why sentic?web: connecting people 5 the potential for knowledge sharing today is unmatched in...

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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CLSA Model

Sentic Computing

Research Topics


Web: Connecting People


The potential for knowledge

sharing today is unmatched

in history: never before

have so many

knowledgeable people been


Leonardo’s Laptop


Leonardo’s discoveries and

inventions in science, art,

engineering, and aesthetics,

were based only on his

perception of the world

B. Schneidermann, Leonardo’s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies,

MIT Press (2003)

The Web: A Young Boy


Less then 30 years have

elapsed since the invention

of the Web. We are still just

playing with it as we are yet

to discovery how to fully

make use of it

The Web as a Lab


The Web today not only

represents an unlimited data

store but also a multi-

disciplinary laboratory

environment for world scale


B. White, The Web as a Laboratory, Invited Talk at WWW MABSDA (2013)

Eras of the Web


The Web is evolving towards

a shared social experience, in

which consumers will rely on

their peers as they make

online decisions and will

shape future products

J. Owyanf & others, The Future of the Social Web, Forrester Research, (2009)

Big Social Data Analysis


Between the dawn of the

Internet and 2003, there were 5

exabytes of information on the

Web. Now, we create 5

exabytes every 2 days

E. Cambria, H. Wang, B. White. Big Social Data Analysis, Knowledge Based System, (2009)

The Web 3.0 Dream


People’s Fault?


Online contents are mostly

meant for human

consumption. Why should

web developers and bloggers

care about making their

content machine


Technology’s Fault?



Evolution of NLP


Natural Language Processing

technologies evolved from the

era of punch cards (7 mins per

sentence) to the era of Google

and its like (less than a second

per sentence)

NLP Emergency


In a Web where User

Generated Content has hit

critical mass, NLP is becoming

key for aggregating information

although systems are still

limited by what they can see

More Than We See


Language is somewhere in

between perception and


D. Davidson, Seeing Through Language, Royal Insitute of Philosophy Supplement, 42, (1997)

Understanding Language


Natural Language

understanding requires high-

level symbolic capabilities

that most NLP technologies

currently do not possess

M. Dyer, Connectionist natural language processing; A status report, in Computational

Architectures Integrating Neural and Symbolic Processes, vol 292, (1995)

Creation and propagation of dynamic bindings

Manipulation of recursive, constituent structures

Acquisition and access to lexical, semantic and

episodic memories

Control of multiple learning/processing modules

and routing of information among suche modules

Grounding of basic-level language constructs

(objects and actions) in perceptual / motor


Representation of abstract concepts

The Hardest Problem?


We can understand almost anything,

but we can’t understand how we understand.

Albert Einstein

We can understand uman mental processes

only slightly better than a fish understands swimming.

John McCarthy

How the mind works is still a mystery.

We understand the hardware,

but we don’t have a clue about the operating system.

James Watson

AI Meets Natural Stupidity


The key failure of AI is the

persistency in seeking the best

way to solve a problem, which

leads to the creation of expert

(rather than intelligent) systems

D. McDermott, Artificial Intellingence Meets Natural Stupidity, ACM SIGART Bulletin, 57, (1976)

Machine Learning is Great


Recent machine learning

algorithms (Condensed Nearest

Neighbor, Extreme Machine

Learning, Multiple Kernel Learning

and deep learning) can get great

classification accuracy on any

given a labeled dataset

Learning What Again?


In most cases, we are simply

teaching machines word co-

occurence frequencies.

It’s like teaching someone

snowboarding by only showing

them videos.

Jumping NLP Curves


E. Cambria, B. White, Jumping NLP Curves: A review of Natural Language Processing Research,

IEEE Computational Intellingence Magazin, 9, (2014)

A Possible Path to NLU


Natural Language





Sentiment Analysis

Suitecase Research Field


This past Saturday, I bought a Nokia phone and my girlfriend

bought a Motorola phone.

We called each other when we got home.

The voice on my phone was not so clear, worse than my

previous phone. The camera was good. My girlfriend was quite

happy with her phone.

I wanted a phone with good voice quality.

