why we must adopt the jury system

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  • 7/25/2019 Why We Must Adopt the Jury System



    Why The Filipino People Must Adopt the Jury Systems?By: Atty. Marlowe Camello, Member: Philippines and California Bars

    Homeland, California, USAEmail: mcamello@verizon.net

    Updated, Aug 10, 2015

    Brief, frank and direct answer to this title question: Because our Judiciary hasno shield or has no full proof protection against the onslaught of political illegal intrusions

    by, and from, powerful officials in the Executive and Legislative branches of the

    government over Judicial functions. The Judiciary is a lame duck government branch

    which likewise need a voting support of the people through the peoples vote by means

    of the secret jury ballots. The Philippine Judiciary does not enjoy the direct vote of the

    common people in justice which they inherently possess with their sovereign power and

    authority under Article II, Section 1, of the constitution.

    The set up of Philippine Justice is structurally undemocratic contrary to our

    democratic form of government as if it is a personal property of powerful public officials.

    It is a government monopoly under the exclusive control of whoever is in charge of running

    the government. It is inutile because it is fundamentally toothless for the reason that you,

    as a sovereign, although common private or ordinary citizen, have no deciding voice (or

    vote) in its judicial functions.

    Philippine justice has excluded and deprived you of your right and supreme

    power to participate in the function of justice because it considers you as without

    perception between right or wrong for not being a lawyer. As far as Philippine

    Justice is concerned, it implies that you are just a legal moron and that justice is

    none of your business -wa la kang pak i sa hus t i s ya sang -ayon sa m ga abogado a t

    ng m ga huw es dah i l i kaw d aw ay i sang b obo lamang . Should you accept this

    insidious judicial implication that you are a legal moron? This statement is not

    intended to insult you but to steer your indignance on the way the Philippine justice

    system has been set up of discriminating you to have a voice in justice all these

    years since you were born as a citizen of a free and democratic nation while, and

    as if, you are a mere slave of your own local colonists, your greedy politicians,

    many of whom you elect each time.

    As of today, as you read this article, the Justice System of the Philippines is

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    reserved only for the elites of society but dont you know that because you are excluded

    to have a hand in justice, that it is the basic reason why the Philippine government is ultra

    mega corrupt? You have been excluded to vote your good conscience in justice to

    remove government thieves from public service. It is a government monopoly which we

    inherited from Spain. All Philippine presidents, past and present, as well as by the

    lawmakers, and all other government officials all throughout the country dearly love this

    monopoly, because they can use it to cover-up their crimes and it keeps them untouchable

    by the law. If given the chance to use your vote in justice, would you vote to send a

    corrupt official to jail? Of course you would. If you have the power and right to VOTE

    THEM INTO OFFICE during election, you must also have that same power TO VOTE

    THEM OUT OF OFFICE as well as VOTE THEM TO JAIL for fooling you by means of the

    justice system.

    It is time for us, common and poor citizens, to peacefully revolt against this

    wholesale judicial discrimination by the government and government officials against us.

    There is one truly peaceful and orderly revolt, that we can embark on and use without

    pulling a trigger of any hand gun or hand grenade. That peaceful revolt is known as

    the JURY SYSTEMS revoltwith which you can VOTE ABUSIVE OFFICIALS OUT OF

    OFFICE as well as VOTE THEM INTO JAIL. If you think this is impossible, please dont

    worry, because there is a way and you will find it out if you will just continue to read about

    how the jury systems work.

    By contrast in the United States, a U.S. President is afraid to commit a crime in

    office because ordinary American legal idiots, the people who do not know the law, are

    the authority (under guidance or supervision by judges) to decide in justice to send him

    to prison for his crimes. Can we in the Philippines, not a common law country,

    possibly emulate or adopt the American Jury system of justice so that we, Filipino

    common idiots of law, like the American common idiots in the U.S., can equally

    and ably send to jail our ELITE IDIOTS in the Philippine government? ANSWER:

    Definitely YES. How? Please read entirely this article.

    The Lame Duck Judges, Justices, and Prosecutors

    The justices, judges, government prosecutors are highly vulnerable to the abuses

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    and whims of powerful public officials because they do not enjoy the shielding sovereign

    power of the people. They are like errand boys and girls under the control and

    manipulation by greedy and corrupt powerful officials from the President down to

    Governors, Mayors, even Barrangay Captains as well as by Senators and Congressmen.

    Now-a-days, they are just as close with each other by cellphone away at any moment

    of the day or night. Such high off icials use the Philippine Justice system to protect

    themselves against prosecution over the crimes and corruption in the performance of their

    official duties for their personal and family enrichment. Government infestation of grafters

    is increasing (and accumulating in many public offices) and they could not be removed

    from public office. Corrupt high officials share in the bounty obtained by junior grafters

    and they conspire together to protect each other from prosecution via the justice system.

    Some lawyers, not all of them of course, although not public officials, fool their clients

    because of their superior knowledge of the law and the clients are simply helpless and

    scared to put up a legal battle against attorneys.

    The Basic Solution Against Government Corruption?

    The solution is Justice Reform through the creation of the Jury Systems Law.

