why are we still ballsing up recruiting basics with candidates and losing revenue? #rechangout with...

Post on 21-Jul-2015



Recruiting & HR



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The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

Why are we still ballsing up the

recruitment basics with candidates and

losing revenue? With Greg Savage

29th April 2015

#RecHangout is supported by:

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

Hangout Participants

Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

Alan Whitford

Recruitment Strategist

Abtech + RCEURO

Louise Triance

Community Owner

UK Recruiter

Louis Welcomme

CRM Comms Manager

Colleague Software

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“When I re-read the ‘Dark Ages of Recruitment’, what came to me was that there are underlying themes of sound recruitment practice: having a qualified job order, getting to know your candidate and building a true relationship with your customer.”

Alan Whitford

Recruitment Strategist

Abtech + RCEURO

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“I believe the recruitment industry is in for an excellent future. There are brilliant opportunities and I’m investing in recruitment companies, but not everyone is going to ride that wave: a lot of companies are going to fail. ”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The reason they’re going to fail is that the future of recruitment is about highly evolved technology and also very sophisticated human influencing skills. A lot of recruiters either never had or have lost the skill to influence the outcome of interactions.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“My 13 year old son can find anything on the internet. But can he influence a candidate to turn down a counter-offer? Can he influence someone to go to an interview when they’re not that keen on it? Can he influence a client to massage the job description? That’s the human influencing skill.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Let’s think about phone sourcing –recruiters send thousands of inmails and they say ‘no-one’s responding it’s impossible to headhunt’. When I tell them to pick up the phones they say ‘but they don’t list their phone number on their LinkedIn profile’.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Is it that hard to find someone’s phone number if you know where they work? People aren’t doing these basic things! Recruiters are missing the boat on maximising our influencing skills on the telephone and face-to-face. It’s a big gap’.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Do you think that’s a symptom of why the current generation spend a lot of time looking at a screen rather than on the phone? We’ve got great trainers like Roy Ripper trying to train people skills but is there a disconnect between younger employees without those skills?”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“There are old hands who are just as guilty. We’ve been seduced into believing that technology is better, but it allows us to be cowards.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“It’s much easier to email somebody and hope they’re going to come back to us with interviews, rather than call that client and overcome their negativity about us calling, and talk them through and sell that candidate on the phone. That’s where the beauty of this job is!”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“People have been seduced into thinking digital is better. If you’re trying to convince anyone of anything, digital is not better. Everyone falls into patterns of defaulting to emails and text. You’ve gotta be smart about using the right medium to get the outcome you want.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“You never influence someone through email, you’ve got to eyeball them or at the very least they’ve got to hear the tone of voice!”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Is this the responsibility of the individual to get their head round best practice? Or should owners and team-leaders be taking more responsibility in identifying where this is happening and exert more influence?”

Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The responsibility is squarely aimed at owners, managers and team-leaders to coach, train encourage and be brave. Lead by example – it’s a courageous thing to do as sometimes it goes belly-up! It’s about training, educating and giving confidence.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Recruiters and clients have lost that ability to have intelligent conversations.”

Alan Whitford

Recruitment Strategist

Abtech + RCEURO

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“That’s going to be shaken up. The conditions are right in the UK, what’s going to shake that up is cataclysmic severe niche talent shortages. All these things; job boards, LinkedIn and clients not talking to recruiters are fine when the recruiting job is a screening function when you’ve got so many candidates.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“But when there are no candidates - you can have high unemployment and massive skills shortages – the reason is that the people available don’t have the skills for the jobs.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The wheel is turning: recruiters have got to learn the skills to engage with people who are not going to come to them. We’ve got to run through these barriers between clients and candidates because talent is the epicentre of competitive advantage!”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“I hate the phrase ‘War for Talent’: the candidates have already won, because we’re always trying to find better candidates so they’re always in the driving seat.”

Alan Whitford

Recruitment Strategist

Abtech + RCEURO

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“I was talking to the CEO of jobsites in the US and he saw research which said 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day and that’s a massive skills drain. That many jobs being created, 50% of the jobs filled have job titles that didn’t exist just three years ago.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The wheel is turning: recruiters have got to learn the skills to engage with people who are not going to come to them. We’ve got to run through these barriers between clients and candidates because talent is the epicentre of competitive advantage!”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Do we rely on these old tactics or use our CRM to engage and build talent communities. Job boards aren’t going away but they’re becoming ineffective at finding candidates that clients will pay us for.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Most recruitment companies are recruiting for the same small pool of candidates that clients can access themselves. We’ve got to get so smart that we know when someone is going to change jobs before they’ve acted.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“I think it’s interesting that the marketplace is split in two: one part that’s catered for by job boards: and the rare, in demand skills that we have to go and nurture and lure away from current employers?”

Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“What you and Alan were saying that candidates don’t actually want to speak to recruiters, but they’re the candidates that recruiters actually want to speak to. How do we engage with that candidate the first time you pick up the phone to them?”

Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“I despair when I hear people use phrases like ‘I’ve found your CV on a job board or LinkedIn, are you still looking for a job?’ These are basic mistakes that new recruits make but experienced recruiters need to get far more tactical.”

Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The big mistake recruiters make is that they try to sell someone a job. What we need to do is engage with those people and arrange a time to talk about their career.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Does this come back to the old spin techniques we used in sales? Find out what the other person wants and then sell it back to them. Do the same thing with a candidate, find out what it would take for them to consider working with you and then match that to your requirement.”

Mark Stephens


The Recruitment Alliance

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“When you call somebody to headhunt them you’re not selling a job you’re selling your credibility. Most recruiters skip that step and wonder why they don’t get any engagement. It is a seduction. You can’t just pick up the phone and say ‘I’ve got a job for you come round’!”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Who’s not interested in talking about their career? If you just walk up to someone and say I have a job, it’s too pushy. We need to teach how to build a community of people that know them through their brand and are happy to hear from them.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“That seduction I assume starts in the digital sphere laying foundations through your brand and engaging people in what they’re interested in: content, marketing. The idea of recruiting, sales, marketing people as one.”

Louis Welcomme

CRM Comms Manager

Colleague Software

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Is that where technology steps in, laying the foundation for that conversation when you pick up the phone that person may already know you or share interest in some content?”

Louis Welcomme

CRM Comms Manager

Colleague Software

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Certainly if you’re in a recruitment company in any niche or specialisation and employ more than 8 people, your next hire needs to be a digital marketing specialist, not another consultant. They need a strategy to execute.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“A social strategy is long term, it’s a slow, long game but it’s essential because your digital footprint is more valuable than your database because you’re continuously engaging with people, even getting inbound calls.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Another aspect that’s underutilised is the use of CRM to really engage with candidates. My wine shop sends emails to reminding me my Shiraz would have run out! These are unsophisticated organisations that do more to engage with their customers than big recruitment company does!”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The most important thing about dealing with candidates is knowing their intention, knowing what they’re going to do. People do it every day – you put a status saying you’re going on holiday and the next day you get holiday ads!”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“We can do this in recruitment, we can have trigger emails that go out when people change their status, a 6-month email saying ‘come in for a coffee’. What we need to do is engage with people before they start their job search.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“If they start looking, that means there’s every chance they’re with 4 other agencies and directly applying for jobs: that means your odds of placing them are infinitesimally low! We need to get hold of people prior to their decision to move and act as their agent in the marketplace.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“That means we’ve got to use CRM, we’ve got to use Social – we need the tools. That’s where technology is important, we’ve got to use technology effectively. The future of recruitment is where technology meets human influence.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The most important thing about dealing with candidates is knowing their intention, knowing what they’re going to do. People do it every day – you put a status saying you’re going on holiday and the next day you get holiday ads!”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The CRM technology – engagement marketing technology and data intelligence being able to predict and prioritise: that’s what’s already happening in the market outside recruitment.”

Louis Welcomme

CRM Comms Manager

Colleague Software

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Candidates are looking for jobs like consumers buy products. Candidates are searching twitter, going to Glassdoor and other review sites and they’re assessing recruiters. Candidate behaviour has changed.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Google tells us they’re getting up to 1 million job searches a month. Instead of going to jobs boards, the candidate is going to Google and entering ‘accounting job north London £60,000’. What are recruiters doing to make sure that your name is top of that list?”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“What are recruiters doing to make sure their company or individual name appears on the front of Google? It’s about content, social, SEO. The irony is that to do that, we have to become sophisticated in the use of technology and the art of influence.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Candidates need an agent, they need someone to help them get a job. Have we lost that? Have we forgotten that we’re supposed to help the candidate like any other agent?”

