of the Youth symphonic orchestra of Serbia.

8 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

Rodjen je u Subotici. Hornu počinje da svira sa osam godina kod Mihajla Ziliha. Srednju muzičku školu završava u klasi KaroljaTokodija, a diplomira 1990. na Fakultetu muzičke umet-nosti u Beogradu, u klasi Stjepana Rabuzina. Po završetku studija svira u orkestru Beograd-ske opere, zatim u Beogradskoj flharmoniji, a kao predavač radi u muzičkoj školi “V. Lisin-ski”. Krajem 1992. godine priključuje se ka-mernom orkestru “Eichsfelder Kulturorchester” u Nemačkoj. Jedan je od osnivača duvačkog kvinteta “Eichsfelder Bläserquintett”, sa kojim je usledila bogata koncertna aktivnost. 1994. počinje sa radom u muzičkoj školi Musi-Kuss u Göttingenu. Njegovi učenici, kao solisti ili članovi različitih kamernih sastava, osvajaju mnogobrojne nagrade na takmičenjima u Göt-tingenu, Northeimu, Eschwegeu i Hannoveru. Istovremeno se usavršava na kursevima kod M. Höltzela, J. Schrödera, K. Bieliga i S. Dohra. Kao solista nastupa sa orkestrima iz regiona donje Saksonije (Süd-Niedersachsen). Svoju aktivnost proširuje radeći sa limenim duvačima kao asistent dirigenta univerzitetskog orkestra u Göttingenu. Od 2006. nastupa kao hornista u duvačkom kvintetima “Cinquettino” i “Georgia Augusta”.Više godina učestvuje u radu žirija na takmičenjima Jeunesses Musicales.

Born in Subotica. He started playing horn at the age of eight with Mihajlo Zilih. Completed his sec-ondary music education under Karolj Takodi and graduated in 1990 from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, with Stjepan Rabuzin. After graduation, he played with Belgrade national opera orches-tra, then with Belgrade Philharmonic orchestra and worked as a lecturer. He joined “Eichsfelder Kulturorchester” chamber orchestra from Ger-many in late 1992. He is one of the founders of “Eichsfelder Bläserquintett” brass quintet, with which he has had an intense concert activity. In 1994, he started teaching at the Musi-Kuss Music School in Göttingen. His students won numerous prizes at competitions in Göttingen, Northeim, Es-chwege and Hannover, as soloists or members of various chamber orchestras. At the same time, he was attending specialization courses with M. Höltzel, J. Schröder, K. Bielig and S. Dohr.H per-formed as the soloist with orchestras from Süd-Niedersachsen region. He expanded his activity working as the assistant conductor with brass section of Göttingen university orchestra. He has performed as a horn player with “Cinquettino” and “Georgia augusta” brass quintets since 2006 and has participated as a member of jury at jeunesses Musicales competitions for several years.



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10 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

Rođena je u Subotici. Diplomirala je i magistrirala na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu u klasi Marijana Egića. Studije je nastvila u Parizu u klasama Claude Lefebvre i Patrick Gallois. Usavršavala se na brojnim majstrors-kim kursevima kod renomiranih solista i pedagoga (Jacques Castagnet, Au-rele Nicolet). Laureat je takmičenja Muzičkih umetnika Jugoslavije u Za-grebu. Nastupala je kao solista sa mnogim simfonijskim i kamernim orkestrima u zemlji i inostranstvu. Održala je veliki broj resitala i kamernih koncerata u zemljama bivše Jugoslavi-je, Francuskoj, Belgiji, Velikoj Britaniji, Holandiji, Nemačkoj, Švajcarskoj, Itali-ji, Mađarskoj, Slovačkoj, Češkoj, Rusi-ji, Holandiji, Portugalu, Grčkoj, Izraelu. Član je trija flauta “Density” i duvačkog kvinteta “Synergia 5”. Već tri decenije sarađuje sa pijanistkinjom Iris Kobal. Snimala je za sve Jugoslovenske ra-dio i TV centre, Mađarsku RTV, Češku RTV, RTV Dortmund i RAI. Izdavačke kuće Recommended Records iz Lon-dona, EOS iz Graca i Visio Mundi iz Novog Sada objavile su kompakt dis-

kove s njenim izvođenjima. Bavi sa pedagoškim radom kao profesor flaute na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu i Akademiji umetnosti u Banja Luci.

Born in Subotica. She graduated at the Academy of art in Novi Sad where she obtained her master degree with Mari-jan Egic. She continued her studies in Paris with Claude Lefebvre and Patrick Gallois. She is the laureate of the Music artists’ competition in Zagreb. She held many recitals and chamber orchestra performances in countries of former Yu-goslavia and abroad and was success-fully engaged in orchestras as a solo flautist. She is a member of the flute trio “Density” and the wind quintet “Synergia 5”. Recording houses Recommended Records from London, EOS from Graz and Visio Mundi from Novi Sad have published Cd-s with her performances. She is a flute professor at the Academy of art in Novi Sad and the Academy of art in Banja Luka (BIH).


