who worketh all things after the counsel of his own · now my subject is, the seven seals of...

Post on 23-Jul-2020






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…My God is right. Let’s have a word of word prayer.

Almighty God, it took a long time to get to this little

prayer on this day, on this weekend before Christmas,

Wednesday. What a beautiful time we’ve already had in

the Lord. Lord bless all the musicians, bless all the

singers, bless all the people that have gathered today lord

and all the little children.

How beautiful and, what can we say about little sister

McDonald? What a…what a beautiful voice, amen,

coming up in the ranks. And the gift goes on, praise God,

thank you Jesus. Now Lord, today, this message, give me

strength to finish it Lord. Oh halleluiah, praise God.

Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Bless all the people

that’s come. Bless those that will hear the video. Amen.

Now lord, take this…these….these quotes and

scriptures and put them, mix them all up and put them

together and slay a message out there, praise God, that

will put a desire in their hears, a deep calling to the deep

to cross over the ridge yonder. Halleluiah. If they have not

already crossed, amen, halleluiah, pour out the Baptism of

the Holy Ghost and fire his morning and tonight. Confirm

the Word with signs wonders and miracles.

Bless your servant. Lord, I’m looking to be healed in

the pulpit today. May the fire of God fall upon me and

heal me, heal my wife Lord God Almighty. Give me the

strength that I need, halleluiah, praise God. Bless your

Word and the reading of the Word. And we offer these…

these prayers in the lovely Name of Jesus Christ. Amen


and amen. Open your Bibles Ephesians and Revelation 8.

My, praise God. Well we’re here, we thank God that the

Church is in order, the first morning, we’re preaching here

with the Church in order

I believe this is “A” group and “O” group will be here

tonight. Wonderful. With the church in order, anything

can happy now. All that pushing and shoving, you wasn’t

doing anything but keeping back the blessings. Cause

God was watching the whole thing. Amen Now I give out

a lesson, I believe, last Sunday; read Joshua and

Ephesians. Then Wednesday, I give out another lesson;

read…read Revelation 5 through 10. So amen. We read,

Ephesians 1:3-5. Now l did this on November 3rd, but I’ll

do it again, cause I never finished it.

Blessed be the God and Father of our lord Jesus

Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual

blessing in heavenly places in Christ;

According as he hath chosen us in him before the

foundation of the world, that we should be holy and

without blame before him in love:

Having predestinated us unto the adoption of

children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the

good pleasure of his will,

Let’s read, every scripture’s just a blessing but let’s save

time, drop down to verse 11:

In whom also we have obtained an inheritance,

being predestinated according to the purpose of him


who worketh all things after the counsel of his own


That we should be to the praise of his glory, who

first trusted in Christ.

In whom (all) whom ye also trusted, after that ye

heard the word of truth, (first you hear the word of

truth) the gospel of your salvation: in whom also

after that ye believed, (first you believe) ye were

sealed with that holy spirit of promise,...(There it is.

You can’t change that.) Which is the earnest (only

the down–payment) of our inheritance unit the

redemption of the purchased possession unto the

praise of his glory.

Ephesians 4. Let’s drop back down to verse 4. I started at

7, but I want to come down to 4:

There is one body and one spirit, even as ye are

called in one hope of your calling;

(what is your calling? Adoption; sonship, praise God.

Manifested sons of God, one hope of your calling. That’s

why you’re in here serving God. Amen)

One lord one faith, one baptism,

One God and father of all, who is above all, and

through all, and in you all

Now here’s where you get your gifts, places, positions.

And I don’t have them. The Holy sprit’s been wanting to

get in here and get this thing in order so He can give out

gifts, places, positions. Amen. Verse 7:


But unto every one of us is given grace according

to the measure of the gift of Christ.

And remember Moses was under the law and Joshua

was under grace. And Joshua is a type of the Holy Spirit.

So just remember that, grace. Anything, God pour out

anything here today on, it’ll be the grace of God and not

our praying and not our believing, not our nothing. It’ll be

just the grace of God. Halleluiah, praise His wonderful

Name. Grace, grace unto the Headstone. Everybody gets a

portion of grace. So it’ll be no jealousy. But it’ll be your

measure of the gift of Christ from the foundation of the


Wherefore he saith, when he ascended up on high,

he led captivity captive, and gave gift unto men.

(Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also

descended first into the lower part of the earth?

You know after he died on the cross. And then

He that descended is the same also that ascended up

far above all the heavens, that he might fill all


Then He come down in the upper Room…

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets;

and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and


What were they for?

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the

ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ;

Until when?


Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and the

knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man,

unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of


Revelation 8:1

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there

was silence in heaven about the space of half an


May God add a blessing to the reading of his Word. Amen

you may be seated. Now let’s get started. Praise God,

amen. Amen. This is my last message. I’m gonna take me

a rest in January and amen. Now Brother Norman, now

the church is in order, amen, and my title, “Another

Ephesians Is Here For The Bride’s Seven Thunder

Revival.’’ The same God that spoke through Malachi 4,

amen, and said that communism is nothing. Communism

is a tool, amen.

That same God spoke through the prophet, said there

will be a Bride. There will be a Spoken Word Bride. And

God let all the natural things, for you to see the natural

things because most of you are in the natural. A spiritual

person don’t need that. They see God said it, God said it.

But people in the natural need a little help. Need a little

something to help them along.

So God just waited 25 years for you to see the things

that His Prophet said come to pass. Now the 25 years is

up and soon as 25 years was up, here come Seven Virtues,

‘’Then Came Jesus.” “To Know Him From The


Beginning.’’ “Come And Dine, Come And Dine.’’ “Lovest

Thou Me?’’ “Follow Me.’’ A…amen “And To Brotherly…

And To Godliness, Brotherly kindness.’’ “And To

Brotherly Kindness, Charity.” Halleluiah.

Charity, the Capstone of Love is here to identify the

Bride. I mean, didn’t you see all this here? Twenty-five

years is up. It was even prophesied, “Behold,” last year,

November. “I Come As A Thief.” And the Gulf War and

everything. I mean, what are you doing? In a stupor or

what? Amen. You should be on fire. Halleluiah.

You see the whole thing, the world, the kingdoms and

I told you these…you may be seated. These natural

kingdoms will fade away. They’re shaking down cause

they wasn’t made by the Word. And everything that was

not made by this Word is finished. But we receive a

kingdom which cannot be moved. For our God is a

consuming fire. Halleluiah, praise God. Yes sir. Amen.

So there’s going to be a Seven Thunder revival. I

don’t go by the way so and so left the church. I don’t care

who left the church. I don’t care who goes out of the

choir. There’s going to be a Seven Thunder revival.

Halleluiah. Why? God said so. God said so. He said that.

Halleluiah, praise God.

I don’t judge God’s words by what I see, with my

eyes in the church by people’s flesh. If I did that, I d been

finished in 1964. Amen, Brother Hunte? Praise God. I…

by that word. Never get off that Word. Never deviate from

that Word. Amen. I didn’t even get where I m going at.


Amen. Pra…God cannot fail. Halleluiah. Anchor your

soul. God cannot fail.

Oh, we just had another husband, you may be seated,

get baptized in here. Sister Thelma Edward’s husband.

And Brother Edwards came up to Brother Bellomo and

wanted him to know that…”I want the right hand of

fellowship here. I m baptized here now.” So amen. See?

They’re coming.

Now my subject is, the Seven Seals of Redemption is

that Ephesians made manifest. Now, I’m goanna tie it

together now. Praise God, so you’ll know where you’re

standing at. Amen. My inspiration, the manifestation will

be the interpretation. Yes sir. Now December 22nd 1991,

my little finish for a season. I…my mind and body weary.


Now Hebrews 11:1. We’ve got to get some faith in

here. It says:

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.

In other words though you don’t see it and though

you’re…you’re hoping for it, it’s still…faith creates a

substance. And that substance is a revelation. And for 17

years I preached with a substance; Seven Thunders give

faith substance. Amen. Yes sir.

Now, so therefore, NOW faith is. Sitting there in the

seat this morning and tonight and on tape. NOW faith is.

Not yesterday or tomorrow. NOW. NOW. I challenge you,

I change you. Amen. You may be seated. And don’t be


condemned today cause you’ve got them school spirits

upon you. Amen, to make you say all kind of evil things

and what not. Those are spirits in school. You were told

that would happen to you. Amen. And so it’s happening.

So come up out of that mess and shake that thing off of

you. Amen. You’re supposed to be a son of God. Amen.

Ah Amen. Yes sir. Wonderful.

Now faith is. Not, “faith shall be when I graduate in

the class of so and so.’’ Now faith is, not, “when I become

an engineer or marketing man or amen, an accountant or

computer expert.’’ NOW faith is. The rapture may be

come before tomorrow. The rapture may be come before

you graduate. Halleluiah. So we ain’t counting time by

your class or your school. We’re counting time by the

Bible. Be ready when He comes. Don’t be caught with

your work undone. Oh halleluiah, praise God. I don’t

know where to go at. I feel like, running over a troop.

Brother Donny, I might run by you there. Glory to

God. I see people getting delivered. See them sheep, got

to break their leg or something. Glory. Let me get started

here. Now faith is, not faith shall be. For that would only

be hoping for. Many of you are hoping for, you got it.

Amen. And not present–tense believing and having. Yes

sir. Believing and having. Yes sir.

Brother Coleman, you sure?’’ Well, read the book of

Hebrews. Not a one of them had the Holy Ghost. And

they had faith, because God…Simeon didn’t have the

Baptism of the Holy Ghost. God revealed to him that he


would see the Christ. So he had substance faith. “I will

see the Christ.” Can you imagine him telling them priests

and Sadducees, he’s gonna see the Christ. “Why, you old

crackpot you, get out of here. You’re not gonna see no

priest, I mean see no Christ before we see Him. He’ll

come to us first. Are you crazy or what?’’ “I will see

Christ.’’ That was substance faith. Halleluiah.

What do you think God called you out from being a

hippie for? He brought you all the way out from being a

hippie and a flower-child. He brought you here to be His

flower-child. I’ve been through all the hippies and the

fades-always and everything for 28years. I’ve seen them

all. Halleluiah. You may be seated.

I was here when it started brother, amen, LaPorte. I

was here. I seen them when they first started acting coo-

coo.. Yes sir. I seen them demons come up and get on

them. And went…went through all of those devils. Yes

siree. And you’re still here. Well then, give glory to God,

praise God. Halleluiah. Okay.

And the last 17years have been… my theme has

been, “The Seven Thunders Give Faith.” Since September

20,1974 to November 17th, 1991. And if it’s only a

mental conception of Malachi’s Message, and well you

can preach it and express it but won’t happen. And you’re

seeing it happen in the message. Amen brothers? You see

them, “Seven Thunders Give Faith.” Ain’t nothing

happening. You might as well walk out. Ain’t a thing

gonna happen cause you know down in there he don’t


believe It. You know it. So they can express it and get all

the quotes and ain’t ever gonna happen at all.

But if it becomes a real revelation of God to you like

it was to Peter. “Whom do men say I the son of Man am?”

Amen. Okay. On the quote, so you‘d know what it is.

“Revelation Chapter 4, part One,” page 573.

After Peter’s rock confession, which we know that

his confession. He was building His church on the same

Rock, not Peter being a little stone as Roman Catholic

tries to say it. But Peter’s confession of the revelation.

A…we’re gonna bring it down to these Thunders. I want

to know what is the….what to do in the Thunders. Praise

God, amen. Halleluiah. Amen. See?

But the confession of the revelation is gonna be the thing

in this Message, that will be the church. Oh halleluiah,

they ain’t going nowhere. All these people, staunch

Christians. No, no, no, no, no. They’ve got to confess that

the Thunders is the Christ. “Upon the reve...the rock of

this revelation, I’ll build my Spoken Word Bride.’’