    It is a devise that will give the people in the private sector a deciding voice and vote in

    the investigation and indictment of crime offenders as well as in the trial and

    conviction of such offenders. The Jury System shall break the political bondage and

    slavery of Justices, Judges, and Prosecutors from the President who appointed them and

    from politicians and powerful public officials who had recommended them to their public


    The Jury System is itself the Law School in which the people can be educated and

    taught by judges to participate and decide in the justice system of the country. Without

    the Jury System, where else shall the people obtain their education in law? Yes, there

    are. Among them are the Death Squad masterminds, the NPA, MILF, MNLF, Warlords,

    Corrupt Officials, etc., and what do they teach? They teach people how to kill people, to

    kidnap people for ransom, to kill their opponents in politics, among others. The other

    teachers are the very corrupt officials who teach their subordinates how to steal the public

    treasury so that they can earn their own supervisory commissions. Is it any wonder why

    that there are so much killings and government corruption around the country? The

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    people in the private sector cannot be scared to decide in justice because their jobs

    cannot be easily sabotaged by powerful public officials.

    Powerful Corrupt Officials Are Never Interested

    To Prevent Government Corruption.

    The president, lawmakers and most lawyers are not expected to help enact such

    a law, the Jury Systems Law, because it is against their personal interest for self-

    enrichment in office. They want to preserve their monopoly and opportunity to easily steal

    government funds under the present set up of the undemocratic government controlled

    Philippine justice system. For obvious reason, we private citizens with our leaders in the

    PRIVATE SECTOR are the only ones who can be relied on to dismantle such a monopoly,

    and the justice monopolists, by the adoption of the Jury System with our own efforts alone

    through the initiative process in RA 6735. Please read on with the rest of this article and

    learn how this recommendation can be particularly done.

    The Competing Groups Over the

    Wealth of Society in a Democracy

    In a democracy, such as the Philippines, there are two distinct endless competing

    groups which both greedily desire to obtain the wealth and bounty of society, namely: The

    MAJORITY Group and the other is the MINORITY Group. Between these two groups,

    whoever has exclusive control over all the elements in the administration of justice gets

    them all while the other gets none at all.

    The Elements in the Administration of Justice

    Administration of justice involves certain elements, namely: the Law, Evidence,

    Procedures, Instructions or Rules, Finances and Deciding Power. To prevent the

    Minority from defrauding the Majority and vice versa, it is imperative that the said elements

    shall be fairly allocated between them to keep and check their competing balance of

    power, as follows:

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    Allocation of the Elements in

    the Administration of Justice

    To the Majority, the element of the Deciding Powerin justice must be vested in

    it because it is the logical title holder of the sovereign majority rule in the Philippine

    democratic society pursuant to Article II, Section 1, of the Philippine Constitution. This

    allocation is befitting of the status of the Majority because its members are the Masters

    over the Minority - explained later in this discussion.

    To the Minority, the elements of Law , Evidence, Procedures, Instructions or

    Rulesand Financesshall be vested in it because it is the proper expert custodian and

    trustee of the Law, Evidence, Procedures, Instructional Rules, and Finances whose

    members are the Servants of the Majority.

    Explanation about the MAJORITY GROUP

    The common and private citizens essentially belong to the Majority Group because

    their population makes up the absolute majority of Philippine democracy. Sovereignty and

    majority rule is vested in them. They are referred to as the Public and Master in our

    democracy as secured to its members in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution which

    states: Sovere ign ty res ides in the peop le and a l l governm ent author i t y emanates

    f rom them . Unfortunately today, politicians recognize the people as masters when

    begging for their votes only during election time. Once they are elected in office, they act,

    and assume, with the personality of a master and look down upon you, the common and

    private citizen, as mere second class citizen and beggar of justice.

    Explanation about the MINORITY GROUP

    Public officials and government employees belong to the Minority Group because

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    their combined total is much less in number than the members of the Majority Group. The

    community of the Minority is known as the Republic and it is officially called the

    Republic of the Philippines. Perhaps, their combined total is only around 10% out of the

    entire population of the Philippines. Sovereignty is not vested in it and its power emanates

    from the Majority, the people in the private sector. Its members consciously or

    unconsciously think that they are the leaders forgetting the fact that they are the servants

    of the public or common people. In most occasions, they show arrogantly their true

    tyrannic characters when you, a member of the Majority Group, criticize them for their acts

    of corruption and human rights abuses.

    Why Is the Minority Group Richer

    Than the Majority Group?

    The CENTRAL ISSUE at the moment is: Why is the Minority Group very RICH,

    whereas the MAJORITY Group is very POOR? Of course, the Minority Group is a

    thousand times richer than the Majority Group because the former is currently the

    exclusive holder and controller over all the elements of justice as earlier mentioned

    above. By JUSTICE (if there is such a thing in the Philippines), the Majority Group has

    been totally deprived of its rightful voice or deciding power in Justice in spite of the fact

    that its members, like you, are the Masters in our democratic society as gleaned in Article

    II, Section 1, of the constitution.

    This is the fundamental flaw in the governance of Philippine democracy and

    THE BASIC CAUSE OF THE PERVASIVE CORRUPTION in all levels of governmentwhich can never be eliminated by merely changing or electing personalities with

    TRAPO and NON-TRAPO public servants. What is needed is judicial reform and

    not electoral reform devices. Experience has already told us so, repeatedly, in all

    elections since the days of Manuel L. Quezon all throughout with, and between, Gloria

    M. Arroyo. Are we, anti-graft crusaders, not yet educated enough already to learn our

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    lesson that mere election of the so-called best candidate is nothing but an exercise in


    By our own complacency in the private sector, we have helped degrade Philippine

    democracy into a bogus democracy similar to the many so-called democratic countries

    around the world. It operates more as an aristocracy, a government of the few to enrich

    and empower the few nationally or locally.

