where do we live??? the student will develop a model to show earth-sun- moon relationships

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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MRS. LYMAN’S LIST JupiterVenusAsteroid Belt International Space System Big DipperLittle Dipper OrionHalley CometPluto EarthUranusMeteor MarsMercuryMilky Way Galaxy Andromeda GalaxySaturnNeptune MoonSunOort Cloud CharonHeliosphereSatellites


Where Do We Live???

The student will develop a model to show Earth-Sun-Moon relationships

DIRECTIONS:• On a sheet of paper, list all the items you can think of that are located in our solar system.• Share your list with two people sitting next to you and add items to your list.• List 2 facts about each object on your list.• Compare your list with the one on the board.• In groups of 3 create a concept map that shows relationships/placements of your objects and where they are located in our solar system.

MRS. LYMAN’S LISTJupiter Venus Asteroid Belt

International Space System

Big Dipper Little Dipper

Orion Halley Comet PlutoEarth Uranus MeteorMars Mercury Milky Way Galaxy

Andromeda Galaxy Saturn NeptuneMoon Sun Oort Cloud

Charon Heliosphere Satellites

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