when we last left philip, he was overseeing a growing ministry in the samaritan church. this was...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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When we last left Philip, he was overseeing a growing ministry

in the Samaritan church.

This was SURELY to be his life’s work,


Acts 8: 26-2726 Now an angel of

the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.”

27 So he started out…

As hard as it may be for each church

to accept, God rarely brings growth while the current members

remain comfortable.

Both change & growth are “scary”.

The Continuing Adventuresof Philip the Evangelist

* Acts 8: 26-40

In this story (and throughout

his ministry), Philip shows an instinctive habit of obeying and

following the lead of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 8: 30-35 Beginning with

Isaiah 53, Philip explained the

“Good News” of Jesus Christ:

That He chose to suffer the penalty

of death for our sins

Isaiah 53: 8 & 108 “By oppression and judgment,

he was taken away. Yet who can speak of his descendants?

For he was cut off from the land of the living…

10 …“he will see his offspring and prolong his days,

and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.”

Isaiah 56: 3-8 God explains how the New Covenant will be open to all who truly seek Him.

What if we all responded with joy when faced with an opportunity to show

commitment to Christ and His church?

“Look, here’s an opportunity to grow

and serve…why not?”

The Ethiopian responded to the Gospel by saying “why not me…why not now?”

For wherever God is calling your life to go, ask “why not me…why not now?”

Who Do You Most Relate to?

Philip * Trying to walk in obedience to The Holy Spirit and fulfill God’s calling

The Ethiopian Eunuch * Aching to “belong”

One of the important truths about God that is shown throughout Scripture is that He will often allow us (or send us) to go down, so that

He can raise us up even higher!

We see from the life and ministry

of Philip how The Holy Spirit

brought unity in Jesus Christ to:



Each one of us shares equally at the Table of Jesus

Christ, as lovingly-adopted children of God.

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