So my purchase was a real disappointment.

I returned the phone yesterday.

Deeply Unstructured


According to different

evaluation schemes and

reviewers, a very positive and a

very negative review might

both have the same star rating

M. Hu and B. Liu, Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviewrs, in ACP SIGKDD

Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Seattle, (2004)

Sentiment Analysis


Sentiment analysis research

evolved from heuristics to

discourse structure, from

coarse to fine-grained analysis,

from keyword to concept-level


E. Cambria, Affective computing and sentiment analysis, IEEE Intelligent Systems 31 (2016)

Keyword Spotting


Altough the most naïve

approach, the accessibility and

economy of keyword spotting

make it one of the most popular

A. Orthony, G. Clore and A. Collins, The Cognitive Strucure of Emotions, Cambridge Univ.

Press (1988)

Lexical Affinity


Lexical Affinity assigns arbitrary

words probable affinity to

particular emotions (accident

has a 75% probability of

indicating a negative affect)

R. Stevenson & oth, Characterization of the Affective Norms for English Words by Discrete

Emotional Categories, Behavior Research Method, 39(4) (2007)

Statistical Methods


By feeding a ML algorithm a

large training corpus,

statistical methods not only

learn the valence of affect

words, but also that of other

arbitrary keywords

R. Socher, A. Perelygin, J. Wu, J. Chuang, C. Manning, A. Ng, C. Potts, Recursive Deep

Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank, EMNLP, (2013)

Concept-Level Analysis


By relying on ontologies or

semantic networks, concept-

level approaches step away

from blindly using affect

keywords and word co-

occurrence frequencies

E. Cambria, An Introduction to Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis, LNAI, 8266 (2013)



Concepts are immaterial

entities that only exist in the

mind of the speaker. To be

communicated, they must be

represented in term of some

concrete artifact

S. Ullmann, Semantic: An Introduction to the Science of Meaning, Barnes & Noble, (1979)

Ceci n’est pas une pipe


You can know the name of all

the different kinds of pipe, but

you know nothing about a pipe

until you comprehend its

purpose and method of usage

R. Magritte, Les Mots et les Images, La Révolution surréaliste 12, (1929)

From BoW to BoC


From BoW to BoC


smile sad_smile

damn damn_good

pretty pretty_ugly

THE CLSA MODEL Concept Level

Sentiment Analysis

Concept Level Sentiment Analysis Model


E. Cambria, S. Poria, F. Bisio, R. Bajpal and I. Chaturvedi. The CSLA Model: A Novel Framework for Concept-Level

Sentiment Analysis. In CICLing, LNCS 9042, (2015)

Microtext Analysis


Before NLP techniques can be

applied, informal text, jargoon,

acronyms and emoticons must

be converted into plain text

K. Bontcheva, L. Derczynski, A. Funk, M.A. Greenwood, D. Maynard and N. Aswani. TwitIE:

An Open-Source Information Extraction Pipeline for Microblog Text, in ACL, (2013)

Semantic Parsing


The camera has [long focus time]

The camera takes a [long time] to [focus]

The [focusing] of the camera takes [long time]

The [focus time] of the camera is very [long]


K. Frantz, S. Anianadou, H. Mima. Automatic recognition of multi-word terms: the C-

value/NC-value method. Internation Journal on Digital Libraries 2, (2000)

Subjectivity Detection


Subjectivity Detection is a very

important subtask that consists

in classifying a given text into

one or two classes: objective

(neutral) or subjective (positive/


B. Pang, L. Lee. Subjectivity Detection and Opinion Identification, in Opinion Mining and

Sentiment Analysis, Now Publishers Inc (2008)

Anaphora Resolution


Anaphora is the use of an

expression the interpretation of

which depends upon another

one. It is commonly resolved by

gender and number agreement

R. Mitkov. Anaphora Resolution: the State of the Art. University of Whoverhampton, (1999)

Topic Spotting


Topic spotting consists in

assigning category tags to a

piece of text. It includes several

subtasks and can be exploited

fo context-level analysis

Y. Ma, E. Cambria and S. Gao. Label Embedding for Zero-shot Fine-grained Named Entity

Typing. In: COLING, Osaka (2016)

