who was yâwhuah

Post on 10-Feb-2017






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היהא YâwHu is First


Yâhuwchânâ´n 16:28

I came forth out of the Father and have come into the world. But

in turn, I AM leaving the world and going back the Father.”




functions as a marker of contrast, with the implication of a


in a nutshell

The statement I am leaving the world and going to the Father is a

summary of the entire Besorah of Yâhuwchânâ´n. It summarizes

the earthly career of the Word made flesh, (YâwHuaH

HaMeshiakh), on his mission beginning with his entry into the world

as he came forth from YâwHu and concluding with his departure

from the world as he returned to the Father.

The Greek word being used for “came forth” is 1831, exerchomai

(ex-er'-khom-ahee); which means, “to issue.” YâwHuaH could

have said, I came from the Father, or I was sent by the Father; but

instead the verb “to issue” is specifically used to convey the idea

that YâwHuaH “proceeded out from his Father.” This sentence

alone should be enough to make any Christian question the false

idea of a trinity.

The Trinitarian formula (known as the Comma Johanneum) made

its way into the third edition of Erasmus’ Greek NT (1522) because

of pressure from the Catholic Church.

The truth is

As YâwHuaH told, he is YâwHH, creator and saviour. The Meshiakh

came forth from YâwHu

And is testified by the schema

Deut 6:4

Hear, O Ishra’al: The YâwHu our YâwHuaH is First: 5 And thou shalt

love YâwHu thy YâwHH (Plural in the singular) with all thine heart,

and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words,

which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:


'a chad


Perhaps a primitive root; to unify, that is, (figuratively) collect (ones

thoughts): - go one way or other.

YHhD Unite:

go one way or other

The riddle begins by dividing the hearer from the listener by creating the riddle. The riddle ends with the answer uniting the


A uniting together. All things are a unity with something else (one

man is a unity of body, breath and mind, one family is a unity of

father, mother and children, one tree is a unity of trunk, branches

and leaves, one forest is a unity of trees).

And is ratified by the WORD in the Renewed Covenant

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 5:8

Because there are three that testify:

the Rúakh, and the water, and the blood, and the three are for

the One.

This is the One that came by water and blood: YâwHuaH

HaMeshiakh, not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is

the Rúakh YâwHu who bears witness, because the Rúakh is the


First was the Natural, then the Rúakh and then mankind

Yâhuwchânâ´n 16:29.

His pupils state to Him:

“Look! Now You do speak plainly, and You do not speak any


Allegory is a story in which characters and events are symbols that

stand for ideas about human life …...

In other words, YawHuaH spoke the truth

Yâhuwchânâ´n 16:30.

Now we do know that You know all things, and it is unnecessary

that anyone should question You. By this we are persuaded that

You did come forth out of the mighty One.”

Wake up and read that again your salvation depends on it

If we receive the witness of men, the witness of YâwHuaH is

greater, because this is the witness of YâwHu which He has

witnessed concerning His Son. The one who believes in the Son of

YâwHu has the witness in himself, the one who does not believe

YâwHu has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the

witness that YâwHu has given concerning His Son. And this is the

witness: that YâwHu has given us everlasting life, and this life is in

His Son. He who possesses the Son possesses life, he who does not

possess the Son of YâwHu does not possess life.

This cannot be speaking of the world religion who have their roots

are in Qayin

The true YâhuwtHâ’H (I’shra’al) are those who

Disclosure 12:17.

For the dragon was angry at the woman, (enowsh/ mortal)

(assembly) and went to make war against the remainder of her

Seed: those who observe the commandments of YâwHu, and

maintain the testimony of YâwHuaH`.

(mortal has in mankind/ 144, 000 DNA)

This is the key to HaÂwdam; the same cannot be said of

Sâţâ´n Because he was not made of the natural sequence of events

The testimony is the Rúakh, and the water, and the blood, and the

three are for the One. The whole world is deceived into not

believing on YâwHuaH, but have instead turned to “replacement


Sâţâ´n naḥash

(soccerer. Magician, whisper, spellmaker)

(has planted darnel seed amongst the wheat seed), Rúakhless

copies of mankind, not containing the seed of the father; but of

Sâţâ´n the father of Qayin

1 And Âwdam knew Chawwah his wife, (na shı ym/adulteress) and

she conceived and bore Qayin, and said, “I have gained a man .

Yeho va h, Yehudi national name of a Elohíym ,

Whom YâwHuaH spoke of in MattiYahuw

But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to

his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath

warned you to flee from the wrath to come? O generation of

vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the

abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. But when he saw

many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he

said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to

flee from the wrath to come?

The Demons (evil Rúakh) knew who YâwHuaH was is and will be

So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to

go away into the herd of swine. And he said unto them, Go. And

when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and,

behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place

into the sea, and perished in the waters.

Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of

swine feeding. And all the devils besought him, saying, send us

into the swine, that we may enter into them. And forthwith Jesus

gave them leave. And the unclean Rúakh went out, and entered

into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into

the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the



Mattiyahuw 13:24.

Another parable He put before them, saying:

“The Reign of YâwHu has become like a Man sowing good seed

within his field.

Mattiyahuw 13:25.

But while the Man slept, his enemy came and sowed darnel in the

midst of the wheat and went away.

Mattiyahuw 13:26.

And when the blade sprouted and produced fruit, then the darnel

also appeared.

Mattiyahuw 13:27.

And the bondmen of the Sovereign of the house, having

approached Him, said to Him:

‘My Sovereign, didn’t You sow good seed in Your field? From

where then does it have the darnel?’

Mattiyahuw 13:28.

And He said to them:

‘A man, an enemy, did this.’ And the bondmen said to Him,

‘Then do You wish, having gone forth, we should gather them?’

Mattiyahuw 13:29.

But He said:

‘No – lest gathering the darnel, ye should uproot the wheat with


Mattiyahuw 13:30.

Permit both to grow together until the harvest, then within harvest

season I will say to the harvesters,

“Gather first the darnel, and bind them into bundles to burn them;

but bring the wheat together into My granary.”’”

Sâţâ´n For the purpose of achieving one goal,

Wants to manipulate and destroy the original blue prints (DNA) of

Âwdam, (mankind) this is the replacement theology that lies to

the whole world; proclaiming a licence of sin under grace, and

not grace under the license of truth



And unless those days had been shortened by YâwHu, there

would not have any flesh been saved, but due to the selected,

which He chose

Our very existence depends upon FAITH, from BELIEVE and


For only the do you receive the gift of the Rúakh YâwHu;

Márquwç 13:19

For those days shall be a great oppression, of such a sort as hasn’t

existed from the beginning of the world’s creation, which ’YâwHH

(the mighty Ones) created, until now, no, nor ever shall be;

Márquwç 13:20.

And unless YâwHu had shortened those days, not any flesh would

have been saved! Nevertheless, due to the select ones whom He

chose, He has shortened the days.

Márquwç 13:21.

And then, if anyone might say to you: “Look! Here is the Anointed

One! ” Or “Look, there!” Do not believe it!

Márquwç 13:22.

For there will arise false anointed ones and predicators of the Lie,

and these will give great signs and wonders towards leading

astray, if possible, even the selected!

Márquwç 13:23.

But ye, beware: look! I have foretold all things to you. Therefore, if

they say to you: ‘Look! He is in the wilderness!’ Do not go out

there; ‘ Look! In the dispensary!

(a place where medicine or minor medical treatment is givern a

drug needed to ensure continued life/ False immortality)

Disclosure 22:15.

But out with [the dogs,] and the drug addicts, and the male

whores, and the murderers, and the image-worshippers, and

everyone who likes and makes a Lie.”

2 Tim 3: 1.

Now recognize this: that within the final days’ difficult times will be


2 Tim 3: 2.

For the sons of Âwdam will be lovers of their selves, lovers of silver, (

money) ostentatious, haughty, scorners, to the fathers rebelliously

unpersuadable, unthankful, impure,

2 Tim 3: 3.

Uncaring for their fellows, truce-breakers, accusers, without self-

control, savage, without love for good ones,

2 Tim 3: 4.

Traitors, reckless, swollen with pride, lovers of hedonism

Was not Hedonism that caused Chawwah to fall from grace

And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was

pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, and

she took of its fruit and ate. And she also gave to her husband with

her, and he ate

rather than lovers of [the name of] YâwHu:

2 Tim 3: 5.

Maintaining an appearance of reverence for [the name of]

YâwHu, yet denying the force of it [the name]: Remove those who

are thus from among you!

2 Tim 3: 6.

For from these are those infiltrating into the houses and

captivating little women laden with sins, induced by various


2 Tim 3: 7.

Always learning, yet never able to come unto the

acknowledgment of the Truth!

2 Tim 3: 8.

And in the way Yânnë´ç and Yâmbrë´ç stood against Moshéh

thus also these ones stand against the Truth: men completely

corrupted in mindset, unapproved concerning the persuasion.

Yânnë´yç and Yâmbrë´ç were two Egyptian




Supernatural powers used by idolaters.

(properly) to whisper a spell, i.e.



(human form)

(also known has the Serpent of Bber 3:1

whispered/enchanted/spell bound Chawwah

to incant or practice magic. who in the presence of Pharaoh

imitated the miracles of Aaron in order to destroy his influence

with the king. The author of the epistle derived their names from

the tradition of the Talmudists and the Yehuwthíy teachings

[the Scroll of Yâshâ´r 79: 27],

And when they had gone, Phar`óh sent for Bil`â´m the luminary

orb-worshipping sorcerer-priest [148 years old] and to Yânnë´ç

and Yâmbrë´yç his sons, and to all the luminary orb-worshipping

sorcerer-priests and conjurors and counsellors that belonged to

the king, and they all came and sat before the king.