Because the Thunders is the Spoken Word. And if you

don’t confess that and have that Spoken word in you, how

can you be in the Spoken Word Bride? How can Christ

anoint it, amen? You may be seated.

But Peter’s confession of his revelation. That’s the

Church. God will reveal it. Not a confession of this man,

because he backslid later. Not a confession of him being

the Son of God. Because he knew He was the son of God.

They were walking with Him. He said, “Why do…who


do men say I am?” He had to confess that men think

you’re Elias and one of the prophets and Jeremias. Men

didn’t know, neither do men know what the Thunders are.

We’re gonna find out what it is. Amen. Halleluiah. You’re

gonna get some faith from the Thunders. Halleluiah. So

you got it?

Men didn’t know who Christ was. They wasn’t sure.

They knew He was anointed. But maybe He was Jeremiah

or all prophet’s anointed Word. Amen. Halleluiah. And it

wasn’t on Peter, he backslid later on. And Thunders is not

on Brother Coleman, he never said it. He just got a

revelation like peter got a revelation. So hear me on tape.

The Thunders is not on me. The Thunders Is Jesus Christ.

Hear me on…if you pick up this tape brother, the Seven

Thunders is Jesus Christ. “Upon the rock of this

revelation, I’ll build my Spoken Word Bride.’ And she’ll

have Thus Saith the Lord. Halleluiah. You may be seated.

Not a confession of him being the son of God cause

they knew he was the son of God. Peter just said it. But

what it was, the revelation had been revealed from

Heaven. That’s what it is. And the Thunders will be

revealed from Heaven to people sitting in here. They’ll

get quickened and filled with the Holy Ghost . Halleluiah.

That’s what it is. It’ll change them. Halleluiah. It’ll put

them in the kingdom of God. Without that, they cannot

even see the kingdom of God, can’t even of understand

the kingdom of God.


There’d be great learned men like Nicodemus, it

won’t mean nothing at all. May be seated. Halleluiah. You

got it now? What it was. The revelation had been revealed

from Heaven, that He was the son of God. And the

revelation will be revealed from Heaven that the Seven

Thunders is Jesus Christ. It’ll be revealed from Heaven.

Then you know what I’ m preaching? Oh, you won’t

be so dead. You’ll join the Heavenly chorus like John,

amen, thousand times thousand times thousand, thousand

of angels, four beasts around the Throne praising,

halleluiah, and John joined the Heavenly chorus.

And everybody heard I, John in the Heaven and on the

earth and under the earth praising God, because John saw

his name written in the Book. When Seven Thunders

reveals Its voice to you, you’ll see your name written in

the Book. Brother, we’ll have to pin you down from

shouting, praise God. Halleluiah. Glory to God.

Lord God, may a revelation come in here right now.

Halleluiah. May be seated. Are you getting it today?

You’re hungering and a-thirsting for that revelation. Lord

God. Halleluiah. That the revelation had been revealed

from Heaven that He was the son of God. Flesh…flesh

and blood. Joseph Coleman did not reveal the Thunders.

Flesh and blood has not never taught it to you. But my

Father which is in Heaven revealed it to you. Oh

halleluiah. Hear me on tape. I’m free. Ain‘t no Coleman

Thunders from 1974. It’s Elohim’s Thunders from way

back before the foundation of the world. It’s the volume


of the Book. It’s the Logos. The thought expressed is the

Logos and He came in the volume of the book and He is

those Thunders on the back side of the Book. Amen. Put it

in music. Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do. We’re way over here on

the backside of the Bible. My God. The people are

beginning to get an understanding. Halleluiah. It’s not

what the pastor said. it’s what God said. May be seated.


Flesh and blood. Bro. Coleman has never taught it to

you. But my Father which is in Heaven revealed it to you.

And upon this rock, that rock confession. I Can preach it

to you for 17 year and you still…they walk out. Still they

can’t clap. Still they can’t praise God. Still they won’t

come in Sunday night. So what did I do? I didn’t do

anything. I can’t make you shout. I can’t make you pray. I

can’t make you read your Bible. I can’t make you do

anything. I cannot make you come here Sunday night.

Then something is wrong. But you need them Thunders.

You need them Thunders from Heaven. Halleluiah. Praise

God. To echo His voice down into your soul then you’ll

be on fire.

Then Brother Coleman won’t have to do anything.

You know why? Cause I’ll speak the Word of God and the

anointing, the anointing will teach you all things in your

soul. Oh Halleluiah. Praise God.

I tried for 17 years, I’m finished. Wiped out. Lord

God, I need some help. Heavenly father, send Fire from

Heaven and seal these people up in here. Glory. The rock


of that revelation. Amen. You may be seated. Amen. But

my fa… Amen. Halleluiah. Glory to God. Amen. Yes sir.

The Holy Spirit is here. Amen. You may be seated.

But my Father which is in heaven revealed it to you

and upon this rock, that rock confession, I will build my

church. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

There you are. Halleluiah. Seventeen years, what did I

do? I haven’t been able to do anything. Praise God. But

you wait till them Seven Thunders utter its voices. Oh.

You’ll see a revival. Brother, you won’t have to ask

people to do anything. Amen. Glory. Halleluiah. You may

be seated. Praise God.

The revelation has been revealed from Heaven that

He was the Son of God. Amen. “The seven seals,’’ page

242. A real reve… Amen. Let me get 242 here. Praise

God. Are you with it? All right. In the beginning was the

Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was

God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt with us. God

dwelt with us in flesh. He was the word. Now watch.

Before a Word it’s a thought. And a thought has to be

created. Amen. All right. So God’s thoughts became

creation when it was spoke by a word. That is when He

presents it to you as a thought. He presented it to me on

September 20th as a thought. Amen. And I said, “What?’’

And it was my…your thought. And it is revealed to you.

Then it’s still a thought until you speak it.

If I didn’t say anything for 17 years it would still be

a thought. Oh, I’d go around whispering. Pssssst. Seven


Thunders is so so and so. Pssssst. I’d have a whispering

church. Pssssst. It d be a secret cult. Amen. SHOUT IT

FROM THE ROOF TOPS. If you got a revelation, say it.

Don’t be afraid of making mistake. God don’t hold you

accountable for your mistake; for your lawfull will to turn

it down when the Prophet said it. That’s what God holds

these guys for in this Message. When you show them

where it says Seven Thunders, they come against it. Well

God hold them for that. But not you making mistakes.

Whew. Halleluiah. I put that one in there huh? Yes sir.


So now a real revelation is that you see it before it

happens. So you can sit there if you want to, all day long

and next year. But you’re gonna get up out of there, praise

God. You’re gonna say it. You’re gonna do something.

You’re gonna shout it or talk about it. A real revelation,

amen, is that you see it before it happens. Let’s be seated.

You see it first. I saw it on September 20th, 1974.

Then it would just be myself and my wife and Brother

Fiore, he picked it up at the door, and be…be us three.

Amen. Three Hebrews down in the fiery furnace. You

talking about a fiery furnace? Amen. Amen. Now you

got it?

A real revelation is that you see it before it happens.

So stop sitting here waiting for it to happen cause you’ll

never get it. “Brother Coleman’s got it.’’ Brother Coleman

ain’t got nothing. Brother Coleman’s got it to get. You got

it? Amen. Number two: You may be seated. After you see


it happens, then you express it from your mouth in word

form. Seven Thunders is the Son of God. Seven Thunders

is the Christ. Seven Thunders is anointed Word for this

hour. Express that. Halleluiah. They don’t want to Brother

Ralph, they’re afraid to. Amen. Amen. We’re coming right

back to build this church on a rock revelation. Glory.

Now Brother Brenham said, and I broke it down to

four things here. Okay. Let you see it. You express it in

word from. I did it for 17 years. And number one: that is

when He presents it to you as a thought and he did. Amen.

Then it’s your thought. Amen. And it’s it revealed to you.

Number four: then it’s still a thought until you speak it.

You must speak it. But a lot of people are afraid to speak

it because they’re afraid if they say “Seven Thunders,’’

the people are gonna hold them up here and they…they…

inside, they know they’re gonna fall tomorrow. So you’re

afraid to make a mistake. I wasn’t afraid to make a

mistake buddy. Because God said so. Sha!

Don’t ever be afraid to make a mistake if God said it.

Be afraid if your boss said it. If your boss tell you

something that you’re gonna do this here, Joe, with a big

cigar, that’s what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna make a

presentation Joe. And you get to the presentation, you’ve

got something else you’re supposed to do. Your boss is a

liar. He just found this out. Amen. You may be seated.

He had to go before all the big-wig and big shots in

NYNEX, and his boss told him that he was supposed to

present this. But he prayed to the Lord, and the Lord told


him, “No, this.’’ He want up to Westchester, the

headquarters for NYNEX, all the big ones are there and

there he left the other thing that his boss told him, his

vice-president told him. But he took what God told him

and there the place was electrified. Thank God for the

Holy Ghost.

So…but if God ever tell you, He…He ain’t no vice-

president, praise God. He’s God. Praise God. He’ll give

you the correct revelation. You may be seated. Oh. Do

you get it? I m almost finished and I didn’t even start.

Same thing on November 3rd, one page. I can’t get

seated, amen. Halleluiah.

Now, what must you speak as a thought? You read it

all, you…you heard the tapes. Well what is it you’ve got

to speak? Oh, page 304, “fourth seal.’’ Wait till them

Seven Thunders utter their voices to that group who can

really take the Word of God and hand it there. It’ll slice

and cut. They can close the heavens, they can shut this or

do whatever they want to do. That’s what you’re supposed

to speak. But see, there was a little catch in there. It said,

“Wait.’’ There wasn’t no problem. I’m gonna prove it to

you. Okay

Wait till them Thunders utter its voices. Now

remember, it’s your thought, It’s revealed to you. It’s still

a thought until you speak it. And now in 1991, they’re

beginning to speak it. But ain’t nothing in there. Yes sir.

Now Malachi 4 said, the Seven Thunders will give faith

for rupturing grace. So when He spoke it to me in


September 20th, I didn’t wait for it, I believed it. Cause I

already read it for about 10 years. I heard the tapes and I

read the book, and I heard it for a long time. But when he

spoke it, I believed it, I spoke it back. I expressed it. Yes

sir. And now, it has got to materialize. What I spoke for 17

years, is now gonna take form and shape and materialize.

There will be a revival. The cripples will, walk, the blind

will see, the dead is raised up, praise God. Halleluiah,

halleluiah. Glory to God. Praise God. Yes sir. Yes sir.

Another Ephesians is here for the Bride’s Seven Thunder

revival. Glory to God. Pr…you believest thou this?

Halleluiah. Glory.

Why has it got to materialize? Why? Because my

word shall not return to void. Everything Malachi 4 spoke

shall not return void. It shall accomplish the purpose I

sent it for. I don’t care how long, if it’s 120 years, but it’ll

do it. Amen, you may be seated. Glory.

So today, on this day they’re preaching all their

Christmas messages and so forth. So may God give you

the greatest gift He could give mankind, which is Jesus

Christ, the Lamb that opened the Seven Seals of

Redemption so that you could know positively that you

have been redeemed from your sins, and seal up your

faith in His Redemptive Work by the Baptism of the Holy

Ghost and Fire. That’s what I’m looking for today. Amen

Brother Kevin Nothing short of that Halleluiah, praise

God. Amen.


We’ve just concluding our special meetings

September 22nd through the 17th. And which I trust was a

blessing to one and all. I feel that those…these massages,

along with June 30th message, has placed us on that Third

Phase where that stone of power can be released. It

already was released right here, one, two three, and four.

Brother Ortiz, sitting in the fourth chair there. Praise God.

Number four, the power of God delivered him, praise

God. There sits the evidence. “Can be, can I be baptized?”

There sits the evidence. “Can I be healed?” There sits the

evidence. “Can I be, can I be baptized?” There sits the

evidence. Take a look when you’re coming to church.