    Justice has been set up undemocratically and made none of your business in spite

    of the fact that you are a member of the majority group of people mentioned in Article

    II, Section 1, of the Constitution. It is an exclusive government monopoly which, in the

    opinion of this writer, is flagrantly unconstitutional in derogation to the said provision of

    the Philippine Constitution and outright discriminatory to the great majority of Philippine

    democratic society, the poor Filipino people. This monopoly has totally deprived you, the

    common people, of your rightful voice and share in justice affairs resulting to the loss of

    your rightful share in the bounty and wealth of the country and the needed education of

    the common people. In effect vesting the deciding power of justice exclusively in the

    government has factually classified you, a private citizen, as mere second class citizen,

    a wholesale discrimination of the poor that comprises the greatest membership of the

    Majority. This monopoly keeps the members of the Minority entirely unaccountable

    judicially for their fraudulent and illegal acts against you, a member of the Majority Group,

    as their Masters. Instead, they made you, an ordinary citizen, a slave of your own


    This monopoly is bolstered, by hook or by crook, such as loading the executive

    department with retired army and police generals, to serve as symbolic subordinate

    officers of a commander-in-chief to keep a military-like chain of command over such

    military appointees whose loyalty does not belong to the people but to the commander-in-

    chief. This is just one of the many schemes employed by the head of the Minority Group

    to protect the interest of its members specially the personal interests of the President

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    regardless of whether such interest is legal or illegal such as kick-back commissions in

    government procurement transactions and to grab revenues of government owned and

    controlled government gaming and amusement bureaus or commissions.

    In provincial and local governments, this monopoly is used to protect the interests

    of their public officials and police agents of their incomes from the operators of

    prostitution dens, jueteng and other illegal numbers game - the very reason that such

    illegal activities makes it impossible to stop.

    When conflict of interests and rights arise between the Majority and the Minority,

    justice always gives undue preference to the interest of the minority - what a shame!!

    Ultimate Solution to Graft and Corruption

    And Human Rights Abuses

    Let us DISMANTLE theunconstitutional government monopoly of justicewith

    the adoption of the Grand Jury and Trial Jury Systems to allow you, the common man

    or woman, to exercise your sovereign power and authority as ordained in Article II,

    Section 1, of the Constitution. This recommendation does not mean that we dismantle

    the justice system but simply to reform the justice system so as to create a system of

    check and balance of power between the sovereign power of the people and the

    government administrative power of public officials. The dismantling of the monopoly

    or exclusive government control of justice is what we must do - and not dismantling

    of justice.

    The concept of the jury system may have had entered the mind of President

    Ramon Magsaysay when he said: Those w ho have less in l i fe , mu s t have mo re in


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    There is a stereo type objection among elites of Philippine society, specially among

    lawyers (including myself when I was still practicing law in the Philippines), I often hear

    once I mention about creating the jury system because, according to us, the common

    people are legal ignoramuses. Also, they say, that Filipinos are basically corrupt and

    can easily be bribed and, therefore, the jury system will never work in the Philippines. I

    would like to state at this stage that such objections are either irrelevant or baseless. I

    request the reader to reserve his or her judgment on those issues until after going over

    the rest of this article where these issues are properly explained.

    To dismantle the government monopoly and exclusive control of justice, it is

    imperative that the sovereign majority of the people consisting of the citizens in the

    private sector be enabled to have a deciding vote or voice in justice, and the means to

    accomplish that is by the adoption of thejury systems as I have intimated earlier.

    Juries are the ultimate vitalization of the peoples constitutional power and

    authority.The peoples power exercised through the juries is more impelling than in their

    exercise of their electoral power. Juries will speed up the administration of justice fairly

    and freely with your independent direct decision without arbitrariness or whims from the

    undue influence of dictators of justice such as the president, governors, mayors, etc.

    With your vote in the Juries, decisions in justice can come out within shorter periods of

    time (normally less than a year) from date of indictment up to the date of jury verdict

    instead of 6 to 12, or even 18, years in the present set up of the unconstitutional inutile

    Philippine government monopolized justice system.

    When seated as a juror, you are not a mere ordinary citizen, you are clothed with

    constitutional sovereign power as a Master in our democratic society. You are not even

    required to explain your judgment by any judge or high officials because they are merely

    your servants in the government. There is no rule of law in the universe that servants can

    demand an explanation of their master for his decision.

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    By what authority is the adoption of the jury systems constitutionally

    allowed? It is based in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution which states, that:

    Sovere ign ty res ides in the Peop le and a l l go vernm ent author i t y emanates f rom


    Juries are the most effective peaceful permanent civilized intelligent and

    respectable anti-graft device ever invented in truly organized democracies to keep

    permanent decency in their governments. Juries are the common anti-graft devices that

    have made such countries as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Britain, even Hong Kong

    which is now a part of communist China and the United States exceptionally exemplary

    stable, peaceful, economically progressive, and makes their peoples greatly united in

    supporting their governments. Additionally in the U.S., it further has theGrand Jury

    system to prevent a mafia style government.

    I prefer to recommend the U.S. type jury systems for the Philippines for four basic

    reasons over the jury system of other countries:

    1. We have substantially copied the American (U.S.) democratic form of

    government and its bill of rights as well as the U.S. Federal Rules of Court;

    2. The U.S. Federal jury systems (USFJS) do not require prior legal

    education of its citizens in order to qualify for jury duty wherein jurors are simply

    instructed of the properly law that applies to a case before them as a jury. Its jury system

    for jury trial prefers citizens with average intelligence and complete ignorance of the lawand facts about the case they will hear and try before reporting for jury duty. Its purpose

    is to avoid confusion with the instruction on the law and facts that are specifically

    applicable to the case at hand against the laws and facts they learned by hearsay outside

    the court room.