As these magicians, the false teachers opposed YâwHu revealed

truth, possessed corrupt minds, and were outside the fold of the


2 Tim 3: 9.

Nevertheless, they shall not advance farther, for their stupidity shall

be entirely clear to all, as also that stupidity of those ones did


For at that time

YirmYâ’huw 4:11

At that time it shall be said to this people and to Yerushaliiyim, “A

scorching wind of the bare heights blows in the wilderness toward

the daughter of My people, not to fan or to cleanse.

YirmYâ’huw 4: 12

“A wind too strong for this shall come for Me. Now it is I who speak

judgments against them.

YirmYâ’huw 4: 13

“See, he comes up like clouds, and his chariots like a whirlwind. His

horses shall be swifter than eagles. Woe to us, for we shall be


2 Qorinthíym11:14

Yet it is not to be wondered at, for Sâţâ´n (the Adversary) himself

transformed himself into an envoy of light!

[1 Âwdam and Chauwâ´h 27: 12]

1No sooner had Âwdam said this, than an envoy from YâwHu

appeared to him in the cave, who said to him, “O Âwdam, fear

not. This is Sâţâ´n and his hosts; he wishes to deceive you as he

deceived you at first. For the first time, he was hidden in the

serpent; but this time he is come to you in the likeness of an envoy

of Light; in order that, when you worshipped him, he might enslave

you, in the very presence of ’ALuahymn.”

[MattithYâ´huw 24: 26]

those days shall be shortened.

YâwHuaH ponders a question we all need to understand

Luwqá 18:8

I tell you, He will vindicate them speedily. Yet the Son of Âwdam

(man) will come; and will he find faith on the earth?

1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 3: 23

And these are His commandments: that we should believe on the

name of His Son, YâwHuaH `the Anointed and we should

Affectionately love one another, just as He has given

commandment to us delegates.

This is the meaning of the world Philadelphia meaning brotherly

love, has givern to us in the 10 utterances, and a completion of

the Torah

The Very Name YâwHuaH bears witness he came forth from the


Has did Âwdam

Bber 1:26

and YâwHu ALuahymn said, we will make Âwdam in our image

like our likeness and he will rule in the swimmers of the seas and in

the flyers (messengers) of the sky and in the beast and in all of the

land and in all of the treaders treading upon the land,

the word “Image” comes from


H6754 Image: Also an image or form of something as the shadow of the

original. image, vain, form|

YâwHH (plural is Natural) and Âwdam was made in his image

(shadow, Ghost, Rúakh)

The natural image of YâwHu is pure Light

Âw means pure light

Now lets read that again

Bber 1:26

and YâwHu ALuahymn said, we will make Âwdam in our image

like our likeness and he will rule in the swimmers of the seas and in

the flyers (messengers) of the sky and in the beast and in all of the

land and in all of the treaders treading upon the land,

in other words, to rule the world

Bber 1:27

and ALuahymn fattened Âwdam in his image, in the image of

ALuahymn he fattened him, male and female he fattened them,

Bber 1:28

and ALuahymn respected them and ALuahymn said to them,

reproduce and increase and fill the land and subdue her and rule

in the swimmers of the seas and in all the living ones treading upon

the land,

Bber 1:29

and ALuahymn said, look, I gave to you all of the herbs sowing

seed which are upon the face of the land and all of the trees

which are in him, produce of the trees sowing seed for you will

exist for food,

Bber 1:30

and to all of the living ones of the land and to all of the flyers of

the sky and to all of the treading ones upon the land which is in

him a being of life, all of the green herbs for food and he existed


Âwdam did not walk on the land until he was removed from the


1st book of Âwdam and Chauwâ´h

1. But when our father ’Âwdam and Chauwâ´h went out of the

garden, they walked the ground on their feet, not knowing they

were walking.

Âwdam was created male and female not of the earth but of

cosmic dust

Bber 2:8

And YâwHu ALuahymn planted a garden in Pardë’ç, to the east,

and there He put Âwdam whom He had formed.

Âwdam was formed by the cosmic dust of the universe, the beasts

of the earth

(Note from author; the scriptures were not versed, chaptered or

numbered until developed by Stephen Langton an Archbishop of

Canterbury; the dividing results is the scriptures no longer flowing

like living water)

Âwdam because of sin became HaÂwdam

YâwHu gave Âwdam a physical body

Âwdam was not created HaÂwdam (man) but was transformed

after Bber 2:5 for it is written

Bber 2:5

Now no shrub of the field was yet on the earth, and no plant of

the field had yet sprung up, for YâwHu Aluahymn had not sent

rain on the earth, and there was no man to till the ground,

So we see

Was not Âwdam, YâwHu first born and Hhawah came forth from

Âwdam, just as YâwHuaH came forth from YâwHu?

