wind farms

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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Advantages and Disadvantages of a

wind farm

By James Carr


One of the a advantages of a wind farm is the clean energy that is released and no green house gases are produced.This energy has the potential to supply Britain with a big part of our energy we use.With fossil furls not going to be constantly available we need need to be able to adapt.


When a wind farm is constructed and is up and running it is fairly cheap to keep running. Wind farms are also useful in areas of inhabitable land and useless land that has no value


Constructing a wind farm is very expensive and it requires constant maintenance so the wind farms would constantly drain the governments resources and budget, for wind power to become one of the leading sources of energy and fulfil its potential it will cost billions.

More Disadvantages

Wind turbines lower the price of nearby land which results in politicians not supporting this clean form of energy as there popularity would plummet as they would lose votes, this deters politicians from supporting solutions which effect the publics way of life.

North Hoyle offshore wind farm

• This wind farm is off the coast of Liverpool, it has access to the national grid which means the energy can be easily transported and used. This wind farm produces enough energy for 40,000 houses and as a result prevents the release of 160,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and green house gases being released in the atmosphere.

More AdvantagesThe government and

politicians should be able to support this idea as there is minimal visual pollution which means no angry residents and public putting pressure on them which is able to let the politicians support the offshore wind farm scheme. There area in which the wind farm is built in is also ideal as it is shallow


This offshore wind farm would be very expensive to set up compared to a wind farm in land as it would require extra materials and it would take a very long period of time to set up. This farm would also disrupt shipping routes and in stormy conditions the turbines could be easily damaged

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