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    3. The USFJSitself as it operates all over the country 5 days a week, 52 weeks

    a year, is the means to provide legal education to the broad mass of people, free of

    charge, under the guidance of presiding judges who are the best sources of the

    knowledge of the law for the people in the entire country. They get their instructions on

    the law from the authorities of the law instead of from outlaws and scofflaws.

    4. The American (U.S.) type of democracy such as the Philippine type of

    democracy, cannot adequately protect its government from corruption and bill of rights

    of its people without the type of juries that they have instituted in their justice system.

    Without participation of the Filipino people in our justice system, we are not likewise able

    to protect our democratic form of government. Guarding Philippine democracy by

    electoral processes alone is not enough for its protection once every 3 or 6 years. It

    needs the votes of the people through justice 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year, all over

    the country to eradicate the vultures in the government that are born each day.

    Juries after all are nothing but procedural devices and used to officially educate legal

    ignoramus citizens through pre-set jury instructions to learn the laws, to apply their laws,

    and to seek protection from the laws under the supervisory guidance of presiding judges

    to speed up the administration of justice.

    Juries do not necessarily diminish, abolish, amend or add substantive rights except

    where a jury systems law incorporates certain criminal acts in the adoption of the jury

    system. Usage of Juries will logically ease the back log of cases in court all over the

    country. They are the devices that will implement the constitutional mandate for the

    speedy and fair administration of justice for society.

    Juries are easier to operate in actual practice than you think as has been

    personally observed by this proponent of these systems. Convening jurors is just as easy

    as summoning a witness to appear in court under pain of being held in contempt of court

    for disobedience to a summons for jury duty.

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    The Grand Jury system is the device of the sovereign people that will enforce

    (not merely beg for) transparency in the government through its unique and

    compulsive subpoena powers. It operates ULTRA secretly to counter-act the secret

    means usually employed by crime offenders in perpetuating crimes and to prevent trial

    by publicity. Disobedience to a grand jury subpoena can hold a disobedient witness liable

    of the crime for obstruction of justice, for which, its convicted offender can suffer

    imprisonment from 3 to 5 years in jail.

    The effectiveness and success of both juries (Grand Jury and Trial Jury) in keeping

    a respectable decency in the governments and the unity, political and economic stability

    of the people and various states of the United States have been proven for over 200

    years now. The common American people over 200 years ago when they started using

    the jury systems were not even as well informed or educated as the Filipino people of


    One of the Presidents of the U.S. who tried to manipulate a grand jury was the late

    U.S. President Nixon who could have been indicted and convicted for obstruction of

    justice had he not voluntarily resigned to avoid such consequence after all his

    lieutenants were convicted and sent to prison for obstruction of justice, among others,

    in trying to protect him in the infamous Watergate Scandal which the grand jury found him

    to have helped orchestrate.

    Prior legal education of the people is unnecessary

    and irrelevant for the adoption of the jury system

    First of all, the Jury System is created basically for the legal ignoramus and not

    necessarily for lawyers or elites of society such as public officials, lawmakers, or judges.

    In the U.S. jury system of justice after which the herein proposed jury system is patterned,

    the people need not be educated in law to serve for jury duty. The less educated they are

    in law, the better (as explained later). All that is required of a juror mentally is average

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    intelligence (not expert legal intelligence) that is capable of distinguishing between right

    and wrong.

    Common people learn to serve in juries by jury instruction which is prepared in a

    simplified day-to-day language - meaning they will be guided or supervised what to do in

    the court room with easily understood procedures. In fact in the U.S. or in California

    particularly, highly educated jurors including lawyers and veteran (repeat) jurors are often

    outrightly rejected from jury duty by expert court room trial attorneys to serve for jury duty.

    If Jurors need not have prior legal education, how can

    they make legal decisions without knowing the law?

    Jurors will learn the law, the precise and correct law, applicable to the case

    presented to them by way of Jury Instructions. Jury instructions are restatement of laws,

    rules and regulations in simplified phrases or sentences used in customary day-to-day

    communication in their locality in such a way that even a 16-year old teenager with

    average intelligence can understand a jury proceeding.

    Likewise, jurors by jury instructions again will be supervised or guided by a

    presiding judge on how to arrive at their jury verdict but they will not be told which way

    they decide a case. During a jury trial, a court translator is employed to translate the

    proceedings from English to the local dialect of the jurors and vice versa in the proposed

    jury law this writer has drafted.

    Jury instruction for a particular jury trial is usually formulated jointly by the Presiding

    Judge, the Prosecutor (in criminal cases) and by the Defense Attorney in an in chamber

    conference with no one else present other than these 3 court dignitaries. It is a

    conference before a jury trial begins by which they agree (to disagree) what issues shall

    be tried. The prosecutor presents his theory on the case and the defense attorney will

    do the same with his counter-theory. In the conference, they do not debate the issues.

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    They just agree what to prove or disprove at the trial. The jurors are not allowed to

    import legal theories of their own regardless of how much legal expertise or special legal

    studies they have had on the subject. Violation of this instruction can end up in a hung

    jury or mistrial on an error of law.