The Jury Flute

10 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko


Studije flaute započete na Fakulte-tu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu završio na Folkwang-Hochschule u Essenu, Nemačka. Laureat je više in-ternacionalnih takmičenja, među koji-ma “Maria Casals” u Barceloni i “Leon-ardo De Lorenzo” u Viađu, Italija. Kao solo flautista nastupao sa orkestrom pozorišta i flharmonijom u Esenu, sa orkestrom Neue Philharmonie u Vest-falenu i flharmonijom u Gracu. Aktivno je učestvovao na značajnim svetskim festivalima: “Marlboro Music Festival” u SAD, na “Hitzacker Musiktagen” u Hamburgu i drugim. Od 2002. radi kao profesor na Hochschule für Musik Rheinland-Pfalz u Majncu, Nemačka.objavile su kompakt diskove s njenim izvođenjima. Bavi sa pedagoškim ra-dom kao profesor flaute na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu i Akademiji umetnosti u Banja Luci.

Studied flute at the Academy of music in Belgrade before completing his studies at the Folkwang-hochschule in Essen. He has won awards at various interna-tional competitions, including the “Ma-ria Casals” Competition in Barcelona, Spain and the “Leonardo de Lorenzo” Competition in Viaggio, Italy. Professor Gavrić was engaged as Solo Flautist at the Theater and Philharmonic orches-tra in Essen, in the neue Philharmonie Westfalen, and in the Philharmonic or-chestra in Graz. His engagements as a soloist and ensemble member have taken him to the “Marlboro Music Fes-tival” in the United States, “Hitzacker Musiktagen”, and many other interna-tional festivals. Became a Professor for Flute at the Hochschule für Musik Rheinland-Pfalz in 2002.


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12 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

Rodjen je u Zrenjaninu, gde je završio nižu i srednju muzičku školu (teoretski i odsek flaute). Diplomirao je flautu na FMU u Beogradu u klasi profesora Miodraga Azanjca. U periodu od 1978- 1987. godine član je ansambla “Hor flauta” sa kojim je ostvaren veliki broj nastupa i javnih snimanja. Pedagoškim ra-dom je počeo da se bavi još u toku studiranja (muzičke škole u Kikindi i Zrenjaninu), a zatim u Kraljevu, Čačku i Kragujevcu. Od školske 2004/05. godine radi kao profesor na odseku flaute na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu. Iz prve generacije studenata FILUM-a flautu su diplomirala tri njegova studenta koji su ostvarili više stotina javnih nastupa i solističkih koncerata u zemlji i inostrans-tvu (Nemačka, Poljska, Madjarska, Austrija, Slovenija, Hrvatska, Crna Gora). Njegovi učenici su na raznim domaćim i medjunarodnim takmičenjima os-vojili veliki broj prvih i specijalnih. Uzima učešće u radu žirija za flautu i kamernu muziku na Republičkim takmičenjima Srbije, Republičkom takmičenju Crne Gore, Festivalima i Medjunarodnom takmičenju “Petar Konjović”. Dobitnik je nagrade za izuzetne pedagoške rezultate Udruženja muzičkih i baletskih pedagoga Srbije (1996 i 2000). Član je Asocijacije flautista Srbije “Miodrag Azanjac”.

Born in Zrenjanin. Graduated at the Academy of music in Belgrade with Miodrag Azanjac. Since the school year 2004/05 he has been working as a profesor for the flute at the Faculty of philology and arts in Kra-gujevac. From the first generation of his students at the Faculty, three of his students graduated the flute and made a number of public performances and solo concerts, both in the country and abroad (Germany, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Montenegro). He participates in juries for the flute and chamber music at the regional and international competitions. Winner of the prize for exquisite pedagogical results of the Union of music and ballet pedagogues of Serbia (1996 and 2000). Member of the association of flute players of Serbia “Miodrag Azanjac”.


The Jury Flute


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SAKIB LAČEVIĆRođen je u Sarajevu, gde je završio Muzičku akademiju i magistrirao u klasi Bećira Drnde. Od 1996. do danas je angažovan kao solista i prvi flautista u orkestrima Sarajevske filharmonije, opere i baleta, sa kojima je učestvovao u izvođenjima na više od osam stotina koncerata i predstava u zemlji i inostranstvu (Hrvats-ka, Austrija, Italija, Nemačka, SAD). Saradjivao je sa svetski priznatim solistima i dirigentima. Učestvuje u radu žirija za flautu i kamernu muziku na takmičenjima u zemlji i inostranstvu. Profesor je flaute na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu i član duvačkog kvinteta “Per sempre”. Predsjednik je aktiva duvača Bosne i Her-cegovine.