There sits the evidence. Halleluiah. Glory to God. You

may be seated.

So I’m looking for that stone of power. That rock of

revelation went forth. That rock of healing went forth.

Now that stone of power. Oh halleluiah, praise God. Some

know what I’ m talking about, amen. Amen. Power raised

him from the dead. November 3rd, what happened?

“Charity Releases Virtue Power For Service” The power

is already here. The man’s sitting there raised by power

and God made me preach on Virtue, Power for service.

You may be seated.

I didn’t know what I was doing. I was trying to

preach on Ephesians. But he made me identify power. He

made me make you go in your Bibles, St. Mark 5:30, St.

Luke 6:19, St. Luke 8:46. Power went out of Him. So you

wouldn’t think you was adopted, it was virtue. Amen.


Don’t try to walk out of here adopted, and so forth. Virtue,

you’re just getting started. Hang on that cross. Halleluiah.

The Holy Spirit did that Himself. And bypassed the

whole message. Glory. How can…how we thank God for

this evidence of the Holy Spirit Promised Land. The

raising of the dead, Brother Ortiz and Charity pouring out

in France as a sign down in Georgia. And our Brother

Hess, I believe Brother Bellomo gave you the testimony

this morning, huh? Power. Power killed that cancerous

tumor. Power can kill any disease, any…conquer any

devil. You may be seated. Oh, amen. Praise God. Thank

you Lord. Oh. Halleluiah.

“Charity Anointed Seven Virtues By Virtue Power

For Service.’’ That was my message. I got here, He raised

the dead first, then made me preach it. Made me identify

what that was. It was virtue, power for service. Brother

Branham told on “Perfect Faith,’’ you have the Holy

Spirit. He’s been here upon you. There’s the church.

There’s the Bride, there’s the Branham Tabernacle today.

You have the Holy Ghost but no faith to ignite the power

that’s laving in the Holy Ghost. And the only thing they’re

gonna get Brother Paul, is Seven Thunders. That’s the

only thing that gives the faith to ignite the power of the

Holy Spirit. They can preach Seven Seals till they’re blue

in the face. Unless they connect it with Seven Thunders,

they are finished. Finished. Oh halleluiah. Yes…ya.

I got on the wrong glasses, amen the dead was raised and

I was starting to preach on Ephesians, but somehow I


got…was led by the Spirit a different way. Amen. Can

you imagine Love Divine, huh? Love Divine, on the same

day in power raising the dead? Oh my, do you all

remember, what is it, the Love Divine prophecy with

Victor Ledeux and Danny Henry, Jane Russel’s cousin or

something, California? Well on “Paradox,” 1961,

Jeffersonville, page 44 and 45.

Watch the prophet tie this in now to what I’ m saying.

Get on your…put your spiritual Jackets on. Halleluiah.

See? Brother Branham is saying here. I had to walk by…

that’s…that’s when he was talking about that mamba that

was coming down two-thirds of the way or something.

See, I had to walk by myself, see? I can understand that.

And Moses had to make the same choice too, see? He

didn’t have to do it, but he did it the harder way.

Because thou has chosen the narrow path. You chose

this. You chose this. Yes siree. I didn’t…you chose it,

amen. In otherwords, I didn’t have to it. I can side in and

go with the rest of them if I want to. You all have a chance

to side in with the regulars in the message. You…you

have that chance to side in the dignitaries and so forth.

And the builders and caretakers. Side in with them. Go

on. But no, see? But no, see? But I…Brother Branham

said, I’ll stay with the…with the Word. And you stay with

the Word.

Thou hast picked the correct and precise decision and

it is my way. If you notice, it’s punctuated, underline. If

you notice, he wrote in France, he spoke in French, amen.


Verb before the adverb. Because of this momentous

decision, a huge portion of Heaven awaits thee. Now,

that’s what I wondered. When I die, will it…what will it

be? Will it be? Then I started to think. Heaven is not

portioned off to different portion to us up there. Heaven is

the kingdom of Go…of…of Heaven that’s within us. One

waits for. Seven Thunders gives you face…faith for your

portion of Heaven, rupturing grace. One waits for. Huh?

You waiting on it? Believer them Thunders will give it to

you? Oh halleluiah, praise God. Amen. You believe that?

You may be seated.

What a glorious decision thou hast made. Oh

halleluiah. We’re coming down to our time now. This in

itself, the mechanics will turn into Dynamics. You won’t

know the day or the hour, can’t tell you. It’ll just happen.

One day you’ll say the right word, you’ll do the right

thing, and you’ll dash into the blessing of God. But the

Holy Spirit must speak it. There’s no man can know it.

But see, that’s why you keep preaching the promises

every day. And those who understand that, they know that

everyday, Wednesday and Sunday, a promises is being

preached, and they thank God for it.

They don’t stay and say, “Ain’t nothing going on,

unless I’m invited to a whole church meeting.’’ Then here

they come, standing around on the 17th, nothing gonna

happen. I knew there was nothing gonna happen. Not

with all that gang around here, praise God. Waiting for do

something. Amen.


What a glorious decision thou hast made. This in

itself is that. This in itself, this Word, this message, these

Thunders in itself, built in, way of escape. There’s a hatch

in this submarine. Praise God. A way to get out of here.

Yes sir. Amen.

See? We would say it, in the tremendous victory in

the…in divine love. But in French, it would be love

divine. Just like German or any other, see? They put the

verb before adverb.

So now you see what happen on…on November 3rd,

in France? A sign, in French, divine love, love divine.

Holy Spirit just poured out. And you saw it. The same

Holy Spirit here was ignited with power and the dead was

raised on the same day. And you went a little further. You

saw the outpouring, you also saw the raising of the dead.

Oh halleluiah. Amen. Yes sir. You may be seated. Now,

you see what’s…now watch.

He’s been speaking, coming down to the Jordan. And

I prayed for you to cross that Jordan. Right? Now you see

what coming down to the Jordan meant. Look what he’s

doing. He’s tying in this glorious decision, this love

divine prophecy. Brother Branham is tying it in to coming

down to the Jordan. Oh, and there it was tied on the same

day, November 3rd, over in France and right here.

Halleluiah, praise God. And it’s sitting right in New York.

Oh, now you see what coming down to the Jordan meant.



We’re down here now, let’s cross over now. Let’s quit

playing, let’s cross the other side now because it all

belong to us. It’s all ours. Them vision has never failed.

They can’t fall because they come from God. I believe

with all that’s within me. We’re not the hireling that will

run back into the wilderness. We will cross Jordan, the


Now watch, watch, he tied in the love divine to the

Jordan to cross over to the Promise Land. Now watch him

tie something else in here now to the Promise Land. Oh

halleluiah. Now he’s down, he said, “Now God, break to

us the seals that’s on the back of the Book.’’ A little

louder…little louder than that. No, no, I m not gonna

preach no more until you stand up and clap. Get up

everybody, clap.

This is a three-minute ovation. I ain’t letting you slide

by on that revelation. No way. No way. You’re gonna

clap, you’re gonna shout up there, praise God. You’re

gonna shout in that basement. I’ m gonna take a breather.

I’m gonna take five, while you’re shouting and praising

God, for God’s grace and mercy and revelation and

pouring out to you. Come on, keep clapping. Alright.

Now you’re in the spirit. Feels good to you now.

Halleluiah. Thank you. You may be seated.

Do you know what you’re hearing? Hear…you’re

hearing this here. You haven’t heard this before. The

Thunders everything is being explained to you today. So

you’re gonna shout out of this here. Amen Halleluiah,


praise God. Thank you Jesus. You may be seated. Let me

go over it again. I thought somebody missed it.

Now he tied in the love divine prophecy, and we just

had the love divine pour out in France on November 3rd.

Amen. Then on the same day, how could God, how could

God, on the same day? Surely you’ve got to give praise to

God for that…just didn’t happen. It was planned before

the foundation of the world. You may be seated.

So he tied it in to coming down to the Jordan and

crossing the Jordan. And then he broke in…in spirits, in

prophecy here in 1961. He said the God, he was crying

out to God. Break to us the Seals that’s on back of the

Book. Now watch. The seals on the back of the Book,

back of this Bible here, Bible’s written and there’s seven

written Seals inside. Then there was Seven Seals on the

outside. And of course they used to have a scroll, used to

have a scroll, and the first outside seal would be attached

there like that there. And you pull that off and that had to

come from Genesis all the way through the Bible and

back through Revelation again.

That first Thunder. It opened up the whole thing. And

you pulled number two off, it’d go all down through the

Bible. Oh halleluiah, praise God. The backside has got the

revelations of the Book sealed. Whew. Sealed. You

believe that? Oh praise God. Amen. You may be seated.

I’ll…I’ll prove it to you then if you don’t believe it. Page,

“God Hidden in Simplicity,” it’d be so simple. Amen.

Page 59.


“Oh, I’ve got the notes wrote here on it to show them

things are. And we’ll get it on the breaking of these Seals

this week anyhow. There it is. Just what is already passed

and you didn’t know it. He said one day Elias, amen, the

disciples, say, “Why saith the scribes Elias must first

come. He’s already come and didn’t know it.” Now there

has got to be somebody in this Message fulfill that. And I

thank God it’s not me. Praise God. I don’t want to fulfill

that one. And they will fulfill it Brother Ralph. Yes, they

will fulfill it. I thought, and then he said here, you may be


We’ll get it on the breaking of these Seals anyhow.

There it is. Just where it’s already passed, you didn’t

know it. See if it is, if the Angel of the Lord will break

them Seals forth to us, the written ones inside, see, to us.

Remember, it’s sealed with them Seven mysterious

Thunders. The Seven written Seals is sealed with Seven

Seals on the backside. And you can open it all you want

to. But until them Thunders, praise God, hallelujah. About

time for them Thunders to utter Its voices to you today.

Oh hallelujah. Did you get it, huh? Wonderful. Think on

that now. Pause, Selah. That’s what Selah means, pause.

Selah. Amen.

Now why can’t…same page. Why can’t the people

believe the simple simplicity of humble bunch of people

and the voice of the signs of God? Why can’t they believe

it? Just like it always has been. The true Word of God

being made manifest. They’re too smart and too educated


to believe the simple form of the written Word. They want

to put their own interpretation to it. It don’t mean this, it

don’t mean that, he says, it does mean that. You mean it

does mean that the Seven written Seals were sealed by

Thunders on the backside? It does mean that. Yes sir. Oh

halleluiah. Where am I now? Oh here, yea, here we are.

Oh yeah, I didn’t finish here. Oh yea right here, A

paradox, what’s that mean. Incredible but true. My God.

Okay, God break to us the Seals on the back of the

Book. Let us enter into this great place now. Watch, For

Joshua divided to the people their inheritance that God

had left for them. Then your inheritance is the Thunders.

The Holy Spirit land is the Seven Thunders, which is your

inheritance on the backside of the Bible. And Brother

Branham said, why can’t the directors get into the spirit of

the composer? We’re way over here on the back of the

Book now. Oh halleluiah. That’s your inheritance. That’s

your Ephesians. Oh. You may be seated. Did you get it?


God, break to us the Seals that’s on the back of the

Book. That’s the Thunders. Break that. He wasn’t

worrying about the written Seals. He was talking about,

back here cause this is the revelation of the whole Bible.

Look, I’m gonna prove to you, amen. Oh it’s spontaneous

huh, amen. Glory. Halleluiah. Praise God. Amen. Yes sir,

I’ve got something here. Where did I put it? Amen. Yes

sir. Amen. Okay, I found it.


While you’re under this anointing right here now.

Amen. I feel it. To place this in here now. Alright. 1961

was his what? Second Pull, correct. Then what…what

was it? First pull, healing. Second Pull, prophesying.