    Jurors are not researchers for the court or for the parties. They simply sit, keep

    absolutely silent (not even to talk among themselves as jurors until they are told to do so),

    listen or hear the evidence, and at the proper time as instructed to deliberate and decide

    the case on the basis of the particular law, as instructed, that governs the case.

    Research on the law and evidence are the responsibility of the respective attorneys,

    prosecution and defense. Jurors are constantly reminded that they should disregard any

    law they know that did not come about from the jury instructions issued by the judge.

    Why is pre-legal education by jurors unnecessary?

    The reason why highly educated jurors are excused or rejected from jury duty is

    due to their sub-conscious tendency to offer their own legal theory of a case during jury

    deliberation in violation of the specific official jury instructions on the proper law given to

    them at the jury trial of a case. They think that their theory in the case is more superior

    than the jury instruction given by the judge and the contending parties in a case.

    Other jurors are then swayed to their line of reasoning (because they are lawyers

    or veteran jurors) in disregard of the jointly approved jury instruction on the law issued to

    them by the presiding judge. Allowing a lawyer to sit as a juror is a recipe for a mistrial or

    hung jury and a waste of the precious time of the court, the attorneys, and of course of

    the jurors because the jurors have no authority under any condition to modify or change

    a jury instruction in law.

    Example of a mistrial (or hung jury) by the wise

    but decided, instead, by the legal ignoramuses

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    You may have seen the prototype jury trial in the form of the impeachment

    proceedings of ex-president Joseph Estrada. Prominent among the jurors in that

    proceedings where a certain very intelligent scolding juror who tried to lecture the

    audience and the other was an artistic dancing juror who was acting like clown in

    complete disregard of the impeachment jury instruction by their presiding justice. They

    arrogantly thought that they were the brightest girls of the jury whose minds were

    overpolluted with legal and political theories but the result was a mistrial as you know.

    Instead the said trial was decided by the simple legal ignoramuses of the streets.

    Why jurors should not learn or read a legal

    dictionary or any other law when called as a trial juror.

    In a jury trial, the jurors must know nothing about any law, EXCEPT the law that

    is stated to them by the presiding judge by way of a simplified jury instruction. All the

    laws in the world that they learned are completely irrelevant. Their minds must be

    completely free from legal pollution to avoid confusion with other laws they have learned

    when they enter the deliberating room to make their decision.

    It is not that easy for a juror

    to solicit bribes. Why?

    As to the concerns that jurors can easily be corrupted or bribed because they are

    poor, this can rarely ever happen. In great and overwhelming majority of cases, jurors

    come to court for the first time of their life or no more than once each year. Once they

    get impaneled, they will be occupied listening to jury instructions with admonitions to pay

    full attention to each and every instruction. Failure to obey this rule will render a juror

    liable for escort by a court sheriff to jail for direct contempt of court. As a first timer in

    court, such juror would not know what to do inside the court room much less knowing how

    to solicit a bribe.

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    Question: If you were in the shoes of such juror, would you be tenacious enough

    to go around soliciting bribes while the presiding judge is lecturing you on how to serve

    as a juror? If someone thinks that jurors may be picked from among corrupt officials in

    the government, I am very certain that such a juror will never ever be able to land a jury

    seat in the first base. Public officials and employees are disqualified from jury service.

    First of all, under the proposed jury rules and instruction, even a close relative of

    a public official or employee is also disqualified fromr jury duty. If such a public official

    or employee attempts to snake in to serve, he can easily be peremptorily rejected without

    any argument by any of the opposing counsels in the selection process to empanel a jury.

    In a peremptory challenge, the moving party to reject without debate the prospective juror

    by simply asking the Presiding Judge with such polite words as: I thank and excuse juror

    (so and so) from serving, your Honor. Each counsel has 7 peremptory challenges to

    exercise out of the 28 jurors who whose names will be drawn by lottery and invited to the

    court room. Only 12 of them plus 2 reserves will be seated finally.

    Who controls the impaneling of Jurors?

    Impaneling of jurors are chosen by lottery under the exclusive collective control by

    the Presiding Judge, Prosecutor, and the Defense counsel, of course with the assistance

    of a jury commissioner in summoning the jurors to court. Any person or public official who

    will interfere in that process can be subject to either contempt of court or for an indictment

    for obstruction of justice by a grand jury. If the judge, prosecutor, or defense counsel will

    tolerate such interference, under the rules such judge, prosecutor, or defense, is

    mandatorily required to report such interference to a grand jury and failure to make such

    report instead will render such judge, prosecutor, or defense attorney, likewise liable for

    indictment by a grand jury for obstruction of justice.

    Is there an alternative besides the jury systems to

    stop government corruption and human rights abuses?

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    Answer:I dont think there is any at all, even for a hundred years, unless

    empowerment of the people to decide in justice is granted and guaranteed. Participation

    of the common people, like you, in justice with the deciding power allocated to them IS

    THE KEY to the stability and decency for a successful Philippine democracy. We already

    have tried everything including martial law and changing the constitution many times to

    give more power to the government and we are still in square one as far as removing

    untouchable corrupt and abusive government officials is concerned.

    There is no substitute to the Jury System of justice. U.S. President Thomas

    Jefferson said: The ju ry i s t he on l y ancho r eve r ye t imag ined by man tha t can h o ld

    a gove rnmen t t o the p r i nc ip l es o f i t s co ns t i t u t ion.

    More empowerment of the people, not more government empowerment, is the

    most effective solution to graft so that neither the people nor the government

    officials can fool each other. We are forgetting that the strength of democracy is in the

    people and not in the strength of public officials. Every any other solution will be wishful

    thinking, if we will always totally rely on the president and his or her underlings to preventgovernment corruption because they are the fundamental source of the problem of graft

    and corruption in the first place.

