why not drink

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Why Not Drink? Many people think that the Bible allows one to drink. Here are the reasons why every Christian should not drink.


Why Not Drink?

Why Not Drink?

Why should I Abstain?

For most people it is not an issue of chemical dependency.

For most people they have learned to enjoy a drink, like I learned to enjoy coffee .

Why Not Drink?

The Person who abstains will never worry about violating God’s law.

The Bible Condemns : Drunkenness.

Strong Drink. 13 times wine and

strong drink used together in the Old Testament.

Strong Drink = Beer

Why Not Drink?

The Person who abstains will never worry about violating God’s law.

The Bible Condemns: Drinking Parties. Revelries. And such like

Why Not Drink?

The Person who abstains will never worry about violating God’s law.

Two Words to consider Ephesians 5:18

Methuesko = Drunkeness

Inceptive Verb = Process of becoming

Nepho = Sober Any type of emotional

or spiritual drunkenness.

Why Not Drink?

The person who abstains won’t have to worry about causing a brother to stumble

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. 20Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall. Romans 14:19 – 21

Why Not Drink?

The person who abstains won’t have to worry about promoting the negative effect of alcohol

• Alcohol is not harmless• It is a drug• It is toxic, = intoxicant• 40 % of all traffic

fatalities are alcohol related

• 3rd leading Cause of lifestyle related deaths

Why Not Drink?

The person who abstains won’t have to worry about promoting the negative effect of alcohol

• Alcohol is involved in 1/3 of all child abuse cases.

• Alcohol is involved in 2/3 of all spousal abuse cases.

Why Not Drink?

The person who abstains won’t have to worry about promoting the negative effect of alcohol

• While no specific stats are available alcohol use is known to contribute to risky sexual behavior.

Why Not Drink?

The person who abstains won’t have to worry about promoting the negative effect of alcohol

• Research shows that Parents example & attitude toward drinking influence kids.

• 30% of kids drink in their home 53% in a friends home.

Why Not Drink?

The person who abstains won’t have to worry about promoting the negative effect of alcohol

• Parents will you influence your child to adopt risky behavior?

• 48% of people over 12 drink

• Binge drinking increase to a high of 48 % at age 21

Why Not Drink?

The person who abstains won’t have to worry about promoting the negative effect of alcohol

• 7.5% of the population is defined as a problem drinker

• That means 1 in 6 drinkers will develop a diagnosed problem, but a much higher percentage will on occasions binge drink.

Why Not Drink?

#4 the Person who abstains will not have to worry about having the appearance of evil or associating with evil in his life

• Drinking is associated with:

• Gambling• Night club/Strip

Clubs/Bars• Factor in many crimes• Break down of homes,

addiction, abuse, & infidelity.

Why Not Drink?

#4 the Person who abstains will not have to worry about having the appearance of evil or associating with evil in his life

• It causes people to disengage from their families and not be supportive parents.

• It is a factor in 25% of suicides

• It is bridge to other drugs• It is a factor in all types of

sexual promiscuity and unplanned pregnancy.

Why Not Drink?

# 5 The person who abstains will never worry if they crossed the line into drunkenness

• When does God define one as drunk?

• I can’t honestly say I know.

• My personal conclusion is that we should abstain from anything God calls “Strong Drink.”

Why Not Drink?

# 6 The person who abstains can do so with a desire to put God’s Kingdom First.

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