Third Pull, opening of the Word of God, mysteries

revealed. A son of man revealing the Son of Man to the

public. Halleluiah, halleluiah, halleluiah, halleluiah. I feel

like shouting. I feel like shouting. I’m gonna make up my

own song. Halleluiah, glory to God. I feel like hollering. I

feel like running and jumping cause I know the Holy

Spirit is here. Halleluiah. The Holy Spirit is upon me,

halleluiah, it’s upon you. He’s here now, all over the

place, revealing them Thunders. Oh halleluiah. You may

be seated. Now you got it?

God break to me the Seals on the back of the Book.

He said, let us enter into the great place. What’s the great

place? The Seals on the back of the Book is the great

place back here. A great place, a Promise Land flowing

with milk and honey back here. Glory. Halleluiah. A great

place. Sha! Glory to God. Aye. It’s the Promise Land. It’s

a place flowing with milk and honey. Halleluiah, praise

God. It’s all you want. It’s all you desire. It’s your

refilling, it’s your filling, and it’s your inheritance. It’s for

your children. It’s for you. It’s for the Rapture. Oh

halleluiah, praise God. Thank You…yea, ya, ya. Thank

You Jesus. Oh halleluiah. Glory. You may be seated.

Here is another prophecy back in 1956. “Revelation,

Book Of Symbols,” he’s prophesying. And he prophesied


in the Third Pull, he did what he prophesied. Halleluiah.

It’s always been the thunders, but they don’t know it. The

directors, they don’t know it. Amen. You see what

happened? Well, don’t it let me get over there. But I’ll just

tell you this.

Satan sneaked in giants into the Pentecostal Church.

He bringing…bringing intellectual giants into Laodicea

and finally, he…he…they got so cold and formal, they put

Christ out. These intellectual giants. Then the giants

waited around a while till brother Branham preached,

“Anointed Ones At The End Time.’’ Then here they come

in the message. Anointed ones at the end time with all

kind of interpretation, signs and wonders too. But what’s

that true word? Thunders on the back side. They won’t

say that. That’s how you tell, them Thunders on the back

side Bible. They won’t touch it cause they can not. Cause

if Satan in them could get a hold of it, he would do great

damage. But they…he…they couldn’t touch it

The anointed ones at the end time could not touch the

Thunders, praise God. So they did all other kind of things,

interpretation, but they couldn’t touch them Thunders,

now watch, page 12, “Revelation, Book Of Symbols.’’

Listen to this prophet prophecy. He knowed his…knew

his message way back. He knew he had to hit them

Thunders. He knew that cause he was a prophet. And this

was hanging outside here. So he knew it belonged to him.

He’s a prophet to reveal the whole Bible. So there ain’t


gonna be nothing that he’s not gonna reveal. Or else he’s

got to come back. There you are. Okay.

So remember, Daniel was told by the Angel, Daniel.

I don’t want to go over a certain time today. Daniel heard

seven Thunders. They uttered their voice. Daniel grabbed

his pen. Daniel grabbed his peen and started to write and

the angel said, “Don’t write it,’’ Now remember, John

represents the Bride. John did not know what the Seven

written Seals was. But John did know what the Thunders

was because he represents the Bride. And the Bride will

know what the Thunders are. It’s for her. It’s to gather her

together. It’s to give her faith. It’s to show her how to

prepare for great translation faith. It’s the Bride’s revival.

It’s all for her. That’s why John represented her. But the

Seven written Seals was for a prophet to start his ministry

by revealing who God is, all about God, His nature, His

being, where He come from, what He’s doing. Not three

Gods, one God. That’s his message.

I’m gonna prove it to you. Oh halleluiah, praise God.

Yes sir. But the Thunders belong to the Bride. That’s for

you. Oh my God, it’s for you. And John was raptured.

“Come up here.’’ He was summoned. Oh halleluiah. May

be seated. Okay, are you ready? Amen. Let’s get into it

just for about the next five minutes, will you?

Don’t you write it. Now you’ll find in the “Spiritual

Food In Due Season.’’ Brother Branham says, I always

thought it was something that wasn’t written. But the

Lord says, no, it cannot be nothing…something that’s not


written. He says it…it was what’s…what was hid in the

Bible, was the Seven Thunders. And the Seven Thunders

would explain the hidden things contained in the Bible.

And that will be a massage by the son of man revealing

Himself in the Prophet. Oh God.

It didn’t just say, Malachi 4, Revelation 10:7. Then

that’s the man. But it said, St. Luke 17:30, making it God

in human skin. Whew, glory to God. Now okay, you may

be seated. I’m trying to hurry along here. I’m loaded here

this morning. I didn’t even get anywhere here. Amen. I

told you it would come one day to the Word, be so much,

praise… but you’ve got to come up. Amen. Alright.

Don’t you write it. John saw the same thing. And it

says, Don’t write what them things are. I think you will

find it on “Everlasting Life” In one of your quote books.

Don’t write what that is. John heard what it was, see, but

don’t write it because it’s not Paul and Irenaeus and

Martin and Columba’s day. They’re only…in otherwords,

I’m gonna give them the Word. I’ m gonna thunder to

each one of them. But don’t say what the rest of it is.

That’s for their day cause they’ll only stumble over it

especially Luther and Wesley and them. They would

really stumble cause they wasn’t prophets or nothing.

Amen. Yes sir. For the last day.

I’ m gonna take all them loose ends us and reveal it

for a massage. This is gonna be for the Bride. Yea. Seven

Thunders for the Bride. Amen Glory. Okay. My God. The

Bible. Okay. Written out, otherwords, in…okay. Don’t


write it. John saw the same thing and it had already been

written outside the Bible. It had seven seals on the back of

the book that no man could open those Seals. That was

them voices.

Other words, he…here’s the bible written which is a

mystery itself. But on the backside of the Bible, the

revelations Do you understand that now? Here was the

revelation of this. Huh? Seven voice holding revelation,

plural, of what’s in this Bible. Like “Marriage And

Divorce,” and “Future Home Of The Bride,” and all that

kind of stuff which everybody think is nothing. And that

thundered. “Unveiling Of The Mighty God.’’ nothing.

“Christ Is The Mystery Of God Revealed,’’ that…well

that’s nothing. They’re still waiting for something else,

right? That’s nothing.

And all the time he was thundering, thundering. Oh

halleluiah. He got right by them. Halleluiah. Amen.

Here’s the Bible written which is a mystery in itself. But

on the back side of the Bible. The revelation was shown

to Daniel, said there’s seven voices to be uttered and no

man can open and no man know what it…what it was.

But the Bible said and it told Daniel and also John, watch.

That in the last days, amen, these seven voices would be

known by the real true church. You…you get it? Now

watch. Can you see where the false and counterfeit is

trying their best to keep great men from places like that?

Brother Ralph, can you see where false, counterfeit

are trying to keep you and your family from great places


like that? You see that Brother Dillar? Brother Paul, huh?

Brother John? Amen. Brother Kutz. Amen? And all the

rest of you. They came in the message, these false

anointed ones. They’re counterfeit. When you go to the

bank, you train a teller with what first? With the real ones

first. Is that right sister Kathy? You get the real bills to see

how they feel. Then when you’re there and the throw the

thing in there,you…you…chu…chu…chu…chu…chu…

oh, what is this? You catch the counterfeit. It don’t feel

right. It don’t sound right. Ninety-nine and nine tenths,

but something’s wrong. It’s false and counterfeit cause it’s

not thundering. Amen. There’s no thunder to it. Amen.

Did you get it? You may be seated. Did Brother Branham

know what he was talking about? He said it’s for Bride.

He said that false and counterfeit would try to keep you

out of those places. What places? Heavenly places.

Whether it’s in Joshua, whether it’s in Ephesians.

Heavenly places. Spiritual places in God.

In the natural land Joshua, places, every place where

the sole of your foot steps on. No, ten spies try to keep

you out of there but Caleb said, “Shut up.” Caleb said,

“Shut up, I’m gonna walk. And every places the sole of

my foot, that I have given you.’’ Halleluiah. Already give

you. Put your foot out there and the next one and the next

one. And I’ll be with you all the days of your life. Same

thing in Ephesians. You’re predestinated whether you

make mistakes or whether you don’t make mistakes.

Whether feel something or whether you don’t feel


anything, you’re predestinated to get them Thunders.

Amen. Okay. We got it? Okay. You got that now?

Cross the Jordan, separation. God break to us the

Seven Seals on the back of the Book. Here in 1956,

Brother Branham was speaking about the Seven

Thunders. 1961. I got many more places there when he

prophesied his own message. Of course when he come,

you think he’s gonna tell you, here it is. You hunted with

me, you’ve been with me all the time and fished with me.

This is what it is. Wait a minute, where does the Bible say

that? Huh? See what they’re waiting for? They’ll never

get it. Yes siree.

For now we see. Have we got it class? The seven

Thunders is the Holy Ghost. The Seven Thunders is the

Promise Land. Oh, and… and false anointed ones would

try to keep me out of them Thunders. It would blacken the

name of the Thunders for 17 years. Some false prophet in

New York, that’s what’s about New York. Talking about

Thunders. Amen. See? I know. Yes siree. But did you get

it? Let us enter into this great place, these Thunders For

Joshua divided to the people their inheritance that God

had left for them.

And you just can’t catch it. But it’s inspired of God.

And…and moves it right into its place. Just at the hour

when you think not. Just when you think ain’t nothing

gonna happen. God moves in on you. That’s why you

must always maintain faith, maintain sanctification that

the angels might visit your home one day. Halleluiah,


praise God. Halleluiah. Glory to God. Yes sir. Yes siree.

So you got it?

So today, I would like to finish my message on

Ephesians, already over an hour. Never even got to it. So

you know positively that Charity has released Virtue

Power, and give us a sign, evidence that the Land is a

good land flowing with milk and honey. Oh halleluiah.

So I feel that another Ephesians is here to bring on a

perfect Church, the Bride’s earthly goal. Only a full

redemption by the Seven Seals can bring the Bride to a

full final salvation on this earth before the Rapture. That’s

all. You believe that? Oh halleluiah. Yes siree. My God. I

may as well say it here, what is it? Forty-one, forty-two,

page seven. Amen. Yes.

Well, I didn’t mean to say that there. Oh what did I

say about my birth. But it come out. I couldn’t help it.

You…you pardon me, but that’s me. Amen. And Pearl’s a

witness, amen, she’s my sister amen. Halleluiah. See why

those bullheads can’t move me? Huh? They ain’t moving

me out of here, my place. You crazy? I’ll cut them to

ribbons. Amen Donny? Glory to God. Yes siree. My God.

Amen. Okay, you may be seated. I don’t want to too much

time. I never even got to what I got here, amen. okay.

“As I was with Moses,’’ page 7, paragraph 42: And I

think of a minister today that’s called of God to step into

the tracks where Jesus stood. What a command. What a

commission. But each that’s called of God is

commissioned to stand in that same place. I’ll be with you


even in you till the end of the end of the way. Each

minister is called to stand where he would, the works that

I do shall you do also. Each minister is ordained of God,

is commanded to stand in tracks of Jesus Christ and

perform the duties that Jesus performed. That’s quite a

command. And that’s what he told me on September 20th,

1991. ‘‘Prove my word.’’

Step out there September 22nd, proving the

vindicated Bride Word promise for this hour. Keep on

doing it. Call the backsliders back in here, praise God,

halleluiah. Right in front them. Then tell them they must

be born again, praise God. Then raise the dead, halleluiah.

Right in front of them. Then prove them Thunders. And

that’s what I’m doing today, I’m proving the Seven

Thunders to you that you’ll never forget it, praise God.

You’ll go out of here with a faith. Amen. Quite a

command. Oh yes sir. Yes siree. Quite a command.

I have something here on that. “Expectation,’’ there.

Amen. Well, I’ll find it here. I’ve got so many different

quotes here. Probably got it around here somewhere. Yea,

here it is. The last commission, “Perseverance,’’ 1962.

