what philosophe argued in favor of a three branch government?

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What philosophe argued in favor of a three branch government?. Montesquieu. Who was the first to introduce the idea of natural rights that should be protected?. John Locke. What document defined the first gov’t of the U.S.?. Articles of Confederation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


What philosophe argued in favor of a three branch



Who was the first to introduce the idea of natural

rights that should be protected?

John Locke

What document defined the first gov’t of the U.S.?

Articles of Confederation

What were three key weaknesses of this


no executive, no power to tax, coin money, regulate trade, pay for a military

Identify three of the men who stood out as early leaders of

the Constitutional Convention.

George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Wilson, James Madison

Which section of the Constitution establishes its

purpose? Who did it say the Constitution would serve?

The Preamble, the people

How many articles does the Constitution have? What do

the first three cover?

7, the 3 major branches

What is the “supremacy clause”?

Makers it clear that the Constitution is the

supreme law of the land

In what kinds of circumstances is a

presidential veto likely to be overridden by Congress?

The opposition party has strong majority’s in both houses, the bill in question has strong bipartisan

support, these are amplified if the President is a lame duck

What is the last section of the Constitution made up of?

Why is this so important?

Amendments, which allow the Constitution to be changed – makes it a

flexible “living” document

The Constitution is based on rule of the people, also

known as ______.

Popular sovereignty

What is the name for federal spending on local projects

members of Congress want in order to win favor from their


pork barrel spending

How does the Constitution handle the question of

political parties?

It doesn’t, parties have emerged and reshaped

their coalitions (who supports them) over time

What is divided government? What are some consequences?

When the White House is in one party’s hands and the opposition

controls one or both houses of Congress; delayed nomination

approval, trouble getting legislation/budgets passed, etc.

Who can exert more influence over the legislative

process, an individual member of the House, or an individual Senator? Why?

Senator, more informal proceeding in Senate &

rules allowing for filibusters, cloture, etc.

What is the name for the process by which Congress

holds the Executive branch, and all bureaucratic agencies,


Congressional (or legislative) oversight

What is cooperative federalism?

When national and state governments both work on common policy areas (law enforcement, immigration,


When do senators use a motion for cloture? What

kind of majority do you need for a cloture motion?

to end a filibuster; 3/5 or 60% (60 senators makes

you “filibuster proof”)

When the federal government cedes more specific policy making

powers to the state governments it is called


devolution (power being passed down)

What is a block grant? A categorical grant?

Block grant is money given to state by fed with a general purpose,

categorical is money given with a specifically designed purpose and


In general, all bills pertaining to revenue and other monies

must originate where?

House of Reps

What is an entitlement program? What are the two

biggest examples?

Government program that provides benefits to a

specific group of people; Social Security and Medicare

What is the name for a system in which power is divided between national and state governments?


Why did the founders choose a federalist approach?

Even though the weak union of the A of C failed, they still

feared putting too much power in the hands of the central


What is the primary purpose of separation of powers?

Limit overall power of central gov’t by dividing

powers between branches

What is judicial review? What case established it?

The power of the courts to declare laws invalid if they violate the Constitution,

Marbury v. Madison

When federal and state gov’ts work together on a

project, it is known as _________ federalism.


Define the concept of limited gov’t.

The Constitution limits gov’t by specifically listing the powers it does and does

not have

Which branch did the founders believe would be the most

powerful? Why did they fear its power?

Congress, bad experiences with Parliament

In what list are most of the specific powers of Congress found? What two areas do

most of these relate to?

The enumerated powers, finance and defense

What gives Congress the power to make all laws

“necessary and proper”?

Elastic clause

What was the key outcome of McCulloch v. Maryland?

Broad interpretation of the elastic clause

What gov’t role was a part time job for much of the first 100 years of our history? When did Congress

first start meeting in continuous session?

Working in congress, mid 20th century

The federal gov’t providing funding to state

governments is an example of ________ federalism.


What is the primary point Madison makes about

factions in Federalist #10?

They happen naturally, but can be controlled by


How many bills are introduced in Congress each


About 10,000

Which branch was expected to execute acts of Congress and

protect against mass movements to redistribute


The Executive branch

What are three specific powers given to the


Commander in Chief, appoints cabinet members, grant pardons, make treaties

appoints judges and ambassadors, etc.

Why was Washington so careful about the discharge

of his duties?

Fearful of setting precedents, which is how most presidential powers

have been established

In what way do we have a “dual court” system in the


We have both Federal and State courts, each of whom has different


What is the only way to overrule the Supreme Court

on a constitutional issue?

Amend the Constitution

Whys is the process of amending the Cons such a

great example of Federalism?

All amendments must meet stringent approval

requirements at federal and state levels, balancing


Which branch most often takes exception to the growing power of the



Who has the power to create new courts? Do they use

this power often?

Congress, no

Who must the Supreme Court count on to make sure that its

decisions are adequately enforced?

Executive Branch

Which early plan became the basis for the new

constitution? Who was its primary author?

The Virginia Plan, James Madison

Which plan was devised to represent the needs of the

small states?

The New Jersey Plan

Why did the New Jersey Plan want to keep the unicameral


Because it made representation equal for all states, regardless of size

A legislature made up of reps from single member districts usually leads to a

____ party system.


After the New Jersey Plan was rejected, what question deadlocked the Convention?

