what's in the curriculum programme of study ks2 breadth of study aide memoir local history, 3...

Post on 19-Jan-2018






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Tudors- exploration and encounters rich and poor, Henry Vlll, Elizabeth 1, The Armada, Shakespeare


What's in the Curriculum Programme of study KS2 Breadth of study aide memoir Local History, 3 British studies, Europe Greece and World Study Britain Romans,Saxons,Vikings Invaders and settlers/ Raiders or traders Tudors- exploration and encounters rich and poor, Henry Vlll, Elizabeth 1, The Armada, Shakespeare The Greeks- why? Victorians or Britain since 30s Local Study any period World -Mesopotamia- Sumer and the Assyrians World Africa Benin and Egypt World South America Aztecs and the Maya World Indus Valley KS1 and 2 Famous People KS1Breadth changes, family, events from Britain and wider world, people from more distant past typical study Great Fire Gunpowder plot, Florence Nightingale, Samuel Pepys- man on moon- seaside themes e.g. Harvest toys transport etc Knowledge, skills and Understanding Work as a Historian What do children do? Chronology- sequence, recognise periods Use language and dates appropriate to age develop this conceptual understanding nb meaning of vocabulary Why- to inform Knowledge and Understanding 2c and 2d which relate to Cause and Consequence Knowledge and Understanding What and Why ( causation) 2a Characteristic features of periods and societies ideas beliefs attitudes experiences 2b social cultural religious and ethnic diversity of periods studied in Britain and the wider world 2c Identify and describe reasons for events situations and changes cause and consequence 2d describe and make links between main events situations and changes within and across the different periods and societies studied change and continuity Historical Interpretation Awareness of different representations of past fiction, museums etc Cross curricular links A way to show understanding Children need awareness of Bias, motive, stereotypes, points of view, message Evaluation and historical understanding eg re 2a Historical Enquiry find out ask and answer questions =research interrogation of evidence evaluation Source analysis and source evaluation Organization and communication Nb show historical understanding Planning process KS map nb liaison KS1 and 2 Content and methodology balance enough? Coverage of both mapped across year and KS topics Balance and progression Forms assessment framework Quality enquiry- enticing hooks and challenges authentic sources, Year group split year group progression Alternatives Cross curricular links/ initiatives eg writing thinking other subjects Special days, assembly, display, club playtime A six step approach to History Enquiries based on Hampshire model 1 motivation- hook, challenge, problem, possible outcome, product 2 Information collecting(A4L) and research, documents, pictures, artefacts, internet, story 3 Making sense of the evidence, classify, sequence, key points 4 children give reasons for ideas, demonstrate understanding e.g. through role play 5 teacher checks understanding, tests ideas, add new ideas, points of view, questions 6 Pupils create imaginative product

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