    If jurors know nothing of laws, how

    can they explain their verdicts?

    As explained earlier, jurors learn the law applicable to a case by jury instruction

    from the presiding judge. Their prior education in law is completely unnecessary.

    Juries are the direct replica of the sovereign authority of the people. They are the

    random sampling of the Masters of society. Its members, the jurors, are chosen by lottery

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    from the names of registered voters in their districts. Jurors are not appointees of any

    powerful official and they owe no duty to explain their jury verdict to nobody. Jurors

    merely write their final verdict on in a prescribed form under the jury systems law to be

    read in open court.

    The People Through the Juries, As Masters of Society,

    Have the Supreme Right to Decide in Justice Than the Government.

    In the natural order of things, when the Master decides (on a good thing) in good

    faith to the best of his judgment, his servants have no right to demand for an explanation

    on his decision. He is only answerable to God, his creator, and not to any TRAPO,

    regardless of whether such a politician is the president who is his/her servant. A juror,

    however, may waive the right to remain silent about the verdict of the jury at his/her own

    peril in the hands of a disgruntled party. The best thing to do, really, is to remain silent

    for his/her own protection and the protection of his/her family members or close friends.

    In democracy, the buck stops with the people.

    The finding of facts by the jury is not appealable or not subject of a review. The

    reason for this is that in the course of the testimony of a witness, there are facts that are

    revealed by the witness that cannot be recorded by the court stenographer in the form

    of body language or demeanor, lip or eye movements, and facial expressions that often

    signify whether the witness is telling the truth or not. These facts cannot be found in the

    transcript and appellate judges have no means to speculate on them.

    Only errors of law can be the basis of an appeal in a jury verdict.

    A Jury is Often Blamed for Errors of Law.

    Who Gives the Erroneous Law to the Jury in the First Place?

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    Often times, juries are easily blamed for their alleged errors in law in deciding a

    case because they are so-called legal ignoramuses. What the critic do not realize is that

    the jurors merely apply the law that they have been instructed to apply. Jurors are not

    allowed to change the law that was instructed to them to use for the case at hand. And

    in the course of the jury trial, the evidence presented to them, sometimes, is not the

    proper evidence applicable to the case.

    The basic rule in jury trials is that the jury is the principal finder of facts and it has

    the obligation to fit the evidence with, or into, the law. If the facts do not fit, the jury must

    acquit (O.J. Simpson jury trial). If the jury is not provided with the proper law by the

    judge or of the proper evidence by the trial lawyers,WHOSE FAULT IS IT? Not the jury

    or jurors. The fault rests with the presiding judge who instructed them the law for use at

    the trial. If a wrong or faulty evidence was shown to the jury, it will not be the jurys fault

    but by the trial lawyers fault who introduced the wrong evidence.

    The Jury System is the Only Way to Go To Stop or

    Diminish Government Graft and Human Rights Abuses

    If the people of the Philippines will ever hope to have a clean, efficient and decent

    government, a government that will be loved by the people - by Muslims and Christians

    alike similar to how Muslims and Christians love their government in the U.S., (except

    followers of al-Bin Ladin, of course) - it is strongly recommended that the Majority Group,

    people in the private sector, must take control, or at least make itself a partner in, the

    administration of justice with the Minority Group, as discussed above.

    The leaders in the private sector, i.e., private practicing attorneys, the members

    of the CBCP and other ecclesiastical organizations, must sponsor the Peoples Jury

    Initiative for the enactment of the proposed Jury Systems Law. You may start with just

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    5 people that will serve as a think tank group among your close associates and thereafter

    fan out to reach out others that will execute the other various activities in the Initiative


    Establishing the Jury System is the Formula

    for Unity of the People that will Solve the

    Muslim Secession Movement

    Another dividend in setting up the grand jury and trial jury systems is that it will

    unify the Filipino people and solve the Muslim secession movement in Mindanao. When

    people troop to the courts all over the country five days a week, 52 weeks a year, and sit

    together side by side regardless of their creed, color, gender, language, rich or poor, in

    their halls of justice to support, uphold the good side of the law and enforce the rule of law

    against an outlaw, scofflaw, a grafter, land grabber, human rights abuser, a kidnapper,

    or murderer, such an act by the people is indeed UNITY IN ACTION BY THE PEOPLE

    judicially behind their laws. These juries will further stop slavery, a common but

    unpublished social malady, by the rich over the poor in our country and very rampant

    most specially in Muslim communities between their royal blooded leaders and

    their common sakops.

    The Jury System of Justice Is the Binding Spirit

    Behind the Unity of the American People.

    The jury system is in fact the formula behind the unity of the American people and

    their states in the United States that has kept them as a united country for over 200 years

    now, a tract record of unity no nation on earth can surpass in modern history. It is through

    the jury system in the United States that prevents any body from claiming power above

    the law because the rule of law belongs to the American ordinary people in their halls of

    justice and not by their politicians in their private offices. When they are summoned to

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    appear in court to serve their jury duty, it is a call TO PEACEFULLY UNITE IN JUSTICE


    Have you heard of a Muslim faction fighting with Armalite AK47 another Muslim

    faction in the hills and ambuscades in the U.S., or against Christians? Have you heard

    of any secession movement by Muslims in the U.S. from the Federal or State

    governments to create a Bangsamoro in the U.S.? Have you heard in the U.S. of political

    candidates shooting each other with hand guns and hand grenades to win in elections

    in spite of the fact that every citizen in said country has the right to bear arms

    constitutionally without securing a permit from his government?