Born in Sarajevo where he graduated at the Academy of music with Bećir Drnda. Since 1996 he was success-fully engaged in orchestras of Sarajevo philharmonic orchestra, opera and balet as a soloist and principal flute. With the orchetras he participated at more then 800 concerts in the country and abroad (Croatia, Aus-tria, Italy, Germany, USA). He participates in juries for the flute and chamber music at the regional and international competitions. He has been working as a profesor for the flute at the Academy of music Sarajevo. President of the Association of wind instruments players in Bosnia and Herzegovina. win

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14 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko


Srednju muzičku školu i Fakultet za muzičku umetnost završio u Skoplju u klasi B. Stankovskog, N. Atanasova i M. Azan-jca. U tom periodu osvaja više republičkih i saveznih nagrada u okviru i kao laureat ima svoj prvi solo nastup sa Makedonskom fil-harmonijom. Postdiplomske studije završava na DMA “Pančo Vladigerov” u Sofiji, u klasi L. Ošavkova. Aktivno je učestvovao na više seminara (P. Gallois) i na Zimskoj muzičkoj školi u Dubrovniku, u organizaciji švedske Kraljevske muzičke akademije. Od 1992. je prvi flautista-solista u Makedonskoj fill-harmoniji, član “Makedonskog duvačkog kvinteta” i ansambla za savremenu muziku “Sv. Sofija”. Kao solista realizovao je više kamernih i solističkih nastupa sa Makedon-skom filharmonijom, kamernim ansamblom pri Makedonskoj filharmoniji, kamernim orkestrom francusko-američke muzičke akademije i drugim. Ima solo nastupe na festivalima Ohridsko leto, Skopsko leto, Herakleiski večeri, Nimus, Esenski muzički svečenosti. Pored solo nastupa u Makedoni-

ji, svoju umetničku delatnost proširuje gos-tovanjima u Francuskoj, Italiju, Bugarskoj, Srbiji, Crnoj Gori, Hrvatskoj i SAD. Profesor na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Skoplju.

Finished secondary music school and the faculty of Music in Skopje with B. Stankovski, N. Atanasov and M. Azanjac. He finished his post-graduate studies at “Pančo Vladigerov” Academy of Music in Sofia, with L. Ošavkov. He has been actively involved in a number of seminars ranging from baroque to contempo-rary music. Since 1992 he plays first flute as soloist with the Macedonian Philharmonic Or-chestra. He is a member of “Macedonian Wind Quintet” and contemporary music ensemble “St Sophia”. Besides his solo performances in Macedonia, he has performed in France, Italy, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia and the USA (Carnegie Hall). Strašo Temkov is a Pro-fessor at the Faculty of Music Arts in Skopje.

The Jury Flute

Diplomirao i magistrirao u Beogradu kod Miodraga Azanjca. Usavršavao se u klasi Chiristiana Lardea u Parizu. Nosilac je “Diplome Superieur de Con-certiste” na L’Ecole Normal Superieur de Musique de Paris 1983. godine. Nakon toga ostvaruje dugogodišnju saradnju sa Aurele Nicolet-om, jed-nim od najvećih muzičara i flautskih pedagoga XX veka. Svirao je na svim značajnim festivalima u bivsoj Jugo-slaviji, kao i u Francuskoj, Švajcarskoj, Kini, Italiji, Austriji, Nemačkoj, Rusiji, Rumuniji, Velikoj Britaniji, Alžiru, Fin-skoj, Danskoj, Ukrajini, Juznoj Af-rici, Norveškoj i Argentini. Stalni je član “Ansambla za novu muziku” i tria “Anima”. Na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu je zaposlen od 1993. god., sada u zvanju redovnog profesora flaute. U istom zvanju je od 1996. godine stalni saradnik Muzicke Akademije Univerziteta Crne Gore. Osnivač je i predsednik Profesional-nog ansambla FMU Camerata Serbi-ca, nastalog 2004. godine. Od 2010. godine je umetnicki rukovodilac i diri-gent ansambala “Lola klasik”.

Aacquired his Bachelor’s and MA de-grees in Belgrade, under the mentor-ship of Miodrag Azanjac and had the advance training with the Christian Lardé in Paris, where he received the Diplome Superieur de Concertiste, in 1983, at L’Ecole Normale Superieur de Musique de Paris. After that, he has established a long-term cooperation with Aurele Nicolet, one of the great-est musicians and flute pedagogues of the 20th century. Ljubisa Jovanovic has performed at all significant festivals in former Yugoslavia as well as in France, Switzerland, China, Italy, Austria, Ger-many, Russia, Romania, Great Britain, Algeria, Finland, Denmark, Ukraine, South Africa, Norway and Argentine. He is a permanent member of the “New Music Ensemble”, “Camerata Serbica Orchestra” and the trio “Anima”. He is Professor of flute at the Faculty of Mu-sic Art in Belgrade since 1993. He has the same title since 1996. at the Music Academy at the Montenegro University. He is the founder and the president of “Camerata Serbica Orchestra” founded in 2004. Since 2010. he is the artistic leader and a conductor of the “Lola Classic” ensembles.



