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Why customers need


White Paper by Experton Group on behalf of BroadVision

Kassel (Germany), 2015

© Experton Group AG Page 2

Table of Content

1. Customer Demands and Pain Points regarding Collaboration 3

2. Evaluating the Vmoso Strategy by Means of Customer Demands and Pain Points 6

3. Bottom Line: Why Customers need a Solution like Vmoso 12

© Experton Group AG Page 3

1. Customer Demands and Pain Points regarding Collaboration

Email is still the preferred method for business communication in many

companies worldwide. Nearly as wide spread as telephony, customers told us that

email is the most important communication tool nowadays with a reported 108.7

billion emails sent and received per day in 2014 and an average per business

user of 121 emails per day (source: Radicati Group, 2014). It is simple and easy

to use; the click of a mouse enables fast, convenient, one-to-one or one-to-many

communication. On the other hand, the ease of use and ubiquity of email leads to

“misuse” of the email-tool. Email is not as effective as a collaboration tool and

many organisations are finding that this results in mis-communication, a lack of

accountability, and communication overload.

Furthermore, virtual teams have transformed the workplace today and effective

communication and collaboration is even more critical in achieving business

objectives. Project teams are often geographically spread – at subsidiaries, at

home offices, or as mobile workers – and often include employees of external

(partner) companies. With changing work structures, such as outsourcing of

services and ever more complex supply chains, cross-company communication

and collaboration gains more and more relevance. And whilst face-to-face-

communication is preferred in these situations, it is often impossible; therefore,

teams require effective business communication and collaboration tools.

Globalization and the need to be close to the customer have also contributed to

organisations having an increasing share of mobile, remote and home-based

employees. In addition, the office-based employees who also require more

flexible working hours and a better work-life balance have also contributed to this

trend. Thus, growing mobilization accelerates the use of mobile clients, especially

smartphones. But “traditional” communication tools like email, whilst readily

available and used on the latest smartphones, present the user with challenges

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when trying to manage long email threads, attachments such as office

documents, bursting inboxes, and the inconvenience of reading long emails on a

smartphone display.

So, many companies told us that their management and employees are

unsatisfied with how they communicate and collaborate today: Team coordination

is too slow, problem-solving and time to market take too much time; common

access to corporate information is often inhibited; too many information silos

isolate employees from each other which obstructs effective team collaboration

(especially in larger companies); effective engagement with business partners

and customers is often impaired.

The consumer world has adopted alternative approaches to email through the use

of instant messaging and social networking and, as a solution to these

communication and collaboration challenges, more and more companies often try

to improve the situation by adopting and implementing social collaboration tools

(around 40 percent of European medium and large companies). Taking a ‘pull’

approach to the sharing of information and knowledge – instead of sending emails

(‘push’) – managers wanted to contain the flood of emails and enable better

collaboration. Witness the market for social collaboration solutions that showed

strong double-digit growth in 2014.

However, IT managers often told us that they had refused to implement social

collaboration tools, either because their organizations had not justified the

business need for these types of tools (55 percent of refusing IT managers) or

they were concerned about potential IT security problems especially with cloud-

based solutions (37 percent of refusing IT managers). This reluctance to adopt

social tools encouraged a lot of employees, especially users of self-owned mobile

clients (bring your own device or BYOD), to choose and use alternative

communication and collaboration tools that met their individual needs and

demands rather than their own organization’s requirements. Such circumstances

– called “bring your own application” (or BYOA) – only compounded the problem:

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a landscape of diverse solutions, with restricted interoperability (a fragmentation

of communication), not being integrated into the company’s IT system,

uncontrolled and unmanaged by the IT department – a gateway for IT security

threats. Meanwhile, more and more users report that they suffer from a “tool

overload”, similar to information overload, which entails managing different

communication / collaboration tools (like instant messaging, content sharing, and

social networking), often missing important details and losing time searching for

the required information in different tools.

But even if there is a central implementation of social collaboration tools, the pure

presence of such a solution inside a company does not automatically lead to

better communication and collaboration. In most cases there is a need for a

“cultural” transformation in order to realize the advantages of more effective

communication and collaboration. Less than 10 percent of European companies

believe that internal email solutions could be replaced totally by social tools. Thus,

in most companies there will still be a heavy reliance on email as well as another

alternative, more social, solution in the future. Unless there is real integration

between these solutions – a fragmentation of communication – employees might

get the impression that there is just an additional “inbox” which has to be checked,

without any clear benefits.

A number of companies that we spoke to had conducted trials into different

communication and collaboration solutions, but, after the trial period, many

employees often returned to their habitual way of communication – i.e. email –

accepting the disadvantages and problems their organization was trying to


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2. Evaluating the Vmoso Strategy by Means of Customer Demands and Pain Points

Vmoso by BroadVision is a cloud application for conducting virtual enterprise

communication, mobile workgroup collaboration, and social business

engagement. It is an integrated suite of communication and collaboration

solutions designed to increase workplace productivity through improved teamwork

with colleagues, business partners and customers – wherever, whenever and on

whatever device they are using.