The last commission or the last words that fell from his

lips when He went up. Watch this now. And…until He

come again with a Shout, the Voice of the Archangel. And

you can read the rest of it in St. Mark 16. I’ll…I’ll just to

cut off time. Did you hear what I said? The last

commission was to be part of the Shout and the Voice of

Archangel. And we’re still here. Shall I read it again to


you? The last commission, St. Mark 16, and what did I

did I tell you? This Gospel shall be preached for a witness

to all nations and then shall the end come. Those are the

Scriptures He gave me on September 22nd, and Acts 1:8;

after the Holy Ghost will come upon you, you shall be

witnesses, you shall receive power and be witnesses unto


And you mean that God would permit us to come into

the Shout, the coming of the Lord? You mean that He

would take the Prophet, 1965, and give us 25 years to

stagger not through unbelief and somewhere along the

line we would enter in to the Voice of the Archangel? You

know with a little revelation, do you know what I mean?

A little revelation, praise God, for 17 years in the Voice of

the Archangel. Oh and the commission is still here.

Notice, he never said the last trump. He said the Shout,

the Voice of the Archangel cause the last trump is the

Resurrection. The Holy Spirit cut it off right there,

knowing that there would be a Bride, there would be an

Ephesians that would be in the voice of the Archangel.

I’m saying powerful things to my own church.

Halleluiah. Glory. When the, amen, the last words when

He went up until He comes again with a Shout, the Voice

of the Archangel. He said go into all the world. My, my,

my, my. My, can you think on that one there? What a

revelation. Huh? I think that you…I think you just about

passed your bedtime. Amen. Yes sir. Praise God. Page…

that one, I think, wiped you out. Amen.


And the church organization, page 7, denomination

has failed. They will not take the church over. God will

raise up a new system, an interdenominational system by

the Power of God that will take the Church into the

Promise Land. Organizations and denominations has

messed it up. Each one after their own theology. Each one

after their own way of thinking. But God will take his

Holy Spirit, Charity, fell over in France and raised Brother

Ortiz from the dead. The evidence of the New Land of the

Thunders. Reedy to take you into the Thunders which is

the new land.

And I’ve been over into the New Land and I come

back thundering for 17 years. It’s a good Land, it’s

flowing with milk and honey. The Thunder Land, praise

God. Oh halleluiah, glory. The…by the Power of God,

you may be seated, that will take the Church into the

Promise Land. Organizations and theology, each one of

their….after their own way of thinking. Amen.

But God will take His Holy Spirit and will raise His

Joshuas that will take the church into the Promise, to the

Promise. And no denominational strings tied anywhere,

but will take the church. Amen?

Brother MacDonald, how does that sound? Alright?

Yes siree. My, my. Well, I tell you, I don’t know. Brother

Garcia, my, it’s too much. Amen. So I feel another

Ephesians is here to bring on a perfect Church, the Bride’s

earthly goal. Only a full redemption by the seven seals

can bring. I’m gonna try to jam this right here on you. I


wanted to get it in here but I ain’t gonna go and go like I

did there during the other months. Only a full redemption

by the seven seals can bring the Bride to a fine…full…

final salvation on this earth before the Rapture.

And I don’t know of any book in the Bible where you

can find, outside of Ephesians. That’s all the beautiful

promises. It’s glorious church without spot or wrinkle

washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Glory to God, amen.

That’s in Ephesians. Little children are blessed if they

obey their parents. The only…that’s only…what’s it? The

only commandment with a promise. For you children for

you to respect your parents regardless of whether they’re

a drunkard or whoremonger, whatever they are.

Brother Branham said that God will respect you for

respecting your parents, not to sass them and go on like

that you know? No matter if he’s wrong, dead wrong, he’s

still your father. That’s what I had to do. Amen Pearl?

She’ll tell you. Amen. Well praise God.

You can tell the world about this, you can tell the

nations about that. Yes sir. Okay now. Ephesians 1:5; you

are predestinated unto the adoption of sons. Nobody’s

gonna stop you. You’ve got, amen. How’s it gonna be?

Ephesians 3:20; now unto him that is able to do

exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or even

think according to the power that worketh in us according

to the power that’s in the church now.

Now I’ve got two questions here. I don’t know if I’m

gonna get to the other one or not. But what is another


Ephesians? And also, number two: What is the Seven Seal

of redemption? So I don’t think I’m gonna. Make all that

today. “Paradox.” So let’s get down to “Paradox,’’ amen.

and 1965, “Paradox,’’ in phoenix. Amen.

Now we’re gonna try to get through here and probably

just make that, that’s all. Maybe I’ll come back another

time and, see, it’s the Word so it’ll just tie right in. But

I’ve got to nail down my title here, amen. What is another

Ephesians? Okay, Malachi 4 explains how the Seven Seal

of redemption brings on another Ephesians. Now think of

all those sisters that say, we don’t need on ministers. We

got the prophet and the tapes. Think of those brothers in

this Message that have cursed ministers. ‘‘We don’t need

them. We can sit and play tapes.’’ Now we’re gonna find

out the very minister; apostles and prophets and pastors,

evangelists and teachers is the ministry of Jesus Christ. I

know there’s a whole lot of false around. I don’t blame

them really, you know what I mean now? There are a

whole lot of guys around here, they ain’t got nothing, no

more than an elder apt to teach and put themselves in

order. Amen

They come from some Baptist or wherever they came

from. Came in the Message, there’s so much teaching,

anybody can teach. Amen. But were they ordained of God

to rightly divide the Word? So praise God. So I know how

they feel, but I can’t help that, amen. I know I’m here in

New York. Amen praise God.


So what’s gonna happen, brethren, when they find out

that these ministers that’s been doing the work of an

apostle or a prophet or something or evangelist or pastor,

been doing that work faithfully, then them thunders,

amen. Then it comes time for an inheritance. And the

Land is divided. The Thunders divided; some apostles

some apostles, some prophets, some pastors, some

teachers, some evangelists, some gifts of discernment and

wisdom and knowledge and everything else. Places,

position, amen, power. Where at? In Ephesians. Oh,


And they try to go over the ministry and, oh, I don’t

want to be in their shoes when the second example seed

comes behind the prophet and has already added, added,

added up to the top. And suddenly the…Charity caps

them virtues in him. Then the pillar of fire is in him and

he goes out as Jesus Christ in the Book of Ephesians. Oh,

every sickness healed; his shadow heals the people in this

Message. Maybe in 1992, and all those sisters who

backbite, spoke evil against those ministry. Oh, how

they’re gonna have to pay for that. Oh, I wouldn’t want to

be in their shoes, and they were speaking against Jesus

Christ. Avanca. Yes sir. Okay, where we at?

I’m talking about in the message. Oh then when

another seed…another son comes up, another one, then a

sister comes up adopted, praise God. Then all of a sudden

they’re being adopted. Then people in the Message that

have received the prophet but rejected everything else;


Thunders and ministers and everything else; suddenly a

minister come by and he preaches to the same people.

And they become eternal lost. And they’re right in the

Message cause they break one word, they drop into hell.

See, they don’t know what they’re doing. Running their

mouths. Don’t know what they’re saying. Amen.

Brother Branham did the work of evangelist, but he

was called to be Elijah. Just as sure as we’re standing

here, there’s gonna be some apostles and prophets and

pastors, evangelist and teachers, cause that’s the

Ephesians. Oh halleluiah, pra…I think you’re about

finished now. And all these women running up and down,

running their mouths and even speaking against me and

telling other sisters in the church, “He don’t know what

he’s talking about. He speak mean to me. He blasted me.’’

Blasted you?

I tried to correct you. Tried to instruct you. If you

know anything. What? The Word of God come of you


And then back in Israel they…they couldn’t even

come in the synagogue. Oh they had a place for them

there. Stay home, Paul said, let your husband give you the

Word. Oh come on now. That’s in the Word. See, but

they’ve been running free, flap…jap…jap…jap, for 25

years. But now, the hour is over now. The power of God is

here, praise God. They’re gonna be put in their place. Yes

sir. Amen. Well praise God. Where’s that joy? Come on


now, praises God. Okay, let me drive it home. You may


Malachi 4 explains how the Seven Seals of

Redemption bring on another Ephesians. Okay, here we

are. Page 8. Alright. A little teaching here. I have to do it

to nail it down. Glory to God. Amen. Paragraph 57:

Joshua here is a book, actually is a Book of

Redemption of the Old Testament. Joshua, we would have

to consider it to be that, the Book of Redemption. Because

it’s redemption has two parts. That is…that…that it’s out

of and into. Out of Egypt and into the Promise Land. Out

of Laodicea and into the Thunders. Halleluiah, praise

God, amen. Okay.

It has two…it take two parts to make redemption.

And Moses represented the law, which brought them out

of Egypt. And whereas Joshua represented grace that took

them into the Promise Land. Another way was the law

and grace were two different aspect of God’s command.

Now the law brought them out, Moses; and Joshua took

them in. Amen. Okay, you got it now? Redemption.

Joshua here is the Book of Redemption of the old

Testament. Amen.

Redemption has two parts. Out of Egypt today, out of

denomination, amen, Egypt. Doing all them works down

in them denomination making bricks down there for the

bishop. Huh? Making all those cakes and pies, give them

to me. Amen. Now, they’ll think I want some cakes and


pies. No, see, I don’t want…I’ m a diabetic, amen. praise

God, amen, see? Yes siree. Okay.

Out of Egypt into the promise land. Out of Laodicean

denomination into the Holy Spirit, the Seven Seals, Seven

Thunders. It also represents something for our day. On

page 9, paragraph 59:

It also represents something for our day. Now it

represents as they were in the journey coming, from

Egypt into a Promise Land. So have we come out of the

world a Egypt, chaos, and on our road to the Promise

Land. And He says here, In my Father’s house, there are

many mansions. If it wasn’t so, I would have told you. St.

John 14, coming out of. Oh halleluiah. Coming…oh my

God. praise God. Thank you Jesus.

Come out of the world of Egypt, chaos, on the road to

the Promise Land. See? So we see that this Book of

Ephesians perfectly parallel the Old Testament, Joshua.

The Book Ephesians positionally places the Church;

apostles and prophets, evangelist and teachers. No other

book does that. Praise…that’s the only one that does that.

Praise God.

And that book, and I think, the…the third chapter

says how the mysteries of God is revealed to the holy

apostles and prophets. The mys…all the mysteries of God

for that day. Praise God. It’s all in Ephesians, Husband,

love your wives, in Ephesians. Wives, reverence your

own husbands, in Ephesians. Children, obey your parents,

in Ephesians. Also in Ephesians, Put on the whole armor


of God. Put on the whole armor of God. Praise God, to go

out here and go into a battle in Ephesians. Everything is in

Ephesians. And God saved Ephesians for the last to let all

these women in the Message and all these brothers say

what they wanted against the ministry.

Then God comes down and, praise God, and adopts

some, apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelist, teachers.

Then they become eternal lost. And they was in the

Message for 25 years, paying their tithes and offerings,

everything else. Visit the prophet and everything else.

Glory to God. Proving that they wasn’t, they didn’t have

the Word of God in them to be….to begin with. Cause the

Word of God is humble; not all puffed up, will say

anything. Halleluiah. Or speak evil against the dignitaries,

halleluiah. Even the Angel said, the Lord God rebuke you.

For these II Timothy spirits are heady, high-minded,

puffed up, praise God, evil. My God, incontinent, fierce.

You may be seated. Oh halleluiah, praise God. Yes sir.

So we see that this Book of Ephesians perfectly

parallel the Old Testament Joshua. The Book of Ephesians

positionally places the Church. So Ephesians here lets us

like Joshua positionally. Now Joshua, after crossing to the

Land, then he was laboring and fighting in the Land.

And I used to wonder, what does Hebrews 4 mean?

