what’s mary up to in south africa?

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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What’s Mary Up To in South Africa?. October 2008 – Home from Canada, Back to work!. Boost receives favour in $ strength!. Fluctuations in CDN dollar make it possible to buy a small car AND small truck for working in the community. Thank you all so much!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What’s Mary Up To in South Africa?

October 2008 – Home from Canada, Back to work!

Boost receives favour in $ strength!

Fluctuations in CDN dollar make it possible to buy a small car AND small truck for working in the community. Thank you all so much!

November 2008: Gallery Opens – features local artists and traditional African Crafts.

Aunty Betty – supplements her old age pension and provides for 4 orphan children she cares for with her beading sales.

December 2009 - Coffee Cart outside Gallery & Office – empowerment project brings glory to God!

Fellowship, prayer and spreading the gospel.

Italian couple dedicate baby to the Lord! At the coffee cart.

Anne from Sweden comes to help!

And plenty of help from Elizabeth, Mr. & Mrs. Phiri and Henry!

Preparations for Children’s Christmas Party

Boost Africa’s 1st Annual Christmas Party

40+ sponsored children attend, each receiving an individually wrapped gift and full Christmas Dinner hamper for their families.

Sand, Sea, Sun Celebration

Food, Food, Food!

Back to School 2009

Boost provided over 100 NEW School Uniforms for needy school children.

February 2009 – After School Program Launches

60 children attend 3 days a week for help with school work, general lessons, drama and art. Inspiring imagination and understanding God’s ways.


In 2008/2009 three YWAM Teams visited Dunoon Schools with Boost impacting the community for God.

Thank you PGCC – without you none of this would be possible!

Oh yeah, a man of God visited the coffee cart and now, well we will let you know.

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