why does seo matter for your business - 2017

Post on 28-Jan-2018






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Why Invest in SEO?Online Marketing by the Numbers

What is SEO ?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the Quantity and Quality of Traffic to your Website, and getting Ranked in Google at the top of the

Organic Search Listings to get More Leads and Sales for your Business.

Why is SEO Important ?

In today’s competitive market, SEO is more important than ever. Search engines serve millions of users per day looking for answers to their questions or for

solutions to their problems.

Why is SEO Important ?

The key factor here is this, “These Search Users are Ready to BUY NOW.” or are at least interested in buying from a brand they trust, as they use Google Search.

Consider the Following…

Why Spend Money on Traditional Marketing where you can NOT directly communicate with your customers or even know if they are in the market to buy?

This is Changing how we do Business…

SEO Spending is projected to reach $3.2 Billion in 2016 and surpass $4.0 Billion by 2019, according to Forrester’s US Digital Marketing Forecast.

Reason #1 To Invest in SEO

Somewhere between 80-90% of customers now check online reviews prior to making a purchase, and this number is only expected to increase. It won’t be long

before virtually everyone is searching for products and services online. Do you want them to be able to locate your business, or not? Without organic SEO in

place, people will have a very hard time finding you and will instead find your competitors.

1. Search Engines Grabbing More Market Share

Reason #2 To Invest in SEO

Later this year, the amount of traffic delivered to mobile devices is expected to exceed that delivered to traditional desktop devices. With this dramatic explosion in mobile usage, a whole new world of effective SEO techniques have opened up

for companies, such as local search optimization where multi-channel search matters most.

2. The Rise of Mobile, Tablets and Local SEO Search

Reason #3 To Invest in SEO

SEO rewards your business for its efforts at a higher rate than pretty much all traditional forms of offline advertising combined because it has longer staying

power. The same can be said for almost all types of internet marketing. The reason for is, people can find your content when they are ready to buy,

over and over again.

3. SEO Has One of the Best ROI’s in Advertising. PERIOD.

Reason #4 To Invest in SEO

So how does Traditional Marketing compare to Digital? The average traditional marketing lead is between $346 - $542, whereas the average digital marketing lead

is only $80 - $135. Using SEO will Reduce your Lead Costs by over 60%

4. SEO Has One of the Lowest Cost Per Lead in ALL of Marketing.

Reason #5 To Invest in SEO

There is a certain amount of value in simply appearing in search results for terms directly related to your business. So what does this mean for your business? It means that if you can continually show in all these search results that you are

gaining more and more mindshare with each potential customer, so when they do decide to buy your company will be top of mind.

5. SEO is Good for Business Visibility and Branding

Reason #6 To Invest in SEO

“Remember, SEO is not a get rich quick scheme it is a process, If you’re not moving forward and improving your rank position, you’re losing ground to a

competitor who is. That’s is a simple fact of how the world works.” Don’t let your competitors out maneuver you by ignoring this valuable tool for your business.

6. Your competitors are doing it

Reason #7 To Invest in SEO

Google Analytics tracks your SEO traffic. Google Analytics is an amazing tool. The data and metrics are valuable because they give you insight into your customers.

This is extremely valuable because it can help you make more informed decisions regarding your business and its strategies, both online and offline.

7. Everything can be Tracked, Measured and Improved

SEO will continue to grow into many different areas including AI, Voice Search and Machine

Learning. It will be around for a very long time…

The Future of SEO?

We will strive to be your Digital Marketing Partner and build strategic campaigns online

that Get RESULTS with over a decade of proven digital success.

Thank-You for Your Time!

Christopher M. Labbate

Certified Online Marketing Expert

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