You…I had the rest, the Holy Ghost. But he said, labor to

enter into the rest. I never understood it in 1960, until I

heard “The Stature Of A Perfect Man.” Then I Knew I had

to labor; Virtue, Knowledge, in the rest. I’m already in the


rest but I’m laboring in the rest to enter into the rest. And

the real rest is Charity, Virtue, knowledge, Temperance,

Patience; laboring, fighting in the Promise Land, in

Ephesians, in Joshua. Cutting every denomination devil,

cut his head off. Run him out of the caves and everything

else and put my foot on him, praise God. Halleluiah.

Chop Achan to ribbons, that lying lusting in there for gold

and Babylonian garments. They killed him and stoned

him. You may be seated. Yes sir. Oh halleluiah, praise


Laboring and fighting in the Land. I think it was

about six or seven years according to Usher, the man who

does that. Number three: then Joshua divided the Land by

inspiration and give each tribe their positions. A fighting

word for Joshua would be the Book of Ephesians of the

Old Testament. Now two things here: Ca...Canaan

represents the age of the overcomer. See? Number one is

dividing up the inheritance. Number two, is setting in

order the ones who overcome, the overcomers. I’m

overcoming, I’m overcoming. Oh now, what is the Land

promised to the New Testament believer?

We know what Joshua was back there. Well Brother

Branham said the promise is the Holy Spirit, Joel 2:28.

And it shall come to pass afterward that I’ll pour out my

Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall

prophecy. Your Old men shall dream dreams, your young

men shall see visions. There’s your Land of the Promise,


praise God. It’s still here. Halleluiah. It’s now in the Book

of Ephesians.

And you have received the earnest of it, you that have

the Holy Ghost. But my God, you’re gonna receive your

full inheritance, the full sonship, the full manifestation of

sons of God, halleluiah. In Ephesians, some apostles and

pastors and evangelists and teachers, the inheritance. Oh

halleluiah. You may be seated.

The promise land in the natural in Joshua. But what

about today? Today is the promise of the Holy Spirit in

the book of Ephesians. Cause in Ephesians 4, that’s why I

kept reading that, 11 through 13, divides the inheritance.

Some apostles and prophets, see, after they overcome.

See? Do the work of a pastor, do the work of apostle. Go

overseas and set the thing in order and bring the word and

do…do that work. Amen. Halleluiah.

See, I know who I am. I know who sent me overseas.

The Prophet of God ordained me to go overseas. I know

what I’m talking about. I ain’t letting nobody around New

York come telling me something different or what they

think. I don’t care what you think, praise God. Halleluiah.

Your thoughts are not God’s thoughts. I hear God’s

thoughts from Heaven. He come to me, praise, a…

halleluiah. Glory. Did you get it? Act 1:8. After the Holy

Ghost come upon you, you shall receive power. See, the

Holy Ghost was the one who came down in the Upper

Room on the Day of Pentecost and set the Church in order

by dividing their inheritance. Giving each one gifts,


places, position and their inheritance. Come down in the

Upper Room. Moses led them up to the Land. Jesus led

them up to that Land. But Joshua crossed over and

divided. The Holy Spirit took them over and divided the

Land, praise God. Halleluiah.

You leave here today, you leave with a revelation. It’s

Ephesians, another Ephesians. Okay, halleluiah. What is

the body of Christ? When you’re born and then

positionally born into the Kingdom of God. That’s what

I’m looking for, to be positionally born. Then the Holy

Ghost has set in the Church some apostles, some

prophets, some teachers, some pastors, some evangelists,

gifts of the Spirit, all kinds of miracles and signs and

wonders. And what is the inheritance? The sonship, to be

a son of God like Malachi 4 was. Like the early Bride

was, like Jesus was, like Adam was. Oh halleluiah, praise,

to get that inheritance back. Yes sir.

The whole creation is groaning and moaning waiting

for the manifestation of the sons of God, where it’ll stop

sickness, praise God, it’ll stop cancer, it’ll stop all kinds

of diseases, the blind will see, the cripples will walk, the

dead will be raised up. Demons will be cast out. It’ll stop

plagues, praise God. Halleluiah. There’s your inheritance.


And I don’t care what anybody says, I’m going to

have my inheritance. I’ve been laboring here for over 28

years. I’m going to have my inheritance. I ain’t gonna

bother no Luther or Baptist or whatever. You can stay


there if you want to, praise God. But I’m going on to the

deep calling to the deep. Halleluiah. I ain’t gonna bother

you. Stay there. Praise God. Okay. Now page 9, amen.

A fitting word, page 9 paragraph 61, the Ephesians.

Now we find the same thing in the Old Testament. I think

this Book of Joshua fits, a fitting word for it. It would be

the Book of Ephesus. A fitting word for the Book of

Joshua would be the Book of Ephesus. And the Book of

Joshua was the Book of Redemption. Cause they was

redeemed. They went to the promise. And when you

receive the…in the spiritual, you are redeemed when you

receive the Holy Ghost, you’re fully redeemed. And then

when you’re adopted, oh my God, you have rupturing

grace, praise God. You’re in the Kingdom. Do you see it?

Halleluiah. Okay.

We find the Old Testament, I think this Book of

Joshua fits, a fitting word for it would be Book of

Ephesus of the Old Testament, the Book of Ephesians of

the Old Testament would be a good thing to title this

Book of Joshua because it’s certainly fitting to this. My,

can you imagine that there? I don’t hear nobody preaching

this. Maybe it was saved for this morning. I couldn’t get

to it November 3rd, cause the dead had to be raised first.

If you go back and hear the tape, you’ll hear me saying

there must be…come another Ephesians. I was into it but

it had to wait for today.

So we find Joshua representing grace or some

propitiation, that it could not exist in the same time that


the law was in existence. Amen. Now you got it now?

Both books of redemption, both of them are books of

redemption. Joshua and Ephesians. And it divides…both

of them divide the inheritance of the Promise Land. And

both of them sets each man in order, giving him gifts,

places, positions, Ephesians 4. Amen. Halleluiah.

And then when they get their positions and so forth,

then it said, put on the whole armor of God. Ephesians 6.

Praise God, to go out the…this press is coming down. My

God. You better have on the whole armor of God. Yes sir.

There’s got to be an Ephesians also to this journey.

Another Ephesians. Page 10. Brother Branham said here.

And so has the church world in this last days, it’s

come along, it’s played its part. But there’s coming a time

where it must cease, it must do it. There’s got to be an

Ephesians also of this journey. I don’t hear them preach

about it in the Message. But he says, it’s got to be an


You know why they won’t preach it? Because in

there is ministers in there. And they don’t want no

ministers. So they ain’t gonna preach that. And those…

those guys who are preaching it, they ain’t got no life.

They ain’t gonna preach II Peter 1; they ain’t got no

virtues, they don’t have no life and they certainly are not

gonna preach II Peter 1 nor Ephesians. So they was scared

away from it. Rrr…got off of there.

Now, if they had any fight in them, had any seed in

them, they’d Rrr…right…right back. This is mine, Rrr…


over a big piece of steak, praise God. Amen? I’m trying to

give you a picture. Then they’d say, “Okay buddy, take it

easy. We’ll take half.” Amen? Oh praise God.

Well, there must come an Ephesians. There has got to

be an Ephesians also of this Journey. Just as it was of

other journeys, there has to become an Ephesians, an

Ephesus, an Ephesians of this journey. I’m just driving

this down into you now. Halleluiah. We…we gonna have

a Seven Thunder revival. Another Ephesians is here for a

Seven Thunder revival. The revival will come from

Ephesians. Cause Ephesians is the Seven Seals. The Word

is Jesus. Joshua, Jehovah Savior that took them from the

wilderness into the Promise Land. Do you see it Church?

Joshua means “Jesus Jehovah Savior” That took them out

of the wilderness into the Promise Land and then divided

the inheritance. And today, Ephesians is the Holy Spirit.

And the fivefold ministry, Braham told them to pour the

seven virtues into that Bride to the perfection of the

coming of the Son of God till we all come in the unity of

the faith. Amen. One faith, one Lord, one baptism of the

knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the

measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. In


And that was my prayer that I prayed. Oh halleluiah.

Glory to God. Before the dead…the dead was even raised,

I prayed that prayer. Yes sir. Glory to God. Amen. And it’s

here. I know it’s here. Halleluiah. The power of God is


here. If thou canst believe, halleluiah . Glory to God. You

may be seated.

Joshua raised up for the Exodus. Now page 12, I’m

gonna…I’m gonna close out and leave the question for

the next time. That’s another. I’d be here two hours more.

Amen. Page 12. Okay, let’s nail down what my subject

was here. I’ll get my subject here. Then I’m alright. And

my subject is, the Seven Seals of redemption is that

Ephesians made manifest, I’m gonna drive this down,

then we’re gonna finish. Amen. We’re go…we…we ran

out of time for today. But there’ll be another day when we

shall continue. Aye…we’re in a revival. Halleluiah. Glory.

Aye…now amen. Okay, now. Page 12:

And then Joshua raised up for the Exodus, amen.

Now we’re taught, that’s why I told you to read that, in

Revelation the 6th chapter; the reason I did that, cause in

Revelation 6, gives the six written Seals. Is that correct?

Then it breaks in with Revelation 7, I believed, then

Revelation 8, start breaking into the Thunders and so

forth. I mean the trumpets. And it goes into Revelation 9

and all that. Then it hits Revelations 10.

And Brother Branham thought that he had to bring

the trumpets cause he said so. Then God says, “No, that’s

for Moses and Elijah.” So, but he did get in to the Sixth

trumpet to let us know where we were at in this age. And

he named the sixth trumpet. Hitler and Ickeman and

Stalin. He named it in the 1930’s that killed those six

million Jews. Was the sixth trumpet. Praise God.


So then we could count between 1930 something and

now. We’re between the sixth trumpet and the seventh

trumpet. And at the end of the voice of the Archangel,

which becomes a voice of the Resurrection. I can almost

see that Angel standing there at the last of the Seventh

Angel’s Message crying, “TIME NO LONGER.” Praise

God. And up will come Moses and Elijah. Up will come

Elijah, praise God and the entire Bride and everybody

else. At the last trump, the trump of God, the trumpet of

God shall sound.

But right now we’re still preaching the last

commission in the Voice of the Archangel. Oh halleluiah,

praise God. And that stone of power is here. Now let’s

nail it down here. Now we’re taught in revelation 6th

chapter. I believe, the 6th chapter of the Seven Seals that’s

supposed…the Book is to be sealed up with seven

mysteries or Seven Seals, Revelation 6.

And in the last day Revelation in…in the Seven seals,

Revelation 6. In the last day revelation, in revelation, we

find out that the Laodicean, last messenger of the last age,

and during the time of his prophecy that the Seven Seals

would be opened. The seven mysteries, seven-fold

mysteries that had been left off. To every age there had

been some of it left off. The reformer didn’t have time to

take care of it. In the days of Luther, he only preached

justification by faith. He was gone. They made a church.

After that, Wesley, he preached sanctification and that was

it. And along came the Pentecostals.


But we’re POMISED according to Revelation 10,

and according to Malachi 4, St. Luke 17:30, amen. And so

forth that there is got to come and Ephesians to this. Oh

halleluiah. My, do you see how he tied it into Ephesians?

He tied the Seals, he tied the… Malachi 4, Revelation

10:1-7, St Luke 17:30, into Ephesians. You talking about

a church will be in order then. The Ephesians is not to the

local church, it’s the body of Christ. The others are little

churches to the local bodies, Corinthians and all of them,.

See, it was not the Corinthians because they’re little milk

babies. The milk is all over there, you know, wipe it off,

amen. See?

Not the Hebrew babies, cause they’re still drinking

milk. And some friend of ours phoned me and he talked,

Brother Hunte knows him and wanted us to go and meet

somebody down there. And Brother Paul, I asked him to

go for me cause I didn’t know about no three-hundred

Russians down there. And so I said, “Brother Hunte, look,

just, I have to go down and pray for Brother Hess. I don’t

want to the diverted by going down to Maryland or

somewhere looking for three-hundred Russians.” See now

brother? Amen. They tried to get me down to Maryland

for some, for three-hundred Russians. Brother Hunte

knows the whole story.