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16 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

Rođen je u Leskovcu, gde je završio os-novnu i srednju muzičku školu u klasi Tahira Kulenovića. Diplomirao je i magis-trirao na FMU u Beogradu, u klasi istog profesora. U toku školovanja osvojio je brojne nagrade na republičkim i saveznim takmičenjima. Na 23. Takmičenju muzičkih umetnika u Zagrebu osvojio je treću nagradu, a na konkursu federacije konzervatorijuma Pariza 1989. drugu. Boravio je na konzervatorijumu “H. Ber-lioz” kao stipendista fondacije za naučni i umetnički podmladak Srbije. Do sada je održao veliki broj resitala, kako u Beo-gradu, tako i umnogim gradovima Srbije, u Francuskoj i Španiji. Nastupao je kao solista sa niškim simfonijskim orkestrom, simfonijskim orkestrom vojske, simfoni-jskim orkestrom RTS. Ostvaruje trajne snimke za Radio Beograd. Radi kao pro-fesor FMU u Beogradu.

Born in Leskovac, where he finished prima-ry and secondary music school in the class of Tahir Kulenović. He graduated and got his M. A. at the Faculty of Musical arts in Belgrade under of the same professor. He won third prize on the 23rd annual compe-tition of young artist in Zagreb and second prize at the competition of the federation of Paris conservatories in 1989. He went to H. Berlioz Conservatory as a scholar of the Foundation for scientific and artistic youth of Serbia. Has made sound recordings for Radio Belgrade. He has held a number of recitals, both in Serbi and abroad (France, Spain). He performed as a solo artist with the Symphonic orchestra of Niš, the Mili-tary Symphonic orchestra and Serbian ra-dio television symphonic orchestra. Has a full teaching status for flute at the Faculty of Music art in Belgrade.


The Jury Flute

Rođen je u Leskovcu, gde završava sred-nju muzičku školu “Stanislav Binički” u klasi Radeta Ivančevića. Muzičku aka-demiju u Beogradu upisuje kod Tahira Kulenovića, u čijoj klasi i diplomira. Kao orkestarski muzičar angažovan je na mestu prvog flautiste orkestra RV u Ze-munu (1989- 1994), sa dirigentom Vladi-mira Mustajbašić. Jedan je od osnivača Novosadskog duvačkog orkestra i “Big Benda”, u čijim sastavima nastupa kao multiinstrumentalista, svirajući alt i bariton saksofon i frulu. U Kolarčevoj zadužbini (2004) sa umetnikom Vladi-mirom Labatom nastupa na koncertu posvećenom Fruškogorskim manastir-ima. Pedagoškim radom počinje da se bavi 1987. godine u Beogradu. Radi u muzičkim školama “Petar Konjović”, “Davorin Jenko”, Politehnička akademija i “Petar Stojanović” na Ubu. Sa svojim učenicima osvaja veliki broj nagrada na raznim takmičenjima u zemlji i inostrans-tvu. Od strane Zajednice muzičkih i ba-letskih škola Srbije biva angažovan i učestvuje u radu republičkog i drugih

žirija flautskih takmičenja. Trenutno radi u srednjoj Muzičkoj školi “Živorad Grbić” u Valjevu gde organizauje letnje i zimske škole flaute.

Born in Leskovac, where he finished sec-ondary music school in the class of Rade Ivančević. He graduated at the Fac-ulty of Musical arts in Belgrade with Tahir Kulenović. He is appointed as a principal flute of the Military Orchestra in Zemun, with conductor Vladimir Mustabašić. Co-founder of Novi Sad “Big Bend” orchestra, and has played alto and baritone saxo-phone and frula. Since 1987 he had been teaching in many music schools in Serbia. His students have won a number of awards on national and international competitions. By the Association of music and ballet schools of Serbia he was engaged to par-ticipate as a jury member on national com-petitions. Works in music school in Valjevo, where he regularly conducts summer and winter courses for flute teachers and pupils.