Whether representation should be equal for all states or

determined by population

What was the name of the compromise that resolved this issue? What did it do?

Connecticut Compromise, provided for 2 houses - the House (by population) & the Senate (equal for all states)

What issue was resolved by the 3/5 Compromise? How

did it resolve the issue?

How to count slaves in a state’s population, 1 slave = 3/5 of a free man (for both representation and taxes)

What 2 groups quickly formed during the debate

over ratification

Federalists (for the Cons.) and Anti Federalists (against the Cons.)

Identify two reasons the Anti-Federalists opposed the

new Constitutions.

Drafted in secret, the convention had overstepped

it’s bounds, main reason: had no Bill of Rights

What famous Patriot was opposed to the Constitution because it lacked a bill of

rights? What was his argument?

Patrick Henry, if people are not explicitly given rights the government will take

them away

Why did the federalists argue that a Bill of Rights

was unnecessary?

because most of the states already had them in their


The right of members of Congress to send mail to their constituents

at the gov’ts expense is called____. Why is this an advantage for


Franking, constant PR at no expense to themselves

What did the federalists promise in order to move the

Constitution toward ratification?

that a Bill of Rights would be the first order of

business for the new gov’t

Which Constitutional clause has been used most often to

expand the power of the national gov’t? How?

Commerce clause; so many things fall under the purview of regulating


What did John Jay and Alexander Hamilton do to try and assure ratification in New


They wrote The Federalist Papers

Who served as the first President and Vice President of

the United States?

George Washington and John Adams

Which branch did the framers intend to have the

most power?

The legislative branch (Congress)

How many sessions is each term of congress divided into? How long does a modern session last?

2, January to November

What is the age requirement for serving in the House?

The citizenship requirement?

25 years of age, 7 years a citizen

How many representatives currently serve in the

House? How are these reps divided between the states?

435, by population

Who has the power to cast the tie-breaking vote in the


The Vice President

How long is the term of office in the house?

2 years

What organization determines the population of

each state? How often is this done?

The Census Bureau, every ten years

Who is in charge of redistricting a state after the


The legislature of each state

Identify the two main ways that state legislatures have

traditionally abused this power.

creating districts of unequal population and gerrymandering

What is gerrymandering?

it’s when districts are drawn to benefit a specific

political party

What did the “one person-one vote” decision require?

that all districts contain approximately 600,000

people, assuring equal power for each vote

What is the age requirement to be a senator? The

citizenship requirement?

30 years of age, 9 years a citizen

How long is the term of office for a senator? What portion of the senate is up for reelection every two


6 years, 1/3 is up for reelection

What is censure?

a formal vote that disapproves of a member’s


Describe the average member of congress in terms of age, ethnicity, profession and gender.

over 50, white, lawyer and male

What percentage of incumbents won reelection

between 1945-1990?


Identify two reasons why incumbents are generally

more successful in winning reelection.

money from PACs, gerrymandering, voter recognition, franking


When did the tide begin to turn against incumbents?

the “Voter Revolution” of 1994

Identify the three House leaders chosen by the

majority party.

Speaker, majority leader, majority whip

What are two of the main powers of the Speaker?

assigning bills to committees, presiding over House

debates, playing a key role in the calendaring of bills

What do the party leader and whip do, respectively?

leader sets the agenda and priorities, whip maintains

party discipline

What is the primary role of congressional committees?

to closely evaluate proposed bills, hold hearings on them, and decide whether they go

on to the full house or senate

Which committee controls the proceedings of the house and

gives final consent to the calendar?

the Rules Committee

Who appoints Justices & Ambassadors? Who

approves them?

President, Senate

Who has the power to negotiate treaties and

enforce the laws?


Who has the power to declares laws/acts unconstitutional?

Judicial Branch/Supreme Court

Who has the power to tax, regulate trade and coin



Who is commander in Chief of the armed forces and also in

charge of federal departments (Defense, Treasury, State, etc.)

the President

Who has the power to declare war, raise an army,

and approve treaties?


What branch has used many precedents over time to add

to its powers?

executive branch

What are two ways the President can try to influence Congress?

veto, call special session, make State of the Union


What are two powers Congress has over the


approve treaties, cabinet officials, & judges, veto

override, control the budget

What percentage of bills actually become laws?

roughly 5%

Which amendment states that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the states are reserved to the states

or the people?


What is the basic procedure for amending the


Amendments originate in Congress (2/3 support) and then must be passed by ¾ of the state legislatures

What type of representative system often leads to

domination by two major political parties?

Single representative system – in which each

geographical district has only one representative

How has the Supreme Court ruled on the use of the

legislative veto?

Unconstitutional, violates separation of powers

Who is responsible for drawing the boundaries for

Congressional districts? When is this done?

State legislatures (or their designees), every 10 years

after census

What type of congressional committee helps reconcile

differences in bills passed by the House and Senate?

Conference committee

The power of Congress most frequently contested in the

courts relates to what activity?

The power to regulate interstate commerce

What is a plurality election?

An election involving more than two candidates in which the person who receives the

most votes is the winner

What primary weakness of the Articles of Confederation

that was effectively dealt with by the new Constitution

in 1787?

Providing the nation with a strong national government

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