Aspect Extraction


S. Poria, E. Cambria and A. Gelbukh. Aspect extraction for opinion mining with a deep

convolutional neural network. Knowledge-Based Systems 108. (2016)

Polarity Detection


Early works treated polarity

detections as a bynary

classification problem (pos vs

neg). Recent works calculate

polarity intensity as a float in

the range of [-1, +1]

B. Pang, L. Lee. Opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Foundation and trends in

information retrieval 2. (2008)

Sarcasm Detection


Sarcasm transforms the

polarity of an apparently

positive utterance into its

opposite. It is often

characterized by contextual

imbalance and high intensity

S. Poria, E. Cambria, D. Hazarika, and P. Vij. A Deeper Look into Sarcastic Tweets Using

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. In: COLING, Osaka (2016)

Sentic Computing E. Cambria, A. Hussain.

Sentic Computing: A Common-Sense-Based Framework for Concept-Level Sentiment


Cham: Singer (2015)

3 Shifts


From Mono to Multi-


From Sintax to Semantics

Shift from Statistics to


From Mono- to




cloud_computing cloud

pain_killer pain, killer

From Syntax to Semantics


The car is nice but expensive

The car is expensive but nice

From Statistics to Linguistics


Bulding SenticNet


Knowledge Acquisition

WordNet Affect


WordNet Affect is an

extensione of WordNet

Domains, including a subset of

synsets suitable to represent

concept correlated with

affective words

C. Strapparava and A. Valitutti, WordNet-Affect: An effective extension of WordNet. In:

LREC, Lisbon (2004)

WordNet Affect


C. Strapparava and A. Valitutti, WordNet-Affect: An effective extension of WordNet. In:

LREC, Lisbon (2004)

Open Mind Common Sense


OMCS is an AI project whose

goal is to build a commonsense

knowledge base from the

contribution of many thousands

of people across the web

R. Speer, Opne Mind Commonds: An inquisitive approach to learning common sense. In:

Workshop on Common Sense and Interactive Application, Honolulu (2007)

Common Knowledge


In standard human-to-human

communication, people usually

rely on the presumption that

facts or definitions are known

and proceed to build upon it

E. Cambria, Y.Q. Song, H. Wang and N. Howard. Semantic multi-dimensional scaling for

open domain sentiment analysis. In: IEEE Intelligent Systems 29, (2014)



People usually provede only

useful information and take the

rest for granted. The rest is

commonsense: obvious things

people know and usually leave


E. Cambria, A. Ussain, C. Havasi and C. Eckl. Common Sense Computing: From the

Society of Mind to Digital Intuition and Beyond. In: LNCS 5507, (2009)



The Game Engine for

Commonsense Knowledge

Acquisition aims to collect

knowledge from game

designers through the

development of games

E. Cambria, D. Olsher, D. Rajagopal and K. Kwak. GECKA: Game Engine for

Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition. In: FLAIRS, Hollywood (2015)

Encoding Knowledge


Game designers drag and drop

objects from libraries into

scenes and define their

possible interactions by means

of prerequisite-outcome-goal

(POG) triples

E. Cambria, D. Olsher, D. Rajagopal and K. Kwak. GECKA: Game Engine for

Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition. In: FLAIRS, Hollywood (2015)

Data Collection


POG data is encoded and

collected in XML format.

Interactions semantics between

objects and characters are

specified for each scene,

togheter with affect information

E. Cambria, D. Olsher, D. Rajagopal and K. Kwak. GECKA: Game Engine for

Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition. In: FLAIRS, Hollywood (2015)

Affective Information


POG specifications not only

allow game designers to define

interaction semantics between

objects, but also affective

reactions of different characters

E. Cambria, D. Olsher, D. Rajagopal and K. Kwak. GECKA: Game Engine for

Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition. In: FLAIRS, Hollywood (2015)


Knowledge Representation

AffectNet Graph


E. Cambria, J. Fu, F. Bisio and S. Poria. AffectiveSpace 2: Enabling affective intuition for

concept level sentiment analysis. In: AAAI, Austin (2015)