    It is ironic in the Philippines where many are killed with firearms when one is not

    supposed to possess a gun unless he gets first a government permit. I have lived in the

    U.S. for over 43 years now and I have never heard yet of the kind of conflict imagined

    above. I can only conclude that the rule of law in the U.S. prevails over the matigas is

    because the people in the private sector, the U.S. Majority Group, have the majority rule

    in Justice which they do it in style with their jury systems in their halls of justice and not

    with public demonstrations in dusty boulevards around the country.

    Church Support in Setting Up Jury Systems

    Is Not a Violation of the Doctrine of

    Separation of Church and State

    Perhaps, there is some reluctance on the part of some church authorities,

    specially among the members and officers of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the

    Philippines (CBCP), to support the setting up of the jury systems for fear that it may

    violate the doctrine of separation of church and state. However, parallel synergies

    have already been established without question in which the church had been helping the

    government in such areas as: educating the people by setting up private schools; building

    housing facilities for the poor like what the late Archbishop Gerard Mongeau did in

    Cotabato City; also in building hospitals for the sick and tired [about corrupt government

    officials(?)]; or in helping the people and government in building a bridge across a wide

    river to enable everyone to pass through.

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    Should the church authorities assist in gathering signatures of the people to

    support the petition to create the jury systems by the peoples initiative process, their

    leaders or members will not intellectually be the same elements that will run the jury

    systems in their regular and intended functions. It will be the public, the sovereign people

    in the private sector, (not the pastors or priests) that will be making decisions for the

    functioning of the juries. It will be the authorities of the Judicial Branch of the Government

    (not the bishops or archbishop, or imam or rabbi of any religion) that will be supervising

    the people who will serve for jury duty. None of the church leaders will have a supervisory

    role in the operation of the jury systems. The principle behind is no different from church

    assistance in building a bridge for use by the public.

    If the Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines is truly desirous to know the

    truth behind the current alleged humongous anomalies and plunder of government funds

    (like the plunder of fertilizer funds during the 2004 presidential election), as well as the

    responsible characters in human rights violations such as kidnappings, murders, and

    abduction of witnesses, it would indeed be prudent for the CBCP to embark in helping to

    set up the most reliable sovereign ultimate device or facility, the jury systems, as a means

    by which the people themselves can independently ensure in seeking the truth behind the

    said anomalies and atrocities.

    Why the Jury Systems of the U.S.

    Is Most Appropriate for the Filipino People?

    There is a necessity of copying the concept of the U.S. Jury Systems because

    Philippine democracy is uniquely cloned after U.S. democracy.

    The U.S. is the only country in the world wherein its people could enjoy more types

    of freedom and liberty and the Philippines is the only country that abundantly bestows

    those same types of freedom and liberty for its people. In order to avoid those freedoms

    and liberties from being abused in the hands of powerful and high government officials,

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    the American people found it fitting in setting up their Grand Jury system.

    What is a Grand Jury

    The U.S. Grand Jury System is the means by which the American people prevent

    their public officials from acting like corporate owners of governmental powers specially

    in handling public funds and in managing their armed services. It is through the Grand

    Jury that the American people maintain their sovereign authority over their public

    servants. The Grand Jury as well as the Trial Jury are likewise the devices the common

    Filipino people must have to keep their sovereign authority over their public servants at

    all times - not only during election time.

    This is the reason why we likewise need the unique US-type jury system in the

    Philippines that includes the Grand Jury - not the government controlled Canadian,

    Australian, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese or Russian type of jury systems.

    No ultra honest President alone can ever prevent

    government graft and human rights abuses even

    if such president will declare martial law.

    To think that it is the sole responsibility of the President to run this country in order

    to totally free his government from graft and corruption, that would be an impossible task

    to accomplish. If a President who sleeps with his or her spouse every night (hopefully)

    cannot control her or him from engaging in extra-corrupt activities, how much more can

    he or she succeed in controlling the anomalous activities by all corrupt public officials and

    employees outside the walls of his or her bedroom or office or beyond the periphery of

    his or her vision 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year ALL OVER THE COUNTRY? Its just

    practically impossible.

    The Filipino People are not yet prepared to partake in this proposed

    U.S. type Jury Systems because our level of education is

    very low compared to the American People.

    The above above reasoning is usually advanced by greedy public officials and

    other community wealth predators who want to maintain the current government

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    monopolized system of justice for their enrichment. In the first place, the low level of

    education of the people has been caused by the very limited government budget for the

    education of the people at the instance of greedy politicians in Congress and the

    President, specially the ultra-corrupts. When funds are budgeted, they are in turn

    pocketed by some, if not all, high education corrupt officials. Lawmakers have given more

    budgetary priority to their pork barrels and intelligence funds for their personal enrichment

    instead of providing adequate funding for the education of the people. This is a game

    of catch 22". The more the common people become uneducated, the more the said

    venerable educated crooks will be able to amass more wealth for themselves without

    molestations from the people by depriving the people from establishing the jury system.

    All the more, it has become imperative that the jury system has to be adopted to

    enable the people with their decisions in justice to send all grafters to prison. With less

    infestation of grafters in the government, more public funds will be conserved to increase

    funding for the education of the people that will eventually raise their level education. The

    jury system is the means by which the people get formal education of their laws, to know

    their laws, to apply their laws, and to get protection from their laws.

