what the f**k is an experience architect?

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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My attempt to explain the role of an Experience Architect to my agency, Profero Sydney. This is not a review of UX techniques. It's a philosophical take on what makes those techniques useful. The key refrain is "Experience Architects are problem designers, who build a shared understanding of value, by doing research, analysis and construction". You can see this as closely related to lean UX, but in an agency context. Don't be put off by the number of slides. The presentation is done in the rapid-fire black and white style of Lawrence Lessig. It takes less than 10mins to read through.


¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

A story in 137 slides and 2 diagrams

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

But the answer’s obvious, right?

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience = Customer experience !

Architect = The guy who does the blueprint

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Therefore... an experience architect creates a blueprint

of the ideal customer experience for the rest of the team to build

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

There’s some truth to this

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Personas capture and summarize customer needs and expectations

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Wireframes are like an architect's blueprints - all "boxes and arrows"

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Functional specifications often read like a development contract

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

But it misunderstands our role

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

It underestimates the need to understand the business...

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

... and the technology

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

It undervalues the creative input of designers and developers

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

I’ll attempt a better description

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

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¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience Architects are problem designers

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Who build a shared understanding of value

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

By doing research, analysis and construction

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

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¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Say wha...?

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

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¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience Architects are problem designers

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Who build a shared understanding of value

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

By doing research, analysis and construction

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

< /refrain >

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Let’s break that down

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

What do I mean: “problem design”?

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Anytime a brief is written, a problem is being articulated

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

There are better and worse ways of articulating a problem

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

“What are we trying to do here?”

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

“Are you building the right thing?”

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

The target audience just won’t care

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Designing a problem isn't always hard

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience architects aren't the only ones who can do this

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

But experience architects are good at designing complex problems

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

A well-designed problem has clear criteria for evaluating solutions

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Two kinds of criteria...

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Objectives & Constraints

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Your objective is your focus; it is the point of the exercise

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

The objective is where the value is

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Poorly designed problems tend to focus on the effort, or the features

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

They focus on output, rather than outcomes

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

“We need a better sign up form” vs

“We need more people to sign up”

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Badly-designed problems presuppose solutions

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience architects try to focus on customer-centred outcomes

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Allowing people to... Encouraging people to...

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

This is why I go on about User Stories

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

As a... I want to... So that...

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

As a... someone I want to... do something

So that... something good happens

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

If you can’t say what the something good is, the story is fictional

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Articulating outcomes as user stories helps build a shared understanding of

where the value is for users

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

What about constraints?

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Constraints are the conditions under which a solution holds it value

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...for the business !

(“is it sustainable?”)

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...for the team !

(“is it achievable?”)

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Constraints are the difference between design and art

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience architects help articulate constraints

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience architects help turn problems into design problems

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

By articulating constraints, we build a shared understanding of value for a project team and their stakeholders

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?


¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Usability is not an objective

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...because it is not a reason for doing anything

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Usability is a constraint

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Usability = the conditions under which someone

can extract some value from your site

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

You can’t make a site “usable in general”

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

A site is usable for someone

who is trying to do something

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?


¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

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¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience Architects are problem designers

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Who build a shared understanding of value

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

By doing research, analysis and construction

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

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¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

3 bags of tricks (in no particular order)

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Bag #1: Research

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Research = asking pointed questions

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

... of the business

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

... of consumers

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

... of the team

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

(At Profero...)

The point of research is not to gather information

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

The point of research is 1) to uncover hidden constraints

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

The point of research is 2) to test assumptions about value

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Because every brief and every design contains a theory

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...about what users want

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...how they behave

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...what the business can offer

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...and what’s technically feasible

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Bag #2: Analysis

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Analysis = interpreting patterns (in the performance team)

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Analysis = digging up metaphors (in the UX team)

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Metaphors are pictures we use as a shorthand for reality

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

They always conceal forgotten assumptions

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Metaphors get buried ...inside requirements

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...inside designs

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...even inside databases

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience architects dig up buried metaphors to ensure

they are actually fit for the job

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

and build better metaphors as required

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Because a bad metaphor is like a bad smell

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

It’s very hard to track down, and makes everything seem just

a little bit... off

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

But a good metaphor can make the next step obvious

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...and helps everyone make better compromises

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Bag #3: Construction

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

I don’t mean building things

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

I’m thinking about geometry

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Constructions are visual thought-experiments

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Constructions are a way of stress-testing problems

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

... to reveal a way of simplifying them

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

...to break them down into smaller, more digestible parts

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

... or, at worst, to get a handle on the kind and level of complexity

we’re dealing with

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Most of the time, wireframes are constructions in this sense

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

That’s why wireframes are not like blueprints

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

What’s important is the act of wireframing, or explaining the


¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Because that’s how we clarify and articulate the problem

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Ok, last bit...

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

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¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Experience Architects are problem designers

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Who build a shared understanding of value

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

By doing research, analysis and construction

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

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¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

So... What’s the point of all those


¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Research Plans Recommendations

Roadmaps Personas

User Stories Site Structures

Navigation Patterns Wireframes Prototypes

Functional Specifications Usability Tests

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Sometimes these deliverables do end up defining the solution

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Because, often, expressing a problem is finding the solution

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

But that’s not their purpose

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

We make them to share our understanding of the problem and

the value trapped within it

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

The more these deliverables dominate the design process, the less creative that process can be

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

and the less room there is for other creative members of the

team (incl. the client)

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

Ideally, these deliverables are more like scaffolding...

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

... supports for creative engineering.

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

But no less important...

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

... because, without a shared understanding of the problem

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?

... you can’t even begin to find a solution worth having.

¨© Justin Tauber, Head of Platforms, Profero Sydney 2013What the f**k is an Experience Architect?


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