which of the following is another name for the skin? integument. cutaneous membrane

Post on 30-Mar-2015






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Which of the following is another name for the skin?

Integument. cutaneous membrane

The skin consists of ____ regions.

2 regions

The epidermis and dermis make up


The epidermis

is the outer layer of skin.consists of stratified squamous epithelial

cells. contains melanocytes

In which layer of the epidermis are cells constantly dividing?

stratum basale

Which of the following types of cells are NOT found in the epidermis?

Red blood cells

What happens to cells when they move from the epidermis to the surface of the skin?

They die

What is responsible for skin color?

A. caroteneB. melanin

C. hemoglobinD. All of the above

A person with no color in their skin, hair, and eyes has

A genetic disorder

The inability to produce the pigment melanin is called


Which layer of the epidermis protects from abrasion and is

found only in thick skin?

stratum lucidum

Keratin is

A waterproof protein


A. is a pigment.B. protects the skin from ultraviolet

radiation.C. is located in the epidermis

Which layer contains blood vessels AND nerve fibers?


Which of the following prevents the skin from

overstretching and gives it strength?

Collagen fibers

The dermis is composed of

Dense irregular connective tissue

Poorly oxygenated blood in the dermis will cause an invividual to

Turn cyanotic

The ___________ contains adipose tissue, while

the ___________ contains melanocytes.

hypodermis, epidermis

Adipose tissue

A. is for insulation.B. gives a rounded appearance to the

body.C. in excess results in obesity

. Hair is produced by epithelial cells located in the


. Which consists of keratinized cells?

A. hairB. nails

C. stratum corneum

. The arrector pili A. is a smooth muscle.

B. causes hair to "stand on end."C. contracts when cold, forming goose bumps.*D. is described by all of these characteristics.

What type of gland is associated with hair follicles?

Sebaceous glands

What type of skin gland secretes sweat?

sudoriferous gland

What type of skin gland secretes earwax?

ceruminous gland

Impetigo is

a bacterial infection resulting in crusty pustules

Athlete's foot is

A fungal infection

Dandruff is

caused by over keratinization.

Eczema is

caused by sensitivity to chemicals

Which is the most dangerous form of skin cancer?

malignant melanoma

In the ABCDE rule for melanoma, "B" stands for

borders that are irregular.

Pain is rarely felt from a

third-degree or fourth-degree burn.

The epidermis only is damaged from a

First-degree burn

The epidermis and part of the dermis are damaged from a

Second-degree burn

Severe burns result in

A. fluid loss.B. heat loss.

C. bacterial infection

The following are effects of ageing skin?

. The skin wrinkles. The hair turns gray.

There are fewer sweat glands.

. Functions of the skin?

A. protectionB. sensory reception

C. synthesis of vitamin D

Protective functions of the skin

Melanocytes protect from UV radiation. As a covering, it keeps pathogens out.

Langerhans cells phagocytize pathogens.

Properties of the skin. It is waterproof.

It prevents water loss. It prevents water from entering when immersed.

What is needed to produce vitamin D?

Ultraviolet light

. Along with sweat glands, what actively regulates body temperature?

Blood vessels

. What occurs when the body's temperature regulatory mechanism is overcome?

. either hypothermia or hyperthermia

What condition is described by high temperature, low blood pressure, and loss of salts due to profuse sweating?

Heat exhaustion

Which would NOT occur when the body temperature is too low?

. dermal blood vessel dilationor sweat production

The skin is both an organ and an organ system.


The epidermis is very vascular


The stratum basale is supplied with sensory nerves to detect pain, temperature, and touch.


The dermal papillae, found in the hypodermis, create the unique fingerprints of individuals


Another name for hives is psoriasis.


Exposure to sunlight is the most common cause of skin cancer


An adult with third-degree burns over 15% of their body would NOT be considered critical


Many age-related changes to the skin appear to be due to sun damage.


The skin aids the urinary system by excreting water and small amounts of other wastes

through perspiration


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