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18 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko


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20 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

The Jury Clarinet

Rođen je u Zenici, gde je završio os-novnu i srednju muzičku školu. Diplo-mirao je i magistrirao na Muzičkoj aka-demiji u Sarajevu (u klasi A. Radana), a postdiplomske studije za klarinet i bas klarinet završio u Bernu (Švajcarska) u klasi Ernesta Molinarija. Nastupao je u mnogim zemljama Evrope i u Americi, bio je član žirija na nekoliko međunarodnih takmičenja i predavač na seminarima u zemlji i inostranstvu. Aktivan je kao solista, član kamernih ansambala, a često nastupa i kao član Sarajevske filharmonije, opere i baleta. Stalni je član i jedan od osnivača ans-ambla za savremenu umetničku muzi-ku “SONEMUS” koji nakon decenije postojanja ima snimljena dva CD-a eminentne savremene literature. Mno-ga dela savremene muzike, od kojih su neka pisana za njega ili za ansambl, izveo je premijerno. U njegovom opusu prvenstvo ima savremena umetnička muzika, ali jednako uspešno izvodi i svu ostalu literaturu pisanu za klarinet i ansamble. Koristi se svim poznatim novim i savremenim tehnikama sviranja na klarinetu i bas klarinetu, konstatno

istražujujući nove mogućnosti zvuka. Trenutno radi kao profesor klarineta i kamerne muzike na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu, a od 2008. je šef katedre za duvačke instrumente.

Born in Zenica, where he finished sec-ondary music school. Graduated and got his M. A. at the Sarajevo Academy of Music under A. Radan, and upgraded his postgraduate studies in Bern under Ernesto Molinari. He has played in Eu-rope and USA, participated as a jury member in international competitions and invited to hold masterclasses in the country and abroad. He is member and cofounder of the SONEMUS ensemble, with two CDs of contemporary music published since now. He has premiered many works, some of which has been dedicated to him or the ensemble. His devotion lies in performing compositions of contemporary music, with constant research for new sound possibilities of the clarinet. He is professor at the Sa-rajevo Academy of Music and the head of the department for wind instruments.



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Rodjen je u Trbovlju. Živi i radi u Lju-bljani. Dvanaest godina je bio prvi klarinetista Slovenačke filharmonije. Sada je profesor na Muzičkoj aka-demiji u Ljubljani i prvi klarinetista simfonijskog orkestra RTV Ljubljana. Kao solista i kamerni muzičar nas-tupa u zemlji i inostranstvu (Evropa, SAD, Južna Amerika...). Vodi semi-nare za klarinet i kamernu muziku (u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji, Italiji, Madjarskoj, Belgiji, Izraelu, Brazilu) i učestvuje u radu žirija medjunarodnih takmičenja. Izdao je više CD-a, kao solista i član kamernih sastava. Osnivač je i umetnički rukovodilac Slovenačkog orkestra i seksteta klarineta, kao i član duvačkog kvinteta “Ariart”, duvačkog tria Slovenačke filharmonije i ansam-bla za savremenu muziku “MD7”, a odnedavno dirigent radničkog orkes-tra Trbovlja.

Born in Trbovlje. Became principal clarinetist of the RTV Slovenia Sym-phony Orchestra in 2007 after serving in that role at the Slovenian Philhar-monic Orchestra for 12 years. He is also a tenured professor at the Acad-emy of Music in Ljubljana. As a so-loist, chamber musician and member of various chamber ensembles, Kotar performs in Slovenia and abroad (Eu-rope, USA, South America...), leads seminars for the clarinet and chamber music (Croatia, Serbia, Italy, Hungary, Belgium, Ireland, Israel, Brazil), and participates in the jury of international competitions. He has recorded many CDs as a solist or chamber musician. Kotar is a member, co-founder and ar-tistic director of the Slovenian Clarinet Orchestra and a member of the Ariart Wind Quintet and the MD7 Contem-porary Music Ensemble. As a clarinet-ist, he collaborates with the Slovenian Chamber Orchestra, the Academie Ars Musicae Orchestra, etc. Since 2010 he is a conductor and artistic director at the Trbovlje Workers Band.



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22 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

The Jury Clarinet

Rodjen je u Pančevu. Studirao je klarinet na Vi-sokoj akademiji za muziku u Štutgartu u klasi Ulfa Rodenhäusera. Diplomirao je 1999., a 2001. magistrira na Hochschule für Musik München. Koncertirao širom sveta kao solista i kao član kamernih sastava. Godine 1998. osvaja prvu na-gradu na takmičenju “Felix Mendellsohn” u Ber-linu, a 1997. drugu nagradu Takmičenju muzičke omladine u Beogradu. Od 2002. član Beograd-ske filharmonije na mestu prvog solo klarineta. Iste godine osniva kamerni ansambl “Balkanska kamerna akademija”, koji čine poznata imena iz sveta klasične muzike. Sa svojim bendom „Og-njen i prijatelji“ ima 4 snimljena CD-a i veliki broj koncerata u zemlji i inostranstvu. Sa poznatim nemačkim kamernim ansamblom “Villa Musica” snimio je dva kompakt diska i nastupao širom Evrope. Držao je majstorke klasove za klarinet u zemlji i inostranstvu (Nemačkoj, Španiji). Od 2007. je gostujući docent na čuvenoj akademiji za kamernu muziku “Villa Musica” u Nemačkoj, a od 2010. predaje na FMU u Beogradu.Trenutno je na doktorskim studijama na FMU u Beogradu u klasi profesora Ante Grgina.

