what’s the scariest movie or tv show you’ve ever watched ... · pdf filefable...

Post on 11-Mar-2018






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Type 1. What’s the scariest movie or TV show you’ve ever watched? The scariest book you’ve ever read or story you’ve been told? The scariest Halloween costume, party or display you’ve ever experienced? Answer in six lines. Number the lines.




false, fantasy, fable, fairy tale, fictitious, fabricated, phony, fib, figment, fake,




x May explain how something in nature looks or works (example: why the spider spins a web).

x May explain why people behave in certain ways.

x Characters: Often includes gods or goddesses who interact with humans.

fable x Setting: In the distant past or a

timeless place.


x a very short story that usual has only 2 or 3 characters.

x Characters: Often the characters are animals or things that talk and act like humans.


x Setting: In a place that does not exist in the real world.


x Events occur that could not happen in the real world.

x Characters: people animal or objects are able to do things they cannot do in the real world.

fairy tale

x Setting: in the distant past. Often has an open phrase, “Once upon a time…” or “A very long time ago…”


x A difficult, sometimes seemingly impossible, problem to solve.

x Characters: often with magical powers; imaginary characters such as dragons,

fairies, giants, elves; royal characters such as queens, princes, etc. The granting of wishes often occurs.

x Has a happy ending in which good wins over evil.



Novel l o n g fiction

Short Story short fiction


legend x Setting: in the past.


x Tells the story of a hero.

x May be based on facts and real history, but through numerous retellings the hero and his or her deeds become larger than life, and some facts are distorted.

realistic fiction

x Setting: a real place or could be a real place.


x The events in the story could happen in real life.

x Characters: behave as people do in real life.

folk tale


x Stories passed down from one generation to another. Originally told orally. Reflect the culture in which they originated.

x Characters: may include animals or inanimate objects that speak. They often teach a moral or lesson in life.

x Some folk tales called trickster tales are about weak people or tiny animals outwitting their stronger enemies.

x Action builds through repetition. Has an exciting climax at the end. Goodness and intelligence win out over evil and foolishness.

x Told from 3rd person point of view.

“tall tales”

x Setting: in the recent or distant past.


x humorous exaggeration to tell the adventures of a fictional (or possibly nonfictional) character.

x Build upon improbable incidences and unusual problems that are saved in creative ways.

historical fiction

x Setting: some specific period of the past.


x A type of realistic fiction. Often, but not always, the story is based on actual historical events and people of the period.

x The plot reflects events or problems of the period.

x The details about clothing, tools, and food are authentic to the period.




LITERARY GENRES The opposite of fiction.

True. Real.

Book l o n g nonfiction

Essay short nonfiction


biography The true story of someone’s life written by someone else.


x It may span a person’s whole life, or it may tell about an important part of a person’s life.

x An account of an person’s entire life is almost always told in chronological order (in the time order events occurred).

x Contains a variety of important information about the person’s life. Often tells how the person feels and thinks about things.

opinions & philosophy


told as a story

facts; information

Writing Styles


x Often includes subheads to organize topics.

x Might contain diagrams, photographs and other illustrations.

x Contains information that can be checked by looking at other sources.

autobiography The true story of someone’s life written by that person.


x see “biography”

facts about history, science, politics, etc.

instruction manuals

FICTION a type of literature that tells

a story that did not really


NONFICTION a type of literature that

gives you factual


POETRY a type of literature that uses

sound, structure and figurative

language to express emotions

and/or ideas

DRAMA a type of literature

meant to be performed

on stage in front of an



Name: Period: ______ Date: ________________

Directions: There are four main types of literature: fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama. Within each of

these types, there are even more types; we call these genres. Using the definitions on the back of this sheet,

identify the type of literature each genre fits under. For example, autobiography should go in the nonfiction




acrostic – a poem in which a person spells a word vertically then writes a sentence that starts with each letter of that word

advertisement – an image, audio or video that tries to get you to buy or believe something

allegory – an untrue story that symbolizes a true story

almanac – an annual calendar of important dates, statistics, tide tables, weather patterns, astronomical information, etc.

anecdote – a short or amusing story about a real event or person

atlas – a book of maps

autobiography – an account of a person’s life written by that person

ballad – a poem that tells a story

biography – an account of a person’s life written by someone else

carpe diem – a poem that urges people to live for the moment

cinquain - a poem with five lines

clerihew – a four-lined poem with AABB rhyme scheme that lightheartedly makes fun of an historical figure

comedy – a type of play with a happy ending

comic book – an illustrated text often about superheroes

diamante – a poem that compares two opposite things and has special rules for the number and part of speech of words on each line

diary – a book in which one keeps a daily record of events

dictionary – an alphabetical list of words and definitions

encyclopedia – a set of books with information on many subjects arranged alphabetically

epic – a very long poem about a hero’s journey

epigram – a short, witty poem

epithalamium – a poem about marriage

fable – a very short story for children that teaches them a moral or lesson about life; e.g. “The Tortoise and the Hare”

fairy tale – a short story for children often about elves, witches, goblins, dragons or other magical creatures; e.g. “Cinderella”

folk tale – a legend or short story passed down by word of mouth

free verse – a poem that doesn’t follow any rules

haiku – a poem of Japanese origin that contains 3 lines and 5-7-5 syllable pattern

historical fiction – a story that didn’t really happen but is set during an historical time period and has historical figures as characters