AffectNet Matrix


E. Cambria, J. Fu, F. Bisio and S. Poria. AffectiveSpace 2: Enabling affective intuition for

concept level sentiment analysis. In: AAAI, Austin (2015)

Affective Space


E. Cambria, J. Fu, F. Bisio and S. Poria. AffectiveSpace 2: Enabling affective intuition for

concept level sentiment analysis. In: AAAI, Austin (2015)


Knowledge_Based Reasoning

Sentic Activation


E. Cambria, D. Olsher and K. Kwak. Sentic Activation: A two-level Affective Common Sense

Reasoning Framework. In: AAAI, Toronto (2012)

Sentic Panalogy


E. Cambria, D. Olsher and K. Kwak. Sentic Panalogy: SwappingAffective Common Sense

Reasoning Strategies. In: CogSci, Sapporo (2012)

Several analogous

representations of the same

problem should be kept in

parallel so that the system can

switch tracks when problem-

solving stalls

Hourglass Model


E. Cambria, A. Livingstone and A. Hussain. The Hourglass of Emotions. In: Cognitive

Behavioral Systems, LCNS 7403, Springer (2012)

The mind is made up of

different independent

resources. Turning some sets

of resources on while turning

others off result in different

emotional states

Feeling and Thinking


M. Minsky, The Emotions Machines: Commonsense Thinking, Articifial Intelligence, and the

Future of Humand Mind. Simon & Schuster, New York (2006)

The question is not wheter

intelligent machines can have

emotions, but wheter machines

can be intelligent without any


To Feel or not to Feel?


R. Plutchik. The Nature of Emotions. American Scientist 89 (2001)

Hourglass Model


Hourglass Model


Sentic Neurons


L. Oneto, F. Bisio, E. Cambria and D. Anguita. Statistical learning theory and ELM for big

social data analysis, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 11, Springer (2016)

The integration of a bio-

inspired paradigm with principal

component analysis allows for

better comprehension of non-

linearities in AffectiveSpace

Research Topics


Data Mining


The exploration of high-rate information streams requires specific techniques

for addressing heterogeneous sources, especially in connection to Social

Networks and blogs.

In this context the normalization of unstructured data plays a crucial role for

lexical/syntax analysis and subsequent semantic processing.

The research aims to create

suitable connectors to data streams (blogs, social networks, forums): each

source has peculiar format and requires specific adaptation of data


the analysis of gathered data for information extraction (lexicon, possibly

syntax, semantic)

building a graph-like representation of facts and sources to get a

comprehensive representation of the observed phenomenon



The handling of massiva data volume requires specific algorithms to ensure

effectiveness and especially efficiency in computation.

The main guidelines include:

efficient algorithms for distributed clustering of text documents

adaptive tools for effective classification, so that the system is capable to

adapt in compliance with the user's experience and expectations

graph-exploration algorithms for interpreting the observed scenario in terms

of semantics and connections among sources

Sentic & Semantics


The analysis of texts and sources includes semantic analysis with several


the ability to characterize a target aspect (product, brand, idea) with a

representation of the perceived feeling by a target community

the ability to identify possible areas of market development by detecting

areas of possible penetration to cover market deficiencies or prospects

the capability to associate a general Sentic representation with a community

of sources in order to monitor expectations and reactions

Sentic & Semantics


The analysis of texts and sources includes semantic analysis with several


the ability to characterize a target aspect (product, brand, idea) with a

representation of the perceived feeling by a target community

the ability to identify possible areas of market development by detecting

areas of possible penetration to cover market deficiencies or prospects

the capability to associate a general Sentic representation with a community

of sources in order to monitor expectations and reactions

User Experience


The main idea is to endow the system with the capability to adjust its own

behaviour in compliance with the user's preferences.

At run time, the system observes and tracks the user's choices and directives,

and applies the acquired information to its own subsequent selections that are

prompted to the user in future interactions.

So the system creates a specific profile for each specific user. Classifier tools

and semantic techniques are used to build such an integrated profile to

optimize the user's experience.

Thanks to www.sentic.net

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