Studied at the “Hochschule für Musik” in Munich in the class of Ulf Rodenhauser, where he finished masterclass in 2001. He won the second prize at the International competition “Jeunesse musicale” in Belgrade 1997 and the first prize at the “Fe-lix Mendelssohn” competition in Berlin 1998. He has performed in countries of former Yugoslavia, Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Greece, Ukraine, Russia, China and Japan. As a soloist he has been playing with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra, the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, the orchestra of Radio Television Serbia, the string ensemble St. Georg, the Radio Orchestra of Valen-cia/Spain, the European Chamber Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Munich Music Academy and so on. From 1998-1999 he wos engaiged as first solo clarinet in the international “Philharmonic Orchestra of Nations”. He played with the German Chamber Academy, the studio ensemble of “Villa Musica” and in the opera in Stuttgart. Since 2002 he plays first solo-clarinet in the Belgrade philharmonic or-chestra. He founded the ensemble “Balkan Cham-ber Academy” and the ethno-fusion-jazz ensemble “Ognjen and friends”. He is also a clarinet/saxo-phone professor at the “Academy of fine arts” in Belgrade and docent for chamber music at the “ Villa Musica” academy in Germany and clarinet do-cent at the Music academy in Belgrade.


Rodjen je u Splitu, gde je stekao osnovno i srednje muzičko obra-zovanje. Diplomirao je na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu u klasi M. Stefanovića. Kao student osvaja brojne nagrade na nacional-nim i medjunarodnim takmičenjima. Od 1984. je angažovan kao solista i prvi klarinet orkestra Narodnog pozorišta u Splitu. Uporedo razvija solističku karijeru, nastupajući sa simfonijskim i kamernim orkestrima. Saradjuje sa poznatim dirigentima (P. Dešpalj, N. Bereza, J. Kovačev, V. Šutej, O. Danon, M. Jagušt, L. Volto-lini, I. Lipanović, H. Zlodre). Neguje raznovrsne muzičke stilove, od kla-sike, romantizma, do muzike 20. veka i džeza. Nastupa često na resitalima i kamerni muzičar u Hrvatskoj i in-ostranstvu. Tokom cele karijere bavi se i pedagoškim radom, a od 2002. angažovan je kao profesor klarineta na splitskoj Akademiji umetnosti.

Born in Split, where he acquires el-ementary and secondary music edu-cation. He graduated from the Fac-ulty of Music Art in Belgrade with M. Stefanovic. As a student, he wins nu-merous awards at national and inter-national competitions. Since 1984, he has been engaged as a soloist and the first clarinettist of the National Theatre orchestra in Split. At the same time, he fosters his solo career, performing with symphony and chamber orches-tras. He performs with the renowned conductors like P. Dešpalj, N. Bareza, J. Kovachev, V. Šutej, O. Danon, M. Jagust, L. Voltolini, I. Lipanovic, H. Zlo-dre and others. He cherishes different styles of music from classical, romantic and 20th century to jazz. He performs frequently at recitals and as a chamber musician in various ensembles in Cro-atia and abroad. All his working life he has been engaged in pedagogic work, and since 2002 he acts as a professor of clarinet at Split Academy of Art.



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24 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

ClarinetThe Jury

Diplomirao i magistrirao na Muzičkoj akademiji u Beo-gradu, u klasi Bruna Bruna. Još kao student postiže zapažene rezultate na uglednim internacionalnim konkur-sima u Ženevi, Minhenu i Pragu, kao i na Međunarodnom takmičenju Jeunesses Musicales u Beogradu. Gotovo tri i po decenije Ante Grgin deluje u našoj muzičkoj ja-vnosti kao istaknuti koncertant, kamerni muzičar, solista i prvi klarinet Beogradske filharmonije od 1975. godine do danas. Nastupao je sa mnogobrojnim orkestrima u zemlji i inostranstvu (Švajcarska, Francuska, Italija, Mađarska, Čehoslovačka, Rusija, Belorusija, Kina), a kao solista i kamerni muzičar svirao na festivalima BEMUS, “Mokranjčevi dani,” “Mermer i zvuci”. Član je “Ansambla za novi muziku”. Uporedo sa ovim delatnostima, veoma uspešno deluje kao kompozitor i delima posvećenim kla-viru, violini, violi, flauti, klarinetu. oboi, fagotu, trubi, horni i drugim instrumentima skreće pažnju muzičke javnosti. U njegovim delima preovađuje sklonost prema slobod-noj formi, stilskim obrascima simfoniziranog džeza, ev-ergrin harmonijama, folklornoj ritmici balkanskog tla, kao i naglašena melodioznost u skladu sa prirodom instru-menta kome se u potpunosti posvetio. Među brojnim izvođačima njegogovih kompozicija naleze se i umetnici svetske reputacije (Irena Grafenauer, Mate Bekavac). Profesor je klarineta na Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu. Dobitnik je brojnih nagrada i priznanja, među kojima nagrade “Dositej Obradović”, plakete grada Beo-grada, zlatne medalje Beogradske filharmonije povodom 75. godišnjice rada ove institucije, medalje Univerziteta umetnosti, kao i nagrade UMUS-a.