He went down there and what a trap was set there.

Poor Brother Hunte. A man come up there with a woman

with pants on and make up and wanted to bring her up

here to get her baptized. And there… whew…I would


have been in that rap. I might have come down stars from

the hotel and there I’d been standing with this woman and

he…and he’s upstairs at the desk somewhere and

somebody drive by from Philadelphia. “There…Hi

Brother Coleman.” See the trap? Just before these

Thunders and this Bride revival comes on. Amen. Oh

your…your…your mind is blown out huh? My, you know

that devil is dirty. That devil is a rascal. He’ll try

everything he can through people in the Message to get

you off the track.

But what it was, I had a bad stomach, I got sick from

all those messages, you may be seated. And I had to go to

the doctor and I had, my stomach was really hurting me. I

didn’t know what it was; took tests and everything,

December 4th. “Brother Hunte, I can’t go down there” I

said, “Do me a favor, go down there and see what this

man is talking about.” Cause we both know him. And then

he told me his side, “Well now, you see, I need you to

come down cause I was walking and I seen a big truck,

you know, those tanks and it was full of milk. And the

Lord said you had enough milk now. I give you some

meat.” I said, “My God, this man, all that milk in the

truck. You mean the truck, a milk truck will tell him that

he’s been drinking milk?

So oh, praise God. Give us another Ephesians, praise

God. Halleluiah. Said, “No, I can’t go down there.” Then

Brother Bellomo and I went down to see Brother Hess.

That’s what I was supposed to be doing. Amen. Brother


Hunte, God bless Brother Hunte. He took that off of me

and went down there and then busted them and whatever

he was supposed to do down there. There wasn’t even

nothing nowhere around. They rode up and down for

three hours looking for Russians. They’d a found all the

Russians they wanted to if you’d just go to Russia. Amen,

praise God. Don’t need to go on a trip like that.

What we need is another Ephesians, not some 300

Russians. Praise God Amen. Brother, I think they…

they’re really gone. Amen. They gonna… “You….you

hear that? A Baptist woman with pants.” My God. Yea,

pants on and everything else. Amen. Well anyway,

Malachi 4 St Luke 17:30, there’s got to become an

Ephesians to this, there must come an Ephesians, that

these sevenfold mysteries of the Word of God must be

unfolded and it’s in the Laodicean Age that this takes

place. I believe we’re there. I believe we’re right in the

Shadows of the coming of the Son of God.

And as for Joshua, just before the Ephesians raised

up, so did John the Baptist raise up before the next

Ephesians, and we’re promised another Ephesians, it is

predicted here in the scripture. Therefore I think that

we’re living in Ephesians, again back to…we’re promised

that was left off during those seven ages. Did you hear

what he said? Joshua raised up before the first Ephesians,

which was called the Book of Joshua. But that was the

Holy Ghost Promise Land in the natural. That was Jesus

Christ. Do you understand? That was the Word. Then


John the Baptist came before the next Ephesians. Who

was that? Jesus Christ. And He was the Son of Man. And

He revealed all the mysteries of the Old Testament. It’s

not given to them. It’s give to you to know the mysteries.

They received the mysteries as the Word of God. And

then took them into the Upper Room. Halleluiah.

Then down come the Ephesians in the Upper Room

and divided the inheritance. That’s number two. Now

bef…in the last day of this journey, there’s got to come

another Ephesians. And so the Son of man come Himself

in Malachi 4, Revelation 10:7. Oh, church, halleluiah,

praise God. There’s got to come another Ephesians, amen.

Remember, redemption is in two parts; out of, into

the Promise Land, the inheritance, then dividing each man

in order. So did John the Baptism raise up just before the

next Ephesians, Jesus Christ. I’m gonna prove this to you.

And we’re promised another Ephesians, it’s predicted in

the Scriptures.

Now Seven Seals of Redemption, Okay here we are.

Here’s my proof. It’s right here. Seven Seals of

Redemption manifests another Ephesians. 91, 92, so

therefore he says here, page 13. Now you cannot add

nothing to the Book or take nothing from it. Now the

Book. What is the Book? Ephesians.

Then you can not take the ministry out of Ephesians,

which is the Book. The revelation of Jesus Christ. I hope

it drops in. I’ll read it again. Now you cannot add nothing

to the Book or take nothing from it, Revelation 22: 18


says so. Now Revelation, Revelation is the Book of the

Revelation of Jesus Christ that was revealed to John. See?

And all those symbols and things and so forth.

And he even said, Revelation 8:1, he says, remember

that dream I had about the little Pentecostal babies and so

forth. He said, here it is, slides right into Revelation 8:1.

So there was no symbol, but he had the tent vision for the

symbol. And he slid it in there. Huh? Okay.

He said it himself. I hope you’re reading it. Amen. So

therefore, take one word, his part will be taken from the

Book of life. Now remember when we said that, before

this Bible be come on word, huh? And you are the Word. I

think I was preaching on one of the tapes. And when Peter

stoop up on the day of Pentecost, three-thousand words,

three-thousand names from the Book of Life heard the

Message. Huh? Then all…then the New Testament is the

believers from seven Church Ages is the New Testament.

That’s on “Souls in Prison.”

And He even called in a New Testament of my

Blood. Oh, so if you’re in the Bride, you are the New

Testament. He did…He did…He didn’t have to write a

Bible, but He knew that Luther and Wesley would come

and the intellectual age would come, they need a Bible.

But Paul’s age, didn’t need a Bible. They…and Irenaeus

and Martin, they…they had the Holy Ghost. The

anointing told them, “Don’t do that, don’t do this.” The

anointing, the conviction that was inside. And when…

when the Bible come out, it would help people who


didn’t…who wasn’t gonna have the Holy Ghost. Millions

times millions. Yes sir.

Oh, I better. I don’t know. My God. Well anyway.

Don’t…his part will be taken from the Book of Life. Now

we cannot add or take. So therefore now, we know that

Luther could not get to it; Wesley and so forth. Reformers,

Finney, Calvin, down, they couldn’t…they didn’t get it at

all. What they had was the Gospel truth.

But now in the last days, we’re given the

understanding by the Word that we’re going to understand

it. That’s why I…today, you are going to understand what

I’m talking about. Today. Tonight. We’re going to

understand it, why? Because it’ll come an Ephesians age

to it. That’s why you’re going to understand. You’re going

to see some people adopted. You’re gonna see the Power

of God. You’re gonna see a Seven Thunder revival and

you’re going to understand it because what did He tell

me? Prove My Word.

And by Proving My Word, then they will understand.

And after they understand, then they will have faith to

enter into the Bride’s promises. That’s what He told me

September 26th, praise God. That you would understand

nothing till another Ephesians come along here. Praise

God. Then you are going to understand it. Halleluiah.

Why? Because there’s going to come another Ephesians

so it. And we’re here. And we’re here. Halleluiah, praise

God. Yes sir. Halleluiah. You may be seated. Oh about

five more minutes? Amen.


You’re going to understand it because it’ll come an

Ephesians age to it and we’re here. Now paradox. I’ll

leave that hang because I’ve just got about ten more

minutes and we’re gonna get to this prayer line, he said.

So okay, now okay, you believe that. Alright.

So we’re gonna understand it by the Word. See?

Cause, see? God’s gonna loose the Seven Seals, Seven

Thunder inspiration. Because it would come an Ephesians

age to it and we’re here, incredible but true. Seven Seals,

Seven Thunders becomes another Ephesians.

Now, amen. Okay. “Rising Of The Sun” page 45. He

is the one who opened those Seals. He is those Seals.

Then Jesus Christ, who is the Ephesians, is the Seven

Seals. That’s…He’s the Word. Is that in the Bible? Seven

Seals written here. Well then, that’s Jesus Christ. But the

devil made it so mysterious and it was so simple. Twenty-

five years, they still…they’re all wound up trying to

figure, “The Thunders.”

And one brother told me, “Brother Joe, uh hum, then

all my dirty nasty sins when the Thunders come, will be

done away with and so will yours.” I said, Brother, all my

nasty dirty sins is done away in the Blood of Jesus

Christ.” Say amen Brother Hunte? The man called me up

and told me that, 1960 something. When the Thunders

come. So therefore you can do what you want to do now.

But when the Thunders come, it’d be done away with.

And he… they didn’t know that they had to fight in the

Thunders for each promise. Oh who do you says this is?


You’ve got to fight and labor in the Thunders

Promise Land. Because the Son of Man, halleluiah, the

evidence of the New Land, amen, the Son of Man. See

what he did? Oh, let…Let me strike this quote and just

freelance a little bit, praise God. Cause I can’t keep

reading here. I…amen. But I’m trying to nail down

Ephesians. Okay.

He is those Seals. Do you know that He’s Seven

Seals and under the Seventh Seal. Which I was gonna

preach on, I can’t. Amen. I’ll do it next time, is Seven

Thunders. Did you understand that? He took the Thunders

from here and put it in Revelation 8:1, just before the

trumpets. And put in the fourth Seal to utter its voices.

Correct? Correcto? Amen. Alright.

He is those Seals. For the whole Word of God. I’m

trying to get a groove here somewhere cause there’s so

much to be said. The whole Word of God is Christ. This is

a quote. And Christ is the Seals that was opened. What is

the opening of those Seals then? Revealing Christ.

Unquote. So you mean that the Seventh Seal, Brother

Branham said, here He is, the one with the Swept-back

wings, here he…he was…he brought the Seventh Seal,

those other seals meant something to me. But I prayed, I

went to the mountains and I did this and I did that. But

Oh, you don’t know what this Seventh Seal means to me.

Cause Brother Branham knew he had prophesied

there’d be Seven Thunders that’s gonna be put under the

Seventh Seal. And Jesus Himself, when He preached on


the Seals Himself, on your Sixth Seal, He preaches in St.

Matthew. And Brother Branham went down through it.

Correct? And he only opened Six Seals. He omitted the

Seventh Seal. Then when he came to it over here with the

Prophet. He preached, he opened Six Seals and then

opened the Seventh. And it says that it opened up to tell

you what’s under there, one fold of it. Seven Thunders

banging; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. He said,

now watch. I ain’t gonna time to give you the quotes, I’ll

hit it again.

He said, but it is connected to His Coming. It is right

there. I have all the pages and everything. The Seven

Thunders is connected to the Seventh Seals, the Coming

of the Lord. So go on back home, he be nice and so forth.

And then I had another quote and he said here on,

“Warning Then judgment,” 1963. I’ll read that there so

give you understanding. Do you love Him? Page 30.

Think what you…think of what we are? Look how

far up the road we are friends. Just look back down the

road from…from way down yonder in the days of Luther,

Wesley and on through the ages. Look here where we’re

at. Right here at the top of the pyramid, right here where

the…God has proved it, that the Bible through the Seven

Seals (that’s written now), perfectly been revealed. Now

watch: waiting only now for them seven mysteries right at

last on the Coming of the Lord and the Rapture. 1963,

after the Seven Seals was revealed, the Prophet said he


was waiting for the Seven Thunders, the last mysteries,

the voices on the Coming of the Lord.

“What Shall We Do With The Jesus Called The

Christ,” page 43. He said, the Book is opened just waiting

for the Seventh Seal to be identified to the Coming of the

Lord. It’s connected together. Then he waited till the shout

message and then he expo…and then he said what it was.

He said, did you get it? He said, the Lord Himself does all

three as He descends. He does the Shout, Voice and

Trump. And the Shout is the Message going forth, the

Bread of God to gather the Bride to bring her together.

