who is it

Post on 22-May-2015






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““Who is s/he?”Who is s/he?”GameGame

““Who is s/he?”Who is s/he?”GameGame

She is a girl. She is young and beautiful. She is thin.

She is not short. She is tall. She has got long blonde

hair. She has got blue eyes. She is wearing a new

blue shirt and she is happy.

Who is she?

She is a girl. She is young and beautiful. She is not thin.

She is fat. She is not tall. She is short. She has got short

brown hair. She has got big blue eyes. She is wearing a

new green shirt and she is happy.

Who is she?

She is a girl. She is young and beautiful. She is not fat.

She is thin. She is tall. She is not short. She has got long

purple hair. She has got big brown eyes and a small

nose. She is wearing a new pink shirt and she is happy.

Who is she?

She is a girl. She is young and beautiful. She is not fat.

She is thin. She is not short. She is tall. She has got short

red hair. She has got big brown eyes. She is wearing a

new purple shirt a green skirt and long purple boots. She

is happy.

Who is she?

He is a boy. He is young and handsome. He is not fat. He

is thin. He is not short. He is tall. He has got long light

brown hair. He has got small brown eyes. He is wearing a

new blue jacket and black trousers. He is happy.

Who is he?

She is a girl. She is young and beautiful. She is not fat.

She is thin. She is not tall. She is short. She has got short

black hair. She has got big brown eyes. She is not sad.

She is happy.

Who is she?

He is a boy. He is young and handsome. He is not fat. He

is thin. He is not short. He is tall. He has got short brown

hair. He has got small brown eyes. He is wearing a new

white jacket. He is happy.

Who is he?

He is a boy. He is young and handsome. He is not fat. He

is thin. He is not tall. He is short. He has got orange hair.

He has got small blue eyes. He is wearing an old white

shirt. He is not happy. He is sad .

Who is he?

He is a man. He is old and ugly. He is not thin. He is fat.

He is not tall. He is short. He has got long white hair. He

has got small brown eyes. He has got a big nose. He is


Who is he?

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