Graduated and got his M. A. at the Belgrade Academy of Music under Bruno Brun. As a student he had remarkable achievements at various prestigious international competi-tions. As a concert-player, chamber musician, soloist and the principal clarinetist of the Belgrade philharmonic or-chestra he has played in the country and abroad (France, Switzerland, Italy, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Be-larus, China etc.) and took part in various festivals. He has composed a number of pieces for piano, violin, viola, flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, horn... for renowned art-ists, such as Irena Grafenauer and Mate Bekavac. He is clarinet professor at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade. Has been received a number of prominent awards and rec-ognitions: the “Dositej Obradović” Award, The Recognition Medallion of the City of Belgrade, Golden Medallion of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra...



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26 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko26 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko


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28 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko28 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

Diplomirao 1998. na Univerzitetu za muziku u Beču, klasa Oto Vrhovnik. Između 2000-2003. studira saksofon u Parizu, gde diplomira u klasi Ž. Formoa i uspešno završava specijalizaciju u klasi Vinsenta Davida. Dobitnik je više nagrada na nacionalnim i međunarodnim takmičenjima. Kao solista nastupa na koncertima u Gracu, Klagenfurtu, Ljubljani, Mariboru, Beogradu i Beču, a sarađivao je sa istaknutim dirigentima (George Pehlivanian, Tosihiro Jonezu, Juergen Bruens). 2005. završava postdiplomske studije na Univerzitetu za muziku u Beču i dobija zvanje “Magistar artium” (klasa Oto Vrhovnik), a 2007. specijalizaciju na Muzičkoj akademiji u Lju-bljani (klasa Matjaž Drevenšek). Kao orkestar-ski muzičar radi sa renomiranim simfonijskim orkestrima. Aktivan je kao profesor muzike i predaje saksofon u muzičkim školama u Lju-bljani i Celju, a dugi niz godina radi kao men-tor na letnjoj školi za saksofon u Novoj Gorici, gde je 2006. bio umetnički direktor. Takođe vodi letnju školu za saksofon na ostrvu Brač, a predavao je i na Muzičkoj akademiji u Skopju i na Univerzitetu za muziku i dramske umetnosti u Beču. Bio je član stručnih žirija na domaćim i međunarodnim takmičenjima “. Lav Pupis je inicijator i osnivač dua “Sax Org”, tria “Ad libi-tum” i kvarteta “Ensemble 4 SAXESS”

In1998 he graduated from the University of Mu-sic in Vienna with Oto Vrhovnik. From 2000-2003 he studied saxophone in Paris where he took his degree in J. Y. Fourmeau’s class (Premier Prix) and afterwards he continued his post-graduate studies with Vincent David. He won many major Slovenian and international prizes. As a solo artist he performed with orchestras in Graz, Ljubljana, Maribor, Belgrade, Vienna... In 2005 successfully finished his Master’s degree at the University of Music in Vienna and became “Magister Artium” (under Oto Vrhovnik) and then also in 2007 at the Music Academy in Ljubljana (with Matjaž Drevenšek). He played with reputable symphonic orchestras: Mozarteum orchestra from Salzburg, Radio symphonic orchestra from Vienna, RTV Slovenia... He is involved in teaching at music Conservatories in Ljubljana and Celje. More than 15 pieces by modern authors, including solo con-certos, chamber trios and a saxophone quartet, have been written specially for Lev and the groups he plays with. He is a member and co-founder of the ensemble “4SAXESS” and Trio “AD LIBITUM”.


The Jury Saxophone + Oboe + Bassoon

Diplomirao je saksofon na Muzičkoj aka-demiji u Zagrebu, u klasi Dragana Sremca. Usavršava se kod Jean-Yvesa Fourmeaua i Philippa Portejoiea na Conservatoire de Paris, kao i na majstorskim kursevima Jean-Marie Londeixa i Claudea Delan-glea. Dobitnik je većeg broja domaćih i međunarodnih nagrada. Kao solista nastu-pao sa Zagrebačkom filharmonijom i drugim orkestrima. Kao član ansambla 4Saxess, uz brojna koncertna gostovanja, snimio je dva CD-a za RTV Slovenija. Od 2008. inten-zivno deluje u sklopu “New sax quarteta”. Saradjujući sa mnogim ansamblima, poseb-no neguje savremenu muziku. Kao pedagog predaje saksofon u muzičkoj školi Ferdo Livadić u Samoboru. Od 2010. godine za-poslen je kao asistent na Muzičkim aka-demijama u Zagrebu i Sarajevu. Predsednik je i jedan od osnivača udruženja “Diapa-son”, čiji je cilj promocija muzičke edukacije i profesionalnih umetničkih izvodjenja.