history – a play about an historical person or event

horror - fiction in which events evoke a feeling of dread in both the characters and the reader

legend – a story, poem or play that is sometimes regarded as historically accurate but has no evidence to back it up

limerick – a five-lined poem with AABBA rhyme scheme and set meter; often begins with the words “There once was a…”

literary criticism – an essay that analyzes a work of literature

memoir – a personal account of an historical event

mystery – a story dealing with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of secrets

myth – a story about gods or heroes or that attempts to explain why something in nature exists

newspaper – a daily or weekly publication of current events and opinions

ode – a poem in praise of a person or thing

op/ed – an article in a newspaper in which a person gives his opinion about something

parable – a short story used to illustrate a spiritual or moral lesson, like many of the stories in the Bible

philosophy – a person’s deep thoughts about something

propaganda – deliberately misleading advertisement

realistic fiction – a story that didn’t really happen but could happen

recipe – instructions for how to make a food

religion – something a person believes without having evidence

review – a person’s opinion about a particular thing, like a book, movie or restaurant

romance – a love story

sacred text – the literature associated with a certain religion (e.g. Bible, Koran, Tao Te Ching)

scholarly article – an academic essay or article

scifi – a story about aliens, time travel and/or outer space

sestina – a poem divided into six six-line stanzas that repeats the words at the end of the lines in the first stanza at the ends of lines

in subsequent stanzas but in a different order

tabloid – a magazine or newspaper with sensational stories, often about celebrities

tall tale - humorous story with blatant exaggerations, swaggering heroes who do the impossible with nonchalance

tanka – a poem with five lines and 5-7-5-7-7 syllable pattern

thesaurus – a book of words with their synonyms and antonyms

tragedy – a type of play with a very sad ending

travelogue – a book about the sights to see in a place

user manual – a book that explains how something works

villanelle – a poem with nineteen lines and two refrain lines that are repeated throughout the poem


implicit \im-ˈpli-sət\ adjective 1. implied though not directly expressed; inherent in the nature of something 2. being without doubt or reserve The opposite of implicit is: A. overt B. physiological C. eventual D. ignoble http://nyti.ms/2dUMxcJ Activities:1.GenreQuizlethttps://quizlet.com/89607888/literary-genres-flash-cards/ 2.NYTimesFilmClub-TeachingWith:‘TheManWhoSellstheMoon’http://nyti.ms/2dOM8bvObj.1.Identifyanddefinemaingenresandsubgenres.2.Explainthedifferencebetweenafactandanopinion.

March 10, 2013 ‘The Man Who Sells the Moon’ By SIMON ENNIS The notion that one man can lay claim to all the extraterrestrial bodies in our little corner of the galaxy sounds preposterous. Yet Dennis M. Hope, 65, of Gardnerville, Nev., the subject of this Op-Doc video, believes just that. For three decades, he has built a thriving business by “selling” land plots in space, on places like the moon, Mars and Venus. Of course, he has no legal authority to do so. How does he get away with this? He told me that, back when he was a ventriloquist in the days before he “owned” the moon, his dummy taught him a valuable lesson: you can say anything you want to anybody as long as you smile. Some call him a con artist. One can argue that he’s part of a hallowed American tradition, whereby land speculators sell plots of useless land on the next “frontier,” from the southern swamps to the western desert. Or maybe he’s just selling amusing “novelty items” (as his certificates acknowledge, in fine print), like pet rocks, which are perfectly legal. Personally, I think what he’s doing is acceptable. Even if Mr. Hope’s lunar land certificates have no financial value, they do seem to provide another benefit. The moon inspires awe — its white blankness is the perfect backdrop for any kind of dream we might have. Feelings of optimism and wonder can be worth quite a lot. Full disclosure: I am a lunar property “owner” (Mr. Hope was generous enough to give me an acre at the end of our time together). Yet I have no plans to develop the land anytime soon. Simon Ennis is a filmmaker in Toronto. His most recent documentary, “Lunarcy!”, from which this Op-Doc is adapted, is having its United States premiere at the South By Southwest Film Festival and will be broadcast in April on Epix. http://nyti.ms/2dOM8bv

Mr.Kochis–7thGradeReading11/2/16-Day5ATB:TestReviewListthefourmaingenresandtwosubgenresforeachmaingenre.Activities:GenreQuizlethttps://quizlet.com/89607888/literary-genres-flash-cards/ Obj.Identifyanddefinemaingenresandsubgenres.

Mr.Kochis–7thGradeReading11/3/16-Day1 ATB:PicturePrompt


Click into the image at the link below and drag your mouse to explore. Type 1: What is the most exciting sports win — at any level — that you have ever watched or participated in? Answer in at least six lines. Number the lines. http://nyti.ms/2e547LcActivities:1.GenreKahoot2.Test1Pretest-Readtheshortstory“Papa’sParrot”andwriteatopicsentenceaboutthestorywithT“T,”AT.Answerthequestionsbelowatthefollowinglink.

testmoz.com/928363 quiz passcode: cubs Obj.1.Explainthedifferencebetweenfictionandnonfiction.2.Drawastorypyramidforashortstory.


gnarled \ˈnär(-ə)ld\ adjective 1. used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knotsHeavilyleaningonthestickthatsheclutcheswithgnarledfingers,sheraisesherheadwiththeemptystareoftheblind.Source:NewYorkTimes


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