Like YâwHu being First, and separate YâwHuaH (voice of) went

forth has the word YâwHH (plural) so he separated the Ruakh

Âwdam from the physical CHhawwah (emphasis on the ah) has

were the 10 utterances on two tablets of stone; the first has

obedience to YâwHu, the second to ones neighbour.

The word Chauwâ´h points to a covering tissue, also fence and

limitation, and also a twined thread (DNA) the linen covering


Abundant co: Bone ab: Abundance: The numerous bones of the body are the strength to the body.

and the Âwdam said this time is bone from my bones and flesh

from my flesh for this she will be called out woman (Iysha) given

that from man this was taken as the bones are the tree of the


To see, to see to, seer, to watch

(a voiced pharyngeal fricative)

Originally there was a harder variant (ghah/ghayin) meaning

surrounding or covering


The next notion is that of New Life

Is not Ishra’al his first born

YâwHuaH said to Mosheh, “You will say this to Pharaoh (who is a

likeness of Sâţâ´n)

'Shemot 4:22-23

This says YâwHuaH, Ishra’al is My son, My firstborn. So I say to you,

let My son go that he may serve Me. But if you refuse to let him go,

indeed I will kill your son, your firstborn

The term YahuwDah (Ishra’al) comes from the word YâhuwtHâ’H

and not the word YehuwDah (the Jewish nation) , it is no the law

of the Jews ( why would they copy the Torah) or hide his true

name, but of YâwHu covenant to HaÂwdam ( mankind),

because of sin, skin and blood

Bber 2:7

and YâwHuaH of ALuahiym moulded the HaÂwdam of powder

from the ground and he exhaled in his nostrils a breath of life and

the HaÂwdam existed for a being of life,

so the body inhaled life (Ha) from the giver of life (aH), but the

body was made of the dust

(the full meaning being)

( has we expound)

And YâwHu breathed his life and created HaÂwdam (man) from

the dust of the ground and By His exhaled breathe through an

opening (mouth) creating a flow of air from himself ( aH) to the

creation of HaÂwdam (Ha) breathing life into his mortal soul. The

voiced sounded of (aw) from YâwHu who through an opening

(mouth) to allow airflow (ah) new life,(ah)and then created from

the first a second life which appeared in two forms of life by the

(10) That one day he would redeem the curse that Âwdam was

under because of sin, power of the first would created a seed, by

being himself born of HaÂwdamkin And he placed his breathe in

the body of dust by the open protected palm of YâwHu and it



Ah-PR) Powder:

An abundant amount of powdery substance as dust or ash. dust, earth, powder, rubbish, ash, mortar, ground|

Bber 3:19b

given that you are powder and to powder you will turn back

Bber 3:21

and YâwHu of Aluahymn made for HaÂwdam and for his

Hhawah tunics of skin and he clothed them,

Even though YâwHu had made the mould from clay to house the

very essence of life, HaÂwdam was still cut off from the

22 And YâwHH said, “See, the Âwdam has become like one of Us,

to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and

take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever...”

23 so YâwHu Aluahymn sent him out of the Bayith Pardë’ç to till

the ground from which he was taken,

24 and He drove the HaÂwdam out. And He placed Keruvim at

the east of the Bayith Pardë’ç, and a flaming sword which turned

every way, to guard the way to the tree of life. H120


(aw-dawm') n-m.

As you also brought up, the answer to this question lies in the

parable of the wheat and the darnel. (Darnel being the

poisonous look alike of wheat.) There are two seed lines, Ishra’al

and the line of Qayin, “who was of the evil one.”

Let this be your prayer too


Aluahymn YâwHuaH ‘HaMeshiakh

In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

Yâwhu be with you.' and they answered him, Yâwhu bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they

heard that YâwHuaH passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on

us, O Yâwhu, [thou]

Ben David. An YâwHuaH stood still, and called them, and said,

what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, Yâwhu, that

our eyes may be opened. So YâwHuaH had compassion [on

them], and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes

received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours

shalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of Yâwhu


Remember me and pray for me that Yâwhu will be gracious unto

me and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him.

Peace be to them that read and that hear these things and to

their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give A rule necessary, and of great

extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though worthy of his

Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for

hire, or make a secular traffic of the Rúakh (Raukhual work): what

a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at

least, to have received from the Rúakh YâwHu, of which he is not

the master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or

make a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous sacrilege

The Everlasting Covenant is The Sabbath

YâwHuaH `HaMeshiakh

be with your Rúakh

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