Graduated from High School of Music in Za-greb, then continued to study saxophone at the Academy of music in Zagreb, where he graduated with honors in 2000 (under Dragan Sremec). He left for Paris, where he would spend two years earning his degree in class-es of J. Y. Formeau and P. Portojoie (Premier Prix a l’unaminite). He received many national and international awards.Played as a soloist with numerous orchestras (The Zagreb phil-harmonic orchestra and others).He has per-formed as a soloist and as a chamber mu-sician, in many concerts in France, Slovenia, Italy, USA. he directs a class of saxophones at High School of Music in Samobor, Croatia, and works regularly with renowned Croatian composers and performers.



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30 International CompetitionDavorin Jenko

Diplomirao i magistrirao obou na FMU u Beo-gradu, u klasi Ljubiše Petruševskog. Dobit-nik je mnogih priznanja i nagrada (Laureat međunarodnog takmičenja Muzičke omladine u Beogradu, prva nagrada na takmičenju umetnika Jugoslavije u Zagrebu, Oktobarska nagrada grada Beograda za studente, nagra-da fonda “Bruno Brun” za najboljeg studenta generacije). Zapažene solo nastupe ostvario je u zemlji i inostranstvu (Mađarska, Italija, Engleska, Švajcarska). Nastupao sa svim domaćim orkestrima. Bio je dugogodišnji solista Beogradske filharmonije i sarađivao je sa kamernim orkestrima (BGO “Dušan Skovran”, Gudači “Sv. Djordja”, “Pro musi-ca”). Godine 2001. nastupio je sa Najdželom Kenedijem (Bahov koncert za violinu i obou), a u perioudu 2007/2008 godine, kao učesnik “Nacionalne koncertne sezone” ,održao je ve-liki broj resitala u zemlji. Trenutno deluje kao solo oboista orkestra Camerata Serbica i pro-fesor je na FMU u Beogradu.

Finished his graduate and post-graduate stud-ies at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade with Ljubiša Petruševski. He is the winner of numer-ous recognitions and awards (the Laureate of the International Competition of the Musical Youth in Belgrade, first prize at the Competition of Yugoslav Artists in Zagreb, October Award of the City of Belgrade for Students, award from “Bruno Brun” foundation for the student of the generation). He has had distinguished solo per-formances in the country and abroad (Hungary, Italy, England, Switzerland). He has performed with all the major orchestras in the country. For a long time he was a soloist of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra and he collaborated with some chamber orchestras (BGO “Dušan Skovran”, “St. George String Orchestra”, “Pro Musica”). In 2001 he performed with Nigel Ken-nedy (Bach’s concerto for violin and oboe), and in the period between 2007 and 2008 he held a number of recitals in the country as a member of “National Concert Season”. He is now solo oboist of the Camerata Serbica Orchestra and a professor at the Faculty of Music Arts in Bel-grade.


The Jury Saxophone + Oboe + Bassoon


Srednju muzičku školu završio je u Skoplju, a redovne i magistarske studije na Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti u Beo-gradu, u klasi Ivana Tursića. Godine 1976. postaje prvi fagotista Beogradske opere, a od 1978-1994. je solo fagotista Sim-fonijskog orkestra RTS-a. Nastupao je kao solista i kamerni muzičar i ostvario je zapažene koncerte u zemlji i u inostrans-tvu. Od 1994. predaje fagot na FMU u Beogradu (kao redovni profesor od 2006). Od 2004. radi i na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu, a na FMU u Skoplju je pro-fesor zadužen za postdiplomske studije. Za svog bogat i uspešan pedagoški rad do sada dobio je veoma značajna priznanja: Zahvalnica FMU u Beogradu, Diploma Udruženja muzičkih i baletskih pedagoga Srbije, Srebrna medalja Uni-verziteta umetnosti u Beogradu.

Finished secondary music school in Skopje, and his graduate and post-graduate stud-

ies at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade in the class of Ivan Tursić. In 1976 he be-came principal bassoonist of the Belgrade Opera House, and between 1978 and 1994 he is the solo bassoonist of Serbian Radio Television Symphonic Orchestra. He has performed as a soloist and a chamber mu-sician and held successful concerts both in Serbia and abroad. He has collaborated with numerous orchestras in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Podgorica, Dubrovnik and Skopje. He recorded a CD with the works of Mozart and Vivaldi and he also published a collec-tion of bassoon compositions which is used as teaching material in music schools. He is also starting the first bassoon class at the University in Niš. In 1994 Mirko Isaeski was elected Docent for bassoon at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade and in 2006 he became a Full Professor. Since 2004 he has been working at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, and he is also teaching post-graduate students at the Faculty of Mu-sic Arts in Skopje. He has received many awards for his long and successful peda-gogical work. w









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