For way two years before that he said that the Seven

Thunders gathers the Bride together. Well, right at last on

the Coming of the Lord, it comes together. The Thunders

gathers the Bride together. At 1965, over here, “The

Rapture,” tape. Therefore he says, Malachi 4’s Message is

the bread gathering the people together. And over here it

was a mystery, over here it was known. And it’s the same

thing. And the Prophet himself said it himself. Oh praise

God. I don’t know. Amen. You…you got it? Huh? You

know, praise God. I don’t know.

Believe I’ll read this to you here. “Proving His

Word,” page 52 and 53, I’m gonna cut off. Do you believe

we’re living in the last days, when the Son of Man was to

be manifested? That would be all the Word that’s gathered

up through Luther, Wesley, Baptist and all that and the

Pentecostals. Now watch. All gathered up to the

revelation of what it’s all been. And Seven Thunders on


the back side holds the revelation of what it’s all been.

And the Third Pull is to open the Word by the Seven

Thunders holding the revelation of what it’s all been. My

God. Now watch.

The Seventh Seal, Angel rather, was to open, watch,

the Sixth Seal mystery. And that’s why he opened six.

Cause he said, that’s all he was supposed to do because

Jesus opened six. And Jesus Himself is the one, He was

the Son of Man. So he opened six seals and let them play

around for 25 years. And revealed every mystery in that

Elijah. And that was the Seventh Seal, Jesus Christ.

Christ, Seventh Seal, the Angel represented with the big

swept-back wings. That was Brother Branham’s Message.

And it went through 1963 and went on through there.

Then it went across the country. And then a earth…the

earthquake. Still waiting for the Coming of the Lord.

Then one day June 14, “Come To The Unveiling of The

Mighty God.” What happened on June 14th? Oh brother,

sister, are you catching it? Look, don’t you see? It’s been

veiled though these ages according to what God said. And

it would be opened up in the last days. Those Seven Seals

and would be broke and all…and the full thing would

come into the view of the people, what’s took place all


The hour of the seventh angel’s message, all the

mysteries of God should be made known in that Elijah in

this last hour. Every mystery. Thunders and all. Ephesians

would be made known in Elijah. Then Elijah would speak


mysteries as the Word of God. Seven Thunders on the

earth in a message. And they would turn it down and

reject it, looking for something else. And it’s already

happened. Halleluiah.

We’re now ready for the Bride’s revival. What we

seen, halleluiah, should put us in action, should make a

church that’ll make a revival. Where something has broke

out of New York City. The manifestation of the Seven

Thunders. Musicians, praise God. Thank you Jesus,

halleluiah. Oh my. Halleluiah.

All the mysteries of God should be made known in

that…in that Elijah. And what is…how the Christ is put

out of His Church, Son of God. How He’s revealed as Son

of Man again. How that the Church is to be put in order.

That’s why I had to put “A” and “O” in order. You ain’t

getting nothing until you get in your place. It’s not me, it’s

God. Just be nice and come here Sunday night. God will

bless you Amen.

Cause, otherwise, you’ll never have nothing. And

then…and the ones that don’t want to do it, I don’t believe

it’s the real believers. I cannot believe that. I cannot

believe a Holy Ghost person would not want to come here

Sunday night for one Sunday a month. I don’t believe

that. It’s got to be somebody without the Holy Ghost who

can’t even see the kingdom of God nor understand it.

Now that’s striking but I mean for it to pinch.

Sick and tired of this flesh that don’t want to stay in

the Word of God. Halleluiah. Praise God. Glory to God.


Amen. How the Church would be put in order and

everything in the last days, the creed, no denomination, no

creed. Just absolutely the Word living in the individual.

I’ll take one, I’ll leave one. I’ll take this and I’ll leave that

one. See? There’s no strings, no denomination, no

bindings or nothing. It’s the heart with God and Him

alone. There you are. Alright.

The seventh angel was supposed to open Six Seal

mystery. Then the Seventh Seal and all the mysteries

would be revealed in that Elijah. Whew. And under the

Seventh Seal, what did he put under there, revelation 8:1?

Seven Thunders. Then what did he say? Seven Thunders.

What else could he say? He already revealed the Six Seals

already. Then what was he supposed to preach? Amen. He

is those Seals. Halleluiah. Oh, Quickening power. Oh here

am I at. Okay.

It’s all gathered up in the Son of Man. And the Son of

Man is the Seventh Seal. And the Seventh Seal and the

Son of Man is in Elijah. And it gathers all the mysteries

up into him, what he preached in March ’63, and when he

goes out he unveils God. “Marriage And Divorce,” and all

these things. See, it’s the Word. There’s nothing greater

than the Word. And the people were looking for this and

looking for that and it’s Word. It’s promises, Son of Man,

amen, the evidence of the New Land. Halleluiah. And you

take it by promise. By…you fight for it. Halle…that’s

mine. That’s mine. Halleluiah. Praise God


It’s all gathering up into the Son of Man. His fullness

of time has come to the fullness of His Word. Now watch,

to manifest the fullness of His body, that’s the Word then,

now watch. That’s the Spoken Word. What is the Spoken

Word? This Bible, the Spoken Word is the original Seed

that God spoke and don’t hybrid it, it’ll come…it’ll come

to pass and do what it said it’s supposed to do. Yes sir.

This is the Spoken Word.

And Brother Branham said here, the Spoken Word,

amen, made manifest by the Word. Who’s the Word? St.

Luke 17:30, is making the Spoken Word made manifest.

If they could only see that. My God. the Spoken Word

made manifest by the Word reveals the Word. Now this is

the revealed Word. This is the Promise Land, another

Ephesians. Whew. Halleluiah, praise God. And how can

the people go around here, there’s no spirit, just looking

around, down on the ground somewhere. Oh

You know who the Voice of the Archangel is? Huh?

Page 577, “Revelation, Chapter 4.” Amen. The Voice.

Let’s speak on that Voice. The same Voice that summoned

John to come up, the same Voice said to John, come up, is

the same Voice that’ll summons the Church someday.

Amen. Summons the Church.

And also the same Voice that summoned John to

come up is the same Voice that summoned dead Lazarus

out of the grave. That same Voice, Voice of the Archangel,

Christ is the Voice of the archangel. Oh see? Voice of the

Archangel. Oh that trumpet Voice summoned John to


come up. Christ is the Voice of the Archangel. What’s so

strange about preaching the last commission in the Voice

of the Archangel in another Ephesians? Huh?

Now, you’re warned today, don’t you taken any

words out of this Bible. Don’t come against anything in

Ephesians or anything. Don’t come against any ministry

or anything. Yes sir. I’m just telling you, that’s all.

Quickening power let you see all this there this morning.

Who is another…who is another…another Ephesians?

Page 18. Amen.

There have been many men raised up, Okay, I’ll skip.

And then when He come on the scene to prove that He

was that Ephesians made manifest. John announced it but

Jesus was that. He was the Word manifest Himself. And

then when all of our promises, the inheritance from the

Book of Ephesians is made manifest, who will that be?

Jesus Christ. Oh, Ephesians. Oh, I don’t…I want you to

get it, you know. And so, John announced it and Jesus was

that. He was the Word manifest. The Seven Seals of

Redemption is that Ephesians made manifest. The Word

manifested because the Seventh Seal had Seven Thunders

under it. And that was the Ephesians. That’s right. We’re

here. I believe with all my heart that Jesus Christ made

the promise. There must come another…and how much

more has He promised, page 19, and believing the Bible

to this very age that we’re living in, the Ephesians again

of the church ages.


We’ve got Seven Church Ages. We’re promised at the

Laodicean Age, church age, there would be another

Ephesians. That’s right. We are here. I believe with all my

heart that Jesus Christ who made the promise. I’ve been…

I’ve combed over this thing back and forth. I didn’t know

I was gonna do this today, but catch the revelation here

Church? When the Seven Seals and Seven Thunders are

unfolded in the Laodicean Church Age, it would produce

another Ephesians, a perfect man, a perfect Church. And

the Book of Ephesians, a glorious Church without spot or

wrinkle, huh? Oh halleluiah. That would be holy and no

blemishes. That’s the Ephesians. Oh my.

One body, one spirit, halleluiah. One hope, one

Father, one faith, on the whole thing there. Where do you

stand here on this third Phase this morning? Another

Ephesians is here for the Bride’s Seven Thunder revival.

The Revelation of the Seven Seals and the Seven

Thunders would produce another Ephesians to bring forth

the Bible…the Bride rather, Joseph Perfection, the Pillar

of Fire dwelling in the adopted sons. So we’re here. Oh

praise God.

There’s one thing I wanted to end up here with you

on. Amen Praise God. This is that…okay. I’ve got this last

quote here. Brother Branham says here. Amen. He did the

Spoken Word and he spoke about Joshua, sun stand still

and he said that was the Ephesians. Okay. That’s there

too. Sun stand still. He said, an Ephesians, it’s an Ephesus

with the Gospel. It was a paradox. The Spoken Word was


Ephesians, Jesus. Page 28. And he goes into the

discernment. And he discerns and this is Ephesians.

Discernment was Ephesians. Signs, wonders and miracles

was Ephesians. Then he goes in here again on page 27,


That’s right. Now if he’ll do that for you, between

you and I so that the audience, not a show, but that they

might see the Ephesus is here. And that this is the thing

that bridges between denomination and the Glory Land.

Oh halleluiah. You know why I sing, “Across the

Bridge?” Across the bridge there’s no more sorrow. It’s

Ephesians. Oh my God, we’re here, another Ephesians.

It’s the bridge that comes from Laodicean over into Glory,

into the Resurrection. On that bridge. And you’re on that

bridge, oh halleluiah.

Some other things I wanted to say, I’ll just. Alright,

I’ll say this here. I’m finished, close. My inspiration, what

is faith? Faith is something that you don’t…is not here

as yet. But you believe it is. “Now what do mean by that

Brother Coleman?” Noah was revealed that it was gonna

rain. But it was not yet. A hundred and twenty and twenty

years, it will rain. That’s faith that is not yet. But the

substance is there. Do you see it now? Then when it

rained, there was the Rapturing Grace?

Seven Thunders give faith. For what? For Rapturing

Grace. And Rapturing Grace is what? The Holy Ghost.

Halleluiah. Seven Thunders give faith. Seven thunders

give faith. What for? Rapturing Grace. Another


Ephesians. And we’re here. Oh God bless you, praise

God. Ephesians is the bridge between denomination and

Glory Land. Halleluiah, praise God. I got to close out.

Amen. Amen. I’m finished. Seventh Seal. I was gonna

speak on that. Amen. The claiming Seal, the proving seal,

the inheritance, the title deed, supreme control authority;

the whole thing, praise God. It’s all under there. So may

God richly bless you. And I’ll see you next year, God…

God willing. Amen. Praise God.

There’s gonna to be a Seven Thunder revival. Do you

know what I’m doing here today? Huh? Do you know

why I’m preaching on this here today? On November

24th, I said. “Lord, what…what am I supposed to do?” He

said, “You better come back on the 22nd.” I said “Well

why the 22nd?” he said “well,” He said, “You count the

days.” He says, “Brother Ortiz was raised from the dead

on November 3rd, and fifty days later will be

November…December 22nd.” I said, “Oh, I see.” I said,

“Wow, that’s really something.” And that’s why I’m here

today. It’s fifty days later. Praise God.

And you know what? He also told me why I had to

preach on this here. I didn’t get to all of it. He said,

“Because one day in 1962, my prophet was laying in the

bed and seven angels come from Eternity in a vision on

December 22nd, 1962. So you go in there and preach on

them seven thunders that them seven angels was

bringing.” Sirs, is this the time for a manifestation of the

Seven Thunders? You go in there and preach on them


seven angels, amen. Them Seven Seals and the whole

thing on December 22nd. Amen. Praise God. And today is

December 22nd. Halleluiah.

So may God put the…the Fire, the cap on the

pyramid of your life for 1992. God bless you and a

blessed happy New Year. Praise the Lord. Praise God.

Amen. Amen. Halleluiah.

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