    How to force a corrupt President to resign from

    office for Government Corruption without

    the need of public demonstrations.

    Those who wish the forced resignation of corrupt presidents (like the American

    people did with U.S. President Nixon) should first endeavour to sponsor to enact the

    Jury Initiative Law. Can the President of the Philippines be indicted for committing a

    serious crime? DEFINITELY YES. There is no provision in the constitution to immunize

    a criminal president, aka: a graft and money launderer president, among others. There

    is, however, a self-serving doctrine that was hatched be ex-president Ferdinand Marcos

    to prevent criminal accusation against him and it is being preserved by each of his

    successors until today. This doctrine can be ignored if we enact the Jury Law.

    Without such law in the Philippines, a presidential crook will only be laughing at

    you, or such president can send you to jail for maligning his or her good(?) name, and

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    you could surely land in jail because a president has all types of secret powers to

    monopolize, manipulate and control justice in his or her favor. By just a cellphone order

    away, a president can secretly instruct his or her appointed prosecutors, judges or

    justices to indict and convict you on a trump up case as he or she wishes, like many think

    why Joseph Estrada was convicted, and all you can hope for is ask for pardon. You end

    up like a beggar of justice instead.

    If we legislate the Jury Systems Law, the Grand Jury that will be set up in said

    proposed legislation can indict a presidential crook for Obstruction of Justice if such a

    president tries to influence judges or prosecutors for presidential protection from criminal


    The Ineffective and Bad Solutions to

    Graft and Human Rights Abuses

    Anti-graft actions by means of violent public demonstrations, widespread strikes

    from normal activities including proposed amendments to the constitution to give more

    power to politicians are the most discredited, feeble minded, unreliable and inutile means

    to remove government grafters. The members of the Minority Group merely looked upon

    the participants in such demonstrations with no respect at all and treat them like pigs to

    be hosed down with water canons by official body guards, a notorious insult to the

    Majority Group in our Philippine democracy.

    Adoption of the jury system will boost the skills of barrio lawyers who had no

    opportunity to be students of urban and metropolitan professor judges and justices. Well,

    if you are a law practitioner and you have a good case, how much chance can you win

    if your opponent was the favorite student of His Honor and you were not, in his court

    room? As a barrio lawyer, you are just like a second class citizen lawyer. How many

    barrio lawyers do you think have suffered from this judicial discrimination?

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    The Primary Responsibility to Prevent Graft and Human

    Rights Abuses Rests with the People In a Democracy

    The leaders in the Majority Group should wake up and realize that its members are

    the Masters over their public servants. In the natural order of things, it is usually the

    master that has the primary power (and responsibility) to impose discipline over its

    servants. If the Master will entrust that entire power to its Servant, the master becomes

    slave of the Servant, which is what really is happening in the Philippines today - the

    Majority is treated like pigs by the Minority.

    Unfortunately since the inception of the Philippine Republic up to the current date,

    all that the leaders in the Majority Group have been doing was to lead its members to beg

    from, instead of imposing upon, their public servants the desired discipline and justice in

    the enforcement of the rule of law in this country..

    We, the Majority Group and our very sleepy civic leaders in the private sector,

    have naively consented, in fact, to government corruption by our own negligence in failing

    to find the means to enforce the sovereign powers of our group members. Most of us

    really DO NOT KNOW Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution, the very leading provision

    in the constitution that the sovereign power belongs to us common citizens in whom the

    sovereign majority rule is vested and all government authority comes from.

    The reason public servants can freely enrich themselves in office is because most

    of our civic leaders in the private sector are not aware of the tremendous sovereign

    power in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the Majority Group they are leading

    and for failing to use the opportunities of Republic Act 6735, the Peoples Initiative Law.

    Calling on the true anti-graft crusaders and

    fighters for Justice to set up the Jury Systems

    Perhaps, there are still remaining sincere and honest civic leaders in the Majority

    Group or Private Sector that can take up the courage to harness the power of its

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    constituency like you who may be reading this article. We should realize by now that the

    reason, or the basic cause, why corruption among public officials that infest the

    government is growing in number is due to the unfair undemocratic fundamental

    set up of the Philippine justice system in the exclusive hands of powerfulcorrupt public officials. It is inherently flawed and discriminatory. It is the

    worst and most notorious monopoly that ever existed in this land.

    Philippine Justice today is a justice system wherein powerful public officials

    can freely command their appointed prosecutors and judges to make a wrong into

    a right in their favor to swell their personal bank accounts and perpetual usurpation

    of public office while we, in the Majority Group, can only look on helplessly because

    of our inexcusable ignorance of not knowing our rights and power. We in the Majority

    Group must not expect that the Minority will give up said monopoly in a silver platter. It is

    nothing but wishful thinking on the part of the leaders and members of the Majority. The

    Minority is not yet stupid enough to give away its golden bread and butter.

    Government monopoly of justice is the invisible monster mother superior of all

    evils in the government. Thismonster imperatively needs to be taken out without anyminute longer. With the Majority Group being the sovereign, we can enable it, befitting of its

    status as Master of Society, to create the proper device - the Jury Systems - through the

    Peoples Jury Initiative process to give the people a commanding deciding voice in justice.

    By the Jury System, if adopted, we can break the political bondage of Justices,

    Judges, and Prosecutors, from the politicians that helped them get their appointments in the

    bench and other public offices.

    Marlowe Camello, Email: mcamello@verizon.net

    Copy Right 2016 by Marlowe Camello


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