(Source: BroadVision)

Vmoso addresses the following key business areas for more effective

communication and collaboration:

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Personalized Communication

Unified Work: both internally and with external participants

Integrated Systems

Organized Information

Corporate Data Security

(Source: BroadVision)

Personalized Communication

Personalized communication frees users from the duplication and frustration

caused by unwanted, unseen, or “reply all” emails. The ability to “push”

information to — as well as “pull” information from — this customizable

environment allows users to decide what information they see and receive. This

personalized approach helps keep employees engaged and focused on key work

objectives. Vmoso reduces time spent sorting through messages that aren’t

relevant, or searching through emails for the latest version of projects. The

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organization of the tool allows to get more work done in less time, while the

Vmoso mobile applications provide a seamless transition between desktop and

mobile devices for efficiently working on the go.

Unified Work

Vmoso brings together in one consolidated application the key work activities that

every employee engages in. Vmoso enables users to transform email

communication into Vmoso activities; provides the immediacy of instant

messaging and the richness of content sharing; enables effective and

accountable task management, all within a more social business environment

consolidating activities that often require several programs, platforms and apps.

Vmoso provides users the freedom to perform nearly any function seamlessly

from their desktops, tablets or smartphones; sharing information and collaborating

in this way is central to today’s interconnected workplace. Vmoso’s unique design

and unified work platform creates an ideal online environment for collaborative

work between colleagues, partners and customers and helps all users to

overcome the “tool overflow” and “message overload” issues.

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(Source: BroadVision)

Integrated Systems

Vmoso is not a walled environment. Vmoso integrates with users’ email inboxes

and existing systems of record allowing one-dimensional messages to be

transformed into an organized and archived conversation, acting as a universal

inbox of business engagement, Vmoso allows users the freedom to collaborate in

one interconnected environment — even in collaboration with non-Vmoso users –

while enjoying improved productivity, accountability and transparency. This

opportunity to integrate non-Vmoso users allows for modern teams, often

geographically spread and often including employees of external (partner)

companies, to seamlessly communicate and collaborate across company


© Experton Group AG Page 10

(Source: BroadVision)

Organized Information

Vmoso reflects the organization of a company’s corporate structure and

knowledge-sharing networks. Whether sharing within an enterprise happens from

the top down, from the bottom up, or horizontally across functions, these

exchanges are captured and organized in order to provide users with the most

relevant information for their work. This underlines that Vmoso is an enterprise-

ready solution created for business use, and not a consumer tool brought into

company domains.

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(Source: BroadVision)

Corporate Data Security

Vmoso is a secure, integrated communication and collaboration platform, with

enterprise-grade security features, that safeguards corporate knowledge and

data. It places businesses back in control of their corporate data security.

Enterprise-grade security features control who can access what information, while

state-of-the-art authentication such as LDAP / PKI / SAML and multi-factor log in,

keeps information secure.

Vmoso is a cloud-based solution, and BroadVision operates through a variety of

local partners and a private and public cloud infrastructure, to ensure compliance

with local data privacy requirements with customer data landing in the

organization’s local country.

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3. Bottom Line: Why Customers need a Solution like Vmoso

Every day, people are bombarded by messages in the workplace and messaging

overload. We need to challenge bad communication habits and a reliance on

email to transform the way we work in an interconnected age. Vmoso is neither an

improved email system nor another additional social tool, but it is a bridge

between “old email” and the new world of integrated business communication.

Vmoso promotes optimum workplace communication and collaboration and is

able to address the user’s communication and collaboration pain points,

especially in relation to both messaging overload and ‘tool overload’.

Furthermore, Vmoso addresses the concerns of IT managers by being first and

foremost an enterprise-ready solution with important built-in security features that

puts the organization back in control of corporate data and knowledge.

In today’s interconnected world the office is not just the building where the

majority of employees work; rather, the office is any location where an individual

works. Keeping remote workers engaged is paramount in today’s economy.

Vmoso is a platform for connecting dispersed colleagues and cross-departmental

or cross-company virtual teams.

Vmoso integrates seamlessly into normal routines, and existing email and

additional workplace applications help to improve workplace output as more

people become better engaged with content, discussions, and workflow — saving

time and speeding up knowledge transfer and decision making – whether they are

in the same organization or collaborating across company boundaries.

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Vmoso is not only able to support “common” communication and collaboration

within and outside of company boundaries. There is also the opportunity to use

Vmoso as a tool for service optimization with customers. One use case might be

well organized and documented customer care by support centers. Another option

is cost-effective remote maintenance.

Vmoso is designed for the business mobile environment and BYOD is here to

stay. Many companies encourage, allow and provide support for employees to

bring their own mobile devices to the job; Vmoso is optimized for the use on

mobile devices with the available app supporting the market-leading platforms

iOS and Android.

Experton Group recommends a deployment that includes comprehensive

employee training. The cultural transformation required to shift from old email

habits to new ways of working should not be underestimated. It is crucial that

employees see Vmoso as a fully integrated solution that simplifies daily business

and workflows, and not just as an additional tool that they need to manage. This

approach is vital to ensure that the solution is used to deliver real business

benefits. In recent years this has often not been the case with many social

business implementations. In addition, product training will support employees in

acquiring advantages and functions so that the belief in Vmoso contributes to its

application and its benefits will be displayed.

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This analysis has been prepared by Experton Group AG. The information and

data contained herein were gathered conscientiously and with the utmost care.

Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee their exhaustiveness and accuracy. Nobody

should take action, based on this information, without expert advice and an in-

depth analysis of the individual situation.

All rights to the content of this analysis are reserved by Experton Group.

Reproduction – even of parts thereof – may only be made with the written

permission of Experton Group AG.

Copyright Experton Group AG, 2015

Experton Group AG

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Author: Frank Heuer, Senior Advisor

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