Alan Whitford

Recruitment Strategist

Abtech + RCEURO

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The answer is that most recruiters never had that ability. Because of the dumbing-down of the recruitment industry due to technology, internal teams and multi-listed job orders and dropping margins and the fact that it’s become a resume race.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“There’s so many recruiters who waste the data and relationships they’ve built up. We deal with candidates and we don’t place them: we tag them and put them in a database but what next? We’ve got to keep in touch, have a coffee with them.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Any owner of a recruitment company would be delighted to see their consultants leaving the office to see a company, even if that company isn’t recruiting. That’s a marketing visit, you see that company, engage with that employer and when they’re recruiting they’ll use you. ”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“But if that consultant was leaving to office to see a candidate with no intention of leaving their job the owner would say ‘get back to your desk!’ That doesn’t make sense. That is the investment that we should be making, that’s how to have an agent relationship with someone.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“The whole candidate screening process has been cut down because it’s become such a resume race and a numbers game to the detriment of everyone.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“I want to hear those sorts of conversations which speaks to your acting as an agent. The vast majority once they have a good candidate go to the default mode of spamming them around town and that won’t work anymore.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“If you look at most recruitment companies ‘so-called’ social strategy, it mostly consists of putting pictures of their staff on Facebook with a birthday cake or putting job ads on twitter.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Think about the amount of candidate data we have and our ability engage with them through automated marketing, but it’s equally important to go back to those influencing skills and I think it’s going to play into recruiter’s hands.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Getting the data is not going to give you an advantage, but engaging with candidates, getting hold of their trust and managing the process. Clients will pay us for finding candidates they can’t find freely, and second to manage the process and that’s the craft.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“If I was a desk recruiter, my advice to you is become a skills hunter and a talent magnet. Both of these things are rare. We’ve got to become highly skilled at going out and finding, bringing that candidate home.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“Don’t wait for candidates to come to you. In the US they headhunt a lot more and for them recruitment means going and finding someone. The talent magnet means building an individual brand, creating a niche. Build a brand, follow prospective candidates.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“If you engage in groups and blogging on their platform and putting up status updates every day people will come to you.”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

“A brand of how you treat people, giving them good advice. You’ve got to become a world champion skills hunter and a talent magnet attracting referrals, recommendations word of mouth and your social brand!”

Greg Savage

The Savage Truth

The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters


Best of the #rechangout and Q+A Buzz

So true @greg_savage - the skill of a great recruiter is their ability to influence - not to just to source. Loving #RecHangout

"Your social footprint is more important than your database"... #recruitment take note! #RecHangout @greg_savage

Invest in candidates while they’re not looking -we have to take a longer view on candidate acquisition. 100% agree @greg_savage#RecHangout

Desk recruiters: become highly skilled + pro-active hunters (in #SM + phone sourcing) + real talent magnets @greg_savage #REChangout

Long-term, #LinkedIn will become less of a TALENT sourcing tool than a RECRUITER BRANDING tool. @greg_savage#recHangout


The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters


Best of the #rechangout and Q+A Buzz

@greg_savage Most companies databases are candidate graveyards. Clients to pay us to find those they cant find themselves!#RecHangout

@greg_savage the future of recruitment is about highly evolved technology AND very sophisticated human influencing skills@#RecHangout

#rechangout Recruiters need human influencing skills

#rechangout You can't beat picking up the phone and speaking to people!


The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

Next #RechangoutHow to create and implement a rewarding and innovative social recruiting


27th May, 1pm BST

Andy Headworth – Social Recruiting Expert, Sirona Consulting

Steve Ward – Founder of CloudNine Social Media and Digital Talent



The monthly LIVE discussion show for recruiters

The Recruiters Hangout is a monthly, free discussion show, where special guests, business owners and

industry experts join our regular panel to share their top tips, insights and advice with a live online

audience. Viewers are able to send their questions and comments directly to the panel via our open chat

stream and take part on Twitter using our hashtag #RecHangout. Our aim is to ensure that our audience

comes away inspired, with new ideas, strategies and resources they can use in their own business.

The #RecHangout is supported by four hosts, including Abtech Partnership and RCEuro founder, Alan

Whitford, who makes sure viewers get the most from the show, asking the right questions and ensuring

the discussion stays on track; Mark Stephens, founder of The Recruitment Alliance and the F10 Group

and director at Smart Recruit Online; Louis Welcomme, Communications Manager at Colleague Software,

and Louise Triance from the UK Recruiter community, who looks out for your online comments on our

twitter hashtag #RecHangout during the broadcast.

Want to take part? Call Louis on:

01603 735 932 - louis.welcomme@colleaguesoftware.com

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